Although the European Union has no 'official' capital and no plans to declare one; Brussels, Belgium by default is presently serving 'unofficially' as the present EU capital simply because the main EU institutions such as the : European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the EU Parliament as well as the Headquarters of NATO are 'presently' located there !!!...You and I, as students of Bible Prophecy know that Brussels will "NOT" end up being the 'official or unofficial' capital of the 4th Roman Beast and you are about to learn why the final 10 King's of Revelation will most likely have their headquarters in Rome in the future and not in Brussels, Belgium !!!
Additionally, one month after Japan surrendered it signed an 'instrument of surrender' on board the USS Missouri along with a handful of representatives of other countries and General Douglas Mac Arthur accepted it on behalf of the USA. This historic event brought about the end of the world's deadliest war and this student of Bible Prophecy mentions it because when the 'Little Horn' who is Prophesied to 'Confirm the Covenant with the Many' in the future will rise to power and prominence under a 'somewhat' very similar situation as General Douglas Mac Arthur was involved in on September 2, 1945 at 9:05 am.
The Islamic terrorist attacks in Brussels over a month ago triggered and raised many 'red flags' in the mind of this student of Bible Prophecy as it became known that these same terrorists had been scouting a Belgium nuclear power plant and videotaping the daily routine of a senior employee at the Belgian nuclear center. In response to these eye opening intelligence findings, the Belgium government quickly dispatched 140 armed military personnel to beef up security at all of the nation's nuclear power plants.
A nuclear incident was one of the scenarios that this student of Bible Prophecy had studied and considered as one of the potential scenarios that could both divide and unite the Europeans as never before and push the European's into producing those endtimes 10 King's who for one hour will receive authority together with the Beast. ( Revelation 17:12 ) and who will be of 'one mind and purpose.' Quite undoubtedly, the main and chief purpose of this final Roman Beast of Revelation will be of self-preservation and survival in a world smitten by one catastrophe after another and where competition for very scarce resources will trigger one war after another. If you think that the global currency wars and trade wars of today are leading the world into a military escalation you haven't seen nothing yet !!! This future scenario that this student of Bible Prophecy considered was a 'Terrorist Nuclear Detonation' somewhere in the European Union that would force the EU to launch and retaliate with an all out military strike and unleash a strategic limited nuclear response against the Islamic culprits and in the process unleash the First Horsemen of the Apocalypse on the world scene.
( Note : according to the chronology of Bible Prophecy the 1st Horseman of the Apocalypse cannot yet start his world tour "YET." Several other key Prophecies must be fulfilled first; like : the Rapture of the Church, partial world wide economic collapse and limited nuclear war amongst some*)
According to Wikipedia there are over 10,300+ active nuclear warheads in the world today. Most of the nuclear powers are responsible governments who are rational "BUT" more and more the world is getting all too familiar with Islamic Jihadists who truly believe that blowing themselves up and killing as many 'infidels' guarantees some type of a better life in the after-life. This suicidal belief is utterly dangerous, an Islamic terrorist group with enough Uranium to produce a 'Dirty Bomb' in a key strategic city of this world would turn the global economy upside down and trigger a nuclear response in retaliation that would forever change the current global power structure !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy it is my responsibility to "WARN" that war will continue until the end, the Prophecy found in Daniel 9 : 26 'Guarantees and Confirms' this fact. The truth is that we have been involved in some type of war every decade since World War II. We had Vietnam in the 1970's, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya & War on Drugs in the 1980's, Operation Desert Shield & Operation Desert Strike during the 1990's and since 2001 we have had continual military presence in key strategic parts of Iraq and Afghanistan in our fight against Islamic Jihadists. I'm not here to declare 'doom and gloom' nor to 'Rain on anyone's Parade' but if you think peace is coming in our time you are seriously wrong, the one thing about the sin and wickedness of the human heart is that it gets exponentially 'worse and worse' without the Blood of Jesus Christ addressing it. There is an inherent evil deep inside all men who are "NOT" full of the Holy Spirit and ladies and gentlemen the 'hour and the day' is coming when the nations of this world will say 'enough is enough' and authorize limited strategic nuclear strikes that shall befall key Islamic nations that sponsor Islamic Terrorists all over the world !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy has been studying Islamic Terrorism since the Chechnyan Wars and let me tell you that although Osama Bin Laden and many top Islamic Jihadist leaders from all terrorist groups have been 'neutralized' via the help of : American, Israeli, French and Russian drones through the years; Islamic terrorist's have nonetheless shown great resolve in trying to launch a 9-11 strike on European soil. It is no secret that the master planner of the September 11, attacks had considered crashing a jumbo jet into a nuclear facility near New York City; even the Al Qaeda training manuals which the CIA has gotten a hold of list nuclear power plants amongst the best targets for spreading fear against the populace of Western powers.
According to nuclear experts, striking a nuclear power plant would not set off a giant mushroom cloud or kill millions of people "BUT" it would spread large amounts of radiation, spark mass panic and render vasts amounts of territory uninhabitable and cause thousands of early deaths from cancer and we are not even speaking and considering the huge toll and hit that would befall such an economy that would be victim of such an attack !!!
Once again because some of the words and descriptions that this student of Bible Prophecy is about to make might be 'too strong and graphic' to some; this student of Bible Prophecy puts forth this disclaimer : As a born again Christian I personally wish "NO" evil, destruction nor death upon any human being that was also created in the image of GOD. The truth is that even before you and I were born World War I and WWII had already transpired, the truth is that war has been with us almost since the beginning of recorded history !!!...GOD Almighty who knows the future and the great wickedness of the hearts of all men has already taken into consideration and into the equation all the evil of all men and that's why the future of planet Earth has already been declared in the Book of Revelation. ( Revelation 9 : 21 & 16 : 11 )
The Prophecies of the Holy Bible do "NOT" mention every single detail that will lead to the rise of the First Horsemen mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Just like you won't find Adolph Hitler in Bible Prophecy, but had Hitler not arisen in the 1930's as students of Bible Prophecy you and I know that the State of Israel would "NOT" have been recreated once again in 1948 !!!
In the aftermath of the August 1945 atomic attack against Hiroshima and Nagasaki a Roman Catholic Clergy who was looking for survivors came across the cries of some Japanese soldiers, miraculously the soldiers had survived the atomic blast but their eye sockets were all empty, their eyes had all melted by the intense heat of the nuclear blast and the Prophet Zechariah prophesied a very similiar plague in a future war against all those who will attack Israel in a future war : "Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongue will rot in their mouth." ( Zechariah 14 : 12 )
While numerous Hollywood movies and books have been made that tell of a coming war with 'Extra-Terrestrial Aliens' the truth of the matter is that humans need "NO" monsters to destroy planet Earth, we are the monsters ( the wild beasts of this planet are not destroying the planet, we are and we are not just contaminating our own water and food supply but we are also putting many animals on the brink of extinction; like wiping out Rhinos and elephants for their ivory tusks and horns*) and we have been doing too good of a job all by ourselves in destroying and contaminating the very planet we all live in. ( Revelation 11 : 18 ) As I write Chinese factories are depositing millions of gallons of 'toxic waste' into their own Chinese Rivers and in the Brazilian Rainforest local farmers are chopping down large segments of the Amazon to make way for bigger farms and ranches; all the while both Chinese and Brazilian governmental authorities do very little and sometimes nothing at all to lessen and stop such great environmental destruction !!! The Biblical Prophecies in my interpretation of them do "NOT" leave room for an "ALIEN" endtimes Messiah figure, but we do know that Satan will empower a man like Adolph Hitler with great super-natural pwers that will dazzle those left behind !!!
Currently there are over 10,000+ nuclear weapons on planet Earth, Russia continues to have the most and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty has helped 'somewhat' to at least slow down the creation of a new nuclear arms race all over this planet. It is somewhat of a miracle that till this day in 2016 not one nuclear tipped missile has been launched either by accident or by an act of war !!! ( Hiroshima and Nagasaki is another story*) The world got very, very dangerously close to nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis "BUT" fortunately it didn't happen; President Kennedy didn't lose his cool and rationalized with Nikita Krushev that both powers back down.
According to the Biblical Prophecies of the Book of Revelation 'Nuclear War' is a certainty in the future. We should all learn from the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima that nuclear radiation is no respecter of national borders. Nuclear radiation not only contaminates the local water supply but also most of the surrounding food supply and causing great levels of cancers to increase in all living things in its vicinity.
One of the endtimes scenarios that EUinProphecy.com considered years ago that would possibly serve and force the European Union to reshape itself into the 10 King's of Revelation was a 'Nuclear accident or an Islamic Terrorist nuclear dirty bomb somewhere in the EU. The fact that islamic terrorist attacked Brussels last month; the very capital of the European Union and the headquarters of NATO served as a great 'Wake Up Call' to all those who erroneously believe that Islamic Terrorist are going to give up their Jihad against Western targets any time soon. The truth of the matter is that if ISIS or Al Qaeda or any Islamic Terrorist group ever gets hold of any nuclear missile they would "NOT" hesitate to blow it up in any Western City in this world !!!
When Islamic inspired terrorists struck Brussels last month the local intelligence and police authorities also discovered evidence that these terrorist were scouting a Belgium Nuclear power plant. Furthermore, investigators found surveillance footage hidden by other terrorist suspects in the Paris terrorist attacks that confirmed that terrorist are eyeing to strike a nuclear plant in the future. According to known sources, security at Belgium's nuclear sites is very poor to the point that most security guards at Belgium's nuclear power plants are not even armed !!! ( after it was known, the Belgium authorities on advise from 'Top Intel Officials' are now arming the guards at Belgium's several nuclear plants*)
According to some top Counter-Terrorist experts what is feared is that Islamic Terrorists will launch a nuclear 9-11 strike against a European power plant. An airplane style terrorist attack against a European power plant could cause a reactor meltdown or a cooling pond to ignite and even though European power plants have a handful of built-in safety mechanisms the accident of Fukushima proved that sometimes all of these can fail !!!
Fortunately, the Islamic terrorists are creating a world-wide environment that is making the world see the true face of Islam. The truth is that Islamic terrorism threatens the stability of the world and nuclear giants like : India, China , Russia, Israel, France and the USA know this reality and already have a nuclear counter-strike plan should Islamic Terrorists ever detonate any nuclear dirty bomb on their soil !!!
Because of the heightened threat of another Islamic inspired terrorist attack against Brussels the Belgium authorities have begun to review the personnel records of several employees at nuclear sites; and to no one's surprise a little over a dozen workers with clear connections to some type of Islamic connections have had their credentials revoked on security grounds.
By : Mario Romano, Mario is a student of 'Nuclear Proliferation' he has extensively studied the nuclear programs of : India, North Korea, Israel, France, the UK, the US as well as the Russian nuclear program. He has also been keeping an eye on Iran's attempt to go nuclear. Mario is "NOT" a war hawk, nor is he for any military-industrial complex "BUT" he does believe that the Holy Bible gives the righteous the permission to "DEFEND" themselves against those who seek to impose unrighteous harm, death and destruction upon them.