Nicolas Sarkozy, according to various EU news sites is set to officially announce his return to French politics as the center-right UMP Party candidate for the 2017 French Presidency. If you don't know; was the first Bible Prophecy website on planet Earth to follow the political rise of Mr. Sarkozy
'BEFORE' he even won the French Presidency many years ago !!!
Although Sarkozy lost the last French Presidential elections; the original didn't remove his picture on a 'White Horse' simply because we 'suspected' that he would return to politics and he has !!! As a student of Bible Prophecy, this servant of Jesus Christ will remain quiet and allow destiny to run it's course
( because 3 years to 2017 is a very long time in the political world ). Many French and European political
'experts' have Sarkozy's chances of winning the
2017 French Presidency at 50/50. This
'Watchman' would like to remind everyone that the
Mediterranean Union was launched by this man and he is the only EU leader to implement a ban on the
Islamic Burqa at least in France while he was President. As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of GOD doesn't underestimate anyone much less this man.
Sarkozy running again for the French Presidency is like Bill Clinton running again for the U.S. Presidency it is an extremely rare political feat. This servant of GOD : Mario Romano is 'NOT' a Prophet but if GOD ALMIGHTY chose one day in the future to anoint this servant for that task; as a servant of GOD it would be a priviledge; in the meantime i'm just a
'Bible Prophecy Watchman' who is carefully observing the everchanging world events & how they relate with the Biblical Prophecies. I thank
GOD ALMIGHTY for allowing this servant of his to cover these events; many of my former teachers and guidance counselors in high school didn't see me as college material. I thank the HOLY GOD of Israel that through the power of His HOLY SPIRIT this servant of His has managed to overcome so
many, many different and difficult challenges in life. It would not be stretching the truth if I say that I am only alive due to the GREAT 'MERCY & GRACE' of my
LORD JESUS CHRIST !!! ... My goal in life is not to gain public acclaim nor the applauses of men 'BUT' it is to be a faithful witness of the Prophetic WORD of the LIVING GOD manifested on
Terra Firma in : JESUS CHRIST ... was launched years ago exclusively for European events such as this one that will one day affect all the inhabitants of planet Earth. As a student of Bible Prophecy I stand my ground, 'IF' Sarkozy wins the 2017 French Presidency this watchman will very possibly be sounding the
Watchman Alarm as never before in a responsible manner* According to most French newspapers Sarkozy
'doesn't has it made' he is still plagued by various
corruption charges and is held responsible by some Frenchmen as being part of the cause of France's decline this decade; whatever transpires will be solely because the GOD in HEAVEN who rules over the Kingdoms of men will
' will it so !!!' Should Sarkozy win the 2017 French Presidency again ( against so many odds *) this Bible Prophecy Watchman knows that it will be no mere chance nor coincidence !!! Due to the fact that numerous Biblical signs of the end appear to be appearing as never before 'The RETURN of NICOLAS SARKOZY' into the global scene should "NOT" be overlooked nor underestimated *** By : mario romano servant of the HOLY GOD of ETERNITY & of ISRAEL, WHO created numerous other Universes throughout all of Eternity and numerous other CREATIONS which have not even entered into the minds of mortal men; we are 'NOT' GOD's first creation nor His second creation in all of Eternity and we will not be His last creation either in all of Eternity***