The Book of Reveleation 21 : 24 clearly reveals to us that there will be entire 'nations' and 'millions of people' that will ultimately be saved because they didn't accept the Mark of the Beast !!! ( during World War II, there were several 'neutral & non-aligned countries' that didn't take part in WW II ) Also, Revelation 14 : 9 makes it clear that there will be some who will choose "NOT" to accept the "Mark of the Beast" and such people who somehow manage miraculously to survive up until the physical Second Coming will be allowed to enter into the Millenium !!! ( such survivors will have to endure and survive not just the "Mark of the Beast" but also the 21 judgements found in Revelation !!! )
The truth is that the 666 Mark of the Beast ( Revelation 16 : 10 ) will be for the most part implemented in the "Kingdom of the Beast." All throughout history people have managed to survive even when the entire national economy collapsed, examples of this include : Argentina, Zimbabwe, Germany just to name a few. It's going to be very, very challenging to most of the people who live in cities, people who live in cities can't grow their own food and it is mostly them who will be at the mercy of the coming 666 Mark !!!
Biblically speaking we do know that out of billions, millions of human beings will "NOT" accept and take the "Mark of the Beast." We know that the 144,000 Jewish evangelists won't and we also know that numerous new believers will be killed for rejecting it ( Revelation 13 : 15 ) .
The birth, launching pad and initial world wide implementation of the future "Mark of the Beast" will be epicentered in what we presently call the European Union. EUinProphecy.com has been teaching for over a decade that the $ EURO will ultimately be 'pegged or replaced' with the digital "Mark of the Beast" in the endtimes; that is why we have been following the : rise, fall and the restabilization of the $EURO currency for many years now. For neither the : Eurozone, the EU nor the Euro have been finalized !!!
According to the Book of Revelation the "Mark of the Beast" is introduced somewhere in the midst of Daniel's 70th Week and will "NOT" be implemented for the whole and final 7 years of the Tribulation period. Hitler reigned almost supreme in Germany with 11 years of almost absolute power and according to the Biblical Prophecies the future "Little Horn" will only be given 3 and a half years of absolute power; "BUT" we have to realize that he will already be very active politically and diplomatically on the world stage "BEFORE" he receives absolute power along with the 10 King's because because it is he who "Confirms the Covenant with the Many" for a week and breaks it later on in the midst thereof !!!
Students of Bible Prophecy and novices alike should understand and consider that while the "Mark of the Beast" is being implemented and enforced during the Tribulation period; several other calamities will continue, people won't just have to be worried about the 666 Mark; but they will also have to survive numerous oncoming horrors and judgements that will follow 'one after another' until the physical 2nd coming of Jesus Christ takes place !!! In other words the "Mark of the Beast" is just one of many great challenges that people caught in the Great tribulation Period will have to find a way to overcome and escape !!! ( Most of the population of the world won't stand a chance ( billions ); but some will manage a way to survive ( millions * )
The truth is that neither Satan nor his Ten Headed Beast will be able to be everywhere at once, the Beast as powerful as he will be won't be able to commit an unlimited number of resources to be chasing and persecuting people who will surely be hiding in the remotest places of this planet; this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't envision the Beast's military machine and foot soldiers chasing remote people hiding in remote and hidden places of this planet such as in : Alaska, Australia, Siberia in Russia, the Amazon and numerous remote places in Africa; it is rather obvious that millions of people will somehow manage to escape and evade the coming 666 Mark. This being said "MOST" of the people on planet earth live in densely 'urban cities' and it is in such places of this planet where the 666 Mark will mostly be enforced.
The Holy Bible "WARNS" us very clearly that those who allow themselves to be Marked with the 666 Mark will have lost any hope of salvation; in other words accepting the 666 Mark "Guarantees" hellfire and eternal damnation to all those who willingly accept it on their right hand or forehead.
The 666 Mark of the Beast "CANNOT" be implemented 'until and after' several global economic collapses come to pass.
( Book of Revelation 6 : 5 - 8 )
The future "Mark of the Beast" is Satan's seal; just as GOD seals His children with the seal of the Holy Spirit, Satan will seal all those who reject the WORD of the living GOD with his 666 Mark. During the Holocaust Hitler ordered the Jews to wear a badge around their arms with the Yellow Star of David to identify the Jews in the endtimes Satan inspires his "Little Horn and False Prophet" to introduce the "Mark of the Beast."
There is a chronology of events that must happen first before the world is introduced to the infamous 666 Mark of the Beast !!! First of all, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse must first do their thing and this mean that before the "Mark of the Beast" is introduced some 25% of the worlds population must die and the global economy must also suffer great contractions !!!
It is still too early to tell what technology will be utilized for the implementation of the 666 Mark. Many are saying that it will be RFID chips, the truth is that we are living in a time where technology is moving faster than ever before and this student of Bible Prophecy suspects that the 666 technology has yet to be invented; obviously it will be digital and electronic in nature and connected to a global network "BUT" it is still too early to declare for sure that it will be 'this technology or that one' because as this student of Bible Prophecy types this article new ID technology are being invented by several security and ID companies throughout this planet. that inlcude biometrics and are not necessarily RFID chips !!!
The most technologically advanced societies already using digital and electronic currency are Western Societies as well as Asian countries. It is now a reality in the USA, the EU and numerous countries such as in South Korea and Japan where people have stopped using and carrying cash; most of their daily financial transactions are now being done electronically and digitally so it should come as no surprise which countries will be the first to implement the future endtimes "Mark of the Beast." We are now living in an age where even our Passports and National ID's contain critical identifying technology about us all with a mere hand scan !!!
For the most part of human history people have found very creative ways of surviving by just "Bartering" and this student of Bible Prophecy knows that millions of people all over the world who chose not to take the 666 Mark will survive somehow not just the dreaded Mark of the Beast but also the 21 Plagues mentioned in the Book of Revelation at the same time !!!
Truly, the global economic collapse that is coming is nothing new, when Adolph Hitler rose to power the German economy was in shambles "YET" Hitler and his astute economists managed to 'prop up' what seemed to be a doomed economy that would take decades to revive; Germany had piled up huge war reparation debts and had huge unemployment figures and to top it all off the German currency that had just undergone massive inflation and devaluation "YET" Hitler and his economic advisers managed to find a way to go around all of these economic challenges and managed to 'prop up' the German Military as never before !!! ( this left international bankers stunned !!! ) Most of the world economy is going to go through what Germany went through in the 1930's and this is one of the many reasons why the "Mark of the Beast" will be implemented in the future as a financial and economic identifier.
By : Mario Romano, this servant of Jesus Christ "CANNOT" leave planet earth until GOD ALMIGHTY allows him to complete the : whole, full and total purpose for which GOD ALMIGHTY allowed him to come to planet Earth. It is my prayer and goal to reach my full potential in Jesus Christ & to help others reach theirs ! When this servant of Jesus Christ is postrate before the CREATOR of everything that ever was and will be; HE teaches me things that one just cannot learn at : Harvard, Yale , Stanford or MIT !!! This servant of the Living GOD acknowledges that he will not be able to leave planet earth unscathed by the attacks of the enemy "BUT" he knows without a doubt that the HOLY SPIRIT will never, ever abandon him even through the Valley of Death or through the Fire !!! It is purely by the sheer grace and mercy that this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is still standing here today; I refuse to give up !!! I may not look like much but you would be surprised with what GOD ALMIGHTY can do with even the most backwards and ignorant soul; once HE baptizes you with the FIRE of HIS HOLY SPIRIT nobody can ever be the same!!!