For the 'MOST' part of the history of the chosen people of GOD; most Jews chose to ignore the Prophecies of their very own Prophets;
'Holy men' who GOD chose to speak for Him. History tells us that most of GOD's true Prophets found in the Old Testament did 'NOT' die of natural causes, it isn't that all of them were killed and persecuted by Pagan King's and people 'BUT' the sad reality is that a great percentage of them were killed and persecuted by their very own Hebrew Kings and Hebrew blood brothers. ( Luke 13:34 ) Even today in the year 2017 'Most' of our Jewish friends are still being told and taught by their Rabbis that the Daniel is 'NO' Prophet of GOD and that no one should really pay attention and heed to his Prophecies !!!
What is even more tragic is that 'TODAY' in 2017, as believers is that we have access to a vast number of resources ( online Greek & Hebrew translators, commentaries etc... ) that help us to better interpret and understand the Holy Scriptures and its Prophecies as never before and 'YET' a very, very large percentage of the Church does 'NOT' want anything to do with the Book of Revelation or with any part in the endtimes Prophecies uttered by 'MOST' of the Prophets of GOD !!! This unworthy servant of Jesus Christ, 'REMINDS' everyone that the true King of Israel was crucified by the soldiers of the 4th Roman Beast and 'NOT' by any Islamic army !!! Jesus Christ is coming back and HE will totally defeat the final 'Prince of the People' who last destroyed the second Temple in Jerusalem !!!
Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. - Daniel 7 : 23
Russia, China, India , the EU & America ( and their global Corporations* ) are all vying to
'control and dominate' as much as possible of the world's shrinking supply of natural resources. It is competition for power and wealth that drives the major powers of this planet to do what they are doing. ( geopolitics ) Russia is trying to control and dominate as much as possible of all the
oil & gas pipelines that
criss-cross through Eurasia ( Ukraine to Syria etc...) China, for its part is trying to secure and exploit as much as possible the untapped natural resources of Africa and Latin America ( and anywhere else it can bribe itself into ) and the U.S. is trying to
'secure and defend' American interests throughout the world with its vast military resources as the British Empire once did for their global corporations !!!
( Capitalism in and of itself is 'NOT' demonic; it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. When: 'Men, Nations and Corporations' begin to : kill, enslave & poison their fellow human beings for mere economic profit, then it is a sin; demonic & unholy *) The Islamic-Arab's on the other hand desire through their Islamic Terrorism
'proxy armies' ( it is no secret that Iran and other Islamic countries; economically finance several Islamic Terrorist groups*) to conquer as much as the world as possible and control it like under a global Taliban-Sharia Islamic Caliphate and in effect they are trying to drag the world backwards into another
'dark ages' period !!! If you know the Prophecies of Revelation you know that
'Commercial Babylon' wins;
"Translation" : Global Capitalistic Greed will prevail, when threatened global Capitalists unite and usually decimate their enemy. Historical evidence of this is World War II and the Cold War; when Japan pushed the enveloped during WW II, the U.S. responded with
atomic bombs; the endtimes
'Little Horn' will do the same with most Islamic countries that oppose him too !!! A closer study of the Book of Revelation reveals to us that the final totalitarian will control the world's largest commercial market $$$ as well as possess the world's most formidable military; does this sound like the Taliban or ISIS in control or the endtimes leader of the
West's EU-10 ??? ( there is 'NO' technological progress under Islam, 'ALL'
high technology is almost being monopolized mostly by : Western Corporations, Chinese Companies, Russian and Indian Companies as well as by some German and Israeli companies; the vast 40+ Islamic countries of this planet are almost mere observers & consumers of such global corporations !
This student of
'Military Strategy & Bible Prophecy' writes this article today because there are some 'students of Bible Prophecy' who are wrongly teaching that
Western Nuclear Powers as well as :
Nuclear China, Nuclear Russia and Nuclear India will all somehow
'bow down' and
'surrender' to Islamic Terrorists or to an Islamic Caliphate led by Turkey in the future !!! And this student of Nuclear Proliferation is 'NOT' even mentioning
Israel's nuclear triad capabilities !!! Those who are teaching about an Islamic
'Little Horn' speak so; without much knowledge of the geopolitical realities that rule over this planet !!!
( Real Harsh World Military Reality : Turkey does not have nuclear submarines, nor any nuclear triad, nor nuclear aircraft carriers; the nuclear arsenal Turkey once had belonged to NATO & NATO has since removed them because they don't trust Mr. Erdogan anymore !!! ) The historical truth is that thus far the most potent military force on the planet is the one headed by Western Democratic Capitalists and Russia, China and India are somewhat part of it because they
Don't want to see the world blown up; as do Islamic Terrorists !!!
( both China and Russia are competing for global markets $$$ Russia to sell its oil and natural gas & China to continue being one of the world's largest exporters of manufactured goods*) The truth is that when
'Total War' comes up Western Capitalists are quick to respond in pooling all of their capital and resources to defend their global interests; historically speaking this has already happened twice in our Century via
World War II and during the
Cold War !!! During WW II, Western Capitalists pooled all of their industrial resources to stop Adolph Hitler and his virulent twisted Nazism and when the Soviet Union threatened Democratic Capitalists later on the same thing happened !!! Both Hitler and Soviet Communism were stamped out by the Western Capitalist powers and the same thing is going to happen down the road against the war against Islamic Terrorism, the day and hour is coming when the West is going to do to some Islamic countries what the U.S. did to Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't say this with any glee; it's just what he sees coming and where this war against global Jihad is ultimately headed !!! Turkey is 'NO' nuclear power and Mr.Erdogen is at the mercy of : NATO, the U.S and Russia; militarily speaking !!! What the proponents of an
Islamic Global Caliphate don't tell you is that 'ALL' of the Arab-Islamic countries are under a great 'spiritual curse' for continually cursing the State of Israel !!! ( Genesis 12 : 3 ) While it is 'TRUE' that most of the Jews in Israel today could care less about GOD and the Torah, GOD Almighty made promises to Abraham that HE nonetheless 'Shall' keep !!! Mark these words;
'The day and hour is coming when drinkable water will be more precious and expensive than even 'Black Gold' ( Oil ) to many Arab countries' !!! What the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are going to unleash there is going to 'break even more' the spirit of most Arab people who are barely making a living, as it is 'MOST' Arab countries import a large part of their food; people can survive without Middle East Oil 'BUT' you can't eat nor drink Oil when your facing starvation and especially when the upcoming 'Little Horn' has you on the top of his list of 'Economic Sanctions' !!!
Truly, the 4th Beast of Daniel began Roman and ends Roman in nature; those believers who are advocating 10 Muslim King's are also 'quoting' not from our Holy Bible 'BUT' from the Koran about a 12th Imam; it would be like me teaching from the 'Prophecies' of Nostradamus to the Body of Christ, as if Nostradamus was part of the Holy Scriptures and it would also be like me quoting from the Fatima Apparitions and presenting such prophecies as if they were from GOD !!! The Mayan's had their own Prophecies and so did many other religions and people's from the past 'BUT' I'm 'NOT' going to quote them nor accept their pagan prophecies and neither should any true born again believer be accepting 'prophecies' from the Koran !!! Those who keep doing it are quoting from a 'False Prophet & his Unholy Book' and should be ashamed of themselves and they should also 'REPENT' for presenting it to born again believers as 'IF' it was part of the Prophecies of our Holy Bible !!!
According to the history books; the British Empire that once ruled a great part of this planet was able to expand so fast ( between the years of : 1870-1900 ) was due to a combination of several factors including : the need and desire to defend the financial interests of British Companies
( economic motivation $$$ British military defended the : British South African Company as well as the East India Company, sounds somewhat eerily familiar ? ) Also, the ongoing and continuing Industrial Revolution led the British to 'secure' with their Navy and soldiers the cheap raw resources in foreign territories. The British additionally easily had the 'Technological Advantage' against most of their enemies because their weapons and tools of war were far easily superior to that of their weaker enemies ( inventions such as the
Gatling Gun, the railway and the steamship*) and lastly
'greedy capitalists' who had the British government at their mercy encouraged new investment in colonizable areas abroad rather than domestically. In sum, it was mostly about '$$$ Money.' According to the Book of Revelation the first rider on the
white horse is going to be bent on
'Conquest' and to a certain degree; what motivated the British to expand their power over a century ago will also be a significant factor in also motivating the global conquest that the endtimes
'Little Horn' is going to do for the final Empire on earth : The 10 King's of Revelation = The Kingdom of the Beast * Presently, the European Union is also home to virtually 'ALL' major Corporations on planet earth !!! The biggest companies on planet earth, as well as virtually all the world's largest banks have offices in some part of the European Union. The future defeat and decline of : Russia, Arab countries as well as the U.S.A, is going to strongly encourage and motivate the endtimes
'Little Horn' to step in with his
unholy military and fill the vacuum left behind by once grand competitors ! (
the King's of the East are not going to like it one bit !!! )
Although, how you or I interpret certain things in Bible Prophecy ( like timing of Rapture, how long Tribulation period will be, who the 10 King's are, etc *) is 'NOT' going to save us or condemn us;
( obviously the Prophecies that concern the : Birth, Life , Death and Resurrection of the Messiah : Jesus Christ are CRITICAL * ) thee most important doctrinal point is how we accept and interpret the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most Roman Catholics have been told by their local Priests that Jesus Christ is 'NOT' enough to save us from hell; according to their twisted teachings Mary is the Co-Redemtrix ( Co-Redeemer ) and together with the the Catholic Saints our salvation 'might be assured' !!! Somehow what Jesus Christ accomplished at the Cross of Calvary is 'NOT' enough and almost everyone will have to first pass through 'Purgatory.'
Muslim's on the other hand have also been lied and told that Jesus is 'NOT' GOD but just another Prophet who is below Mohammed !!! Obviously, those who ignore the true Bible Prophecies are opening themselves up to great deception !
It boggles the mind of this
'student of Bible Prophecy' how so many other Christians can incorrectly teach about the final fourth Beast of Daniel and feel mighty proud about it !!! The Fourth Beast rose to power in
Rome and then went on to
'Conquer and Dominate' most of what we now call the Middle East. As this student of History researched this topic, 'ALL' the historical maps
'CLEARLY' revealed to him that what all 4 Beasts revealed to the Prophet Daniel have in common was
'GEOGRAPHY' !!! The 1st Beast : Babylon, the 2nd Beast Medo-Persia, the 3rd Beast Greece and the 4th Roman Beast 'ALL' were 'REGIONAL' Mediterranean powers that also managed to militarily conquer Israel and its Jewish Holy City and Capital : Jerusalem !!!
A closer study of the geographical maps reveal to us that the Babylonian Empire
'NEVER' went on to conquer the Italian 'Roman Peninsula' and neither did the Medo-Persian Empire managed to conquer Rome; 'BUT' WHAT all the historical maps do reveal to us that Rome 'DID' manage to conquer : Greece, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Israel and Jerusalem in particular !!!
( those of you who teach a final 10 Islamic Kings are going to have to burn and somehow destroy all them maps !!! )
This student of World History has observed that Mohammed's Islam will 'Rise and Fall' in between the real 4th Roman Beast. Meaning, that 'NOT' one of the 4 Beast's of Daniel was Islamic !!! The 'Blunt Truth' is that the first two Beasts were pagan Beasts who rose and fell as regional empires when Islam hadn't even been born. The Ottoman Empire already had its day in the sun, Turkey is 'NOT' a nuclear power and Mr.Erdogen is in 'NO' position to conquer Europe or Israel 'BOTH' of these are nuclear powers and Iran understands this too well : 'He who has Nukes is a true Power.' ISIS and evey Islamic Terrorist group would like to get their hands on any nuclear material to make a 'Dirty Bomb.' The Prophecies of the Holy Bible do 'NOT' give us 'ALL' the minor events that will produce the major Prophesied events such as the rise of the 10 King's just like the Biblical Prophecies did 'NOT' specifically mentioned the rise of someone like Adolph Hitler; as students of Bible Prophecy in this final generation we are trying our best to 'Interpret the Sign's of the Times.' has always taught that the 4th Beast of Daniel began Roman and 'ENDS' Roman. This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' here to shove this down anyone's throat; I've always encouraged and let my visitors and readers do their own research; don't just take my word or any others word; 'RESEARCH' it for yourself. This student of Bible Prophecy is a 'Political Realist' he understands that 'ALL' human empires are 'Temporary'
Some are wrongly teaching that 'Ten Islamic Arab' countries are going to unite around the Mediterranean Sea and ultimately defeat Israel and 'Somehow' dominate and conquer most of the world during the Tribulation period as the Prophecies of Daniel guarantee. The problem with this is that virtually all of the Arab countries around the Mediterranean Sea are flat out some 10+ years behind the rest of the developed world, before the 'Arab Spring' came countries such as : Libya, Egypt, Syria , Iraq and Iran were already considered 'Backwards' countries with very little or no Manufacturing industry. The truth is that they also do 'NOT' have : Nuclear subs, Nuclear aircraft carriers, Global Satellite networks nor all the military hardware and resources needed to project their armed forces far away from their shores. Those who are promoting the 'Theory' of 10 Islamic King's are erroneously teaching that all nations are 'Military Equals' and that's far from the truth. For the past decade Western armies have waged 'Politically Correct' warfare against Islamic Militants 'BUT' the day and hour is coming when all of that is going to end !!!
One of the 'Biggest' clues that the Book of Revelation gives us about the endtimes 4th Beast is that it will be a 'Massive Commercial' entity ( buying and selling*) Presently even with all the problems that the European Union and the Euro Zone is having it is a 'FACT' that the EU continues to be the largest economic/trading alliance on this planet !!! On the other hand a great percentage of the economies of : Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria and others is still 'Bartering' !!! When you think of Egypt and the others you don't think of 'high tech' economies the truth is that half of their workforce are condemned to a life of servitude and near slave like conditions !!! ( most Islamic women are treated like animals and some even worse than animals*)
This student of bible prophecy 'MUST' let everyone know that the war against Islamic Terrorism will unfortunately and eventually go 'Nuclear.' ( Weapons of Mass Destruction 'WMD' will be used*) Islamic terrorists have demonstrated time and time again that they have no problem blowing up as much of the world as possible for their allah !!! Most Western leaders still do 'NOT' seem to get it; its 'NOT' just about Israel, it's that Islamic Jihadists want a global Sharia Law !!! 'BUT' if you know your history you know that 'Global Capitalists' do 'NOT' give in and give up so easily; they enjoy having vast capital and armies to 'DEFEND' and conquer those who threaten it; Karl Marx underestimated global Capitalists, Hitler did too !!! and so did the once great Communist Soviet Union and I'm no prophet but Islamic Terrorists are going to find the hard way what happens when you provoke a Beast that deep, deep inside is even more power hungry and territorial than them !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is not here to demonize Islamic Terrorists; the truth is that 'ANY' human being without the 'Seal of the Holy Spirit' is of the devil !!! There are no neutrals in this ongoing great spiritual war; one is either for or against our Lord Jesus Christ !!! Global Mafias, International Drug Cartels and numerous Global Bankers are equally as demonic as any Islamic Terrorists !!! ( John 8 : 44 )
Yes, GOD blessed the Arab people's with Oil 'BUT' their very own leaders and King's have for the most part kept most of such national riches for themselves !!! If you haven't noticed; this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' focuses on the 'Book of Enoch' nor on 'Blood Moons' and neither on 'Alien Conspiracies' because its challenging enough trying to correctly interpret Daniel's Prophecies as it is !!! Mario, continually asks the Holy Spirit to guide him to all truth; Mario uses plain old historical patterns that 'Most' of the time predict the 'Political, Military and Economic' moves of most of the top leaders of this planet. Human nature doesn't really change much; most fallen men are : greedy, selfish, narcissistic and power hungry and most of them if given the opportunity would do virtually anything for absolute power !!!
The present and past reality of the most of the Middle East is that Western Imperial powers led by : France and England carved out most of the modern borders of the region and Russia who is 'NO' fool either is entrenching its vast military resources in the region because they sure do 'NOT' want the : EU, America nor Islamic Jihadists to ultimately control the vast oil pipelines that 'Criss-Cross' a vast portion of that region !!! Additionally, the 'Military Reality' is that the European's have soldiers ( NATO ) in the Middle East and Afghanistan ( in Africa too*) and the Arab-Islamic countries do 'NOT' have soldiers in European countries !!!
All my fellow brothers in Christ who teach that the endtimes 4th Beast will be led by 10 Islamic King's are 'Still' my brothers in Christ if they too have been cleaned and redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ !!! Mario Romano, has learned that it is GOD alone who ultimately 'REWARDS' those who correctly teach His Holy Word !!! We all know that there is only one correct interpretation to Daniel's final Beast. My real 'Enemy' is not other brothers in Christ, this student of Bible Prophecy is here to share what he has learned through his short life upon planet earth. Mario welcomes 'sound' debate 'BUT' in all of my 20 years as a student of Bible Prophecy; this serbvant of your's has 'Never' considered Islam as one of the 4 Beast's revealed to the Prophet Daniel. The truth is that the 'Golden Age' of Islam and Islamic Empires has long 'Come and Gone' with the winds of time !!!
In conclusion, there will only be one final endtimes Beast that will DEVOUR and Dominate most of what will be left of the world during the Tribulation period. If you know anything about real beasts it's that they are very, very territorial they do 'NOT' like to share and the final Beast revealed to the Prophet Daniel will be like the NAZI's on 'Steroids' !!! It baffles this student of Nuclear Proliferation and Strategic Studies; how anyone can come to the conclusion that 10 Arab-Islamic King's are going to conquer most of the world and dominate the world's economy in the Tribulation period when as it is they can barely feed their own people !!! ( upon a closer inspection; most Arab countries import a large percentage of their food from other countries; and it doesn't stop there it is no secret that most of them also 'Import' most of their military supplies and armaments ( guns, ammo, fighter jets, helicopters, radar, grenades etc ) from non-Islamic countries such as : Russia, North Korea and China !!!
Russia's Putin has proven to Western leaders that ISIS and other Islamic Terrorist groups 'CAN' be 'NEUTRALIZED' by using massive force and unrestricted warfare against Islamic Terrorists groups. ISIS is 'NO' longer in control of the vast territories and key Syrian cities as they were a year ago. Key strategic Russian bombings throughout Syria have crippled ISIS and they are now only a shadow of what they once were. If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you are well aware that Putin will be 'NO' match for the one who is coming to 'Conquer' the Middle East once again in the future. Putin has proven that it can be done 'IF' all power is concentrated in one man as Putin has proven thus far. ( and that's exactly what Revelation guarantees*)
Are people who are incorrectly teaching and interpreting the Prophecies of the Bible going to go to hell ? 'NO' most of them sincerely believe that their interpretation is the correct one; one thing is to maliciously mislead GOD's people and another is just to interpret the Biblical Prophecies according to the headlines of CNN. The Soviet Union and its aggressive communism once threatened most of the world 'BUT' it too came and went; Islamic Jihad in all of its present manifestations will too 'come and go' because according to the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation; 'One evil one is coming' that is not going to wage 'politically correct' Warfare against any Islamic Jihadism !!! Just like the GOD of Heaven used one Beast to take down another Beast; GOD is going to do the same thing in the future; the coming 'Man of Sin' is not just going to wage war and persecute : Jews and New Believers 'BUT' also any and all those who seem a threat to him and his plans for global conquest !!! Unfortunately, this student of bible prophecy does 'NOT' state this observation with any glee 'BUT' the 'Little Horn' is also going to decimate hundreds of millions of 'Peace loving people all over the Middle East before he sets himself in Jerusalem !!!' You and I, have definitely 'NOT' yet seen the very face of evil; what is coming to planet earth is 'UNLIKE' anything that even : Stalin, Hitler or any Islamic Terrorist could even had conceived of !!!
By : Mario Roman. This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' here to debate anyone; he's here to share what he has uncovered after thousands of hours of research on the Fourth Beast of Daniel. There has always been incorrect interpretations of the Holy Scriptures and its Prophecies; when our Lord Jesus Christ came those Jewish religious leaders who knew the Prophecies 'FAILED' to correctly identify the true Messiah of Israel on their watch. Today, we have numerous : Historical and Biblical resources at our disposal by which we can better interpret the endtimes Prophecies given to Daniel that even he in his time couldn't fully comprehend and 'YET' there still seems to be 101 different interpretations of 'who or what' Daniel Fourth Beast is and will end up being !!!