The 4 Minions of Satan's Apocalypse ?
ALL four of the above world despots are in 'Big Trouble' and they know it. What : Global Pressure, Economic Sanctions and American Foreign Policy was not able to accomplish for many years is being rapidly accelerated by none other than the Coronavirus. This global virus is acting like an accelerant that is quickly helping to reshape the geopolitical order of this planet in more ways than one !!! Drastic drops in Oil Prices are going to force Putin to make DESPERATE military moves because a very large percentage of the Russian economy and budget depends on international oil and natural gas sales. Rising World anger against an Incompetent Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) is at the least going to produce major $$$ Economic Sanctions against China; short of war !!! When the Coronavirus Pandemic lessens many nations are going to seek some type of $$$ retribution against Xi Jinping and his atheistic government. It is becoming rather evident that 'NOT' only is the State of Missouri going after China in a lawsuit 'BUT' several other Countries also feel that China should be given the bill $$$ for unleashing the Coronavirus ( Biological Warfare or not*) and whether it is true or not that North Korea's : Kim Jong-Un is fighting for his life or not, the fact is that his minions continue to 'Test' his Missiles too provocatively is just asking for trouble. Meanwhile in Iran; despite the Coronavirus plague mortally neutralizing some high Iranian leaders, the President of Iran : Rouhani continues to be bent upon Israel's destruction and he most certainly has not cancelled Iran's nuclear ambitions because of the Coronavirus !!!
Many are clamoring for life to return 'Back to Normal' and the TRUTH is that what will follow the Coronavirus is going to be even more painful for millions who will lose their jobs due to a possible Tsunami of bankruptcies in many sectors of the economy. Just 2+ months into this 'War' against the Coronavirus it is estimated that the U.S. economic costs have already ( if not yet, will easily soon surpass $$$ them*) surpassed the costs of the : War in Iraq, the 19+ year old Afghanistan War and the costs of September 11 and when the Coronavirus ends its threat at this rate, just the American economic losses will easily surpass 4+ Trillion U.S. Dollars 'BUT' with over $ 22+120 = $144 Trillion USD, in total national debts as well as underfunded liabilities, another 4+ Trillion added couldn't possibly bring down the whole $$$ American Economic Pyramid, right ??? After all, haven't our elected political leaders all been very 'Fiscally Responsible' for the past 3+ decades and with over : $144 Trillion USD in accumulated debts 'Piled Up' by 'ALL' American state governments, the Federal government and by American consumers what could possibly go wrong ???
This world is quickly spiraling out of the control of 'ALL' world leaders and it is inevitably heading into somewhat of a similar period of that of the late : 1920's to the late 1930's that produced the : Great Depression and World War II. Economic instability back then went on to produce massive Political instability; especially in Europe and specifically in Germany. If you have been reading our 'Articles' you have been informed that the 4 Horsemen mentioned in Revelation 6 are really the product of a coming World War III that 'PRE-CEDES' the final Battle of Armageddon by several years.
There is some confusion as to the 'ANNIHILATION' event of Revelation 9 : 14. That 'Regional Nuclear Holocaust' epicentered in the Eurasian Continent where the Euphrates is located comes some time 'AFTER' the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are unleashed. There is an obvious and clear chronology to the judgements of Revelation. After ( many months later*) some time afterwards that the 4 Horsemen are 'Unleashed' it is that the 4 'Fallen Angel's bound in the Euphrates River do their unholy thing ( it should be noted that all countries in the Euphrates Region/ River are Islamic countries* ) those 4 Fallen Angel's are most likely the instigators of a regional 'Nuclear Holocaust' in that specific region of the planet in : Eurasia, because the Prophecy mentions 'Fire , Smoke and Sulfur' so we are 'NOT' talking about a Coronavirus Part II on steroids ( Not Biological Warfare but nuclear*). What is absolutely 'NOT' debatable is that such Prophecy guarantees that 33% ( one third ) of the population of this planet perishes 'then and there' and that is about 1.8+ Billion human souls and because : 1.4+ billion Muslims, 1.3+ billion Chinese and 1.1+ billion Hindu-Indians live on that Eurasian continent 'MOST' of the dead will concern those THREE nuclear powers in that REGION of this world : Nuclear Islamic Pakistan, Nuclear India and Nuclear China !!! ( This servant of GOD does 'NOT' promote : ethnic, racial nor religious warfare, Mario is just 'Interpreting' the Prophecies of the Bible and it is 'NO' secret that the Islamic Government of Nuclear Pakistan and the Hindu Government of Nuclear India have been close to Nuclear War on several occasions in the past and there is 'NO' question that the Atheistic Government of Nuclear China is going to be pulled into that nuclear conflict in the future; for it is absolutely 'NO' secret that China has over 1,000,000+ Islamic Uighurs locked up against their will in 'Communist Re-Education Camps' ( which are really modern day concentration camps !!!) Commentary / Interpretation By: Mario Romano, student of : Strategic Studies, Nuclear Proliferation, Assymetrical Warfare and Spiritual Warfare*
The FIRST Horseman of Revelation has 'NOT' yet mounted his white horse; before he can mount it and initiate his world CONQUEST TOUR : Russia, Iran, China as well as most Islamic countries who 'Love Peace' must prophetically be 'Neutralized' in upcoming WARS mentioned in Ezekiel's Prophecies. It is 'NOT' that Daniel's 4th Beast will have a much bigger Navy than that of the USA nor more Nuclear Weapons than those of Russia; it is that the 4th and final Beast of Daniel becomes the final DOMINANT Hegemonic world power almost by 'DEFAULT' because in the land of the 'Blind' the one eyed man is King !!! ( Zechariah 11 : 17 ) It appears that Daniel's Little Horn is going to survive an attempt upon his life according to the 'Hints' of Revelation 13 : 3 and Zechariah 11: 17*
A Possible Physical Characteristic of the Upcoming Worthless One.
- Zechariah 11:17
.Like we have stated in the past; the rider on the white horse of Revelation 6 can 'NOT' begin his thing 'UNTIL' the Ezekiel 38-39 war takes place first. In fact this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ personally believes that Daniel's 'Little Horn' is going to allow Russia and Company to commit 'Military Suicide' upon the hills, mountains and valleys round about Israel and it is 'After' the implosion of Russia's Military takes place that he ( Daniel's Little Horn*) goes in for the killing !!!
There are several 'Interpretations' of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but if you have been visiting us for several years you are well aware that we have 'NOT' changed our interpretation of Revelation 6 : 1-7; the 4 Horsemen bring forth World War III very simply because they will produce more destruction and human deaths than those who lost their lives in World War I and WW II put together !!! ( around 120+ million human souls perished in WW I and WW II altogether*) Some teachers of Bible Prophecy argue that it doesn't say that 25% ( one fourth*) of the population of the world is killed 'BUT' that is just 'Missing the Point' even if it does involve 25% of the nations on this planet that is about 50 Countries at War and you better believe that : Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Weapons are going to be used !!!
Where are we in Bible Prophecy ???
Our LORD : Jesus Christ himself revealed to us that the Temple in Jerusalem was going to be destroyed ( Mark 13 : 1-2 ) and so it was just a few years after his crucifixion by Roman General Titus and his very motivated Roman soldiers who didn't see anything holy about the Temple but that only saw a goldmine !!! Jesus also revealed to us that most Jews would be in a global diaspora for hundreds of years ( Luke 21 : 24 and Matthew 23 : 38 ) and so it was until 1948. One of the final revelations of our LORD : Jesus Christ is HIS guarantee that after the regathering of the Jews there will be a new endtimes TEMPLE in Jerusalem and thus far that it one of the few Revelations of Jesus that has 'NOT' yet been fulfilled 'BUT' at this rate and it is the pure 'Personal Opinion' of this student of Bible Prophecy who studies historical and Biblical 'PATTERNS' that it should be completed very well within this DECADE !!! The New Temple can 'NOT' be completed 'YET' only after the Ezekiel War 38-39, will it be INAUGURATED. This servant of GOD does 'NOT' buy into all those who are announcing the imminent construction of the new Temple for many years now and 'NO' major construction has obviously been initiated; YES they might have the pre-printed blueprints ready and most of the required Temple vessels might be ready 'BUT' at this rate we are still a few YEARS away from that reality !!!
If you have been reading our 'Articles' you are very well aware that we do 'NOT' promote the idea / theory of 'The New World Order.' For over a decade now we have been teaching that the final 10 Horn Kingdom of the Beast is going to have it's very own 'Unholy Name' ( Revelation 13 : 1 ) just as the : Eurozone, the EU, NATO etc, have their own and what i can tell you with 100% assurance is that it will 'NOT' call itself the 'New World Order.' I personally have 'NOTHING' against those Teachers of Bible Prophecy who do. What i will say is that the 'Biblical Prophecies' very clearly reveal to us that 'NOT' all of the 190+ Nation-States of this planet are going to totally surrender to the final Kingdom of the Beast and it's 10 King's; were it so 'NO' nation would be saved !!! The Prophecies clearly reveal to us that several countries are going to OBJECT to the Mark of the Beast because Revelation 21 : 24 tells us that several nations are going to be ultimately saved because they OBVIOUSLY did "NOT" ( will not*) accept the 'Mark of the Beast' regardless of the 'Economic Sanctions' that will very well be imposed upon them and this servant of GOD is 'NOT' one who likes to give Satan too much credit !!! Yes, Satan would like 'ALL' to receive his 666 Mark in the future 'BUT' tens of millions will 'NOT' and Kudos to them for 'NOT' drinking the 'Kool-Aid' of the Beast !!! Yes, a major 'RE-ORGANIZATION' of the world system is coming; what we do know is that the two 'Present' major world powers are 'BOTH' guaranteed to suffer a major DECLINE and it is then afterwards that Daniel's 4th Beast arises to power to fill in the : Economic, Political and Military role once enjoyed by Russia and the USA, especially in Europe, the Mediterranean Region and according to Bible Prophecy : Israel, will become the very center of its focus and 'NOT' in a 'Friendly' way !!! The idea that any 'Secretive' group like the 'Illuminati' or any other 'Secretive Society / Organization' group with an agenda can control human history is UNREALISTIC given the 'FACT' that not even Satan can !!! Yes, Satan INFLUENCES and INSPIRES : King's, Tyrants, Totalitarians 'BUT' even his best 'Minions' such as Hitler ultimately fall short, because it is really GOD who raises King's and ultimately removes them ( Daniel 2 : 21 ).
"Daniel, seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your Holy City..." - Gabriel, Angelic Messenger of GOD ( Daniel 9:24 )
"Those of you who have been visiting us for years are very well aware that we have remained constant in what we teach. For years we 'WARNED' that the U.S. must / will DECLINE in $$$ economic and military power to give way to the final 4th Beast of Daniel and it is slowly and all too real coming to pass. I love this country and i personally thank GOD for the Freedom of Speech and Religion that we enjoy in America. All those serious students of Bible Prophecy are very well aware that the Hebrew Prophets, Prophesied of an endtime RETURN to Israel by our Jewish friends. The Prophet Daniel was REVEALED that the visions / prophecies revealed to him were for 'His People' the Jews ( Daniel 9 : 24 ) and i am here to REMIND everyone that it most certainly does 'NOT' exclude American Jews. If i were Jewish and living in the USA i would pack up and return to Israel ASAP. Satan is going to unleash all his old 'Bag of Tricks' including the 'Kitchen Sink' against all those of Jewish blood and all those 'Left Behind' who will believe in Yeshua during the Tribulation period and the only two places guaranteed to have DIVINE protection from GOD will be Israel ( Daniel 12 : 1 ) and the Wilderness ( Revelation 12 : 6 ) after the 'Abomination of Desolation' takes place and neither : Florida, Beverly Hills nor New York City are Biblically going to enjoy GOD's protection as much as Israel and in the Wilderness of Revelation 12 : 1 !!!"
They Never Come The Way Most Expect Them To !!!
Concerning Daniel's final 'Little Horn' : This student of Bible Prophecy has been studying from every conceivable angle Daniel's final 'Little Horn' through the years. This student of eschatology has ALWAYS believed that such an endtimes future figure will grow into those 'Shoes of Satan.' I have always believed that 'he' like his predecessors before him will early on in his career make mistakes and quickly learn from them, the Prophecies of Daniel reveal to us that he 'Will Grow Exceedlingly' ( Daniel 8 : 9 ) thus it will 'NOT' be an overnight process 'BUT' one that will take years for him to achieve his pinnacle of power; after all it takes several years for any Beast of the field to develop it's horn's !!! And although i take 'NO' pleasure in trying to focus on him in most of these 'ARTICLES' i find that the majority ( 51% ) of the Body of Christ has misinterpreted who he truly symbolizes and will end up being. Some are expecting a 'Perfect' man from head to toe and this student of Bible Prophecy reminds everyone that neither : Antiochus Epiphanes nor Adolph Hitler were that 'Physically Tall and Imposing.' There are really about only 2 Biblical Prophecies that mention his physical description and it is 'NOT' really his 'Physique' that anyone should fear 'BUT' what unholy powers that he will have under his skin that matters !!! Neither your 'Personal Opinions' nor mine's for that matter are important, what is IMPORTANT is what the Biblical Prophecies reveal to us about him !!! This student of Bible Prophecy has invested some 19+ years of study into this specific subject / topic and i am 'NOT' going to argue with someone who has barely seen all of the 'Omen : Damien Movies' and thinks that he / she is suddenly an expert on this subject. Those who have been reading our 'Articles' know that we have been more correct on this subject than most 'Eschatologists' out there; our readers have witnessed the 'Fad' of the Islamic Mahdi and the Isis Caliphate' disappear into thin air ( along with the 90%+ destruction of ISIS*) and our visitors know that we NEVER agreed with that interpretation.
We here at EUinProphecy ( it's really just me*) are trying to 'Keep It Real' i am 'NOT' in competition with any other endtimes Ministry out there; i am a mere WATCHMAN who has been doing this for 19+ years without expecting any RECOGNITION from men 'BUT' all that matters to this Vessel is what GOD my CREATOR thinks about this imperfect vessel, i know that when all of this is said and done that GOD is going to GREATLY reward all those who instructed the Body of Christ correctly and with WISDOM. This servant of Jesus Christ does 'NOT' allow 'Gut Feelings' 'Hunches' nor 'Dreams and Visions' from numerous 'YouTube Prophets' to CONVINCE him 'BUT' he does mainly go with what is WRITTEN in the WORD of GOD and i say this because i recently came across a 'YouTube Prophet' who was 'Claiming' that GOD revealed the 'Physical Description' of the 'Little Horn' and i knew that his 'Vision' did 'NOT' flow with : Zechariah's nor Daniel's description of him nor with his 'Political Rise' and the second reason i knew that 'YouTube Prophet' was incorrect was that he NEVER quoted the Bible nor any of Daniel's Prophecies. Whenever you hear my 'Personal Opinion' on this subject / topic i will clearly let everyone know. Mario Romano 'REMINDS' everyone that 'NO" one rises to the top of anything OVERNIGHT, it is a process that takes years !!! It took several years for : Stalin , Hitler and Antiochus Epiphanes to take absolute POWER. Yes, they had many disappointments; Hitler was thrown in jail and almost lost his life on 3 different occasions in World War I; so i personally do 'NOT' expect someone to rise to the pinnacle of power at the very last minute you know where !!!
Concerning the $ 'Eurozone Collapse' several predictions of some British Newspapers ( Especially the who for years has predicted the collapse of the EU and just last year they were predicting the ouster of Macron Presidency due to the Yellow Jackets and once again they were proven WRONG !!! ( is Yellow Journalism at it's best and very Anti-EU*) Various EU Politicians and including some 'Teachers of Bible Prophecy' as well have been proven wrong for many years concerning the 'Supposedly Imminent' collapse of the entire : European Union , the $ EURO and the Eurozone. The TRUTH is that since 1999 many have been those who have predicted the collapse of the $ EURO and they were proven LIARS. The TRUTH is after all the Coronavirus Pandemic mess is over 'MOST' countries are going to be in major financial trouble and 'NOT' just the EU !!! I am 'NOT' here to defend the EU 'BUT' if there is one thing that i can not stand is someone TEACHING or INFORMING the 'Body of Christ' error and 'Conspiracy Theories' !!! The truth is that the US $ Dollar is going to be in as much TROUBLE as the $ EURO when all of this is over and the 50 U.S. State Governor's bickering with President Trump demonstrates that these 'United States' are somewhat as 'Politically Divided' as the members of the European Union and i am 'NOT' as much worried about the $EURO 'BUT' i am very concerned about the over $ 120 Trillion USD National Debts both 'public and private' that have been allowed to pile up over the last 3+ decades by numerous of our 'Elected Officials' over the years !!!
In conclusion, the END is 'NOT' yet !!! This world has yet to enter into the final 7 years of human governments; what we do know is that we are SOMEWHERE in the final DECADE of the Age of Grace and of the Church, the RAPTURE i know not when it will happen within these 10 years 'BUT' when we certain Prophecies begin to take place all those 'Left Behind' will understand very clearly what will come next !!!
This servant of GOD is very 'CAUTIOUSLY' teaching eschatology because he understands that most EU Leaders are 'NOT' lasting very long in office. The UK has already has had 3 different Prime Ministers in the last 4 years since 2016 to the present !!! We also know that the very powerful Chancellor of Germany : Angela Merkel is absolutely leaving in 2021 !!! Thus this student of Bible Prophecy is going to proceed very CAUTIOUSLY and WISELY in 'INFORMING' our visitors about thee most likely path that the EU will take in the future based upon 'REAL' : Geopolitics, Military Budgets / Expenditures and the Political Climate throughout the EU.
In sum, this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' accept nor agrees with all those claiming that the 'Coronavirus Vaccine' ( nor any other present 'Vaccination Program' ID2020, etc *) is part of the 'Mark of the Beast.' The Biblical TRUTH is that the way things are going the 'Mark of the Beast' is STILL at this 'RATE' about and at LEAST some 4+ years from it being implemented ( and that's if the Rapture were to happen this month !!! ) it can 'NOT' according to the chronology of Revelation be IMPLEMENTED 'YET' certain major Prophecies 'MUST' first be fulfilled !!!
By : an insignificant Bible Prophecy WATCHMAN who continues to study the Biblical Prophecies as they relate to this 'Final Generation' and the End of the Age of corrupt human governments. In the past 3+ months the economies of some of the world's largest powers have literally been shaken to their foundations and very UNFORTUNATELY what is ahead is going to be even more 'Painful' to many. Many sectors of the economy are obviously going to seek Bankruptcy when the Coronavirus lessens and thus many will become unemployed or underemployed for some time. The world and the 'American Dream' as some knew it is obviously 'NOT' going to be pleasant for many of us who were barely making ends meet 'BUT' i am thankful to GOD because i acknowledge that 'MOST' human beings ( including most 3rd world believers*) on this planet have been subsisting for most of their lives with less than $ 1 dollar a day on average ( in developing countries such as : India, African Continent, parts of Asia and in China etc..) !!! Jesus Christ revealed to us that in this world we would 'ALL' have TRIBULATION and although the 'Great Tribulation' has 'NOT' yet begun we can all kind of 'Smell the Smoke' of what is headed this way; let us get our SOULS ready to meet our LORD : Jesus Christ, let the wicked continue their ways, as for me and my house we will serve the LORD !!! To whom much is given much will be REQUIRED; 'MOST' American Christians including 'Myself' have become somewhat 'Spoiled' we take many of GOD's blessings for granted and because we have heard the Gospel many more times than the rest of the world much 'MORE' will be expected of all of us that were blessed to live in these United States of America. Before the Coronavirus Pandemic 'MOST' American Churches only gathered for about 1-2 hours on Sunday ( and then went on to spend about 3-4 hours watching a football game or movies*) and most Churches as it was, rarely had 'Weekday' services of : Prayer, Intercession, Evangelism, Missionary Services; because they had more 'Important Things' that they had to attend first ??? I know that in certain Latin American countries such as in : Honduras, Brazil and Colombia some Churches have an activity almost everyday of the week so that the whole 'Body of Christ' can participate and develop their GOD given gifts, let us all REPENT and return to our 'First Love.' Let us 'NOT' become like the 'Fallen Angels' who were at one time in Eternity 'Son's of GOD' and whom suffering 'NO' : illnesses, poverty, physical death, suffering, economic deprivation like us here on 'Fallen Earth' chose to still REBEL against our CREATOR : GOD; let us give THANKS to GOD in EVERYTHING 'HE' knows what is best for us all !!!