Europe's Hamiltonian Moment $$$ Towards a True Federation With a Central Government or Disintegration ?
The $$$ Trillion Dollar / Euro Question, Who Will Collapse First: USA, China, EU ?
In the past two months the Japanese Government has injected $ 2.2 Trillion dollars / Yen, into the Japanese Economy.
The U.S. Government and the U.S. Treasury have borrowed $ 5 Trillion U.S. Dollars thus far in four months to keep on stimulating the U.S. Economy.
The EU / Eurozone countries are expected to inject $ 800+ Billion Euros into EU Countries. Russia and China are also expected to easily pass the $ 1+ Trillion stimulus mark when all is said and done.
At the present rate; China's Biological Chernobyl ( whether intentional or accidental*) will easily surpass costing much of the economies of this world well over $ 8+ Trillion USD and counting !!!
Will such economies teethering on the brink of a massive economic depression / recession leave China off the $ hook, should the nations of this world hold the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party ) $$$ liable for the Covid-19 ?
What we do know 100% according to Bible Prophecy is that China will 'NOT' emerge as the world's final gentile superpower as most professional prognosticators were predicting in the past; that prophetic role belongs to the 10 horned Beast mentioned in the Book of Revelation and 'NOT' to the King's of the East !!!
For in one hour so great riches have come to nothing. - Book of Revelation 18:17
While it is true that we are 'NOT' yet close to the fulfillment of the Prophecy found in Revelation 18 : 17, the inconvenient truth is that 'ALL' of the world's major economic engines are seemingly RACING towards it and as much as they press the 'Brakes' on spending; the CARGO that they are CARRYING is so huge and heavy that the whole thing seems UNSTOPPABLE as all race down a hill, they are all slipping into an oncoming and inevitable ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and to tell you the TRUTH; according to the hints and chronology of Bible Prophecy we only have a very few years left !!!
In 2013, Austrian economist : Barbara Kolm in an interview predicted the collapse of the $ EURO and the disintegration of the EU, she in her professional opinion back then did 'NOT' believe that the : EU, Eurozone, $ Euro would continue on for too long !!! She believed that the then Greek Financial Crisis would produce the end of the European experiment and she has been proven 'DEAD WRONG' along with the predictions of other : economists , professional analysts and even some teachers of Bible Prophecy !!!
For some very 'NAIVE' persons, the American economy seems to be the perfect model by which all other economies should aspire / be modeled to become. The U.S. appears to have all powerful fiscal stabilizers, high labor mobility, world's largest GDP at $ 20+ Trillion, a very diverse economy 'NOT' 80%+ dependent just on Oil sales and production like : Russia or Saudi Arabia and a very seemingly 'all-powerful' Federal Reserve Bank that can 'BLAST' any oncoming $$$ RECESSION / DEPRESSION to infinity and beyond !!!
The truth is that INFLATION has been an ever present reality to most of the 190+ countries in this planet; Western countries have been lucky to escape the inflation that has gripped countries like : Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and 20+ others. To be truthful, 'MOST' people have survived living in what we would call a 'Backwards 3rd World Country' people have resorted to 'Bartering' and 'NOT' living anymore beyond their means. There truly is nothing much new under the sun !!! Most American's managed to SURVIVE the 'Great Depression' of 1929 - 1933+ and if prepared most American's will 'STUDY' the past so as to 'NOT' repeat it's mistakes. Economic '$$$ Boom and Busts' have been a 'REALITY' throughout much of human history, we should all learn from Joseph's 7 fat and 7 skinny cows that although was directed at the Egyptian economy of his time in reality it has repeated itself in almost every other economy on this world and that is 'Save and Prepare for the Bad $$$ Times' during the '$$$ Good Times' because the 'Bad days' are guaranteed to come; be it through : $$$ currency collapse, war, plagues or other national disasters !!!
The European Union consisting of 27+ nations 'EVEN' after Brexit continues to be the world's LARGEST trading block with 80 countries in comparison the USA has 20 trading partners. This student of Bible Prophecy has simulated a worst case SCENARIO years ago in which the Eurozone and it's $ EURO would collapse and even though it's 'NOT" impossible what is 'Impossible' is that both the European Union and the Eurozone would collapse simultaneously !!! In such a remote case, it would take most European countries years to restart printing their own currency and it would also be very likely that such currencies would suffer massive depreciation / currency corrections like the Venezuelan and Zimbabwe currencies of the past.
"Berlin has boldly changed it's mind and opened up it's checkbook and directed much needed economic aid to needy EU countries, because Germany wants to assure the survival of the European Project to which Germany has now been attached for 70 years !!! Berlin is 'NOT' going to let such a Project fall apart now."
- Wolfgang Ischinger, Former German Ambassador to the U.S.
"The spiritual and biblical TRUTH is that the fate and destiny of 'ALL' the countries on this Earth are DIRECTLY interconnected with the State of Israel and it's Jewish people; those nations and people's that BLESS Israel shall be BLESSED by Almighty GOD and those who adamantly seek it's destruction and annihilation will be visited by the Angel of Death unleashed by GOD sooner or later ( via : civil war, total war, famines etc*) if you want to know what GOD is going to do in the future to the 'Wicked' you just need to study what 'HE' has sovereignly done to such unrepentant people in the past !!!" ( Exodus 12 : 23 )
Nigel Farage : The UK Brexit Party Leader once mocked the EU Commission in one of his speeches stating "An EU Army to Face Russia, Who Do You Think You're Kidding ?" Unfortunately, Mr. Nigel has never read Daniel's Prophecies ( 7 : 23 , he's probably part of the 'Post-Christian UK'* ) The Biblical truth is that most of Russia's Military Forces will be 'Mortally Neutralized' during the Ezekiel 38-39 War against Israel; thus leaving a "MAJOR" vacuum of power in Eurasia and especially in the Middle East !!!
The War Machine and the Iron Teeth of the 4th Beast : A Roman / EU Army *
"EUinProphecy, will make Bible Prophecy history ( and to think that some of my teachers believed that i would not amount to much, what could have happened if i believed their lies ? *) we humbly believe that we are on the forefront of correctly interpreting the symbolism of Daniel's final 10 Horns. Europe has found political unification in the European Union ( EU ) and $$$ Monetary Unification in the $ Eurozone; all that it is lacking of it's very own : Military Unification, that will be very likely led by those 10 King's mentioned in the Book of Revelation. It is almost 'IMPOSSIBLE' that both the : Eurozone and it's $ EURO as well as that the entire European Union collapses too and in the process forcing the European's to begin from 'Scratch' all over again !!! So if you ever hear or see on the news that NATO will follow in the steps of the defunct 'Western European Union' ( WEU) then know that the end is truly near and it only took this student of Bible Prophecy around 20 years to arrive to this highly educated conclusion after studying and researching numerous historical books, historical patterns, political patterns and the Biblical Prophecies which reveal to us that the final 4th Beast's weakness will be that it will 'NOT' be fully composed of IRON but that it has parts composed of CLAY and since 1957 when the European Common Market ( ECM) began many predicted it's 'Breakup and collapse' because it was a very mismatched Union of nations and 'YET' the EU has outlived all those early forecasts about it's doom and breakup. The truth is that the Prophecy of 'Iron and Clay' indicates 'Instability' since it's beginning / inception; like it's trying to come undone/ come apart for 50+ years 'BUT' it does "NOT" regardless of the Greek financial Crisis and regardless of Brexit; the EU and the Eurozone continue to defy the odds !!!"
America has enjoyed unprecedented economic prosperity for many DECADES now and to be truthful a large percentage of it was due in part to moving from the $ GOLD STANDARD. There was a time / period in American history when we did 'NOT' have a $ 22+ Trillion USD National Debt problem and another $ 4+ Trillion in underfunded liabilities all over this country. Like we have stated before; American politicians sold us out decades ago, they guaranteed their RE-ELECTION with numerous $ Economic promises that were 'NOT' sustainable in the long term and that is one of several reasons why in most : Counties and cities all over the USA that a large percentage of their annual budgets are just going to service $ UNSUSTAINABLE PENSIONS and other $$$ Promises made by our past elected leaders.
In sum, the fiscal TRUTH is that too many of the largest economies of this planet have been living well BEYOND their means for many years now !!! The Central Banks of such economies were authorized by 'Elected Leaders' to 'Stimulate Their Unsustainable Economies' for several years now and that is why most of them are in 'Deep Mud' !!! The larger economic engines of this planet have seemingly been able to 'Creatively Rearrange' their massive debts, a luxury that is very obviously 'NOT' an option to all 3rd World developing countries. In short, our 'Economic Geniuses' who put us all in this situation were selling us 'Snake Oil' and our leaders bought it, to them it was at least a 'Temporary Fix' like resealing a 50+ year old water dam that obviously is about to come down any minute !!!
In conclusion, it gives me 'NO' pleasure on what is guaranteed to come upon all of this planet as the Tribulation period gets closer and closer. The wicked continue to pursue the carnal desires of their flesh 'BUT' you and i know better; the hour of TRIAL is coming upon all of those who REJECTED and IGNORED GOD's only plan of Salvation via : Jesus Christ. Those who put on all their faith in this corrupt world system and especially it's tempoary wealth $$$ are going to be greatly DISAPPOINTED. The United States of America was greatly blessed by GOD 'BUT' even GOD's 'Grace and Patience' has it's limitations, HE will only allow unrepentant sin to pile up to the Heaven so high ( Revelation 18 : 5 )
Beasts Without Horns and Iron Teeth are Harmless *
"We repeat; as of May 30, 2020 this student of Bible Prophecy has long ago abandoned the possibility that the Mediterranean Union would emerge as thee most likely entity to produce the 10 King's of Revelation. This servant of GOD is not a Prophet nor is he prophesying; he is but a mere researcher. All the present evidence before this student of Bible Prophecy who specializes in Daniel's Prophecies indicate to him that those 10 King's of Revelation will most likely be the heads of a 'Future' European Military Alliance; it were the actual 'ARMIES' of those 4 Beasts of Daniel who in the past literally and physically CONQUERED Israel in the past and desecrated it's Holy Capital : Jerusalem !!! The European Union is a Beast 'BUT' thus far it has 'NOT' grown those 10 Horns of it's own; thus it appears to this student of 'Military Thought' that NATO's days in Europe are numbered, Daniel's 'Little Horn' will most definitely "NOT" want to share military decisions with a NATO that is in reality led by an : American General / Supreme Allied Commander. Thus, the European's have 'NOT' finalized their 'European Project' such a Beast that they have been putting together and modifying for over 50+ years like a 'Frankenstein' only lacks a head with 10 horns and some 'Iron Teeth' !!!"
- Mario Romano, student of Strategic Studies
This Bible Prophecy Watchman respects the 'Opinions' and Interpretations / Point of Views of other Bible Prophecy Watchman / Watchwomen out there. This vessel of the Holy Spirit is 'NOT' in competition with anyone else. GOD gave us all different 'GIFTS, ABILITIES and UNDERSTANDING OF CERTAIN THINGS.' I do 'NOT" have it all figured out 'YET' but if you have been reading our 'Articles' for years now you know very well that we have a very DECENT record in comparison to other Watchmen out there who still don't seem to have figured out even yet what Daniel's 4th Beast symbolizes ( some even today are still teaching about an ISIS Beast ) !!! I know that GOD 'Greatly Rewards' all those who Honor Him and Glorify Him in everything; i have given GOD the best years of my life, i don't look like much 'BUT' i'm fully aware that much greater men than this imperfect man of GOD have departed from this world without having the remotest of clues why GOD allowed them to be born on this planet to begin with !!! There is 'NO' greater calling than the calling of GOD and 'NO' greater REWARD than the REWARDS that GOD gives !!!
Antiochus Epiphanes Rise Was 'NO' Walk Through Any Rose Garden*
Although this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' enjoy dwelling on this specific topic concerning Daniel's final 'Little Horn' on this occasion he finds it necessary to CLARIFY an erroneous teaching that is being divulged by some Teachers of Bible Prophecy. The truth, is that the early rise of the endtimes Little Horn will be 'NO' Walk Through a Rose Garden ( Idiom*) Antiochus Epiphanes himself ( who was 'NOT' Islamic, Muhammed had not even been born yet*) had to literally fight his way up to the top early on, even as he confronted several : SETBACKS, DISAPPOINTMENTS and ENEMIES too !!! The truth is that 'NOT' everyone liked him !!! I state this because sometimes i hear some well intentioned brothers teaching on the subject and naively believe that such an endtimes individual ( Little Horn*) is just going to 'DAZZLE' everyone and that everything that he touches will turn to gold, the 'Scriptural Truth' is that the Biblical Prophecies very clearly teaches that 'NOT' everyone is going to drink his 'Kool -Aid' !!! There are going to be several nations and world leaders who are 'NOT' going to follow him blindly, even early on 3 of the King's of Revelation are 'NOT' going to want to follow his agenda and someone is even going to try and eliminate him and during the Great Tribulation period news from the East and North will bother him, China is 'NOT' going to fully align itself with him nor is Israel going to accept the 666 Mark nationally. What this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to say is that the final Antiochus Epiphanes who will possess the same unholy spirit, will 'NOT' have an easy political start, he too will have to fight his way up to power to impress the 'Prince of Darkness' and then Satan will give such an individual that we presently do 'NOT' know who it will be, all of his unholy powers !!!
By : a very insignificant servant of Jesus Christ who was 'NOT' born in a Born Again Christian family and who was 'NOT' born with a silver spoon and who was 'NOT' able to attend Bible College. I am 'NOT' here for any 'Pity Party' this human soul is just here by thee pure grace and mercy of our Almighty Creator : GOD manifested in Jesus Christ !!! This vessel of GOD enjoys solving; challenging and hard to solve : Puzzles, Mysteries and other Odd Patterns. You may never see my face down here on Earth but by the time that GOD removes me form this planet all the powers of hell and all of Satan's henchmen are going to know that thee HOLY SPIRIT resides in this imperfect human being. i am nothing 'BUT' thee GREATEST SPIRIT in all of this UNIVERSE dwells in this imperfect human vessel and that's why i am here to DECLARE the WONDROUS works of our ETERNAL CREATOR. I don't have to do this, nor am i being paid $$$ for doing this and neither am i doing this for any public recogntion or Earthly reward; i am merely doing this because i believe in the written WORD of GOD and i am merely trying my best to TEACH it and LIVE it. Unlike many in YouTUbe i have never seen an ANGEL nor had any DAZZLING visions from GOD ( honestly, i wish i did because several YouTuber's seem to have one almost daily ( the famous GOD Told Me So phrase !!! ) I do 'NOT' follow Jesus Christ because of 'Signs and Wonders' i just believe in His WORD and am trying my best to ABIDE in His WORD by faith regardless of 'Feelings' His WORD is enough for me !!!