And in the Days of Those Ten King's Shall The GOD of Heaven Set Up a Kingdom That Shall Never Be Destroyed. - Daniel 2 : 44
Most European monarchies were abolished after World War I. As of August 2024, there are still 12 literal monarchies / King's in Europe. Between the years of 1492 to 1610 over : 3,000,000+ million Muslims were expelled from Spain alone by the edict and order of the : KING of SPAIN. ( The future 10 King's will do likewise once again*) There was a literal: Expulsion, Reconquista and an Inquisition in that part of Europe in the past and according to the Book of Revelation things will 'REPEAT' themselves yet again in the future but on an even much grander scale !!!
- Book of Revelation 6 : 4
We reiterate as we have been teaching for many years that thee most 'Likely and Realistic Scenario' of the USA in Bible Prophecy is that it will suffer yet another major "Great Depression" as the one that took place in 1929 -1939. The U.S. $$$ Economy is full of 'Bubbles' ( major : real estate bubble and stock market bubble; etc... ) that will 'Pop' and the exploding $$$ National Debt at over : $ 35 Trillion dollars is most certainly 'NOT' helping much. I do 'NOT' foresee the 10 King's sharing their power with anyone in the White House, the European's have been trying to distance themselves from the USA and American Foreign Policy for some time now and even though they presently enjoy NATO's nuclear umbrella and the fact that they were saved $$$ by the 'Marshall Plan' they seek to distance themselves from American Hegemony as much as possible. The USA in my 'Personal Opinion' can 'NOT' be one of those 10 Horns because of the 4+ million Jews living here in the USA; thee most likely scenario that i foresee is the collapse of the U.S. $$$ Economy that will force millions+ of American Jews back to Israel 'BECAUSE' the Biblical Prophecies say so !!! ( Ezekiel 20 : 41-42 ) ( I can not rule out the possibility of another 'global biological / viral outbreak' that could affect the USA and the world even more so than Covid-19 did, thus i am still open to other realistic possibilities*)
"The Daniel 2 : 44 Prophecy confirms to us that the War of Ezekiel 38 must obviously take place 'BEFORE' the 10 King's of Revelation fully rise to power for they 'SHALL' fill in the power vacuum in that region of the world that shall be left open as most of the : Islamic Nations militarily implode along with a nuclear Russia in their Prophesied defeat in Ezekiel 38 !!!" ( it should be rather obvious that the 10 King's of Revelation are 'NOT' Islamic because most of the most powerful Muslim countries ( Iran & Turkey etc*) are going DOWN in the Ezekiel 38 War; the 10 King's and their military forces will dominate most of the world during the final 3 and a half years*) Satan you are going down too baby with all of your unholy : disciples and children !!! )
- Mario Romano, student of : Strategic Studies, Assymetric Warfare, Nuclear Proliferation and Bible Prophecy*
"Why 10 King's ??? In the past it was much more easier for CONQUERING POWERS ( Empires, King's etc ) to CONQUER their weaker regional enemies by simply having a much larger and professional army; the WORLD of today has changed, most nations have themselves all have a standing professional army with modern weapons including : Nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass destruction ( Chemical, Biological etc *) the European's have learned that 27 Members in the European Union produce too much bureaucracy and it impedes many other things too ( a Beast with too many heads that wants to go into too many different directions*) additionally we live in a time when 'MOST' nations are very limited in their spending '$$$ Military Budgets' because their political leaders are forced to spend most of the Nations $$$ Resources on national 'Social Programs' thus a number like 10 is not too big and not too small, those final 10 King's in my 'OPINION' are going to UNITE to pool their military resources and thus CREATE a large and capable 'MILITARY FORCE' in the endtimes that will be just big enough and armed enough to CONTEND with 'ALL' the Military Threats around them and the TRUTH be told even though : Britain and France are the only two Western European Countries that possess NUCLEAR WEAPONS in that region of the world neither : France or the UK could realistically CONQUER much of the WORLD today by themselves they both lack hundreds of thousands / millions of new soldiers / conscripts. ( individually they would lack the manpower to conquer most of the world as Prophesied in Daniel 7 : 23 ) I personally believe that those 10 King's will each input at a minimum : 250,000+ to 500,000+ soldiers each; thus the endtimes ARMED FORCES of the BEAST will consist at a minimum of a standing army of : 3+ to 5+ Million Soldiers and you bet that they will head to the Middle East not just to secure the OIL there for themselves; but to do the same thing that Roman Troops did in Jerusalem some 2000+ years ago !!!" ( I personally believe that despite BREXIT that nuclear : Britain and France will be part of those 10 King's very simply because of their history; both were part of the Roman Empire, both were Imperial Colonizing Powers, both are being invaded by illegal Islamic / North African immigrants and both in 1919 in the Sykes-Picot Agreement militarily enforced the carving up of the modern borders of much of the Middle East !!! )
- Mario Romano, student of Military Theory and Political Theory*
Who is like the BEAST and who is able to make WAR against it ? ( Revelation 13:4 - 5 ) This student of Bible Prophecy is the first in this world to TEACH that thee final 10 King's of Revelation will most likely be a future 'Military Alliance' POST-NATO and please take note because the idea / theory of 10 global regional leaders is politically and militarily unrealistic !!! This fellow servant of Jesus Christ does 'NOT' teach about a future democratic 'World Government' as many are WRONGLY teaching, to believe that the future 10 King's are a future open minded democracy is like believing that the German NAZI's of the 1930's cared about other Political Groups and allowed their Political Rivals a place at the TABLE and in power together !!! The description of Daniel 7 : 23 about the endtimes KINGDOM of the BEAST describes it as : HEARTLESS, BRUTAL, SADISTIC UNDEMOCRATIC and BENT ON GLOBAL CONQUEST !!! ( additional further historical proof : when Communists took over Russia /USSR they did 'NOT' share power with other political groups and the same pattern repeated itself in China with it's Communist Party; thus there will 'NOT' be a democratic endtimes 'World Government' as some are wrongly teaching* )
This article is a personal response to; Proverbs 25:2 and 2 Timothy 2:15, this very imperfect human soul 'Presents' this only because GOD gave this mortal vessel some wisdom via the gifts of the Holy Spirit. All 'honor and glory' belongs to GOD : YHWH our Creator, how i physically look like is 'NOT' important; for GOD sees beyond flesh and blood and other things that the limited eyesight of men can not see and 'HE' greatly rewards that which is done in secret for HIS honor and glory and 'NOT' done to gain favor or fame before men. An eschatological topic / subject like this could very easily have been made into a BOOK 'BUT' i do not consider myself a great writer or much of a good speaker. I have tried my best to turn this 'CHALLENGING' eschatological subject into something that everyone can understand.
Presently, as of August 2024, there are approximately 60 authoritarian countries in this world, such countries are 'NOT' democratic in any way shape or form and two prime examples of authoritarian governments include : North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Additionally of the 190+ sovereign nations states that presently exist on this planet, there are 57 Islamic countries on this planet who do 'NOT' see America nor Democracy in a 'good way' if you know what i mean !!! What this student of Bible Prophecy is trying to get at is that even Satan Encarnate ( Daniel's Little Horn*) will 'NOT' be fully able to conquer nor sway every single of the 190+ nation states in this world during the Tribulation period for ample and very obvious reasons !!!
This servant of Christ Jesus is writing this article because he knows that he is running out of the allotted TIME that GOD our CREATOR destined us with before the very foundation of the world even took place !!! ( i am not getting any younger and my body is telling me things i do not want to address at this very moment in life at least not yet *) I do 'NOT' desire to leave this planet quietly and ignorantly like 'MOST' thus if i am INDEED correct on 'Identifying' Daniel's final 4th Beast my LIFE will have fulfilled its purpose, out of billions+ of human souls who have been allowed to be born on this planet, the idea of being one of a very few to get this far is very 'Spiritually Fulfilling' !!!
What you are about to read is the work of over 20+ years of studying the Biblical Prophecies as well as : Western Civilization, Eurasian Geopolitics, Roman History, Jewish history, International Political systems and Satan's unholy footprints and fingerprints left all over the entire history of this planet since the Garden of Eden. This human being WRITES this as a 'NEUTRAL' observer and witness of this Final Generation; i am 'NEITHER' : Jewish nor Muslim and i take absolutely 'NO' delight nor pleasure from the death of any human soul who was created in the 'Image of GOD' !!! My focus is 'NOT' on Islam because Islam was 'IRRELEVANT' and non-existent during the RISE of the 4 Pagan Beasts of the past and Islam 'SHALL' once again become 'IRRELEVANT' during the Great Tribulation as most Islamic countries suffer massive destruction from the JUDGEMENTS of GOD as well as from direct man-made destruction that will be brought against them from the BEAST with 10 HORNS who will care less about any 'RELIGION' for that final BEAST will want worship only for himself !!! ( Revelation 13 : 4 )
This fellow believer and servant of thee ONLY ONE TRUE GOD : YHWH : JESUS CHRIST ENCARNATE; would never dare to write about this subject if he was not up to the job. For the past 20+ years GOD has allow me to STUDY and OBSERVE the development of the European Union from every possible angle ( Economically, culturally, sociologically, militarily etc *) This servant of Jesus Christ would like to clarify that ISLAM and the millions+ of legal and illegal Islamic immigrants that are populating many of Europe's cities will 'NEVER' demographically overtake the indigenous populations there very simply because there is 'NOT' enough time left !!! We do not have another 30+ years left, for we are at the doors of : Daniel's final 70th Week !!!
I would like to start by stating who can "NOT" be those final 10 King's of Revelation. The 'Arab League' formed in 1945 can 'NOT' be those 10 King's very simply because according to the Book of Revelation and Daniel that endtimes BEAST will consist only of 10 and 'NOT' 22; additionally according to the Prophecy, those future 10 King's are 'ONLY' given absolute power for three and a half years and the Arab League is now over 74+ years old, thus the obvious of why they / it can not be it !!!
NATO, can 'NOT' be the BEAST of Revelation because it has already been in existence since 1949 and it's membership of 32 countries / member states far eclipses the number 10 !!!
The United Nations ( UN ) can 'NOT' be the final 10 King's because it has already been in existence since 1945 and has a membership of 193 countries and 'NOT' even the UN's 15 members of the Security Council are of 'ONE MIND' they always vote against the best interests of all and usually vote for their selfish individual national interests !!!
The still forming and developing BRICS Countries can 'NOT' be the 10 Horned Beast of Revelation very simply because 'PRESENTLY' their membership exceeds TEN and they originally began with 5 members ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa*) and 'NOT' one of the original BRICS was / is a Mediterranean power to begin with !!! ( The BRICS Countries have already had 15 SUMMITS since 2009 and they can 'NOT' agree on UNIFYING their economies / currencies and i 'PERSONALLY' do 'NOT' see much of a future for them because in reality : Nuclear China and Nuclear India 'DESPISE' each other !!! They are constantly fighting one another on their BORDERS and if they can't even resolve 'Border Disputes' much less will they ever unify their economies / currencies as some are 'Naively Predicting' !!!
Some believe and are teaching that quite possibly the 10 King's of Revelation could be the Heads / CEO's of 10 Global Corporations like the one's lead by : Elon Musk 'BUT' i do 'NOT' accept that theory very simply because Corporations do "NOT" have the power to print their own money nor to raise a MILITARY of their own, the TRUTH be told when the global $$$ Economy collapses and is RE-STRUCTURED not that many Global Corporations are going to be left standing, even today we are able to observe Global Companies going $$$ Bankrupt 'Left and Right' !!!
Now we come to how i 'Personally Believe' that the 10 Horned Beast will geographically arise up from and why. I have 'NOT' had 'Dreams and Visions' from GOD to confirm me anything, i have arrived at this theory by investing literally 1,000's of hours of study on this specific eschatological topic / subject and if i am CORRECT; GOD is my rewarder for having correctly INTERPRETED the once sealed : Dreams, Visions and Prophecies of Daniel the Prophet of GOD.
Presently there are : 44 countries that compose Europe. "NOT" all 44 countries are members of the now 27 nation : European Union ( EU ) and even of the 27 member European Union "NOT" all 27 of them are members of the $ EUROZONE !!! The Eurozone is composed of 20 EU countries that have adopted the single currency of the $$$ EURO. Additionally, within Europe there is yet another group of 29 nations known as part of the : SHENGHEN AREA who have agreed to open their borders diminishing border controls as much as possible. As you can observe Europe is home to several different : 'Treaties, Alliances and International Organizations' and like we stated in our old website ( that can still be accessed*) EUROPA / EUROPE is "NOT" the 10 Horned Beast of Revelation 'BUT' EUROPA is carrying within her belly the : Embryo / Fetus of that endtimes BEAST for within her blood she carries the DNA of the ancient and fourth : Roman Beast !!!
It is the 'Personal and Professional Opinion' of this human soul that the final 10 King's of Revelation will be a future 'MILITARY ALLIANCE' that will replace NATO in the future as the American $$$ Economy collapses ( As an American citizen myself i obviously do not delight in stating this future truth*) to make way for the $$$ 666 Economy worldwide the United States just like the once Mighty British Empire once did will be "FORCED" to massively cut it's MILITARY $$$ BUDGET, Shut Down most Foreign Military Bases and bring back home most of the American forces / troops abroad !!!
Unfortunately, most Bible Prophecy Teachers 'Presently' teach of a coming 'One World Government' this student of Bible Prophecy absolutely does "NOT" and i am going to tell you why !!! As i study the actions of Daniel's final 10 Horned BEAST ( Daniel 7 : 7 ) it CONFIRMS at least to me that it is "NOT" very much DEMOCRATIC, things in this world by then ( during the Tribulation Period ) will get so bad and chaotic that 'MOST' governments / nations will IMPOSE "MARTIAL LAW" the idea that their will be a 'One World Government' is UNREALISTIC because i absolutely do not get the hint that the 10 King's will care much about the rest of the WORLD; in fact they arise to POWER as a form of 'Self-Preservation' in a world that will be witnessing the death of BILLIONS+ of human's as the judgements of the Book of Revelation are unleashed by GOD in that future period of world history; they are of 'ONE MIND' they will be looking to preserve their Kingdom First as global chaos, famine , economic collapse and war break out all over the world !!!
"He will honor a god of fortresses..."
( Daniel 11 : 38 )
Now this student of Bible Prophecy is going to tell you why he believes and is convinced 100% that the 'Future' 10 King's of Revelation will be more than likely an endtimes 'Military Alliance' that will replace NATO. "NO" conqueror and 'NO' empire in the history of this planet goes on a CONQUEST without first building first a mighty ARMY, Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander the Great and the Roman Emperors knew this very well ( just to name a few*) and Daniel's 'Little Horn' will also follow that route before he goes on his Biblically Prophesied global CONQUEST revealed to us in Revelation 6 : 1. Like i have stated in previous articles; the Little Horn will 'NOT' ever have more nuclear weapons than Russia ( 4,000+ ) nor will he have a bigger NAVY than the USA or China 'Presently' have, the : Navy, Airforce, Army and Nuclear weapons that he will have will be part of a 'FORCE MULTIPLIER' given the fact that he will possess great diabolical powers that 'NONE' of his enemies will have !!! ) ((( for your information it takes many years just to build one Naval Destroyer as well as many years to build a Nuclear submarine, when the TRIBULATION begins Daniel's Little Horn will 'NOT' have much time to build his ARMED FORCES; he will be forced to do as much and work with what is at his disposal *** ))) That i am aware 'NO' major Teacher of Bible Prophecy has 'YET' been teaching the possibility that those 10 King's will be a future 'Military Alliance' like the once 'Western European Union' ( WEU ) was before it was dissolved due to DUPLICITY with NATO. This poor soul writes all of this only because GOD gave me a 'GIFT' to UNDERSTAND what most 'Flesh and Blood' can 'NOT' grasp ( to be continued *)
" As of August of 2024, this student of Bible Prophecy believes that he has been able to CORRECTLY identify 7 of the final 10 King's of Revelation; ( their geographic epicenters of power*) i will 'NOT' divulge their specific identities ( i believe that each King symbolizes / represents one European country that was part of the ancient Roman Empire and 'NOT' a Corporate CEO nor a future regional leader of a world carved up into 10 Regions as some wrongly teach*) what i have done is write them down and dated a paper and sealed it in an envelope before GOD for a future ARTICLE. ( i am trying to impress GOD and not necessarily anyone else*) I personally believe that the Blood Redeemed Church of Jesus Christ will "NOT" be on this Earth during the zenith of those 10 King's for we will be with our very own KING : JESUS CHRIST !!!"
"Revelation 16 : 10, reveals to us that the BEAST will have a specific Kingdom and Throne and 'NOT' a global government. For DECADES this student of Bible Prophecy has taught that 'ALL' 4 Beasts of Daniel were : Mediterranean Regions Powers and the final 4th Beast of Daniel will likewise 'DOMINATE' the Mediterranean and Middle East region just as the ancient Roman Empire of the Caesars / Emperors did so 2000 years ago !!! " ( The 4th Beast will 'Dominate' most of the world / nations ( 51%+ ) during the Tribulation period 'BUT' it will definitely 'NOT' conquer nor dominate the whole world; the Prophecies themselves reveal to us that several nations will escape the grasp of the Beast ( Daniel 11 : 41 )
In conclusion, this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' teach about the world being divided into 10 Regions and that's where the 10 King's rise to power from; that is as likely wrong as teaching that the 10 King's are 10 Islamic Countries that unite in the Tribulation. This student of Bible Prophecy 'personally' believes that thee most realistic future scenario is that the 10 King's of Revelation will be composed of the European Imperial Powers of the past; these nations are also the major one's who have allowed massive uncontrolled : immigrants, migrants and refugees from Muslim countries as well as from North Africa !!! i believe that these European countries will be forced to declare 'Martial Law' in the future to address massive CIVIL UNREST and Islamic Terrorist Attacks in the future, unfortunately it will take an event like that which transpired in the USA on September 11, for most European leaders to 'WAKE UP' and realize that they have been indeed INVADED and i would 'NOT' be surprised if a 'DIRTY BOMB' in one of Europe's Capitals sets it all off; the European's will be FORCED to MILITARIZE and ATTACK an enemy that has been against them since the CRUSADES !!! The European Union composed of presently 27 members is "NOT" Daniel's final BEAST, the EU is carrying that 'FETUS BEAST' deep within it's belly and that 10 Horned Beast will EMANATE from that specific part of the WORLD and 'NOT' from : South America, Africa or Asia; it 'SHALL' arise from the same REGION as did the Ancient Roman Empire Arose in the past !!!
I too almost fell for the theory of an 'Islamic Mahdi' and a Muslim Global Caliphate early on after the events of September 11 , 2001 'BUT' i never drank the whole cup of Kool-Aid. I understand that to some i may sound like a broken record repeating that none of Daniel's 4 Beasts were Muslim 'BUT' it is NECESSARY to continue teaching the TRUTH to both : believers and unbelievers !!! The TRUTH is that GOD in the past used Israel's enemies to judge Israel ( GOD's chosen Jews*) and GOD in 'HIS' sovereignty would also use Israel's enemies to destroy other enemies of Israel 'BUT' GOD always had absolute 'CONTROL' of HIS CHOSEN Jewish people, just as HE still does TODAY and as HE will have during the GREAT TRIBULATION TOO !!! The TRUTH is that GOD will sovereignly use and allow : Daniel's Little Horn to destroy much of Islam during the Great Tribulation period !!! I remind everyone that Adolph Hitler and his NAZI Army in the end killed more Russian's ( over 18,000,000+ ) than even Jews !!! And someone is in the end going to 'Mortally Neutralize' even more ________ than even GOD's chosen people as described in Zechariah 13 : 8.
In sum, this poor servant of GOD ALMIGHTY has presented what he believes is thee 'MOST' credible and political / militarily realistic scenario of who the final 10 King's of Revelation will end up being. We live and exist in a world that is governed by : Natural Laws as well as by : SPIRITUAL LAWS; set forth by GOD !!! What i mean by all of this is that the 10 King's have to rise to power as 'ALL' other powers have arisen to power in the past, be it by : WAR, PESTILENCE, REVOLUTION or $ Economic collapse. Even someone like : Adolph HITLER was 'FORCED' to rise to power using the democratic institutions of Germany in the 1930's and Daniel's 'Little Horn' will be 'NO' different he too will rise to power using / exploiting the corrupt democratic process of European Governments; in an example we are presently witnessing a U.S. Presidential Nominee and Contender to the U.S. Presidency that was able to bypass a 'DEMOCRATIC ELECTION' ( Biden was elected by voters as the Democratic nominee*) and Kamala Harris, undemocratically is being allowed to bypass that process !!! Daniel's Little Horn need 'NOT' be a future EU President, it is thee 'Personal Opinion' of this student of European Political Systems that he will be the leader of an EU country with nuclear forces 'BECAUSE' Revelation 6 reveals to us that he is going to have a 'Spirit of Conquest' and in the real world you can 'NOT' conquer anything or anyone without a CREDIBLE and CAPABLE ARMY !!!