"In the confines of 'ETERNITY' : Past, Present and Future, GOD is THEE CREATOR of Trillions+ of other CREATIONS and 'NOT' all were nor will be created in the 'Image of GOD. Additionally, GOD is 'NOT' limited to only creating 'Flesh and Blood' living beings that are dependent on : Air, Water etc. Each of GOD's creations is unique and 'HE' biologically engineers His creations to : live, thrive and adapt to whatever planet that 'He' assigns them to !!!" ( For example; we know that Angels do 'NOT' need : air, water nor food like us to survive* )
- Mario Romano, Student of Theology and Astronomy *
"For the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD; as the waters cover the sea." ( If confirming that GOD : YHWH, is also thee 'Eternal Creator' of Trillions+ of other creations in eternity doesn't add to the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2 : 14, i don't know what does or will !!!" )
- Habakkuk 2:14
"For the vast majority of human history on this planet the average human eye was only able to observe something like 1% of the stars in this Universe !!! It was 'NOT' until the invention of the telescope that humans understood that this was 'NOT' the only galaxy in existence !!! All the other stars in the Heavens were very obviously 'NOT' created to shed light upon this planet nor it's inhabitants because most of the stars in this Universe were 'NOT' even visible to most human eyes until recently !!! - Mario Romano*
((( Having studied numerous different types of : PATTERNS ( Astronomical, Micro-Biological etc*) the 'PATTERN' that this servant of GOD observes is that just like 'ONLY' 5% ( it's actually even less than 5% ) of all the WATER on this planet is fresh / drinkable water, the PATTERN that i observe throughout this Universe is that wherever there is 'Visible Energy' = LIGHT, there is some type of LIFE and i state this because less than 5% of this Universe is composed of : 'Visible Matter' = Stars, Galaxies of which every single human being with a biological suit of 'Flesh and Blood' is part of that same ENERGY !!! )))
"This student of Theology reminds everyone that the 'Image of GOD' does 'NOT' mean having : Two legs, ten fingers, one head, two ears, one heart and two eyes; GOD our CREATOR is a 'SPIRIT' and it is that which is inside our physical and temporary human bodies that was created in the 'Image of GOD' and not necessarily the exterior body parts."
"And when the 7 thunders had uttered their voices, i was about to write; but i heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered and do not write them.
- Book of Revelation 10 : 4
"I have studied the Book of Revelations many, many a times and i have noticed that the final world 'Super-Powers' will 'NOT' be fighting World War III over the Moon nor for the conquest of the planet Mars 'BUT' for over dwindling natural resources down here on Earth; mark these words; 'Drinkable WATER' will become even more $$$ Expensive and Valuable than even $$$ Oil and Gold in the future in many parts of the world !!!"
According to the Holy Bible humanity will 'NOT' be able to conquer SPACE like several 'Sci-Fi' movies and T.V. shows ( Star Wars* & Star Trek etc*) would have us believe. According to a careful study of the Book of Revelation 'MOST' of humanity in the future will very unfortunately perish because of coming nuclear wars that will obviously spread : Famines, Pestilences and total $$$ Economic collapse !!! ( This student of eschatology believes that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse envelop the world with nuclear war that will affect 25% of the world / population *) It gives me absolutely "NO" pleasure to speak / write of these things 'BUT' as someone who has diligently studied the Book of Revelation i must 'NOT' keep silent and TEACH on its' symbolisms. The Battle of Armageddon takes place not in a distant planet nor in a 'Galaxy far Away' but in the Middle East and specifically in Israeli territory in the Valley of : Armageddon / Meggido !!!
This article / writing is a continuation of what this imperfect servant of GOD has been 'LEARNING' and has been 'ILLUMINATED' by the HOLY SPIRIT via his many years of : Researching, Praying and Fasting over his brief existence on this planet concerning this specific 'SUBJECT' that most Christian leaders are too afraid to touch and speak on because they fear that they could be labeled 'You Know What.' Too many fellow believers have a very limited understanding of who GOD our CREATOR is, the very same GOD who put : You, Me and 8 + Billion other human souls on this planet has 'ALWAYS' has had THEE POWER to populate 'ALL' the other : 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ PLANETS in the other : 1,000,000,000,000+ Galaxies with diverse Life forms that fulfill GOD's sovereign and ETERNAL PLANS !!!
This fellow believer in : JESUS CHRIST RESURRECTED was born in what many educated people call a 3rd World country. I was 'NOT' born of 'Born Again' parents nor did my life prospects looked very good early on 'BUT' today all of my 'PAST' is just that due to my personal encounter with : JESUS CHRIST during my late teenage years !!! GOD has been so good and patient with me and that is why i continue to serve HIM because 'HE' loved me first and 'HE" has never given up on me !!!
"No one, no 'Created Being' will ever, ever get to 'KNOW IT ALL' only our 'Eternal Creator' is Thee only ONE who KNOWS ALL !!! We will never be : 'Omniscient, Omnipresent nor Omnipotent' like GOD our Creator in all of ETERNITY and although the Angelic Hierarchies know much more than us down here on planet Earth; even they too have 'Limited Knowledge' about "ALL" there is to know !!! GOD will keep on REVEALING us things in 'Eternity Future' as 'HE' seems fit 'BUT' never make the mistake of thinking that you have GOD 'ALL' figured out with your little corrupt and sinful brain !!!"
At a time when virtually all of humanity had forgotten the GOD of Adam; and became pagans, GOD : YHWH chose a special group of people whom 'HE' would use to REVEAL HIMSELF to all of humanity and GOD chose : Abraham and his descendents and via the Jews 'WE' all have been REVEALED the Salvation Plan of GOD via : Jesus Christ born of a Jewish virgin and it were the Jews who produced the 12 Patriarchs and the 12 Apostles. GOD made promises to 'HIS' chosen Jewish people and 'HE' is 'NOT' finished with them !!! No one should have any 'Spiritual Jealousy' for GOD is our Creator and 'HE' LOVES all of His created beings in a unique way; GOD : YHWH chose the Jewish people in this planet to reveal HIMSELF to all the other tribes of this world and even though our Jewish friends are not perfect ( neither are you or me !!! ) We should all continue supporting them, they have a RIGHT to exist and every RIGHT to have their very own Homeland : Israel !!! ( There are over 50 + Islamic countries on this planet and obviously mostly near Israel's borders; now why can't there be allowed at least 'ONE' Jewish country on this planet and does the world really need another 'Islamic Capital' in East Jerusalem ??? )
In conclusion, GOD : YHWH, did 'NOT' fully 'REVEAL' everything to 'HIS' Prophets of Old. For example GOD did 'NOT' reveal the 'CHURCH' to Daniel nor ISAIAH, what GOD did 'FULLY' reveal to 'HIS' Prophets is 'HIS' plan of Salvation and Redemption for all of fallen humanity, when JESUS CHRIST physically walked this Earth on the Streets of Jerusalem in Israel 'HE' did 'NOT' reveal the 'Secrets of the Universe' to those who still had 'NOT' discovered : Electricity, Quantum Physics and who had a very limited perception of the very Universe in which they existed; JESUS CHRIST came to address the 'Spiritual Death' of most of humanity who had been 'Cut-Off' from the very CREATOR who gave us the 'Breath of LIFE' for it will do 'NO' one any good to know all the 'Secrets of the Universe' and still go to a REAL HELL !!!
I personally believe in a SUPER CREATOR who manifested HIMSELF on this planet as : The HOLY ONE of ISRAEL : YHWH, ELOHIM = JESUS CHRIST !!! I do 'NOT' believe that we are the product of random 'Big Bangs' and other Cosmic explosions, when was the last time you observed any engineering company creating their product with explosions ??? It takes super intelligence and planning to have created our HUMAN BODY and i believe in the Genesis account of creation and that is that GOD created us 'ALL' !!!
In sum, to answer the question of : What are GOD's plans for the rest of 'His' other Galaxies in this Universe ? It should be rather obvious : TO FILL THEM UP WITH OTHER DIVERSE CREATIONS !!! Our LORD Jesus Christ, in the parable of the 100 Sheep only 'ONE' sheep goes astray and HE goes after it, the other 99 Sheep do not go astray and what i am trying to state here is that 'NOT' all of GOD's other creations rebelled against Him nor can all 'Sin' for all were not created in the 'Image of GOD' and additionally, the vast MAJORITY of the Angelic Hierarchies 66% did "NOT" follow Satan's rebellion and did 'NOT' sin. 'NO' human being should be concerned about not being 'Special To GOD' there is more than enough of the LOVE of GOD and of HIS Omnipresent SPIRIT to fill this entire Universe and then some more !!! GOD 'LOVES' all of HIS creations and HE reserves the SOVEREIGN RIGHT to keep on Creating and creating other creations !!! ( I always tell my friends and relatives to 'CHILL OUT' there are more : Galaxies and PLANETS in this Universe alone than "ALL" the 'Human Souls' who have ever been born on this planet since Adam and Eve !!! GOD could give / assign ONE PLANET or One entire Galaxy to each human soul redeemed by the 'Blood of Jesus Christ' and there would still be plenty of room / Galaxies and other planets left to be inhabited !!! )
Although this Universe is 'ALSO' home to Trillions+ of other 'Living Things' i am 'NOT' too worried about them, i am worried about 'US' down here on Earth because much of HUMANITY is taking for granted so 'Great a SALVATION' that is presently being 'FREELY' offered by GOD to whom so ever believes in HIS only begotten SON : JESUS CHRIST and repents of their Sins !!! Unfortunately, the majority of humanity today is willingly committing 'Spiritual Suicide' by ignoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ !!! There are 'Places' on this Fallen Planet like : Hawaii, Switzerland etc, that seem like 'Paradise' and yet in the same planet people are starving in the deserts of Africa, thus 'Common Sense' should tell anyone that the other Galaxies are also 'Home' to other 'Living Things' also created by GOD !!! Astronomical discoveries have proven that all the galaxies in this Universe are of 'Different Sizes' even our own : Sun / Star which is around 1 million times larger than Earth is 'NOT' among the top Stars in this Galaxy alone, astronomers have discovered others Suns / Stars that are 100+ times bigger in diameter than our own Sun / Star; truly GOD our Creator has 'Everything' in this vast Universe under HIS absolute 'CONTROL' !!!
By : an unworthy servant of : Jesus Christ. This fellow believer has perhaps read and studied the Book of Revelation 'One Too Many Times' "BUT" what no one can deny is that every indication on this planet, be it : Social disintegration, economic stagnation, social injustice, failed crops and increasing global droughts tells us that our governmental leaders are failing to properly address every major issue that is leading us into an 'Economic Implosion' !!! And if that wasn't all, it appears that Organized Criminal Groups all over this world are 'Overwhelming' governmental policing agencies, Europe is being flooded with 'Illegal Drugs' and let's be realistic so is the USA too; all the while 'Organized Criminals' from : Mexico to Africa appear to be arming themselves to their teeth, sometimes i wonder if all those countries will become 'Failed States.' This student of Theology now better understands the fallen nature of 'Fallen Angels' they are like 'Policemen' individuals who were supposed to be all for the LAW and JUSTICE and yet they became 'Corrupted' like 'Crooked Cops' down here on Earth and who have 'Two Faces' ( Ezekiel 28 : 16 ) and who believe they can get away even from GOD's Holy eyes !!! Your fellow servant in Christ Jesus loves to put 'Puzzles Together' and he enjoys studying what 'MOST' overlook, i am 'NOT' a Prophet of GOD "BUT" you do 'NOT' have to be a Prophet of GOD to 'Put 1 +1 Together' if we are inhabitants of this Galaxy it should be a 'NO' brainer by now that other Galaxies are also the residence of other 'Living Creations' and like we stated in previous ARTICLES when you are THEE ETERNAL CREATOR; like our GOD ELOHIM, i do 'NOT' think you just create 1 or 2 other creations and call it a day and and just sit back for all of Eternity !!!