Mario Romano and believe that JESUS CHRIST is GOD encarnate and that solely through JESUS CHRIST are we able to go to GOD the FATHER. We believe that the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST has the full power to erase our sins 'IF' we confess our sins to GOD and REPENT of our sins.
We believe that JESUS is the TRUE Messiah of Israel promised by all the Old Testament Prophets. We believe that there is a literal 'Heaven and a literal Hell' and we believe in the complete message of all of the Holy Scriptures found in Genesis to Revelation. We believe that 'ALL' men have sinned and fallen short of the 'Glory of GOD.' The : Jew, Muslim , Hindu, Buddhist, Jehova Witness, Mormon and Roman Catholic or any other human being who dies in their sins without the 'Blood of Jesus Christ' having wiped away all their sins before death; have condemned themselves to hell. Jesus Christ is thee ONLY one sent by Heaven by which we can be save; truly there is 'NO' other name given to man by which we can be saved !!!
Eternal Life is a 'Free Gift' from GOD; even if it were remotely possible to accumulate all the : gold, silver, diamonds and all the earthly wealth of this planet it would 'NOT' be enough to purchase one's salvation !!! Salvation is presently 'FREE' ( Jesus paid the full and total atonement for our sins*) if we repent of our sins before GOD our Creator and accept the sacrifice that Jesus Christ paid on the cross, the Holy Bible ( The WORD of GOD*) 'Guarantees' that we shall be saved !!! ( Faith in Jesus Christ alone & abiding in His word guarantees us all eternal life )
In short, we all deserve the 'Fires of Hell' for we have all sinned against our Holy Creator 'BUT' GOD in His mercy and grace sent His only 'Begotten Son' that whosoever believeth in Him ( Jesus Christ ) should not perish but have everlasting life !!! ( John 3 : 16 )
We believe that 'JESUS CHRIST' is not an Archangel, and that neither : Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius nor Krishna or any other can be put on the same level or pedestal as : THEE LIVING WORD OF GOD ALMIGHTY manifested to us in : JESUS CHRIST !
This unworthy sinner ( Mario Romano ) is 'NOT' ashamed of my personal Lord and Savior 'JESUS CHRIST.' Not too long ago I too was one of billions+ who was being deceived by 'Traditional' religion and was surely on my way to hell; I was told since my youth that if I just followed and exercised some 'Religious Rituals' I would gain the favor of GOD. Nothing could be further from the truth; GOD is 'ONLY' appeased by the 'Blood of Jesus Christ' !!! We cannot save ourselves with human man-made religion, according to the Holy Bible we are saved and redeemed only by faith in Jesus Christ !!!
GOD loves each and every human being that He created in His image 'BUT' we were given 'Free Will' by our Creator; GOD in effect has totally and fully paid for the redemption of all human sinners 'BUT' most human beings choose to follow and believe in the 'Prince of Darkness' and his lies; Satan and a vast hierarchy of fallen Angels presently reign over most of the Kingdoms of this fallen planet 'BUT' it is only temporary; thee true GOD of Heaven has prepared a very special and unique place ( eternal fire ) for Satan and all the fallen one's in hell. ( Matthew 25 : 41 ) If any human beings truly 'REPENTS' of all of their sins and accepts Jesus Christ as his/her savior then GOD has promised in His WORD that He will in no way cast them out of His eternal presence in Heaven. ( John 6 : 37 ) The time to repent from our sins and wicked ways is today, the Holy Wrath and Judgement of our Holy Creator is on its way and according to the Book of Revelation 'ALL' those who 'REJECTED' the WORD of GOD in this present age of grace are guaranteed to have to pass through the greatest tribulation period that this planet has ever gone through !!!
We believe that before mankind was ever created on planet earth; that GOD and His 'Billion upon billions+' of Angels had already spent an eternity together ( Eternity Past *) long before we even came on the scene, GOD did "NOT" reveal everything to His Prophets just as He didn't reveal to them the Church ( Ephesians 3 : 2-13 ) GOD only reveals to all of His creations in His sovereignty what He wants to !!! "NOT" even the Angels in the heavens know all there is to know about our Creator; we were all created with 'Limited' ( Finite ) brains !!!
Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us to 'Watch & Pray' so that we would be found worthy to 'ESCAPE' the judgements that are coming upon this world. This website is all about the 'Spirit of Prophecy' and Jesus Christ is the very Spirit of it according to Revelation 19 : 10. and Mario Romano believe in the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that we are saved by grace and that Jesus Christ paid the TOTAL sacrifice for the REDEMPTION of mankind. We teach that JESUS CHRIST is GOD encarnate : THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD who became FLESH and dwelt amongst us. We do 'NOT' believe that solely keeping any part of the law nor keeping any dietary abstinence can save anyone; SOLELY Faith in JESUS CHRIST and His Total Atonement on the Cross can save us the repentent sinners !!!
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior I invite you to do so today, GOD loves you and He has promised through His WORD ( the Holy Bible ) that 'Whomsoever Believes in Him ( Jesus Christ ) He Will in No way Cast Out.'
I invite you to pray this initial prayer with all of your heart to accept JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOR : GOD I come to you with a repentant heart, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you and that I cannot save myself. I believe that Jesus Christ was crucified, died and resurrected and that through the sacrifice at the Cross at Calvary He paid the FULL atonement for my sins against you. I accept JESUS CHRIST as my personal SAVIOR and I ask in 'Jesus Name' to please forgive me of ALL of my sins and I thank you FATHER because YOU promised in your Holy WORD to write my name in your Book of Life and 'TODAY' I declare myself a 'Son of GOD' made possible by the shed blood of Jesus Christ !!!
If you made this Prayer of Repentence we invite you to look for a Christian Church nearby wherever you live where JESUS CHRIST is preached. This will help you grow as a new believer. Read, Study and Live the Word of GOD ( The Holy Bible ) so that you may grow in the LORD !
Mario Romano believes in the 'Full Gospel of Jesus Christ' and fully acknowledges that 'NO' religion can save the soul of any human being 'Except' for the full and total sacrifice ( atonement ) that Jesus Christ did in the Cross of Calvary. If we repent of our sins and abide in the Word of GOD we are promised eternal life***