Most students & teachers of Bible Prophecy agree and believe that we are the final generation; because we are the generation that has been a witness to the rebirth of the state of Israel after being in a global diaspora of over 1800+ years !!! Most theologians agree that since Adam and Eve until the present some 150-200 generations of human beings have been born on planet Earth. It is impossible for anyone to accurately pinpoint the exact number of generations because the average lifespan of human beings has varied greatly through the centuries depending on : warfare, diet and plagues of all sorts. ( 42 generations alone are mentioned in Matthew 1 : 17, from Abraham to the Messiah Jesus Christ * )
As this student of Bible Prophecy 'lets it all sink in' it is now becoming rather evident to him that it will "NOT" be the USA the one who will ultimately defeat the 'Islamic Jihadists' on this undeclared global war, but it will be the coming Little Horn ! ( Revelation 13 : 4 -7 ) You don't have to be into Bible Prophecy to sense that the Islamic Terrorism that is being : exported, supported & financed by several Middle East Islamic countries is drawing and pulling the rest of the world into the Middle East conflict little by little. There's only so much more Islamic Jihadism that Western countries will bare; we are the final generation spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 : 34, war is coming; Russia already did its part in halting a total ISIS victory in Syria and it is now no secret that France has commandos in Libya and elsewhere in the region. The war against Islamic Jihadists is now over 15+ years old and the total U.S. costs on the war on Terror has surpassed $ 2 Trillion dollars and even the U.S. military with all of its high-tech satellites and weaponry has been unable to totally cut off all the heads of this Islamic Terorrist beast !!!
When Adam and Eve fell these once eternal beings would become subject to a limited lifespan in a body that would from then on be subject to : numerous diseases, the painful process of aging and ultimate death. Satan for his part had been accustomed to existing in eternity, so GOD ALMIGHTY would encapsulate some 150-200 earthly human generations that would serve like a 'Mini-Eternity' in His sovereignty to demonstrate and sort of give everyone the benefit of the doubt once and for all to "ALL" those in the heavens and on Earth how it would be like to live in a Kingdom governed by Satan and his unholy spirit of rebellion. ( when anyone disobeys GOD and His eternal laws; GOD sometimes just lets you learn the hard way* When GOD is ultimately finished with Satan, this servant of GOD knows that "NO" other Archangel will ever, ever and ever want to initiate yet another rebellion or follow Satan's example if you know what i mean !!! ) We are not our GOD's experiment, on the contrary GOD foresaw in His Omniscience both the fall of Lucifer as well as the fall of man and that is why that 'The Lamb of GOD was slain before the foundation of the world !' GOD doesn't make mistakes and GOD not only has a monopoly in eternity "BUT" He also has a monopoly on the future of "ALL" His creations, it is GOD who writes and establishes the destiny and the ending of all of His creations !!! Everything was created by Him and for Him !!! GOD, manifested in Jesus Christ loves us all, if He didn't He would have long ago abandoned us and left us at the unholy mercy of Satan !!! Very truly, Satan is thee father of all lies; he promised one third of the Angels who fell with him things that he possibly couldn't fulfill and the tragedy is that billions of human beings who were created in the image of GOD down here on planet Earth are still falling for the same lies of Satan !!!
GOD in His sovereignty could have launched Satan and all of the fallen Angels immediately and directly into hell "BUT" GOD chose in His sovereignty to delay such a destiny and thus He created Adam and Eve on the same planet where Satan had been previously cast down to !!! This was an opportunity to demonstrate what could happen if GOD allowed : iniquity, wickedness sin, rebellion and Satan to infect and corrupt the rest of eternity and so, as this final human generation comes to a close; the Book of Revelation reveals to us that Satan will ultimately deceive the whole world when the 'Restrainer' is temporarily removed. ( Revelation 12 : 9 ) Satan unfortunately has managed to deceive and spiritually blind the vast majority of human souls that were born on planet Earth throughout all the centuries !!! All the evidence throughout human history on this planet prove that Satan and the fallen Angels are truly without salvation !!! Additionally, Satan and the fallen Angels show no remorse; on the contrary they seek to destroy as many human souls as possible; the rebellion that Satan initiated in heaven was perfected by Satan on planet Earth in this final generation !!! ( He ultimately manages to deceive the whole world ! ) Planet Earth is evidence to what could have transpired elsewhere in eternity and in the other heavens if Satan would not have been stopped !!! ( Revelation 12 : 9 ) ( there are 'many, many' things that have transpired in eternity past before Lucifer rebelled GOD in His sovereignty only reveals to us what is critical for us to know about our salvation in the Holy Scriptures*)
What have we learned in all of these generations ? We have learned that Satan : kills, steals and destroys all that is holy, righteous and good before GOD. ( just study what he did to Job and his family*) Satan has enslaved the vast majority of human beings 'generation after generation' he has used : false religions, false gods and the temporal vanities of this world to blind most of humanity from the truth of GOD our CREATOR and His good and eternal plans for us all !!! Satan was confined mainly to planet Earth, planet Earth is Satan's temporary 'Alcatraz' !!! Theologically speaking we do "NOT" know if Satan was limited only to planet Earth or to this entire solar system or the Milky Way Galaxy !!! If GOD allowed Satan access to all of the other Heavens and access to all those who dwell in them ( Revelation 12 : 12 ) you and I know all the havoc that he would export into all of GOD's other unfallen creations. In the Book of Job we learn that Satan has some limited access to the other Heaven ( Job 1 : 7 & Job 2 : 1 ) Like this student of Bible Prophecy has stated in the past "GOD didn't have to create us immediately right after the fall of Satan, nor did he had to create us in the very same planet where He had beforehand launched and imprisoned Satan and one third of the fallen Angels into. GOD in His Omniscience knew that Lucifer was going to rebel eventually; for 'even in His Angels does GOD not fully trust for they too are frail and fallible.' ( Job 4 : 18 ) Thee only perfect being in eternity who is perfect is : GOD ALMIGHTY !!! GOD makes no one to sin and He doesn't want robots in Heaven, if He wanted robots He could have easily created billions upon billions of them, GOD is populating eternity with Spirits who choose out of their freewill to abide in His WORD and who can witness firsthand that their is "NO" : joy, love nor hope in an eternity led by someone as Satan !!! GOD our Holy Creator is going to 'RECTIFY' all of the injustice in the end; Dr. Charles Stanley recently stated it perfectly in his weekly radio program : "The Holy Bible contains part of the truth of GOD, it contains all the truth we are responsible here on earth "BUT" it does not contain all the truth of Eternity Past, GOD only reveals to us what we need to know, one day in Eternity future we are going to be amazed at the rest of the truth of GOD Almighty; truly eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which GOD has prepared for those who love Him !!! ( 1 Corinthians 2 : 9 )
What most students and teachers of Bible Prophecy don't necessarily agree on is how long is a 'Biblical Generation.' "BUT" what we do agree on is that the events initiated on May 14, 1948 triggered the final countdown of this final generation in heaven !!! While not even the Angels in Heaven know the precise day and hour when GOD ALMIGHTY shall return for those who are watching and praying to be worthy to escape all the seals of Revelation you and I know very, very well that its getting very, very close !!!
Here is one example of what the Holy Bible states is a possible Biblical generation : "As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 'In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here'... ( Genesis 15 : 16 )
God said to Abraham that after 400 years He would deliver Israel, "...in the fourth generation". A generation in the Bible is normally 40 years. However, here a generation is 100 years (4 * 100 = 400 years). This is understood by virtue of the fact that Abraham had his promised child when he was exactly 100 years old (Genesis 21: 5 ); it is evident, therefore, that the age of a man when his first child is born is the raw definition of a generation.
Nevertheless, notice that the full number (400 years) is exactly ten-times that of a regular generation of 40 years. Both 100 years and 40 years are a generation in the Bible. However, the average of these two, 70 years, is on occasion also found in the bible, ( Psalm 90 :10 ). But "70 years" is a generation according to the average age of a man at his death, rather then when his first child is born (as with the example of Abraham).
40 + 100 = 140 years. 140 ÷ 2 = 70-years as a generation.
(Significantly, king David died at age 70, and reigned 40 years.)
What does this all mean or hint at, you might ask ? Israel became a nation once again in 1948 and we are seriously closing in on the 70 year mark. I'm not trying to set dates, but what this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to say is that if events continue to accelerate as they have been this year, then you and I should take notice and acknowledge that we are indeed getting ever closer to the final 70 week of Daniel !!! Those of the world are 'eating and drinking' and entertaining their fleshly desires as if there's no end in sight; but you and I know better !!!
What does this all mean or hint at, you might ask ? Israel became a nation once again in 1948 and we are seriously closing in on the 70 year mark. I'm not trying to set dates, but what this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to say is that if events continue to accelerate as they have been this year, then you and I should take notice and acknowledge that we are indeed getting ever closer to the final 70 week of Daniel !!! Those of the world are 'eating and drinking' and entertaining their fleshly desires as if there's no end in sight; but you and I know better !!!
In sum, a generation in the bible is primarily the age of a man when his first male child is born; but secondarily, the age of a man at his death. The bible then rounds the exact span of years in a "generation" to be 40 and 100 years as the primary usage, but on occasion, "70 years". And 70 is the average of 40 and 100, which allow the three timeframes to work in numeric harmony to produce the numeric symmetry found throughout the bible. The usage of the 100-year generation predominates in the bible prior to the time of Moses when men lived longer, but 40 years after Moses.
If you are a regular visitor to EUinProphecy.com you know that this student of Bible Prophecy was not and is "NOT" teaching about the 'Blood Moons.' As a student of Bible Prophecy i too have heard too many 'conspiratorial' theories that never materialized; remember the short live 'Bible Code' fad ? Nevertheless, as students of Bible Prophecy we are to 'retain the good and discard the bad' that's why we call ourselves students of Bible Prophecy we are all still learning and not one of us knows it all.
The Holy Scriptures gives us additional clues about the final generation; the rebirth of a modern day Roman Empire led by 10 also confirms to us how close we are to it all; for in the days of those 10 King's shall the GOD of Heaven set up a Kingdom, that shall never be destroyed !!! ( Daniel 2 : 44 ) Whatever you may or may not think of the modern day European Union; this student of Bible Prophecy has deconstructed the EU and has stated three facts about it as it relates directly to the 4th and final Beast and this includes the fact that : Italy is the geographic epicenter of ancient Rome, the EU is the modern day power of the Mediterranean the Roman Empire was a gentile pagan empire that was "NOT" Islamic nor led by Arabs !!! If you choose to believe that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be : 10 regions of the world, 10 martians, 10 world bankers or 10 Islamic nations then thats your prerogative "BUT" this student of Bible Prophecy knows that in most cases the Biblical Prophecies interpret themselves upon a closer study.
This student of Bible Prophecy in "NO" way knows how many more months or years exactly we still have before the final 7 year Tribulation period begins "BUT" we were warned by none other that our Lord Jesus Christ to 'Watch and Pray' that we may be found worthy to 'ESCAPE' all those things that will befall an unrepentant humanity of this final generation. ( Luke 21 : 36 )
In other news, the Brexit is now something that most people in the UK have come to regret, the two main Brexit leaders have reneged on their promises !!! The truth is that they didn't have a clue about what to do if they did win !!! both : Nigel Farage head of the UK Independence Party and Boris Johnson the former mayor of London, who was expected to be the next Prime Minister have embarrasedly reneged on their Brexit promises and have left the political spotlight altogether. A British newspaper summed it up perfectly : "These two fools started something that they didn't intend to finish." Meanwhile, the new Prime Minister of England : Theresa May has stated that she does not intend to initiate the Brexit this year, she and Merkel are working it out slowly; there is a small possibility that the Brexit may not ever happen; there is still a two-year window if article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is invoked, things could change, Merkel and Mrs. May could eventually work out something.
The country of Turkey for its part is witnessing the rise of its own 'Putin.' It is no secret that Erdogan wants to emulate what Putin has been doing for the past decade in Russia and that is to consolidate power at the expense of the judicial and military branches of government. Erdogan is purging : Universities, the Military, the Judiciary, Clerics, Civilian Policemen and political dissidents and while it is true that modern day Turkey was the geographic home of all of the 7 churches of Revelation; Turkey is "NOT" a nuclear power and is "NOT" destined according to the prophecies of the Holy Bible to conquer Israel nor the Middle East in the future. What the Turkish people will be getting in the future is a mini-totalitarian like the former leader of Libya : Gaddafi ( now dead, overthrown & killed*) and the former leader of Egypt Mubarak who had to step down because of the Egyptian Revolution demonstrations in 2011. Sadly, Turkey's Erdogan is learning nothing from history and truly absolute power corrupts absolutely !!!
Sarkozy recently stated that Turkey is "NOT" ever going to be admitted into the EU and it is no secret that Germany's Angela Merkel is financially incentivising the Turkish government to close their borders so that no more Syrian or Middle Eastern immigrants keep heading into the EU and specifically to Germany !!! Turkey's Erdogan recently apologized to Putin for shooting down a Russian plane during the Syrian conflict, presently Putin and Erdogan have become friends once again making the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 a possibility in our time !!! Turkey's Erdogan is "NOT" to be trusted he's pulling something up his sleeve, he even recently restored relations with Israel "BUT" senior Israeli officials know that Erdogan cannot ever be fully trusted, Erdogan's political party is deeply rooted in Islam and according to some Israeli governmental officials since Erdogan came to power : Israeli and Turkish relations have soured since 2002, when Erdogan came to power. Ever since then, Erdogan has shown authoritarian tendencies both domestically in Turkey and externally; abroad !
The country of France for its part has witnessed yet "ANOTHER" Islamic inspired Terrorist attack. If you have been visiting EUinProphecy.com you know that we have stated that Islamic Terrorist attacks will continue throughout the EU simply because they naively let in too many Islamic men into their countries 'legally & illegally' and the 'Instant Jihadist' is now a phenomenon that cannot be stopped until most of these Islamic men are expelled from European cities. EUinProphecy.com forecasts the : expatriation, expulsion and persecution of most European Muslims from all of the EU during the 7 year Tribulation period. Islam is never going to conquer the European mind, the truth is that most of the EU has rejected the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and embraced secular humanism and atheism, the horrible things that the Roman Catholic Church did to most European countries for many centuries have imprinted a negative perception of Christianity in general upon most Europeans; the Vatican's false gospel has blinded most European's to the true Gospel "BUT" GOD does have a small and true remnant of true bible believing born again believers in every European country !!! Additionally in France; there is a hint that the young and ambitious Emmanuel Macron the French Economy Minister is going to run for the French Presidency against his own boss : Francois Hollande !!! Additionally, just as France was about to lift the 'state of emergency' this new attack in Nice has forced them to extend the state of emergency yet again !!! Islamic terrorist attacks are forcing the EU little by little into a 'martial state' region, big brother laws are being passed accelerating in the process the need in the future for technology of the 666 mark that will serve to track among other things all financial transactions in the future EU-10.
This student of Bible Prophecy ends this article with a very prophetic statement uttered by Marine Le Pen of France's far right party ( National Front ) : "The Old Europe is dying but the New Europe is being born."
Satan does "NOT" know exactly when this final generation will end, "BUT" he does know that once he is thrown out of heaven completely and once and for all he will know then that his time here on Earth is at an end !!! ( Revelation 12 ) What this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to say is that Satan does "NOT" know exactly who will be the male body that he will perfectly possess during the great Tribulation, but what this inperfect student of Bible Prophecy does know is that when that moment happens Satan is going to zero in on a man who is perfectly positioned to command with a mighty military machine and who has real political power, so most of the Taxi drivers in Europe don't qualify, nor do all of the European women, nor does the rest of the non-European world; Satan is going to have to choose from only a handful of individuals and EUinProphecy.com understands this !!!
By : Mario Romano, this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't claim to know it all, the truth is that as he has been studying the Biblical Prophecies for the past 20+ years he is still learning so much from the eternal WORD of GOD. What we do know is that we most certainly do "NOT" have another 100 years, we also know that these United States are "NOT" going to be the final endtimes superpower and we also know that most of the Middle East nations that surrounds Israel are on fire and in a great : political, military and economic turmoil and that's not a good thing !!! The time is short, its not time to become a cynic or to become overwhelmed by the 'temporal' things that this corrupt world offers.
The Holy Scriptures gives us additional clues about the final generation; the rebirth of a modern day Roman Empire led by 10 also confirms to us how close we are to it all; for in the days of those 10 King's shall the GOD of Heaven set up a Kingdom, that shall never be destroyed !!! ( Daniel 2 : 44 ) Whatever you may or may not think of the modern day European Union; this student of Bible Prophecy has deconstructed the EU and has stated three facts about it as it relates directly to the 4th and final Beast and this includes the fact that : Italy is the geographic epicenter of ancient Rome, the EU is the modern day power of the Mediterranean the Roman Empire was a gentile pagan empire that was "NOT" Islamic nor led by Arabs !!! If you choose to believe that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be : 10 regions of the world, 10 martians, 10 world bankers or 10 Islamic nations then thats your prerogative "BUT" this student of Bible Prophecy knows that in most cases the Biblical Prophecies interpret themselves upon a closer study.
This student of Bible Prophecy in "NO" way knows how many more months or years exactly we still have before the final 7 year Tribulation period begins "BUT" we were warned by none other that our Lord Jesus Christ to 'Watch and Pray' that we may be found worthy to 'ESCAPE' all those things that will befall an unrepentant humanity of this final generation. ( Luke 21 : 36 )
In other news, the Brexit is now something that most people in the UK have come to regret, the two main Brexit leaders have reneged on their promises !!! The truth is that they didn't have a clue about what to do if they did win !!! both : Nigel Farage head of the UK Independence Party and Boris Johnson the former mayor of London, who was expected to be the next Prime Minister have embarrasedly reneged on their Brexit promises and have left the political spotlight altogether. A British newspaper summed it up perfectly : "These two fools started something that they didn't intend to finish." Meanwhile, the new Prime Minister of England : Theresa May has stated that she does not intend to initiate the Brexit this year, she and Merkel are working it out slowly; there is a small possibility that the Brexit may not ever happen; there is still a two-year window if article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is invoked, things could change, Merkel and Mrs. May could eventually work out something.
The country of Turkey for its part is witnessing the rise of its own 'Putin.' It is no secret that Erdogan wants to emulate what Putin has been doing for the past decade in Russia and that is to consolidate power at the expense of the judicial and military branches of government. Erdogan is purging : Universities, the Military, the Judiciary, Clerics, Civilian Policemen and political dissidents and while it is true that modern day Turkey was the geographic home of all of the 7 churches of Revelation; Turkey is "NOT" a nuclear power and is "NOT" destined according to the prophecies of the Holy Bible to conquer Israel nor the Middle East in the future. What the Turkish people will be getting in the future is a mini-totalitarian like the former leader of Libya : Gaddafi ( now dead, overthrown & killed*) and the former leader of Egypt Mubarak who had to step down because of the Egyptian Revolution demonstrations in 2011. Sadly, Turkey's Erdogan is learning nothing from history and truly absolute power corrupts absolutely !!!
Sarkozy recently stated that Turkey is "NOT" ever going to be admitted into the EU and it is no secret that Germany's Angela Merkel is financially incentivising the Turkish government to close their borders so that no more Syrian or Middle Eastern immigrants keep heading into the EU and specifically to Germany !!! Turkey's Erdogan recently apologized to Putin for shooting down a Russian plane during the Syrian conflict, presently Putin and Erdogan have become friends once again making the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 a possibility in our time !!! Turkey's Erdogan is "NOT" to be trusted he's pulling something up his sleeve, he even recently restored relations with Israel "BUT" senior Israeli officials know that Erdogan cannot ever be fully trusted, Erdogan's political party is deeply rooted in Islam and according to some Israeli governmental officials since Erdogan came to power : Israeli and Turkish relations have soured since 2002, when Erdogan came to power. Ever since then, Erdogan has shown authoritarian tendencies both domestically in Turkey and externally; abroad !
The country of France for its part has witnessed yet "ANOTHER" Islamic inspired Terrorist attack. If you have been visiting EUinProphecy.com you know that we have stated that Islamic Terrorist attacks will continue throughout the EU simply because they naively let in too many Islamic men into their countries 'legally & illegally' and the 'Instant Jihadist' is now a phenomenon that cannot be stopped until most of these Islamic men are expelled from European cities. EUinProphecy.com forecasts the : expatriation, expulsion and persecution of most European Muslims from all of the EU during the 7 year Tribulation period. Islam is never going to conquer the European mind, the truth is that most of the EU has rejected the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and embraced secular humanism and atheism, the horrible things that the Roman Catholic Church did to most European countries for many centuries have imprinted a negative perception of Christianity in general upon most Europeans; the Vatican's false gospel has blinded most European's to the true Gospel "BUT" GOD does have a small and true remnant of true bible believing born again believers in every European country !!! Additionally in France; there is a hint that the young and ambitious Emmanuel Macron the French Economy Minister is going to run for the French Presidency against his own boss : Francois Hollande !!! Additionally, just as France was about to lift the 'state of emergency' this new attack in Nice has forced them to extend the state of emergency yet again !!! Islamic terrorist attacks are forcing the EU little by little into a 'martial state' region, big brother laws are being passed accelerating in the process the need in the future for technology of the 666 mark that will serve to track among other things all financial transactions in the future EU-10.
This student of Bible Prophecy ends this article with a very prophetic statement uttered by Marine Le Pen of France's far right party ( National Front ) : "The Old Europe is dying but the New Europe is being born."
Satan does "NOT" know exactly when this final generation will end, "BUT" he does know that once he is thrown out of heaven completely and once and for all he will know then that his time here on Earth is at an end !!! ( Revelation 12 ) What this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to say is that Satan does "NOT" know exactly who will be the male body that he will perfectly possess during the great Tribulation, but what this inperfect student of Bible Prophecy does know is that when that moment happens Satan is going to zero in on a man who is perfectly positioned to command with a mighty military machine and who has real political power, so most of the Taxi drivers in Europe don't qualify, nor do all of the European women, nor does the rest of the non-European world; Satan is going to have to choose from only a handful of individuals and EUinProphecy.com understands this !!!
By : Mario Romano, this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't claim to know it all, the truth is that as he has been studying the Biblical Prophecies for the past 20+ years he is still learning so much from the eternal WORD of GOD. What we do know is that we most certainly do "NOT" have another 100 years, we also know that these United States are "NOT" going to be the final endtimes superpower and we also know that most of the Middle East nations that surrounds Israel are on fire and in a great : political, military and economic turmoil and that's not a good thing !!! The time is short, its not time to become a cynic or to become overwhelmed by the 'temporal' things that this corrupt world offers.