Unless You Change and Become Like Little Children, You Will Never Enter into the Kingdom of GOD. - Matthew 18 : 3
"The Holy Bible is full of examples of GOD giving second chances ( like : Peter, Jonah, Samson, David, Solomon etc*). Most of us would like to start all over again and avoid the mistakes that have been following us for many years, mistakes that most of us committed in our youth. While we can 'NOT' always start again GOD is patient and it's not really how one starts in LIFE but how one finishes that counts; the very life of the Apostle Paul is a prime example of this !!! ( 2 Timothy 4 : 7 ) This servant of yours in Christ Jesus had a very painful beginning in life that only through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, have i been able to overcome. I have forgiven those who have done harm to this child of GOD in his early years because i want GOD to forgive this imperfect human soul too !!! While i can not change my past; GOD has allowed me ample time and opportunity to get more than ready for my eternal future in Jesus Christ !!!"
On average this servant of GOD dedicates around 2+ hours daily of going over most of the world's news sites to get a feeling of what is going on. Heavy research is tiring and very time consuming 'BUT' as a Watchman it is necessary if we are to be an effective and wise Watchman. Mario is going to try and take a break from the INTERNET and all RESEARCH for about 40 days. WE ask for your prayers, this servant of GOD is trying his best NOT to mislead anyone when it comes to the topic of Bible Prophecy or any other topic we TEACH here. WE acknowledge that we are but mere VESSELS at the service of GOD our CREATOR and we give ALL the Honor and Glory to GOD alone !!! As expositors of the WORD of GOD we acknowledge that we are 'NOT' here to win any popularity contests 'BUT' we also acknowledge that 'ALL' who teach the WORD of GOD are going to be held to a higher standard before GOD
( James 3 : 1 )
Out of the Mouth of Babes Thou Has Perfected Praise !!! - Matthew 21 : 16
And remember ChinainProphecy.com will be updated soon enclosed is direct internet link : chinainprophecy.com
We plan on launching : VaticaninProphecy soon !!!
All Prophecy websites should be active and updated before the end of this year because we do plan on going on YouTube too. We have noticed that 'MOST' of our visitors ( 51% ) prefer audio /visual teachings than reading 'BUT' first we intend to complete the websites, if this servant of GOD does this correctly he might get a promotion from our Heavenly Father : GOD. First we must prove to GOD that we are indeed faithful in smaller projects before HE promotes us to much bigger one's as you can see we will be focusing on the major players of the endtimes mentioned in the Book of Revelation !!!
By : Mario Romano. Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus; this is ALL far from over; although i personally believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture i fully acknowledge that Satan has long ago began PERSECUTING and KILLING Christians all over : Africa and Asia. Each Generation of believers has been attacked by the ENEMY differently, Sometimes by 'Inquisitions' sometimes by 'Decapitation.' Presently, most ( 51%) Western Christians are on the verge of APOSTASY, here in the USA a large percentage of 'Christianity' is following The Lies of the $$$ Prosperity Gospel as well as well as the very False Gospel of : Carlton Pearson and Rob Bell; that there really is no hell and that eventually GOD is just going to save everyone and if it's not them we also have the Theologically confused : Joel Osteen, Brian Houston and Rick Warren who believe that we all ( Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc ) serve the same 'GOD' !!! ( all 3 of these 'Christian Leaders' have been recorded encouraging ECUMENISM and other lies from Satan.) Additionally, here in America most believers suffer from TEMPTATIONS that they choose to succumb to because they have forsaken : Fasting, Praying and the Daily STUDY of the WORD of GOD and have chosen to pursue the LUST of their eyes !!! All the 7 Churches in Revelation had a 'Different' challenge before them 'NO' Church is perfect 'BUT' when JESUS CHRIST is TRULY exalted 'NO' power in Hell can Prevail over the 'Body of Christ' on Earth !!! ( Matthew 16:17-19 )
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn