Having been a WATCHMAN since 1999, this servant of GOD has never before issued a WARNING such as this one !!!
"Yes, our LORD Jesus Christ stated that nobody knows the day nor the hour 'BUT' He also stated that when we see certain things begin to take place to look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh !!!" ( Luke 21 : 28 )
"According to some Biblical experts who have counted and studied 'Biblical Generations' there were about 76 generations from Adam to Jesus and from Jesus until now based upon the 70+ year formula there have been at a minimum another 33+ generations ( some have counted many more generations*) 'BUT' that is beside the point, what concerns us all TODAY is that WE are the 'FINAL GENERATION' !!! Because the State of Israel recently celebrated it's 71st anniversary this year; it is the 'personal opinion' of this Bible Prophecy Watchman that the world will witness the beginning of some major Biblical Prophecies ( Harpazo*) within these upcoming 10 years; especially the Ezekiel War because Russia must DECREASE so that the rider of Revelation 6 exploits the military vacuum that will be left behind both in the Middle East as well as in Eurasia in particular when a 'Nuclear Armed Russia' suffers an embarrassing military DEFEAT that will cost the lives of a great percentage of its armed forces in a future WAR mentioned in Ezekiel 38 - 39." - Mario Romano
"Something's got to give in sooner rather than later, Putin is most certainly 'NOT' removing the Russian military from Syria anytime soon, Iran is racing to complete a nuclear bomb at all costs, all the while Islamic Terrorist groups like Hamas are stockpiling 1000's of rockets to use against Israel and Turkey's : Recep Erdogan has grown a brain and is naively believing that now is his opportunity to become the leader of Islamic world and these are just FOUR reasons why the Ezekiel War can 'NOT' and will not wait ten more years !!!" - Mario Romano
"Having specialized in diligently studying the Prophecies of Daniel for 20 years, this student of Bible Prophecy 'REMINDS' everyone that when Daniel wrote down those visions / prophecies that the Church did 'NOT' exist nor are those once 'Sealed Prophecies' directed to an endtimes 'Church' but to Daniel's very own people : Future Jews in a final 7 year period ( Daniel 10 : 14 ) GOD chose 'NOT' to reveal the 'Church / Church Age' to Daniel via His Messenger Angel : Gabriel !!!"
- Mario Romano*
Very honestly speaking this Bible Prophecy Watchman does 'NOT' know how many of our ORIGINAL visitors are still visiting EUinProphecy.com since 1999, the truth is that ONLY the HOLY SPIRIT knows. But all those who have been following us both in Spanish as well as in English speaking countries know fully well that Mario Romano has been very CAUTIOUSLY been REPORTING on the global events that have Bible Prophecy ramnifications. It very honestly hurts my heart that about 60% of other Christian Watchman Ministries that were around in 1999 and that initially inspired me to launch this website are 'NOT' around anymore for various reasons; because if there has ever been a : period, season or generation that should have ALERT Bible Prophecy Watchmen it is TODAY in this final generation !!!
What this WATCHMAN is very well aware of is that Millions+ of souls have been made aware of the 'Cautious Warning' that this Watchman began to make a little over 2 and a half years ago !!! ( a brother who translated this website into Portuguese has already surpassed 1+ million hits in Brazil alone and another brother in Costa Rica has also surpassed the 1+ million views and i'm just mentioning two foreign websites*) This student of Bible Prophecy has no copyright demands on this INFORMATION "BUT" i have asked that you do 'NOT' misquote the INFORMATION herein presented because this is 'Far From Over' and Mario Romano has 'NOT' finalized confirming anyone 'You Know What' some are jumping the gun !!!
When this student of Bible Prophecy states that this is the final decade of the 'Church Age' he means that sometime within these 10 years the world will witness the beginning of the final '70th Week of Daniel' i am 'NOT' stating that this planet only has exactly 10 more years; the TRUTH is that i have always believed that there will be a small 'Gap of Time' between the Harpazo and the 'Signing of the Covenant With the Many' !!! ( and it is the 'Personal Opinion' of Mario Romano that such a 'Gap of Time' will at a maximum be another 42 months, maximum but i'm still OPEN to it being longer or shorter !!! )
All those who have been visiting this website for many years have WITNESSED that Mario did "NOT" promote the : 'Blood Moons, the 'Bible Codes' nor the 'Islamic Mahdi ' fads within eschatological circles !!! I am amazed at how seemingly quick 20 years have passed since i launched EuinProphecy.com some 20 years ago in the computer lab somewhere in one of the campuses of the University of California; it seemed like only yesterday !!!
There are really 'NO' major surprises as to the end of the age; even our LORD Jesus REVEALED to us that it would be like the 'Days of Noah' ( Matthew 24 : 37 ) GOD long ago SHORTENED the lifespan of humans to the 70 - 120 years in range ( Genesis 6 : 3 ) and most Theologians as well as this believer are convinced that GOD has SOVEREIGNLY only alloted some 7000 human Earth years since the fall of Adam till the end of the MIllenium for 'ALL' of His plan of REDEMPTION to be fully carried out and Ladies and Gentlemen 'Me Thinks' that we are nearing the completion of the 6000 years and the final 1000 years have been reserved for the Millenium !!! What we do 'NOT' know exactly because of all the calendar changes is the exact TIME 'BUT' once certain 'Prophetic Events' begin it should be rather obvious that GOD's final clock will have begun regardless of the differences between the Jewish Calendar and our Western Calendar !!!
"This Ministry has never been enjoyed the direct support of any other MAJOR Bible Prophecy Teacher / Ministry and that's alright with this insignificant servant of Christ, for i know how GOD rewards, 'IF' we are indeed FAITHFUL to HIM and His WORD "HE" will promote us within the 'Body of Christ.' "NO" one can fool GOD; the HOLY SPIRIT knows the heart of this very imperfect vessel and the 20 years that we have been online alone should be proof alone of our LOVE for the WORD of GOD; additionally believers with the Holy Spirit know how to discern a genuine WATCHMAN from others and without much publicity our visitors have allowed us to be on the top of most major search engines all over the world when it comes to this specific subject of Bible Prophecy." - Mario Romano
Someone once emailed me and told me that nowhere in the Biblical Prophecies do we see 'Nuclear War' i responded kindly back by stating that nowhere in the Biblical Prophecies do we find Hiroshima and Nagasaki 'BUT' it happened !!! True, the Biblical Prophecies do 'NOT' mention every single detail or event that will take place in the future, just like it did 'NOT' explicitly foretold DIRECTLY of someone like Adolph Hitler and that is why the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation ( and the rest for that matter*) MUST be interpreted CORRECTLY and with the DIRECTION of the HOLY SPIRIT ( John 16 : 13 ) that is what this imperfect vessel of GOD has been trying to do these 20 years !!! If you have been reading our 'ARTICLES' ( because we do NOT claim that they are ORACLES*) you are well aware that we are 'INTERPRETING' the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse as the product of World War III because it will directly affect / involve 25% of the world ( Revelation 6 : 8, like 50 countries or 2 billion human souls !!! ) we remind everyone that a 'Nuclear War' would directly and indirectly produce those 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, nuclear radiation would contaminate crops / food supply and produce a major famine as well as create a massive health crisis and without a doubt an economic collapse / hyperinflation of global proportions if one has not yet taken place beforehand in those future days !!! ( This servant of GOD is still trying to correctly identify the timing of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, most certainly they ride / appear AFTER the Ezekiel War 'BUT' i'm still working on the most probable timing*)
Mario Romano interprets Revelation 6 ( Little Horn's Global Conquest*) beginning AFTER the Ezekiel War because the 'Little Horn' is going to EXPLOIT the defeat of the Russian Military and of the Islamic Nations in the Ezekiel War and then he will make his very own military move and CONQUEST of much of the Middle East once Russian and American troops are out of there and the remaining Islamic armies will be in 'NO' position to mount any major counterattack nor defend themselves !!!
Some very misinformed believers for whatever reason have embraced the idea that NOBODY knows the 'Day nor Hour' of our LORD's return and they are correct 'BUT' they have taken that verse out of context because Jesus also stated that when we see ALL these things before us to 'Lift Our Heads for Our Redemption Draweth Nigh !!! ) People who have lived near a Volcano know very well that before a volcano ERUPTS it gives ample warning most of the time 'IF' one is carefully observing the environment. The land will shake, water will warm up and animals near the volcano will begin to get out of there it is ONLY those who pay little or no attention to those SUBTLE and not so subtle signs that get caught and are usually killed by the massive ashes, rocks and lava that is sure to come. Today too many believers are NOT being told that the Harpazo is extremely near, 'Prosperity Preachers' are being used by Satan to make believers focus on the 'TEMPORARY THINGS' of this corrupt world, just this week of December 22, 2019 i was watching a 'Prosperity Preacher' proclaim that 2020 was going to be the year that GOD was going to give you that 'New House' that 'New Car' and the list goes on; he never ONCE mentioned the imminent Rapture nor cautioned about the Russian Military being so near the borders of Israel in Syria !!!
I am very saddened by 'ALL' those who ignore the Biblical Prophecies 'BUT' even more so by a very large percentage of the 'Body of Christ' who pays little or no attention to them; much of the 'Body of Christ' is being spiritually MISLED just like most Jewish Rabbis have MISLED most Jews for CENTURIES about Daniel not being a Prophet as well as YESHUA not being the Messiah, it is our RESPONSIBILITY to test all the SPIRITS and to read the Holy Bible / Torah for ourselves as a former Roman Catholic the Roman Priests would tell us that ONLY they were anointed of GOD to 'INTERPRET' the Holy Bible; normal everyday people should not attempt to STUDY nor INTERPRET the Holy Scriptures and what this believer is witnessing today in one too many 'Evangelical Churches' is something quite similar too !!! Too many believers are 'NOT' reading the Holy Scriptures for themselves and too many are falling for the 'Signs and Wonders Movement' the truth is that JESUS did "NOT" heal everyone in Judea / Samaria nor did HE ever launched 'Miracle Crusades' the WORD of GOD should take PRECEDENT over all and 'NOT' 'Miracle Campaigns' that in most cases are promoted by very QUESTIONABLE $$$ Characters that are mostly 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing' !!!
"We are all here only for a predetermined period and then we must go. Planet earth for all intensive purposes is like a giant 'Boot Camp' for eternity; it is here where you and i fill up our RESUME for eternity and not with ink that fades but with our decisions and actions here on earth. During this test and journey down here on Earth; should you get discouraged, should you slip and fall, remember this is all only temporary; GOD will forgive if we confess our sins to Him. ( 1 John 1 : 9 ) and even when it seems that all is lost and hopeless REMEMBER it's 'NOT' over until GOD says it's over, so get UP in the name of Jesus Christ because COWARDS shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD !!! ( Revelation 21 : 8 ) Very truly the books and records that Heaven keeps of us all can 'NOT' be hacked."
( Revelation 20:12 )
It saddens me that MOST in America's Churches are somewhat SPOILED while most believers in Asia and in Africa are being harshly persecuted for their FAITH in Jesus Christ; here in the USA too many Christian Leaders are leading the 'Body of Christ' astray by teaching and naively believing in 'DOMINIONISM' when the Book of Revelation itself REVEALS to us that the 'Beast System' is going to take over much of this planet !!! Our LORD Jesus Christ Himself stated that His 'Kingdom is NOT of this World' ( John 18: 36 ) GOD is allowing the UNHOLY and CORRUPT world system to run its course, the Roman Catholic Church has for centuries IGNORED the very words of Jesus and it is a SHAME that today we have some 'Dominionist Preachers' believing in that same lie when if EFFECT the true 'Body of Christ' has for the most part of history been PERSECUTED for keeping and observing GOD's Holy laws and commandments.
In conclusion, a great percentage of the 'Body of Christ' is ALREADY suffering great persecution in much of Northern Africa by Jihadi Muslims and in China by a ruthless and Godless atheistic government and those Christians living in Venezuela are suffering massive hyperinflation and near starvation, to some the Tribulation Period may appear to be already here 'BUT' it is 'NOT' !!! This student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" teach nor believes that Trump's & Kushner's 'Deal of the Century' is that final 7 year 'Treaty / Covenant' with the many.
"And remember these words : "Pope Francis is NOT the final Pope, there's another one coming; Mario Romano NEVER accepted nor believed in Malachi Martin's personal prophecy of 'The Glory of the Olive Tree' nor did he promote the supposedly final Pope : Petrus Romanus."
By : Mario Romano, here to serve the 'Body of Christ' and anyone else who seeks the TRUTH about the Biblical Prophecies. Disobedience and rebellion against our CREATOR's laws and commandments comes with a great PRICE and since Adam and Eve's DISOBEDIENCE, death entered into this planet, for in the beginning it was NOT initially so !!! We know that in Genesis; Adam and Eve were created to be IMMORTAL, it was only when they disobeyed GOD and ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree in the midst of the Garden that DEATH entered into the human genes. You and i can 'NOT' change the mistakes and errors of those past generations that have come before us 'BUT' we can CHOOSE to flee from sin and wickedness and choose to PURIFY ourselves in this the darkest period of human history with the WORD of GOD and the Blood of Jesus Christ !!! It was a great SHAME that the Pharisees and Sadducees and other Jewish Learned Men of the past were 'NOT' able to interpret nor understand the very birth of the true Messiah of Israel in the past 'BUT' it were some 'Wisemen from the East' the very one's who knew that something EXTRA SPECIAL was taking place in Judea : 'The Birth of the Messiah : Yeshua' and unfortunately some things have NOT changed today too many Christian Leaders are 'NOT' teaching their congregations of the soon Return of Jesus Christ in fact too many CHOOSE to shun and ignore the Book of Revelation when Revelation itself is thee ONLY book in all of the Holy Bible that promises a 'Special Blessing' to all those who read and heed its message !!! ( Revelation 1 : 3 )