We are talking about thee Holy and Eternal GOD of the Bible ( Yahweh, Elohim, Jehova, Jesus Christ*) who has absolute command and control over 'ALL' of the atoms and subatomic particles in this Universe and who has the power to bring back to life 'EVERY' single human being who has ever lived on planet Earth; regardless of how and when they died and whom have been swallowed up 'generation after generation' by the many faces of death ever since Adam and Eve inherited and passed upon us all the death gene !!! ( Revelation 20:13 ) Thee same Creator and Eternal Spirit who transcends and permeates this entire Universe in ways that our 'finite and seriously corrupted cerebrum' cannot even begin to imagine and a GOD and Creator who knows all the Trillions+ of stars by their names and who also knows how many hairs you & I literally have on the top of our head !!! ( Matthew 10: 30 )
What is man ? All we are 'millions upon millions' of wonderfully arranged atoms ( matter ) that GOD Almighty gave order to from the dust of the Garden of Eden, the 'ONLY' reason you are reading this and yet breathing and over 6+ billion other human beings are yet alive on this planet Earth is solely because GOD Almighty breathed into the nostrils of Adam; His 'Breath of Life' ever since has 'NOT' yet ceased; billions+ of human beings created in the 'Image of GOD' are still coming into existence on this planet Earth !!! It is the carnal pride of most human beings who only live in the 'Flesh' that impedes them from perceiving the spiritual and eternal reality that is even more real than this temporary human body and planet !!!
The astronomical 'Patterns' of creation, that this student of Theology has been studying for many years; indicate to this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ that at a 'Minimum' GOD Almighty has created at the least one creation per galaxy in a timeless compartment/subsection within eternity; and you and I have to realize that 'Everything' else in this Universe was not created for us 'BUT' was created by : Him and for Him !!! ( John 1 : 3 & Colossians 1 : 16 ) Ladies and gentlemen we are talking about an omnipotent Creator who is 'NOT' limited by any natural resources, nor by any financial limitations and who neither needs any subcontractors to 'create and create' and that shall keep on creating for all of eternity and a Creator who needs not the counsel of anyone else !!! Very truly, GOD Almighty is thee supreme : engineer, architect and producer of every single living thing; be it 'biological or spiritual', on this side of the Third Heaven & then some ! ( In Job 38 : 7, the very mighty Angels were 'NOT' needed in helping GOD terraform this planet Earth, nor were they needed to help Him engineer the human body of Adam & Eve ! ) ( either this servant of Jesus Christ has a very, very, very big imagination or a very, very, very Great and Almighty GOD * )
It is the 'personal opinion and observation' of this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ, that our human understanding and construct of 'TIME' is all wrong. ( Einstein's theory of time has flaws and so does that of any other human being*) Genesis 1, is 'NOT' the beginning of eternity, it is our beginning in eternity !!! There have been many different beginnings throughout all of eternity and there are going to be even more; simply because that is the very nature and crux of an Eternal GOD in an eternity that has 'NO' end !!! ((( Most if not all : Theologians, Apolegetics, Pastors and servants of GOD will agree that it is 'NOT' the Jewish year 5777 in the 3rd Heaven, nor the year 2017 either !!! GOD Almighty, has 'NO' beginning and it would not be stretching the truth by stating that the 3rd Heaven has literally been in existence for 'billions upon billions+' of human Earth years as we 'understand' time here on a planet where 'time & death' prevails over all biological life on this fallen creation ! )))
Most if not all Theologians would agree that the Holy Scriptures were primarily given to humanity ( Jews ) to record the 'History of Redemption' of planet Earth. The Holy Bible was 'Never' given to us to record everything that has ever transpired in eternity before GOD created Adam and Eve. GOD in His sovereignty has revealed to us in His WORD only the most important and critical things that we will be held responsible for on this planet and that is : what we do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to most Biblical experts the original Holy Texts writings were 'NOT' written in a Western style of writing, obviously to make the Holy Scriptures more accessible; ( for reference and quotation purposes*) the Books of the Bible were later on divided into chapters and verses. For thousands of years the Holy Scriptures were out of the reach of the average Jew and Gentile. It really wasn't until the Gutenburg Bible was mass produced, that the Holy Scriptures were made accessible to most of humanity.
Anyone who has ever gone into higher education knows that the average page size of a 'Biology Textbook' is over 300+ pages, the average history book is too as well, as most books on any major field of study be it in science : Quantum Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. As you can see the Holy Bible was 'NOT' given to humanity to reveal to us 'EVERYTHING' about everything !!! ( otherwise the Holy Bible would be bigger than any textbook set of any Encyclopedia*) GOD in His eternal sovereignty mainly revealed to us puny humans the most important thing that we needed to know in Genesis all the way to Revelation 'BUT' it was obvious that GOD already knew that we would eventually discover many of the secrets that nature hides for the Book of Daniel confirms this fact : 'Knowledge will multiply in the Last Days.' ( Daniel 12 : 4 ) and the 'Knowledge of the glory of GOD Almighty' has also been exponentially filling up every corner of this planet Earth too !!! ( Habakkuk 2 : 14 )
There are many, many things that the 'eyes and ears' of us fallen human beings will never, ever be able to know 'BUT' this, that you are about to read isn't one of them ! Genesis 1 is 'NOT' the beginning of Eternity, Genesis is GOD Almighty inserting a new creation that is bound by 'time and space' into Eternity. In the annals of Eternity, Genesis to Revelation is but like only a chapter in an 'Eternal Epic' that has 'NO' ending !!! GOD Almighty, Thee HOLY GOD of ISRAEL, thee GOD of : Abraham, Isaac and Jacob manifested in : JESUS CHRIST 'Has, Is and Shall' continue populating eternity with a myriad of different creations because that is simply who HE IS, Thee : Creator of creators and HE most certainly did 'NOT' exert all of His Omnipotent powers after the six days in Genesis, if you've studied the Holy Scriptures you have realized that there were already 'Son's of GOD' in eternity and existence long before you and I were created on planet Earth and this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is 'NO' Prophet, but as he scopes and studies this Universe alone with Trillions+ of other galaxies; he knows fully well that 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard and no human mind can imagine what GOD has prepared for those who love Him !!!' ( 1 Corinthians 2 : 9 ) Truly, the Holy Spirit of GOD, searches all things even the deep things of GOD and reveals them to us ***
This believer in Jesus Christ believes that the Holy Bible is the inspired WORD of an Eternal GOD. Today this student of Bible Prophecy would like to touch on what has been happening long before the 'Recorded History' of us who were created in the 'Image of GOD' in this planet in particular. Most theologians and Pastors would agree that Adam probably held the highest IQ ( Intelligence ) of any human being who has ever lived; for GOD created him in a 'Complete' state. Even though Adam may have been the smartest human being to ever walk the Earth he was 'NO' match for one of the highest and brightest creations of GOD before planet Earth was even created ( Satan *). There is a great debate and disagreement among Christians as to how old this planet and Universe is. Some claim that both this planet and Universe are about 7000 years old and yet others believe that it is 7+ million and even others believe that it is 7-15 billions of years old !!!
Today this student of Bible Prophecy wants to approach this topic using the Holy Scriptures themselves and this 'information' in no way holds any doctrinal weight; I personally believe that we are all sinners in need of the salvation that only Jesus Christ offers. It is rather obvious that this believer that there is indeed a literal heaven and hell. This topic is as controversial as the 'Rapture' to some; in that some hold very strong opinions and beliefs that will never be swayed in the opposite direction.
In the Book of Job 38 : 7 when GOD was creating planet Earth; the Angels celebrated with joyful shouts as GOD Almighty created yet another masterpiece in eternity; it is in the Book of Job too, that we learn that there was already another creation outside of the new creation that GOD was creating on planet Earth. It is obvious that the Angels were created long, long, long before us in a period of eternity which our 'finite' brain cells cannot conceive. It is also in Job 38 : 7 that we learn that Lucifer had 'NOT' yet rebelled along with a 3rd of the Angelic Hosts !!!
Obviously GOD had clearly completed and created a beautiful Earth in Job 38 :7 and 'NOT' one that was 'formless and empty and full of darkness' as Genesis 1 : 2 . It is rather obvious to this student of theology that 'ALOT' of things had transpired on planet Earth before Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden !!! The Book of Ezekiel 28 :13, reveals to us that Lucifer was once in charge of the Garden of Eden long before Adam was later created there !!! The Holy Scriptures do 'NOT' give us an exact timeline of when exactly Satan and One-Third of the Angels rebelled and were expelled onto planet Earth but 'NO" serious student of the Bible or Berean can deny that Satan was already on planet earth and outside of the Garden of Eden when GOD was creating Adam inside of the Garden of Eden. This student of Theology says this because the Holy Bible itself very clearly reveals to us that outside of the Garden of Eden was 'NOT' as much of a paradise as was inside of the Garden of Eden !!!
We have to remember that everything was 'NOT' created for us human beings who were created in the very 'Image of GOD.' The biblical truth is that 'Everything' was created by : Him and for Him !!! We human beings were created to populate this planet Earth and those of us that believe in Jesus Christ and His total atonement at the Cross of Calvary are going to inherit the 'New Jerusalem.' It's 'NOT' all about us , it's all about Him !!! We are being invited into eternity and into the heavens in a way to fill somewhat the place lost and abdicated by the 'millions upon millions' of fallen Angels who voluntarily out of their own free will chose to rebel against their own loving Creator !!! When they are finally kicked out of the heavens;
( Revelation 12 : 8 ) we shall beforehand be caught up to meet our Lord in the air !!! ( 1 Thessalonians 4 : 17 )
This student of Bible Prophecy believes that since Adam and Eve until today some 7000 years have passed 'BUT' that the age of this Universe is an entire different story. I believe that we are "ALL" wrong about the concept of 'TIME.' To this student of Theology this debate is as doctrinally important as the Rapture, most of my brothers would agree that the Rapture is not a doctrinal point of salvation ( whether you believe in it or not if you're a true believer in Jesus Christ you're going to be 'Taken' anyway !!! )
As this student of Theology studies the concept of 'Eternity' 7000+ years, 7,000,000= years and even 7 Billion+ years seemingly become irrelevant; I believe that when GOD reveals us many things in the New Jerusalem we are all going to be stunned !!! The truth that 'NO' theologian, Pastor, Apostle, Evangelist nor Prophet can deny is that 'Eternity' has been going on long, long and way longer than before any human recorded history was in place !!!
By : Mario Romano, the truth is that 'Eternity' has been going on long before Adam and Eve were created on planet earth, and long before Lucifer rebelled in the second heaven and even longer than the 'finite human brain' can comprehend. There are some secrets that GOD trusts 'NO' one with and only keeps unto Himself ( Deuteronomy 29 : 29 ) the truth is that GOD is 'NOT' going to hold us accountable for things that are beyond us, we will all only be held accountable for what He did clearly revealed to us through His Prophets found in the Holy Scriptures and what we did with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is man ? All we are 'millions upon millions' of wonderfully arranged atoms ( matter ) that GOD Almighty gave order to from the dust of the Garden of Eden, the 'ONLY' reason you are reading this and yet breathing and over 6+ billion other human beings are yet alive on this planet Earth is solely because GOD Almighty breathed into the nostrils of Adam; His 'Breath of Life' ever since has 'NOT' yet ceased; billions+ of human beings created in the 'Image of GOD' are still coming into existence on this planet Earth !!! It is the carnal pride of most human beings who only live in the 'Flesh' that impedes them from perceiving the spiritual and eternal reality that is even more real than this temporary human body and planet !!!
The astronomical 'Patterns' of creation, that this student of Theology has been studying for many years; indicate to this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ that at a 'Minimum' GOD Almighty has created at the least one creation per galaxy in a timeless compartment/subsection within eternity; and you and I have to realize that 'Everything' else in this Universe was not created for us 'BUT' was created by : Him and for Him !!! ( John 1 : 3 & Colossians 1 : 16 ) Ladies and gentlemen we are talking about an omnipotent Creator who is 'NOT' limited by any natural resources, nor by any financial limitations and who neither needs any subcontractors to 'create and create' and that shall keep on creating for all of eternity and a Creator who needs not the counsel of anyone else !!! Very truly, GOD Almighty is thee supreme : engineer, architect and producer of every single living thing; be it 'biological or spiritual', on this side of the Third Heaven & then some ! ( In Job 38 : 7, the very mighty Angels were 'NOT' needed in helping GOD terraform this planet Earth, nor were they needed to help Him engineer the human body of Adam & Eve ! ) ( either this servant of Jesus Christ has a very, very, very big imagination or a very, very, very Great and Almighty GOD * )
It is the 'personal opinion and observation' of this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ, that our human understanding and construct of 'TIME' is all wrong. ( Einstein's theory of time has flaws and so does that of any other human being*) Genesis 1, is 'NOT' the beginning of eternity, it is our beginning in eternity !!! There have been many different beginnings throughout all of eternity and there are going to be even more; simply because that is the very nature and crux of an Eternal GOD in an eternity that has 'NO' end !!! ((( Most if not all : Theologians, Apolegetics, Pastors and servants of GOD will agree that it is 'NOT' the Jewish year 5777 in the 3rd Heaven, nor the year 2017 either !!! GOD Almighty, has 'NO' beginning and it would not be stretching the truth by stating that the 3rd Heaven has literally been in existence for 'billions upon billions+' of human Earth years as we 'understand' time here on a planet where 'time & death' prevails over all biological life on this fallen creation ! )))
Most if not all Theologians would agree that the Holy Scriptures were primarily given to humanity ( Jews ) to record the 'History of Redemption' of planet Earth. The Holy Bible was 'Never' given to us to record everything that has ever transpired in eternity before GOD created Adam and Eve. GOD in His sovereignty has revealed to us in His WORD only the most important and critical things that we will be held responsible for on this planet and that is : what we do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to most Biblical experts the original Holy Texts writings were 'NOT' written in a Western style of writing, obviously to make the Holy Scriptures more accessible; ( for reference and quotation purposes*) the Books of the Bible were later on divided into chapters and verses. For thousands of years the Holy Scriptures were out of the reach of the average Jew and Gentile. It really wasn't until the Gutenburg Bible was mass produced, that the Holy Scriptures were made accessible to most of humanity.
Anyone who has ever gone into higher education knows that the average page size of a 'Biology Textbook' is over 300+ pages, the average history book is too as well, as most books on any major field of study be it in science : Quantum Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. As you can see the Holy Bible was 'NOT' given to humanity to reveal to us 'EVERYTHING' about everything !!! ( otherwise the Holy Bible would be bigger than any textbook set of any Encyclopedia*) GOD in His eternal sovereignty mainly revealed to us puny humans the most important thing that we needed to know in Genesis all the way to Revelation 'BUT' it was obvious that GOD already knew that we would eventually discover many of the secrets that nature hides for the Book of Daniel confirms this fact : 'Knowledge will multiply in the Last Days.' ( Daniel 12 : 4 ) and the 'Knowledge of the glory of GOD Almighty' has also been exponentially filling up every corner of this planet Earth too !!! ( Habakkuk 2 : 14 )
There are many, many things that the 'eyes and ears' of us fallen human beings will never, ever be able to know 'BUT' this, that you are about to read isn't one of them ! Genesis 1 is 'NOT' the beginning of Eternity, Genesis is GOD Almighty inserting a new creation that is bound by 'time and space' into Eternity. In the annals of Eternity, Genesis to Revelation is but like only a chapter in an 'Eternal Epic' that has 'NO' ending !!! GOD Almighty, Thee HOLY GOD of ISRAEL, thee GOD of : Abraham, Isaac and Jacob manifested in : JESUS CHRIST 'Has, Is and Shall' continue populating eternity with a myriad of different creations because that is simply who HE IS, Thee : Creator of creators and HE most certainly did 'NOT' exert all of His Omnipotent powers after the six days in Genesis, if you've studied the Holy Scriptures you have realized that there were already 'Son's of GOD' in eternity and existence long before you and I were created on planet Earth and this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is 'NO' Prophet, but as he scopes and studies this Universe alone with Trillions+ of other galaxies; he knows fully well that 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard and no human mind can imagine what GOD has prepared for those who love Him !!!' ( 1 Corinthians 2 : 9 ) Truly, the Holy Spirit of GOD, searches all things even the deep things of GOD and reveals them to us ***
This believer in Jesus Christ believes that the Holy Bible is the inspired WORD of an Eternal GOD. Today this student of Bible Prophecy would like to touch on what has been happening long before the 'Recorded History' of us who were created in the 'Image of GOD' in this planet in particular. Most theologians and Pastors would agree that Adam probably held the highest IQ ( Intelligence ) of any human being who has ever lived; for GOD created him in a 'Complete' state. Even though Adam may have been the smartest human being to ever walk the Earth he was 'NO' match for one of the highest and brightest creations of GOD before planet Earth was even created ( Satan *). There is a great debate and disagreement among Christians as to how old this planet and Universe is. Some claim that both this planet and Universe are about 7000 years old and yet others believe that it is 7+ million and even others believe that it is 7-15 billions of years old !!!
Today this student of Bible Prophecy wants to approach this topic using the Holy Scriptures themselves and this 'information' in no way holds any doctrinal weight; I personally believe that we are all sinners in need of the salvation that only Jesus Christ offers. It is rather obvious that this believer that there is indeed a literal heaven and hell. This topic is as controversial as the 'Rapture' to some; in that some hold very strong opinions and beliefs that will never be swayed in the opposite direction.
more that this student of Bible
Prophecy studies the fall of Satan,
the more obvious it becomes to
him that there indeed was a massive
cataclysmic global judgement of God against the world of Lucifer
(Satan) and his angels when they sinned by rebelling against God
during the Pre-Adamic Age. Since then, God has limited Satan and his
fallen angels to planet Earth and according to Jude 1 : 6,
some were chained in 'spiritual
darkness' because they left their domain & abode, therefore GOD
confined them to Earth and its' heaven (earth’s atmosphere)
awaiting their final judgement in the Lake of Fire. In short,
when Satan was cast off of heaven he
threw one of the biggest tantrums in
eternity by destroying almost every
living thing that GOD had 'beforehand' created
on a Pre-Adamic Earth in Job 38 : 7 !!! ( John 8 : 44 )
In the Book of Job 38 : 7 when GOD was creating planet Earth; the Angels celebrated with joyful shouts as GOD Almighty created yet another masterpiece in eternity; it is in the Book of Job too, that we learn that there was already another creation outside of the new creation that GOD was creating on planet Earth. It is obvious that the Angels were created long, long, long before us in a period of eternity which our 'finite' brain cells cannot conceive. It is also in Job 38 : 7 that we learn that Lucifer had 'NOT' yet rebelled along with a 3rd of the Angelic Hosts !!!
Obviously GOD had clearly completed and created a beautiful Earth in Job 38 :7 and 'NOT' one that was 'formless and empty and full of darkness' as Genesis 1 : 2 . It is rather obvious to this student of theology that 'ALOT' of things had transpired on planet Earth before Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden !!! The Book of Ezekiel 28 :13, reveals to us that Lucifer was once in charge of the Garden of Eden long before Adam was later created there !!! The Holy Scriptures do 'NOT' give us an exact timeline of when exactly Satan and One-Third of the Angels rebelled and were expelled onto planet Earth but 'NO" serious student of the Bible or Berean can deny that Satan was already on planet earth and outside of the Garden of Eden when GOD was creating Adam inside of the Garden of Eden. This student of Theology says this because the Holy Bible itself very clearly reveals to us that outside of the Garden of Eden was 'NOT' as much of a paradise as was inside of the Garden of Eden !!!
We have to remember that everything was 'NOT' created for us human beings who were created in the very 'Image of GOD.' The biblical truth is that 'Everything' was created by : Him and for Him !!! We human beings were created to populate this planet Earth and those of us that believe in Jesus Christ and His total atonement at the Cross of Calvary are going to inherit the 'New Jerusalem.' It's 'NOT' all about us , it's all about Him !!! We are being invited into eternity and into the heavens in a way to fill somewhat the place lost and abdicated by the 'millions upon millions' of fallen Angels who voluntarily out of their own free will chose to rebel against their own loving Creator !!! When they are finally kicked out of the heavens;
( Revelation 12 : 8 ) we shall beforehand be caught up to meet our Lord in the air !!! ( 1 Thessalonians 4 : 17 )
This student of Bible Prophecy believes that since Adam and Eve until today some 7000 years have passed 'BUT' that the age of this Universe is an entire different story. I believe that we are "ALL" wrong about the concept of 'TIME.' To this student of Theology this debate is as doctrinally important as the Rapture, most of my brothers would agree that the Rapture is not a doctrinal point of salvation ( whether you believe in it or not if you're a true believer in Jesus Christ you're going to be 'Taken' anyway !!! )
As this student of Theology studies the concept of 'Eternity' 7000+ years, 7,000,000= years and even 7 Billion+ years seemingly become irrelevant; I believe that when GOD reveals us many things in the New Jerusalem we are all going to be stunned !!! The truth that 'NO' theologian, Pastor, Apostle, Evangelist nor Prophet can deny is that 'Eternity' has been going on long, long and way longer than before any human recorded history was in place !!!
When did Jesus Christ see Satan fall like lighting from heaven? It can only have been during the Pre-Adamic Age, and not during the Adamic Age. This is because Satan was already a sinful fallen angel confined to Earth at the start of the Adamic Age. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible to suggest that Satan was cast down to earth from heaven after God had created Adam and Eve, during the Adamic Age. It is rather obvious that the angelic war between God’s Holy angels and the sinful rebellious angels that began in heaven but was finished on earth when God cast Satan and his angels out of heaven back down to earth initiated before GOD created Adam in the Garden of Eden. As a result, the whole beautiful Pre-Adamic Garden of Eden earth suffered cataclysmic violence of unimaginable proportions of : death, destruction, flooding, & darkness as described in Genesis 1:2.
Recently this believer was listening to one of my favorite Bible expositors on T.V. and he stated something that I had never even considered nor that had passed through this small brain of mine. The servant of GOD that was on T.V. stated that 'since when did the Angelic Hosts learned to fight ?' and why did GOD need 'armies of Angels' to begin with ? The Holy Bible is full of passages where GOD is described as the commander of a mighty army !!! ( Joshua 5 : 14, 1 Samuel 1 : 3, Psalms 24 : 9-10, Isaiah 6 : 5 ) by all of this, this student of Theology merely is trying to tell you that 'much. much more' has been going on in eternity long before GOD created us in the Garden of Eden on planet Earth. What the Bible Preacher was trying to communicate to us was that much, much more has been going on and is going on above the many heavens that are limited carnal eyesight cannot see !!!
In the 'Grand Scheme' of things if you and I just take a step back; we are able to witness that 'To Whom Much is Given Much Will be Required' being carried out in real time on this 'fallen planet' called Earth. GOD in effect didn't immediately cast Satan and the one third of the Fallen Angels directly into the 'Lake of Fire' because He sovereignly doesn't let anyone 'off the hook' that easily !!! Lucifer and all the Angels that chose to rebel were given, revealed, entrusted and endowed with great : powers, talents and gifts & yet they willingly corrupted themselves with a narcissist love !!! GOD Almighty is sovereignly teaching everyone an 'eternal lesson' about the consequences of : disobedience, rebellion and of sin !!! GOD sovereignly allowed the war that began in heaven to continue on planet Earth so that the product of the 'Seed of the Woman' would ultimately be the one to defeat Satan and by allowing Satan's rebellion to continue in this new creation 'ALL" those in the heavens as well as on Earth would forever know that 'EVIL' has 'NO' limits if left unchecked & unrestrained !!! The spiritual evidence is that 'Iniquity' is like a super-virus that exponentially grows and multiplies not only spiritually contaminating and infecting everyone and everything that it infects 'BUT' it has absolutely 'NO' love nor compassion for anything and anyone that it : devours, destroys and inhabits !!! We are 'NOT' an experiment of GOD, nor is GOD playing an eternal 'Chess match' with Satan; GOD is simply 'Rectifying' all the damage that Satan has caused and is causing by way of the total & absolute sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST finalized at the Cross of Calvary ! What Satan did to our Lord Jesus Christ at the Cross by way of the Roman Beast, proves and is evidence that Satan didn't want to just be like the most HIGH GOD; but that if given the opportunity; Satan ultimately sought to dethrone the very ONE who created 'EVERYTHING and EVERYONE' !!! ( obviously, Satan is 'NO' match or threat to GOD, GOD knows the future of all of His creations in eternity and Satan is but a 'Finite' being that corrupted himself and that has 'NO' redemption ever in eternity !!! GOD temporarily isolated and confined Satan's rebellion on planet Earth to demonstrate and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Satan doesn't repent of 'any and all' of the harm and destruction that he initiated and that has caused immense destruction both in the heavens and on Earth !!! )
Given what we presently know about this Universe with its trillions+ of galaxies, it is the 'personal observation and opinion' of Mario Romano, that GOD has been forever creating different creations all through eternity for His sheer & sovereign pleasure !!! The patterns all throughout this creation that I have come across and studied through the years very, very highly point to the reality that we are most definitely 'NOT' the only creation of GOD in this entire Universe. Very simply put, GOD created trees to produce fruit and it should be a 'NO' brainer that GOD created galaxies to be the producers of billions of other planets that would host you guessed it : LIFE !!! GOD has created different 'Levels' of life, for we were created lower than the Angels and there are millions of other animals and insects that were created much lower than us humans in this planet alone.
speaking 'Jesus Christ' did 'NOT'
die for the sins of other
creations, we are thee creation
that did fall into sin, in the parables
the Father ( GOD ) had more than one
sheep and more than just one
son; and if you've studied the
parables the Father ( GOD ) loved all
of His sons and sheep equally,
in our specific case we are that
'Prodigal' creation that did need salvation.
Bible teachers are teaching that GOD
is going to destroy this entire
Universe after the Millenium. This student of the
Holy Scriptures does 'NOT' agree with that
view, the truth is that we all hold a
very 'limited and opaque view' of what
is really taken place outside of
this solar system and of planet
Earth. I end this article
stating that our reality is that we
are the creation that was created
in direct response to the rebellion
that Satan initiated in the heavens
and that continues on planet Earth
to this day. The Holy Scriptures
make it very clear that GOD
created us in the very same
planet where He had cast Satan
into long before GOD created Adam
and Eve here !!! It is rather obvious
that planet Earth holds many secrets
that are 'NOT' specifically highlighted and mentioned
in the Holy Scriptures.
all the disagreements in Christianity,
no believer can deny that the
most important message of all the Holy Bible is
that GOD our Creator loves us
and that He has made it possible
for every human being to enter
into eternal life via the
complete sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST
completed at the Cross of Calvary.
GOD literally has the power and
the sovereign right to keep on
creating throughout all of eternity
and even though this servant of
GOD is "NO" Prophet nor
Nobel Prize winner; he knows without
a 'shadow of a doubt' that GOD
our Creator has 'NOT' been existing
solely around darkness and dark matter
before Genesis 1, we are one of
many creations of GOD !!! We may
very well be the only creation
created in the 'Image of GOD' and
this comes with great responsibility
and accountability and the sad truth
is that our Lord Jesus Christ
revealed to us that most 'human
beings' who were created in the 'Image of
GOD' choose the path that leads to
the 'Wide Gate' that leads to
damnation. ( Matthew 7 : 13-14 )
In "NO" way does this student of Bible Prophecy believes in the existence of extra-terrestrial beings and UFO's on planet Earth as it is being presented by the T.V. series 'Ancient Aliens' and most Hollywood movies on this subject. Satan and all of his fallen Angels are trying to 'DECEIVE' most if not all of humanity through a variety of deceptions and their deceptive capabilities are 'NOT' limited to : false religions, false Messiahs, UFO's, Satan is quite literally even throwing in the 'kitchen sink' 'BUT' all those who abide by the eternal WORD of GOD cannot be deceived.
We presently inhabit a fallen planet and while the New Jerusalem has literal 'streets of gold'( Revelation 21: 21 ) most people don't really seem to care, they have set their sights on the temporal things that this world has to offer and although this Universe and eternity is full of different creations our present reality is that Satan and a multitude of Fallen Angels and demons are bent on : destroying, enslaving, killing what GOD Almighty created in this planet, there is a war for the billions of human souls that have been born on planet Earth and Satan is not after those who he long ago deceived, he's after all those who are a threat to him !!!
In sum, as this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ studies and meditates on what GOD is capable of bringing to life; it is rather obvious that GOD has been creating different 'Levels' of creations ( life ); from the mighty Archangels all the way to the one-celled organism, from gigantic dinosaurs to the simple ant; it should be rather obvious that GOD likes variety and because you and I were created in the very 'Image of GOD' so much more is expected of us !!! It is a shame that many human beings are living like 'animals' Satan has so deceived much of humanity that most are nothing more than the 'Walking Dead' and it is comes as no surprise to this student of theology why more animals were saved during the flood than even human beings !!! Corporations on this planet are always seeking to expand into every nation and market and our GOD and Creator Almighty has been doing that very thing all through eternity !!! Certainly, we were not His first creation and neither shall we be His last; and this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ based upon the pattern that GOD has left all over the microbiological world and the astronomical world knows that the rest of the trillions+ of other galaxies in this Universe are 'NOT' all void and empty of life and if all of those trillions+ of other galaxies are not part of GOD's eternal future projects; I would be very, very surprised !!!
Some Bible teachers are teaching that GOD is going to destroy this entire Universe after the Millenium. This student of the Holy Scriptures does 'NOT' agree with that view, the truth is that we all hold a very 'limited and opaque view' of what is really taken place outside of this solar system and of planet Earth. I end this article stating that our reality is that we are the creation that was created in direct response to the rebellion that Satan initiated in the heavens and that continues on planet Earth to this day. The Holy Scriptures make it very clear that GOD created us in the very same planet where He had cast Satan into long before GOD created Adam and Eve here !!! It is rather obvious that planet Earth holds many secrets that are 'NOT' specifically highlighted and mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.
Despite all the disagreements in Christianity, no believer can deny that the most important message of all the Holy Bible is that GOD our Creator loves us and that He has made it possible for every human being to enter into eternal life via the complete sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST completed at the Cross of Calvary. GOD literally has the power and the sovereign right to keep on creating throughout all of eternity and even though this servant of GOD is "NO" Prophet nor Nobel Prize winner; he knows without a 'shadow of a doubt' that GOD our Creator has 'NOT' been existing solely around darkness and dark matter before Genesis 1, we are one of many creations of GOD !!! We may very well be the only creation created in the 'Image of GOD' and this comes with great responsibility and accountability and the sad truth is that our Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us that most 'human beings' who were created in the 'Image of GOD' choose the path that leads to the 'Wide Gate' that leads to damnation. ( Matthew 7 : 13-14 )
In "NO" way does this student of Bible Prophecy believes in the existence of extra-terrestrial beings and UFO's on planet Earth as it is being presented by the T.V. series 'Ancient Aliens' and most Hollywood movies on this subject. Satan and all of his fallen Angels are trying to 'DECEIVE' most if not all of humanity through a variety of deceptions and their deceptive capabilities are 'NOT' limited to : false religions, false Messiahs, UFO's, Satan is quite literally even throwing in the 'kitchen sink' 'BUT' all those who abide by the eternal WORD of GOD cannot be deceived.
We presently inhabit a fallen planet and while the New Jerusalem has literal 'streets of gold'( Revelation 21: 21 ) most people don't really seem to care, they have set their sights on the temporal things that this world has to offer and although this Universe and eternity is full of different creations our present reality is that Satan and a multitude of Fallen Angels and demons are bent on : destroying, enslaving, killing what GOD Almighty created in this planet, there is a war for the billions of human souls that have been born on planet Earth and Satan is not after those who he long ago deceived, he's after all those who are a threat to him !!!
In sum, as this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ studies and meditates on what GOD is capable of bringing to life; it is rather obvious that GOD has been creating different 'Levels' of creations ( life ); from the mighty Archangels all the way to the one-celled organism, from gigantic dinosaurs to the simple ant; it should be rather obvious that GOD likes variety and because you and I were created in the very 'Image of GOD' so much more is expected of us !!! It is a shame that many human beings are living like 'animals' Satan has so deceived much of humanity that most are nothing more than the 'Walking Dead' and it is comes as no surprise to this student of theology why more animals were saved during the flood than even human beings !!! Corporations on this planet are always seeking to expand into every nation and market and our GOD and Creator Almighty has been doing that very thing all through eternity !!! Certainly, we were not His first creation and neither shall we be His last; and this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ based upon the pattern that GOD has left all over the microbiological world and the astronomical world knows that the rest of the trillions+ of other galaxies in this Universe are 'NOT' all void and empty of life and if all of those trillions+ of other galaxies are not part of GOD's eternal future projects; I would be very, very surprised !!!
By : Mario Romano, the truth is that 'Eternity' has been going on long before Adam and Eve were created on planet earth, and long before Lucifer rebelled in the second heaven and even longer than the 'finite human brain' can comprehend. There are some secrets that GOD trusts 'NO' one with and only keeps unto Himself ( Deuteronomy 29 : 29 ) the truth is that GOD is 'NOT' going to hold us accountable for things that are beyond us, we will all only be held accountable for what He did clearly revealed to us through His Prophets found in the Holy Scriptures and what we did with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.