The top three long term ambitions of the leader of Russia : Vladimir Putin, who has now been in power for over 20+ years consecutively* ( by: bending the Russian Constitution, imprisoning his political rivals, creatively assassinating his enemies and lying to the Russian people*) include : ( 1 ) Restoring the Glory and Borders of the old Soviet Union ( 2 ) Dominating oil and gas pipelines all across : Eurasia, the Middle East and into European markets on behalf of his Russian controlled oil companies ( Gazprom, Rosneft; etc *) and ( 3 ) Remain in power indefinitely !!! In stark contrast his 'democratically elected' German counterpart Chancellor : Olaf Schulz's main ambition is really just to keep maintaining the 'status quo' by getting his political party re-elected and trying to maintain an ongoing healthy German economy; thee main Foreign Policy goal of the German Chancellor is to keep Germany remaining neutral on most matters as much as possible !!! On the opposite side of the spectrum is the ambitions of the President of : FRANCE, Emmanuel Macron who recently in an over 1+ hour speech listed the ambitions that he has for the whole of the European Union and not just for France !!! It is very unfortunate that this student of International Relations does 'NOT' see any other European leader more ambitious than the President of France, honestly i keep searching and trying my best to discount him 'BUT' thus far all the other EU leaders appear to need a major operation on their 'SPINE' because they all seem to lack one ***
As Israel and its Jewish population are at WAR, EUinProphecy forewarned years ago that 'ALL' of the major prophetic events around Israel have to do with the aftermath of WAR. Israel was born of WAR sometime around 1200 BCE as the Hebrews defeated the : Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites and the Girgashites !!! The present WAR against Iran and all of its proxies ( Hamas, Hezbollah etc*) will 'NOT' be the final WAR; Israel will survive Iran's provocations and we know that in a 'FUTURE' WAR Russia will fully align itself with Iran and various Islamic countries as described in the WAR of Ezekiel 38. Because Russia is "NOT" in any position to presently fight two WARS simultaneously ( they are stuck in the ongoing Ukraine War ) we know that the Ezekiel War is at a minimum of 1+ year away from when the WAR against the Ukraine is over
It is the primary goal of EUinProphecy to CORRECTLY teach and interpret the WORD of GOD found in the HOLY BIBLE. My focus is "NOT" so much Islam nor any Islamic-Arab country because according to the inferences of the Biblical Prophecies great DESTRUCTION and JUDGEMENT is coming to "ALL" the nations and peoples who seek the destruction of : Israel thee ONLY nation whose very borders were CREATED by thee CREATOR of this Universe : YHWH : GOD !!!
This fellow servant is "NOT" surprised how Satan is inspiring a global hatred of Israel and its Jewish population; I find it very interesting how BLIND most people have become, this world is already home to over 40+ official Islamic Countries and they are angry that ONE Jewish Country exists beneath their very noses : Israel !!! Satan is inspiring thee greatest PR ( Public Relations *) campaign against Israel in modern history; he is trying his best to paint Israel as an 'Apartheid State' and as a one practicing 'Genocide' when in reality most Islamic countries themselves at this very minute are under some type of a 'Civil War' themselves where Muslims are killing others Muslims !!!
"Islam is the official religion in 26+ countries and 49 countries on this planet have a Muslim majority population; this WORLD does "NOT" need another Islamic country inside of the borders of the State of Israel, Israel which is one of the smallest countries on this planet as it is !!! I am "NOT" Jewish "BUT" i know that the Jews ( secular and religious *) have a right to have a COUNTRY of their very own and the HOLY BIBLE tells me that it is none other than GOD ALMIGHTY : YHWH who created ISRAEL to begin with and it is "HE" who allowed them to RETURN to the PROMISE LAND that "HE" gave them; thus "NO" : Islamic Alliance, Islamic Terrorist group nor any Islamic country will be able to DESTROY them very simply because GOD ALMIGHTY : THEE HOLY ONE of ISRAEL will see to the DESTRUCTION of anyone who tries ***" ( Genesis 35 : 10-13 and Jeremiah 29 : 14; this PROMISE of GOD was given 'BEFORE' even Mohammed was born and Islam began !!! )
In conclusion, the Biblical Prophecies indicate that : Militant Islamic Powers, Russia, the USA and even China will greatly 'DECLINE' in the future and will pave the way for the rise of the final 10 Kings of : Daniel and Revelation. The present world that we know being dominated by : American, Russian and even growing Chinese Hegemony will greatly change because of coming : WARS, FINANCIAL COLLAPSE and other Natural Calamities that will cripple the 'Economic and Military' might that these dominating powers presently have and by DEFAULT the 10 King's will arise to fill in the VACUUM left behind by the decline of the 'Present Status Quo' reigning over this planet presently !!!
The final 70th Week of Daniel ( 7 years*) has "NOT" yet begun and even this present WAR in the Middle East will come to an end because there 'SHALL' be a final Temple coming to Jerusalem ( No one usually builds something of that scope during war !!! ) EUinProphecy will make 'Prophetic History' we did our homework ( Decades of Study *) long ago and this servant of GOD knows that GOD knows who i truly am; my goal is to show myself approved before GOD !!! ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ) i am "NOT" here to do what too many are wrongly doing in YouTube, stating foolishness in the name of GOD with statements such as : "GOD Told Me " !!!
In sum, what is happening in the Middle East and in the United States is Prophetic; just check our past ARTICLES; GOD is going to 'ALLOW' and FORCE His people ( Jews*) to 'RETURN' to His 'Promise Land : Israel' and it is 'NOT' : America, New York City, Beverly Hills nor much less in London or Paris, we are at the doors of Daniel's final 70th Week beginning and unfortunately the United States will "NOT" be forever Israel's most dependable global ally.
It is 'NOT' just only that Israel and it's Jews have REBELLED and SINNED against GOD, we "ALL" have too and we "ALL" need to repent !!! The TRUTH is that 'MOST" if not literally all of the over 195+ nations on this planet are in some type of turmoil either : Economic, Social, Religious, Ethnic etc. "ALL" human governments have failed at a minimum of one section of their population. GOD has allowed 1000's of years of different human governments to come and go so that humanity will understand that 'Corrupt Human Man' is "NOT" capable of creating any type of a UTOPIA. Many countries are pointing out the failures of the Israeli government when upon closer inspection their own government is 'NOT' much better; we all need to REPENT and stop the finger pointing; GOD is going to hold every single human being accountable for every : Action and Word that came out of them, TODAY through : JESUS CHRIST, GOD offers total forgiveness so let US 'REPENT' and ask GOD to FORGIVE us while the opportunity still exists !!!BY : a very imperfect human being that was : Forgiven, Saved and REDEEMED by someone that turned out to be much, much more than a mere Jewish Carpenter from Nazaret : Yeshua : JESUS CHRIST = GOD ENCARNATE !!! This humble website will go on to make history by being the first to CORRECTLY interpret Daniel's Beast with Ten Horns Prophecy. I fully acknowledge that i am "NO" : Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler or any other man used by GOD in the past that TEACHED : Bible Prophecy Correctly to the masses. I do 'NOT' subscribe to any Islamic Caliphate nor its Islamic Mahdi taking over the world such as some others are FOOLISHLY TEACHING nor do i foresee any future with the BRICS NATIONS, the truth is that China and India not so secretly DESPISE and MISTRUST one another and South Africa is practically bankrupt; thus they will "NEVER" unite their $$$ CURRENCIES to create a 'Super-BRICS' $$$ Currency as some are wrongly teaching !!! ( The BRICS Countries are very far from uniting their $$$ Currencies into ONE, it's one thing to say that they are or will and its a totally different thing PRESENTLY *) When all of this is over and after the Millennium GOD is going to allow this nobody to supervise an entire Galaxy for HIS Honor and Glory; GOD honors those who honor HIM and HE is very big on promoting those who have been faithful to HIM !!!