( Do you notice a major military pattern ? All of the world's major military powers are being attracted and pulled in 'little by little' and 'closer and closer' into the Middle East; while the end is "NOT" yet, as believers and students of Bible Prophecy we should not be indifferent to this eye opening information, concerning China's military involvement near the Middle East !!! )
The People's Liberation Army ( PLA ) if you didn't know have already had a presence in various other African countries this past decade, what is happening in the Horn of Africa is 'eye opening' because Beijing will now have a massive military base very close to the Middle East. It is "NO" secret to students of geopolitics that the Chinese Communist government years ago produced a 'White Paper' that clearly outlined its ambitions to become a major maritime player on the world scene. Centuries ago an Island nation called 'Great Britain' ruled and dominated a large part of the globe and the seas because at the time it had the best Naval Fleet on the planet and you better believe that Beijing sees itself in the future following in the footsteps of that once mighty British Empire; China has : the soldiers, is building more and more its Navy, is an industrial giant & long ago went nuclear ! What China does "NOT" have according to Bible Prophecy is the time, according to Bible Prophecy and especially the Book of Revelation we are "ALL" quickly running out of time, the 'Times of the Gentiles' is quickly coming to an end and although many secular : economic, political and military experts agree that the next Century belongs to China the Book of Revelation and the 'Signs of the Times' 'GUARANTEE' that we do "NOT" have another century, the 7 year Tribulation period is rapidly advancing; this is the FINAL GENERATION and long ago we passed its 'Midpoint' so we know that at least 80% of it has passed !!!
There are a little over one million Chinese citizens living in the African continent and there are an estimated 800 Chinese Corporations also in Africa !!! The Chinese perceive Africa as one of the largest almost never-ending source of raw natural resources still untapped on planet Earth and you better believe that they are going to exploit as much of it as they can. Chinese Corporations are famously known to poison their own rivers in China by dumping huge amounts of toxic chemicals from their factories, so guess how much they are going to care about Africa's ?
If you didn't know, the Chinese Navy has been flexing its muscles all over the South China Sea and you better believe that its neighboring Asian countries such as : Vietnam, Japan and others don't like it 'one bit' and are requesting the presence of U.S. Naval Forces in the region. According to various sources the annual Chinese military budget is some $ 145 Billion a year but according to military experts in the know the figure is much, much higher. For its part Beijing defends its military presence abroad by pointing the finger at America, the U.S. has for decades used its military abroad to protect its commercial interests and according to Chinese Communist officials; China is just doing the same in Africa and in the South China Sea, using its Naval Forces to protect its commercial interests. The U.S. military as well as the French military also have a base in Djibouti which President Obama recently renewed its lease for another 20 years. Things are sure getting very, very interesting !!!
China is "NOT" yet ready for Armageddon, Beijing has been quietly purging its military ranks all this decade, the present leader of China Mr. Xi launched an intense anti-corruption campaign that has brought down several PLA Generals as well as several senior military officials. It is important to note that this 'Student of Bible Prophecy' is not trying to demonize China's presence in the African Continent; the truth of the matter is that most of the major world powers have long been exploiting the natural resources of Africa for their economic gain !!!
China has been investing billions of dollars in much needed infrastructure in various African countries while at the same time getting in 'bed' with very questionable African dictators who dominate much of the African Oil; Beijing is in China because it needs 'Oil, oil and more oil' and it doesn't want to become totally dependent on the 'Middle East Oil' should the worst scenario ever happen ( war in the Middle East ). Like any international investor, China knows of the great risks in investing in African countries who are very politically unstable "BUT" Beijing is no dummy either, it has sent thousands of Chinese soldiers to secure their heavy investments there especially along the new Oil Pipelines !!!
What does all of this means ? the end is "NOT" yet, but as a student of Bible Prophecy some major Prophecies that for centuries somewhat incomprehensible are now becoming more and more clear.
According to the Book of Revelation, the King's of the East will march towards the Middle East for the Battle of Armageddon with 200 million soldiers, for many years many 'military experts' questioned the possibility of such numbers, China's male population, China's industrial prowess and now its military presence way outside of its national borders should be enough evidence that the eye opening Prophecies of the Book of Revelation are not only true; but the evidence is growing that we are quickly approaching the final 7 years of the Tribulation Period; 'The Final Week of Daniel.'
In other 'eye opening' news it is being reported that in Madaya, Syria the 3rd Horsemen of the Apocalypse has prematurely visited the small town, even cats and dog's did not escape from being eaten by their starving human owners !!! Forces aligned with Syria's dictator Al-Assad managed to cut off the food supply of the town for several months, residents were reduced to eating grass and insects and then they started eating their pets !!! What happened in Madaya, Syria according to the Book of Revelation is guaranteed to happen on a much, much larger scale during the Tribulation period as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse gallop through a world that will be torn and turned 'upside down' with one war after another !!!
Don't believe all the hype you hear about China !!! China although is becoming one of the world's largest economies, they also have some of the world's largest problems; examples of these include : Chinese cities are some of the most polluted in the world because of lax or non-existent industrial & environmental laws; Chinese factories are not just massively polluting China's air but also many of its rivers, it is no secret that many Chinese rivers are full of toxic waste and all of these chemical wastes are in the process guaranteeing the that the next generation of Chinese children will be born with many : birth defects, cancers, asthma and all types of new illnesses !!! The Chinese Communist Leadership has their 'hands full' and according to Bible Prophecy the last Empire that will dominate most of the world will "NOT" be Asian "BUT" a future Western alliance of 10 King's according to the Book of Revelation !!! China is not just persecuting Christians but also Muslims and anyone who may pose a threat to its atheistic secular government. China is a prime example of the 'Dark Side' of atheism, most if not all atheists blame religion for many of societies ills yet when they are in power they too are no better than anyone else !!!
Additionally, China's 'one child policy' ( they have now changed it to a two child policy*) has created an enormous present and future social problem that will explode in the face of the Communist Party in the future, China will have over a hundred million males that cannot marry, because there's not enough Chinese females; it is no secret that for decades many Chinese families practiced 'Female Infanticide' because many Chinese families wanted to produce a male so that they could carry the family name onwards; the CCP messed with the established order that GOD established in nature and they are sitting on a great 'social time bomb' that will explode and come back to haunt them !!!
BY : Mario Romano, Mario has been 'keeping an eye' on the "King's of the East" just as much as on the future 'Kingdom of the Beast' ( EU ) and if you didn't know 'China inProphecy.com' will be relaunched later this year because all the major endtimes players are getting ready to play their Prophetic endtimes part and as a 'Teacher and Student of Bible Prophecy' it is my responsability to fully use the one gift that GOD ALMIGHTY imparted in this insignificant servant of his; sometimes I wish I too could play dumb and ignorant "BUT" I know that the Biblical Prophecies are true and that each and everyone of them shall be fulfilled to the letter***