Monday, June 29, 2015

A MODERN GREEK TRAGEDY & THE FUTURE OF GREECE  has  been   stating  for  several  years  that  the  European  Union  has  "NOT"  been  Finalized  and  that  it  is  subject  to  future  "RESTRUCTURING."   The  collapse  of  the  Greek  economy   does  "NOT"  mean   that  Greece  will  be  kicked  out  of  the  European  Union  completely  and  forever,  the truth is that they  may  be  forced  to  abandon  the  "Euro Zone"  ( $ EURO  Currency )   but  not  the  European Union  altogether.

 There  are  EU  countries  that  are  EU  members  that  do  "NOT"   have  the  $ EURO  as  their  legal  currency  such  as  : England, Denmark and Poland.  Greece  has  signed  numerous  other  treaties  with  EU  member  nations  that  will  be  "Unaffected"  even  if  Greece  was  to  abandon  the  $ EURO  and  restart  printing   Drachmas  ( the old Greek  Currency *).

     According  to  various  'EU  Polls'  16  of  the  19  members  of  the  Eurozone  would  prefer  that  Greece   be  kicked  out  of  the  Eurozone.  While the  Greeks  celebrated  the  "NO"  victory  this weekend on the referendum,  the  dancing  in  the streets of Athens  quickly  vanished the following  day  as  some Greek Banks  closed  and  as Greek ATM's  imposed  even  stricter  and  lower  cash  withdrawals.  The truth is that the  Greek  referendum according to several experts  was  'useless'  and  in  fact  it  has  only  made things worse for Greece;  because  now  which  international investor  will  want to invest in Greece  ?  The blunt truth  is that  Greeks  are  in  for:  inflation, higher unemployment  and  less  government spending,  all  that  Mr.Tsipras  is  doing  is   delaying  the  inevitable  and  that  is  a  continuing  'Greek  Great  Recession'   for several years to come  !!!  

    What  every  student of Bible Prophecy should learn  from what is happening in Greece  is  what  this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  has  been  stating for several  years;  when the  present  Prime Minister of  Greece  was  elected he was  elected  out of  "DESPERATION"  and  like this servant  of yours  and of Christ  has been stating all  along  in 'desperate times' people  resort  to desperate   promise  makers.  The rise and election of the Greek left coalition under the  Syriza Party and  led by Mr. Tsipras;  lied to the Greeks just as the NAZI's lied to the German voters in the 1930's;  the Syriza Party which brought Tsipras to power  made promises  that  they  simply couldn't  keep  in  a world  dominated  by realpolitik  !!!  The Syriza party   won the  Greek elections  because they claimed to  be  able  to make  a   better  deal with the  international  creditors than their   predecessors and the truth of the matter  is that   they may end up  making things even  much, much worse  "IF"  the powerful  IMF, ECB and Angela Merkel  call  Mr. Tsipras and Mr.   Varoufakis  bluff  !!!

     Various  political  analysts  are   unsure  what  to  make  of  Mr. Tsipras   in all of this, some  say   he  is  a  'political  genius'  who  has  stood  up  to  the  'Top  EU  Guns'  and  yet  others  believe  he  is  just   an  'incompetent   and  naive  young  politician'  who  got  way  in  over  his  head;  it  is  my  'insignificant  opinion'  that  Mr. Tsipras  is  the  latter;  at  the  end  of  the  day  Greece  will  still  be  mired  in  foreign  debt  obligations,  with  25%   unemployment  and  a  very  stagnant  economy  and   I'm  pretty  sure  that  when  this  crisis  is  'temporarly   fixed'  Mr. Tsipras  is  going  to  claim  some  type  of  victory  even  though   not  much  has  changed  in  Greece  with  his  Syriza  Party !!!

    As  a  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  this  servant  of  GOD  ALMIGHTY  can't  help  but  marvel  at  what  has   become of  the previous  3  Beasts  Prophesied by Daniel.  ( How have the once mighty fallen*)  The 1st Beast  represented the Babylonian Empire  ( Mesopotamia )  and today  this region  is represented by  countries such as Iraq and Syria which are  presently plagued by  warfare  and  civil strife.  The  2nd  Beast  symbolized  the  Medo-Persian Empire   and  presently  is represented  by  Iran, Turkey and others  that have been  delegated as  3rd world  powers.  The 3rd Beast  representing the Greek Empire  and presently  personified by the nation of Greece  is presently on the verge  of modern bankruptcy.  The 4th Beast  in  fact  devoured all  the others during the times of the Roman Caesars  and   today  the modern Roman Empire  represented by the European Union   long ago devoured  the 3rd  Greek  Beast.  This  student  of  Bible  Prophecy knows  that  whatever  happens  to  :  Greece, the $EURO  and  the  Eurozone  this  coming  week will "NOT"  bring the total  end of  the  EU  experiment;  the  Biblical  Prophecies  "GUARANTEE"  that the final  4th  Beast  will  ultimately  end  dominating  the world during the final  endtimes
( Daniel  7 : 23 )  Yes, the  Eurozone and the European Union will  be  "Shakened" to their  very foundations by coming  Prophesied : wars, natural  cataclysyms  and  coming  economic meltdowns  "BUT"  GOD  ALMIGHTY  who  controls  human  history   has  set  it  up  all  so  that the  final  10  King's  of  Revelation  rise up  from around the Mediterranean  and "NOT"  from China, Russia  nor  America.

    This  student  of  Bible  Prophecy    reminds everyone  that  despite  all the   challenges  that  seem  to  be  coming to the shores of the European Union, the  fact remains  that  EU  continues to be the 'largest economic trading block' in this world  and  via  NATO  the  largest  military  alliance  on  planet  Earth.

     Former  French  President  Nicolas  Sarkozy;  for  his  part  called  Mr.Tsipras  an irresponsible  leader,   according to Mr. Sarkozy  "The question  now  at  hand  is not about how to save Greece, but  about how to save the Eurozone."   This  crisis  according to Sarkozy could  begin  the  rupture of the entire  Eurozone  should  it  be   left  at the hands of   'inexperienced  players'  who  fail to  see all the  possible  ramnifications of  the  Eurozone rupturing  because  of  a  Grexit  !   Allowing  Greece  to  sink  may  cause  a  'domino effect' that could   spread  to  other  struggling  Eurozone countries  such as :  Spain, Portugal and Ireland.

   Whatever  transpires  this  coming  week,  Greece  will  continue  to  be  a  member of : NATO  and  the  Schengen Treaty ( Agreement )  as  well  as  various  other  regional  European  Treaties.  What  the  collapse  of  the  Greek  Economy  means  is  that  the  Greeks  are  in  for  even  more  hard  times;  "BUT"  they  will  survive,  the  truth  is  that  most  of  the  countries  of  this  planet  are  in  even  worse  shape  than  Greece  !!!   I  remember  as  a  kid  when  the  Peso  Collapsed  in  Mexico  and  most  people  who  had  stashed  their  riches  in  Banks  lost  most  of  their  savings  in  Mexican  Banks. The same  has happened  in  Argentina  "Twice" in  the past  20  years and hey  in  Zimbabwe in 2008,  hyperinflation peaked at 29 Billion Percent !!!  and  the  Zimbabweans   still  somehow  managed  to  keep  on  living  by  embracing  a  very  creative  bartering  economy  !!!

      Mr.Tsipras  addressed  the  Greek  people  on  national  T.V. this weekend promising them  that their bank deposits were safe and to remain calm,  "BUT"  most   Greeks  didn't  believe  most  of  the words  that  came out of  the  mouth of  their  'young, naive and inexperienced  leader' and most of them  continued  to run  to their closest  ATM even as Mr. Tsipras  kept on  talking on national T.V ! Greek  leaders   hope  that they can   accomplish what  happened  in  Cyprus two years ago, but the truth of the matter is that   Greece  isn't  Cyprus and  this  is  not  2013.

     What  this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  does  believe  that  will  come  out  of  this  Greek  Crisis  and  showdown  will  be   the  implementation  of  new  economic  powers  and  institutions  in  the  Euro Zone  that  will  in  the  future   give  way  for  the  end times  Mark of the Beast  !!!  The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (  ECB , IMF )  are  the key players here. Some very powerful  EU players are  bent on stopping  Mr.Tsipras  at  all costs  because  they perceive him as  'not  fully  being able to  grasp the full picture'  of what could happen if  a "GREXIT" should  occur,  the  "Big Guns"  of the EU  fear  an  economic  contagion,  spread  by fear  that  could  devaluate  the $EURO  at  the expense  of  a  small  Greek  economic crisis.

    Macedonia, now modern  Greece  after  all  produced  the  3rd  Beast   Prophesied  by  Daniel. Greece  geographically  speaking  isn't  going  anywhere, for   it  will  continue  to  be  directly  and  indirectly  a  part  of  the  European  Union ( European Continent ), sure some  Greeks  are  going to be "Inconvenienced"  by  receiving a smaller  pension  check  and  higher  taxes  as well as  deep  cuts  in  several  government  programs,  but  I  can  think  of  numerous  other  countries  in  Asia, Africa  and  South America  that  are  in even  worse economic shape than Greece  and  somehow  life still  goes  on  !!!

     Before the current  leader of Greece  was  elected  ( Tsipras )  Greece  was  already  long  in  an  economic  mess;  what  Tsipras  has  brought  and  demonstrated  in the ongoing  talks  is  "INEXPERIENCE."  His  political  brinkmanship   has  gone  further than  anyone  believed  was  possible  and  he  has  in  the  process   "ENRAGED"  the  big  guns  of  the  Eurozone.  Tsipras  is  "NOT"  the  "Little  Horn."   Students  of  Bible  Prophecy  know  and  understand  that  the  final  Ten  King's  of  the  Book  of  Revelation  "CANNOT"  rise  to  power   yet;  according  to  the  chronology  of  the  Book  of  Revelation  the  10  King's  rise  to  power  for  one  hour  ( 42 months -  3 and a half years *)  what  is  taking  place  in  Greece  is  "NOT"  the  seminal  event  that  will  forever  change  the  European  Union;  according  to  the  Biblical  Prophecies  "WAR"  is  coming !

     Even  as  the  Greek  Crisis  continues,  so  does  the  European  Union's  and  NATO  military  buildup  along   Eastern  Europe's  borders  and  if  that  wasn't  enough  to  worry  about  the  EU  leadership  knows  that  Islamic  Terrorism  will  be  a  force  that  they  will  ultimately  have  to  confront  'head  on'  as  Islamic  terrorist  attacks  continue  in  France.  All  of  these  challenges  will  force  the  European  Union  in  the  future  to  adopt  a  very  "AGRESSIVE"   Foreign  Policy  in  the  future;  it  will  all  ultimately  come  to  "Securing  Energy  Sources"  as  war  breaks  out  in  and  around  the  Mediterranean  !    has  interpreted  the  4  Horsemen  of  the  Apocalypse  as  the  product  of  a  world  at  war,  call  it  World  War  III.  What  is  transpiring in Greece  is  just  one of several other events   that  will  eventually   bring  about  the   ultimate  rise  of  the  10  Horned  Beast  guaranteed  in  the  Book  of  Revelation  in  the  future.  EUinProphecy   interprets  the  Biblical  Prophecies  as  guaranteeing  economic  collapse  not  just  in  Greece  or  in  the  Eurozone  but  eventually  also   in  the  : USA, Russia  and  China  in  the  future.  The  Book  of  Revelation  guarantees  coming  global  economic  collapse  and  what  is  happening  presently  in  the  EU  is  just  the  beginning;  the  blunt  truth  is  that  the  United  States  has  accumulated  so  much  debt  that  it  is  long  past  being  "Payable"  and  the  truth of the matter is that  the true debt of the USA is even bigger that they officially  state  it  because  the  government  always  finds  creative  ways  to  lie  to  the  American  people.

     The  modern  state  of  Greece  is  a  "tragedy"  in  that  they  ( the Greeks  themselves )  failed  a  long  time  ago  to  diversify  their  economy, Japan and Germany sure didn't make this mistake. The present leader of  Greece  Mr. Tsipras in my personal opinion   is  a  "NAIVE"  politician  who  got  in  way  over  his  head  and  who  made  promises   to  the  Greek  voters  that  he  couldn't  have  possibly  ever  kept  !!!  Most  Greeks  for many decades  enjoyed  comfortable  government  programs  that  were  in  fact  financed  with  their  own  future; the debts have now piled up and the "Day of  Reckoning" is here  and now  most  Greeks  are  left  holding  'the bag full  of  debts'  that past   politicians  ramped  up to win voters in the past  !!!

    The  Biblical  Prophecies  guarantee  that  the  final  endtimes  Empire  that will   dominate  most of the world  in the future  will  arise  out  of  what  once  was  the  ancient  Roman  Empire  and  more  specifically  the  Biblical  Prophecies   affirm  that  such  an  Empire  will  be  led  by  10  King's  who  in  turn  will   elect  to  give  all  their  powers  to  one  amongst  them  an  "Eleventh  Little  Horn"  for  one  hour  ( 42  months )  what  is  happening in Greece  will  help to speed  up  all  this  process  even  more  !!!

    As  a  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  all  this  tells  me  that  there  is  an  acceleration  taking place,  the  endtimes  "Little  Horn"  is  alive  somewhere  on  Planet  earth   and is just waiting in the wings; the Biblical  Prophecies guarantee  that his rise to power  will  be  subtle  and  "Peaceful"  at  first "BUT"  then  he  will  show  his  true  colors  in the end.  What  Mr.Tsipras  doesn't  understand  or wants  to  ignore  altogether  is  the golden  rule of economics  :   "He who owns the gold makes the rules  !!!"  Mr. Tsipras   wants  to  be  seen  as  the  victor  who stared down the ECB and the IMF and other Big EU  Guns  "BUT"  if  he  fails  Greece  is  in  for  even  harsher  times  for  it  already has  25%  unemployment  and  the  economy has  been  stagnant for many years now !!!  A "Grexit" does  "NOT"  mean  that  the  Prophecy  of  the  3  Horns  being  uprooted  is  about  to  take place,  for  we  are  "NOT"  yet  there,  I  state this because some  irresponsible Prophecy Teachers  are  teaching  this  when  in  fact  it  is  not  time  yet  ***

By:  Mario  Romano,   Mario  is  a  student  of  European  Political  Systems  and  Mediterranean  Geopolitics.  Mario  believes  that  every  single  Prophecy  found  throughout the  HOLY  BIBLE  will  be  fulfilled   to  the  letter  !!!    The  end  is  "NOT"  yet;  these things  must  first  happen,  but  what the  Greek   Financial  Crisis  does  tell  us  of   is that such an event  will  eventually   spread  to  all  the  world  in  the  future : A global  Economic Collapse as  guaranteed  in  Revelation  18:17  but  even  before Revelation 18  there is Revelation  6 : 6 !

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


According  to  some  of  the  Wikileaks  now being  divulged and  hitting  the  world  media  at the expense  and embarrasment of the US intelligence community,  on  June 7, 2011  while  Sarkozy  was  in  office;  he  was determined  to  go  forward  with  the  Mideast Peace  talks between  Israel and the Palestinians  "DESPITE"  the ongoing "Quartet's"       (  UN, USA,  RUSSIA  and the EU   )  efforts, Sarkozy  felt  that  the other Quartet  members  would  dominate the talks  at  his  expense.  Ladies  and  gentlemen  according to the Biblical Prophecies  the time is coming when the : UN, the USA, Russia and even the  EU  will  be  eclipsed  by the  diplomatic  genius  of  one  individual  who  is  destined  and guaranteed  by the Prophecies of the Bible to  "Confirm the Covenant with the Many"  and  it clearly  states  "He  shall  confirm..."  (  one  individual;  and  not   an amalgamation of supranational world  powers  !!! )   Daniel 9 : 27  ...In  2011  Sarkozy  was  unsuccessful  in  mediating  the Middle East  Peace  Process,  will  he  try  it again  in  the future ?

Years   ago,   when  Nicolas   Sarkozy   lost  the  French  Presidential  elections  to  Hollande  many   political  analysts  believed  that, that  would  be  the  end  of  Sarkoz'y  political  career;  but   this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   knew  better  and  didn't  quite   buy  it.  If  you  have  been   following  this  website  for  the past  several  years    you  know  that  we  have  been  following  the  rise  of  Mr.Sarkozy   for  many  years;  even  before  he  won  his  first  French  Presidential  election !!!  As  a  GOD  fearing  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   this  'European  Political  figure'   caught  my  personal  attention  over  9  years  ago;  simply  because  of  all  the  things  that he  was  getting  done  all  over  the  Mediterranean.  Sarkozy,  if  you  didn't  know;  initiated   the  Mediterranean  Union  which  is  still  in  existence;  although  in  a  'somewhat  dormant  political  like  state'  (  and  which  has the  potential  to  play  a key  endtimes  role  *)  and  most  important  of  all;  Sarkozy   has  been  very  active   with  Israel : past, present  and  also very  likely  in  the  future.   "IF"   Sarkozy   manages  to  win  the  2017  French  Presidency   against  so  many  odds;  as   students  of  Bible  Prophecy   I  think   you  and  I  know  what   will   come  next; especially  if  the  'birth  pangs'  mentioned  in the  Biblical  Prophecies  increase in intensity  and  even  more  war  breaks  out  in  the  future; especially  if   Russia's  Putin  makes  major  military  moves  in  the  Middle  East  and  in  the  Ukraine; then  be  assured  that   the  'Little  Horn'  is  somewhere  waiting  in  the  wings   !!!

     The  possibility  of  "You  Know  Who"  becoming  President  of  France  in  2017  is  "NOT"  impossible.  Given the fact  that  Putin  could  very  well  end  up  being  the  'Prince of Rosh' at the age of  62+  and  the  fact  that  Israel's  Netanyahu  is  65  years  old  and  Sarkozy  being  60;  makes  all  this  more  and  more  interesting; especially  given  the  fact  that  all  of  these  key  players  are  very  healthy  and  ambitious  !!!   Things  are  getting  very,  very  interesting  and  'You  Know  Who"  keeps  rising  back  to  power   and  relevance  !!!

     This  servant  of  Jesus  Christ  and  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  has  been  studying  the  Biblical  Prophecies  of  the  Holy  Bible;  now  for  over  20+  years  and  I'm  still  learning  and  I'm  even  more  excited  than  ever   of  the  promise  of  the  soon  return  of  our  LORD  Jesus  Christ  !!!  Currently  there  are  over  24+  different  'time  zones'  alone  on  planet  Earth  and  without  any  exaggeration  we  now  know  that  there  are  literally  billions+  of  different  'time  zones'  in  this  Universe  that  we  physically  inhabit.  Our  GOD  ALMIGHTY  operates  outside  of  "ALL"  of these  time  constraints  and   as  a  believer  and  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  I'm  in  "AWE"  at  Jesus  Christ  who  is  the  very  WORD  of  the  Living  GOD  who  created   it  "ALL."  Truly,  GOD  ALMIGHTY   is  already  operating  millions  of  years  into  the  future  in  what  we  here  call  Earth  years;  for He  knows  the  end  from the beginning   !!!  HOLY  FATHER,  thank  you,  thank  you  and  thank  you  for   allowing  this  insignificant  servant  of  yours  this  great  privilege  of   being  a  "Watchman"  and  a  fellow   servant  to  all  of  those  who  yearn  for  your  soon  return  !!!

     As  a  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  this  servant  of  Jesus  Christ  has  learned  that  GOD  ALMIGHTY   'Always,  always  and  always'  finishes  what  He  started;  GOD  didn't  abandoned  this  creation  nor  did  He  leave  us  at  the  mercy  of  Satan  and  his  twisted unholy  demons  and  fallen  Angeles;  GOD  in  His  Omnipresence  foresaw  everything  and  that is  why  the  Lamb  of  GOD  was  slain   even before  the very  foundation of  this  world  !!!
(  Revelation  13  :  8  )  GOD  is  operating  in  'Eternity  Future'  because  He  is  the  future; the  Alpha  and  the  Omega  !!!

     While   it  is  true  that  only  GOD  the  FATHER  knows  when  exactly  the  final   week  of  Daniel  will  begin  (  and  all  the  Prophetic  events  that  will  precede  it  and  accompany  it  )  Satan  does  "NOT"  and  Satan  grooms  individuals  in  all  generations  just  in  case  ( the Bible  states  that  there  have  been  many  AC's    1  John  2 : 18  )   above  all  is  merely   following  the  rise  of   a  very  few  of  EU  Political   animals  who  have  the  'ambition  and  the  potential'   to  fulfill   the  Biblical  Prophecies  of  Daniel  and  Revelation*

      When  Adolph  Hitler  and  Stalin  were  rising  to  power  they  sure  weren't  very  popular  at  first,  various  events  took  place  amidst  their  rise  that  allowed  them  to  'seize  and  exploit'  the  moment  at  hand  and  eventually  "NO"  one  was  able  to  stop  them  once  they  seize  absolute  power.  The  case  with  the  future  'Little  Horn'  whomever  he  turns  out  to  be  will  be  no  different  in  that  he  will  have  to   manipulate, exploit  and  seize   the  moment  when  great  upcoming : political, economical  and  military  changes  force Europeans  to  accept  and  make  great  changes  in  order  to  guarantee  their  future  welfare;  as  the  EU  that  they  all  know  around   them  will  seem  to  be  turned  'upside  down'   with  the  upcoming  future  conflicts  guaranteed  by  the  Prophecies  of  Revelation  !!!  People  make  desperate  decisions  when  faced  with  desperate   situations  !!!

      Talking  about  the  2017  French  Presidential  elections;  the  French  political  parties  are  somewhat  very  predictable; the French  political  system  is   in  many  ways  similar  to  America's  in  that   the  French  really  don't  have  much  of  a  choice  in  who  to  vote  for. (  it's  like  having  a  choice  between   Coca  Cola  and  Pepsi*)  The  three  most  likely  runoff  candidates  for  the  2017  French  Presidency  include :  Marine  Le  Pen  representing  the  left; to tell  you  the  truth  she  doesn't  stand  a  chance  even  though  her  movement  and  party  are  getting  a  little  bit  more  and  more  popular.  The  next  most  viable  candidate  is  Juppe  who  is  turning  70  years  old  and   according  to  various  political  analysts  isn't  very  "exciting."   Unless  the  French  courts   indict  Sarkozy  on  past   election  incosistencies;   all  present  political  realities  indicate  that  Sarkozy  is  the  most  likely  front  runner  for  the  2017   French  Presidency  !!!  (  unless  a  new  French  political  party  takes  off, which  is  very  highly  unlikely  it  appears  that  the  French  will  have  to  vote  for  the  lesser  of  3  evils*  )  Hollande's  Socialists  for  their  part  are  hurting  at  the  polls  and  don't  stand  much of any chance for   victory   at  the  2017  elections.  Like  I've  stated  in  the  past   "ANYTHING"   can  happen  in  France  and  on  planet  Earth  between  now  and  the  2017  French  elections  that  may   re-arrange   the  political   environment  in  France.

    As  a  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  all  this  sends  chills  down  my  spine;  it  concerns   this  servant  of  Jesus  Christ   that  i'm  virtually  the  only   endtimes  watchman  website  reporting  on  the  "RE-RISE"   of  Nicolas  Sarkozy  !!!   Sarkozy  kind  of  reminds  me  of   a  'guided  missile'  who   everyone   counted  out as a  dud;  "BUT"   who in  reality  never  self  destructed  and  who is  coming  back  stronger  than  ever  to the surprise of  many  !!!   Meanwhile, Sarkozy  is  set  to  visit  Israel  this  week  and  meet  with  Netanyahu,  Sarkozy  no  doubt  has  lots  of  plans  for  his  comeback  and  you  better  believe  that   Israel  and  the  'Middle  East  Peace  Process'  is  on  top  of  his   list  !!!

       Many  underestimated  Sarkozy  when  he  set  out  to  revamp  the  French  UMP  party  which  was  on  the  verge  of  bankruptcy;  just  months  after  Sarkozy  took  helm  of  the  UMP  Party  he  has  even  recently  succeeded  with  80%  of  the  vote  to  rename  the  party  to  'The  Republicains.'  While  the  French  elections   are  still  kind  of  far  off  till  2017,   Sarkozy  keeps  consolidating  more  and  more  influence  and  followers  and  even  though  according to some French  polls  he  is  a very  devisive  public figure, the French who like support  him  do  so  because  he   gets  things  done.

      In  other   news,  Greece  is  headed  for   hard  times  and  at  the  same  time  the  British  keep  threatening  to  pull  out  of  the  European  Union.  As  this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  studies  all  of  these  events  in  depth  and  all  of  the  'growing  pains'  of  the  EU  at  the  same  time  that  Sarkozy  is  about  to  launch  his  Presidential  bid  for  the  2017  French  Presidency,  I   see  the  'perfect  storm'  arising    far  in  the  horizon  that   could  solidify  Sarkozy's  rise  to  power  once  again.  The  truth  is  that   : Germany, France  and  Italy   are  the  "MAIN"   three  horns  to  watch  given  the  fact  that  the  main  Eurozone  Bank  is  located  in  Germany  and  given  the  fact  that  France  has  the  largest  military  machine  of  any  Eurozone  member  and  Italy   for  it's  part  is  the  direct  geographic  descendent  of  the  Roman  Empire   and  if  that  wasn't  enough  'Rome' : the  heart  and  capital  of  Italy  is  also  home  to  the   'Woman  who  will  Ride  the  Beast'  mentioned  in  Revelation  17   !!!

     This  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   writes  this  with  all  the  fear  of  an  ALMIGHTY  GOD  in  mind.  Most  of  the  world  and  unfortunately  a  large  part  of  the  Church   isn't  following  what's  happening  behind  the   curtains  of  power  but  you  and  I  know  better;  GOD  guarantees  time  and  time  again  from  'Genesis  to  Revelation'  that  this  creation  was  given  only  a  specified  allotted  time   and  then  the  end  shall  come;  I  hope  and  pray  that  you  haven't   sipped  the  'Kool  Aid'  that  the  enemy  of  our  soul  would  like  us  all  to  consume;  for  we  were  "NOT"  put  on  planet  Earth  to   live  for  mere  fleshly  consumption  and  to  accumulate  'THINGS"  we  were  created  to  have  direct  communion  with  our  CREATOR  GOD   !!!  We  were  created  on  planet  Earth  in  preparation   for  Eternity;  this  'temporary  planet'  is  only  like  a  'testing  ground'  and  you  and  I  were   also  given  'temporary  bodies'  if  we  "OVERCOME"  we  are  promised  by  GOD  ALMIGHTY;  who cannot  lie  that  we  shall  inherit  all  things;  so let's  get  our  priorities  right !!!

        Let  me  put  everything  in  perspective;  we  have  an  Iran  who  is  doing  everything  to  complete  its'  first  nuclear   bomb,  we  have  an  ever  increasing  bold  Russian  leader  in Putin  and  we  have   an  ever  increasing  Islamic  threat;  that  even  after  11+  years  warring  against  it  in  Afghanistan, Iraq  and  other  places   appears  to  have  no  end  in  sight.  At  the  same  time  we  have  Sarkozy  "RE-RISING"  once  again  into  power  with  the  largest  nuclear  power  of  all  of  the  Eurozone  ( France has the largest nuclear arsenal and battleships and  nuclear submarines  of all  the  Eurozone members  )  now   you  tell  me  who  will  be  the  most  likely  to  'Confirm  the  Covenant  with  the  Many'  in  the  future  should  'you  know  who  wins  in  2017 ?'

       The  pre-tribulation   signs  and  the  ever  increasing  birth  pangs  are  rising  in  both  frequency  and  intensity  and  as  this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  studies  the  Book  of  Revelation  i'm  ever  reminded  that   we  are  indeed  the  'Final  Generation'  because   we  don't  get  to   colonize  the  Universe  in  this  corrupt  body;  in  the  Book  of  Revelation;  the  King's  of  the  world  will  be  hiding  in  the  mountains  and   the  commercial  ships  and  navies  of  the  world  shall  be  destroyed   ( Revelation  8 : 9  &  18 : 17  )  these   Prophecies  guarantee  to  me  that  we  are  all  seriously  running  out  of  time  and  we  will  "NOT"  be  given  the  time  nor  the  opportunity  to  conquer the  rest of  space  as  some   movies  and  science  fictions  would  lead  some to  believe !

      As  a  political  scientist  and  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  I  acknowledge  that  numerous  great  changes   are  in  store  for  the  European  Union  and  the  entire  world.  It  is  very  possible  that  a  new  political  party  and  movement  like  the  NAZI's  will rise  once  again  to  power  in  the  future  as  'desperate  times'  make  people   to  support   'pied  pipers'   and other questionable   rising  leaders.  and  this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   remain  "OPEN"  on  numerous  other  scenarios   that  could  very  well  possibly  allow   someone  with  the  likes  of  Adolf  Hitler  to  once  again  rise  to  power  in  the  European  Continent.

      This  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  does  "NOT"  claim  to  know   who  the  "Little  Horn"  will  ultimately  end  up  being   "BUT"  what   this  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   does  claim  is  that  as  a  "Watchman"   no  one  can  deny  that  i'm  not  asleep   at  the  'Watchman's  Gate'   at  such  an  hour  as  this;  the  HOLY   SPIRIT  knows  that  for  the  past  15+  years    we  have  been  "INFORMING"  the  Body  of  Christ  to  the  best  of  our  abilities  on   the  development   of   what  will  ultimately  produce  the  second  phase  of  the  4th  and  final  Roman  Beast  guaranteed  to  rise  to  power  during  the  final   days  by  both  the  Book  of  Daniel  and  the  Book  of  Revelation.   is  on  "WATCH"  for  the  2nd  Coming  of  Jesus  Christ  and  yes  i'm  very,  very  excited   !!!

       Events  and  wars  are   coming  that  will  turn  this  planet  upside  down  and  which  will  reshape  and  shake   most  of  this  planet's   economic  systems.  This  student  of  Bible  Prophecy  has  diligently  studied  the  rise  of  previous  potential  "Little  Horns"  such  as  : Antiochus  Epiphanes,  Adolph  Hitler  and  others  and  i'm  learning  from  their  rise  to  power  that  "NOT"  one  of  them   appeared  on  the  scene  overnight  or  by  sheer   accident  !!!

By  :  mario  romano,   a voluntary   bondservant  of  Jesus  Christ.  This  insignificant  servant  of  yours  and  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ   doesn't  know  how  many  Universes  GOD  also  created,  he  also  doesn't  know  how  long  eternity  has  been  going  on  long  since  before  Genesis  1;  "BUT"  what  I  do  know  with  certainty  is  that  GOD  ALMIGHTY  :  Thee  Creator  of  everything  that  has  ever  'been, is  and  will'  be  CANNOT  lie  and  that  is  why  i'm  here  trying  to  correctly  interpret  the  Prophecies  of  Daniel  and  Revelation   for  the  hour  is  coming  when  it  will  be  somewhat  too  late  for  too  many;  TODAY  is  the  hour  for  us  to  'Watch  and  Pray'  so  that  we  may  be  found  worthy  to  escape  all  the  horrors  and  judgements  that  are   coming  to   all  the  left  behind  inhabitants  of  planet  Earth*