My Personal Theory of Eternity and Of GOD Our CREATOR
"Because when ONE has the powers that GOD has and has been in existence ETERNALLY with access to unlimited resources such as those found just in this one Universe alone, ONE does 'NOT' just creates one or two creations it should be common sense and one need not be a : Rocket Scientist, Theologian nor the most renowned of Astronomers to figure this one out. GOD is thee Eternal Creator and HE has been creating diverse creations in the other Heavens throughout 'Eternity Past' and long, long before time began down here on Earth and like we previously stated in past articles : Genesis 1 is our beginning on Earth in an ever ongoing eternity !!! And theologically and scripturally speaking there have been many other different beginnings in 'Eternity Past' such as found in John 1 , Proverbs 8 : 22 that PRECEDE Genesis 1 and it should be very obvious that each Angelic hierarchy had each its own unique special beginning too sometime in eternity past too; long, long before Adam and Eve were created ( Ezekiel 28 : 15 ) !!!" - Mario Romano, non-winner of any : Nasa, Physics, Nobel Peace Prize nor of any Theological Recognition Award 'BUT' just a Berean who loves the TRUTH about EVERYTHING*
"Let's be truthful; GOD = YHWH did not just create : One Heaven, One Galaxy, One Solar System, One planet , One class of Angelic beings, One species of plants nor just One species of animals; GOD likes variety in 'ALL' of HIS Creation !!!"
- Mario Romano, somewhat of a Theologian*
"Complex things do 'NOT' create /engineer themselves just like no car can 'NOT' engineer itself nor 'evolutionarily' put itself somehow together with the passage of a few million years; one prime example of this would be the engineering feat that it takes to create a functioning modern car. The TRUTH is that most cars are composed of 30,000 different parts and i just can't imagine : tires, doors, windows, hoses, hundreds of screws an engine and a transmission etc* joining themselves in an evolutionary way ( as evolutionists would like us to believe ) to somehow join themselves to the frame of a car to make it function. Likewise the human body is made up of 78 different organs and 200+ bones and friends WE humans are 'NOT' an evolutionary product of billions+ of human Earth years just like 'NO' modern automobile can put itself together much less manufacture itself, it takes an intelligent agent to put all those parts together to make it a fully functioning thing and that calls for a CREATOR be it GOD or a human engineer as is the case of a car manufactured on this planet that was engineered by an intelligent creator !!!""This servant of GOD writes articles like this one because too many human beings have developed for whatever reason a wrong concept of GOD our Creator. GOD is 'NOT' like most traditional religions have painted Him inside their temples. GOD is an eternal spirit that upholds / sustains all creation and there is a very good reason why HE not only knows each and all the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000+ of stars by their name as well as knowing how many hairs on your head and mine and it is because in ways that i can 'NOT' describe; this entire Universe is somehow all 'Inter-Connected' to HIM and His Omnipresent Spirit permeates it ALL, Everything and Everyone in it and some 2000 years ago GOD took human form and a physical body on this planet in the person of : JESUS CHRIST and it was HE who engineered this entire : Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, planet and that heart of yours and mine that works 24 / 7 because most certainly neither : Darwin nor Nietzsche had anything to do with such a number of Cosmic and Biological engineering feats that keep you, me and billions+ of others alive in this region of this Universe !!! GOD is 'NOT' like most human religious paintings imagine Him to be; HE is 'NOT' an old man seated on some throne whose best days have passed Him by, nor is He on the verge of retirement; GOD is a timeless and 'Eternal Spirit' who is thee source of 'ALL' life that has been, is and will ever be !!!"
"Most of Eternity Past precedes Lucifer and his unholy rebellion and Eternity Future will supercede : Satan, Sin and the Fall. You and i are presently existing in a very short period within Eternity when Lucifer's Rebellion recently took place and in reality such a fall only occupies about one chapter in an 'Eternal Storyline / Book' that will have no end in the confines of an Eternity Future !!! You, me and the rest of the over 11+ billion human souls who have been born on this Earth since Adam and Eve were created by GOD ALMIGHTY on the very same planet that Satan and his fallen angels were confined to; to address Satan's Rebellion and the great Fall of an untold millions+ of fallen Angels. Those of us who are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ to some degree will be the replacements of those who voluntarily chose to abdicate their place in Heaven ( for many are called but few are chosen; Matthew 22 : 14*) and who out of their own free will chose to reject GOD's eternal promises and follow after Satan and his lies. The Book of Revelation warns that cowards shall 'NOT' inherit the Kingdom of GOD but only those who endure / persevere until the end; very truly the Kingdom of GOD suffers violence and persecution and 'ONLY' those who are 'Spiritually Violent' ( continuing a life of : faith, prayer, fasting, abiding in the WORD and doing the will of GOD etc*) and choose to keep walking to the 'Narrow Gate' at all costs shall obtain GOD's eternal rewards !!!" ( Revelation 21 : 7 - 9, Matthew 11 : 12 and Matthew 7 : 13 and 24 :13 )- My Insignificant Theological Observation*
"This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ BOLDLY affirmed years ago that the rest of the over 1,000,000,000,000+ other Galaxies in this Universe along with the over : 1,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000+ planets / solar systems within them are 'NOT' all empty nor devoid of LIFE !!! GOD : YHWH : JESUS CHRIST has been 'Eternally Creating' diverse creations all throughout 'Eternity Past' and HE shall continue to CREATE diverse creations in 'Eternity Future' !!! "
- Mario Romano, student of Theology *
This 'ARTICLE' will be a little bit different than you are used to. On this occasion i will 'NOT' be focusing so much on the geopolitical challenges that 190+ countries face 'BUT' this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ will try his best to focus on the 'BIG PICTURE' of why we are in existence in this moment within ETERNITY. This student of Theology has been pondering and studying this subject as much as he has been studying Bible Prophecy and the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD knows that i am in 'NO' way trying to add to the Holy Bible; i personally believe that the BIBLE is and contains the HOLY WORD of GOD and GOD's plan of Salvation for fallen man.
As excited as i am about LIFE in other galaxies and planets in this Universe it SADDENS me that although we on planet Earth were created in the 'Image of GOD' we are singlehandedly : destroying this planet, poisoning our streams of water, polluting our air and killing each other !!! Our planet is 'LIKE' a giant cruise ship floating in the vastness of space and GOD our CREATOR gave us special 'Space Suits' suitable for this specific environment and 'YET' most of us seem to have no problem committing MUTINY, most humans seem to have absolutely 'NO' problem : destroying this 'Space Ship / Planet' in which we are all traveling in and the majority of others also have no problem in finding ways to ABUSE the space suit that GOD created them with ( human body*) by consuming things that were never meant to be digested by the human stomach and by injecting un-natural things into the human veins and while WE look for LIFE elsewhere in the COSMOS we seem 'NOT' to appreciate the LIFE that we have here
This servant of Jesus Christ is 'NOT' afraid to address this somewhat controversial topic because all the evidence that he has studied through the years indicates to him that GOD has been in the 'Creation Business' for a much, much longer time period in the 'Other Heavens' than just when HE created Adam and Eve under this heaven and planet some 6 - 7 thousand years ago; as the Biblical lineages seem to indicate. The theological evidence of this 'BIBLICAL FACT' is that there was obviously already other CREATED BEINGS well before Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden ( Job 38 : 7 ; Angelic Son's of GOD who are 'NOT' bound to Earth's Time or to it's Physical Laws like us made of 'Flesh and Blood* ) and very obviously the 3rd Heaven was ALREADY long in existence before Genesis 1 was ever written by GOD's Prophet ( Most likely Moses*)
For some reason this servant of GOD gets the impression that the majority of believers ( around 51% ) seem to believe that before Genesis 1 : 1, there was NOTHING except only GOD and that is absolutely 'NOT' the case. Like we stated in previous 'Eternity Future Articles' Genesis 1 is simply Adam and Eve's ( and humanity's*) beginning within an ever ONGOING Eternity !!! And like we stated beforehand in previous articles 'ALL' the Angelic Hierarchies of : Seraphim, Cherubim , Archangels, Angels and other Living Beings 'PRECEDE' Adam and Eve's creation on this planet. The truth be told we humans are on a 'Need To Know' basis and GOD long ago sovereignly chose to ONLY reveal to us certain things; just like HE sovereignly chose 'NOT' to reveal the CHURCH to His Prophets !!!
Additionally, this is 'NOT' a topic / subject that is 'OFF LIMITS' by GOD our CREATOR, ( because if it was I would be the first one to keep quiet*) the Angel Gabriel revealed to the Prophet Daniel that knowledge would multiply in the last days and Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus 'WE IN THEE LAST DAYS' !!! The Holy Bible never mentions : DNA, VACCINES, COMPUTERS, SMART PHONES etc and yet Christians see all these as being only possibly created by humans due to the very RAW and Natural Resources that GOD created to begin with on this planet. Jesus Christ revealed to us that the HOLY SPIRIT would lead us to all TRUTH and brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus 'ALL' the patterns that i have studied for over two decades in the fields of : Astromony, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, etc indicate to my 'Little Bitty Brain' that this Universe is TEEMING with numerous other DIVERSE creations of GOD that are 'INNOCENT' and that never sinned against GOD to begin with. Anyone who is teaching that GOD is going to DESTROY this entire Universe after the Millenium is 'IGNORANTLY' overlooking the fact that GOD did 'NOT' destroy this entire planet to get rid of sinners in the past; GOD in the past only destroyed the unrepentant sinners and the problem was solved !!! GOD is FAIR and JUST and just like HE did 'NOT' destroy the entire planet when HE sent fire down on 'Sodom and Gomorrah' GOD only usually LIMITS destruction to a very specific area !!!
"Several years ago in our original 'Eternity Future' article we stated that we conservatively estimate that GOD our CREATOR has created at a minimum of one 'Different' creation within most Galaxies ( 51% + ) and we also stated that 'NOT' all of GOD's created beings REBELLED against GOD when Lucifer fell sometime in 'Eternity Past' !!! Some have ERRONEOUSLY misinterpreted that 'The FALL' was universal ( The Fall was universal on this planet alone, just like the FLOOD was 'NOT' universal to other planets; in the PAST GOD did not destroy this planet, just it's unrepentant and very rebellious : SINNERS !!!*) and that is 'NOT' theologically correct because we Biblically know that the FALL did 'NOT' enter the Third HEAVEN; it is the personal and theological opinion of this servant of GOD that the FALL was contained to this Solar System and at the most to this entire 'Milky Way Galaxy' Satan is 'NOT' an omnipresent being and he is significantly limited to only being in ONE PLACE at ONE TIME, unlike GOD our CREATOR who is OMNIPRESENT and who is EVERYWHERE in all the 3 Heavens !!!