Let it be known that the Prophecies of the Bible "Guarantee" that the United States will "NOT" end up being the world's last superpower on planet Earth !!!
If you notice the statue of Nebudchadneezar you will realize that all four Kingdoms are 'Earthly Kingdoms' made from the elements of this planet and that arise from this planet to make war against Israel; by this I mean to say that we are "NOT" destined to colonize space and populate the Universe like some 'secular futurists' foresee humanity doing in less than a hundred years from now !!! Ladies and gentlemen GOD "DECREED" only a certain time for humanity on this planet & then judgement ! ( Daniel 9 : 24 )
As we come closer and closer to the edge of eternity and 'the end of the age' the entire present global order is guaranteed to be shaken and turned upside down by GOD ALMIGHTY who controls human history; let it be known that GOD ALMIGHTY 'long ago' wrote the ending of this planet and it shall all end and come to a conclusion as HE indicates so; as found in the Biblical Prophecies !!!
According to the Book of Revelation Satan deceives the whole world ( Revelation 12 : 9 ) and he is literally deceiving most of humanity into believing that this creation has no end ! "BUT" that is not what the HOLY BIBLE teaches, the Biblical Prophecies make it very clear that this creation will have an end ( Matthew 24 : 14 ) This servant of GOD has heard numerous famous : scientists, billionaires and corporations 'state pompously' that in 10, 20 or 30 years into the future we will have found a cure for : cancer, aids, ebola, solved global poverty and even colonized parts of space !!! "BUT" according to Bible Prophecy it will be the very opposite that will happen once the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse begin their world tour !!!
Events are coming to planet Earth that shall eclipse 100+ times over of what happened on September 11, 2001 to the United States. As born again believers we are warned by the Holy Scriptures to "NOT" make treasures on Earth because ultimately all will be utterly destroyed, we are to set our attention on the eternal things and make treasures in Heaven. Planet Earth for all intensive purposes is just a "Testing Ground" for eternity !!!
As this servant of Jesus Christ writes this article I am fully aware that those of the world are clueless about the 'times & the seasons' decreed by the Father; as I write there are numerous : Global Corporations. Mafia's, Drug Cartels and other International Criminal Organizations making 10 and 20 year goals like there's no end in sight and all the while they are literally carving out their conquests on a global map, the chief goal of theirs is to conquer the minds and the souls of men without any fear or regard of GOD; and these 'unholy parasitic organizations' outright see humanity just as guinea pigs for their unholy objectives. Some of these 'International Criminal Organizations' are now even more powerful than some national governments ! And if that wasn't enough there is a violent world religion promising to conquer the world by force !!! And to make matters even more interesting there are a few countries such as Russia making plans for global conquest all the while GOD in Heaven sees them as fools who are out to conquer the world at the expense of their eternal soul !!! What would it profit anyone to win the world and lose their eternal soul ?
As a student of Bible Prophecy I am "EXCITED" about the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ; as I study and observe the "FACT" that all 4 Beasts have appeared in history and played out their Prophetic role and that the world is about to be marveled by the rise of the second phase of the 4th Roman Beast in the not so distant future there is really "NO" excuse for any true believer to be 'Left Behind' because they were like the 5 foolish Virgins who weren't prepared. I could understand if the 3rd Beast was still in power "BUT" we are even beyond the first phase of the 4th Beast; who is destined to dominate the world according to Daniel's Prophecy for the last 3 and a half years of the Tribulation !!! ( Daniel 7 : 23 )
As messed up as this world is in its' 'fallen state'; GOD ALMIGHTY is still in control of it all !!! There is a very, very good reason why GOD did "NOT" throw Satan and the one-third of the fallen Angels into the Bottomless Pit and the Lake of Fire "IMMEDIATELY" right after the rebellion in Heaven took place !!! If you haven't already figured it out we were created in direct response in this moment in eternity to address the fall of Satan and that of the fallen Angeles; we were created to take the place in heaven and in eternity that Satan and the Fallen Angels abdicated; "NO" one is indispensable and irreplaceable before GOD ALMIGHTY !!! We were created in the midst of an ongoing war that spilled into Earth and that will ultimately be finalized in the Battle of Armageddon when Satan will be captured and thrown into the Abyss; planet Earth is a battlezone ! ( Revelation 20 : 2-6 ) There is a very, very big reason why Satan is out to : Kill, Steal and Destroy; as much as he can from those on planet Earth !
If it was up to him he would without any hesitation do to every human being what he did to Job in the Old Testament !!!
As you and I scan the internet to try to do some research into the Prophecy found in the Book of Daniel and Revelation we are bombarded by numerous different interpretations about 'who and what' the 10 Toes of Daniel and the 10 Kings of Revelation will end up being. This student of Bible Prophecy doesn't claim to be the only one who is interpreting this prophecy correctly "BUT" I will let you decide for yourself after this insignificant student of Bible Prophecy presents to you the Biblical and Historical evidence. This student of Bible Prophecy totally rejects the popular interpretation that the final 10 King's will be produced by 10 global regions; according to Bible Prophecy the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are going to tear up and engulf the nations into a global war whereby "Nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom" and it is the 2nd Horsemen of the Apocalypse who takes peace away from the Earth in "NO" way do I see a global United Nations from then on !!!
We live in an age where the "Nation-State" is the most powerful political entity on planet Earth, currently there are over 190+ different nation states 'some are weak and some strong' and some on the verge of anarchy and collapse such as is the case of Somalia...I state that the "Nation-State will remain relevant well into the Apocalypse and the Tribulation period because in "NO" way shape or form does this student of Bible Prophecy foresees the final 10 King's of Revelations as being : 10 Powerful Corporations or 10 of the richest men on Earth ; the Bible Prophecies can interpret themselves and when the global economy collapses most global corporations will go bankrupt leaving the "Nation-State" as the only entity that can militarily secure what will be left of the nations as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and nuclear war "RE-ARRANGE" the global balance of power during the "Tribulation Period."
This student of Bible Prophecy interprets the final 10 King's of Revelation as arising from the Mediterranean Region due to the "Biblical Fact" that all four Beasts of Daniel arose to power from that specific region in the past; the only difference between all of the Four Beasts found in the Prophecies of Daniel is that the prophecy reveals to us that the final one will be "DIFFERENT" from the previous Beast's that preceeded it in that it will have 10 Leaders heading it !!!
In contrast to the 3 other Beasts that would follow the 1st Beast, Nebudchadneezar held absolute power over the First Beast ( Babylonian Empire ) he was literally the : Supreme Court, the Congress and the Executive Branch all rolled up into one; and that is why his absolute power was symbolized as a head of gold !!! As the other 3 Beasts rise to power we observe that they are symbolized by inferior metals because their leaders do not hold absolute power of the Empire as that of the 1st Beast. ( shared power emerges with the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th and final Beast !!! ) It is the last Beast who is different than the previous ones before it in that power will be held and shared by 10 King's who in the end give all of their power and authority to the "Little Horn" !!!
We live in an age of global alliances where "NO" single "Nation-State" can afford to take on global security by itself even the U.S. is on the verge of bankruptcy because of this,
( most experts agree that one of the chief reasons why the implosion of the former Soviet Union came about was because the USSR bankrupted itself with all its military spending*) it is no secret that as the war against terrorism continues it is estimated thus far to have cost the U.S. over 1. 7 + TRILLION DOLLARS & counting !!! As the tribulation period goes into full force most of the nations of the world will collapse due to the fact that as it is most are on the verge of bankruptcy as it is and can barely feed their own populations; can you imagine how bad it's going to be when it gets 10+ times worst ???
( global famines, rampant diseases, economic collapse, anarchy in most cities of the world, martial law etc !!! )
As a student of Bible Prophecy and a child of the living GOD this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ makes it no secret that he wants to go down in the history of this planet as being among one of those whom correctly interpreted the Biblical Prophecies !!! ( my chief goal in life is leading others to Jesus Christ !!! )
As a student of Bible Prophecy I am amazed by those who are teaching that the final 10 King's of Revelation will end up being part of an eleborate group of the 'Illuminati' or 10 global corporations who somehow manage to outlive the "Nation-State." I remember viewing the 'Resident Evil Movies' and in those movies existed the 'Super Evil Umbrella Corporation' who somehow outlived all the nation-states, the truth according to Bible Prophecy is that the global economy is going to collapse in the future rendering money useless and making men to kill, steal and destroy just to survive !!!
In conclusion, EUinProphecy.com based on the historical Biblical evidence teaches and interprets that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be an elected body of leaders within the Mediterranean region and this includes what we presently call the European Union who shall rise to power in a post-nuclear war incident in the future that will be somehow democratically elected because the Biblical passages concerning this prophecy indicate that they are "Given" power together with the Beast for 42 months indicating that it will be an elected 42 month term !!! ( of course you and I know that they will only serve one term and then the end comes !!! )
This student of Bible Prophecy believes in the Rapture before the start of the 7 Year Tribulation Period and as I study the Biblical Prophecies and the political realities of this planet all the evidence points back to Rome, the 4th Beast began as a Roman one and "SHALL" end up as a Roman Beast" because according to the Holy Scriptures " A leopard cannot change its spots !!!" ( Jeremiah 13 : 23 ) Some very inpatient prophecy teachers can't seem to see beyond their ego and their noses; the world is going to be turned upside down by upcoming Prophesied wars and you better believe that some of these future wars are going to go nuclear !!!
Not too long ago the British Empire ruled the world's oceans and as World War I 'came and went' most of the British Empire started to collapse and erode and this student of World History believes that the U.S. Empire will somewhat closely mirror and follow in the fate of that of the British Empire ; meaning that future wars are going to place an enormous financial burden on the U.S military and its economy in the future.
This student of Bible Prophecy doesn't claim to be a Prophet "BUT" I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that ROME will be the political Epicenter of the final encarnation and phase of the 4th and final Beast of Daniel and Revelation !!! And like I have stated in the past; France and Germany are going to be two big toes because France has the Nukes, Germany has the Economic power and Italy is going to provide the religious Harlot who will ride this final Beast !!! ( I'm still working on who the other 7 will end up being* )
As backwards and ignorant as this servant of Jesus may appear to be; it is one of my chief goals in life to correctly interpret this Prophecy of the 10 King's to the Body of Christ and to those who fear GOD and are 'Watching and Praying' to be found worthy to escape all the 'Wrath and Judgement of GOD' that is coming upon those who dwell in the flesh on planet Earth !!!. As it is EUinProphecy.com was created by one out of over 10+ billion other human beings who have come and gone to planet Earth; this servant of Jesus Christ seeks not the applauses of men; he just seeks to put to good use the gifts that GOD entrusted him with !!! This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ will leave this planet fully knowing that he did "NOT" hid the gift that GOD ALMIGHTY gave him***
By : Mario Romano, Mario is an insignificant servant of Jesus Christ he believes that JESUS is GOD encarnate and he believes all of the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation and he knows and believes that GOD ALMIGHTY controls the rise and fall of : Empires, King's, Presidents and "ALL" of human history for HE knows the end of everything even before its' beginning ! In eternity and before GOD ALMIGHTY Satan has already been totally defeated and thrown into the bottomless pit, Militant Islam has already been utterly destroyed by fire from the heavens and all the nations which curse Israel have already been utterly cursed and vanquished from the face of this Earth ! JESUS CHRIST returns is getting ever closer and closer 'Maranatha' !!!