The Holy Bible clearly reveals to us that there was already a creation when GOD decided to create humanity on planet Earth inside of this Universe. In the Book of Job we witness that the 'Son's of GOD shouted for Joy' when GOD was creating planet Earth and laying out its foundation; it is here where we learn that Lucifer had "NOT" yet rebelled, somewhere between the 'time warp' of Job 38 :4 - 7 and Genesis 1 : 2, Satan launched his unholy rebellion and was thrown 'temporarily' unto planet Earth; ( GOD could have thrown him directly into the Bottomless Pit immediately 'right then and there' but in His sovereignty GOD chose to teach all those in the heavens and on Earth and under the Earth an 'Eternal Lesson' so that what Satan initiated will never, ever be repeated again in eternity !!! ) for we find him in the Garden of Eden as that ancient snake deceiving Adam and Eve and proof of this is that our Lord Jesus Christ called Satan the 'Father of Lies' so there is "NO" question that it was indeed Satan who deceived Eve and Adam in the Garden !!!
Holy Father; this insignificant servant of yours presents himself before you covered by the shed blood of Jesus Christ; he asks that your Holy Spirit would guide him to all truth and that You would give him the wisdom to present this correctly to all of those who eagerly await the imminent return of JESUS CHRIST !!!
To make a very long story short; the Holy Scriptures 'REVEAL' to us that Satan is the 'Prince of the Powers of the Air' ( unfortunately, Satan has "NOT" yet been thrown into hell like most people seem to believe !!! ) of this planet in particular and he has been rolling out a dazzling deception of global proportions with his UFO lightning 'special effects' marketing campaign for many years now ( Ephesians 2 : 2 ) Satan should not be underestimated by anyone, we are talking about a 'former Holy Archangel' with superior intellect and powers to ours who almost single-handedly managed to deceive one-third of the Angels in the Heavens and is presently managing to successfully deceive most of humanity ! Truly, no governmental intelligence agency on this planet could even come close to competing against the : slyness, treachery and unholy tactics that Satan long ago perfected !!! ( may GOD Almighty rebuke him !!! )
This student of the Holy Scriptures and of Astronomy and Astrobiology must make a disclaimer before we lightly analyze this subject. "Personally" as a student of : historical, mathematical and biological patterns; this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ believes that both eternity and this Universe is teeming with numerous other creations which were also created by GOD Almighty long before the fall that were not affected by the fall of Satan and the fallen Angels; "NOT" all of GOD's other numerous creations were created in the image of GOD and the overwhelming theological evidence tells me that the Angels of GOD and our Creator Himself were "NOT" overseeing just 'Dark Matter' in 'Eternity Past' obviously there was already a 'Majestic Creation' outside of the confines of Genesis 1. In Genesis 1; our Creator is beginning an entirely new creation in an underdeveloped region of eternity that was originally mere dark matter; thus GOD speaks and creates a new creation outside of the 3rd Heaven and here we all are !!! ( quick fact check : 83% of this Universe consists of Dark Matter* )
Trying to correctly address this topic is like trying to walk through a field full of landmines and booby traps ( because no one can really please all theologians, astronomers nor UFO experts*) "BUT" this servant of Jesus Christ has over 18+ of studying this UFO phenomenon and the Biblical Prophecies. An in depth and thorough study of the WORD of GOD found in the Holy Bible reveals to me who really is behind this phenomenon; and it is none other than that fallen and unemployed former Archangel : Satan; who generation after generation comes up with a 'new and improved' deceptive scheme to deceive yet another generation of naive and spiritually dead and blind human beings !!!
As this imperfect vessel of the Holy Spirit begins this article and study let us "NOT" forget that biologically we were all created out of the dust of this planet and we are all indeed composed of stardust. Any Astronomer and Scientist can confirm that all matter in this Universe is composed of atoms, in a way we all are a bunch of atoms that GOD ALMIGHTY gave form to and the only reason why we are alive and a complete living being is because GOD our Creator breathed His breath of life into the nostrils of Adam !!! GOD could have literally created 'billions upon billions' of robotic beings "BUT" He doesn't want robots in eternity with Him; He wants living beings in His image with whom He can have some meaningful communion; and every living being that has ever been created was created for the sheer pleasure of GOD; He truly does "NOT" need anyone of us !!! One theologian stated it perfectly; "While we are no gods, we are somewhat like teeny-tiny copies of GOD" truly GOD ALMIGHTY is populating eternity every now and then with beings that have been given the right and the power to be called 'Son's of GOD' !!! We humans are "NOT" the original nor the first 'Son's of GOD' in all of eternity and neither shall we be the last ones !!!
Some of the words that you are about to read may seem too much for some; but as a servant of the Holy GOD of Israel who manifested Himself physically in this planet and creation in Jesus Christ; this useless servant of GOD ALMIGHTY stands by every word herein written with all the fear of GOD in mind. This insignificant servant of Christ was given almost the very same quantity of brain cells as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking and this is my analysis of this Universe. As this insignificant servant of Jesus extrapolates the Biblical passages that deal with : eternity, the heavens and what we now know about this Universe in the year 2016, the evidence is overwhelming and it is without question that GOD created numerous other different creations long before the fall that were not necessarily created in the image of GOD like us !!! GOD has been forever creating different creations all through eternity and "NO" not all other creations share a similiar beginning as ours; for we Biblically know that the Angels were not created male nor female nor were they created in a Garden; GOD's creative powers have no limits !!!
This student of Theology does not doubt that GOD created this planet in six days; as the Holy Bible affirms; what everyone should really be questioning is what GOD had been doing long, long before He created this creation in this time and space of eternity and I can certainly assure you that GOD has "NOT" been sitting on His glorious throne surrounded by 'dark matter' and nothingness before Genesis 1 even began !!!
Before this student of Bible Prophecy begins this study, every believer and non-believer must understand that the '3rd Heaven' where GOD the FATHER has His Throne has "ALWAYS" existed ! It most certainly is 'NOT' the year 2016 in the 'Third Heaven' for Eternity has been in existence long, long, long before GOD Almighty even created the Angels !!! The truth is that even the Angels were given a 'Limited and Finite' mind so to speak, the only one who knows 'EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING' is GOD ! When GOD our Creator in 'Genesis 1' was creating planet Earth and humanity; the '3rd Heaven' was long, long already in existence; 'Genesis 1' is the creation account of this creation in this : planet, solar system, universe and in this moment of eternity.
Additionally, when GOD was creating light in 'Genesis 1' the rest of the '3rd and 2nd Heavens' were most definitely "NOT" under total darkness for GOD Himself is a Spirit of Glorious Light, neither GOD nor the Angels just hanged around 'dark matter' obviously there was already creations outside of these heavens in which we humans inhabit !!! Everyone must understand that GOD was "NOT" surrounded by 'Dark Matter' before Genesis 1. Truly, the '3rd Heaven' is a place of absolute Holiness and perfection and it has always existed, for GOD the Father ALMIGHTY dwells in an absolute First Class environment !!! When Satan fell, theologians tell us that Satan was most likely dwelling in the 'Second Heaven' and was later thrown to these lower heavens; not only did Satan lose his place in Heaven; he was also cast down to an inferior part of the heavens; planet Earth to some degree is like an 'Alcatraz Island' not only was Satan and the Fallen Angels cast down to planet Earth but GOD also inserted the character and spirit of Death, this is one of the reasons why Jesus stated that His Kingdom was "NOT" of this World !!! ( Revelation 20 : 14 )
This believer in Jesus Christ believes in the Genesis account of creation, so please don't misunderstand me, nor misquote me. The truth is that with our 'limited' finite brain we cannot grasp that there are many, many other time zones and realms that are outside of our human understanding that were "NOT" a part of Genesis 1. Eternity has been going on long, long, long before Genesis 1 : 1, for GOD exists outside of our time and space limitations and neither Eternity nor GOD our Creator had a beginning !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy finds it necessary to cover this topic due to the fact that an estimated 600+ million people all over the world from all walks of life truly believe that we were created by ancient aliens who engineered us on this planet millions of years ago and if that wasn't enough 'Disinformation' to battle, this servant of Jesus Christ knows of numerous 'brothers in Christ' who are teaching that the future and endtimes 'Little Horn' a.k.a. Mr. AC will most likely present himself coming down from the sky in a UFO spaceship and will announce that he is come back to save humanity or 'something like that.' EUinProphecy.com is after the truth and we've been teaching for years that the endtimes 'Man of Sin' is not going to be neither Muslim nor an Extra-Terrestrial Alien !
Numerous ufologists claim that certain governments of this world have in their possesion the remains of crashed alien spaceships and their bodies and if these governments were to release this key information and remains to the general public most if not all of the religions of this world would become obsolete; including Christianity because according to them it would prove that we were engineered and seeded on this planet by such 'Ancient Astronauts.'
There have been many, many things and events that have transpired in 'Eternity Past' that obviously were "NOT" written nor revealed in the Holy Bible nor to any Prophet. The truth is that GOD in His sovereignty only chose to reveal to mankind the most pertinent information that concerns us as a fallen creation. The Holy Bible was given to us to record the 'Redemption of this Planet' it was "NEVER" given to us to serve as an encyclopedia of everything else that has transpired in all of 'Eternity Past.' It should be rather obvious to this final generation of ours that many, many other things and events are taking place out of the realm of this planet that neither the human eye nor the human mind can grasp. We are all trying to understand an 'Infinite Creator' and GOD with our very limited minds and friends; GOD's ways are far beyond ours !
This servant of your's and of our Lord Jesus Christ has been studying the UFO phenomenon for some 20+ years. He has studied almost every 'UFO sighting' that has ever been recorded. My personal and professional analysis of the UFO phenomenon is like that of brother Chuck Missler; this student of Bible Prophecy believes that the overwhelming evidence about UFO's indicate and point to a sinister endgame engineered by none other than the very 'Prince of the powers of these Skies : Satan.' ( Ephesians 2:1 -2 )
As a student and teacher of Bible Prophecy it is expedient of this servant of Christ to cover this subject due to the fact that as I type the 'Ancient Aliens' T.V. series is being broadcast almost all over the world, Satan is evangelizing the whole planet not just with another gospel but with misinformation that can lead billions+ of souls into hell; Satan already has a monopoly on all the false religions of this planet and he wants to further expand his web of lies with : An Alien Saviour !!! ( John 18 :36 , John 5 : 43 )
As a student of Bible Prophecy and Astronomy this servant of Jesus Christ knows fully well that GOD ALMIGHTY has created numerous other creations long before HE created us in this planet in the Garden of Eden. Every believer and non-believer must understand that the Holy Bible clearly teaches that long before we were created GOD ALMIGHTY already had other beings which are called 'Sons of GOD.' So we are in "NO" way GOD's only creation, the theological truth is that all human beings on planet earth are "NOT" automatically 'Son's and daughters of Christ.' The Gospels clearly teach that all human beings are a creation of GOD and we can only achieve the title of 'Son's of GOD' only if we accept Jesus Christ, it is only then that we are given the spiritual right to be truly called 'Son's of the Most High GOD.'
The Biblical Prophecies have up to now proven themselves correct, it shall all conclude according to the events guaranteed by the Book of Revelation. The idea or belief that the endtimes 'Man of Sin' will manifest himself descending from a spaceship in the future does "NOT" correlate with the Biblical Prophecies. According to Bible Prophecy the 'First Beast' rises from the 'Sea' of this planet and does "NOT" descends from space, the 'Second Beast' also is produced by this planet and does "NOT" appear from a UFO. GOD established laws that even Satan 'Cannot' break, GOD manifested Himself on this planet physically in the body of Jesus Christ and Satan is going to manifest himself 'physically' in the body of the 'Man of Sin' and not an Alien !!! This fallen creation was 'Quarentined' and confined exclusively to planet Earth, Sin is like a : cancer, like a virus and GOD surely confined it to this specific 'space and time continuum' of this region of the Universe !!!
The Book of Daniel and Revelation pinpoints the rise of the 'Man of Sin' as arising from among the 10 King's and "NOT" from outer space. GOD's Angels have been commanded to see that every Prophecy in the Holy Bible is fulfilled to the very letter; and "NO" demon in hell, no Fallen Angel and not even Satan himself has the power to overwrite the eternal and sovereign plans of GOD ALMIGHTY !!! ( Daniel 2 : 21 ) ( the watchers/ Holy ones made sure that Nebuchadneezar's Reign ended exactly when GOD sovereignly desired ! )
It is the personal observation and opinion based upon the Astronomical evidence that GOD Almighty has created numerous other creations in eternity and in this Universe that are very different than us human beings. The theological truth is that GOD our Creator has been forever creating; it just so happened that we were the appropriate creation that GOD Almighty created in response to the fall of Satan and that of the one-third of the Angels ! We were created in direct response to the fall of Satan just because GOD in His HOLY SOVEREIGNTY decided it so !!! Being created in the 'Image of GOD' comes with great responsability and accountability and obviously we were also created shortly after GOD created Hell for Satan and the Fallen angels and ever since then the Prophet Isaiah reveals to us that Hell has been enlarging itself to include the souls of humans who have also rejected GOD and His Holy Commandments !!! ( Isaiah 5 : 14, Matthew 25 : 41 )
It is the conclusive analysis of this student of Bible Prophecy that Satan is behind the UFO phenomenon in this fallen planet, Satan has been 'DECEIVING' generation after generation of human beings since the fall in the Garden of Eden, he deceives both 'great and small' men, King's and peasants alike !!! And his endgame is to blind men of the truth of : Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected !!! Satan deceives some with temptations of the flesh, others with the spirit of greed and corruption and yet others any which way he can for his ultimate goal is to DECEIVE as much as humanity as possible from the truth that there is ONE TRUE GOD and CREATOR that sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins; unfortunately the Book of Revelation makes it very clear that Satan has been a little too successful in deceiving 'Most' of the world !!! ( Revelation 12 : 9 ) It is "NO" secret that almost every human army that has ever waged war on planet Earth has had some type of an intelligence department and without question Satan has been running himself a very highly organized demonic army generation after generation that specializes and has perfected 'Misinformation and Deception' like no other !!! Without the Blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit "NO" human being would stand a chance against Satan and his deceptive tactics "BUT" Jesus Christ confirmed that as believers we would receive POWER from on high after the Holy Spirit has come upon us and in His name we shall cast out demons, heal the sick and preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the planet !!!! ( Hallelujah, Glory to GOD !!! )
In conclusion, there is a Supreme Creator who literally holds together every atomic particle in this Universe of His; and this Creator loves "ALL" of His creations, for everything was created by Him and for Him !!! ( Colossians 1 : 16 ) It is theological incorrect to state that GOD loves humans more than His Angels or that GOD loves Chinese Christians more than American Christians, all of GOD's creations were created for His sheer pleasure and we were all created as a product of His LOVE !!! GOD shall fulfill every promise that He gave to His chosen Jewish people but in "NO" way is He going to abandon or love any less all of His other children !!! The love of GOD is manifested in eternity in many ways and forms, here on planet Earth it was manifested on the Cross of Calvary as GOD sent His only Son to atone for the sins of many on this rebellious planet !!!
By : Mario Romano, this servant of Jesus Christ resurrected began studying the UFO phenomenon almost at the same time that he began studying Bible Prophecy over 18+ years ago. This student of Bible Prophecy 'Rejects' the belief that we were created by 'Ancient Astronauts' thee truth is that there is one true GOD , one true Creator who spoke this Universe and everything in it into existence and our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed this fact when He stated that 'Heaven and Earth shall pass away; but My words shall never pass away !!! ( Matthew 24 : 35 ) There is a mighty and grandiose intelligent being that Created every living thing in this planet and in this Universe and He is thee WORD of GOD : JESUS CHRIST ***GOD operates outside of the confines of time and space, for HE is a Spirit that is "NOT" limited to one place and time, He can be in every single Galaxy of this Universe just as surely as He is present in this planet wherever 'Two or Three are gathered in His Name !!!' Mario Romano is nothing, he is "NO" prophet; his only dream and prayer before GOD is that this life and talent that was deposited in this frail vessel and imperfect body scarred by sin will "NOT" depart this planet unused nor underused by the Holy Spirit !!!