- Daniel 5 : 26The book of Revelation reveals to us that TWO BEASTS will arise out of this planet in the endtimes. The First Beast rises from the SEA and he symbolizes and will be a political leader and the SECOND Beast arises from the Earth and he most likely will be a religious leader.
((( In reality 'When' the European's unite their militaries; because they are 'NOT' starting from scratch / zero ( most EU countries already have a small 2nd rated military apparatus already in place that is connected with NATO*) they will be led by someone with unholy wisdom who knows all about human warfare tactics and one who knows the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the :Chinese, Russian, Arab militaries and especially near the end that of Israel's !!! What will happen is as the U.S. withdraws from Europe / NATO in the future; 'SOME' of the EU countries will ally themselves to create that endtimes ARMY created and led by the 10 King's of Revelation and 'ALTHOUGH' the European's will 'NOT' have more nuclear weapons than Russia nor a larger Navy than : China, the unholy supernatural powers that the 'Little Horn' will possess will serve as a 'Force Multiplier' in his favor during the Tribulation period !!! All the European's need is someone like : Alexander the Great or another Napoleon 'like' military leader and according to Bible Prophecy they are 100% guaranteed of getting someone even more ambitious than : Hitler, Napoleon and Alexander the Great *** Revelation 6 : 1-3 ))) - Mario Romano, student of : military and political theory*
((( As a student of WWII, i do not doubt that if Hitler had an atomic bomb he would have willingly used it back then to guarantee himself victory at any cost. Some fellow Bible Prophecy watchers like to drop names like : Elon Musk, but Elon does 'NOT' command any : Army, Navy, Airforce or nuclear weapons; the rider in Revelation 6 is bent on global / regional 'CONQUEST' and this student of Bible Prophecy knows 100% that he will be using nuclear weapons against his enemies for certain !!! - Daniel 11 : 38 ))) Note : the 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6, affect and wipeout 25% of this world, that's why i am 100% certain that he will use nuclear weapons : massive: famine, death, radiation, $$$hyper-inflation etc, follow the unholy 4 horsemen of Revelation 6 !!!
((( This servant of GOD may seem like a 'Broken Record' repeating himself over and over 'BUT' because i am the only one that has been WARNING for several years now that NATO will be replaced by the final 10 Kings of Revelation and i am presently being proven very likely correct by the actions of Trump and the reactions of EU-NATO members; it is my responsibility to 'NOT' remain quiet for we are going into endtime things that not even the Prophet Daniel understood*)))
((( This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' expects Satan to once again raise a : German / Austrian to finish what Hitler was not able to decades ago. EUinProphecy has zeroed in on what geographic epicenter on this planet where Satan will most likely RAISE his unholy son / disciple !!! Without a doubt : The UK, France, Italy and Germany will be producing 4 of the 10 King's of Revelation !!! The European's will be FORCED to militarily unite and pool their military resources once NATO comes undone !!! Germany's new leader has been in German politics since the 1980's but he was also a lawyer and a $$$ lobbyist, former German Chancellor : Angela Merkel kind of pushed him out of power years ago but he has returned !!! )))
"Most fellow Bible Prophecy Watchers are 'NOT' reporting on what this student of Bible Prophecy is because most are too proud to admit that they are wrong; because they truly believe in the unrealistic 10 Global Region theory / idea ( Club of Rome*) that will produce the 10 King's of Revelation. In contrast EUinProphecy has been teaching for several years now that NATO will be replaced by that future and final 10 King military alliance !!!"
- Mario Romano, unworthy servant of : Jesus Christ***
Several years ago this student of Bible Prophecy and student of : Geopolitics, Strategic Studies, Nuclear Proliferation and Game Theory did a simulation of thee most likely future global scenario that would allow for the rise of the 10 Horns of Daniel and the 10 King's of Revelation and our conclusion pointed to the dissolution of NATO sometime near / close to Daniel's 70th Week !!! We give GOD all the honor and glory for allowing this ministry and this imperfect servant of HIS to be the first one's on this planet to FOREWARN years ago that NATO's decline will eventually pave the way for the rise of the 10 King's of Revelation. The words, actions and reactions of several top European leaders are vindicating this student of Bible Prophecy and proving that EUinProphecy is going beyond : The Late Great Planet Earth and even beyond the 'Left Behind Series' !!! ( and please take notice that those who call themselves 'Youtube Prophets' like : Troy Black, Kim Clement ( whom passed away years ago*) Dana Coverstone and Brandon Biggs did 'NOT' predict NATO's decline in any of their 'Dreams & Visions' ***) The European's will be forced to militarily create their own Defense Forces in the future as NATO comes undone and some of them 'SHALL' militarily unite to form those final 10 King's of Revelation; not all present 27 members of the European Union ( The EU is a : political and economic union and 'NOT' a military one*) will voluntarily nor democratically vote to also be members of such a future 'Military Union' !!!
You do 'NOT' need to be a Prophet to know that President Donald Trump will 'NOT' be President of the USA in
4+ years from now
!!! The U.S. Constitution does 'NOT' allow Trump to run again as this is his second term already, thus we know that Trump who is 'NO' King with a lifetime Kingship / Throne will be out of power after his 4 year term is up.
( Additionally, Trump is presently 78 years old, making him amongst the oldest U.S. President in U.S. History, Trump could 'NOT' endure yet another 7 year Tribulation period for several reasons and he is 'NOT' Mr.666***) EUinProphecy has been 'CONFIRMING' for several years that Pope Francis would "NOT" be the final Pope that will direct the Roman Vatican through the Tribulation period together with over 1+ Billion spiritually blind followers. I also do not expect Ukraine's Zelensky to still be in power in 4 years neither.
This servant of Jesus Christ has been OBSERVING the rise and the entire political career of Russia's : Vladimir Putin since 1999. When Putin was given the opportunity in the Kremlin by Boris Yeltsin, i sincerely did 'NOT' think much of Putin for he looked physically harmless and not all that ambitious and i have to admit that i have been surprised by his political career following the path of STALIN, Putin is a very "RUTHLESS" Russian that would put to shame any Russian Mob BOSS !!! Putin is now 72 years old, Trump is 78 years old, China's : Mr.Xi is 71 and Turkey's : Erdogan is 70 and lastly; the Pope is 88 !!! ( Even if Pope Francis survives his present illness / health challenges i expect him to be replaced within a year from today ***) what i am trying to say is that the age of these 'DICTATORS' helps us to also understand a little bit the timing of the endtimes should they happen to be the TRIBULATION LEADERS; do all of them still have 7+ years of political life ??? ( Most do 'NOT' thus i expect at least some of them to be replaced !!! )
Those who doubt the Universal sovereign power of GOD our CREATOR should know that GOD has also sovereignly allowed the destruction of entire Galaxies in 'Eternity Past' and whatever life existed there once !!! ( Astronomical evidence 'clearly' proves that entire galaxies have been colliding and merging with others far away from our Milky Way galaxy ) and what i am trying to get at is that GOD has absolutely "NO" problem putting an end to any of HIS creations in any corner / crevice / planet/ galaxy of this HIS universe !!!
This servant of GOD fully acknowledges that he does "NOT" have the same gifts that : Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye had when it came to writing eschatological things "BUT" thee ONE GIFT that GOD has given me i have tried my best for the past 20+ years to use it for the benefit of the Body of Christ and expose it to the whole world and anyone else who will listen !!! ( Through various internet means ***) EUinProphecy specializes in : Daniel's 4th and final Beast / 10 King's of Revelation; meaning that i do not claim to know : Greek / Hebrew Aramaic like other fellow scholar believers do and i respect that because it takes many years of hard study to become proficient and an 'Expert' in any field and what i have spent half of my lifetime studying is : DANIEL'S 4TH BEAST
((( This student of Bible Prophecy was 'NOT' surprised by the shouting match that Trump had with the leader of the Ukraine. If you have been reading our ARTICLES for several years you are well aware that we have been forecasting the end of NATO and that the European's will be forced to create / unify their ARMED FORCES without American Military Leadership because it's 'HINTED' in the Biblical Prophecies !!! What i do know with 100% certainty is that Russia will 'PREVAIL' ( despite massive losses*) President Trump and Zelensky will be out of power in 4 years and Putin ( if he indeed is the Prince of Rosh ) will make his way after the Ukrainian-Russian War into the Middle East 'AFTER' Trump leaves office !!! Putin has been in power now for 24 years and his : health, geopolitical ambitions and drive for REVENGE tells me that he still has enough energy to be the Russian leader during the Ezekiel 38 War !!! ))) ( While i do not agree with some things that President Trump is doing and how he is doing them, i do agree with him that the Ukrainian-Russian War should end ASAP because the Ukraine is in absolutely 'NO' position to win; this year nor in five more years !!! Lastly, Trump is 'NOT' prophesied to save the USA, GOD has been dealing directly with Israel / Jews; long, long before the USA became a nation in 1776 and GOD does 'NOT' need the U.S. Military to defend Israel in fact the USA won't in the Ezekiel 38 War nor in the Mr.666 surprise attack during the 'AOD' nor in the final Battle of Armageddon ***)
Eternal Fact # 5 ( Eternity Future Series *)Genesis 1 records the beginning of man and the beginning of his 'TIME' on this planet !!! Genesis 1, was obviously "NOT" the beginning of Eternity. Several Biblical passages confirm to us that there was ALREADY other previous creations of GOD in the other heavens in existence 'BEFORE' GOD created : Adam and Eve in an ongoing 'Eternity Timeline.' GOD : YHWH our Eternal Creator has been creating long, long before the foundation of this world even took place !!! ( Proverbs 8 : 22-23 ) It should be noted that GOD 'NEVER' ever intended to 'Reveal' everything to HIS Prophets nor to humanity; GOD has only revealed what is pertinent to us to know at any given time. ( We are in a Progressive Revelation timeline*) There have been numerous other creations that have preceded us in ETERNITY !!! and GOD is 'NOT' finish creating neither; for there 'SHALL' be many, many new and other beginnings in Eternity Future !!! Those of us who have repented of our sins and have received : Jesus Christ as our savior will continue to LEARN about the majesty of our Eternal Creator all throughout eternity itself !!! We will 'NEVER' know it all, but GOD will keep revealing to us little by little things that HE wants us to know throughout eternity*** In sum, with the wisdom that the HOLY SPIRIT has given this imperfect human soul i can 'CONFIRM' 100% that this Universe with over : 1,000,000,000,000+ Galaxies, 2,000,000,000,000,000+ other Solar systems and over 1 Quintillion+ other planets is replete with other 'Diverse' creations of GOD ALMIGHTY; he / she is a 'FOOL' who believes that they have GOD figured all out; those who think that they can put GOD ALMIGHTY in a 'little box' have absolutely 'NO' idea of the Omnipotence of our CREATOR : YHWH: who physically manifested Himself on this planet in : JESUS CHRIST !!! ***
In conclusion, some might ask why aren't other endtimes ministries / Watchmen reporting on what EUinProphecy is reporting on ??? ( Like : Raptureready.com, Tom Bell, Andy Woods, Pete Garcia, Britt Gillette, Amir Tsarfati and several others much greater than me***) I do 'NOT' teach : Algebra, Greek nor Physics simply because i have not studied it for many years as other experts have; my specialization is DANIEL's 4th BEAST / Roman Empire and all of its' offshoots; i have invested over 20+ years of my LIFE to studying Daniel's final 4th Beast and this has made me somewhat one of the world's leading semi-experts on this specific Bible Prophecy subject *** As a serious student of Bible Prophecy i believe that this is THEE final generation that will witness the final Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation be fulfilled within the lifetime of most of the 8+ Billion human souls presently living today !!! If i seriously did not believe this i would NOT be doing this !!! The return of JESUS CHRIST is nearing but even more so the RISE of Satan's unholy son will be fulfilled FIRST and he will ALREADY be in some type of a powerful political post even BEFORE he 'Confirms the Covenant With the Many' for 7 years ( This fact alone proves that he is already in power even before those 7 final years begin***)
I have heard and read all the opposing views of why we should not worry or put too much weight and emphasis on Bible Prophecy "BUT" because i go by the WORD of GOD and not anyone's opinions i choose to : TEACH, WARN and INFORM anyone who will listen about Daniel's final Beast because it is IN THE BIBLE !!! In the end i will have to give an account to my CREATOR for being a 'Faithful servant and responsible Watchman' !!! ( If the Bible was silent on this specific endtimes subject so would i 'BUT' because it has NUMEROUS Prophecies concerning it 'Me Thinks' that GOD Wants us to Know about it' !!!
In sum, the HOLY SOIRIT knows that i do "NOT" delight in the death or destruction of anyone created in the 'Image of GOD' !!! This poor servant of GOD writes these ARTICLES only because i do BELIEVE in the Biblical Prophecies and mainly BECAUSE GOD wants us to know about it !!! i do 'NOT' apologize for the illumination that GOD has given to this servant of GOD; i have prayed to my CREATOR that my life will not be in vain, i want to be USEFUL in HIS HOLY HANDS, as imperfect and flawed as i am i believe that the existence of this website for 20+ years alone is PROOF that GOD has called this poor servant of HIS to do this !!! I have not used my GOD given GIFT to $$$ Exploit anyone nor have i sought FAME, the only one i am trying to impress is GOD my CREATOR, i OWE HIM everything and HE owes me nothing; i do this because other fellow WATCHERS are for some reason oblivious to what i do know about Daniel's 4th Beast, i do 'NOT' claim any special revelation, sometimes i wish i was like most fellow Christians and be ignorant of the Biblical Prophecies 'BUT' it's too late for that; GOD HAS PUT ME HERE AND IT WOULD BE A SIN FOR ME TO KEEP QUIET !!!

BY: a fellow Watchman of the endtimes who cautions everyone that the 'Prince of Darkness' is going to exploit and use the Fr____h Nuclear Forces this final time and not so much Germany like he did over 80+ years ago to go after : Israel during the Tribulation period !!! ( The truth is that Germany has been disarming for several decades now, the German psyche is still stigmatized by their role in WWI and WWII and they are trying their hardest to be 'Isolationists' as best as they can; additionally they have also been closing down and moving away from nuclear power thus they are 'NOT' considered a Nuclear power like : the UK and France***) Although Satan is going to give some very powerful diabolical powers to his final 'Little Horn' he is still going to need a capable : ARMY, AIRFORCE and NAVY to go against the IDF during the time of Jacob's trouble !!! It remains to be seen who will be France's last President; i remain OPEN to several scenarios !!! EUinProphecy is thee FIRST eschatological ministry that teaches that NATO will come undone in the future and that is one of several reasons why the 10 King's of Revelation rise to prominence in the future !!! ( Unfortunately, nuclear terrorism / war is coming *) This human being is 'NOT' leaving this planet empty handed, with the direction of the HOLY SPIRIT i intend to 'Spiritually Wake Up' millions of human souls before GOD takes me away from this body and this planet !!! To be truthful and honest; i have tried my best not to specifically mention NAMES 'BUT' because GOD has allowed me to come this far with the GIFT that 'HE' gave me i must TEACH and INFORM on those endtimes things that not even the Prophet Daniel understood during his time !!! I have 'NOT' had any Angelic visitations nor Visions like the Prophet Daniel; i am here by having done my homework ( RESEARCH, RESEARCH; 1000's of hours of it !!! Through the years !!! ) When all of this is FINALIZED and after the MILLENIUM GOD is going to allow this servant of HIS to supervise an entire Galaxy, all i know is that it's 'NOT' going to be the Andromeda Galaxy nor our own : Milky Way Galaxy; you better believe that i am extremely EXCITED and MOTIVATED in serving our GOD and CREATOR : YHWH : who physically manifested Himself in : JESUS CHRIST and although 'NONE' of us deserves anything to begin with; HE has promised great 'REWARDS' to those who have been FAITHFUL to HIM !!! ( Matthew 25 : 23 )