GOD Almighty made 'conditional and unconditional' promises to : Abraham, Israel and the Jews and GOD is going to keep His WORD and every single last one of His promises !!! Despite Israel's : disobedience, spiritual rebellion and the rejection of the 'Messiah : Jesus Christ' GOD has "NOT" abandoned Israel, that is why HE has set apart and decreed Daniel's final week; the 70th Week ( the final 7 years *) to once and for all deal directly with Israel and neither : Satan, nor the over 1 billion+ Muslim's, nor Russia, Iran nor the very gates of hell are going to be able to break the promises and the love that GOD has for the apple of His eye !!! ( Zechariah 2 : 8 )..."NO" one is going to be boasting in heaven of being there because of 'good works and religious rituals' for we are "ALL" ultimately saved and forgiven because of the great mercy & grace of GOD Almighty !!!
The modern nation of Israel established in 1948 is truly an amazing sight to behold for it is the greenest nation in the Middle East surrounded by vast barrenness of desert, in comparison to their Arab neighbors Israel is the only country who truly has made their country bloom : economically, socially and politically. All the while the neighboring Arab nations around Israel suffer from : massive economic disparities, lack of women's rights and outright authoritarian governement's; Israel on the other hand continues to move ahead all the while : Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas and other Islamic Terrorist groups continue to blow up their Islamic countries back into the stone age !!! Technologically speaking, Israeli ingenuity has allowed them to thwart and deter Islamic countries who outnumber the Jews in great numbers from attacking them ever since Israel went nuclear and all the while Israel's military continue to make great strategic progress for it is no secret that the Israeli airforce dominates most of the airspace in that region !!! The Prophets of the Holy Bible were outright correct when they Prophesied about Israel's rebirth in the last days under the direction of the Spirit of GOD Almighty !!!
As a political scientist and somewhat of an expert in International Relations, I have to admit that this is where all of the : Islamic Jihadism, Russian Aggression and European Expansionism is ultimately headed towards : the issue and destiny of Jerusalem !!! Truly, what are the odds that out of over 190+ world capitals that Jerusalem gets to be the piece of real estate by which the final Battle of Armageddon will be fought over ??? The Holy Scriptures a Jewish Conspiracy ? Please, this eternal Holy Book proclaims judgement after judgement and holocaust after holocaust against these people because of their spiritual infidelity against GOD Almighty !!! GOD is a GOD of righteousness and justice and He is also going to judge as harshly the Gentile nations in the future as much as His chosen Jewish people. Although it is Prophesied that two-thirds ( 66%) of the Jews will perish during the Tribulation period ( Zechariah 13 : 8 ) it is also Prophesied that a similar percentage of the entire world population "ALSO" perishes by : war , famine and pestilences during the final period of human governments on planet Earth ( Revelation 6 : 8 and 9 : 15 )
It saddens me that there are so many naive American 'Self Hating Jews' who go out of their way to support not only the Palestinian's but also almost every Anti-Israeli movement out there. Truly, the Middle East does "NOT" need yet another Islamic Palestinian State for there are already 22 seriously messed up Arab nations surrounding Israel !!! One of the top promoters of Anti-Israel movement is the 'reknowned linguist' : Noam Chomsky who seemingly always finds every defect in Israeli politics and policies but somehow never finds any within all of Israel's enemies. I have even heard Chomsky and other 'Anti-Israeli' American Jews proclaim on numerous occasions that Israel should never have been re-established in 1948 !!! Although many of these American 'Leftist' secular Jews have had their entire families suffer great persecution themselves in the past, they somehow are so 'naive, blind and outright in denial' about the true intentions of : Arabs and Muslims who are continually plotting against Israel and the Jews and who promise before the entire world as in the case of 'Iran and all the Islamic Terrorist groups' that their chief goal in life is the complete destruction of Israel & of every Jew on planet Earth !!! Neither the NAZI's nor the Islamic Jihadist's care about what 'International Laws' they broke or will break; Mr. Chomsky !!! Political Theorist's believe that they can 'quantify' all politics into a neatly box of theory "BUT" they fail to realize that there is an ever present 'DEMONIC EVIL' on planet Earth that cannot be so easily included into any political theory !!!
It should also be noted by all; that it is the Holy GOD of Israel who decreed the ultimate punishment of Israel for their continual : transgressions, sins and wickedness against His Holy Commandments ( Daniel 9 : 5 ) "ALL" sin against GOD carries a great price and every human being be they 'Jew or Gentile' will have to give an account for every one of their unrepentant sins to GOD Almighty. In the case of Israel, GOD uses gentile Empires to punish them; it is GOD who allowed the rise of the 4 Beasts-Empires to begin with and it is HE who has absolute control over the rise and fall of all the King's and Empires on planet Earth !!! GOD Himself wrote the ending of planet Earth and it shall all transpire just as it is written in the Book of Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation !!! It is necessary that all nations, tribes and peoples ( be they Jewish or Gentile ) who reject the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ pass through the great judgements found in the Book of Revelation.
This servant of Jesus Christ is "NOT" into conspiracies, I know that organizations such as the Illuminati exist, "BUT" there are really only two kind of men on this planet those sealed by the 'Holy Spirit of GOD Almighty' and all others; these include : International Mafias, Militant Groups, Religious Associations, International Gangs, Millionaire Clubs and the list goes on !!! What this student of Bible Prophecy does know with certainty is that the 'Illuminati' will "NOT" produce the 10 King's of Revelation !!! It is the personal belief and observation of this student of Bible Prophecy that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be a "Regional Alliance" of nations based near and around the Mediterranean Sea who out of need and survival unite to confront the most challenging 'military, political and economic' period in all of human history : The Final 7 year Tribulation Period, initiated in part by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse !!! Ladies and Gentlemen the UN will become irrelevant when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse baptize this planet with : War, Death, Famine and destruction never before seen on this planet !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy just read a secular article written by one of the most 'renowned' American historians on what he perceives "Israel's Future" will be and let me tell you that this 'non-practicing Jew professor's' opinion didn't align at all with Bible Prophecy !!! According to him "Israel continues to use the Holocaust to justify its warfare state." I was stunned that an American Jew would ever utter such words against his own people !!! If almost half my ethnic group was marked for annihilation as it happened in Europe during the 1930's , I sure would make it my number one priority to ensure that my people would never, ever be in a vulnerable position as the Jews were in the 1930's Germany ! It's fools like this naive Princeton Professor who have lost touch with reality, it's easy to theorize about all of Israel's defects behind a very 'comfortable and safe desk' in an American University and it's a totally different reality when you are surrounded by : Islamic Terrorists, Hostile Arab nations and Islamic leaders who are breathing down your neck and constantly calling for the total destruction of all Jewish people. It's 'scholars' like Mr. A. Mayer who naively believe that they can make a deal with Satan, the fools don't realize that Islamic Jihadist's don't care about living in peace with Israel because the reality is that Islamic Jihadist's blow up other Muslims without any problem and their hatred for the Jews won't ever end until either they or the Jews are totally decimated !!! For the record; Satan never keeps his word for he is the very Father of Lies !!!
If you didn't know, the Biblical Prophecies "GUARANTEE" that Israel will be attacked by numerous enemies in the future; these include full scale military attacks by : Russia, Iran and their Islamic allies and according to the Biblical Prophecies Israel will prevail "ONLY" because "GOD ALMIGHTY the HOLY GOD of Israel" shall utterly and totally bring these enemies to an embarrassing defeat before the whole world !!! If you think the Televised invasion of Iraq in 1991 was exciting; wait till you see the newer 'High Definition broadcast' of what shall befall the unsuspecting armies of : Russia, Iran and their Islamic minions on the hills and deserts of Israel in the future !!! The Prophet Daniel was revealed Four Empires ( Beasts ) that would rise and conquer the Israeli nation all the way until the final generation. Although : Spain, England and the USA were/are Empires these "NEVER" conquered an existing Jewish nation reborn in 1948 nor conquered a Jerusalem in the hands of a political Jewish State !!! The Biblical Prophecies "Guarantee" that Israel will only be defeated in the future by the final phase of the Roman Empire symbolized by a future alliance of 10 within the present European Union...Take note; Bible Prophecy "Guarantees" that the present state of the European Union has "NOT" yet taken its final form !!! And this same Prophecy makes it perfectly clear that "NO" Islamic Terrorist group nor Islamic Nation, power or alliance is destined to conquer the Jewish State of Israel !!! All of these Islamic big mouth's have been UNABLE to defeat 'Little ole Israel' for over half a century now, so let's stop quoting the false Islamic Prophecies !!!
EUinProphecy.com was launched over 15+ years ago to "INFORM" whoever wants to listen about how the final phase of the Roman Empire and Beast will affect not only Israel but the entire world in these last days. Satan doesn't descriminate against any Jew; he sees "ALL" secular Jews as well as all Orthodox Jews as his enemies !!! The Islamic Arabs own and control over 95% of the Middle East and yet they cry in the halls of the UN because they can't have the other small percent that Israel "Rightfully" owns by the decree of GOD Almighty who owns every square inch of not only planet earth but of this entire Universe !!!
Bible Prophecy unfortunately "Guarantees" yet another Jewish Holocaust in the future but this time my Jewish friends and brothers are "NOT" going down without a fight !!! This student of Bible Prophecy knows that according to the Prophecies of Zechariah 60% of my Jewish friends will perish in the coming wars that will end the end of this age. At the same time Bible Prophecies found in the Book of Revelation also guarantee the death of over 60% of the world's population by the coming judgements found in the Book of Revelation !!!...Let it be known that "ALL" sin has terrible and tragic consequences be it for the Jews as well as for all the gentile nations of planet Earth !!! When this servant of GOD was born the Holy Bible and all of its prophecies were already completed and i'm just here interpreting all of their symbolisms !!!
The Holy Bible reveals to us that when Satan knows that his end is very near and is 'totally kicked out of the heavens' ( Revelation 12 : 8-9 ) he will most definitely know that GOD's final countdown will have been initiated and he will go out with fury to seek to annihilate Israel and every Jew on planet Earth !!! The same "EVIL" that inspired the NAZI's and Hitler to do what they did to the Jews in the past is going to rise from the Abyss once more but this time with even more fury & determination because it will know that it will be it's final chance !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy I have always suspected that New York City will suffer something even more diabolical than what took place on 9-11. If you didn't know New York City is the home to more Jews than even Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and Satan knows this fact too and just like he did in the Book of Job, this servant of GOD suspects that he is going to make it unbearable for the Jews to stay in New York City in the future, Satan is "NOT" going to have any mercy on my Jewish friends be they secular Jews or Orthodox ; Satan is going for the final kill "BUT" fortunately GOD will "NOT" permit the total annihilation of my Jewish brothers and sisters. Ladies and Gentlemen there's a 'GREAT' reason why the USA does "NOT" appear as the last global empire, something 100+ times worse is coming against America ( than what happened in 9-11 ) that will allow the rise of the final 10 horn Beast of Revelation to rise to power and eclipse the United States of America in the future !!! ( We will cover the guaranteed fall of the USA in a later article* )
EUinProphecy.com "Blesses" the Jewish state of Israel, It is because of my Hebrew friends that we all have the Holy WORD of the Living GOD; because of the Jews we have the Old and New Testament and all the Apostles were Jews and despite their disobedience against GOD; GOD has not totally forsaken them for HE shall fulfill every promise that HE promised them !!! The truth is that "ALL" human beings have fallen short of the Glory of GOD; Jew and Gentile alike !!!
While most part of the world is indifferent to rising Christian persecution and rising anti-semitism all over the world you and I know better. Most of the world's media is focused on depraved entertainment and sports in fact I know several believers in Christ who know more about their favorite sports than about the Biblical Prophecies; they could quote you entire statistics about this sports player and that football, basketball and soccer player but they can't explain what the 4 Beasts of Daniel symbolized if their very life was at stake !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy it boggles my mind that Israel in the future will be greatly "DECEIVED" by the future leader of the Roman EU of 10 that is Prophesied to rise to power in the last days, it amazes me that although Israel is a formidable nuclear power with over 200+ nuclear missiles that it will be taken by surprise by the coming EU 10 'Trojan Horse like' future leader that you and I know is surely coming !!!
It saddens me that this gentile student of Bible Prophecy knows more about Israel's future than even most Jews. If you didn't know most Rabbi's and Jewish religious leaders are "NOT" teaching the Prophecies of Daniel to their congregations !!! I have even seen numerous youtube videos on why this is, it is a tragedy of epic proportions that these so called 'Jewish Scholars and leaders' completely overlook the Prophecies of one of their greatest Prophets : Daniel !!!
By : Mario Romano, truly we are the final generation and we shall see a great turn of global events transpiring during the next three years. This servant of GOD is "NOT" into date setting "BUT" i'm no fool, our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about 'Watching and Praying' so that we will be worthy to escape all the horrors that shall come upon this final generation ( Luke 21 : 36 ) this servant of Jesus Christ is not about to focus on what most of this world is focused on 'day and night' and that is : mindless entertainment and sports idolatry as well as foolishly seeking temporary riches at the expense of our eternal soul. Most Bible scholars agree that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified between 29-30 AD and somewhere between now and 2030, some 'two thousand years will have passed' all the Biblical hints seen to converge on this period and as the final signs begin to become 'more and more' obvious. It is impossible for anyone to claim to know the exact 'day and hour' simply because of errors and imperfections in our Julian and Gregorian Calenders !!! The true believer shall know that his/her redemption truly is at the doors when certain endtime signs begin to manifest ! The Holy Bible reveals to us that to GOD one thousand years is like a day and in Hosea 6 : 2 we find a peculiar Prophecy "After two days He will revive us and on the Third day He shall raise us up." ( Hosea 6 : 2 ) This servant of GOD and Watchman does "NOT" know the day nor the hour "BUT" when certain events start taking place it will become very, very clear to the 5 Virgins who diligently wait for the return of their Master how very close to midnight we are !!!