Any human mortal human being who sincerely thinks that he/she has GOD all figured out is in for the surprise of their life !!! 'NO' mortal human who has never been outside of this planet and checked out the other trillions of galaxies should be boldly stating that we are the only living creation of GOD in this entire Universe !!! The Holy Bible most certainly does 'NOT' hints that we are GOD's only creation !!! ( Revelation 12 : 12; Plural heavens & plural living beings throughout them all*)
This imperfect human vessel of GOD ALMIGHTY very 'BOLDLY' affirms that this entire Universe and all of its: protons, neutrons, electrons : atoms are 'ALL' somehow interconnected to our ETERNAL CREATOR whose very Omnipresent SPIRIT 'Transcends and Permeates' every square inch of this entire universe as well as all the 3 Heavens mentioned in the Bible and then some !!! In sum, every subatomic particle and matter in this Universe is at the command of GOD ALMIGHTY; HE alone gives : form, purpose and life !!! The Spirit of GOD is thee very force that energizes this entire Universe and every single living thing within it !!! ( That's one of the reasons of why and how GOD knows every star in this Universe by name and how he knows how many strands of hair you and I have on our head *)
- Mario Romano, student of Theology & Astrobiology*
((( Image of the Infrared Universe : Where there is energy there is light where there is light, LIFE usually follows : "Let there be Light " - Genesis 1 : 3 * )))
..."This insignificant student of theology reminds everyone that the 'Image of GOD' does not necessarily consists of our exterior features; two eyes, two legs, ten toes etc, GOD our Creator is a Spirit and it is our Spirit that was created in His image and likeness."
If you have been reading our articles for over a year you should already know the 'Theological Position' of on this issue and topic. This insignificant vessel of GOD acknowledges that thousands of books and astronomical journal/articles have been written about this topic and will continue to be written in the near future about this debatable topic. This student of Theology very 'BOLDLY' confirms to all of our visitors and brothers and sisters in Christ that "NO" we most definitely are "NOT" GOD's only living creation neither in all of 'Eternity' nor in all of this Universe !!! This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ reminds everyone that 'Eternity Past' precedes Genesis 1 and the 'Beginning of Time' for us human beings; the rest of the 2nd Heaven encompasses trillions+ of galaxies and everything under the 3rd Heaven !!!
NASA's Keplar space telescope as of May of 2016 has officially discovered 1284+ planets outside of our solar system, this brings the total tally of exoplanets and others to over :2325+ planets and GOD ALMIGHTY is 'NOT' worried very simply because HE created them 'ALL' !!! ( Hebrews 1 : 2 ) This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is going to be honest with you; they are going to continue to keep discovering more and more planets very simply because GOD likes variety and that's what an 'Eternal Creator' does in eternity 'Create and Create' !!! Yes, the Holy Bible does 'NOT' name all of the nations on planet earth just as it doesn't mention all of the other planets in this Universe 'BUT' they are real and they are GOD's creation too !!! You know what; the more I study the Book of Revelation the 'smaller and smaller' that Satan and all the Fallen Angels start getting before me !!!
We are poisoning our : soil, water, air and body with pesticides & then ask ourselves why cancer rates are up !
To tell you the truth even though I personally believe that this Universe is replete with many, many other creations of GOD created within an 'Eternity Past' that was 'NOT' part of Genesis 1. What really saddens me that 'WE' are : destroying, killing and poisoning a great percentage of LIFE on this planet where GOD created us on and left us to fully populate it and reign/rule/dominate all animal life on this planet !!! ( Genesis 1 : 28 ) It also saddens me that 'WE' all do not appreciate the life we do have on this planet, even though we were created in the very 'IMAGE OF GOD' humanity has been : Killing, Destroying, Enslaving and outright desecrating the very 'Image of GOD' that is on this very planet !!!
It is also very disheartening that although I personally believe that 'ALL' the 3 Heavens are full of very different creations that serve a sovereign purpose to our eternal GOD that here on this planet we are not only killing each other via 'WAR' but most of the nations on this planet are also 'Poisoning the Rivers and the Seas' with massive toxic pollution 'legally and illegally' deposited by global Corporations that is not only wiping out a great part of the sea animals but that is also making its way into our food chain and in effect we are poisoning ourselves and who are we kidding ??? Cancer rates continue to explode all over this planet and some of us still seem to have no clue even as we purchase our : Produce, which for the most part was sprayed with massive amounts of PESTICIDES ( Endosulfan, Permethrin, etc...) pesticides that obviously get sucked into the plant eventually via its roots as it absorbs water in the soil !!!
This student of Theology and Christian Apologist writes about this topic/ subject with the full realization that 51%+ ( The vast majority*) of the human beings on this planet could care less about 'Life on other parts of this Universe' such people are more concerned with surviving this harsh world on a daily basis and life outside of this planet doesn't affect one way or another their daily life on 'Fallen Earth.' Those of us who have a little more resources and free time on our hands and schedule are able to ponder on such questions and some of us would seem to disagree on what kind of other 'LIFE' could possibly be outside of earth. The late Chuck MIssler in one of his last Youtube teachings commented about the planet Mars and stated that NASA is still wondering if there is life in this Universe, according to Chuck Missler there most definitely is a much higher intelligent life outside of our planet; at least in his opinion the Angelic realm is no 'Inferior Life Form' !!!
Are we destroying our own home planet ?
GOD created us on this planet and commanded us to be fruitful and multiply and fill this earth. Unfortunately, we have been doing much more than that too !!! We have been poisoning our own : Rivers, Seas and Fresh Water sources for decades ( and I'm not even mentioning our air*) our governments have been testing nuclear weapons under mountains and under the sea; leaving deadly amounts of radiation behind in many places and almost nobody wants to tell us how vast the radiation from Chernobyl and from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster is still quietly killing untold numbers of animal life as well as causing numerous new cases of cancer in the local populations affected !!! In several parts of this planet migrating animals and insects have fallen dead in numerous countries right out of the sky and upon closer research investigators have discovered that our pesticides are killing off millions of bees that should be pollinating flowers and thousands of birds have been discovered dead because they unknowingly flew into poisonous clouds produced by our non-organic farmers !!!
((( Don't worry the European Union is 'NOT' going to collapse this week ( At least not YET *) they've been quarrelling for some five decades now ( 50+ years*) and the EU keeps on ticking and outliving most of its critics !!! 'BUT' to avoid 'burnout' Mario chose to address this important topic this week. )))
Mario Romano chose to address this topic this week only because this past week as I was tunning into two different Christian radio stations; when two different callers asked the two Christian Apologists if they believed that we were GOD's only creation in this entire Universe. Both Christian Apologists who I personally agree with some 95% of the time stated that they did "NOT" believe that there was biological life of any kind in the entire Universe !!!
When I heard their responses I almost wanted to break my car radio 'BUT' the gifts/fruit of the Holy Spirit overcame my flesh; this student of Theology 'Patiently' heard all of their explanations and still they did "NOT' convince me nor do I believe that they convinced the two radio callers either !!! ( Seriously, some people never bother to think how long ETERNITY itself has been going on without us puny human beings !!! For starters most theologians and others do 'NOT' know how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden in a sinless state 'BEFORE' sin and death started to 'kick in' we know that Adam lived to about 930 years according to Genesis 5, but that was in his fallen condition !!! )
The three biggest issues most believers have with "Life in other parts of this Universe" is that they believe that 'ALL' creation fell and became corrupted with sin. The Biblical truth is that 'NOT' all of the Heavenly Hosts in the heavens above us sinned against GOD our Creator !!! We know that 'Two-Thirds' ( some 66% ) did 'NOT' sin against GOD and we also know that sin was 'CONFINED' to only a certain and specific region of this Universe and 'NOT' into the 3rd Heaven !!! I state this because some Christian Apologists are teaching that the 'Fall' was universal in nature, 'YES' it was universal on this planet 'BUT' sin did 'NOT' enter into the 3rd Heaven !!!
To some degree it is important to correctly address this topic because the number of people who believe in UFO's and Aliens has now surpassed the estimated 500+ million human souls in the Atheistic community, those who believe in 'Ancient Aliens' now surpasses 600+ million !!!
As we address this topic/ subject today this believer in JESUS CHRIST wants to make it perfectly clear that he personally believes in a very real 'Heaven' and a very real 'Hell' as described and mentioned in the Holy Scriptures !!! ( This article/opinion does 'NOT' holds any doctrinal weight*)
There are very many great scientific/astronomical 'OPINIONS' on Youtube ( TEDx Events*) that scientifically attempt to give us the possibility of other life forms. This believer in a Supreme and Omniscient Creator believes that GOD has been forever creating 'DIFFERENT' levels/life forms all throughout eternity. As we have Theologically and Biblically stated in the past there have been 'NUMEROUS' different 'Beginnings' throughout eternity; we all know that Angels were 'NOT' created alongside of Adam in the Garden of Eden they had a very different beginning in 'Eternity Past' than us human beings !!! Bluntly stated the vast 'Angelic Hierarchies' were definitely 'NOT' created in any 24/7 day, they were already in existence when GOD was creating this planet in Job 38 : 7 and long before TIME began on this planet for us mortal human beings !!!
'YES' the Holy Bible is the WORD of GOD for this 'Fallen Planet.' Angel's obviously don't need to carry any Bible; they are under different 'Spiritual Laws' than us ( Jude 1 : 6 ) The Holy Scriptures contain GOD's truth and revelation for us on this planet; it contains the covenant GOD has with Israel and His commandments for every human being born on this fallen planet !!! The Holy Bible is a 'Spiritual Book' that reveals to us the truth about our Eternal Creator who is a SPIRIT and our spiritual state before Him !!!
Biblically speaking GOD never intended to reveal 'Everything about Everything' to His Holy Prophets; a great example of this is how GOD did 'NOT' even specifically reveal the Church to the Biblical Prophets. Just because the Holy Scriptures do not mention somethings it doesn't mean that they don't exist; For example the great United States of America is not specifically mentioned in all of the Holy Bible does that mean it doesn't exists ? Adolph Hitler is 'NOT' specifically mentioned either does that mean he never existed ? Obviously not, GOD gave us a brain that allows us to have great critical thinking skills and today we know that we reside inside of the Milky Way Galaxy inside a solar system and within a blue planet called EARTH, it should be rather obvious that if other Galaxies exist that a similar pattern of LIFE holds true throughout this Universe !!! ( That GOD also created other living things in other galaxies*)
This servant of GOD is 'NOT' going to bring this topic up before GOD when we are Raptured nor in the Millenium unless of course GOD brings it up Himself beforehand. Mario Romano does 'NOT' claim any 'Special Revelation' concerning this subject the truth is that once anyone with some 'Common Sense' puts all the astronomical and Theological evidence together it should be 'NO' secret that all the other 'Heavens' ( Plural*) are all replete with different living things/ living beings that do 'NOT' need water nor oxygen to exist very simply because anyone who has studied the Holy Bible knows that Angels do 'NOT' need water nor air like us to live nor are they subject to the same physical laws of this Universe as we mortals are and if GOD is capable of creating such 'Eternal' and powerful living beings He is more than capable of engineering and creating a vast variety of living things all over this Universe of His !!!
..."It is time to destroy all those who destroy the earth." - Revelation 11 : 18 NIV-NLT
In Conclusion, this student of Theology is 'NOT' so much concerned about 'Life on other parts of this Universe' as he is concerned about the life that most of us are 'destroying and misusing' on this planet that GOD left us to reign over and be good stewarts of. In most countries of Africa a large percentage of the wild life is already on the endangered list because POACHERS and Millionaire Tourist Trophy Hunters are killing the few : Elephants, Tigers, Gorillas that are still alive !!! Here on planet earth men have been killing one another long before GOD created the ancient nation of Israel ( Judah*) Can you imagine what 'Fallen Man' could do with his sinful condition if GOD allowed him to export our fallen nature to the rest of His Universe and through Eternity itself ??? !!!
Your brother in Christ Jesus wrote today's article 'NOT' so much to focus on what is transpiring outside of planet Earth in the other 2 Heavens above us 'BUT' to meditate and remind us all that even though billions of $$$ dollars are being spent by some space agencies who are trying to find 'LIFE' on other parts of this Universe that most of us clearly appear 'NOT' to appreciate the great diversity of LIFE that we are killing off right here on planet Earth !!! What would it profit anyone if he /she knew all the secrets of the Universe and they had no LOVE ? Lucifer once knew much, much more than anyone of us of what's really out there in the 2nd Heaven of this Universe and 'YET' he corrupted himself so much so that he has no problem killing and destroying as much as GOD sovereignly allows him to on this planet; let us 'NOT' follow in his unholy footsteps !!!
Yes, this Universe is 'FULL' of numerous other different and unique creations of GOD that were 'NOT' created in the 'Image of GOD' nor that can sin like us. This Universe predates Adam and Eve, this Universe was 'NOT' just created to house Adam and Eve, GOD created this Universe to serve 'MULTIPLE and NUMEROUS' sovereign purposes; Biblically speaking we know that very many Angels lived and existed in the 2nd Heaven : This Universe ( Isaiah 14 : 13 ) The account of Lucifer's fall confirms that Lucifer's primary home was 'NOT' the 3rd Heaven, Lucifer wanted to ascend and take over the 3rd Heaven, but he failed and was DEMOTED and even kicked out for the most part of the 2nd heaven and into this first heaven on EARTH !!! ( Isaiah 14 : 15 )
Mario Romano most certainly did 'NOT' write this article to attack any 'Creation Christian MInistry' that promotes the idea that we are all alone in this Universe. The truth is that the two most visited and prominent Christian Creation Ministries on the internet are both teaching that we indeed are all alone in this Universe and not only that ; both are also teaching that GOD is going to destroy this entire Universe after the Millenium; this student of Theology very boldly 'DISAGREES' with their 'Interpretation' the truth is that yes GOD is eventually going to create a 'New Heaven and a New Earth' but honestly speaking 'NO' one but GOD fully knows what this all entails, is GOD only going to destroy this 'Solar System' or this entire 'Milky Way Galaxy' ??? The astronomical truth that astronomers have discovered is that this entire Universe keeps expanding and changing, Galaxies are crashing into other galaxies and producing new stars, new planets and new giant galaxies; this student of Astrobiology and Theology highly suspects that GOD THEE ETERNAL CREATOR has been forever creating for His sheer pleasure very simply because according to Revelation 21 : 23, GOD in reality has no need of sunlight and stars to light up eternity; HIS very HOLY presence will light up the New Jerusalem as it has been lighting up all the 3rd Heaven throughout all of 'Eternity Past' !!! The truth is that we here on fallen planet earth measure time and the 24/7 day because of the instrument of time that GOD created us for and that is our SUN / STAR !!! ( We all know by now that time as we know it and understand it here on earth is very different from that of the 3rd Heaven***)
In sum, this vessel of the Holy Spirit of GOD did 'NOT' write this article to 'Worship Mother Earth.' Just like the Prophet Jeremiah wept for Israel and for what he knew was coming : Assyrian Captivity, Famine, Death and Destruction; this servant of GOD is saddened that the vast majority of humanity have learned very little from history and from the past judgements of GOD !!! Because I too was created in the 'Image of GOD' here on planet Earth that is 'ALSO' the temporary home/prison to 'millions upon millions' of very hostile Fallen Angels and demons it is my responsibility to TEACH and WARN as many as I can about the world changing EVENTS that are headed towards this entire PLANET within the lifetime of most of us !!!
This servant of Jesus Christ writes this article 'FULLY' acknowledging that whether or not this Universe is full of life or not it changes 'NOTHING' concerning what the Book of Revelation reveals to us is coming upon 'THIS' sinful and rebellious planet. "NO" : aliens, extra-terrestrials, fallen angels nor nephilims will be able to stop and interfere with the SOVEREIGN plans and judgement of GOD on all those who dwell on this planet be they sinful unrepentant humans or fallen angels and other demonic forces; GOD has very powerful and capable ARMIES of Angels ( LORD of HOSTS*) that carry our GOD's plans and His WORD to fulfillment 'ALWAYS.' !!!
GOD in His sovereignty only allotted humanity some 6 thousand years from Adam and Eve until Jesus Christ returns and physically sets His foot on the Mount of Olives. In Switzerland most people are living in a mini-paradise, there's food, security and jobs for almost everyone 'BUT' in the country of Somalia, there's insecurity, few jobs and most people daily jobs just helps them feed their families on a daily basis in the Third Heaven there's : no sin, no suffering no war and no hunger 'BUT' on earth there's all of those nightmares and the ending will be according to our LORD Jesus Christ : 'Be the worst period in all of human history !!!" ( Matthew 24 : 21 ) What this student of Astronomy and Astrobiology is trying to say is that 'NOT' everyone in this entire Universe REBELLED against GOD and not 'ALL' those who dwell in the 'HEAVENS' ( Plural ) above us followed Satan's lies, Satan was thrown specifically into this planet and GOD in His sovereignty chose to create a 'New Creation' right under Satan's nose in the Garden of Eden for reasons that this student of Theology will try to address in a later article. GOD never meant to reveal EVERYTHING that has transpired in 'Eternity Past' for about the same reasons that 'NOT' everything our LORD Jesus Christ did was written down; 'BUT' GOD has revealed to us thee most IMPORTANT things which we will all be held responsible for and that is that 'ALL' on this planet have sinned and fallen short of His glory and thee only way to obtain by the grace of GOD : eternal salvation for the human soul is to repent and accept the sacrifice that ONLY Jesus Christ accomplished in Calvary !!!
By : Mario Romano. Will you please REPEAT the following words out LOUD for me : 'EVERYTHING & EVERYONE' was created by Him and for Him !!! ( Colossians 1:16 ) Every created living thing and living being that has ever been created in 'Eternity Past' without your knowledge and mine and that will be created in 'Eternity Future' will all be created for GOD's sheer pleasure !!! You and I were created and designed for planet Earth, we were created to populate and reign over this planet that is our purpose for being 'BUT' because of the 'Fall' GOD is only going to allow a few to inherit the 'New Jerusalem' although HE has been inviting all throughout the ages via the Gospel of Jesus Christ 'MOST' fallen men have chosen to continue to live in 'Spiritual Darkness.' GOD is 'NOT' about to retire anytime soon, GOD 'SHALL' continue to create and create all through eternity future UNIQUE creations that fulfill His : Holy, ETERNAL and SOVEREIGN plans that eclipse the understanding of any Angel or human being; therefore anyone in Heaven or on Earth that believes to have figured GOD all out is in for a very, very big correction !!!
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
And he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. - Daniel 8 : 24
... And he went forth conquering and to conquer.
- Revelation 6 : 2
"After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. ( Daniel 2:39 ) GOD has absolutely 'NO' problem knocking down a superior kingdom/empire ( Example : USA & Russia*) with an inferior one; GOD via His delegated watchers
( Daniel 4: 17 ) have been doing such a thing throughout all of human history, nuclear power or no nuclear power; Thee ONE in Heaven still rules !
... And he went forth conquering and to conquer.
- Revelation 6 : 2
"After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. ( Daniel 2:39 ) GOD has absolutely 'NO' problem knocking down a superior kingdom/empire ( Example : USA & Russia*) with an inferior one; GOD via His delegated watchers
( Daniel 4: 17 ) have been doing such a thing throughout all of human history, nuclear power or no nuclear power; Thee ONE in Heaven still rules !
According to the Book of Revelation the endtimes 'Little Horn' will only enjoy super demonic wisdom ( Daniel 8 : 23 ) and power for 42 months directly from Satan ( Revelation 13 : 5 ) 'BUT' we know that he appears to 'Confirm the Covenant' before that time; it should be obvious that he begins without all of Satan's backing; he will encounter many adversaries and I suspect that most of them like in the 'Damien : Omen Movies' will suffer an 'accidental end' this is nothing new; Stalin eliminated hundreds+ of his own inner circle and political challengers so he could remain in power almost indefinitely and don't ALL totalitarians do that to their political challengers ?
After many years of studying the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in particular, 'CONFIRMS' that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will seek the destruction and end of the three most prominent Abrahamic religions and their 'holy sites' before him in the Middle East and in Rome. That is one of the main reasons why most people still alive then will worship the Beast; Satan will then show his true colors and do away with any religious competition and seek worship all unto himself !!! ( Revelation 13:8, Daniel 11 : 37 ) The 'Little Horn' will : desecrate, blaspheme and attack Jerusalem's new temple 'LAST' and declare himself to be 'You Know What.' If he is 'NOT' scared nor concerned about a nuclear Israel; much less will he be afraid about any Islamic non-nuclear nation, he will seek worship all unto himself !!! Just like Hitler's Lebensraum (expansion eastward ) the Little Horn will 'expand and conquer' a vast portion of the Mediterranean and the Middle East for 4 reasons : (1) To neutralize any and all Jihadi Islamic threat once and for all, (2) for the oil & gas pipelines that will be for the taking; once Russia and other Arab countries collapse/weaken and (3) to expand his Kingdom and empire like most conquerors of the past and most obviously ( 4 ) to try to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel !!!
- Mario Romano, semi-expert on the 4th Roman Beast*
On January of 2006; Jacques Chirac the then President of France publicly stated to the crew of one of four nuclear submarines that carry 85% of France's nuclear warheads which is/was stationed in the French Port of Brest in the North-West of France, that France was prepared to use nuclear weapons against any country that carried out a state-sponsored terrorist attack against the French Republic.
This student of Bible Prophecy mentioned the statement made by Jacques Chirac in 2006 because he believes that it will prove very 'Prophetic' in the future. Although the : USA, Russia and Western allies including NATO and France presently continue to have a military presence in parts of the Middle East ( Syria*) and in Afghanistan in particular; there is 'NO' doubt in the mind of this student of 'Human Nature' and 'Strategic Studies' that the war against Islamic Jihadists is most definitely 'NOT' completely over ( one too many Islamic young men who lost a relative want revenge and even though the West is not entirely to blame for the ongoing Islamic civil wars 'Sunni vs. Shia' a few Islamic young men nonetheless seek to avenge themselves against what they have been brainwashed to believe is the 'Great Satan' according to their unholy Imams*) it is the insignificant opinion that the Islamic Beast is going to provoke the secular Kingdom of the Beast ( Mediterranean Europe* ) so much so that the 'Little Horn' is going to authorize the carpet bombing of several Arab countries ( with weapons of mass destruction : wmd*) with an overkill mindset in such a future time of war. When that 'Man of Sin' finally declares himself 'god' it is because Mecca in Saudi Arabia will have already been destroyed and now he will seek to destroy Jerusalem too and you and I know that the Vatican will also 'NOT' escape total destruction !!! ( Revelation 17 : 16 ) ( ...Who is like the Beast and who can make war against him ??? ...And they worshipped the Beast !!! )
The vast majority of students and teachers of Bible Prophecy even in this June of 2018 are 'NOT' certain of why the U.S.A. seems absent and 'NOT' specifically mentioned as an endtimes world power in the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Most students of Bible Prophecy would agree that the 'Rapture' will play a great part in the decline of the USA as an endtimes hegemonic global powerbroker as it presently is.
Based upon all the Bible Prophecy patterns of the past it is the 'Insignificant opinion/ observation' that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is going to 'finish off' all of those world leaders and their respective countries that pose a threat to his unholy global conquest agenda. This student of world history and Bible Prophecy has for several years come to this conclusion and even more so 'NOW.' The 'Little Horn' is going to bring to ruin almost the same powers/countries who rose up against Adolph Hitler during World War II.
As students of Bible Prophecy we all know that the Russian military is going to suffer a major defeat against Israel in the future during the invasion of Ezekiel 38-39. It appears that when that war takes place the once mighty USA military will be in 'NO' position to help other countries or allies. has for many years interpreted Revelation 6, as the beginning of World War III; it is the beginning of the 'Little Horns' conquest of a great part of the world; by then neither the : USA, Russia nor even the Arab -Islamic countries will be in any position to defend themselves against very ruthless 'Little Horn' that will 'NOT' only possess a sizeable nuclear arsenal but also 'Super-Diabolical Supernatural Powers !!!
Could you imagine an individual so full of demonic powers that he could cause his enemies nuclear arsenal to 'accidentally' detonate from afar ? And an individual who could cause his adversaries to destroy one another and one whom could jam all of your satellite intelligence capabilities; plus bring to a halt an entire nations electrical grid ? Who can make war against him ? - Revelation 13 : 4
The coming 'Little Horn' will quite undoubtedly be the greatest 'OPPORTUNIST' of all time; he fully shows his 'True Colors' when most of the present biggest global powers will have 'Imploded' and self-destructed one another. He will already be in power when Russia and many Arab countries attack Israel 'BUT' he will sit neutrally on the sidelines because he knows the outcome just as much as you and I do already !!! And just like General Douglas MacArthur officially : 'accepted, oversaw and signed' Japan's surrender on behalf of the USA in 1945 aboard the Battleship USS Missouri; the final 'Little Horn' is going to likewise 'Confirm the Covenant with the Many' in the future "AFTER" a major future war against Israel !!!
Yes, this student of Bible Prophecy truly believes that one of the major goals of the endtimes 'Little Horn' will be the destruction of all the major world religions and their 'holy capitals/sites.' The Beast will follow in the footsteps of the Atheistic Communist Chinese government and will 'NOT' want any religious competition for they all shall worship the Beast !!! ( Revelation 13:4 ) The once atheistic USSR almost shut down all Orthodox Churches in the past as well as controlled the religious life of most Russian's; it's nothing new what Roman Emperor Constantine 'pulled off' in 300+ AD 'Church-State' has been repeated here and there throughout history 'BUT' what the 'Little Horn' is going to accomplish will be the perfection of the worship of one very unholy man in the endtimes and because he will have 'unholy supernatural powers' and be 'legitimized' before the biblically illiterate masses by none other than the 2nd Beast of Revelation; the False Prophet; most of those still alive will fall for the worship of one man !!! All those who are promoting and teaching that Pope Francis is the last Pope are 'WRONG' he shall 'NOT' be the last Pope*** ( I will Biblically tell you why later in a future article*) Several of those who call themselves 'Prophets' on Youtube seriously give me the impression that they have not really studied the Biblical Prophecies nor really know anything about real geopolitics of this fallen planet by the nonsense that they teach and promote as well as by the false prophecies that they promote that most certainly do 'NOT' line up with those of the Bible !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy acknowledges that there are 'SOME' who are teaching that the Gog- Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38-39 is not Russia & company because it also appears at the end of the Millenium ( Revelation 20 : 7-8 ) 'Regardless' it is the interpretation based upon all the wars mentioned in the 'Last Days' that Russia is 'going down' as is the USA, in order to permit the endtimes 'Kingdom of the Beast' to fulfill its Prophetic role !!! This student of world history reminds everyone that it was World War II to begin with that allowed for the rise of both the USSR and the USA as the two most dominant world powers and their specific rise was 'NOT' prophesied specifically in the biblical prophecies; 'MEANING' that neither the USA nor the USSR ( now Russia*) was the 4th Beast of Daniel and neither one 'Conquered' Jerusalem as all 4 previous Beast of Daniel did so; additionally we all know that Adolph Hitler is 'NOT' specifically mentioned in the Biblical Prophecies and yet no one can deny that his unholy rise accelerated the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948 !!! Not everything and every single future event is prophesied in the Biblical Prophecies 'BUT' we can safely state that somethings should become more and more obvious as we all approach the time of 'Jacob's Trouble' and 'NOT' the "Church's Trouble" !!!

"Finally, Peace in Our Time ?"
This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' a warmonger, I honestly would like for the over 28,000+ American troops stationed in South Korea to come home and be able to be with their families on American soil. The truth is that we have had major wars in almost every single decade of this Century and this student of World History is not even going to mention all those wars of the past !!! While the 'Trump-Kim Summit' may 'NOT' prove durable at least Mr. Kim has temporarily stopped his nuclear testing for a while, this student of Bible Prophecy is for anything that at a minimum will 'calm things down.' True North Korea's intentions may be like those of Iran's ( like a sinister chess move*) but at least our leaders are talking and the U.S. is 'NOT' naive, we obviously are 'NOT' about to remove all of the 28,000+ American troops overnight 'Trust but Verify' !!! At least any nuclear showdown has been 'lessened and averted' temporarily !!! It is the 'insignificant opinion' of this student of world history that President Trump has positioned North Korea to be like another Iran Quagmire; it is going to be very difficult if not impossible for the U.S. to verify any 'Denuclearization' of North Korea 'BUT' at least both nuclear powers have stopped threatening each other !!!
It gives 'NO' pleasure to this 'Interpreter' of the Biblical Prophecies to state the obvious but the overwhelming pattern / symbology of Bible Prophecy indicates that 'Presently' NYC is Babylon due to the fact that it 'ALL' concerns our Jewish friends ( Their spiritual blind condition and also Babylon is the anti-thesis of Jerusalem the Holy City of the Jews*) and it is no secret that the second largest community/population of Jews outside of : Israel ( the only and true 'Promised Land' given to them ) is located in the metropolitan New York area and you and I know that neither the : USA, nor New York City nor NY State is their promised land !!! Just like GOD once removed the 'Hedge of Protection' around Job ( Job 1 : 10 ) GOD will also do somewhat likewise to the : USA and N.Y. City in particular so that Daniel's 70th Week will begin. Speaking of 'Divine Hedges' Satan is 'NOT' omnipresent and he most certainly can 'NOT' be in all of the other of trillions+ of galaxies and planets at the same time; he was thrown and confined to this planet alone and still has limited access to the 2nd heaven ONLY because GOD allows it so !!! ( The day and hour is quickly coming when he will be thrown from the 2nd heaven and will be even more restricted and limited like us under this heaven !!! ) History tells us that most Jews did 'NOT' return to the promised land once they were allowed to, ONLY the true Jews who do 'NOT' worship the false god of $$$ Mammon will truly leave N.Y. City in the future; GOD always gives them the opportunity before HE sends in His 'Special OPS Angels' to do what must be done to fulfill each and every Prophecy in the Bible !!! ( Reminder : Babylon the Great and Mystery Babylon symbolize two different geographic well known cities/ places on earth. Babylon in all its forms symbolizes the very opposite of GOD's Holy City : Jerusalem. Examples : Holiness and not perversion, righteousness and not corruption, etc..
Meanwhile President Trump's Peace envoys to the Middle East are still trying to motivate 5 Arab countries during their visit with the help of the UN. Mr. Abbas for his part openly rejects the U.S. plans for Gaza and Mr.Abbas has stated that he will 'NOT' accept the U.S. as a neutral/ credible broker. You and I know they all will ultimately accept; someone somewhat the political opposite of Trump !!!
Although it is true that 'NO' one knows the 'Day nor the Hour' of the Harpazo; the truth is that when certain things and events begin to happen and be fulfilled it will become rather obvious that we are indeed living in the final 'DECADE' of this final generation !!! We know that once the 'Abomination of Desolation' takes place the world will only have 3 and a half years ( 42 months left & a few extra days*) and we also know that when the 'Covenant with the Many is Signed' the final 70th Week of Daniel begins; astute teachers of Bible Prophecy have discovered that GOD has indeed added/included additional days to those final 7 years and we also don't know how long exactly will be the gap of time between the Rapture and the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week !!!
In conclusion, once the RESTRAINER is temporarily removed from certain places "EVIL" will multiply exponentially and supernaturally as never before in the history of this 'Fallen Planet.' Satan is going to inspire and launch thee greatest PERSECUTION upon our Jewish friends in all of human history and even outdo Hitler. Biblically speaking there's ONLY going to be two major safe-havens of divine protection for the Jews that OBEY GOD and that will be Israel ( Daniel 12 : 1 ) and in the Wilderness spoken of in Revelation 12 : 6. Unfortunately, New York City did 'NOT' make GOD's list, it took many years and several generations for GOD to remove the unholy spirit of : Babylon and Egypt from those Jews who did obey him and returned to Jerusalem and the true promised land after being in captivity in foreign nations for very long periods of time. Most Jews in N.Y. City are living in an unparalleled level of : Wealth, Comfort and Security and GOD never intended for New York City or the USA to replace neither : Jerusalem nor Israel !!!
In sum, this vessel of GOD never thought that he would still be running this website for almost 20 years now. GOD created us all each with special talents and gifts and 'MOST' of us do 'NOT' know that we have such talents until something major happens in our life that forces us to come out of our shell and it is only then that we discover our true GOD given identity !!! Each one of us was given a unique assignment by GOD; this imperfect vessel just prays that he fulfills his COMPLETELY; this servant of GOD asks for your prayers to be directed to all truth. The sad truth is that 'MOST' people are misusing and abusing the gifts and talents that GOD deposited in them and it is unfortunate that even a large percentage of Christians are 'NOT' using the gifts and talents given to them for the perfection of the Saints and benefit of all the Body of Christ. In the parable of the talents, GOD gave one person one talent and that individual hid it because of fear; let us all use all of our gifts to shine as never before in this hour of darkness. GOD hand-picked you and me and many others to live in this final generation for His Honor and Glory; all of those who preceded us have already had their opportunity under this sun, it is our turn to Glorify GOD our Creator in this dark and final hour !!!
By : Mario Romano. For the most part this century most Western powers have enjoyed some relative: Peace, Law and Order and a way of life envied by the rest of the 160+ developing nations that have most certainly 'NOT' enjoyed democracy nor $$$ Prosperity like most in America. ( The vast majority of the nations of this world are considered 3rd world developing countries with 'NO' social welfare programs*) The truth is that most of this world's population lives in abject poverty and suffers injustice by their very own government as well as by their hyper corrupt leaders on an almost daily basis !!! According to the Biblical Prophecies all that will change in the future and even such countries such as 'Switzerland' who enjoyed some safety from World War II bombings because of its unique geography will 'NOT' escape what's coming upon all the nations of this planet during the Tribulation period. The Babylon of Revelation is obviously not the very same one birthed in what is now Iraq/Euphrates River thousands of years ago 'BUT' it is being driven by the very same unholy spirit; a spirit that offends GOD because Babylon symbolizes a city of the 'Flesh' and full of 'False' idols and gods that has 'spiritually immobolized' many of GOD's people; that's why HE says get out of her My people !!! ( Revelation 18 : 4 ) As you can see only one city outside of Israel fits that Prophecy; most Jews do not live in Berlin nor in Paris and much less in Tokyo, only one city fits that prophecy and it is New York City***
After many years of studying the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in particular, 'CONFIRMS' that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will seek the destruction and end of the three most prominent Abrahamic religions and their 'holy sites' before him in the Middle East and in Rome. That is one of the main reasons why most people still alive then will worship the Beast; Satan will then show his true colors and do away with any religious competition and seek worship all unto himself !!! ( Revelation 13:8, Daniel 11 : 37 ) The 'Little Horn' will : desecrate, blaspheme and attack Jerusalem's new temple 'LAST' and declare himself to be 'You Know What.' If he is 'NOT' scared nor concerned about a nuclear Israel; much less will he be afraid about any Islamic non-nuclear nation, he will seek worship all unto himself !!! Just like Hitler's Lebensraum (expansion eastward ) the Little Horn will 'expand and conquer' a vast portion of the Mediterranean and the Middle East for 4 reasons : (1) To neutralize any and all Jihadi Islamic threat once and for all, (2) for the oil & gas pipelines that will be for the taking; once Russia and other Arab countries collapse/weaken and (3) to expand his Kingdom and empire like most conquerors of the past and most obviously ( 4 ) to try to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel !!!
- Mario Romano, semi-expert on the 4th Roman Beast*
On January of 2006; Jacques Chirac the then President of France publicly stated to the crew of one of four nuclear submarines that carry 85% of France's nuclear warheads which is/was stationed in the French Port of Brest in the North-West of France, that France was prepared to use nuclear weapons against any country that carried out a state-sponsored terrorist attack against the French Republic.
This student of Bible Prophecy mentioned the statement made by Jacques Chirac in 2006 because he believes that it will prove very 'Prophetic' in the future. Although the : USA, Russia and Western allies including NATO and France presently continue to have a military presence in parts of the Middle East ( Syria*) and in Afghanistan in particular; there is 'NO' doubt in the mind of this student of 'Human Nature' and 'Strategic Studies' that the war against Islamic Jihadists is most definitely 'NOT' completely over ( one too many Islamic young men who lost a relative want revenge and even though the West is not entirely to blame for the ongoing Islamic civil wars 'Sunni vs. Shia' a few Islamic young men nonetheless seek to avenge themselves against what they have been brainwashed to believe is the 'Great Satan' according to their unholy Imams*) it is the insignificant opinion that the Islamic Beast is going to provoke the secular Kingdom of the Beast ( Mediterranean Europe* ) so much so that the 'Little Horn' is going to authorize the carpet bombing of several Arab countries ( with weapons of mass destruction : wmd*) with an overkill mindset in such a future time of war. When that 'Man of Sin' finally declares himself 'god' it is because Mecca in Saudi Arabia will have already been destroyed and now he will seek to destroy Jerusalem too and you and I know that the Vatican will also 'NOT' escape total destruction !!! ( Revelation 17 : 16 ) ( ...Who is like the Beast and who can make war against him ??? ...And they worshipped the Beast !!! )
The vast majority of students and teachers of Bible Prophecy even in this June of 2018 are 'NOT' certain of why the U.S.A. seems absent and 'NOT' specifically mentioned as an endtimes world power in the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Most students of Bible Prophecy would agree that the 'Rapture' will play a great part in the decline of the USA as an endtimes hegemonic global powerbroker as it presently is.
Based upon all the Bible Prophecy patterns of the past it is the 'Insignificant opinion/ observation' that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is going to 'finish off' all of those world leaders and their respective countries that pose a threat to his unholy global conquest agenda. This student of world history and Bible Prophecy has for several years come to this conclusion and even more so 'NOW.' The 'Little Horn' is going to bring to ruin almost the same powers/countries who rose up against Adolph Hitler during World War II.
As students of Bible Prophecy we all know that the Russian military is going to suffer a major defeat against Israel in the future during the invasion of Ezekiel 38-39. It appears that when that war takes place the once mighty USA military will be in 'NO' position to help other countries or allies. has for many years interpreted Revelation 6, as the beginning of World War III; it is the beginning of the 'Little Horns' conquest of a great part of the world; by then neither the : USA, Russia nor even the Arab -Islamic countries will be in any position to defend themselves against very ruthless 'Little Horn' that will 'NOT' only possess a sizeable nuclear arsenal but also 'Super-Diabolical Supernatural Powers !!!
The coming 'Little Horn' will quite undoubtedly be the greatest 'OPPORTUNIST' of all time; he fully shows his 'True Colors' when most of the present biggest global powers will have 'Imploded' and self-destructed one another. He will already be in power when Russia and many Arab countries attack Israel 'BUT' he will sit neutrally on the sidelines because he knows the outcome just as much as you and I do already !!! And just like General Douglas MacArthur officially : 'accepted, oversaw and signed' Japan's surrender on behalf of the USA in 1945 aboard the Battleship USS Missouri; the final 'Little Horn' is going to likewise 'Confirm the Covenant with the Many' in the future "AFTER" a major future war against Israel !!!
Yes, this student of Bible Prophecy truly believes that one of the major goals of the endtimes 'Little Horn' will be the destruction of all the major world religions and their 'holy capitals/sites.' The Beast will follow in the footsteps of the Atheistic Communist Chinese government and will 'NOT' want any religious competition for they all shall worship the Beast !!! ( Revelation 13:4 ) The once atheistic USSR almost shut down all Orthodox Churches in the past as well as controlled the religious life of most Russian's; it's nothing new what Roman Emperor Constantine 'pulled off' in 300+ AD 'Church-State' has been repeated here and there throughout history 'BUT' what the 'Little Horn' is going to accomplish will be the perfection of the worship of one very unholy man in the endtimes and because he will have 'unholy supernatural powers' and be 'legitimized' before the biblically illiterate masses by none other than the 2nd Beast of Revelation; the False Prophet; most of those still alive will fall for the worship of one man !!! All those who are promoting and teaching that Pope Francis is the last Pope are 'WRONG' he shall 'NOT' be the last Pope*** ( I will Biblically tell you why later in a future article*) Several of those who call themselves 'Prophets' on Youtube seriously give me the impression that they have not really studied the Biblical Prophecies nor really know anything about real geopolitics of this fallen planet by the nonsense that they teach and promote as well as by the false prophecies that they promote that most certainly do 'NOT' line up with those of the Bible !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy acknowledges that there are 'SOME' who are teaching that the Gog- Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38-39 is not Russia & company because it also appears at the end of the Millenium ( Revelation 20 : 7-8 ) 'Regardless' it is the interpretation based upon all the wars mentioned in the 'Last Days' that Russia is 'going down' as is the USA, in order to permit the endtimes 'Kingdom of the Beast' to fulfill its Prophetic role !!! This student of world history reminds everyone that it was World War II to begin with that allowed for the rise of both the USSR and the USA as the two most dominant world powers and their specific rise was 'NOT' prophesied specifically in the biblical prophecies; 'MEANING' that neither the USA nor the USSR ( now Russia*) was the 4th Beast of Daniel and neither one 'Conquered' Jerusalem as all 4 previous Beast of Daniel did so; additionally we all know that Adolph Hitler is 'NOT' specifically mentioned in the Biblical Prophecies and yet no one can deny that his unholy rise accelerated the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948 !!! Not everything and every single future event is prophesied in the Biblical Prophecies 'BUT' we can safely state that somethings should become more and more obvious as we all approach the time of 'Jacob's Trouble' and 'NOT' the "Church's Trouble" !!!

"Finally, Peace in Our Time ?"
This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' a warmonger, I honestly would like for the over 28,000+ American troops stationed in South Korea to come home and be able to be with their families on American soil. The truth is that we have had major wars in almost every single decade of this Century and this student of World History is not even going to mention all those wars of the past !!! While the 'Trump-Kim Summit' may 'NOT' prove durable at least Mr. Kim has temporarily stopped his nuclear testing for a while, this student of Bible Prophecy is for anything that at a minimum will 'calm things down.' True North Korea's intentions may be like those of Iran's ( like a sinister chess move*) but at least our leaders are talking and the U.S. is 'NOT' naive, we obviously are 'NOT' about to remove all of the 28,000+ American troops overnight 'Trust but Verify' !!! At least any nuclear showdown has been 'lessened and averted' temporarily !!! It is the 'insignificant opinion' of this student of world history that President Trump has positioned North Korea to be like another Iran Quagmire; it is going to be very difficult if not impossible for the U.S. to verify any 'Denuclearization' of North Korea 'BUT' at least both nuclear powers have stopped threatening each other !!!
It gives 'NO' pleasure to this 'Interpreter' of the Biblical Prophecies to state the obvious but the overwhelming pattern / symbology of Bible Prophecy indicates that 'Presently' NYC is Babylon due to the fact that it 'ALL' concerns our Jewish friends ( Their spiritual blind condition and also Babylon is the anti-thesis of Jerusalem the Holy City of the Jews*) and it is no secret that the second largest community/population of Jews outside of : Israel ( the only and true 'Promised Land' given to them ) is located in the metropolitan New York area and you and I know that neither the : USA, nor New York City nor NY State is their promised land !!! Just like GOD once removed the 'Hedge of Protection' around Job ( Job 1 : 10 ) GOD will also do somewhat likewise to the : USA and N.Y. City in particular so that Daniel's 70th Week will begin. Speaking of 'Divine Hedges' Satan is 'NOT' omnipresent and he most certainly can 'NOT' be in all of the other of trillions+ of galaxies and planets at the same time; he was thrown and confined to this planet alone and still has limited access to the 2nd heaven ONLY because GOD allows it so !!! ( The day and hour is quickly coming when he will be thrown from the 2nd heaven and will be even more restricted and limited like us under this heaven !!! ) History tells us that most Jews did 'NOT' return to the promised land once they were allowed to, ONLY the true Jews who do 'NOT' worship the false god of $$$ Mammon will truly leave N.Y. City in the future; GOD always gives them the opportunity before HE sends in His 'Special OPS Angels' to do what must be done to fulfill each and every Prophecy in the Bible !!! ( Reminder : Babylon the Great and Mystery Babylon symbolize two different geographic well known cities/ places on earth. Babylon in all its forms symbolizes the very opposite of GOD's Holy City : Jerusalem. Examples : Holiness and not perversion, righteousness and not corruption, etc..
Meanwhile President Trump's Peace envoys to the Middle East are still trying to motivate 5 Arab countries during their visit with the help of the UN. Mr. Abbas for his part openly rejects the U.S. plans for Gaza and Mr.Abbas has stated that he will 'NOT' accept the U.S. as a neutral/ credible broker. You and I know they all will ultimately accept; someone somewhat the political opposite of Trump !!!
Although it is true that 'NO' one knows the 'Day nor the Hour' of the Harpazo; the truth is that when certain things and events begin to happen and be fulfilled it will become rather obvious that we are indeed living in the final 'DECADE' of this final generation !!! We know that once the 'Abomination of Desolation' takes place the world will only have 3 and a half years ( 42 months left & a few extra days*) and we also know that when the 'Covenant with the Many is Signed' the final 70th Week of Daniel begins; astute teachers of Bible Prophecy have discovered that GOD has indeed added/included additional days to those final 7 years and we also don't know how long exactly will be the gap of time between the Rapture and the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week !!!
In conclusion, once the RESTRAINER is temporarily removed from certain places "EVIL" will multiply exponentially and supernaturally as never before in the history of this 'Fallen Planet.' Satan is going to inspire and launch thee greatest PERSECUTION upon our Jewish friends in all of human history and even outdo Hitler. Biblically speaking there's ONLY going to be two major safe-havens of divine protection for the Jews that OBEY GOD and that will be Israel ( Daniel 12 : 1 ) and in the Wilderness spoken of in Revelation 12 : 6. Unfortunately, New York City did 'NOT' make GOD's list, it took many years and several generations for GOD to remove the unholy spirit of : Babylon and Egypt from those Jews who did obey him and returned to Jerusalem and the true promised land after being in captivity in foreign nations for very long periods of time. Most Jews in N.Y. City are living in an unparalleled level of : Wealth, Comfort and Security and GOD never intended for New York City or the USA to replace neither : Jerusalem nor Israel !!!
In sum, this vessel of GOD never thought that he would still be running this website for almost 20 years now. GOD created us all each with special talents and gifts and 'MOST' of us do 'NOT' know that we have such talents until something major happens in our life that forces us to come out of our shell and it is only then that we discover our true GOD given identity !!! Each one of us was given a unique assignment by GOD; this imperfect vessel just prays that he fulfills his COMPLETELY; this servant of GOD asks for your prayers to be directed to all truth. The sad truth is that 'MOST' people are misusing and abusing the gifts and talents that GOD deposited in them and it is unfortunate that even a large percentage of Christians are 'NOT' using the gifts and talents given to them for the perfection of the Saints and benefit of all the Body of Christ. In the parable of the talents, GOD gave one person one talent and that individual hid it because of fear; let us all use all of our gifts to shine as never before in this hour of darkness. GOD hand-picked you and me and many others to live in this final generation for His Honor and Glory; all of those who preceded us have already had their opportunity under this sun, it is our turn to Glorify GOD our Creator in this dark and final hour !!!
By : Mario Romano. For the most part this century most Western powers have enjoyed some relative: Peace, Law and Order and a way of life envied by the rest of the 160+ developing nations that have most certainly 'NOT' enjoyed democracy nor $$$ Prosperity like most in America. ( The vast majority of the nations of this world are considered 3rd world developing countries with 'NO' social welfare programs*) The truth is that most of this world's population lives in abject poverty and suffers injustice by their very own government as well as by their hyper corrupt leaders on an almost daily basis !!! According to the Biblical Prophecies all that will change in the future and even such countries such as 'Switzerland' who enjoyed some safety from World War II bombings because of its unique geography will 'NOT' escape what's coming upon all the nations of this planet during the Tribulation period. The Babylon of Revelation is obviously not the very same one birthed in what is now Iraq/Euphrates River thousands of years ago 'BUT' it is being driven by the very same unholy spirit; a spirit that offends GOD because Babylon symbolizes a city of the 'Flesh' and full of 'False' idols and gods that has 'spiritually immobolized' many of GOD's people; that's why HE says get out of her My people !!! ( Revelation 18 : 4 ) As you can see only one city outside of Israel fits that Prophecy; most Jews do not live in Berlin nor in Paris and much less in Tokyo, only one city fits that prophecy and it is New York City***
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