Jesus Christ is much more than a Jewish Carpenter, HE is more than all the Angels Put Together, HE is GOD Encarnate and HE continues To Be : Thee TRUTH, Thee Only Way to The Father and Thee Only Giver of Eternal Life !!! ( John 14 : 6 )
Worship Him Who Is Thee Source of 'ALL' Life : Thee Logos ( Word ) of GOD : Yeshua : Jesus Christ !!! ( Because 'HE' lives we all live !!! )
By : A very imperfect human being and sinner saved by the loving grace and mercy of : Jesus Christ !!! In my college days most of my University Professors tried their best to sway me from believing in a 'Super Eternal Creator : GOD' and yet they were teaching me in a classroom architecturally designed and engineered by an intelligent human being with microphones designed and manufactured by another human being and with : video projectors, chairs, tables, books, pencils, computers etc, all engineered and manufactured by someone highly intelligent ( You get the picture / pattern ??? ) In short, their efforts to turn me into an Atheist backfired miserably and here i am today, I continue to be fascinated by our CREATOR : GOD, thee Holy ONE of Israel physically manifested in : Jesus Christ. It is your freewill right to choose to believe that everything and everyone is alive solely because of a series of explosions in the Cosmos ( Big bangs*) I choose to believe that there is ONE TRUE GOD : ELOHIM : YHWH : JESUS CHRIST who biologically and spiritually engineered our human bodies because most certainly they were 'NOT' created nor made in : China nor in any advanced biological lab in the USA !!!