The Present 'World Order' According To Bible Prophecy Is About To Be Turned 'Upside Down' To Make Way For The Final Geopolitical Order 'Guaranteed' To Appear in These 'Last Days' According To The Biblical Prophecies !!!

GOD, our Creator loves each human soul; in fact the soul of one human being is worth more than an entire empty planet !!! Astronomers all agree that there are more planets in this Universe than human beings and Jesus Christ warned that 'What would it profit a man if he gains the whole world and yet loses his own soul ???' ( Mark 8 : 36 ) What i am trying to say is that : Stars, Planets and Solar Systems will come and go 'BUT' the human soul was created much differently with a capacity to respond and react to the LOVE of GOD as 'NO' other created thing, in fact Jesus Christ stated that 'Heaven and Earth' shall pass away but His WORD shall forever be eternal, the TIME to respond to GOD's love and invitation to eternal life via : Jesus Christ is today !!! We were created to have direct communion with GOD our Creator and 'NO' animal nor Heavenly Star or Planet was given that privilege !!!
In this article this student of Bible Prophecy wants to focus on some of the major world players who are 'PRESENTLY' making waves on the news and what their roles will be according to the Biblical Prophecies. "ALL" of the present world powers that we are focusing on in this article will 'GREATLY' change in the not too distant future as a 'Guaranteed' upcoming 'Global Economic Meltdown' and other upcoming WARS and natural disasters re-arrange endtimes geopolitics !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy reminds everyone that one of the chief reasons why the 10 King's of Revelation rise to power during the final 70th Week of Daniel is because 'ALL' the present major actors and powers will have 'FAILED' in holding on to their power and they will all become somewhat irrelevant, the final 10 King's arise to power to fill in the power vacuum that will be left behind as the : United Nation ( UN ) fails to stop an upcoming World War III and NATO will become undone as the USA will be forced to significantly $$$ Cut Back in its Military spending as the U.S. Dollar greatly declines, the UK despite Brexit in my humble opinion will very likely produce ONE of the 10 King's of Revelation.
It is 'NO' secret that Turkey's : Erdogan is trying to get his Islamic country into the European Union all the while he quenches democracy in Turkey to keep himself in power. It is also 'NO' secret that Mr. Erdogan likes to be playing both
'Sides of the Fence' meaning that Turkey is a
NATO member and yet Mr. Erdogan seems to have a rogue 'Military Strategy' against neighboring 'Enemies' including that of
Greece itself which is a NATO member too and at the same time siding with Russia on other Middle Eastern matters
!!! The
Ottoman Empire was
'NEVER' one of the
4 Beasts of Daniel and there will
'NEVER' be a
5th Beast, Turkey will suffer a great Military defeat in the
Ezekiel 38 War and will go down into the
'ash heap of history' together with the Russian Army
NATO continues to grow and so does the European Union despite 'BREXIT' there are still several countries who are in the process of joining both. So what does this have to do with the final
10 King's of Revelation ??? This servant of GOD acknowledges that the 10 King's will
'ALL' be geographically epicentered around the Mediterranean Region, upcoming WARS and other Global Disasters are going to make it possible for those 10 King's to arise to power in the future 'PRESENTLY' most geopolitical commentators and other top global Intelligence Agencies can "NOT" foresee all of this very simply because they IGNORE the Biblical Prophecies that have already REVEALED to us how it all UNFOLDS, remember the Book of Revelation was written
long, long before the USA was even founded
There is "NO" perfect society or country and the United States despite all of its imperfections and shortcomings STILL attracts immigrants from all over the world who know how good we have it here; because if you think that
: Racism, Economic Injustice and
Freedom of Speech is a problem here in the USA you have "NO" clue of how
much worse its in other countries
!!! Fortunately, the USA is still HOME to the SECOND LARGEST
JEWISH population on this planet, ONLY
Israel has more JEWS and despite
Apostasy, the USA is still one of the largest supporters / senders of
Missionaries to a large percentage of this world; GOD is 'STILL' using the USA to bless this world even though JUDGEMENT has already reached our shores and our city streets. For years we have believed that the most likely outcome of the USA will be the $$$ Implosion of the US Economy to make way for the final
Beast of Revelation, America will "NOT" be Israel's salvation, ONLY GOD will SAVE Israel in the last days and GOD has 'ALREADY' given ample time and opportunity for the over
4+ million American Jews to make their way back to the real
Promised Land of Israel so do not be surprised if GOD suddenly
'CUTS OFF' all those who procrastinated from making their way back to Israel when they had the opportunity and chose not to
If you have been reading our articles for several years you are well aware that we WARNED that secular Europe and Islam are "NOT" compatible and it is 'NOT' that France is the only EU country that has a massive
Immigration problem because the
: UK, Germany, Belgium and other EU countries have the same illegal immigration problems too as massive numbers of
: North African and
Middle Eastern 'Refugees' pour into EU countries.
( The teenager : Nahel Merzouk that was shot by the French policeman already had a lengthy record with the French police, he was driving a stolen car with no drivers license etc *) In the future most EU countries will declare
'Martial Law' because the problem with Islamic Immigration in Europe will "NOT" get much better, the TRUTH is that past EU leaders allowed millions of Muslims into their countries naively believing that they would
'Assimilate / Integrate' into their culture 'BUT' for the most part that is 'NOT' happening. The recent rioting in France was led by 'Mostly' teenagers of 16 - 19 of age of North African origin and i was 'NOT' surprised that it happened, it is supposed to happen because the Europeans have to learn the 'Hard Way' ( in this case France*) of what massive legal and illegal immigration can do to your country in so short a time
!!! France and especially its major cities have been greatly stressed out these past few years as massive demonstrations and now these recent riots have tested the French. EU leaders should take a note of what recently transpired in France because there are millions of other North African / Middle Eastern teenagers all over the streets of Europe's largest cities with the same mentality
Various other 'Bible Prophecy' students and teachers keep bringing up
Prince Charles and Daniel's
'Little Horn' Prophecy.
EUinProphecy has absolutely
'NEVER' believed that England will produce the final 'Little Horn' and shame on all those who are wrongly teaching that possibility !!! Although parts of England was conquered by the Roman Empire in the past i personally have never believed that Daniel's 'Little Horn' will arise from the UK, the British are too
'Politically Correct' to produce such a man and luckily for Prince Charles and his
'Cup of Tea' he does "NOT" qualify for Daniel's
'Little Horn' role. Although Britain is 'NO' longer a member of the
European Union because of
BREXIT it continues to be a member of
NATO and this student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" rule out that Britain may very likely produce one of the 10 King's of Revelation in the future; EUinProphecy believes that after running numerous futuristic scenarios that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be a future
'Military Alliance' that will look very similar to the
'Western European Union' ( WEU*) that was terminated in 2011 because of
NATO, we believe that NATO will come apart and that the European's will once again be FORCED to $$$ DEFEND themselves and create their very own ARMED forces INDEPENDENT of the Pentagon and Washington D.C in the future
Like we have stated in past articles;
NATO will 'NOT' be a part of the final 10 King's of Revelation. This student of Bible Prophecy foresees that the upcoming implosion of the U.S. $$$ Economy will significantly slash the U.S. Military Budget in the future and that 'MOST' American Foreign Bases will be closed in the future
( Something similar happened during the last days of the once mighty : British Empire *) I believe that the future 10 King's of Revelation will
UNITE their armed forces ( pool all their military resources*) and make one very formidable one and it should be understood that by then the once mighty Russian Armed Forces together with most Islamic Armies and Terrorist groups will have already suffered massive defeat and losses by upcoming WARS, thus allowing the ARMED FORCES of those final 10 King's to be the
'Top Dog' during those final years
!!! EUinProphecy is almost thee only Bible Prophecy resource that is teaching about the most 'Likely' and 'Realistic' future of NATO and the UN !!!
For the 'RECORD' i do
"NOT" teach that the
United Nations ( UN*) will be the political seat of power of the 10 King's of Revelation, i state this because i am still listening to a few fellow teachers of Bible Prophecy that have a very high regard for the
UN and i have always believed that the
UN will follow in the footsteps of the
'League of Nations' and will become Irrelevant as future WARS tear down this planet, the final 10 King's will "NOT" be sharing their power with
: Beijing, Moscow, Washington D.C nor the
UN, they will be of
'ONE MIND' and they will ruthlessly seek to conquer and dominate the planet somewhat in a similar manner as NAZI Germany tried in the past and they will CREATE their very own ARMED FORCES
!!! ( Because what all 4 of Daniel's Beasts have in common is that they were 'ALL' Mediterranean Regional Super-Powers with their very own ARMY !!!

Some fellow teachers of Bible Prophecy are wrongly teaching that Daniel's 'Little Horn' can arise to power from virtually anywhere !!! While the Biblical Prophecies do 'NOT' specifically mention thee Country of origin from whence such a MAN will arise the Biblical Prophecies do mention the REGION of the world thus eliminating over 150+ countries in the process !!! I personally believe that just like HITLER had to use the Democratic institutions of Germany to rise to power; that Daniel's 'Little Horn' will follow a somewhat similar rise to power, meaning that he does "NOT" just appears out of nowhere overnight, first he has to get 'Elected Somewhere' and slowly grow more and more politically powerful, Satan does "NOT" just gives his power over to a lazy and unmotivated clown, Satan is going to give all of his powers to a very AMBITIOUS individual, like i have stated for years, Daniel's 'Little Horn' is ALREADY in power somewhere 'BEFORE' the final 7 years begins because after all it is he who 'Confirms the Covenant With the Many' for a Week ( 7 years*) thus he does 'NOT' just shows up overnight, even he has to be TESTED !!! ( We have to remember that when the real and final Little Horn begins his political career that he will 'NOT' yet have all of Satan's powers; he will get ALL of Satan's unholy powers sometime mid-way during Daniel's 70th Week *) Let us remember that 'NOT' even Hitler arose to power overnight, Hitler had many defeats early on including being locked up for 11 months for his failed 'Coup.' All those who believe that Daniel's 'Little Horn' emerges out of nowhere have 'NOT' studied the rise of : Antiochus Epiphanes nor of Herod, most powerful men get to the top because of their AMBITION and DETERMINATION; to think that Satan is just going to grab anyone at the last minute out of nowhere and put him in power is UNREALISTIC in so many ways !!!

Having studied
Political Science and
Sociology this servant of GOD is amazed of the sheer
incompetence of San Francisco's Mayor. Under her watch a large percentage of
: Hotels and other
downtown businesses are CLOSING because of the the rise in crime that has gone unchecked in large parts of San Francisco, it's hard to assign the full blame on the present Mayor of San Francisco because the
S.F. Police Department seems to be either 'Overwhelmed' or significantly short staffed.
( I personally believe that ONE of the JUDGEMENTS of GOD upon this country is the INEPT Political Leadership that we presently have in power who are running many parts of the USA down into the ground in the name of 'Political Correctness' ***)
When the leader of the
WAGNER GROUP ( Mr. Prighozin*) seemed to have turned his troops against some powerful Russian Military leaders this student of Bible Prophecy did "NOT" buy what most of the
Western Media was saying about that possible
'COUP.' Having studied how
Vladimir Putin rose to power i
'Personally' knew that something
'FISHY' was going on, i was
'AMAZED' that some fellow Teachers of Bible Prophecy almost immediately attempted to explain about the possible
'COUP' against Putin when they knew very little about it all
!!! As you can see the Wagner Soldiers did 'NOT' seize Russia's Nuclear Arsenal nor did they took over the country, in the next article i will tell you what i personally believe really happened and i can assure you that it's 'NOT' what CNN nor most Intelligence Agencies tell us
!!! ( Remember all those FAILED predictions early on about how Putin was going to be Ousted and / Assassinated, obviously that never happened and EUinProphecy continued to be correct on the 'Most Likely' role that Vladimir Putin is playing at least 'Prophetically' !!!Lastly,
EUinProphecy does
"NOT" "NOT" and absolutely
"NOT" teach that the
UN's 7 year sustainable development goals are or will become part of the final
'Covenant With the Many' as some fellow Bible Prophecy teachers are
WRONGLY informing the 'Body of Christ'
!!! Just a few years ago everyone in eschatology was talking about the
'Abraham Accords' and the possibility that such accords would lead to the 'Covenant With the Many'
EUinProphecy has always believed that it will "NOT" be until a
MAJOR 'Middle East' WAR begins and ends that such a
'Covenant With the Many' will be implemented, thus the UN's Sustainable Development Goals can "NOT" be it for several reasons, additionally it will be the 10 King's of Revelation who will most likely be
'Militarily Backing and Enforcing' such a
'COVENANT of DEATH' and "NOT" the
United Nations !!! ( The UN's Sustainable Development Goals have almost 'NOTHING' to do with Israel and it's Capital : Jerusalem nor with the Middle East Conflict, the 'ONLY' real thing it has it's that its for 7 years and that's it !!! )
The 'Bad Guy' ( main villain*) in the latest Mission Impossible movie is
'The Entity' a digital AI ( Artificial Intelligence*) created by the Russian's and housed in a Russian Submarine in the movie. 'The Entity' has become SENTIENT and gone rogue all by itself and it is able to DISTORT any and all 'DIGITAL'
signals, records and
communications !!! Whoever controls the
'Entity' will undoubtedly control the world. The Entity has the capability of a Super-Computer able to figure out millions of calculations within seconds ( Algorithms*) and to some degree it is able to
'Predict' thee Most likely Outcome = FUTURE of any
: Government, Nation or
Human being in its data base
!!! GOD our Creator is "NOT" a COMPUTER, the Bible reveals to us that our CREATOR is an 'ETERNAL SPIRIT' and not only that; GOD knows each and everyone of the STARS and GALAXIES in this HIS Universe by NAME
!!! 'Presently' in this year of
2023 we still DO NOT know how big this Universe is because our Technology ( Hubble Telescope and other Satellites*) have limited ranges thus "NO" AI or Super Computer could even begin to quantify the Massiveness of this Universe 'BUT' GOD long ago knew the
End from the Beginning, long before human beings created machines and computers !!! GOD's presence overwhelms this entire Universe via HIS HOLY SPIRIT who UPHOLDS all of HIS creation and long before human beings began to study the concept of ALGORITHMS and long before Mission Impossible came up with such a storyline, GOD had long ago REVEALED the future of this planet to HIS chosen Prophets and it's all laid out in the BOOK of REVELATION
!!! ( Isn't it amazing that even long before men invented / discovered electricity, printing press, airplanes, phones, computers that GOD had already revealed the destiny of this planet to His Prophets ??? and isn't this planet sleepwalking straight into the Apocalypse ??? )
You are INVITED to join us,
EUinProphecy will make history in more ways than one when all of this is over, we are here to DECLARE the wonderful works of our ETERNAL CREATOR : YHWH = Who was physically manifested in this planet in flesh and blood in :
JESUS CHRIST !!! This Universe is TEEMING with numerous other creations, if you naively believe that GOD left all the other hundreds of billions of other galaxies empty and devoid of all life you have NO IDEA of the POWER and the GLORY of GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Like we have always stated, "NOT" all creations sinned against GOD and "NOT" all others were created in the IMAGE of GOD and JESUS CHRIST is 'NOT' going to be crucified in other planets because "NOT" everyone sinned nor can sin like us and lastly sin did "NOT' penetrate ALL of GOD's other Heavens, Satan is NOT omnipresent he couldn't be in all the other Heavens and Galaxies all at the same time and it's NOT all about just you and me GOD created billions+ of human souls just on this planet alone !!! Does this fact makes you feel any less special ??? I have "NO" problem knowing that i am but one of Billions+ on this planet in a galaxy with Quintillions of other Stars and in a Universe with Trillions of other Galaxies; i am just very grateful that i too was given the GIFT of LIFE
In conclusion, the world that we presently inhabit is about to greatly change because according to the 'Biblical Prophecies' the 'Present' dominant role that the USA has all over this planet will "NOT" be forever and the 'Present' "Double-Face" role that Turkey's : Erdogan is trying to play ( Being a NATO member and yet Allying itself with Russia on other things*) will eventually all explode in his face, the TRUTH is that Turkey will never be able to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey is 'NOT' a nuclear power and Erdogan's age itself is proof that this will be his last term in office
In sum, neither the : UN, NATO, BRICS Countries the IMF nor even the G7 can be the final 10 King's of Revelation very simply because most if not all of them are much older than 7 years now, the Prophecy of Revelation states that they ( the 10 King's *) ONLY arise to global power for ONE HOUR together with the Beast, thus that is why this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' focuses too much on the : UN, NATO, the G7 and other Alliances / Global Organizations, my full attention is on Daniel's 4th Beast and with the guidance and illumination of the HOLY SPIRIT we will try our best to FOREWARN anyone who has ears to listen and eyes to see as to the lateness of the hour and where those 10 King's will most likely arise to power from !!!
By : a fellow believer in Jesus Christ who was : SAVED, FORGIVEN and SET FREE by the POWER of the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST !!! The Biblical Prophecies warn about upcoming : Ethnic Wars ( Revelation 6 : 4 ) thus what recently happened in the USA and in France ( Racial riots*) are bound to happen. Presently the HOLY SPIRIT is 'RESTRAINING' evil all over this planet and if you think it's bad right now you have not seen anything yet because what's coming is part of the JUDGEMENT of GOD. To tell you the TRUTH thee greatest enemy of humanity is an 'Unrepentant Heart' and 'NOT' so much RACISM as some would like to argue, the TRUTH is that in HAITI 'Right Now' blacks are killing fellow blacks, in Mexico Mexican Cartels are killing fellow brown skinned Mexicans and in North Korea : Kim Jong Un is killing his fellow citizens who do not fully submit and follow his orders and it has nothing to do with being a different skin color !!! Without the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT most human souls do 'NOT' stand a chance of not being DECEIVED by Satan. EUinProphecy does 'NOT' operate on any $$$ donations 'BUT' we do ask for your PRAYERS; we thank GOD for providing for 'ALL' of our needs all these 20+ years that we have been online !!!