It was the 4th Beast who with some 60,000+ heavily armed and professional Roman troops that managed to kill over 'one million Jews' and in the process turn Jerusalem into a desolated city dripping with blood and piles of dead corpses everywhere !!! What the 4th Beast did to the 'psyche and pride' of the Jews was so devastating that it wouldn't be until 1948 ( some 16+ generations later *) that the Jews would once again be able to physically and psychologically regain political authority in their original homeland !!! But even before the destruction of the Jewish Temple in which 'no stone was left unturned' ( Matthew 24 : 2 ) It were the Roman's who tortured thee 'Most Holy & Living Temple' of all !!!
Very truly, someone much greater than the Temple was before them and 'hands down' someone even much greater than this whole Universe; and it was JESUS CHRIST thee very WORD of the ALMIGHTY & LIVING GOD by which EVERYTHING was created !!! ( Matthew 12 : 6 )
Truly, what the 4th Beast of Daniel did to Jesus Christ was a total 'desecration and abomination' for Jesus Christ was Himself the very 'True Temple' of 'GOD with us' here on Earth; the Jewish Temple made of stones was just that; for our Lord Jesus Christ was Himself the very 'Holy of Holies' thee very presence of GOD Almighty here on Earth that came once and for all to tear up 'The Veil' and they knew Him not !!!
It were Roman soldiers : Roman swords; Roman instruments of torture and a Roman spear that pierced the body of the most famous Temple of GOD Almighty here on planet Earth : Jesus Christ !!! It were Roman troops who were given the green light by Pontius Pilate the Roman governor of Judaea under the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius that : pulled out the beard of Jesus, who spit on Him, slapped Him and pierced Him to the cross ( Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly stated that his body is the living Temple of GOD Almighty here on planet earth *) ( John 2 : 19, Mark 14 : 58 ) In effect the 4th Roman Beast has already destroyed two Jewish Temples and according to Bible Prophecy these same peoples are going to produce a 'sinister man' who is going to profane in an abomination a future Jewish Temple in Jerusalem !!! ( ISIS & Islam 0; Rome 2 Jewish Temples destroyed and 1 more to go* )
...Truly, Satan 'has, is and continues' to deceive most of the world. When the true Messiah of Israel came the vast majority of Jews were so spiritually blind that they knew him not and the Romans who symbolized and represented the gentile world also were so deep in spiritual darkness that they were unable to recognize the CREATOR of not only planet earth but of this whole Universe !!!
...Every student of Bible Prophecy should note that only about 50,000 Jews have died in all the wars and terrorist acts that the Muslims have initiated against Israel and its' Jews since 1948; compare these numbers with what the demonic 'Prince of Rome' has accomplished in the past ! ( Ever heard of the 'Prince of Persia ?' regional demonic powers & principalities ? ) ...Truly, the evil and destruction that has been produced by : Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, the PLO, ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban and all the Arab Islamic nations that have militarily attacked Israel in the past is nothing in comparison to the evil and destruction that is prophetically heading into the Middle East in the future; when 'You Know Who' is let loose with the other 3 horsemen of the Apocalypse following him closely behind; in the not too distant future !
This student of Bible Prophecy is "NO" war monger, the truth is that we were all born in the middle of an ongoing war in the heavens for the fate of this planet and of billions+ of human souls and I have had nothing to do with the over 500+ wars that have been fought all over the world; since the first recorded war in Mesopotamia in 2700 B.C between the Sumerians and the Elamites and according to the Book of Revelation it all ends with the biggest and greatest war ever : The Battle of Armageddon !!!
Truly, the death and devastation that the 'Fourth Beast' brought against Israel is unparalelled in Jewish history; one thing is to be persecuted in Russia and sent to the Gulags and even what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe cannot be equaled to the 'mental devastation' that the Jews suffered in their own homeland at the hands of the Romans; for they had to abandon their very own Holy City of Jerusalem and if that wasn't bad enough, the Romans had even destroyed the very center and heart of Jewish religious life by destroying the 'Second Temple.' This student of Bible Prophecy knows that the descendents of the Romans are returning again in the future authorized by 'Ten Kings' to once and for all finalize and fulfill the Prophecy of Daniel 12 : 11 and that Jesus Christ himself confirmed in Matthew 24 : 15; and this time this new generation of Romans are not going to attack Israel with mere 'iron swords' as in the past; but with numerous weapons of mass destruction and this time Israel is "NOT" going down as easily as in the past !!!
( Israel, beware of NATO's invitation and beware of any future EU military alliance led by 10 that requires you to entrust them with your nuclear arsenal in the name of 'Peace and Security.' *)
The Fourth Beast Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel has brought more death and destruction unto Israel than even: Soviet Communism and Militant Islam; "NO" other Empire in the history of planet Earth single-handedly killed the true Jewish Messiah and crucified on him on Calvary via the Roman death penalty 'crucifixion' on a wooden cross and "NO" other Empire decimated the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem as the Romans did in 70 A.D. Only Adolph Hitler and the Nazi's have killed more Jews than the Romans "BUT" Hitler's Germany does not qualify as being the 4th Roman Beast, for in the 1930's there was yet "NO" re-established political nation of Israel in the Middle East !!!
As students of Bible Prophecy you and I have to close our 'physical eyes' and open our 'spiritual eyes' to fully understand and see in the 'spirit world' what the 'Fourth Roman Beast' did to the two Jewish Temples that it physically destroyed in Israel !!! The Roman authorities who represent the pagan world and which are clearly and directly inspired by demonic forces and Satan himself symbolize all the power of the Kingdom of Darkness that is trying evermore to quench and put an end to the light of the truth of GOD Almighty and bring even more darkness into the world !!! While representatives of the 4th Beast totally destroyed the Jewish Temple that had taken several decades for the Jews to build they didn't stop there; for these same powers of the 4th Beast had previously and 'temporarily' killed and crucified the true 'Light of this World' : JESUS CHRIST !!!
There is "NO" precedent in Bible Prophecy that changes the geographic & ethnic makeup of the 4th Roman Beast. The 1st Beast began Babylonian and ended Babylonian, the 2nd Beast began Medo-Perisan and ended being Medo-Persian, the 3rd Beast began Greek and ended being Greek in nature and the 4th Beast began Roman and ends up Roman "BUT" in its final phase is comprised of an alliance/ coalition/union of 10 King's from the Mediterranean once again and this 'new and improved Roman Beast' with massive weapons of mass destruction and no longer just carrying Roman swords and shields will once again militarily attack the nation of Israel once again & millions will perish !!! The world of these last days is much different than the days when all the other 3 Beasts rose to power; today we have over 190+ nations on this planet and that wasn't the case 2500+ years ago; Even when Hitler rose to power with grandiose dreams of conquering the world, he knew that the alliance with Japan and Italy wouldn't hurt a bit. The final world power that will dominate during the Tribulation will be composed of an alliance of 10 King's and interestingly enough Europe 'presently' has 12 monarchies in existence; we do not yet know if the final 10 King's of Revelation will be future European Prime Ministers but what is certain is that there will be a total of 10 who will receive power together with the Beast for 42 months***
You see, that same Jesus Christ who was tortured by those of the 4th Roman Beast has an appointment with that same 'unholy spirit' and Principality that reigneth over Rome to this day !!! It wasn't an Islamic flag nor Islamic swords who destroyed the last two great Jewish Temples; it was the 'Sword of Rome.' Kingdoms will come and go and so they surely did, as was the case with the rise of the British Empire that came to dominate key parts of the Middle East not to long ago before Israel's 1948 Independence. But the British Empire was "NOT" the embodiment nor resurgency of the 4th Beast very simply because there was "NO" political nation of Israel at its height, as World War I and II came and went the British Empire came and went, it no longer could dominate the seas nor a great part of the world very simply because it had suffered a 'deadly wound' back home; Hitler and his destructive airforce the 'Luftwaffe' had brought Britain to its knees.
As students of Bible Prophecy you and I should realize that the 4th Beast Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel has done more destruction upon Jerusalem and the Jews than all three of the previous Beasts combined. Antiochus Epiphanes represented the third Greek Beast and even he didn't demolish the Temple in Jerusalem, but he did raid it, stole its treasures and set an altar to Zeus; in contrast the 4th Beast went even further by not only stealing the treasures but of also totally destroying the temple itself to the point that 'No stone would be left unturned.'
As primitive as the Roman Empire at the time of our Lord Jesus Christ may seem to us now in this 'high tech' Century, it nevertheless fulfilled the Prophecy of Daniel to the very letter !!! Mohammed and his Koran were nowhere to be found at that specific moment of history; for it was Rome at its prime that dominated all of the regional powers of the Mediterranean Sea during that time in human history and specifically in Jewish history !!!
In the 'Fulness of Time' GOD stepped out of eternity and personally came to fulfill yet another of the key Prophecies uttered by the Prophet Isaiah !!! GOD did not send an Archangel to die for the sins of humanity; He sent His only begotten Son : Jesus Christ and our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon to once and for all destroy the 4th Beast, when He returns in Glory; the 'Fourth Beast' will be dominating a great part of the planet and at war with Israel when Jesus Christ returns the little horn of the 'Fourth Beast' will have authorized the killing of over 6+ million Jews; far more than even Adolph Hitler !!!
( Zechariah 13 : 8 )
Thee blunt truth of it all is that the Roman Sword produced by the 4th Beat Prophesied by Daniel has so far killed over 1,000,000+ Jews and according to all the data of this century only some 50,000+ Jews have perished by the 'Sword of Islam' carried by all the Islamic nations and Islamic terrorist groups since Israel's rebirth in 1948 !!!
This insignificant student of Bible Prophecy and world history knows fully well that it will "NOT" be the so called 'Sword of Islam' that will somehow transform itself into the Fourth Beast as some erroneously are teaching that will conquer and dominate Israel and the Jews in the end times "BUT" I know without a shadow of a doubt that Rome will once again rise to global prominence during the 'Last Days.'
It most certainly is "NOT" easy being a Bible Prophecy Watchman, Jack Kinsella said it perfectly in one of his articles; that very few answer the call of GOD in this particular Prophetic area of Ministry; it most certainly is not for the weak of heart. This servant answered the call because he knows that 'human souls' are the most important resource of planet earth. I know fully well without a shadow of a doubt that the day and hour is coming when GOD is going to "REWARD" those who taught His Prophetic word and led souls to the feet of Jesus Christ.
This student of Bible Prophecy has tried to input an 'Islamic AC' but with "NO" success, all the Biblical Prophecies and historical facts lead me time and time again back to Rome and not to Mecca !!! The truth is that during the tribulation period most Muslims will be at the mercy of all 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and especially of the First Horseman and the 3rd Black Horseman that symbolizes inflation and starvation; upon close research we come to find that virtually all Arab Islamic countries "Import" a large percentage of food supplies; these same countries cannot feed themselves as it is 'today' now can you imagine when things get way out of hand ? ( most Arab Islamic countries do not have a 'breadbasket' region of their own, they are able to import a large percentage of food products only because of their oil revenues but when all out warfare comes all of these will be at the mercy of famine as food embargoes begin; after all when starvation comes calling you can't eat nor drink oil in such times water and food prices shoot through the roof ! )
What the endtimes 'Roman Little Horn' is going to accomplish is already being practiced by the totalitarian Communist governments of China and North Korea, you see neither ISIS nor Islam are going to dominate the world "EVER" the future 'Kingdom of the Beast' mentioned and described in the Book of Revelation will be more similar to the 3rd Reich and to China's, you see China does "NOT" tolerate Islam; China perceives "ALL" religions as an enemy of the state !!!
As we are coming nearer and ever closer to the 'end of the age' keep a close eye on China and the European Union because according to the Book of Revelation these two will be the greatest military endtimes players during the Battle of Armageddon; this student of Bible Prophecy has been teaching this for almost 20 years and the more I have continued studying and researching it, the more I affirm that indeed the 'King's of the East' and the 'Kingdom of the Beast' will be the final military giants that will ultimately rise in a world that will be turned upside down by one calamity after another; the U.S.A., Russia and most Islamic nations are all going down !!!
In conclusion, this insignificant servant of thee 'Resurrected Jesus Christ' knows that too many other students and teachers of Bible Prophecy are erroneously interpreting the Prophecy of the 'Fourth and Final Beast' Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel...When our Lord Jesus Christ came most of the Pharisees and Sadducees failed to interpret the Biblical Prophecies correctly too and totally missed the true Messiah who stood before them. This servant of GOD is "NOT" in competition with any other Ministry, I bless all those who teach the WORD of GOD and the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I understand that some are teaching that the world will be splitted into 10 regions, others are teaching that the United Nations will produce the 10 Kings of Revelation and yet others that Islam will produce the dreaded Beast forewarned by the Book of Revelation. The truth is that the 'Fourth Beast' was and will be Rome once again; a 'Regional Mediterranean Power' that in the last days will ultimately rise to power when all the other global giants of the world collapse due to all the overwhelming 'natural and supernatural disasters' that are coming to this unrepentant planet mentioned in the Book of Revelation ***...As it is you don't see the United Nations solving any major military conflicts in the world, can you imagine when all hell breaks loose during the Tribulation period ? During the height of the Rwandan Genocide the UN soldiers were commanded to look the other way, pack up and leave Rwanda; do you seriously believe that they are going to be a world power during the Great Tribulation ?
By : Mario Romano, Mario is just an insignificant servant of Jesus Christ. This servant of Jesus Christ is "NOT" a Prophet nor does he wants to be one. The truth is that the true Prophets of GOD ALMIGHTY have already prophesied; what this servant of Jesus Christ is trying to do is merely interpret the Prophecies of the Prophets found in the Holy Scriptures. It is the prayer of this insignificant servant of GOD ALMIGHTY to one day be used of my Creator, Mario realizes and fully knows that GOD literally has millions of other vessels at His disposal and he knows that GOD will ultimately use all the vessels that He created; if you and I are patient and faithful GOD will use us all at the appropriate time !!!