The end is 'NOT' yet !!! The Italian people just elected a new Prime Minister and 'She' is Italy's first ever FEMALE 'Prime Minister' and for the record : Ms. Giorgia Meloni is "NOT" the 'Roman Woman Who Will End UP Riding the Beast' with 10 Horns !!! The TRUTH is that Ms. Meloni is "NOT" and can "NOT" even be one of the 10 King's of Revelation and Daniel.
Although the modern country of Italy is 'NO' longer the superpower it once was under the Roman Caesars of 1500+ years ago, it nevertheless is home to the European Union's third largest economy after : Germany and France. This student of the Biblical Prophecies believes that 'ROME' will play an EPIC role during the Tribulation period 'BOTH' : Religiously via Vatican City and the City of Rome where past EU Treaties have been signed as well as 'Secularly' via the Italian government which i personally believe will produce one of the TEN KING'S of Revelation !!!
"To some at first glance it seems improbable and almost impossible for Rome and its allies to once again rise to power in the Mediterranean 'BUT' to this student of Bible Prophecy it is 'Guaranteed' !!! You see Rome and Allies are 'NOT' necessarily rising to global dominance once again because they have the 'Best' military in the world or the most stable and strongest $$$ Economic System, they are RISING to power by 'DEFAULT' because GOD is going to allow all the other present 'Global Powers' ( Russia, China, USA & Islamic countries*) to suffer much greater Prophesied : $$$ Economic, Military and Social Catastrophes so that the final BEAST of Revelation will be able to once again arise to power to complete its 'Prophetic Destiny' Prophesied in the Book of Daniel and Revelation !!!"
I will be very brief in this 'Article' because thus fellow servant of GOD is 'PREPARING' for next year. This present year of : 2022 has been thee 'MOST CHALLENGING' year of my LIFE and i thank GOD ALMIGHTY that 'HE' helped me through it, it was 'ALL' a 'MIRACLE' !!! ( Thank You JESUS !!! ) I plan to 'RE-DEDICATE' my life to GOD my CREATOR ( ASAP*) this upcoming new year because i acknowledge that i have not been serving HIM with 'ALL' my : Mind, Heart, Strength and Soul !!! I have asked GOD to forgive me for not giving HIM the very best of me with the time that 'HE' to begin with has allowed me to exist and live, with HIS 'Grace' i plan to TRANSLATE and publish international websites in the countries of : Germany , France , Russia and Spain this upcoming year. We are already all over Latin America and GOD has been opening more and more my 'Spiritual Eyes' as to why i was put on : this Planet , in this Human Body and in this Time in human history and this fellow servant of HIS is little by little comprehending it ALL !!!
BY : A very unworthy servant of : JESUS CHRIST. This fellow servant of GOD is 'NOT' in this for : FAME and much less for any : $$$ MONEY, i am NOTHING without the guidance that the HOLY SPIRIT gives this poor VESSEL of HIS. WE are operating on the KNOWLEDGE and REVELATION that the future of the United States of America has been 'SEALED' by GOD and so has the future of : Russia and all the ISLAMIC countries, my full attention is 'TEACHING' on the final 'BEAST' guaranteed by the Book of Revelation, i offer 'NO' apologies for what i am doing, when 'ALL' of this is over all the unbelievers will understand how correct we were in TEACHING the 'Prophetic WORD' of GOD found in the Holy Bible !!! We are here to : TEACH and INFORM anyone who will listen as to the soon RETURN of our LORD : Jesus Christ, we are here to TEACH 'HIS' WORD and here to TEACH and FOREWARN on the final Beast of Daniel and Revelation who will ultimately affect 'Billions+' of human souls !!!