The Two Witnesses are like GOD's two endtime 'John the Baptist Prophets' ( Uncompromising; Fire & Truth Prophets ) that will appear in Jerusalem to give testimony to the whole world about GOD's 'ONLY' plan of salvation; shortly before our LORD : Jesus Christ establishes His Kingdom here on earth. They will very boldly proclaim GOD's only offer of salvation via repentance through Jesus Christ.
Presently, GOD literally has over 200,000,000+ witnesses full of the Holy Spirit all over this planet. ( Acts 1 : 8 ) The day and hour is coming when he is only going to have : TWO WITNESSES and some 144,000 Jewish males sealed with the Spirit of GOD Almighty upon this planet !!!
When John the Baptist appeared before Israel the 'CHURCH' was non-existent and this student of Theology believes that the 'Real Church' will 'NOT' be on earth when those two endtime 'John the Baptists' appear before Israel & the world during the Tribulation period to announce the soon return of Israel's true Messiah : Yeshua : Jesus Christ : GOD Encarnate !!!
GOD is 'NOT' going to rapture those who are : 'good' Roman Catholics, good Muslims, good Buddhists or good Jews; GOD only sees two types of souls those whose sins have been washed away by the 'Blood of Jesus Christ' and those who have not !!!
The Chinese Communist government has for decades been trying to brainwash over 1.2+ billion 'Chinese souls' into believing that there is no GOD and for over 13 Centuries the followers of the false god : allah have been trying to conquer a large part of this planet with their sword and today in most Western countries secular governments are trying to impose a homosexual agenda on the rest of us; they're trying to make us believe that the Holy Bible is an antiquated book that has no place in our daily lives 'BUT' come the Two Witnesses of GOD ALMIGHTY 'ALL" of these son's of the 'Prince of Darkness' are going to be proven liars and exposed for what they truly and really are : Son's of Satan !!!
We are living in the most 'Politically Correct' age that this planet has ever seen. Many countries such as England and several others have and are passing laws that prohibit or make it illegal teaching or preaching against various state protected 'deviant and unholy' behaviors such as homosexuality, that according to the WORD of GOD are downright 'ABOMINATIONS.' In the Old Testament 'Jezabel' was busy trying to kill as many of GOD's true prophets as she could and for a moment she even made 'Elijah' one of GOD's most anointed prophet to fear for his life. ( 1 King's 18: 4 ) Come the 7 year Tribulation period GOD is going to send His 'Two Witnesses' and this time 'NO' power in hell nor any world leader will be able to silence their mouths at least for 1260 days; 'NOT' even the : Lesbian and Gay alliance ( LGBT ), the Global secular Leftist's, the UN, International Banking Thieves, the World Court, Interpol, the Arab League, Mercenary Hitmen, Islamic Imam's, Muslims Terrorists nor any other son's and disciples of Satan who have absolutely 'NO' problem ignoring the commandments and laws of GOD ALMIGHTY on this planet !!!
Biblically speaking in this present age and dispensation of the gentiles and of the Church age which is composed of hundreds of millions of born again baptized by the Holy Spirit and believers of all : cultures, nationalities and races; we are our Lord's 'WITNESSES' in the present !!! ( Acts 1 : 8 ) The day and the hour is rapidly approaching when GOD is going to send His 'Two Witnesses' and 'NOT' because the Church failed to evangelize the whole world nor our Jewish friends 'BUT' because just like HE once removed Enoch and Elijah out of this world; HE will 'Remove' from the hour of Tribulation all those who were 'Watching and Praying' to be found worthy to escape the great judgements that are headed upon all those who in this age of grace : Ignored and Rejected the only begotten Son of GOD : Jesus Christ !!!
The two witnesses will 'NOT' be dressed in 'Armani Suits' nor in any three piece suit tailored in Rome or in Hong Kong nor wearing Rolex watches nor Testoni shoes; they come dressed in 'SACKCLOTH' those two Prophets of GOD will definitely 'NOT' be preaching about living 'Your Best Life Now' nor will they be preaching about any 'Divine Wealth Transfers' as most prosperity preachers today are preaching !!! Furthermore; they will 'NOT' be dressed as 'Prosperity Preachers' attire 'BUT' in sackcloth which is/was a coarse and uncomfortable woven fabric
usually made of goat's hair and it was a sign of : grief, submission and self-humiliation; when have you seen a 'Prosperity Preacher' remotely dress that way and 'Deny Himself' ?
Additionally, they will definitely 'NOT' be visiting the False Prophet in the Vatican and taking photos with him as Rick Warren once did; the truth is that GOD's final 'Two Witnesses' come with the same bold spirit as John the Baptist; primordially they will call all of Israel and all the Jews to repentance; they will bluntly proclaim that Yeshua : Jesus Christ is the only true Messiah !!! Additionally, the Two Witnesses will most certainly 'NOT' be as theologically confused as Joel Osteen who once appeared on CNN and stated that Jesus was 'NOT' the only way; they will BOLDLY proclaim in many global T.V. interviews that Yeshua : Jesus Christ is THEE ONLY WAY to eternal life and to GOD the Father !!! Just like GOD gave John the Baptist divine insight about Herod's sins, those two endtimes Witnesses are going to be aware of numerous sins that most people try to hide from GOD; they will seek to bring as many to REPENT of their sins and accept Jesus Christ before they die in their sins. ( Note : Rick Warren and Joel Osteen never preach nor teach about Bible Prophecy; but they have no problem pushing : ecumenism, glorifying self-esteem and their social gospel; also in his book the 'Purpose Driven Life' Warren disparages those who study the Biblical Prophecies*)
This student of Bible Prophecy has for many years now come to the realization that 'MOST' Roman Catholics will be 'Left Behind' very simply because most are never instructed by their local priests and bishops the need to be 'Born Again.' The Roman Catholic Church will experience somewhat of a great 'Unholy Revival' during the Tribulation period very simply because when disasters have happened in the past most churches suddenly get packed !!! The horrors and judgements that are headed to this sinful and rebellious planet are going to make most people who call themselves Roman Catholics run to their church leaders for direction and just like most if not all Jewish Rabbis 'MISLED' their own people about Jesus Christ the Roman Hierarchy are also going to 'MISLEAD' hundreds of millions of souls to hell very simply because when you reject the SOLA SCRIPTURA and believe more in the Prophecies of Fatima than those of Daniel and Revelation you are opening yourself for an epic and massive spiritual deception !!!
This insignificant vessel of Jesus Christ wants to make it perfectly clear that the 'Woman who will be Riding the Beast of Revelation' has resided in Vatican City for centuries. 'Yes, the Roman Catholic Pope will be 'Left Behind' with over 1+ billion spiritually blind sheep who neglected and rejected studying the WORD of GOD for themselves and who allowed their : Unholy and Spiritually corrupt Roman Catholic ledaers to lead them to the 'Wide Gate' that leads to eternal destruction !!!
The HOLY SPIRIT knows that it gives absolutely 'NO' delight nor pleasure for this this vessel of GOD to be 'BOLDLY' stating these truths 'BUT' the time to play church is 'OVER' the time to be lukewarm is over !!!
According to the Holy Scriptures, the Two Witnesses will Prophesy for 1260 days; there is 'NO' doubt in the mind of this 'Berean' that they will very BOLDLY 'warn' all those left behind that unless they repent and accept the ONLY sacrifice accepted by GOD ( Jesus Christ Atonement ) they will all perish in the fires of hell !!! Those Two Witnesses will 'NOT' bow down to the : Homosexuals, Drug Traffickers, Corrupt Politicians nor to any Islamic power; they will be divinely protected by GOD ALMIGHTY !!!
This vessel of GOD understands that quite unfortunately too many 'Christian Churches' are promoting more so GOD's unconditional love 'BUT' not His Holy judgement !!! The true Gospel of Jesus Christ should include the 'Whole Counsel' of GOD and not just John 3 : 16; the Biblical truth is that 'The Soul that sinneth, it shall die' found in Ezekiel 18 : 20 is as true as John 3 : 16 and without Holiness no one will see GOD !!! ( Hebrews 12 : 14 )
The Two Witnesses come with powers that Moses and Elijah possessed in the Old Testament. The 2 witnesses will definitely 'NOT' be Ecumenists, just like Elijah once vanquished hundreds of 'False Prophets' this student of Bible Prophecy believes that more than one 'False Prophet' from Islam, Catholicism and other false religions will challenge those two true 'Prophets of GOD' and unfortunately many are going to die in the process !!! This student of Bible Prophecy sees the following scenario happening : "Islamic Terrorists" ( and numerous others*) are going to try and kill the 2 Witnesses 'BUT' their explosive devices are going to prematurely explode !!!
The question that many believers ask themselves and quite often to apologists is whether people will be able to get SAVED during the 7 year Tribulation period; the biblical answer is very simple 'YES' if it were not possible to be saved GOD would not have sent those Two Prophets; obviously the vast majority of people during that terrible and deceptive period of time will choose 'NOT' to believe in the message of repentance that those 2 Witnesses will be preaching !!! Upon a closer examination of the Prophetic texts very unfortunately 'MOST' ( 66% ) of the Jews living at that time will unfortunately 'REJECT' GOD's final opportunity for them to recognize Yeshua as the Messiah; according to the Prophet Zechariah only 33% ( one-third*) of Israel shall be saved in those final days !!! Our LORD Jesus Christ Himself revealed to us that the 'Gospel of His Kingdom' shall be preached in all the world and then shall the end come; it is 'NOT' the Church who ends up fulfilling that Prophecy 'BUT' the : Two Witnesses, the 144,000 Virgin Jews as well as the Mighty Angel who appears in n the sky proclaiming one last time and for the final opportunity of salvation the everlasting Gospel !!! ( Revelation 14 : 6 ) Very truly, no one will be without any excuse in those days; GOD will give everyone the opportunity to REPENT before the very end of the age comes !!!
Most theologians and students of Bible Prophecy believe that those Two Witnesses will be : Elijah and Moses. The truth is that GOD has absolutely 'NO' problem raising any two of His Vessels and anointing them and entrusting them with such powers. Some argue that Elijah already came in John the Baptist, others argue that Moses died and thus isn't eligible; the TRUTH is that GOD is sovereign and has absolutely 'NO' problem doing as He sovereignly wishes !!! Let us all remember that we are all 'Vessels' of GOD; I personally have no problem believing and accepting that it will be Elijah and Moses; I'm more worried and concerned about what I am not doing 'here and now' for the Honor and Glory of GOD under the power of His Holy Spirit; for in the 'Here and Now.' Presently, you and I are His 'Witnesses' and I fear that some of us have compromised the true Gospel of Jesus Christ before this ungodly and 'politically correct' generation !!!
According to the chronology of the Biblical Prophecies the Two Witnesses will be in Jerusalem at the same time that the 'Little Horn' is rising to power West of them. It should be rather obvious that when the 'Man of Sin' commits the 'Abomination of Desolation' that the Two Witnesses will 'NO' longer be on the scene in Jerusalem; their 1260 days Prophesying will have already been fulfilled otherwise they could easily IMPEDE the 'Abomination of Desolation' with the mighty powers that GOD has deposited in them.
What About UFO's, Nephilim & the 2 Witnesses ?
Although some eschatologists are teaching that the Nephilim are returning; the Biblical truth indicates that the 2 Witnesses would have the power to 'ZAP' any UFO out of the sky if they so desired it. When this student of Bible Prophecy studies the Book of Daniel and Revelation he most certainly does 'NOT' see any UFO invasion upon this planet the truth is that 'MEN' are destroying this our home planet; GREEDY Corporations and Heartless Capitalists are poisoning our : Rivers, Seas, Soil ( Massive Pesticide Usage Cancer Causing*) as well as our air; we can 'NOT' blame so called extra-terrestrials or even Satan; GOD originally gave mankind this planet to 'Populate and Dominate' and we are not doing too good a job !!! The Japanese people are afraid to drink their own water and eat the local seafood because ever since the nuclear accident took place it is 'NO' secret that a large part of the Japanese coast contains very high levels of radiation !!!
The Two Witnesses and Muslims ?
The Two Witnesses to some degree will do as the Prophet Elijah once did to the 'False Prophets' they will 'Challenge' the false pagan gods of all religions and especially of Islam, They will proclaim the ONE TRUE GOD; they will direct their message to all : atheists, agnostics and rich and poor that GOD is real and that He will hold everyone accountable for every unrepented deed, word done here on earth !!! Although they primarily come to point and lead the Jewish people to the ONLY true Messiah : Yeshua : Jesus Christ, they also come to proclaim the TRUTH of GOD, that there is ONLY one true GOD and He most certainly is 'NOT' allah, nor buddha !!! This student of Bible Prophecy has for years interpreted that Mecca shall be destroyed as well as all the 'holy sites' of all false religions, we know that the 10 King's of Revelation destroy the Vatican in Revelation 17 : 16 and this student of Bible Prophecy believes that Mecca will become uninhabitable before Revelation 17 : 16 ( if you know what i mean*) GOD indeed shall destroy all the 'false idols' of all the nations and Mohammed's followers shall not be the exception and just like GOD used the 2nd Beast to defeat and conquer the 1st Babylonian Beast; GOD will use the endtimes unholy and godless 'Little Horn' ( The 4th and final Roman Beast of 10 *) to lay waste to many Islamic countries, for just as the 4th Roman Beast of the Roman Caesars conquered much of the Middle East in ancient times history will once again repeat itself only this time the 'Roman Prince that shall come' will have nuclear weapons and he most certainly is going to use some of them against you know who !!! ( There will be salvation to any and all Muslims who repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior !!! Those who don't shall die in their sins. )
In sum, the 'Two Witnesses' will be TWO literal male human beings that will be epicentered in Jerusalem and more than likely will have Hebrew blood. They will not have city permits 'BUT' their authority will 'NOT' be subject to any corrupt political party or global organization like the UN; they will be GOD's representatives on earth for exactly 1260 days !!! It appears that they will speak in Hebrew but it should also be very obvious that their Global Message will be interpreted into every single language on planet earth !!! GOD loves every single human being that has ever existed 'BUT' only those who believe in His only begotten SON are given the power and the right to be called son's of the most High GOD; all others will have their part in that place created for Satan and his Fallen Angels !!!
In conclusion, just like GOD sent one Prophet to announce His first coming before Jesus Christ in John the Baptist; GOD is sending Two Prophets before His 'Second Coming' to prepare the way and to give both Israel; its Jews and all gentile sinners the final opportunity of salvation and according to the Prophecies of Revelation it is very unfortunate that most people during the Tribulation will 'REJECT' GOD's final offer of eternal salvation !!! The 2 Witnesses will 'NOT' be like most 'Christian Pastors' of today who go out of their way not to offend anyone for fear of emptying 'their churches.' Very truly, the Two Witnesses will not be using 'laser lights' in their background to entertain the world with music nor to 'Slay People' in the spirit like Benny Hinn ( and I'm personally Pentecostal, Preaching and teaching the Scriptures is of foremost importance and not just 'slaying people' with a coat*) and others who are following in his footsteps; furthermore they are definitely 'NOT' coming to start publishing a series of Prophetic books for $ 29.99 about personal prophecies that did not come to pass and much less are they coming to unite with the Roman Catholic Pope in the Vatican !!!
It is the personal belief of this student of Bible Prophecy that the Two Witnesses will be as direct with the rest of the inhabitants of this planet as they will be with the Jews; they will directly address the False gods of India, the atheist government of China and without question boldly confront the heresies of the Vatican and its False Prophet; they will 'lovingly' ( Like how John the Baptist addressed Herod's sin; Luke 3 : 19*) address homosexuals and lesbians and all sexual deviants and boldly and 'lovingly' tell them that GOD most certainly did 'NOT' create them that way 'BUT' if they do REPENT of their sins like the rest of the world they too will be forgiven by GOD !!! GOD in effect is giving humanity 1260 days to repent while the 2 Witnesses are on earth; after that it's going to get even harder to get saved, not impossible but much, much harder !!! There will be a time when most of the world's mass communications will try and block their global access 'BUT' because of global social media and Jews who will sincerely accept their testimony they will be on global radio, T.V and all over the internet to the dismay of : the False Prophet in the Vatican and the Little Horn and every Fallen Angel & Satan himself at least for 1260 days !!!
By : Mario Romano. You, me and over 200,000,000+ other born again believers are presently GOD's anointed WITNESSES here on earth. GOD has used His Church for over 1900+ years to evangelize the world and especially the Jews. Presently, it is estimated that there are almost 400,000 Messianic Jews world wide, this amounts to a very small fraction of the estimated 10+ million Jewish population world wide; has the Church failed in evangelizing our Jewish friends; the answer is 'NO' that is why GOD has set aside the final 7 years ( 70th Week of Daniel*) to once and for all deal with the hard hearts of most Jews who are in name only. Most Jews in Israel today are Secular/ Traditional Jews and really want nothing or little at all in being practicing Jews 'BUT' GOD made promises to Abraham and His Prophets concerning the Jews and He is going to fulfill each and everyone because HE can 'NOT' lie.
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Monday, May 28, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Behold a fourth Beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedlingly; and it had great IRON TEETH : It devoured and crushed in pieces whatever was left under its feet and it was different from all the other Beasts before it; and it had ten horns. - Book of the Prophet Daniel 7 : 7
"When Hitler was rising to power he had several setbacks and political defeats and almost everyone underestimated his determination. It wasn't that Hitler was a political or military genius; ( The truth be told; he committed the same military mistake that Napoleon had made against Russia; attack it during the winter*) it was that he just happened to persevere and continue 'his unholy struggle' ( Mein Kampf*) until the perfect set of circumstances allowed him to rise and rise to ultimate power." - Mario Romano, semi-expert on Adolph Hitler
At the height and rapid expansion of ISIS ( Islamic State*) over 1+ year ago ( When some believed that Militant Islam would sweep most of this planet and behead all those in its' way*) boldly proclaimed based upon the Biblical Prophecies that 'ALL' Islamic Terrorist groups and Islamic nations ( Islamic Power*) would eventually rise and fall ( subside*) to give way to the real 4th Roman Beast and thus far we have been proven correct !!! Islam in any : shape, way or form ( Islam began way after the Roman Empire, some 600 years after Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers*) Islam is 'NOT' part of the 4th Beast of Daniel on the contrary; the 4th and final Roman Beast is going to do to Islamic Militants what Stalin and his forces did to the NAZI's !!!
When French President : Emmanuel Macron visited the U.S. at the invitation of President Trump a few weeks ago most American foreign policy experts were kind of making fun at both : Macron and Merkel's visit; in their eyes the European's can't even defend themselves and are almost begging President Trump to modify his American Foreign Policy at their request. Although it is true that Germany does 'NOT' want to re-arm itself and become the military leader of Europe it finds it much easier and cheaper to pay its dues to NATO and allow U.S. taxpayers to $$$ subsidize most of its defense via NATO. ( Germany presently spends 1.2 % of its GDP on defense 'NOT' even 2% that Trump requests that it spends on NATO membership*) France on the other hand and even though it has a nuclear triad ( Sea, Air and land Nuclear capabilities*) it feels overburdened of having to take the military lead almost single-handedly in countering numerous Islamic terrorists all over northern and central Africa at a time when very few EU countries want to do so. Given the fact that Britain ( possesses a nuclear triad too*) and is still in the process of exiting the EU ( Brexit ) and that Germany shows no interest in taking any military leadership in the EU; France by default has emerged as the military muscle of Europe. ( With the present exception of NATO*) ( France is considered to hold the 3rd biggest stockpile of deployable nuclear warheads after : Russia and the U.S.A.*)
'Someone' implied it in his speech at the European Union Parliament and also in his speech at the joint session of the U.S. Congress : France is indeed 'BACK' ( French Foreign Policy ) and its President is trying to promote multilateralism as never before; especially upon President Trump. According to Macron, the United States created the : United Nations as well as NATO and it is in the best interests of the world for the American President to continue to sustain such global multilateral institutions !!! According to Bible Prophecy most if not all of the world's top multilateral organizations will become irrelevant during the Tribulation period, the WORST in human nature is going to be allowed to manifest itself upon most of the world's cities ( riots, ethnic cleansing & chaos ) that is why a new Beast will emerge from the Sea of nations to the amazement of a world overwhelmed in chaos and lawlessness as will be during the Great Tribulation period !!!
Although most American General's and other top brass of the U.S. armed forces may have been making some more 'French military jokes' during Macron's address at Congress, this student of Bible Prophecy was definitely 'NOT' laughing at Macron's 'PRESENT' weak military position. According to the Biblical Prophecies the mightiest and most technologically advance military that this planet has ever seen in the : U.S. Armed Forces, will suffer a great setback in these last days; it could be the implosion of : the $$$ American Dollar, a dirty Nuclear attack or a virulent plague on American soil not seen since the days of the Black Death !!! But one thing is 'GUARANTEED' by the Biblical Prophecies and that is that when the 4th Beast gets its 'groove back' and fully Re-Arises from the region of the Mediterranean Sea during the Tribulation period to power it will 'NOT' have any mercy on those it perceives to be its enemies !!!
France has mounted a great Foreign Policy comeback ever since Macron got elected. Macron together with the U.S. and British leaders authorized missile strikes on Syrian chemical factory targets; additionally Macron is spearheading the EU's continuing policy to preserve the 'Iranian Nuclear Deal' too, despite President's Trump's decision to abandon it !!! Have you observed any other world leader especially in that Mediterranean region of the world getting so passionate and involved as much as 'You Know Who' concerning the Iranian Nuclear Deal and personally visiting both the : White House and the Kremlin and do you see the EU's Foreign Minister doing that or any other European Foreign Minister or Prime Minister; for that matter ??? Those 'Watchmen' still looking at : Solana, the abandoned WEU and a future EU Foreign Minister are looking in the wrong direction !!!
German Chancellor : Angela Merkel recently stated that Europe can no longer count on the U.S. for military protection and according to her the EU "must take its destiny into its own hands." It is no secret that Mrs. Merkel's comments were directed at Presidents' Trump's "America First" foreign policy and Mr. Trump's complaints that the European NATO allies were like 'freeloaders' when it came to European ( NATO ) defense spending. Emmanuel Macron the President of France and according to most political experts/ news magazines; the most "Influential" and relevant leader of Europe at the moment seems to have a European and global agenda unmatched by any world leader. Out of over 190+ world leaders / Presidents/ Prime Ministers Mr. Macron was the first world leader given an official state visit by the Trump administration; there is 'NO' doubt in the mind of this student of Bible Prophecy that his flatteries had a little bit to do with it all !!! ( Daniel 11 : 21 and 11: 32 )
An expert on NATO and American Foreign Policy commenting on Macron's and Merkel's visit to the White House recently stated that the European's especially Germany and France are realizing that their Foreign Policy is 'NO' longer on par with America's under President Donald Trump. German's are still haunted by the ghosts of World War II and want very little to do with the world outside and the last thing they want is to become Europe's biggest military power. France is up to the job 'BUT' it needs the $$$ financial cooperation of other EU countries; presently no one really wants any duplicity with NATO and especially if NATO is still keeping the Russian's in check 'BUT' all the background and intelligence noises seem to hint that NATO will eventually be supplanted with another European military force; especially as the decline of the American $$$ Dollar and American hegemony declines as it is 'Guaranteed' and 'Hinted' by the Biblical Prophecies.
"The 4th Roman Beast will 'NOT' be led by the United Nations, nor will it be an Islamic military alliance composed of 10 and much less any 10 region global entity; according to the Book of Daniel the 4th Roman Beast 'SHALL' be of the same lineage as the 4th Roman Beast; it will be a 10 King military /economic alliance from the Mediterranean region that will come together to COUNTER : the King's of the East, Russia as well as the Islamic threat before it; as well as to fill in the vacuum that will be left behind by the global collapse of American hegemony during the Tribulation period !!!
Shortly after World War II in 1945, Ho Chi Min pleaded with U.S. President Truman to see Vietnam through his eyes, unfortunately President Truman chose to side with France and the rest is history; the U.S. in the process immersed itself in one of the : longest, costliest, most divisive and deadliest American military conflicts that still haunt American Foreign Policy makers to this day. In a great and somewhat 'Ironic Twist' of American alliances and although history does 'NOT' exactly repeats itself; we presently find ourselves with a French leader who is pleading with our American President to change his stance on : Iran, Jerusalem as well as on his exit of the 'Paris Climate Agreement.' Historians have recorded that Ho Chi Minh could have been our ally had President Truman sided with him; instead he became one of America's greatest enemies !!!
Presently, it is 'NO' secret that one of the main reasons why the European Union does 'NOT' have an aggressive foreign policy such as the U.S. is very simply because of economics 'WAR' is very expensive as evidenced in the U.S. bill in 10+ years military conflict in : Afghanistan and Iraq and now in Syria at an estimated : $ 2.4+ Trillion !!! According to Bible Prophecy 'GOD' who is absolute control of human history is going to allow the : Implosion, defeat and annihilation of the Russian armed forces, most Islamic armed forces as well as the American and Chinese forces in future wars in order to allow the 10 Horned Beast of Revelation and its military to 'DOMINATE' much of this planet during the Tribulation period !!!
You and I know that it is just a matter of time before the European's become once again the leaders of the Western world; this student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' laughing at the French military jokes. The Roman Empire of the Caesars once dominated most of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East ; Israel included without the need of a mighty : airforce, nuclear weapons nor nuclear submarines; the Beast with 10 Horns obviously will possess all three and even though 'NO' one EU country can really economically afford to project its military as much as : Russia, the U.S. and China presently can; the day and the hour is coming when at least 10 members within the present day EU will pool their resources and embark on the greatest RE-ARMAMENT in modern history not seen since Adolph Hitler ordered German Companies such as : BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen to produce him : Submarines, Airplanes, Tanks, Bombs for his plans of CONQUEST just like the 1st Horseman of the Apocalypse will do !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy was recently listening to one astute Teacher of Bible Prophecy with much more experience than this vessel and he stated that never before has the Russian military been as close to Israeli borders as it is now in Syria and never before has the proxy war with Iran been so tense as it is now in Syria; eventually someone is going to make a major military move that they will soon regret 'BUT' Bible Prophecy has already accounted for it all; for it is written that the Russian armed forces as well as several Islamic countries including Turkey and Iran will be utterly defeated in a 'GUARANTEED' future war against Israel !!! ( Ezekiel 38-39 )
Whatever you may think of 'You Know Who' the reality is that in just the span of ONE YEAR he has become the most 'Influential' leader within all the EU; ( According to several secular foreign policy publications*) additionally he has also immersed himself and France into a 'Global Climate Leader' via the 'Paris Accords.' Yes, France faces many daunting challenges such as : illegal Islamic immigration, high youth unemployment, a stagnant economy and a looming 'Brexit' that nobody knows how it will be finally finalized 'BUT' the same can be said of any other country in that region of the world; MOST Islamic countries along the Mediterranean Sea suffer from even much 'WORST' : social, economic and political problems than those facing France !!!
In sum, WARS and other world changing events are coming that will 'FORCE' some if not all European countries to form their own military alliance outside of NATO !!! As 'naive' and 'Peace loving' that some European countries and leaders presently appear to be, the day and hour is surely coming when they will be FORCED to militarize as never before if they are to survive what's headed their way. Presently, European's enjoy military protection under the umbrella of NATO 'BUT' with each passing day it is becoming more and more obvious that America will 'NOT' always be able to come to the defense of our European allies. The Biblical Prophecies 'Guarantee' that in the last days things will go from bad to worse and like this student of Bible Prophecy has stated in the past unfortunately World War III is coming and it is this student's of Bible Prophecy interpretation of Revelation 6, that the First Horseman of the Apocalypse initiates it as he begins his global conquest, unfortunately he will succeed where Adolph Hitler failed and all the symbology of the other 3 Horsemen who follow him ( massive death and destruction*) indicate to this student of Bible Prophecy that he will employ limited nuclear strikes against a few who oppose him to show that he means business !!!
This student of realpolitik understands that some of my European friends and visitors may disagree with my interpretations of Bible Prophecy 'BUT' honestly can't you see the 'Handwriting on the Wall' ??? Iran's nuclear ambitions must be stopped and will be stopped; when Iranian leaders openly call on national T.V and Radio for the destruction of the state of Israel those living comfortably in : Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Rome or Paris don't take it as personally as our Jewish friends in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. If the rest of the world wants to 'look the other way' while Iran continues its nuclear ambitions then Israel has every right to do what must be done.
In conclusion, this 'Student of Bible Prophecy' is just a 'Watchman' and not a Prophet This 'Watchman of the 4th Roman Beast' is just calling it as it is. 'Somebody' could die an accidental or natural death and quickly be replaced in new elections; in the meantime where there is 'Smoke there is usually Fire' thus the purpose of this Watchman's insignificant website; our website title and subtitle should speak for itself !!! 'You Know Who' could also be our enemies perfect 'DECOY' or he could really be the 'Unholy Genuine Thing' who is just getting started !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is 'CAUTIOUSLY' proceeding with all of this; as a 'Watchman' I can 'NOT' ignore several prophetic triggers that his 'ACTIONS and WORDS' are making go off all over !!! This Watchman was minding his own business and suddenly his built in prophetic silent alarm and radar screen started warning him about someone UNDETECTED by most other Watchmen !!!
"Personal : Commentary, Opinion, Theory & Observation of Mario Romano"
This student of Bible Prophecy has for years come to the conclusion that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is going to 'bring down' most 'if not all' of the same world powers that united to bring down Adolph Hitler in the past ( For 'insurance purposes' or what will be left of them*). The reason being is that the Biblical Prophecies clearly state that he is going to be opposed by some, 'NOT' all are going to follow him 'blindly.' Mario Romano believes that with the 'Unholy Powers' that the 'Little Horn' will possess he will make many of his enemies destroy one another without the need for him to militarily engage and destroy those nations that will oppose him. This planet is going to experience massive DECEPTION in the future as all the Fallen Angels and Satan himself deceive the world with unholy 'Signs and Wonders via the : False Prophet and the Little Horn !!! In the past Russia has been a great strategic burden/ disaster for conquerors such as : Napoleon and Hitler, it is the personal opinion of this student of Bible Prophecy that the endtimes Little Horn is going to conquer and destroy Moscow after the Russian's are defeated in the Ezekiel invasion against Israel; Russia will never be as weak as then and the 'Little Horn' is going to take them ( what will be left of them*) out so that Russian threat never re-emerges on his watch !!!
By : Mario Romano. This student of Bible Prophecy is approaching all of this very CAUTIOUSLY; Mario is 'somewhat' extremely good at this only because he has been studying this specific topic for 20+ years, he may seem it look 'very easy' and obvious 'BUT' you would be surprised of the millions of people who are totally oblivious to the 'SIGNS' of Jesus Christ's 2nd Coming; especially those who have embraced : Amillenialism, Kingdom Now, Prosperity Gospel and other lies from the pit of hell. Even the most committed atheist acknowledges that things on this planet are increasingly going from bad to worse; all of human history is leading this planet to the Battle of Armageddon; World War I and II were like mere speedbumps; Tribulation is coming upon this entire planet, to this final generation our LORD Jesus Christ Himself guaranteed it !!! ( Matthew 24 : 21 ) Very truly, TODAY is the day to repent of all of our sin's and especially of any unconfessed sin that some of us may be trying to conceal before our HOLY CREATOR : GOD; manifested in Jesus Christ !!!
"When Hitler was rising to power he had several setbacks and political defeats and almost everyone underestimated his determination. It wasn't that Hitler was a political or military genius; ( The truth be told; he committed the same military mistake that Napoleon had made against Russia; attack it during the winter*) it was that he just happened to persevere and continue 'his unholy struggle' ( Mein Kampf*) until the perfect set of circumstances allowed him to rise and rise to ultimate power." - Mario Romano, semi-expert on Adolph Hitler
At the height and rapid expansion of ISIS ( Islamic State*) over 1+ year ago ( When some believed that Militant Islam would sweep most of this planet and behead all those in its' way*) boldly proclaimed based upon the Biblical Prophecies that 'ALL' Islamic Terrorist groups and Islamic nations ( Islamic Power*) would eventually rise and fall ( subside*) to give way to the real 4th Roman Beast and thus far we have been proven correct !!! Islam in any : shape, way or form ( Islam began way after the Roman Empire, some 600 years after Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers*) Islam is 'NOT' part of the 4th Beast of Daniel on the contrary; the 4th and final Roman Beast is going to do to Islamic Militants what Stalin and his forces did to the NAZI's !!!
When French President : Emmanuel Macron visited the U.S. at the invitation of President Trump a few weeks ago most American foreign policy experts were kind of making fun at both : Macron and Merkel's visit; in their eyes the European's can't even defend themselves and are almost begging President Trump to modify his American Foreign Policy at their request. Although it is true that Germany does 'NOT' want to re-arm itself and become the military leader of Europe it finds it much easier and cheaper to pay its dues to NATO and allow U.S. taxpayers to $$$ subsidize most of its defense via NATO. ( Germany presently spends 1.2 % of its GDP on defense 'NOT' even 2% that Trump requests that it spends on NATO membership*) France on the other hand and even though it has a nuclear triad ( Sea, Air and land Nuclear capabilities*) it feels overburdened of having to take the military lead almost single-handedly in countering numerous Islamic terrorists all over northern and central Africa at a time when very few EU countries want to do so. Given the fact that Britain ( possesses a nuclear triad too*) and is still in the process of exiting the EU ( Brexit ) and that Germany shows no interest in taking any military leadership in the EU; France by default has emerged as the military muscle of Europe. ( With the present exception of NATO*) ( France is considered to hold the 3rd biggest stockpile of deployable nuclear warheads after : Russia and the U.S.A.*)
'Someone' implied it in his speech at the European Union Parliament and also in his speech at the joint session of the U.S. Congress : France is indeed 'BACK' ( French Foreign Policy ) and its President is trying to promote multilateralism as never before; especially upon President Trump. According to Macron, the United States created the : United Nations as well as NATO and it is in the best interests of the world for the American President to continue to sustain such global multilateral institutions !!! According to Bible Prophecy most if not all of the world's top multilateral organizations will become irrelevant during the Tribulation period, the WORST in human nature is going to be allowed to manifest itself upon most of the world's cities ( riots, ethnic cleansing & chaos ) that is why a new Beast will emerge from the Sea of nations to the amazement of a world overwhelmed in chaos and lawlessness as will be during the Great Tribulation period !!!
Although most American General's and other top brass of the U.S. armed forces may have been making some more 'French military jokes' during Macron's address at Congress, this student of Bible Prophecy was definitely 'NOT' laughing at Macron's 'PRESENT' weak military position. According to the Biblical Prophecies the mightiest and most technologically advance military that this planet has ever seen in the : U.S. Armed Forces, will suffer a great setback in these last days; it could be the implosion of : the $$$ American Dollar, a dirty Nuclear attack or a virulent plague on American soil not seen since the days of the Black Death !!! But one thing is 'GUARANTEED' by the Biblical Prophecies and that is that when the 4th Beast gets its 'groove back' and fully Re-Arises from the region of the Mediterranean Sea during the Tribulation period to power it will 'NOT' have any mercy on those it perceives to be its enemies !!!
France has mounted a great Foreign Policy comeback ever since Macron got elected. Macron together with the U.S. and British leaders authorized missile strikes on Syrian chemical factory targets; additionally Macron is spearheading the EU's continuing policy to preserve the 'Iranian Nuclear Deal' too, despite President's Trump's decision to abandon it !!! Have you observed any other world leader especially in that Mediterranean region of the world getting so passionate and involved as much as 'You Know Who' concerning the Iranian Nuclear Deal and personally visiting both the : White House and the Kremlin and do you see the EU's Foreign Minister doing that or any other European Foreign Minister or Prime Minister; for that matter ??? Those 'Watchmen' still looking at : Solana, the abandoned WEU and a future EU Foreign Minister are looking in the wrong direction !!!
German Chancellor : Angela Merkel recently stated that Europe can no longer count on the U.S. for military protection and according to her the EU "must take its destiny into its own hands." It is no secret that Mrs. Merkel's comments were directed at Presidents' Trump's "America First" foreign policy and Mr. Trump's complaints that the European NATO allies were like 'freeloaders' when it came to European ( NATO ) defense spending. Emmanuel Macron the President of France and according to most political experts/ news magazines; the most "Influential" and relevant leader of Europe at the moment seems to have a European and global agenda unmatched by any world leader. Out of over 190+ world leaders / Presidents/ Prime Ministers Mr. Macron was the first world leader given an official state visit by the Trump administration; there is 'NO' doubt in the mind of this student of Bible Prophecy that his flatteries had a little bit to do with it all !!! ( Daniel 11 : 21 and 11: 32 )
An expert on NATO and American Foreign Policy commenting on Macron's and Merkel's visit to the White House recently stated that the European's especially Germany and France are realizing that their Foreign Policy is 'NO' longer on par with America's under President Donald Trump. German's are still haunted by the ghosts of World War II and want very little to do with the world outside and the last thing they want is to become Europe's biggest military power. France is up to the job 'BUT' it needs the $$$ financial cooperation of other EU countries; presently no one really wants any duplicity with NATO and especially if NATO is still keeping the Russian's in check 'BUT' all the background and intelligence noises seem to hint that NATO will eventually be supplanted with another European military force; especially as the decline of the American $$$ Dollar and American hegemony declines as it is 'Guaranteed' and 'Hinted' by the Biblical Prophecies.
"The 4th Roman Beast will 'NOT' be led by the United Nations, nor will it be an Islamic military alliance composed of 10 and much less any 10 region global entity; according to the Book of Daniel the 4th Roman Beast 'SHALL' be of the same lineage as the 4th Roman Beast; it will be a 10 King military /economic alliance from the Mediterranean region that will come together to COUNTER : the King's of the East, Russia as well as the Islamic threat before it; as well as to fill in the vacuum that will be left behind by the global collapse of American hegemony during the Tribulation period !!!
Shortly after World War II in 1945, Ho Chi Min pleaded with U.S. President Truman to see Vietnam through his eyes, unfortunately President Truman chose to side with France and the rest is history; the U.S. in the process immersed itself in one of the : longest, costliest, most divisive and deadliest American military conflicts that still haunt American Foreign Policy makers to this day. In a great and somewhat 'Ironic Twist' of American alliances and although history does 'NOT' exactly repeats itself; we presently find ourselves with a French leader who is pleading with our American President to change his stance on : Iran, Jerusalem as well as on his exit of the 'Paris Climate Agreement.' Historians have recorded that Ho Chi Minh could have been our ally had President Truman sided with him; instead he became one of America's greatest enemies !!!
Presently, it is 'NO' secret that one of the main reasons why the European Union does 'NOT' have an aggressive foreign policy such as the U.S. is very simply because of economics 'WAR' is very expensive as evidenced in the U.S. bill in 10+ years military conflict in : Afghanistan and Iraq and now in Syria at an estimated : $ 2.4+ Trillion !!! According to Bible Prophecy 'GOD' who is absolute control of human history is going to allow the : Implosion, defeat and annihilation of the Russian armed forces, most Islamic armed forces as well as the American and Chinese forces in future wars in order to allow the 10 Horned Beast of Revelation and its military to 'DOMINATE' much of this planet during the Tribulation period !!!
You and I know that it is just a matter of time before the European's become once again the leaders of the Western world; this student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' laughing at the French military jokes. The Roman Empire of the Caesars once dominated most of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East ; Israel included without the need of a mighty : airforce, nuclear weapons nor nuclear submarines; the Beast with 10 Horns obviously will possess all three and even though 'NO' one EU country can really economically afford to project its military as much as : Russia, the U.S. and China presently can; the day and the hour is coming when at least 10 members within the present day EU will pool their resources and embark on the greatest RE-ARMAMENT in modern history not seen since Adolph Hitler ordered German Companies such as : BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen to produce him : Submarines, Airplanes, Tanks, Bombs for his plans of CONQUEST just like the 1st Horseman of the Apocalypse will do !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy was recently listening to one astute Teacher of Bible Prophecy with much more experience than this vessel and he stated that never before has the Russian military been as close to Israeli borders as it is now in Syria and never before has the proxy war with Iran been so tense as it is now in Syria; eventually someone is going to make a major military move that they will soon regret 'BUT' Bible Prophecy has already accounted for it all; for it is written that the Russian armed forces as well as several Islamic countries including Turkey and Iran will be utterly defeated in a 'GUARANTEED' future war against Israel !!! ( Ezekiel 38-39 )
Palestinian's & Bible Prophecy ?
((( The Palestinian's before GOD ALMIGHTY have as much right to the land of Israel as the ancient : Philistines, Ammonites, Canaanites and other Pagans of the past* - Mario Romano )))
Concerning the 'Palestinian Uprisings' and the 'Palestinian people.' It is the biblical interpretation of this student of Bible Prophecy that most of the Palestinians are following by their own freewill; in the footsteps and will go the way of the ancient : Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Amalekites, Edomites, Ammonites, Canaanites and other ancient disciples of Satan and enemies of Israel. GOD did 'NOT' give the land of Israel to the Palestinians 'PERIOD' just like He did 'NOT' give it to any of the ancient enemies of Israel !!! GOD is about to pass His original chosen people through the fire of the Great Tribulation ( Jacob's Trouble ) and if GOD is executing His Holy Judgement upon the True and Chosen descendants of Abraham ( Jews ) can you imagine how much greater His Holy judgement will be on pagan people ( Muslim's ) who seek the destruction of His original chosen people !!! ( Zechariah 12 : 9 ) Unfortunately, the accidental / collateral killing of 'innocent babies' is nothing new in war. Unfortunately; babies/ children have always been casualties in 'MOST' wars that have ever been fought on this planet one just needs to study a good history book to realize the horrors of war. Satan, likes to play 'very dirty' and he is presently trying his best to mount the greatest PR campaign against Israel and its Jewish people; he knows that he is seriously running out of time; his BDS inspired global boycott against Israel is not working as much as he would like it to so he is now trying to paint Israeli soldiers as 'baby killers' thus turning even more of the world's opinion against an increasing isolated Israel.Whatever you may think of 'You Know Who' the reality is that in just the span of ONE YEAR he has become the most 'Influential' leader within all the EU; ( According to several secular foreign policy publications*) additionally he has also immersed himself and France into a 'Global Climate Leader' via the 'Paris Accords.' Yes, France faces many daunting challenges such as : illegal Islamic immigration, high youth unemployment, a stagnant economy and a looming 'Brexit' that nobody knows how it will be finally finalized 'BUT' the same can be said of any other country in that region of the world; MOST Islamic countries along the Mediterranean Sea suffer from even much 'WORST' : social, economic and political problems than those facing France !!!
In sum, WARS and other world changing events are coming that will 'FORCE' some if not all European countries to form their own military alliance outside of NATO !!! As 'naive' and 'Peace loving' that some European countries and leaders presently appear to be, the day and hour is surely coming when they will be FORCED to militarize as never before if they are to survive what's headed their way. Presently, European's enjoy military protection under the umbrella of NATO 'BUT' with each passing day it is becoming more and more obvious that America will 'NOT' always be able to come to the defense of our European allies. The Biblical Prophecies 'Guarantee' that in the last days things will go from bad to worse and like this student of Bible Prophecy has stated in the past unfortunately World War III is coming and it is this student's of Bible Prophecy interpretation of Revelation 6, that the First Horseman of the Apocalypse initiates it as he begins his global conquest, unfortunately he will succeed where Adolph Hitler failed and all the symbology of the other 3 Horsemen who follow him ( massive death and destruction*) indicate to this student of Bible Prophecy that he will employ limited nuclear strikes against a few who oppose him to show that he means business !!!
Yes, 'somebody' recently announced the possible creation of a 10 nation-coalition of European countries to take on military endeavors that NATO won't and can't take on in case of emergencies. The number is very interesting and it remains to be seen 'IF' somebody can be able to 'Pull it Off' with all the German 'Foot Draggin' and all !!! ( Daniel 11 : 38 )
This student of realpolitik understands that some of my European friends and visitors may disagree with my interpretations of Bible Prophecy 'BUT' honestly can't you see the 'Handwriting on the Wall' ??? Iran's nuclear ambitions must be stopped and will be stopped; when Iranian leaders openly call on national T.V and Radio for the destruction of the state of Israel those living comfortably in : Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Rome or Paris don't take it as personally as our Jewish friends in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. If the rest of the world wants to 'look the other way' while Iran continues its nuclear ambitions then Israel has every right to do what must be done.
In conclusion, this 'Student of Bible Prophecy' is just a 'Watchman' and not a Prophet This 'Watchman of the 4th Roman Beast' is just calling it as it is. 'Somebody' could die an accidental or natural death and quickly be replaced in new elections; in the meantime where there is 'Smoke there is usually Fire' thus the purpose of this Watchman's insignificant website; our website title and subtitle should speak for itself !!! 'You Know Who' could also be our enemies perfect 'DECOY' or he could really be the 'Unholy Genuine Thing' who is just getting started !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is 'CAUTIOUSLY' proceeding with all of this; as a 'Watchman' I can 'NOT' ignore several prophetic triggers that his 'ACTIONS and WORDS' are making go off all over !!! This Watchman was minding his own business and suddenly his built in prophetic silent alarm and radar screen started warning him about someone UNDETECTED by most other Watchmen !!!
"Personal : Commentary, Opinion, Theory & Observation of Mario Romano"
This student of Bible Prophecy has for years come to the conclusion that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is going to 'bring down' most 'if not all' of the same world powers that united to bring down Adolph Hitler in the past ( For 'insurance purposes' or what will be left of them*). The reason being is that the Biblical Prophecies clearly state that he is going to be opposed by some, 'NOT' all are going to follow him 'blindly.' Mario Romano believes that with the 'Unholy Powers' that the 'Little Horn' will possess he will make many of his enemies destroy one another without the need for him to militarily engage and destroy those nations that will oppose him. This planet is going to experience massive DECEPTION in the future as all the Fallen Angels and Satan himself deceive the world with unholy 'Signs and Wonders via the : False Prophet and the Little Horn !!! In the past Russia has been a great strategic burden/ disaster for conquerors such as : Napoleon and Hitler, it is the personal opinion of this student of Bible Prophecy that the endtimes Little Horn is going to conquer and destroy Moscow after the Russian's are defeated in the Ezekiel invasion against Israel; Russia will never be as weak as then and the 'Little Horn' is going to take them ( what will be left of them*) out so that Russian threat never re-emerges on his watch !!!
By : Mario Romano. This student of Bible Prophecy is approaching all of this very CAUTIOUSLY; Mario is 'somewhat' extremely good at this only because he has been studying this specific topic for 20+ years, he may seem it look 'very easy' and obvious 'BUT' you would be surprised of the millions of people who are totally oblivious to the 'SIGNS' of Jesus Christ's 2nd Coming; especially those who have embraced : Amillenialism, Kingdom Now, Prosperity Gospel and other lies from the pit of hell. Even the most committed atheist acknowledges that things on this planet are increasingly going from bad to worse; all of human history is leading this planet to the Battle of Armageddon; World War I and II were like mere speedbumps; Tribulation is coming upon this entire planet, to this final generation our LORD Jesus Christ Himself guaranteed it !!! ( Matthew 24 : 21 ) Very truly, TODAY is the day to repent of all of our sin's and especially of any unconfessed sin that some of us may be trying to conceal before our HOLY CREATOR : GOD; manifested in Jesus Christ !!!
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Shall a Land be Born in One Day ?
You and I were born in this final generation that Isaiah and Daniel prophesied about; we are quite literally witnessing some of the major final endtimes nations and actors Prophesied in the Holy Scriptures getting ready to fulfill some major Prophecies before our very eyes !!! How much will GOD allow us to witness I do 'NOT' know; but you better believe that I'm personally getting spiritually prepared for it all by : repenting of my sins, living in holiness, fasting, witnessing to others and abiding in the WORD of GOD as never before and of course by 'Watching and Praying' to be found worthy to "ESCAPE" the coming 21 judgements of GOD upon an unrepentant planet !!! ( Luke 21 : 36 )
I do not know the exact day nor the hour of the end 'BUT' I do know of 70 indisputable reasons ( The 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel *) of why Satan and every single Fallen Angel knows that their time reigning over this fallen planet is quickly coming to an end !!! - Spiritual observation of Mario Romano*
Today, on this May 14 of 2018, the State of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary and while most of the people of this planet may be indifferent or just plain ignorant about it's full significance; this student of Bible Prophecy fully acknowledges its EPIC significance. Our LORD Jesus Christ reprimanded the religious elite of his day for not understanding nor interpreting correctly the 'signs of the times' in which they were all living in and of being oblivious to the greatest of these : His first coming !!! ( Luke 12 : 56 ) Today on this 14 of May of 2018, the descendants of millions of Jews who miraculously survived : global persecution, near annihilation and Adolph Hitler himself; as well as more than two millenia of a bloody and dark human history; celebrate against all odds and against thee very unholy forces of the Prince of Darkness : Satan and all the global persecution that he has inpspired against them !!! The PROMISE of GOD ALMIGHTY has been fulfilled to the very letter; GOD did not forsake His original chosen people ( the Jews *) forever !!! ( Isaiah 66 : 8, Ezekiel 11 : 17, Zephaniah 3 : 20 ...)
The blunt truth of it all is that the Jews have outsurvived the ancient : Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and everything and everyone else that Satan has thrown at them including the Vatican during the unholy inquisitions; neither the BDS movement, the Palestinian uprising nor the Prince of Persia shall prosper against it forever; for it is necessary for 'ALL' the : People's, Nations and King's of this planet who stand against Israel to also taste of the wrath of thee HOLY GOD of ISRAEL; there is justice in this Universe and GOD will 'NOT' allow any of Israel's enemies to prosper forever !!!
This insignificant and unworthy servant of JESUS CHRIST RESURRECTED is very thankful to be allowed by GOD ALMIGHTY to be among a few students of Bible Prophecy to be chosen in this 'Final Generation' to witness EVENTS that Prophets such as : Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel as well as other Old Testament Prophets never had the opportunity to witness in their lifetime; ( Luke 10:24 ) even the Prophet Daniel did "NOT" fully comprehend the visions that he was to to write down and seal up; Mario Romano is very thankful that GOD trusts me with this ministry that now reaches all of : Central America, South America, North America and over 90+ other countries that visit us !!! The 4 Beasts that Daniel saw in dreams and visions we believe are being interpreted correctly by this vessel of GOD in this humble website; as well as its most likely 'Little Horn' as of this May of 2018, should Jesus Christ rapture His chosen within this decade !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy and this humble website are no flukes ( product of sheer random luck ) the truth ( of which the Holy Spirit fully knows of*) is that this GOD fearing believer has literally invested 1,000's + of hours of : research, prayer and fasting through some 20+ years to get to this epic moment in world history. Although you may never see me on Youtube nor on any Bible Prophecy Conference, the important thing to me is that GOD my Creator and Redeemer knows and approves of this ministry. "IF" GOD one day wants to promote this His servant i'm available. ( In the meantime i plan to be faithful in this ONE thing that i believe GOD has entrusted me with*) This imperfect vessel of GOD just wants to give it his all with the one thing that I believe that HE has entrusted me with to in this moment in human history on this planet and I long to hear 'Well Done Good and Faithful Servant' when all is said and done !!!
As this student of world history and Bible Prophecy meditates upon all the 90+ human generations that have preceded us since Adam and Eve and contemplate upon the rise and fall of virtually all of the Empires that have preceded us all; I stand in awe that it all comes down to us this 'Final Generation' that is being privileged to witness the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel and the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy and Theology wants to make it perfectly clear ( if you still seem clueless about it all*) that the ONLY reason why : you, me and 6.5+ billion other human beings are still breathing oxygen and are alive on this 'Terra Firma' is solely because GOD ALMIGHTY sovereignly alloted some 6-7 thousand years for human history to run its course so that the divine plans of GOD ALMIGHTY be completed both for Israel; its Jews and the Gentiles. ( Revelation 10 : 7 )
The fate and destiny of this entire planet and its over 190+ countries and over 6.5+ billion human beings is literally directly interconnected with the very destiny of Israel !!! For half of my life I knew nothing about Bible Prophecy and of the plight of the Jewish people; it was only years after I became a born again Christian and studied the Holy Bible and its Prophecies that I came to understand that GOD through the Prophet Daniel revealed to us all that human history and especially Jewish/Hebrew history has a very clear ending point decreed by GOD ALMIGHTY. ( 70 Weeks are Decreed to your people and the Holy City... Daniel 9 : 24 ) In other words; we definitely do "NOT" have another 100 years of human governments !!!
If you have read and studied the Old Testament you are very well aware that the ancient Kingdom of Judah was itself born of war. The ancient Hebrews/Israelites had to literally fight a motley crew of violent enemies such as the : Giants, Philistines, Amalekites, Canaanites, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Midianites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and the Romans just to name a few !!! If you've observed the latest news you are well aware that Israel's enemies continue to grow to this day. While there are some 40+ Islamic countries on planet earth with Islamic Capitals 'MOST' Islamic nations are vehemently opposed to the very existence of one Jewish nation and its official capital : Jerusalem !!!
According to Bible Prophecy 'MOST' nations on earth will turn against Israel during the Tribulation period 'NO' thanks in part to the diabolical Global PR stunt that the final endtimes Adolph Hitler ( Little Horn ) will perpetrate against the final generation of Jews. This 'NEUTRAL' student of world history and of the Middle East acknowledges that the State of Israel has the right to exist virtually "NO" nation has the right to condemn Israel's existence; as we study the history of Western nations and even those of Islamic countries we find them fighting for their very right to exist against Imperial/ Colonial powers as well as by numerous civil wars against themselves; the history of virtually most modern nations are full of : bloodshed, death and destruction !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of yours and of GOD fully understands that this planet and its corrupt and unholy governments have an expiration date; GOD is "NOT" going to allow human history to continue forever. Just this month a New York columnist asked his readers to imagine how the United States will look like in 10,000 years from now !!! When I read it, I felt pity for him because these United States is barely 240+ years and trillions of dollars in debt and neither the FED nor American Bankers, Stockbrokers nor any Financial Gurus show any real concern in directly addressing this epic challenge. You and I know that according to the Biblical endtimes scenario the United States will "NOT" be the world's last 'SUPER POWER' !!!
With all of his imperfections this student of Bible Prophecy commends the actions of U.S. President Donald Trump; sure Mr. Trump is no saint ( According to the scriptures David and Solomon slept with 'MANY' women / concubines : II Samuel 16 : 22 *) 'BUT' at least he's 'NOT' on GOD's enemy list !!! By this I am not justifying Mr. Trump's sexual sins; the truth is that all men eventually do pay for each and every hidden sin*)
As a student of world history this servant of yours has read numerous books and articles both : PRO and CON; concerning Israel's modern Independence in 1948; it is truly a MIRACLE that the Jewish people somehow managed to live and escape global persecution by some of the major world powers ( Spain Inquisitions, Russia Pogroms, Nazi Holocaust, Romans Destruction of Jerusalem, Slavery in Egypt, Babylonian Captivity etc...) So when this student of world history studies and considers the conflict between modern Israel/ its Jews and the 'Palestinian People' it is obvious that Satan has an almost endless number of volunteers to do his bidding.
If you have been reading our articles you are well aware that Israel's greatest enemy of 'ALL' time is 'NOT' Islamic Armies; not even Russia and Putin to tell you the truth are prophesied to defeat Israel; Israel's greatest and final enemy will be an endtimes Western Power that is 'GUARANTEED' by the Biblical Prophecies to conquer most of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East just as the ancient Roman Empire the 4th Roman Beast of Daniel once did !!!
Mario Romano specializes in the final 4th Roman Beast and that Beast has 'NO' : Chinese blood, Islamic blood nor Russian blood !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is in awe that he knows more about Israel's enemies and most of their major future actions than even : Prime Minister Netanyahu, Mossad, Shin Beth as well as other Israeli intelligence agencies. In 'NO' way do I gloat about it, in fact this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to 'INFORM' both believers and unbelievers of what is coming !!!
Although it is true that most Jews living in the present and modern state of Israel on this May of 2018 are obviously not all practicing orthodox Jews; ( in fact the majority of Jews presently living in Israel are 'Traditional-Secular Jews' who do not really practice the faith of their fathers*) 'DESPITE' this truth; GOD still has divine plans with Israel and its Jews; GOD made promises to Abraham and to Moses concerning the Hebrew nation and HE is going to keep 'ALL' of His promises and make possible what to you and me may seen presently impossible and that is to spiritually open the eyes of 'One-Third' of the Jews and make them realize that Yeshua : Jesus Christ is the only true Messiah of Israel; GOD is going to use His 2 Witnesses and 144,000 Born Again Jews to make it all possible during the Tribulation period !!!
Yes, Israeli leaders have made various mistakes through these 70 years of Israel's existence 'BUT' "NO" neighboring people's nor countries are 'INNOCENT' before GOD the Creator of all. The truth of the matter is that the Islamic governments and Muslim leaders of : Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran just to name a few; have a terrible and bloody history of repressing and outright killing hundreds of thousands of its very own 'Islamic Brothers and Sisters' without Israel having anything to do with it all. This student of world history and human nature reminds everyone that Satan is most certainly behind the movement that is trying to brand Israel as an 'Apartheid State' the truth is that most if not all Islamic countries outrightly practice apartheid themselves; in Saudi Arabia it is no secret that Christianity and practicing Christians are outlawed, in Egypt, Syria and Iraq the vast majority of Christians have been horribly persecuted with little if any help from the 'Un-aparthied Practicing Islamic countries' that surround Israel !!!
This 14 of May of 2018, also marks the official opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. As a student of Bible Prophecy and Theology Mario Romano strongly believes that U.S. President Trump did the 'CORRECT' thing. The nations that bless Israel shall be blessed 'PERIOD.' Obviously some 90%+ of the rest of the world including the European's led by Macron where "NOT" supportive of Mr.Trump's choice 'BUT' all of this is leading the entire planet were the Biblical Prophecies guaranteed to us all in the first place !!! This student of International Relations understands that some of our European visitors just can't understand why President Trump seems to be 'Going Against the Flow of International Diplomacy' and be against the : Paris Climate Accord, the Iranian Nuclear deal and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem too !!! The truth is that GOD gave this planet an EXPIRATION DATE and we are all seriously running out of time, GOD once used a donkey to accomplish His sovereign will and HE is definitely using Mr. Trump to accomplish His sovereign will DESPITE the opinions of the vast majority of world leaders. Presently, the USA Armed Forces dominate ( Air, land , sea, Space*) most of this planet and neither : China, Russia nor even the EU and much less the Islamic nations like this REALITY; unfortunately the days of the US global hegemony have been counted and decreed by GOD; this student of Bible Prophecy sees the 'Handwriting on the Wall.' The day and hour is coming when America will be unable to help the State of Israel; so I commend all that we can do TODAY to bless Israel and its people in ANY way !!!
Unfortunately, numerous people will continue to die on both sides of the Israeli border for the ultimate destiny of Israel and its capital : Jerusalem. 'REMEMBER' this is a 'Spiritual War' there's more than meets the human eye at stake in this 'Spiritual Conflict' that has been going on for more than 2000+ years !!! The 'Blunt Truth' is that ancient Israel was born out of various battles and according to Prophets such as : Ezekiel, Zechariah and Daniel; the Battle of Armageddon will be fought in the the Valley of Jehoshephat in Israel !!! The Prophecies of Daniel 'Guarantee' that 'War will continue until the end' ( Daniel 9 : 26 ) As a human being created in the 'Image of GOD' it does sadden me that children and women will also continue to die in the clash between Palestinian's and Israeli forces 'BUT' this is nothing new, if you read the Old Testament you will find out that life and military conquest was even more brutal and deadly under the : Philistines, Assyrians and others who leveled and destroyed without mercy nor regarded any 'human rights' in war as we do today !!! The truth is that according to the Book of Revelation over 66%+ of the world's population will die during the Great Tribulation, we all live in a very violent world and the State of Israel and the Jewish people DO have the right to defend themselves against ANYONE who threatens to annihilate them as a people; be they : Palestinian's, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, AL Qaeda, Erdogan, Iranian Mullah's or other Islamic diabolical clowns who allow themselves to be directed by the Prince of Darkness : Satan !!!
Although U.S. President Donald Trump did not personally attend the opening of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem he did send his daughter Ivanka Trump. Most social networks disparaged Ivanka celebrating in Jerusalem amidst the Gaza violence The truth is that this entire planet is full of violence; in Nigeria African blacks are killing their fellow black brothers, in Syria Muslims are killing Muslims en masse ( Mr. Erdogan the great hypocrite of Turkey who still denies the Armenian Genocide had the audacity to claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza; while at the same time negating that his people killed over : 1,200,000+ million Armenians one century ago !!! ) and unfortunately all through South America and Brazil and Mexico violence has almost exploded exponentially so much so that the governments there can no longer rely on the local police forces to keep 'law and order' and both Brazil and Mexico have been forced to deploy their armed forces onto the streets of their major cities to counter the growing : Kidnappings, Sky-rising killings, Narco gangs and growing lawlessness throughout their borders !!! The important thing to ask ourselves and consider as students of Bible Prophecy is what the Biblical Prophecies have to state about Palestinians and the future of all Islamic countries and people's including the 'Palestinians' according to the Biblical Prophecies there are 'ONLY' two types of human beings in the eyes of GOD; those who curse Israel and those who bless Israel; PERIOD !!! If the 'Palestinian' people and especially their past leaders ( as well as the present leadership ) would have accepted all the concessions that the Israeli government offered Yasser Arafat in previous 'Peace Talks' the 'Palestinian people' would not be in the situation that they are in; let's be honest Muslims don't want Jews living in the Middle East and if they had their chance they would have annihilated as many Jews as they could; Israel has a right to exist just as much as 40+ Islamic countries who oppress their own Islamic brothers and sisters and try to use Israel as a 'Scapegoat' for most of their national failures !!! This student of Bible Prophecy commends 'ALL' the aid and support that President Trump is offering to Israel because you and I know that the day and hour is 'RAPIDLY' approaching when that will 'NO' longer be possible as the first unholy and deceptive rider on the first horse of Revelation 6 is 'UNLEASHED' and not just against Israel but also upon a very 'Spiritually Blind' world. This student of Theology reminds everyone that the first horseman of the Apocalypse really won't care about either : Muslims nor Jews; he has his own diabolical agenda for the Middle East and the rest of the unsuspecting world !!!
By : Mario Romano; although this servant of Jesus Christ is 'NOT' affiliated with other brothers and sisters in Christ who teach Bible Prophecy on other eschatological websites; it is the very 'Holy Spirit' that unites us all. While this student of Bible Prophecy may 'NOT' agree with what other 'Teachers and Students of Bible Prophecy' may be teaching we are all one in Christ. This student of Bible Prophecy grew up in the Catholic Church where Bible Prophecy was 'NEVER' taught and when he became a 'Born Again' believer his first Pastor usually only preached / teached on Bible Prophecy once a year !!! When I graduated from the University of California years ago I truly believed that my college education ( Political/ Military Degree*) would never be useful in any Church much less my local Church !!! Little did I know that GOD was preparing this vessel for something that in the flesh I could not perceive; TODAY on this 14 of May of 2018, this servant of Jesus Christ "KNOWS" why GOD put him here on planet earth in this moment in time !!! The forces of evil and wickedness better watch out; because this imperfect vessel of GOD has just had his EPIPHANY; 'YES' unfortunately it took him more than half his life to realize it 'BUT' at least he has fully realized why GOD put him 'here and now' on planet earth and you better believe that he is going to give it his all for the Honor and Glory of our CREATOR !!! This 'Little Light of Mine' i'm going to let it shine for the Honor and Glory of my redeemer : Jesus Christ !!! This servant of yours and of Jesus Christ humbly requests your prayers so that we may be led to all truth by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit in this Final Generation*
You and I were born in this final generation that Isaiah and Daniel prophesied about; we are quite literally witnessing some of the major final endtimes nations and actors Prophesied in the Holy Scriptures getting ready to fulfill some major Prophecies before our very eyes !!! How much will GOD allow us to witness I do 'NOT' know; but you better believe that I'm personally getting spiritually prepared for it all by : repenting of my sins, living in holiness, fasting, witnessing to others and abiding in the WORD of GOD as never before and of course by 'Watching and Praying' to be found worthy to "ESCAPE" the coming 21 judgements of GOD upon an unrepentant planet !!! ( Luke 21 : 36 )
I do not know the exact day nor the hour of the end 'BUT' I do know of 70 indisputable reasons ( The 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel *) of why Satan and every single Fallen Angel knows that their time reigning over this fallen planet is quickly coming to an end !!! - Spiritual observation of Mario Romano*
Today, on this May 14 of 2018, the State of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary and while most of the people of this planet may be indifferent or just plain ignorant about it's full significance; this student of Bible Prophecy fully acknowledges its EPIC significance. Our LORD Jesus Christ reprimanded the religious elite of his day for not understanding nor interpreting correctly the 'signs of the times' in which they were all living in and of being oblivious to the greatest of these : His first coming !!! ( Luke 12 : 56 ) Today on this 14 of May of 2018, the descendants of millions of Jews who miraculously survived : global persecution, near annihilation and Adolph Hitler himself; as well as more than two millenia of a bloody and dark human history; celebrate against all odds and against thee very unholy forces of the Prince of Darkness : Satan and all the global persecution that he has inpspired against them !!! The PROMISE of GOD ALMIGHTY has been fulfilled to the very letter; GOD did not forsake His original chosen people ( the Jews *) forever !!! ( Isaiah 66 : 8, Ezekiel 11 : 17, Zephaniah 3 : 20 ...)
The blunt truth of it all is that the Jews have outsurvived the ancient : Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans and everything and everyone else that Satan has thrown at them including the Vatican during the unholy inquisitions; neither the BDS movement, the Palestinian uprising nor the Prince of Persia shall prosper against it forever; for it is necessary for 'ALL' the : People's, Nations and King's of this planet who stand against Israel to also taste of the wrath of thee HOLY GOD of ISRAEL; there is justice in this Universe and GOD will 'NOT' allow any of Israel's enemies to prosper forever !!!
This insignificant and unworthy servant of JESUS CHRIST RESURRECTED is very thankful to be allowed by GOD ALMIGHTY to be among a few students of Bible Prophecy to be chosen in this 'Final Generation' to witness EVENTS that Prophets such as : Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel as well as other Old Testament Prophets never had the opportunity to witness in their lifetime; ( Luke 10:24 ) even the Prophet Daniel did "NOT" fully comprehend the visions that he was to to write down and seal up; Mario Romano is very thankful that GOD trusts me with this ministry that now reaches all of : Central America, South America, North America and over 90+ other countries that visit us !!! The 4 Beasts that Daniel saw in dreams and visions we believe are being interpreted correctly by this vessel of GOD in this humble website; as well as its most likely 'Little Horn' as of this May of 2018, should Jesus Christ rapture His chosen within this decade !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy and this humble website are no flukes ( product of sheer random luck ) the truth ( of which the Holy Spirit fully knows of*) is that this GOD fearing believer has literally invested 1,000's + of hours of : research, prayer and fasting through some 20+ years to get to this epic moment in world history. Although you may never see me on Youtube nor on any Bible Prophecy Conference, the important thing to me is that GOD my Creator and Redeemer knows and approves of this ministry. "IF" GOD one day wants to promote this His servant i'm available. ( In the meantime i plan to be faithful in this ONE thing that i believe GOD has entrusted me with*) This imperfect vessel of GOD just wants to give it his all with the one thing that I believe that HE has entrusted me with to in this moment in human history on this planet and I long to hear 'Well Done Good and Faithful Servant' when all is said and done !!!
As this student of world history and Bible Prophecy meditates upon all the 90+ human generations that have preceded us since Adam and Eve and contemplate upon the rise and fall of virtually all of the Empires that have preceded us all; I stand in awe that it all comes down to us this 'Final Generation' that is being privileged to witness the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel and the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy and Theology wants to make it perfectly clear ( if you still seem clueless about it all*) that the ONLY reason why : you, me and 6.5+ billion other human beings are still breathing oxygen and are alive on this 'Terra Firma' is solely because GOD ALMIGHTY sovereignly alloted some 6-7 thousand years for human history to run its course so that the divine plans of GOD ALMIGHTY be completed both for Israel; its Jews and the Gentiles. ( Revelation 10 : 7 )
The fate and destiny of this entire planet and its over 190+ countries and over 6.5+ billion human beings is literally directly interconnected with the very destiny of Israel !!! For half of my life I knew nothing about Bible Prophecy and of the plight of the Jewish people; it was only years after I became a born again Christian and studied the Holy Bible and its Prophecies that I came to understand that GOD through the Prophet Daniel revealed to us all that human history and especially Jewish/Hebrew history has a very clear ending point decreed by GOD ALMIGHTY. ( 70 Weeks are Decreed to your people and the Holy City... Daniel 9 : 24 ) In other words; we definitely do "NOT" have another 100 years of human governments !!!
If you have read and studied the Old Testament you are very well aware that the ancient Kingdom of Judah was itself born of war. The ancient Hebrews/Israelites had to literally fight a motley crew of violent enemies such as the : Giants, Philistines, Amalekites, Canaanites, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Midianites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and the Romans just to name a few !!! If you've observed the latest news you are well aware that Israel's enemies continue to grow to this day. While there are some 40+ Islamic countries on planet earth with Islamic Capitals 'MOST' Islamic nations are vehemently opposed to the very existence of one Jewish nation and its official capital : Jerusalem !!!
According to Bible Prophecy 'MOST' nations on earth will turn against Israel during the Tribulation period 'NO' thanks in part to the diabolical Global PR stunt that the final endtimes Adolph Hitler ( Little Horn ) will perpetrate against the final generation of Jews. This 'NEUTRAL' student of world history and of the Middle East acknowledges that the State of Israel has the right to exist virtually "NO" nation has the right to condemn Israel's existence; as we study the history of Western nations and even those of Islamic countries we find them fighting for their very right to exist against Imperial/ Colonial powers as well as by numerous civil wars against themselves; the history of virtually most modern nations are full of : bloodshed, death and destruction !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of yours and of GOD fully understands that this planet and its corrupt and unholy governments have an expiration date; GOD is "NOT" going to allow human history to continue forever. Just this month a New York columnist asked his readers to imagine how the United States will look like in 10,000 years from now !!! When I read it, I felt pity for him because these United States is barely 240+ years and trillions of dollars in debt and neither the FED nor American Bankers, Stockbrokers nor any Financial Gurus show any real concern in directly addressing this epic challenge. You and I know that according to the Biblical endtimes scenario the United States will "NOT" be the world's last 'SUPER POWER' !!!
With all of his imperfections this student of Bible Prophecy commends the actions of U.S. President Donald Trump; sure Mr. Trump is no saint ( According to the scriptures David and Solomon slept with 'MANY' women / concubines : II Samuel 16 : 22 *) 'BUT' at least he's 'NOT' on GOD's enemy list !!! By this I am not justifying Mr. Trump's sexual sins; the truth is that all men eventually do pay for each and every hidden sin*)
As a student of world history this servant of yours has read numerous books and articles both : PRO and CON; concerning Israel's modern Independence in 1948; it is truly a MIRACLE that the Jewish people somehow managed to live and escape global persecution by some of the major world powers ( Spain Inquisitions, Russia Pogroms, Nazi Holocaust, Romans Destruction of Jerusalem, Slavery in Egypt, Babylonian Captivity etc...) So when this student of world history studies and considers the conflict between modern Israel/ its Jews and the 'Palestinian People' it is obvious that Satan has an almost endless number of volunteers to do his bidding.
If you have been reading our articles you are well aware that Israel's greatest enemy of 'ALL' time is 'NOT' Islamic Armies; not even Russia and Putin to tell you the truth are prophesied to defeat Israel; Israel's greatest and final enemy will be an endtimes Western Power that is 'GUARANTEED' by the Biblical Prophecies to conquer most of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East just as the ancient Roman Empire the 4th Roman Beast of Daniel once did !!!
Mario Romano specializes in the final 4th Roman Beast and that Beast has 'NO' : Chinese blood, Islamic blood nor Russian blood !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is in awe that he knows more about Israel's enemies and most of their major future actions than even : Prime Minister Netanyahu, Mossad, Shin Beth as well as other Israeli intelligence agencies. In 'NO' way do I gloat about it, in fact this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to 'INFORM' both believers and unbelievers of what is coming !!!
Although it is true that most Jews living in the present and modern state of Israel on this May of 2018 are obviously not all practicing orthodox Jews; ( in fact the majority of Jews presently living in Israel are 'Traditional-Secular Jews' who do not really practice the faith of their fathers*) 'DESPITE' this truth; GOD still has divine plans with Israel and its Jews; GOD made promises to Abraham and to Moses concerning the Hebrew nation and HE is going to keep 'ALL' of His promises and make possible what to you and me may seen presently impossible and that is to spiritually open the eyes of 'One-Third' of the Jews and make them realize that Yeshua : Jesus Christ is the only true Messiah of Israel; GOD is going to use His 2 Witnesses and 144,000 Born Again Jews to make it all possible during the Tribulation period !!!
Yes, Israeli leaders have made various mistakes through these 70 years of Israel's existence 'BUT' "NO" neighboring people's nor countries are 'INNOCENT' before GOD the Creator of all. The truth of the matter is that the Islamic governments and Muslim leaders of : Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran just to name a few; have a terrible and bloody history of repressing and outright killing hundreds of thousands of its very own 'Islamic Brothers and Sisters' without Israel having anything to do with it all. This student of world history and human nature reminds everyone that Satan is most certainly behind the movement that is trying to brand Israel as an 'Apartheid State' the truth is that most if not all Islamic countries outrightly practice apartheid themselves; in Saudi Arabia it is no secret that Christianity and practicing Christians are outlawed, in Egypt, Syria and Iraq the vast majority of Christians have been horribly persecuted with little if any help from the 'Un-aparthied Practicing Islamic countries' that surround Israel !!!
This 14 of May of 2018, also marks the official opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. As a student of Bible Prophecy and Theology Mario Romano strongly believes that U.S. President Trump did the 'CORRECT' thing. The nations that bless Israel shall be blessed 'PERIOD.' Obviously some 90%+ of the rest of the world including the European's led by Macron where "NOT" supportive of Mr.Trump's choice 'BUT' all of this is leading the entire planet were the Biblical Prophecies guaranteed to us all in the first place !!! This student of International Relations understands that some of our European visitors just can't understand why President Trump seems to be 'Going Against the Flow of International Diplomacy' and be against the : Paris Climate Accord, the Iranian Nuclear deal and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem too !!! The truth is that GOD gave this planet an EXPIRATION DATE and we are all seriously running out of time, GOD once used a donkey to accomplish His sovereign will and HE is definitely using Mr. Trump to accomplish His sovereign will DESPITE the opinions of the vast majority of world leaders. Presently, the USA Armed Forces dominate ( Air, land , sea, Space*) most of this planet and neither : China, Russia nor even the EU and much less the Islamic nations like this REALITY; unfortunately the days of the US global hegemony have been counted and decreed by GOD; this student of Bible Prophecy sees the 'Handwriting on the Wall.' The day and hour is coming when America will be unable to help the State of Israel; so I commend all that we can do TODAY to bless Israel and its people in ANY way !!!
Unfortunately, numerous people will continue to die on both sides of the Israeli border for the ultimate destiny of Israel and its capital : Jerusalem. 'REMEMBER' this is a 'Spiritual War' there's more than meets the human eye at stake in this 'Spiritual Conflict' that has been going on for more than 2000+ years !!! The 'Blunt Truth' is that ancient Israel was born out of various battles and according to Prophets such as : Ezekiel, Zechariah and Daniel; the Battle of Armageddon will be fought in the the Valley of Jehoshephat in Israel !!! The Prophecies of Daniel 'Guarantee' that 'War will continue until the end' ( Daniel 9 : 26 ) As a human being created in the 'Image of GOD' it does sadden me that children and women will also continue to die in the clash between Palestinian's and Israeli forces 'BUT' this is nothing new, if you read the Old Testament you will find out that life and military conquest was even more brutal and deadly under the : Philistines, Assyrians and others who leveled and destroyed without mercy nor regarded any 'human rights' in war as we do today !!! The truth is that according to the Book of Revelation over 66%+ of the world's population will die during the Great Tribulation, we all live in a very violent world and the State of Israel and the Jewish people DO have the right to defend themselves against ANYONE who threatens to annihilate them as a people; be they : Palestinian's, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, AL Qaeda, Erdogan, Iranian Mullah's or other Islamic diabolical clowns who allow themselves to be directed by the Prince of Darkness : Satan !!!
Although U.S. President Donald Trump did not personally attend the opening of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem he did send his daughter Ivanka Trump. Most social networks disparaged Ivanka celebrating in Jerusalem amidst the Gaza violence The truth is that this entire planet is full of violence; in Nigeria African blacks are killing their fellow black brothers, in Syria Muslims are killing Muslims en masse ( Mr. Erdogan the great hypocrite of Turkey who still denies the Armenian Genocide had the audacity to claim that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza; while at the same time negating that his people killed over : 1,200,000+ million Armenians one century ago !!! ) and unfortunately all through South America and Brazil and Mexico violence has almost exploded exponentially so much so that the governments there can no longer rely on the local police forces to keep 'law and order' and both Brazil and Mexico have been forced to deploy their armed forces onto the streets of their major cities to counter the growing : Kidnappings, Sky-rising killings, Narco gangs and growing lawlessness throughout their borders !!! The important thing to ask ourselves and consider as students of Bible Prophecy is what the Biblical Prophecies have to state about Palestinians and the future of all Islamic countries and people's including the 'Palestinians' according to the Biblical Prophecies there are 'ONLY' two types of human beings in the eyes of GOD; those who curse Israel and those who bless Israel; PERIOD !!! If the 'Palestinian' people and especially their past leaders ( as well as the present leadership ) would have accepted all the concessions that the Israeli government offered Yasser Arafat in previous 'Peace Talks' the 'Palestinian people' would not be in the situation that they are in; let's be honest Muslims don't want Jews living in the Middle East and if they had their chance they would have annihilated as many Jews as they could; Israel has a right to exist just as much as 40+ Islamic countries who oppress their own Islamic brothers and sisters and try to use Israel as a 'Scapegoat' for most of their national failures !!! This student of Bible Prophecy commends 'ALL' the aid and support that President Trump is offering to Israel because you and I know that the day and hour is 'RAPIDLY' approaching when that will 'NO' longer be possible as the first unholy and deceptive rider on the first horse of Revelation 6 is 'UNLEASHED' and not just against Israel but also upon a very 'Spiritually Blind' world. This student of Theology reminds everyone that the first horseman of the Apocalypse really won't care about either : Muslims nor Jews; he has his own diabolical agenda for the Middle East and the rest of the unsuspecting world !!!
By : Mario Romano; although this servant of Jesus Christ is 'NOT' affiliated with other brothers and sisters in Christ who teach Bible Prophecy on other eschatological websites; it is the very 'Holy Spirit' that unites us all. While this student of Bible Prophecy may 'NOT' agree with what other 'Teachers and Students of Bible Prophecy' may be teaching we are all one in Christ. This student of Bible Prophecy grew up in the Catholic Church where Bible Prophecy was 'NEVER' taught and when he became a 'Born Again' believer his first Pastor usually only preached / teached on Bible Prophecy once a year !!! When I graduated from the University of California years ago I truly believed that my college education ( Political/ Military Degree*) would never be useful in any Church much less my local Church !!! Little did I know that GOD was preparing this vessel for something that in the flesh I could not perceive; TODAY on this 14 of May of 2018, this servant of Jesus Christ "KNOWS" why GOD put him here on planet earth in this moment in time !!! The forces of evil and wickedness better watch out; because this imperfect vessel of GOD has just had his EPIPHANY; 'YES' unfortunately it took him more than half his life to realize it 'BUT' at least he has fully realized why GOD put him 'here and now' on planet earth and you better believe that he is going to give it his all for the Honor and Glory of our CREATOR !!! This 'Little Light of Mine' i'm going to let it shine for the Honor and Glory of my redeemer : Jesus Christ !!! This servant of yours and of Jesus Christ humbly requests your prayers so that we may be led to all truth by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit in this Final Generation*
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