You check up on your favorite top
five or six Bible Prophecy websites everyday to check how close we are to the Rapture of the Church and inside your mind you say to yourself
'its getting closer' the Ebola Plague in Africa, rumors of war between Russia and the Ukraine, Israel once again attacked by Islamic enemies, earthquakes in South America and North America and the rest of the world seems to be growing more violent by the day and if it wasn't all; this month we will know if
Sikorski or Sarkozy will gain a foothold in the European circles of power; a sheer coincidence ? As
students of Bible Prophecy you and I are a very small group who believes in the imminent return of Jesus Christ; the truth is that most of what is called 'Christianity' doesn't really believe in Bible Prophecy nor do they believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. I was reading one of the top Roman Catholic 'Prophetic' websites & they were even blatantly mocking the 'Left Behind' books; according to Roman Catholic Doctrine '
Catholicism doesn't teaches, preaches nor believes in the rapture of the Church !' ( but they do teach the false prophecies of Fatima and Augustine Eschatology ! ) In yet another case' one of the top
'Christian Celebrity Pastors' stated in his worldwide bestseller that believers should not pay much attention to Bible Prophecy !
Israel was reborn in 1948 & the reuniting of the Roman Empire via the uniting of the European powers after WW II also began shortly post-1948, it is no mere coincidence ! When I first learned of the teaching of the
'Rapture of the Church' before the Tribulation period I was stunned to learn that not all of Christianity embraced this Biblical promise. As a student of Bible Prophecy I see the
'Rapture' in the parable of the
'Ten Virgins' the parable clearly promises & declares through its symbolism that the groom ( Jesus Christ ) takes Five of the Ten Virgins who were ready with Him, the rest were literally
'Left Behind' ( Matthew 25 ) The groom
( Jesus Christ ) takes the 5 Virgins who are expecting His return to the banquet & the other Five foolish Virgins are
'left behind' and just as it happened during Noah's time
GOD once again closes the door. Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ; in just a matter of a few more days we will know if Sikorski will become the next High Representative of the European Union and we will also know whether Sarkozy will once again seek the French Presidency in 2017; regardless of what happens we are ever getting closer.
The Holy Bible guarantees that amidst so much confusion, violence and chaos during the final days 'The Wise Shall Understand' and they will instruct many*** ( Daniel 12 : 10 ) Those who are prepared to meet Jesus Christ at any moment by 'watching and praying' are called 'WISE' for most of the world has chosen to keep their 'mind , heart & attention' on the temporal things of this world.