The blunt truth is that
Militant Islam is not just at war with Western Powers, China is also at war with them along its Western borders, India has been a perpetual nuclear standoff with Islamic Pakistan for decades. It is also no secret that Russia and Putin despise militant Islam as proven in Chechnya and in the events of the
Beslan School Crisis; Russia only tolerates Islam for ulterior motives ( long term oil objectives ) and also because they are one of its biggest military hardware customers.
The truth is that Islam will 'NOT' produce the final dreaded Beast mentioned in the Book of Revelation but I fear that it will help to propel the upcoming real Beast with 10 Horns to power beyond anyone's imagination. I remember that after the events of
September 11, here in the USA, Americans were subject to vast new laws that restricted their overall liberties and very few complained; these included vast changes in : American civil liberties, economic transactions and airport usage all under the so called
'Patriot Act' and it was all because of the actions of a group of mostly Saudi financed Terrorists. The failure of the U.S. Military and especially that of the civilian leaderships failure and unwillingness to put an end to radical Islam after fighting it with
'one hand tied around its back' will come back to haunt it in the future. As the American Military pulls out of Iraq we are faced with the reality that Militant Islam is even stronger and more dangerous than ever as personified in the new breed of militant Islam via
ISIS. The time will come when the world and especially
Western Powers will grow weary of fighting militant Islam with just a slap in the hand; the time will come when they will address several Muslim cities in the same manner that the US Military addressed Imperial Japan in
Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Revenge makes men do the unthinkable and I fear that one of these days one Islamic terrorist is going to get his hands on what every Islamic Terrorist really wants a :
'dirty nuclear bomb' and do the unthinkable against one Western City and you and I know what the response will be by Western Powers; it could be that Damascus will cease to be a city or that Mecca will become uninhabitable because of nuclear radiation. We are all very are naive if we think that Militant Islam will soon go away, unless our Western leaders realize who they are really up against
I fear that an even bigger event than 9-11 will once again take place & an even bigger 9-11 response !!! Students of Bible Prophecy know that most Islamic countries will suffer great devastation in the upcoming wars mentioned in
Ezequiel 38 and in the Psalms and after these wars; all will realize that there truly is a MIGHTY GOD who will 'NOT' let the enemies of Israel prosper.
Islam will 'NOT' conquer Europe; the truth is that most Muslims will be kicked out of the European Union once the 'Little Horn' rises to power if not sooner, history has proven that the Europeans have a dark side, we can see this in the
Crusades, in the Inquisitions and more recently when the Islamic Moors were driven out of Spain by EL CID and most of Europe during the 1490's-1500's. This servant of GOD is not a Prophet, i'm just trying to interpret some very powerful Biblical prophecies and the
'blunt truth' is that in the end most Islamic countries will suffer greatly and not just at the hands of the
ALMIGHTY GOD of Israel but also in the heartless hands of the coming
'Little Horn' because just as Adolph Hitler killed over 4+ million Jews he also killed over 15+ million Russians, the next Hitler personified in the
'Little Horn' will persecute not just my fellow Jews but all those who oppose him and don't bow down to his foreign policy. Islamic Terrorists will be terrorized in the future without mercy because GOD has established that one will reap what one sows. Islamic leaders have made it no secret that their ultimate goal is to explode a nuclear bomb in :
Israel, New York, London or Paris and I fear that they are going to give the upcoming
'Little Horn' ideas and a diabolical cause and because of their actions the
Mark of the Beast will become a reality !!!
There is a war that is coming that nobody wants to talk about : Western Civilzation vs. Militant Islam; our present Western leaders do not have the spine nor the guts to annihilate this vermin at its roots, but one is coming who will become a hero because he will confront Militant Islam head on and they will say 'Who is like the Beast and Who can make War against him ?' ( Revelation 13 : 4 ) The Book of Revelation only mentions two major military powers in the last days : The Kingdom of the Beast and the King's of the East; by then the Russian and Islamic armies will be almost decimated and America will have long ago been diminished and removed as the world's lone superpower. When the 'Little Horn' confirms the covenant with the many it won't be in times of peace but because the world has just emerged out of a devastating war just like it happened during the Yalta Conference in 1945 and in Japan with Mc Arthur in the USS Misouri in 1945. This poor servant of Jesus Christ doesn't believe in the 'Iluminati' and in other conspiracies; the truth is that all men without the Holy Spirit are easy prey for the 'millions upon millions of demons' that are out there be they be : Islamic Terrorists, NAZI sympathizers, Atheist fools, the Mafia, Drug Cartels, Secular Politicians, international gangs and other spiritually clueless men who are part of Satan's Kingdom whether they know it or not !!! Satan has no shortage of slaves and minions who will do his bidding***...My name is insignificant & unimportant and my Prayer is that the Holy GOD of Israel manifested in JESUS CHRIST will one day use this vessel & servant of His for His Honor & His Glory one day***