"For the past 5 years the President of France has significant raised the profile of France on the world stage. Since 2017, when he swept to power, President Macron has launched a flurry of international initiatives that have made him one of the most active global leaders. From Beirut to the Ukraine, Macron has sought to place himself at the center of every crisis, with a flair for seizing the moment."
- Reuters, Nov 30, 2022. Why Macron ?
The Four Beasts mentioned in the Book of Daniel 'Symbolize' the four world powers that GOD sovereignly 'ALLOWED' to conquer Israel in the past and in its' future. Although it is true that there have been more than 4 world empires in the history of this planet it is also TRUE that 'Most' of them had absolutely nothing to do with the Nation of Israel and thus that is one of the main reasons why other world empires are 'NOT' specifically mentioned in the Biblical Prophecies !!!
Once again, what all of those 4 Beasts found in the Prophetic Book of Daniel had in common is that all four of them were 'Regional' Mediterranean powers that physically / militarily conquered the Nation of Israel and specifically its Capital : Jerusalem in the past and those conquests 'ONLY' took place because GOD ALMIGHTY : YHWH; allowed them to to begin with !!! ( Time and time again, each time that Israel disobeyed the commandments of GOD and His Prophets, GOD would 'ALLOW' the enemies of Israel to defeat them in battle, to take them captive and most of the time the punishment of Israel ( Hebrew - Jews ) lasted many, many years like : 70 years in Babylon and some 400 years in Egypt !!! The moral of the story : GOD does 'NOT' play with unrepentant sinners forever ***)
Concerning, the United States and France in Bible Prophecy ??? The symbology and inferences made by the 'Biblical Prophecies' indicate that France a : 'Mediterranean Nuclear Power' who presently has a much bigger and sophisticated : Army, Airforce and Navy than Germany and every single EU member ( With the exception of the Brexit / UK and NATO*) it is without question that a country like France will play an epic endtimes role because the future Prophesied 'Little Horn' is going to need a capable 'Military Machine' to go on his Prophesied quest for CONQUESTS, thus this is one of the main reasons why this student of Bible Prophecy continues to study the 'Military Industrial Complex' of : France, Germany and the UK; because as ignorant as i may appear to be i know that anyone set on 'Global Conquest' like Alexander the Great and Hitler was 'MUST' command a mighty : Army, Navy and Airforce and in reality one country in the Mediterranean 'Presently' has the potential to be the military epicenter of the rider of Revelation 6 : 2 !!!
'Prophetically and Biblically speaking' this student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" foresee American Generals leading NATO's / the EU's Defense forever !!! This student of Biblical eschatology believed 19+ years ago that America's Prophetic downfall will be the 'Implosion of its $$$ Economy / $ Dollar and 19+ years later America's growing National $ Debt has only 'Reinforced' my theory of why the United States of America does "NOT" appear as a dominant force during the final 7 years that will unleash the greatest TRIBULATION that this planet has ever witnessed !!!
"With the once very $$$ powerful Chancellor of Germany : Angela Merkel, gone and the UK running through Prime Ministers like a 'Kleenex box.' The President of France looks at least to the White House as the 'De Facto Leader' of Europe." - Washington Post
In conclusion, the President of France visited the U.S. White House this past week of December 1, 2022 and 'Most' other Bible Prophecy Watchmen out there appeared to not be very concerned; after all the President of France is to be ignored 'Prophetically Speaking' because he is not 'Assyrian' nor does he have two horns and red skin; let's underestimate him because after all he speaks English with a very thick French accent. This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' agree with all those who are already 'Confirming' who the future 'Little Horn' will be, so PLEASE do 'NOT' confuse us with others; what this servant of GOD is trying to say is that we are very, very, very close to the HARPAZO before Daniel's final 70th Week begins and someone appears to be 'Paving the Way' for 'You Know What' like no other Politician / World Leader up until now
In sum, those of us who LOVE and LIVE the WORD of GOD found in the Holy Scriptures and do this kind of work ( Teaching Bible Prophecy*) do so for the LOVE of HIS WORD. I can 'NOT' speak for all my fellow 'Eschatologists' out there, GOD has given us all different : 'GIFTS, ABILITIES and 'CAPACITIES' what i have observed and discerned is that some Bible Prophecy Watchers have a stronger 'Spiritual Insight' than others about what is actually taking place behind the 'Scenes of World Powers' ( than others.) Like Jack Kinsella once said : "GOD has put us here where HE wants us in this final Generation and some of us have accepted the 'CALL' we can not say no."
Having just won re-election, 'Someone' is going to be in power at least until 2026, ( France is scheduled to host the 2024 Summer Olympics*) this servant of GOD does 'NOT' delight in having to 'Focus' on specific major world players 'BUT' because most of the 'Major' eschatologists out there choose to : underestimate, overlook and ignore altogether certain obvious 'Global Players' it falls upon this Bible Prophecy Watcher to 'INFORM' and 'FOREWARN' upon what he 'Spiritually Sees' from the Watchtower that GOD assigned him to !!! ( If you really believe in the imminent Harpazo then you will better understand what i am trying to get at * ) This student of Bible Prophecy is very aware of where 'WE' are and where we are 'NOT' in regard to Daniel's final 70th Week and thus i try my best 'NOT' to misinform those who yearn for the soon RETURN of our LORD : JESUS CHRIST !!!
BY : an unworthy servant of the only TRUE GOD : YHWH; THEE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. This student of Bible Prophecy is either 'Plain Crazy' or he may just be on the forefront of being one of the first on this entire planet to correctly interpret the final manifestation of Daniel's final 4th Beast and the meaning of 'ALL' of its Horns even 'BEFORE' they arise to power !!! ( This is only possible because of the Wisdom that the Holy Spirit has deposited in this imperfect vessel *) This servant of GOD unfortunately was never able to attend any 'Elite American University' but there is still a GOD in HEAVEN who continues to 'REVEAL' mysteries and secrets to His servants and all those who Fear and Honor HIS HOLY Name especially when nobody is looking !!! This frail human being does 'NOT' work for any of the world's top Intelligence Agencies nor any of the world's top Space Agencies and 'YET' GOD has allowed this frail human soul some 'ILLUMINATION' into the dynamics of : European , American, Chinese, Russian and Islamic politics as well as things that neither : NASA nor the European Space Agency can confirm 100% !!! The HOLY SPIRIT knows that this servant of HIS is 'NOT' doing this for any $$$ Money / Financial gain nor any 'Popularity Contest.' After the Millennium, GOD will allow this servant of HIS to visit every single Galaxy in this Universe and if i am faithful in this 'Assignment' HE may very well allow this servant of HIS to supervise an entire Galaxy for HIS 'Honor and Glory' because if i am faithful to HIM, HE has promised to promote us to much greater things !!! ( Matthew 25 : 23 ) For i am 'NOT' trying to impress the CEO of : Apple Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Amazon Corporation nor the Director of the CIA; i am trying to impress the CEO of this UNIVERSE : YHWH : GOD ALMIGHTY physically manifested on this planet in : JESUS CHRIST !!!