Some 2000 years ago GOD ALMIGHTY, thee CREATOR of : Trillions upon trillions+ of stars, billions upon billions+ of Galaxies and millions upon millions+ of other planets stepped out of Eternity and visited planet Earth in person in the body of JESUS CHRIST; you see it appears biblically speaking that we are the only terrestrial biological creation that fell into sin, for we are that 1 sheep out of the 100 that got lost according to the parable of of the Luke 15 : 4 ! You see, GOD since the beginning was "NEVER" ever going to : give up, abandon and utterly destroy this planet and all the inhabitants; simply because the 'Lamb of GOD' had already been slained since before the foundation of the world ! ( Revelation 13 : 8 ) Truly; GOD ALMIGHTY, has great plans for this creation and every single human being who was created in the image of GOD has a great potential ! Even though the wickedness of mankind was great during the pre-flood period GOD didn't wipe out all of humanity, he just started all over and you see GOD in His sovereignty can do that; simply because He has all the time in eternity to do so and His will shall prevail one way or another even if He has to start all over again with just a handful of human beings like GOD did with Noah and his family during the Flood. GOD is very patient and His sovereign plans will be ultimately be accomplished even if its 'the hard way.' The Jews had to wander through the wilderness for 40 years and were slaves in Egypt for 400 years, they were conquered not only by the Babylonians; but also by the Medo-Persians, the Greek Empire and of course the Roman Empire but wait it didn't end there, GOD further brought punishment upon them by letting their enemies take them captives unto all nations during the diaspora which saw one of the greatest and longest periods of Jewish persecution in the four corners of this planet; that continues to our day !!! In Russia they were put in Gulags, in Spain they were victims of the unholy inquisition and in Germany Hitler almost wiped most of them out; our Jewish friends are still under the judgement of GOD and we should all learn from their mistakes "SIN" carries a very big price and "NO" human being is exempt from the wages of sin !!!
This vessel of the Holy Spirit can just imagine how mighty proud and delighted Satan was when GOD had to wipe out most of humanity during the flood, Satan surely had a hand in it all and had so corrupted the minds and hearts of GOD's creation and he was mighty proud of being the chief corrupter of it all. GOD didn't cast Satan into the Lake of Fire then simply because it wasn't the appointed time yet; despite all the destruction that the flood brought GOD would restart His plan of salvation with Noah, Satan's days were numbered and so it was some 2000+ years later Jesus Christ would be born in Bethlehem and GOD's divine plan continued just as it had been originally conceived since before GOD Himself had created man on planet Earth in Eternity Past !
As we enter 2016, it doesn't really matter what the : UN Security Council, the U.S. Executive Branch, the Global Drug Cartels, the World Court, the World Bank, International Corporations, Transnational Mafia's, Global Corporations, the Vatican, the Imam's of the Islamic Religion, the International Bankers, or what Moscow or Beijing want and it really doesn't matter what ISIS may or may not do; for there is a SOVEREIGN GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven who has the last word on "EVERYTHING" ! For we even know that Satan himself cannot do anything that GOD ALMIGHTY prohibits him ! Before thee HOLY GOD of Israel we are all like an 'ant colony' or most likely given the scale of this His Universe like a 'bacterial colony' before His awesome and HOLY Presence !!! There is justice in this Universe and "ALL" of these corrupt human entities and institutions will have to give an account to GOD ALMIGHTY in the day of Judgement ! ( You think the NSA and the FBI are the only one's who have a file on us ? "NO" GOD thought of everything and according to the Book of Revelation "EVERYTHING" is being recorded for the day of Judgement !!! ) - Book of Revelation 20 : 11-15
Even before GOD ALMIGHTY would decree and reveal to the Prophet Daniel in Babylon that Israel would be conquered from then on by 4 Gentile Kingdoms all the way until the endtimes; the Jews had already had been taken captive numerous times by several other smaller pagan-gentile regional powers. As we study the history of our Jewish friends we can learn that GOD takes : rebellion, disobedience and unfaithfulness very, very seriously !!! Atheists like to point out how 'GOD sat out the Holocaust' and some secular Jews always ask the question of where was GOD during the Holocaust ? The answer is very simple; our Jewish friends 'were, are and still' are under the Holy Judgement of GOD ! This student of Bible Prophecy knows that this is not the correct politically thing to state but our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed us this 'fact and reality' in Luke 21 : 24 !!! All students of Bible Prophecy should understand that GOD is in absolute control of the rise and fall of every human empire; GOD used and will use all the 4 Beast-Empires of Daniel to bring punishment unto His chosen people. In Daniel we can witness how easily it is to our sovereign GOD to bring Earthly King's onto their knees; King Nebuchadneezar was humbled by GOD Almighty when GOD made Nebuchadneezar lose his sanity and Nebuchadneezar began to act like a wild animal and eat grass for 7 years !!! ( Daniel 4 : 33 )
Today, although the world order has changed what has most definitely "NOT" changed is that GOD ALMIGHTY is still in 'absolute control' of human history so much so that GOD ALMIGHTY already decreed the ending of it all in the Book of Revelation !!! The 'blunt truth' of it all is that GOD in His Holy sovereignty is using all the evil chaos that Satan initiated and turning it around for good; Satan weaves and GOD re-weaves for His divine purposes !!! Although GOD makes no one to sin, He rectifies all in the end to ultimately fulfill His eternal word. Satan specializes in : killing, stealing and destroying; while GOD our Creator specializes in : resurrecting, blessing and creating !!!
As a student of microbiology and astronomy I can't help but state the obvious we here on planet Earth are almost like in a 'Petri Dish' before GOD Almighty, we are like an 'ant colony' amidst numerous others; as I study the scale of this Galaxy and this Universe that we are all in I can't help it but make such an analogy !!! The Prophet Daniel summed it up pretty good when he stated that 'All the inhabitants of the Earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the heavenly armies and with the inhabitants of the earth.' ( Book of Daniel 4 : 35 )
As the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ gets closer and closer, Satan is going to get more and more desperate, he is going to inspire every individual without the Holy Spirit to be against Israel and everything that Israel represents !!! Satan, is going to use Islamic Terrorism to its fullest and then he will use his final masterpiece : The Little Horn to accomplish what militant Islam has failed to accomplish 'time after time' to since Israel since it became a nation in 1948 !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy I have to admit that things in 2016 according to the Biblical Prophecies will "NOT" get any better than what transpired in 2015, the truth is that we have been and are in a state of perpetual war; since 9-11 American military has been battling Islamic Terrorists in Afghanistan and the Middle East and there seems no end in sight !!!
...Unfortunately, in 2016 Islamic Terrorist attacks will continue simply because of the fact that the world and the West has "NOT" correctly militarily addressed the global Islamic Jihad and especially because there are one too many Islamic youths being let in all over European cities especially in : France, Germany and elsewhere that suffer from high unemployment levels and are easy prey for radical Imam's who make them into prime volunteers to become suicide bombers & terrorists for Islamic Terrorist groups !
( Various EU cities are full of unemployed and radicalized Islamic young men who are "NOT" assimilating into Western culture and who are like a ticking time bomb, evidence of this was evident during the 2005 Paris Riots where for various nights mostly Islamic youth went out on a rampage and burned hundreds of cars in French cities* )
In 2015, we also saw the religious seat of what will eventually become that of the False Prophet mentioned in Revelation become more and more 'UNBIBLICAL.' The Roman Catholic Papacy presently occupied by Pope Francis will "NOT" be the final Pope ! Among some of the 'lies from the pit of hell' that Pope Francis declared was that : Christians & Muslims worship the same GOD ! And also that Jews don't need to be evangelized to and converted; which clearly goes against what Jesus stated " No man goes to the Father except through Me." - John 14 : 6
This servant of Jesus Christ wants everyone to understand that Satan is "NOT" GOD's archenemy, Satan is 'like an ant' before GOD the Father, Satan is a created being just like you and me, the only exception is that while we were created out of the dirt of this planet Satan was created out of much, much more powerful elements "BUT" in no way can he measure or be compared to GOD ALMIGHTY in any way, shape or form !!! ( me thinks we were created to teach Satan and all the heavenly hosts a great big lesson *)
This student of Bible Prophecy wants to clarify that ISIS is "NOT" the encarnation of the final endtimes Beast of Revelation, the truth is that ISIS and its global terrorist acts are 'quickening' and setting the stage and making it easier and easier for the rise of the endtimes 'Little Horn' to eventually rise to power; the evidence is very clear with each terrorist attack Western leaders are quick to want to change the laws, to cut our freedoms to make us live in a perpetual police like state.'
Additionally, this student of Bible Prophecy wants to make it perfectly clear that ISIS is "NOT" a world power, a nuclear power nor an economic power; ISIS is more like a great NARCO like state ( that is competing with other drug like cartels as evidenced in the ideological animosity between Al Qaeda, Hamas, Muslim Broterhood etc ) when Islamic Militants do gain power in the Middle East as evidenced various times in Egypt through the election of the Muslim Brotherhood, in Afghanistan through the Taliban and Fatah and Hamas in Gaza; the Muslim populace quickly learns the hard way that things in their respective Islamic countries do "NOT" get any much better than when the strong men used to rule !!!
As we close 2015 it is very evident to this student of Bible Prophecy that the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is getting ever and ever closer, this year we all witnessed the EU and the Eurozone almost coming to an economic implosion because of potential Greeck default; Germany's Angela Merkel who was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year did manage to 'temporarily' postpone this economic collapse; but Mrs. Merkel made a very great mistake that believe you me will come back to haunt her and Germany in the future when she allowed one too many Islamic refugees into Germany !!! I'm "NOT" against helping war refugees "BUT" what the : UN, U.S. EU, Turkey and NATO should have done was to create a 'safe zone' within the borders of Syria, pretty soon the Europeans and especially the Germans are going to find out and regret who they really let into their borders !!!
For his part, Nicolas Sarkozy and his party the Republican's have managed to beat the competition in the latest French elections, even though Mr. Sarkozy is dragging alot of political baggage he is still a very credible contender for the 2017 French Presidential elections and while some are predicting that he doesn't stand a chance, this student of political science and European Political systems knows that many, many things can quickly turn things around for him and his party in the 2017 French Presidential elections !!! EUinProphecy.com will regardless continue to go on with or without a Sarkozy victory in 2017 !!!
Like this student of Bible Prophecy suspected "ALL" the evidence appears to confirm what I suspected all along, while Islam will "NOT" be the Beast of Revelation, nonetheless Islamic terrorism in France is forcing the Europeans to reassess all of their foreign policy towards the Middle East. Presently, France is thinking of revising their constitution to make it possible to revoke French citizenship to all those involved in terrorist activities against the state and there is no question that Islam's presence in France is the number one topic and issue in the French Presidential elections, at least Marine Le Pen sure thinks so !!!
The one thing that this servant of Jesus Christ does ask for is your prayer support, I sensed a great increase of spiritual attacks against me this past year; to tell you the truth I knew it was coming but not to the degree that it actually did. This student of Bible Prophecy knows very well that he in onto something really, really big and in "NO" way do I consider myself a Prophet, I bless all those who are also teaching Bible Prophecy and the full Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the main reason of "EVERYTHING" and this servant of His always wants to point both believers and non-believers alike to the Cross and to the Resurrected Jesus Christ !!!
( In the next article this student of Bible Prophecy is going to address the fate of the USA in light of Bible Prophecy* and I know that to some it will be an eye opener )
By : Mario Romano, Mario is a student of the early Roman Republic and of the expanding 3rd Century Roman Republic and of the latter ones' under the Emperors and Caesars and GOD willing if it is the will of GOD Almighty we will be one of the first to identify the final 10 King's of Revelation "BEFORE" they actually rise to power.
( EUinProphecy.com, believes that we have identified 3 EU countries who will produce 3 of the final 10 King's of Revelation*) This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is here to "WARN" anyone with ears to hear of the final manifestation of the Roman Empire that is "GUARANTEED" to attack Israel one more time and dominate most of the world during the final 3 and a half years !!! If you think Al Qaeda and ISIS are evil and of the devil; the truth is that the coming 'Little Horn' is going to make them all look like primitive amateurs*