Thee ONLY Reason Why We Are All Still Breathing Down Here On Earth Is 'ONLY' Because GOD Made It All Possible To Begin With !!! Salvation, Truth and Eternal Life has a name : Jesus Christ !!!
HE engineered our DNA ( Watson and Crick merely discovered it much, much later and our DNA sure was NOT engineerd by: Darwin nor in any Chinese Labs *)
HE engineered our physical bodies and every single body part within it !!! ( heart, ears, circulatory system, cells, muscles etc : except 'HE' did not engineered your 'big ego' nor your 'Big Pride' !!!' )
HE engineered this PLANET, along with the other : 1,000,000,000,000's of other planets that also exist within this Universe too !!!
Some may want to continue to believe that we are all a random by-product of a 'big bang' and numerous random evolutionary cycles of cosmic explosions, but i know that there is a SUPER-ETERNAL- ENGINEER who sustains 'ALL' of HIS creation and 'HE' is : YHWH = JESUS CHRIST !!!
Jesus Christ is GOD manifested in 'Flesh and Blood' before Abraham was 'HE' is and 'HE' alone continues to be Thee 'ONLY' way to the FATHER and 'ETERNAL LIFE' !!!
Thee Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST is one of thee 'MOST' important events ever to transpire on this planet; HE made it possible for 'EVERYONE' and 'ANYONE' who repents and believes in HIS name to receive full forgiveness of their sins !
Our CREATOR is 'NOT' an alien / extraterrestrial, our CREATOR is an 'ETERNAL SPIRIT' who manifested Himself on this planet like one of us in : JESUS CHRIST !!!
Any human soul who chooses to ignore the Gospel of Jesus Christ willfully chooses to condemn their soul into an eternal hell when they do not have to !!! ( Hell is 'REAL' Jesus spoke more about the existence of HELL than even of Heaven*)
BY : an Earthly sinner who was TOTALLY forgiven of his sins by : JESUS CHRIST !!! I was 'NOT' born Jewish, my biological parents never went farther than the 3rd grade educationally speaking 'BUT' one beautiful day i too HEARD the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST and my eyes were OPENED to the TRUTH of it 'ALL' and that is that 'ALL' was CREATED by HIM and for HIM !!! ( John 1 : 3 and Colossians 1 : 16 ) The shed 'BLOOD' of JESUS CHRIST who was born without sin and who died on the cross without sin made it POSSIBLE for : you , me and anyone who REPENTS and accepts Jesus Christ as savior to obtain 'ETERNAL LIFE' !!!