( Solange Mougin : J Post Article by : Herb Keinon and Rina Bassist Dec 10 , 2017 *)
Macron and the : 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' Chinese Idiom ???
There is a Chinese idiom / phrase that was made internationally famous with the 2000 movie of the same name 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.' The Chinese idiom / phrase reminds people never to UNDERESTIMATE anybody, especially those with 'Hidden Talents' that initially escape the untrained human eye. Much has been reported on the EU's 'Big Three' : Germany, France and the ever Brexiting : UK; we all know that Chancellor Angela Merkel is on her way out in 2022 and it seems that "NO" German politician will be able to fill in the 'Giant Shoes' that she will be leaving behind. Meanwhile the UK with Brexit is distancing itself somewhat from EU Politics and if Emmanuel Macron manages to win RE-ELECTION in 2022 there is 'NO' question that he will become the most 'INFLUENTIAL' EU head of state; Marine Le Pen : Macron's chief political nemesis has already stated that she will be once again running too in the 2022 upcoming French Presidential Elections and despite Macron's low popularity; most French political analysts agree that there really isn't YET anyone on the French Political scene that can credibly threaten Macron come RE-ELECTION time !!!
This servant of GOD and student of Bible Prophecy has studied every single Prophecy regarding Daniel's Little Horn and although there is some DEBATE and QUESTION on the correct interpretation of a couple of Daniel's Prophecies you better believe that this student of Bible Prophecy has diligently researched them and come to the most likely conclusion. Like i have stated before; it gives me no pleasure in being on the FOREFRONT of this specific Bible Prophecy subject / topic 'BUT" i do this because too many misinformed and 'Well Intentioned' students of Bible Prophecy butcher some of Daniel's Prophecies a little bit too much ( like denying / overlooking the geography of the Roman Empire and getting stuck on the Assyrian Prophecy that has long been a fulfilled Prophecy*) Mario Romano does 'NOT' claims to have the correct interpretation or any 'Special Revelation' but i can tell you this; i have NOT invested 20+ years of my life into this specific subject / topic for nothing. Those who have been following this eschatology website for years are witnesses that this WATCHMAN cautiously warned of a major political anomaly way before EVEN the top Bible Prophecy websites took notice !!! This servant of GOD does 'NOT' say this boasting with any pride because he knows what can happen to those on the FRONTLINES of any war; so to speak !!!
According to several human rights watch groups as well as France's own National Human Rights Advisory Committee ( CNCDH ) anti-semitic acts in France alone have been rising some 70% from the previous years ( 2018 Figures*) and if you ask any French Jew they can attest that they feel seriously threatened in most of France's streets. The same is true of most EU countries and especially in the largest EU cities, anti-semitic acts against Jewish cemeteries have been significantly increasing. Most EU governments are most certainly 'NOT' doing enough to address the growing violence against the small remaining Jewish communities within their borders; because MOST EU countries who accepted hundreds of thousands and in some cases over a million of Muslims 'Refugees' ( like in Germany, Merkel admitted over 1,000,000+ ) don't want to admit that 'MOST' of the anti-semitic acts of violence within their countries is DIRECTLY connected to the growing Islamic population within the European Union as a whole !!!
In the case of France, 'ALL' of the French Presidents of the past are to blame because they NAIVELY accepted too many Muslims into their country without considering the direct / indirect threat to their small Jewish communities there. According to the Biblical Prophecies, this is ALL prophetic the flooding of several European Cities and Capitals with large Muslim populations 'WILL' play a key part in Bible Prophecy !!! There have been more than 2+ occasions in European history when entire Islamic populations / armies were EXPELLED from within European borders by FORCE ( Moors, etc *) and this student of Bible Prophecy 'GUARANTEES' 1000% that it will happen again !!! GOD knows i'm not promoting any ethnic hatred, the 'Blunt Truth' is that in too many Islamic countries Islamic Jihadist groups are KILLING Christians today in 2020 and i don't see the : UN, the EU nor the Arab League Protesting anything !!! Presently too many European countries / governments appear to be in DENIAL about the growing Islamic threat from within; they don't want to admit that on their WATCH a very threatening 'Trojan Horse' was allowed to enter their borders and unfortunately they are going to have to learn 'The Hard Way' to push aside their 'Political Correctness' and confront their enemy within.
"Whatever you may or may not think of Macron, the truth is that in his short 2 and a half years in power he has already outlasted TWO British Prime Ministers and initiated major economic reforms in France that 'NO' past French politician dared to tackle head on. While he has not managed to 'Completely' overhaul the French economy he has started something that 'NO' French leader in 40 years has attempted and this student of Bible Prophecy believes that Macron is just getting started. Mario Romano was 'NOT' surprised at all the opposition that he has encountered in trying to REFORM several layers of the French economy that was to be expected, to some degree they are mere 'Speed Bumps' the day is coming when the present Western Economic Model is going to 'Implode' under its very own DEBT WEIGHT and someone is going to be credited with trying to have done something to averted it 'NO' people or society can have it 'Both Ways' massive government spending and no raise in taxes, according to the Biblical Prophecies Europe is 'NOT' totally going to descend into anarchy, the Supra-State political system will survive and be MORPHED into the 10 King's of Revelation; the EU is going to go the way of the Chinese Communist Party in that there really won't be much democracy in the future, the state will become the god of the masses, as it is China has been harshly PERSECUTING both : Muslims and Christians and any other organized group that may pose a future threat to the Atheistic State."
"Some Bible Prophecy Watchmen do 'NOT' understand how : Dirty, Corrupt and Unholy Politics can be and they naively believe and are teaching that 'Somebody' will appear out of the 'Blue' at the very last minute and incredibly rise to power almost 'Overnight' after the Rapture. The truth is that his rise will be part of a 'Process' Hitler and Stalin both fought their way to the top as well as Antiochus Epiphanes; this diligent student of world history has studied most of the world's totalitarians and i can tell you that 'NOT' one of them was an 'Overnight Success' they all were extremely ambitious men who understood how to play the political system of their day to their favor and the same will be true of Daniel's Little Horn."
- Mario Romano, amateur prophetic profiler
In other News : Jack Van Impe recently passed away. Mario Romano for several years in the late 1990's enjoyed watching Brother Van Impe's weekly telecast "BUT" i stopped watching his program when he began to get a little too 'PRO CATHOLIC' for a while Van Impe was praising the Catholic Hierarchy and what they had in common with Evangelical Christians and i could understand that he wanted to reach out to them 'BUT' he already considered them 'Believers' and as a former Roman Catholic i knew firsthand that being 'Born Again' is definitely 'NOT' stressed in Roman Catholicism. Despite my disagreements with him on 'Roman Catholicism' I do commend him for telling the truth about militant Islam and the 'Chris-Lam' movement that some clowns are promoting. Jack Van Impe has gone to be with the LORD !!!
Special Announcement : Hischannel.com will be streaming live this Saturday the 25th of January 2020, the Bible Prophecy Conference in Tustin, California. Mario highly recommends the Bible Prophecy Teachers that will be presenting, so if you have time watch it live starting at 8: 30 a.m I personally was planning on taking that Saturday off and attending 'BUT' the limited seating tickets 'Sold Out' so i will most likely be watching the live stream too !!! EUinProphecy.com plans to go on YouTube too; this coming year 'BUT' first in Spanish and later in English, so please keep us in your prayers !!!
"This student of Bible Prophecy absolutely does 'NOT' enjoy focusing on 'You Know Who' Mario only does this because MOST ( 51%+) other 'Watchmen' out there are 'NOT' doing their job as a true Watchman. Mario Romano was somewhat surprised that almost 'NO' other Watchman mentioned the rise of 'You Know Who' as one of the top 10 Prophetic news stories of the year or of the decade; especially after most other Watchmen sincerely believe that the Ezekiel War appears to be on the horizon !!! This student of Bible Prophecy underestimates 'NO' one at this stage of 'The Game' !!! Mario acknowledges that some are expecting someone very tall and stout in 'Physical Appearance' but the Biblical Prophecy definition of 'STOUT' means 'BOLDER' than his fellows; in my personal opinion and interpretation. What concerns me the most is not the Prophecy found in Daniel 7 : 20, but what should concern us the most is that someone appears to be raising more 'Red Flags' than anyone else at this stage at the edge of the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week; when EUinProphecy.com cautiously warned everyone back when 'You Know Who' first got elected i suspected he would come to play a key role in the Middle East Peace Process and he sure hasn't disappointed; he sure is trying more so than ANY other EU leader !!! Because no other 'Eschatology Ministry' out there really wants to cover 'You Know Who' or is simply 'Clueless' this Bible Prophecy Watchman will continue to do so even with more 'WISDOM' because if Putin is indeed the 'Prince of Rosh' then that means that the one that will become Daniel's Little Horn is most certainly alive and well and waiting in the wings and this insignificant and unworthy servant of Jesus Christ is not one to : Overlook, Squander and Ignore a major strategic error of the enemy of our souls; thee time to use ALL of the GOD given 'Gifts of the Spirit' deposited upon us is here and now for the Honor and Glory of GOD !!!"
- Mario Romano
In Other News : Russia's / Putin's 'Government' Cronies Resign !!! You and i really know what kind of a political move Russia's Putin made last week; his 'government' didn't really 'Voluntarily Resigned' it should be obvious that Putin promised them $$$ handsome rewards to 'Resign' ( step aside*) as he undemocratically 'Restructures the Russian Constitution' to allow him to be Totalitarian for life. Putin has almost perfected the 'Police State' in Russia; political dissenters are quickly jailed or neutralized 'Putin Style' !!! Putin has made the same political moves that Chavez and Maduro made in Venezuela years ago to allow them to be Presidents for life !!! Like i have stated before, Putin is yet another major Prophetic signpost of the endtimes because he sure isn't getting any younger, he's 67 years old and we are all seriously running out of time !!!
Paris and 'NOT' : London, Berlin, Rome nor even the EU Parliament in Brussels is Creating a ' Middle East Peace Plan' of it's Very Own Should Trump's 'Deal of the Century' Fall Through !!! Mario Romano, reminds EVERYONE that neither the UK nor Germany and much less Italy nor Spain seem to want to get entangled with any Middle East Peace Project 'BUT' Paris is very interested and with good reason. France realizes that if it doesn't gets involved in the Middle East as well as in Northern Africa it will just be a matter of time until they get a 'New Wave' of 'Islamic 'Refugees' obviously France can 'NOT' pull it off on it's own and that's why according to Bible Prophecy it is going to CONVINCE 9 others to militarily ally themselves in the future and they will become those 10 King's of Revelation; once again Mario believes that the 10 King's will be a 'REGIONAL' Mediterranean Alliance, most likely a military one !!!
In conclusion, as a Bible Prophecy Watchman; Mario Romano takes this calling extremely serious because billions+ of human souls are at stake. Putin's and Erdogan's actions in the Middle East ( Syria*) and especially those of Iran's should make every believer 'Wake Up' as never before !!! Unfortunately, i estimate that about 70% + of the 'Body of Christ' are 'NOT' being teached the entire WORD of GOD, too many 'Christian Churches and their Leaders' are ignoring the Biblical Prophecies and although knowing Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' mean that one is anymore or any less saved the TRUTH is that those 'Christians' who are not ABIDING in the WORD of GOD will be left behind. I recently heard a very well known 'Radio Christian Apologist' state that ALL believers will be RAPTURED regardless of their holiness; i was SOMEWHAT stunned by his 'OPINION' and his comment / answer because our LORD Jesus commanded us to WATCH and PRAY to be found worthy to escape all that is coming upon this world !!! ( Luke 21 : 36 )
In sum, this servant of GOD very honestly does 'NOT' wishes any human being created in the very 'Image of GOD' to accept to take on the role of Daniel's 'Little Horn' but there have always been too many 'Judases' out there; MEN who have no problem selling out for the 'Temporary Riches/ Fame' that Satan offers some and in the coming case of the 'You Know What' that individual will out of his own 'Freewill' will accept Satan's offer and YES, this student of Bible Prophecy has always believed that such an individual will survive an almost deadly attempt on his life very simply because there has to be an 'EPIPHANY MOMENT' whereby Satan will transfer over all of his unholy powers over to him and help him TRANSFORM him into the final 'Man of Sin' as revealed to us in Revelation 13 : 4 !!! The 9th Commandment forbids us to bear false witness; thus we can 'NOT' accuse / point out anyone 100% YET of being the final 'Little Horn.' In the meantime this student of Bible Prophecy is merely CAUTIONING about certain increasing 'Coincidences' that should 'NOT' be overlooked nor totally ignored by all those who are 'Watching and Praying' we should continue to be as : wise as serpents and as harmless as doves !!! ( Matthew 10 : 16 )
By : Mario Romano. This believer in Jesus Christ was saved in part thanks to the T.V. Ministry of Jimmy Swaggart; Mario is extremely grateful to all those who supported in the past his Ministry, i am here in part because of it, your $$$ contributions and support were not in vain and please continue to support $$$ financially the Ministry of : Missionaries, Evangelists and numerous others. Although there are 'One Too Many' very questionable 'T.V. $$$ Prosperity Evangelists*' there are still several 'GENUINE Christian Ministries' out there that we should all be financially supporting. Mario Romano grew up in one of the toughest inner cities of the U.S. plagued with gang violence and drug abuse and still thee TRUE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ managed to penetrate all that and reach this poor and wretched human sinner via Jimmy Swaggart's weekly T.V. broadcasts. Mario thanks and prays for Brother Swaggart's Ministry ( it's now live on YouTube*) !!! Mario Romano, to some degree is a self-taught student of : Political Theory, Military Theory, Sociological Theory, Eurasian and Mediterranean Geo-Politics, Nuclear Proliferation, International Relations, European Political Systems and Strategic Studies; this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ just wants to show himself approved before GOD ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ) Mario acknowledges that he is still a 'Work in Progress' Mario is a very flawed human being 'BUT' the HOLY SPIRIT is still purifying him and with each passing day he is becoming more and more Christlike ( Ephesians 2 : 10 ) for the Honor and Glory of GOD my Creator !!! This servant of GOD asks for your PRAYERS, this vessel of the Holy Spirit is going to need some serious 'Spiritual Backing' because this is all far from over !!! EUinProphecy.com is about to be part of history, i did 'NOT' come to this planet to leave it empty handed nor clueless i'm leaving this planet FULL of THE HOLY SPIRIT of GOD ALMIGHTY and with the WISDOM of the Holy Spirit shall this vessel approach what the Prophet Daniel saw in his visions of the future !!!