This past week the 28 members of NATO and various Western leaders of 60
( overwhelmingly Western nations ) held a historic summit in Wales to address the growing threat of : Russian aggression, Islamic extremism via ISIS as well as NATO's role in Afghanistan. They all agreed that isolationism will not work in a world that is rapidly marshing & heading towards chaos. NATO members and allies agreed that the West via NATO must take a more aggressive role in world affairs before those threats spill over into Western & NATO countries. After the NATO summit the U.S. announced that a 'Core Coalition' of 10 members was charged with taking on ISIS ! Very shortly after the state of Israel declared its independence in May of 1948, the world's largest military alliance also came into existence via the North Atlantic Treaty signed in 1949. If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you should understand that NATO is 'NO' accident nor coincidence. The aftermath of World War II not only forced the rebirth of the political State of Israel but also set in motion the revival & rebirth of Israel's most formidable ancient enemy : The Roman Empire; who without question destroyed and killed more Jews than any other of the previous 3 Beasts of Daniel. NATO 'presently' is the world's largest military alliance and its military budget accounts for 70% of all of this planet's total military spending; far surpassing : China's, Russia's and all of the Islamic countries combined !!! If an ambitious conqueror like Alexander the Great or a Hitler had command of this NATO war machine there's no telling what they wouldn't conquer !
When the 'Little Horn' rises to absolute power he only has 3 and a half years to do what he must do; the military beast & machine that he will use to 'Blitzkrieg' the Middle East and Israel must already be mostly ready for him to exploit ! As the end of the Cold War came to an end in the early 1990's many global think tanks believed that NATO was no longer needed & relevant and would be dissolved. This student of Bible Prophecy knew that NATO would 'NOT' be dissolved and NATO will most likely in the future become the 'IRON TEETH' and the military muscle and machine of the endtimes 'Little Horn.' Despite its many shortcomings NATO is the most successful military alliance in the history of planet Earth and the re-emergence of Russian aggression 'GUARANTEES' that NATO will very likely be the military instrument that the 'Little Horn' will use and exploit in the future when he commits the 'Abomination of Desolation' and invades Israel in the last days. As students of Bible Prophecy we know that Russian aggression will 'CONTINUE' because it has been Prophesied that Russia shall indeed attack Israel in the last days according to the Prophecies of Ezequiel 38-39. This week NATO held an epic meeting in Wales to discuss the dilemma of Russian aggression and also its role in Afghanistan. It is no secret that all of the men who have tried to conquer large parts of the world in the past needed a very large and formidable military; Adolph Hitler is the most recent prime example of this. The German's manufactured and built up their war machine like crazy via : submarines, airplanes, tanks and epic & major stockpiles of artillery shortly before they attacked : Russia, England and the rest of Europe. Although we all know that the coming 'Little Horn' will be indwelled by vast demonic supernatural powers he will still need a very capable army and military machine to carry out his quest for global dominance and if history is any guide all the evidence appears to confirm that NATO or its future inheritor will be the IRON TEETH of the endtimes Beast with 10 Horns that will trample and dominate the final 42 months of human governments. While many naive and misinformed Prophecy teachers are teaching that Islam will produce the final Beast of Revelation the truth is that most of them are basing their hunches merely on 'sensational news of the Middle East' ( you don't get to conquer the world merely be blowing up everything in sight*) Yes, Islamic Terrorist groups appear to reign supreme in Islamic countries but the reality is that Western Military Powers are inserted in that region of the world and it is not the other way around; you don't see Islamic airforce and armies marching in London, Paris or Berlin. The truth is that the Prophecy of Matthew 24 : 7 has not been truly fulfilled, the truth is that not only 'anti-semitism' has been growing in Europe but also a backlash of anti-foreigners and anti-Islamic movements. A new generation of Neo-Nazi movements have sprung all over Europe from London to Moscow and this student of Bible Prophecy knows that many aspects of human history keep repeating themselves over and over for theere is nothing new under the sun, the hearts of men continue to be inclined towards wickedness. Ladies and Gentlemen it strongly appears that we have not heard the last of NATO; this servant of GOD fears that the NATO War Machine will one day be directed at Israel and 'numerically speaking' as good as Israel's Airforce is it will be overwhelmed. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST warned that when you see the 'Abomination of Desolation' take place 'those there and then' ( Jews in Jerusalem ) should run away to the mountains and not look back !!! What all 4 Beasts of Daniel have in common is that all of them 'DOMINATED' Israel & the Jews and what the 4th and final Beast ( ROME ) did to Jerusalem in 70 AD will somewhat be repeated yet again in the future by the 2nd Phase of the 4th and final Roman Beast of 10 !!! You don't have to be a 'believer' to clearly see that the Middle East and Jerusalem in particular will be the epicenter of World War 4 !!! ( WW III, really is played out by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; several Prophesied EPIC wars are yet to be played out and fulfilled *) This planet is like a 'boiling pot' filled with 'hatred and revenge' and according to Revelation 6 : 4, the hour is coming when 'men will slay one another' by the hundreds of millions !!! All the ethnic hatred that is being piled up in : Africa, Europe, the Middle East , North and South America and Asia will one day explode; Bible Prophecy guarantees it ***
( Mario Romano, is a servant of Jesus Christ and it his humble prayer that GOD ALMIGHTY will not allow this life to have been lived and been in vain on planet Earth )