"To you it has been given to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to others it has not been given." - Matthew 13 : 11
"This imperfect vessel of the Holy Spirit is here to 'Inform' you of what 'NO' Western Intelligence Agency has the slightest of clues of what is spiritually headed upon this planet. The NSA, CIA, MI6 and other Western Intel Agencies will mostly all fail when the chief of Fallen Angel's wrecks havoc upon the nations and unleashes his greatest DECEPTION ever and very unfortunately 'NOT' even all the heads of at the Pentagon will be able to put 'Humpty Dumpty' back together again !!!" ( Isaiah 14 : 17 and Revelation 12 : 9 )
"This student of Bible Prophecy has studied the unholy rise of numerous 'sycophantic' two-faced world leaders through the years ( Daniel 11 : 21 ) and he most definitely does 'NOT' underestimate 'Anyone' this far in the game nor is he naive about the internal dynamics of any and all 'Political Systems' on this planet and 'especially' those of the EU !!! In my profile of Daniel's 'Little Horn' this student of Bible Prophecy has always expected Daniel's final 'Little Horn' who has yet to fully arise and be possessed by the 'Prince of Darkness' to : eventually outsmart and overcome his numerous political adversaries, suffer political disappointments, begin with low poll numbers and remain unpopular with many ( Daniel 11 : 24 ) 'BUT' according to Daniel he 'WILL' ( it is a process*) grow stronger and stronger ( Daniel 8 : 24 ) he will survive an attempt upon his life, be underestimated by most and 'EVENTUALLY' overcome all those who opposed him early on, because he will seek to get REVENGE on all those who stood in his way early on in his rise to absolute POWER; he will be 'baptized in the fire of politics' and will emerge stronger than ever because what does not kill you makes you stronger !!! ( Woe, i almost described Hitler's rise*)...On this planet everyone has to prove themselves and pay their dues !!! The idea that someone rises to power overnight and seemingly 'out of the blue' at the very last minute is totally UNREALISTIC, especially in the ruthless political world. It is 'Ambition' that differentiates a : Julius Caesar, a Stalin, a Napoleon an Alexander the Great from the rest of the regular and common and all too often 'Spineless' politicians. It took all of the above mentioned conquerors several years to reach their pinnacle of power. We just need to study Putin's rise to fully understand how he has slowly and ruthlessly consolidated power in Russia in all those 20 years that he has been in power. All this being said; this student of eschatology does 'NOT' recommend nor approve of anyone declaring nor naming someone 'You Know What' thus yet." - Mario Romano, somewhat of a profiler and expert on Little Horns*
It was exactly three years ago that this Bible Prophecy Watchman detected a mega 'Spiritual and Political' anomaly on this planet that just does 'NOT' happen every other day !!! Although this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is 'NO' Prophet he has been following the : Military, Economic and Political emergence of one EU country in particular and thus far he has been proven correct. The major intelligence agencies of this planet have their very own 24 / 7 military and intelligence watchmen ( NORAD, U.S. National Missile Defense ( NMD ) U.S. Coast Guard etc*) and why shouldn't the 'Body of Christ' also have 'CAPABLE' intelligence gatherers / interpreters, especially when this Watchman is doing it for FREE ? When this eschatology website that focuses on Daniel's 4th and final Beast was launched in 1999 your servant and brother in Christ was somewhere in one of the University of California computer labs creating this website and wondering where all this would lead him to one day. Eventually, most of my fellow University classmates went on to be hired by the U.S. Intelligence Community ( NSA, CIA, etc *) and this servant of GOD went on to pursue another path.
I'm not going to lie to you; INITIALLY this imperfect vessel thought that he had made the wrong decision, while most of my fellow University classmates went on to make a name for themselves in the : Pentagon, the CIA and in other Intelligence governmental agencies, this servant of GOD felt somewhat disillusioned with the possibility that maybe GOD never called me to do this; 'BUT' looking back i have realized that GOD has provided for all my needs and i have fully come to the realization that there is indeed no greater calling and no greater privilege than to TEACH the WORD of GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Today, i acknowledge fully well that if this vessel of the Holy Spirit does this 'CORRECTLY' that GOD is going to promote this servant of his 'Big Time' one day in a manner that 'NO' earthly and temporary human government could ever repay me with !!! ( Matthew 25 : 23 )
This servant of GOD is 'NOT' the same believer that he was in 1999, since then he has 'Spiritually Matured' and has learned to be guided by 'WISDOM' and 'NOT' by what my eyes of 'Flesh and Blood' can or cannot physically see. Like most Bible Prophecy student's and teachers, this believer understood in 1999 that we were indeed the 'Final Generation' and 20 years later 'EVERYTHING' that has transpired since then on the world scene only reinforces this REALITY; that we indeed are the final generation !!!
This Bible Prophecy Watchman Would Never Do This For All The $$$ Money in This Corrupt World; in Fact This Vessel of the Holy Spirit is Doing This For 'Free' Without Expecting Any $$$ nor Any Praise From Anyone, Because he Owes GOD 'Big Time' and Then Some !!! GOD owes me 'Nothing' He has already given me so much : health, oxygen, daily bread and eternal life !!! Yes, GOD is good !!!
"EUinProphecy is not here to attempt to 'Pin the Tail' on anyone or anything for that matter; we are here to Teach and Inform the 'Body of Christ' and anyone else who will listen of the role that Daniel's 4th Beast will play in endtime events and 'IF' by sheer accident we stumble on some highly 'Suspicious' EU political movements and CAUTION about what is becoming somewhat 'OBVIOUS' it is 'NOT' our fault for being diligent students of the WORD of GOD !!! It will be those who ignore the WORD of GOD and it's Prophecies who will be taken completely by surprise. This believer is 'NOT' fascinated by highly overpaid $$$ men : Kicking, Throwing or Bouncing any ball for hours on end; it is thee WORD of GOD that fascinates me and i do 'NOT' apologize for studying the Book of Daniel and Revelation and heeding the words and the revelation therein !!!"Only three years ago it seemed like everything would continue to go on being 'NORMAL' but the truth is that ever since then this world has absolutely changed just like we 'WARNED' and 'SUSPECTED' that it would if you read our original 'ARTICLE' of May 7, 2017 !!! Back in the early 2000's the now dissolved 'Western European Union' was on the radar of many student s of Bible Prophecy 'BUT' it too ceased to be and left some of us scratching our heads in wonderment.
In 1999, some of the most respected teachers of eschatology were still alive like : Tim LaHaye, Jack Kinsella, Dave Hunt and several others 'BUT' GOD has indeed raised up a new final generation of Watchmen/ Watchwomen who are still studying the Biblical Prophecies and who are responsibly teaching them to the 'Body of Christ.'
I'm not going to lie to you; since launching this website in 1999 those 20 years have gone pretty quickly in my opinion and since 2017, these past three years have seemingly also passed very quickly. This fellow believer in the 'Biblical Prophecies' has always believed that thee number one sign of the soon RETURN of our LORD : Jesus Christ is the 'REBIRTH of the State of Israel in 1948 and everything i'm OBSERVING in this planet is only confirming my 'Suspicions' that this is indeed the final DECADE of the 'Church Age' !!!
"For some reason it took another couple of years for most Teachers of Bible Prophecy to fully come to understand what actually transpired on : May 7 of 2017. Think of EUinProphecy as the last covert level of security 'NO' trojan horse is going undetected by this Watchman !!!"
If there was a group of people who should have known the Biblical Prophecies concerning the birth of the true Messiah of Israel it were the : Pharisees and Sadducees who at an early age were encouraged and taught to memorize the law of GOD and His Holy Word and yet 'ALL' of them failed to recognize the birth of Yeshua; GOD had to open the eyes of non-Jewish Magi foreigners from the East !!! It is a shame when a major Prophecy is about to be fulfilled and those who were supposed to know the correct interpretation of the WORD of GOD and it's Prophecies absolutely 'FAIL' !!! This insignificant servant of thee LIVING GOD has invested too many hours of study into the WORD of GOD, too many fasting days, too many hours studying numerous commentaries and history books to make the same mistakes that the Pharisees and Sadducees committed in the past; if it is the will of GOD we will correctly identify early on the most likely 10 King's of Revelation 'BUT' it is very likely that the Harpazo will happen before the rise of those 10 mentioned in the Book of Revelation***
Let Us Not 'Blot Out' The Biblical Prophecies; They Too Are An Integral Part of The Whole Counsel of GOD !
This servant of GOD absolutely does 'NOT' apologizes for being a student of Bible Prophecy and specifically of thee WORD of GOD. If you have been following and reading our 'ARTICLES' all these years you know that we have tried our best to 'Responsibly and Cautiously' WARN the 'Body of Christ.' There is a growing number of 'Christian Leaders' who NEGLECT to teach 'ALL" the 'Counsel of GOD' this servant of Jesus Christ has personally heard, observed and witnessed several 'Christian Leaders' focusing almost entirely on 'Economic Prosperity' for an entire year; they NEVER go over the Book of Daniel, Zechariah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and much less the Book of Revelation because they in fact do 'NOT' yearn for the 'Blessed Hope' their carnal eyes are fixed on the 'Temporal Things' of this world and when they do 'Preach and Teach' most of the Biblical verses and chapters that they do focus on are 'Twisted' and taken entirely out of context !!! There are over 43+ Biblical Prophecies that concern Daniel's 'Little Horn' and 'SOME' Christian Leaders are telling us that we shouldn't be trying to 'You Know What' it's almost as if they are telling their followers to 'Tear Out' or 'Black Out' those Prophecies and this student of Bible Prophecy is most certainly 'NOT' going to listen to such 'UNWISE' and 'Spiritually Blind' leaders who in some cases tell more jokes in one of their sermons than actually quote Biblical verses !!!
There are very, very interesting dates coming up and the first one includes the 2022 : French Presidential Elections. The other one is the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games, things should get very interesting IF the Harpazo has not happened by then !!! We remain 'OPEN' to the political changes of the
EU as it transforms into it's final phase revealed to us in the Book of Revelation.
Marine Le Pen has announced that she plans to run for the : 2022 French Presidential Elections one more time.
EUinProphecy continues to be 'OPEN' to major : political, military and economic changes within the : EU, Eurozone, NATO, Schengen Area and we remain 'OPEN' to the political exit of most EU Politicians. Theresa May, the former British Prime Minister was only in power for around 3 years and in contrast Germany's : Angela Merkel has been in power as Germany's Chancellor for 15 long years now. What we do know with 100% certainty is that Mrs. Merkel has promised 'NOT' to seek another term. The next National Elections in Germany are scheduled for October 2021. GOD, our CREATOR allowed this servant of His to be born in this final generation and HE has allowed me to witness the final stages / years of the EU before it is transformed into it's final form consisting of 10 King's ( 10 EU Leaders*) who will reign over it for a Prophesied period of 42 months 'Only' ( Revelation 17 : 12 ) the NAZI's in contrast were in power for some 12 years and yet the Biblical Prophecies reveal to us that more human beings are going to be 'Neutralized' during those future 3 and a half years than in those who died during the reign of the NAZI Party in Germany in the years : 1933 - 1945 !!!
Reminder : This student of geopolitics does 'NOT' teach that the UN will be one of the 10 King's of Revelation. For over a decade we have been teaching that the UN will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor the 'League of Nations' and become 'Irrelevant' as numerous WARS breakout in the future !!! ( Revelation 6, Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 9 : 14 ) As it is, the UN is mostly powerless and without any 'Iron Teeth' if the UN can't even stop the present 'small regional civil wars' in Africa and the Middle East; what makes anyone believe that they will be more effective when : nuclear, chemical and biological war really plagues this planet in the future !!!
Caution: The Rise of False Prophecies *
One of my greatest concerns is the 'Proliferation' of so many who call themselves 'Prophets of GOD' and allow others to address them as such and 'YET' they have given numerous fully documented 'False Prophecies' in the past to the 'Body of Christ' !!! I am 'NOT' going to give out any names 'BUT' shame on anyone and all those who say 'GOD Told Me' and their 'Personal Prophecy' does 'NOT' come to pass !!! Most of the 'Modern Day' self proclaimed Prophets have absolutely 'NOT' mastered the Biblical Prophecies to begin with because too many of their 'Personal Visions' from the LORD do 'NOT' sync in with the WRITTEN WORD of GOD !!! I am most certainly 'NOT' afraid of any 'False Prophet' if anyone is calling themselves a 'Prophet of GOD' they better have a 100% accuracy rate; PERIOD !!! Mario Romano is 'NOT' a Prophet of GOD, to be truthful having studied the Biblical Prophecies for some 20+ years i am still learning much from them and i do 'NOT' fully understand the interpretation of 'ALL' of them yet !!! This fellow believer in Christ does 'NOT' focus his entire 'Christian Life' on eschatology, like most believers he too does his best to live every single day by 'FAITH' and not by SIGHT. Mario does 'NOT' does this for $$$ Money, nor to gain any 'FAME' he simply does this for his LOVE of thee WORD of GOD and his LOVE for the TRUTH. Your fellow brother in Christ Jesus continues to ask for your PRAYERS to be led to 'ALL' truth by the direction of the HOLY SPIRIT; the hour is quickly approaching when it will be very evident who is indeed a TRUE disciple and follower of JESUS CHRIST and who is not.
In other very interesting military news on May 2, 2020 the French Navy ( Marine Nationale*) began testing ( Sea Trials) it's newest nuclear attack submarine: The Suffren in the North Atlantic Ocean near the English Channel. It will add to France's Nuclear Triad; the Suffren is capable of 24 weapons both : Nuclear and non-nuclear missiles* This believer reminds everyone that the major 'Nuclear Powers' in the Mediterranean are : Israel, France , NATO, Russia in Syrian Port and the UK !!!
In conclusion, this specific servant of GOD has "NOT" finalized nor fully confirmed who Daniel's final 'Little Horn' is or will end up being. This servant of GOD does 'NOT' approve nor agree with all those WATCHMEN who are 'Jumping the Gun.' The HOLY SPIRIT knows that this vessel of GOD has tried his best to 'TEACH and INFORM' the 'Body of Christ' the best he can !!! What i do confirm is that we are indeed on the right path in 'Comparison' to most other students and teachers of Bible Prophecy out there who are 'Butchering the Prophetic WORD of GOD.' What we do know 100% is that this world has "NOT" entered into the final 70th Week of Daniel; thus we know that there is still 'AROUND' a 10 year window of time ( max gap of another 42 months between the Harpazo and the 'Covenant With the Many*) open before JESUS CHRIST PHYSICALLY PUTS HIS FEET ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES !!!
"This student of Bible Prophecy absolutely does 'NOT' agree with all those who are stating that Pope Francis is the final Pope, luckily for him he will 'NOT' be."
The Jewish Diaspora was mostly over in 1948. What About the Last Aliyah ?
In sum, this Bible Prophecy 'Watchman' can 'NOT' speak for all the other fellow : Watchmen / Watchwomen out there; GOD deposited different spiritual gifts in each and everyone of us to edify the 'Body of Christ.' Although i am 'NOT' a Prophet of GOD; i acknowledge that i am one of a very few eschatology teachers who are CORRECTLY teaching the Biblical Prophecies in a very 'RESPONSIBLE' manner. The Bible 'CAUTIONS' us of 'NOT' bearing 'False Witness' ( Exodus 20 : 16 ) and thus i will REFRAIN from calling anyone the 'You Know What' !!! That being said there is 'NO' question nor DEBATE that we are on somewhere on the edge of Daniel's final 70th Week and if i was an American Jew i would quickly sell off all my American Properties while i still have some $$$ Equity and move back to Israel as soon as possible !!! When GOD is about to allow a 'Major Fulfillment' of Bible Prophecy those who are not ready nor have heeded HIS warning usually do 'NOT' get to put their feet on the true 'Promise Land' in the past most of our Jewish friends were FORCED into exile into : Babylon, Egypt and other foreign lands 'BUT' "NO" American Jew is being forced to stay in America; that is a personal decision that will have very painful consequences in the not too distant future as GOD initiates the final 70th Week of Daniel and allows 'Jacob's Trouble' to begin.
The Bible 'REVEALS' to us that Satan controls the Pagan nations and empires of this world. In the past he : used, abused and exploited : Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Persia ( Daniel 10 : 13 and Daniel 10 : 20 ) the Roman Papacy ( unholy inquisitions* ) the Spanish Empire, Russia Pogroms, NAZI Germany and most recently a handful of Islamic Terrorist groups to try and wipe out our Jewish friends !!! Satan is seldom able to use and exploit the same empire and people in his annihilation plans against the Jews; thus this student of Bible Prophecy knows that he will 'NOT' be able to use Germany once again like he did so with Hitler 'BUT' he is most definitely is going to be forced to use another European Military power to lead those 10 King's of Revelation.
By : Mario Romano, a very discerning student of Daniel's Prophecies. This servant of GOD may very well leave this planet with not much $$$ money to his name, he may leave this body with no 'Purple Medals' on his chest and he may leave this planet with almost no one knowing who he truly is and with no multi-million $$$ contract of any kind 'BUT' he is most definitely planning on leaving this world 'FULL of the HOLY SPIRIT' and thee number one MOTIVATION of this unworthy vessel is the moment in eternity when GOD will direct His eternal WORD to this vessel and say : 'Well Done Good and Faithful Servant' !!! ( Matthew 25 : 23 ) If you read our original article of May 7, 2017 you were CAUTIONED about the upcoming 5 years and thus far it is getting seriously UNREAL and EERIE !!! BECAUSE 3 years into this, the whole planet has seemingly been turned 'Upside Down' at least financially and i'm beginning to understand first hand why both the : USA and CHINA are 'NOT' much mentioned as the final 'Dominant' Super Powers during the final 70th Week of Daniel !!! ( We will address China's Future Role later on and it is 'NOT' very good*) to GOD be all the 'Honor and Glory' this servant of HIS recognizes that he is but one of many vessels at HIS disposal.