"I am a very, very patient person but if there is one thing that i just can not stand is an 'UNGRATEFUL' human being that is constantly 'COMPLAINING' about what they do not have instead of THANKING GOD for what they do have !!! I think we all know someone who seemingly see's everything in LIFE 'Negatively' !!! GOD already gave you : two eyes, two feet, two hands, one heart, an amazing brain and if you only got 'One Eye' or 'One leg' thank HIM for that; because it could always be worse and i have personally STOPPED complaining years ago to GOD in my prayers because i realized that the vast majority of human beings ( 51%+ ) on this planet are worse off $$$ than myself; Thank You Jesus Christ for the 'Gift of Life' !!!"
"In thee 'Great Big Picture' of an ongoing ETERNITY, 'GOD ALMIGHTY' our CREATOR is 'Little by Little' filling up all 'Three Heavens' and most of the : Galaxies, Solar Systems and the Planets within them with 'DIVERSE CREATIONS' and this imperfect vessel of GOD has the illumination and guidance of Thee HOLY SPIRIT to boldly state that we shall 'NOT' be 'GOD's Last Creation and i can prove to anyone with the Holy Bible that we were 'NOT' GOD's : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th nor 5th+ Creation in all of Eternity; because there have been 'MANY' other different beginnings in 'Eternity Past.' Genesis 1 is just 'OUR' beginning down here on Earth in an ever ongoing Eternity !!! The Holy Scriptures are very clear that many other 'Eternal Events' have transpired long before the foundation / creation of planet Earth took place !!!' ( Book of Proverbs 8 : 23, John 17 : 24 etc.) - Mario Romano, a born again believer in Jesus Christ who has 'NO' ego problems knowing that he is just : 1 out of over 12+ Billion human souls who have been born on planet Earth since Adam and Eve, being part of such Billions+ of numbers does 'NOT' make me feel any less 'SPECIAL' for i know that GOD 'LOVES' all of HIS creations, there is MORE than enough of GOD's LOVE for 'Everyone' !!!*
You and i were 'NOT' created by Extra-terrestrials / Ancient Aliens, nor are we the product of an evolutionary process; that would be like me saying that , an AUTOMOBILE was also part of millions of years of an 'evolutionary process' and that somehow : rubber tires began to form, then a transmission, then an engine and then electrical wires began to interconnect them all, little by little through an evolutionary process of millions of years everything in that AUTOMOBILE came miraculously together until one day over 30,000 CAR PARTS finally evolved onto one fully integrated working thing and the CAR was able to fully function, ladies and gentlemen the HUMAN BODY is much, much more COMPLEX than any automobile; for it is the HUMAN BRAIN the one that is able to 'ENGINEER' a CAR to begin with and not the other way around !!! The TRUTH is that there is an ETERNAL CREATOR; GOD is a SUPER INTELLIGENT SPIRIT and it was 'HE' who 'Engineered' the human body and it was SOLELY 'HE' who gave us 'ALL' the 'Breath of LIFE' and that 'GIFT of GOD' that breath of life exits this physical body the day we all take our last BREATH in this biological space suit !!!
"It is 'NO' secret that the vast majority of a male's sperm ( 100 million on average*) that tries to reach and fertilize the female egg does 'NOT' make it, in the end ONLY 'ONE' sperm ultimately manages to overcome all the odds and ultimately endure the long micro-biological journey from the female vagina to the fallopian tubes and if you are reading this ARTICLE it is without question that YOU chose to be born in ways that you may or may not fully understand. The other 99+ million spermatozoon that began that journey with you to fertilize your mother's egg were obviously never born 'ONLY' you made it, so do 'NOT' give up now; LIFE is a GIFT from GOD."
Unfortunately, Judas will 'NOT' be the last human being to 'BETRAY' Jesus Christ, there have been hundreds of thousands if not millions+ of human beings who through the ages have without question 'BETRAYED' the cause of Christ and His TRUE Gospel !!! Some of the those who have 'BETRAYED' Jesus after Judas Iscariot have done it for far even less than 30 pieces of Silver. How might you ask can anyone betray Jesus Christ ??? Very simple, billions+ of human souls 'CLAIM' to believe in Jesus Christ and 'YET' they fail to take up their CROSS and follow Jesus 'DAILY' and 'NOT' just for a 'One Hour Mass' on Sunday or for two to three hour Christian service on Sunday.
This unworthy servant of YHWH would like to dedicate this ARTICLE to 'ALL' those who have lost their way in this life journey and i also dedicate it to 'ALL' those who are sincerely 'CLUELESS' as to why they are alive on this planet. Unfortunately, the vast majority of my own relatives ( Family Tree*) that i am aware of did 'NOT' have a 'Personal Relationship' with Jesus Christ and when i had a personal encounter with the Resurrected Christ : JESUS by the grace of GOD i was able to 'Break Away' from all the 'Spiritual Darkness / Death' that had followed most of my biological relatives.
It is the world's greatest TRAGEDY, the vast majority of human beings ( 51% + ) who have been born on this planet 'LEFT' this planet and their human bodies WITHOUT knowing why they were allowed to be born on planet Earth !!! ( Most thought that we are just here to procreate, kill some time, become party animals etc *) According to the Holy Bible, GOD our CREATOR created us ( 1 ) for His sheer PLEASURE, GOD had 'NO' need to create us, HE was 'NOT' lonely and HE did 'NOT' have to give an account to ANYONE, it just gave Him PLEASURE in filling up this Universe with DIVERSE living things and Living beings. ( 2 ) GOD in the Beginning created every human soul to have DIRECT COMMUNION with Him; just as Adam and Eve once had that incredible privilege. Today the vast majority ( 51% + ) of human beings are TRYING to 'Spiritually Connect' with a higher source; JESUS revealed to us that 'NO' one goes to the FATHER except through HIM, thus 'ALL' the major religions in this world absolutely do 'NOT' all lead to GOD !!! ( 3 ) GOD created us 'ALL' out of LOVE, GOD 'LOVES' all of HIS : Creation / Creations and HE has been 'Continually' been creating DIVERSE creations to fill up 'HIS' Universe and all 3 Heavens and all that GOD asks / commands is OBEDIENCE, had Adam and Eve obeyed GOD in the Garden of Eden we all would NOT be in the ongoing Fallen Spiritual State that 'Sin' ( Disobedience*) has put us all in before our HOLY CREATOR !!! ( 4 ) GOD created you and me ETERNALLY, our brief and temporal existence on this Planet and in this Human Body is only 'Temporary.' We were ALL put here as a 'Preparation for the next Life' the 'Eternal One.' The 'Choices' that you and i make in this body ( accept or deny : Jesus Christ Atonement for our Sins*) will affect us 'Eternally' ( Heaven or Real Hell*) because EVERYONE in the end will have to give an account to GOD, we are to LOVE one another and love our NEIGHBOR as ourselves, most of the : Racism, Wars, Human Smuggling etc happens because most of humanity are in it ONLY for themselves, they could care less about others; unfortunately 'GREED' drives 'MOST' human egos. GOD created us 'ALL' to serve HIM and HE does 'NOT' ask much in return but OBEDIENCE, had humanity OBEYED GOD in the beginning we would have 'NO' need for : Religion, Animal Sacrifices etc
Despite our 'Sinful and Rebellious' nature GOD in His grace gives us 'ALL' ample opportunities to begin anew each day, for each new day is a chance to 'begin a new life' if we REPENT of all of our sins. We are all 'EXPECTED' to learn from our errors and mistakes in life and 'NOT' repeat them, our greatest enemy is not so much Satan; as it is our own 'Fallen Nature' our 'Flesh' that is easily swayed down the ruinous path of numerous temptations, there are SEVERAL 'Giants' that we must all overcome, the 'Giant of Unforgiveness' the 'Lustful Giant' the 'Giant of Greed' just to name a few
In this 'Fallen World' corrupted by 'SIN' which in turned brought about : Death, Sickness and Suffering NOBODY is promised 100 years of life, in fact the vast majority of human beings on this planet on AVERAGE only make it to 70+ years and even those who do manage to live into their 90's life becomes a daily struggle as many illnesses and other body ailments arise.
In conclusion, all LIFE is a 'Gift From GOD' and we should 'ALL' be thankful for it REGARDLESS of everything else. The TRUTH is it's not really how long that one lived; for example Methuselah lived 969 years and yet the Bible does 'NOT' mention one great accomplishment that Methuselah did in all of those years alive ( Well, at least he was Noah's grandfather and must have contributed into instilling the 'Fear of GOD' in him*) and in contrast; John the Baptist only lived around 34+ years and yet he accomplished much in the eyes of GOD
In sum, the more that i study the Holy Bible; the more i understand that we are here on Earth to PREPARE for ETERNITY !!! Nothing in this world can compare to the eternal world that follows, our : sorrows, our pains, our tribulations are ONLY 'TEMPORARY' the decisions and choices that we make on this planet will DICTATE our 'Eternal Destiny' and ONLY through faith in Jesus Christ can 'Eternal Life' be found and regardless of what : Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists and all non-other believers may believe and ALTHOUGH i was 'NOT' born Jewish nor grew up with the knowledge of a 'Personal GOD' i CHOOSE to believe in thee ONLY BEGOTTEN of THE FATHER : YESHUA : JESUS CHRIST !!!
I am one human being who KNOWS that 'NOT' all religions worship THEE ONLY TRUE GOD : YHWH : JESUS CHRIST. If any man or woman tells you that all religions lead to GOD and that we are all children of GOD he / she is LYING to you because indeed we are 'ALL' a creation of GOD 'BUT' we are 'NOT' automatically 'Son's / Daughters' of GOD, the Bible is very clear ONLY those who believe in Jesus Christ are given the RIGHT and the POWER to be called : Son's of GOD ( Gospel of John 1 : 12 )
((( Special announcement : We will most likely delay the article on the 'ABOMINATION' for our next ARTICLE as i had to do much more RESEARCH than usual; i am 'Human' and my mind is getting a little bit 'Rusty' and every now and then i have to REFRESH all the 'Military Jargon / Acronyms etc' because we will TRY our best to EXPLAIN thee most 'LIKELY' endtime scenario of how Daniel's Little Horn will have 'ALREADY' have his troops in position along Israel's coast in that future day when the 'Great Tribulation' will officially begin. In this planet even Satan has to follow GOD's rules; thus Satan only has a limited number of Military Strategies that he will be able to use against Israel in the future * )))
By : a human being who is trying his best to be LIKE a 'Little Child Before GOD' our CREATOR !!! ( Matthew 18 : 3 ) What this servant of GOD was trying to say in this ARTICLE is that many, many other creations of GOD in the animal Kingdom were given a much shorter LIFESPAN than us and they are 'NOT' complaining !!! In fact, the TRUTH be told 'MOST' animals do 'NOT' reach their full LIFESPAN because in this 'Fallen World' most animals get eaten because they are part of the UNFORGIVING 'Food Chain Cycle' !!! Please continue PRAYING for this servant of GOD it's just me and the HOLY SPIRIT and i'm still full of imperfections, GOD is still not finished with me so please continue to keep us in your PRAYERS because the day may come when i'm going to need to 'ALL' the Holy Spiritual backing that i can get, so PLEASE keep praying for this Bible Prophecy Ministry i'm most certainly not in this for : $ Money, Fame nor any Popularity Contest !!!