This student of Bible Prophecy needed time off to consider and meditate upon what Emmanuel Macron's 'Surprising' victory in the French elections meant as the 'birth pang' signs of the end of the age keep on increasing before our very eyes !!! ( The birth pangs are 'GUARANTEED' to keep on increasing; according to the Biblical Prophecies. ) If you have been a regular visitor here; you and I were front row witnesses to the somewhat surprising victory of Mr.Macron. EUinProphecy.com was one of the first Bible Prophecy websites to cover the rise of this very surprising new EU leader and I commend all those who are also now 'Cautiously' covering this very interesting new global actor. Whatever happens during these 5 years; 'NO' one will ever be able to state and complain that nobody was watching and that nobody warned them; that is what this student of Bible Prophecy has been very patiently trying to do all these years !!! This student of Bible Prophecy remains 'Flexible and Open' to the various 'Twist, Turns and Surprises' that will ultimately allow the final 'Little Horn' to rise to his full prophesied power; 'WHOMEVER' he may end up being* Mario Romano, is just trying to correctly interpret the Prophecies of Daniel. Some may argue that its 'too early, too soon' eventually someone is going to be proven wrong and that is why this student of Bible Prophecy is very 'CAUTIOUSLY' approaching all of this; he wants to be among the few who ends up interpreting Daniel's Prophecies correctly, when all is said and done !!! This student of Bible Prophecy will have a very clear conscience when the trump of GOD sounds; he will know fully well that he used all the gifts that his creator 'GOD' bestowed upon him to : Teach, Warn and Encourage others that the Prophecies of the Holy Bible are true and that most of the yet unfulfilled one's are on their way to being fulfilled in our lifetime !!!
EUinProphecy.com is here because some people and even some believers don't know what has been taking place in the regional : political, military and economic epicenter of the endtimes entity that is going to ultimately produce the 4th Beast. We are also here to interpret what is 'Presently' taking place with the inheritor that is carrying the DNA of the 4th Beast and we are here to 'teach and forewarn' about what the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation reveal to us about what the 4th and final Roman -Mediterranean Beast is going to do to : Israel, the Middle East and most of the unsuspecting world in the not too distant future; once it gets its final 10 horns !!!
Sometimes there is so much 'Background-Noise, Hoopla , Misinformation, Smoke & Mirrors and all the Static' around certain global events and powerful world leaders that this student of Bible Prophecy needs to take a 'step back' to allow him to 'Let it all sink in' so that he can separate the truth from opinions !!! NSA and CIA intelligence analysts are normally overwhelmed with data; the trick is to try to interpret all the available and incoming & accumulated data ( intelligence ) correctly and that is what this student of Bible Prophecy has been trying to do. The time I took off certainly did help.
Because we are the final generation; this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' believe that the rise of Macron is a 'fluke.'...'IF' certain things begin to flare up even more so around Israel ( Temple Mount*) and if Russia continues to meddle even more so in the Middle East then we will all know what's next in the Prophetic calendar. It took Stalin and Hitler years to get to their zenith of power; 'slowly & patiently' they rose to power and both were eventually baptized with the fires of war. War is coming; the Arab Spring has produced massive Mediterranean insecurity and presently a large percentage of Europeans are clamoring their EU leaders to stop taking in more and more Islamic refugees; rapes perpetrated against local European women by some Islamic refugees have significantly increased throughout several EU cities and the local and federal police and intelligence authorities of several EU cities have their hands full trying to keep an 'eye and a ear' on literally thousands of Islamic young men who could very well be sleeper Jihadist's !!! This can't go on forever and you better believe that this student of Bible Prophecy 'SUSPECTS' that Islamic Terrorists are planning a 9-11 against a European target. The 'Little Horn' is going to need a great excuse to justify his war in the Middle East and continued Islamic Terrorism in European cities may just be the perfect justification that will pull in European soldiers in the future into the Middle East. Former U.S. President George W. Bush did just that post September 11; and that was to invoke 'Article 5' of NATO and take the war into Middle East targets.
It is 'NOT' the goal of EUinProphecy.com to single out and 'Demonize' : Putin, Macron, the G-20, Merkel, ISIS and numerous Islamic Terrorists; the 'blunt truth' of it all is that is that we live in a very fallen planet; where all who have not been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ are just outright corrupt and evil to the bone !!! If you didn't know several of the top International Banks have been caught 'Red-Handed' ( and found guilty ex : HSBC, BofA, JP Morgan, Western Union* ) in the past of laundering money for International Cartels and other International Criminal groups and usually no top banking executive ends up going to jail !!! Because this student of Bible Prophecy chose to focus on Satan's top endtimes emissary ( Little Horn ) I try not so much to focus on other evil and demonic people who delight in : killing, stealing and destroying the lives of their fellow human beings. ( examples : International Mafias, International gangs, Criminal Mercenaries, International Cartels, Global Terrorist groups... etc )
No one can state that the victory of Emmanuel Macron did not at the least 'DELAY' the ultimate day of reckoning for the EU. EUinProphecy.com is going to be very careful in approaching this topic because in the past there really was a 'Recommendation 666' via the now deceased Western European Union ( WEU ) but the WEU is 'NO' more. Sarkozy also did manage to be at the forefront of creating the Mediterranean Union and he did tried to broker the Middle East Peace Process 'BUT' he too is now history. The Club of Rome composed several global members is also a real organization but it also is 'NOT' the final 10 Horned Beast of Revelation. For many years this student of Bible Prophecy has stated that he is 'OPEN' to last minute scenarios, should one of them not pan out.
This student of Bible Prophecy knows fully well that several : wars, mega-riots, Terrorist attacks and natural disasters are headed to the EU ( Eurasian Region*) and that the EU is far from being finalized !!! ( Such riots and orchestrated Islamic Terrorist attacks have already happened in the past*) There are coming assassination attempts as well as 'un-natural deaths' to some of the leaders in that part of the world in the future. EUinProphecy.com is most certainly 'OPEN' to various upcoming 'Twists, Turns and Surprises' that could overtake and overwhelm the EU in a short period of time in the future; so 'YES' we are still open to other possibilities should Macron be proven a fluke in these 5 years of his Presidency.
Most Muslims will be expelled from the EU in the future during the Tribulation period; this has already happened on several occasions throughout the history between Islam and the Europeans in the past; its not that this writer is advocating and promoting ethnic war; its that history does comes in repetitive cycles; Europe will 'NOT' convert to Islam they are prophesied and guaranteed to 'WORSHIP' their future endtimes leader, his image and take his mark !!! ( Revelation 13 : 4 ) Europeans will grow tired of Islamic Terrorist attacks on their soil and eventually martial law will be declared and many will be expelled and repatriated out of the EU for being 'enemies of the state' !!! When the NAZI's rose to power in the past they not only persecuted the Jews; but they also despised & went after : Communists, Socialists, Gypsies, and all they believed to be Inferior to the Aryan Race within their grasp. In the end over 14+ million Russians died because of Hitler and over 4+ million Jews; what this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to tell you is that the endtimes Little Horn is going to 'Mortally Neutralize' more Muslims than Jews when it is all said and done. As the First horseman of the Apocalypse conquers a large segment of the Middle East as the Roman Empire once did during the first phase of the Roman Beast millions of Arabs will try to defend themselves from him and will undoubtedly die in the process !!!
EUinProphecy.com 'DOES' absolutely confirm that France is the only one of four EU players that can ultimately 'pull off' and produce he that shall 'Confirm the Covenant with the Many for a Week.' A closer inspection at the EU minus Britain reveals to this student of Strategic Systems that France will be left being the biggest and only EU country with the biggest 'Military Industrial Complex' in that specific region of Europe once the Brexit is finalized. Germany, has almost ignored any need for militarization for decades and finds it cheaper to just pay its dues to NATO. This student of Bible Prophecy has 'NEVER' believed that Germany will produce the final 'Little Horn' in fact Adolph Hitler himself who promoted 'Aryan Racial Superiority' wasn't himself : tall, blond, blue eyed nor muscular and he wasn't born anywhere near Berlin, Hitler was really from Austria; just like his contemporary Stalin who was also not really Russian but was from Georgia !!! EUinProphecy.com believes that the 'Little Horn' will come out one of the 3 European countries that we have been mentioning in the past***
This student of Bible Prophecy knows that Macron's age makes it possible for him to be a critical endtimes player. Should Macron have a 'Decent' Presidency in his 5 year term he will qualify for another 5 year term, so 'Yes' he most certainly could be on the world scene in this 10 year window. Should Macron be an absolute fluke and failure like his predecessor Mr. Hollande then the extreme parties of France have a high chance of taking over in the future.
Alain Minc; a French : author, businessman and political advisor jokingly told Macron once that he must have made a 'Contract with GOD' to have had so much luck in overcoming so many political odds; that even surprised and stunned most French political analysts with his victory !!! Another of Macron's past college friends recently 'jokingly' stated in an interview that Macron must have had made a deal with the devil to have accomplish all that he did in just than less than a year !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is just trying to figure out which of these two insights will ultimately prove correct about Mr. Macron !!! According to Marc Endeweld one of Macron's biographers, Mr.Macron is 'NOT' a regular churchgoer. In secular France, presently only 50% of the population still identify as Roman Catholic and only 5% regularly attend Mass !!!
EUinProphecy.com must warn you that there are several Islamic Terrorist attacks coming to various EU cities in the future as well as various Islamic riots throughout several EU cities. The liberal democratic parties of Europe left a 'Trojan Horse' into their countries and they are going to pay for it in the future. I do not state this with any pleasure ; I'm just a student of world history and human nature. The ultimate rise of the 'Little Horn' will be made possible by several factors and Islamic Terrorism in Europe will certainly be one of them.
This student of Mediterranean Geopolitics reminds everyone that 'NO' other EU country holds a greater stake in destiny & future of this specific region of the world than France !!! What is transpiring throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East
( Mediterranean Region*) is now directly affecting France directly via massive illegal Islamic immigrants & refugees as well as with increasing Islamic terrorism. I'm not even a French military general and I can see how all of these Islamic forces are going to eventually force France to take this increasing Jihadi war far away from French cities and French soil and directly into the Jihadi soil of several Islamic countries just as it is Prophesied in the Book of Daniel !!! ( Daniel 11 : 42 ) If you've been wondering what is going to 'pull in' the Little Horn and his military machine into the Middle East during the Tribulation period now you know !!! Just like the Islamic Terror attack of September 11, gave President Bush the 'green light' to send the world's most highly technological military machine into the Middle East ( U.S. Armed Forces*) and into Afghanistan in the past; Islamic terrorism is going to allow the final 'Little Horn' to initiate his Conquest of the Middle East ( Revelation 6 ) just as Hitler once was bent on conquest against his Eastern enemies and neighbors !!! I could be wrong and crazy but Article 5 of NATO could very well be invoked again if NATO is not dissolved in the Tribulation period !!! ( Reminder article 5 was invoked only once and that was against Islamic Terrorism after September 11 !!! )
EUinProphecy.com has been in existence since 1999 and when this website began I knew very well to some degree what I was getting myself into. The next few years will 'CONFIRM' to us all where we really are and how much time we have left, should Macron succeed then you know what it all means, should he fail and lose re-election in 5 years then things will become more obvious. All of this is also 'Contingent' on whether or not Mrs. Angela Merkel wins or loses in Germany's national elections in September. According to the latest polls Mrs. Merkel is winning the only way that this student of Bible Prophecy see her losing is if there are more Islamic Terrorist attacks before the elections in Germany or if she has some major and unforeseen health problems between now and then.
If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you know very well what the major red flag in all of this will be; 'IF' Macron attempts to restart the Paris-Middle East Peace Conference. To be truthful according to the last official French election results Macron did not win with 66.06% the final numbers were changed 'BUT' hey; this student of Bible Prophecy did 'NOT' photoshop the results; they actually came from secular sources ( British Broadcasting and French Television*)
Another great surprise for this student of Bible Prophecy was Macron's landslide victory in the French Parliamentary elections; his victory was tantamount to an independent U.S. Presidential Candidate winning the U.S. Presidency and not only that; but his amazing victory in Parliament was the equivalent of his new party gaining a majority of power in the Senate and Congress !!! Sarkozy had previously stated that even if Macron won he was going to be a 'sitting duck presidency' because the French Parliament was dominated by old French entrenched political parties and even in the French parliament did Macron managed to surprise !!! ( Macron's party won a clear Parliamentary Majority 'La Republique En Marche' with some 300 seats in a 577 seat French Parliament; his party did allied itself with another one to get to those numbers*)
As students of Bible Prophecy we should all approach this with 'Caution.' As a 'Watchman' we were one of the very first in all of planet Earth to observe the amazing political rise of Emmanuel Macron. EUinProphecy.com just prays that we will end up being a 'Faithful' watchman from whatever transpires in these 5-10 years or as long as GOD my Creator continues to allow me to breathe oxygen on this planet.
Mr. Macron inherited a mess in France 'BUT' he knew very well what he was getting himself into, it all reminds me of a movie scene from some old movie I watched years ago, while everyone was running away from impending danger this crazy character started running to this fire and in the end he managed to save some people from the fire; he ultimately became a hero; this man had nothing to lose. It remains to be scene if Macron will be able to contend with the 'Massive' problems and challenges of the French economy and if that's not enough he also has to contend with major : Eurozone, Brexit, $Euro and the revolving $$$ Greek Economic crisis; if he somehow manages to politically survive then you and I will know what it all means !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy has learned to be very patient throughout the years. Years ago someone emailed me telling me that they thought Recommendation 666 was 'IT' this student of Bible Prophecy responded back telling them that we have to be cautious because if it is 'NOT' it; we begin to lose credibility. Even though we state that we are 'NOT' Prophets nor are we 'PROPHESYING' but merely trying our best to correctly interpret the Biblical Prophecies we must still do it in a responsible manner. That specific believer even 'HAD' his own Bible Prophecy website then, he did not continue to teach because of family problems. Patience is a necessary virtue to have as a student of Bible Prophecy and as a Watchman, sometimes I visit other Prophecy website links and am saddened that half of them are no longer working and yet other Prophecy websites have not been updated for years !!! This student of Bible Prophecy prays that GOD will guide him to all truth and give him the : strength, courage and wisdom to continue to report as long as possible on this endtimes subject...Our Lord : JESUS CHRIST is coming back very, very soon !!! While billions continue to 'Eat & Drink' ( live only for the flesh & the here and now *) don't care one bit about Biblical Prophecy it is tragic that a large percentage of those who call themselves Christians don't really study Bible Prophecy for themselves because the majority of Christian leaders ignore the subject altogether and are instead teaching more about : prosperity and self esteem; when our Lord warned us that we must DENY ourselves and our ego if we desire to follow Him & take up the Cross***
By : Mario Romano; this student of Bible Prophecy is just like a 'Private Investigator' who is trying to put all the pieces of our ever changing world and prophecies of the Bible together; sometimes they fit and sometimes you have to start all over 'BUT' you never, ever quit very simply because you have learned from your mistakes and are ever and ever closer to solving it all. Besides when you have literally invested almost 20 years of your own life into something like this ( interpreting Daniel's 4th Beast & its Little Horn*) its not something that you just give up on; it is something that you want to 'WARN' everyone about because it will affect billions of human souls in the not too distant future !!! Daniel's 70th Week is getting ever closer and somewhere around the region of the Mediterranean some 'unholy character' is also being prepared and groomed to accomplish things that Adolph Hitler only dreamed of !!! This almost unknown student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' claim to know who the endtimes 'Little Horn' will ultimately end up being 'BUT' I can tell you one thing, we have zeroed in on 3 of the most likely EU countries that he will rise up from***