A Word of Caution and Warning : Daniel's Little Horn actually appears on the world scene and almost in an unassuming political way 'FIRST' but Without All of His Unholy Supernatural Powers; Later on he receives absolute power directly from the Prince of Darkness and the 10 King's of Revelation !!!
"What is certain to this student of Bible Prophecy is that the individual who becomes the 'Little Horn' becomes even more politically and militarily powerful in the very MIDDLE of the final 70th Week of Daniel; in other words when he begins his political rise he has one 'Political Post' somewhere in Europe and then he gets a major Promotion later on including a new political Title too."
- Mario Romano*
"Very honestly speaking, this servant of GOD and student of Bible Prophecy takes absolutely 'NO' pleasure in addressing this 'Controversial Subject' of Bible Prophecy. Yours truly only does this because some who call themselves 'Teachers of Bible Prophecy' are almost totally ignoring what is transpiring in the European Union as it relates to Bible Prophecy. This servant of Christ will remain quiet on certain things because sometimes it is WISE to keep one's mouth closed as not to give the ENEMY too much insight about certain things; for the Holy WISDOM that GOD grants supercedes that of any and all Unholy Wisdom that Fallen Angels possess; including that of the Prince of Darkness who corrupted the Holy Wisdom that he was initially created with and who has made his unholy chief goal to DECEIVE as many human souls on this planet as he possibly can before the 2nd Coming of our LORD : Jesus Christ."
This student of Bible Prophecy finds it necessary to address and set the record straight on one of the most challenging verses of Bible Prophecy that is being incorrectly 'MISINTERPRETED' by 'MOST' ( 51% +) of Bible Prophecy teachers. In truth, Mario Romano is 'NOT' here to change anyone's mind; GOD is going to greatly REWARD in the end those teachers of Bible Prophecy who truly showed themselves approved and CORRECTLY interpreted His WORD to His people !!! ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ) Most nations on this planet are going to be forced to impose 'Martial Law' during the Tribulation period if the 'State' is to survive, while most nations may pass through a temporary anarchic transition what we do know for CERTAIN is that in Europe the future government there will rule with an 'Iron Fist' much like China presently does today.
Because of the various : Wars, Riots, Civil Disorder and other seriously disruptive social and economic world changing events that are coming, it is impossible to know which 'Present' EU Governmental leaders will politically survive and which will exit !!! For example Germany's : Angela Merkel has been in power since 2005 and this year will mark her 15th year in power as Germany's Chancellor and in contrast the UK's Theresa May was only in power for only a little over 2 years as the UK's Prime Minister !!! What we do know is that Daniel's final 70th Week has 'NOT' begun yet, thus there is still a 10 year window that includes an undeterminable transitional gap of time between the Rapture and the actual 'Confirmation of the Covenant With the Many' and presently we do 'NOT' know when it will begin, thus we should remain CAUTIOUS and have an OPEN MIND in trying to put a 'specific time frame' BUT when it does begin those 'Left Behind' will very obviously know that GOD's final countdown clock will have started ticking 'Big Time' !!!
Most Bible Prophecy teachers that i hear are teaching that the 'Little Horn' can ONLY rise 'AFTER' the 10 Horns because of the description of Daniel 7 : 24 and according to such 'Teachers of Bible Prophecy' it is a waste of time to try and identify Daniel's Little Horn beforehand !!! The Biblical TRUTH is that when studying this challenging topic WE must consider all of the Biblical Passages that relate to Daniel's Little Horn some Bible Prophecy interpretations are worded that : The Little Horn arises from AMONG the 10 Horns ( 10 King's ) "BUT" the TRUTH is that the other Biblical Prophecies reveal to us that actually the Little Horn arises to power and appears on the global scene 'BEFORE' the 10 King's receive POWER together with the Beast for one HOUR of 42 MONTHS !!!
The clear proof is that we know that 'He shall confirm the Covenant With the Many for one Week' ( 7 Years* Daniel 9 : 27 ) thus we know that such a politician will ALREADY be in some type of a Political post and making a name for himself because he shall already be in some type of a very powerful political post in order to be one of the chief 'MEDIATORS' that brings to the 'Peace Table' : Israel and it's Many Adversaries.' !!!
It most obviously appears to this student of Bible Prophecy that Daniel's Little Horn very obviously rises independently to political power slowly FIRST; his successful LEADERSHIP will attract those 10 King's of Revelation 'LATER ON' to TRUST him as their Executive Leader, for they all 'Later On' ( during the final 3 and a half years of thee Great Tribulation*) receive absolute power together with the Beast for 42 months, thus they all rise to power 'somewhat' 'Democratically' and NOT necessarily in a 'Pure Democratic Way' like in the USA Elections in the past ( for example*) we know that in REALITY; Hillary Clinton received more Popular VOTES than Donald Trump 'BUT' due to the U.S. 'Electoral College System' Trump was able to prevail !!! We should all consider that during that specific future period of TIME 'ALL' of the nations on this planet will be already be near financial collapse, social collapse, under famine and pestilence so it's 'NOT' going to be a very pleasant period in human history; but an hour in which most nations on this planet will obviously be under some type of MARTIAL LAW !!!
The reluctant leadership of the EU who is trying it's best 'Presently' to AVOID any foreign entanglements and are trying to leave all of their 'Military' challenges / obligations to NATO, whether they like it or not are going to be pushed and pulled in to the major upcoming wars that are prophesied in : Ezekiel, Isaiah and Daniel and neither : Berlin, Warsaw, Brussels nor even London are going to be able to remain NEUTRAL when 'Peace is going to be Removed' from this planet !!! ( Revelation 6 : 4 )
In conclusion, this insignificant servant of GOD ALMIGHTY reminds everyone who takes an interest in Bible Prophecy to remember that "NO" politician rises to power overnight; ( not even did Barack Hussein Obama rose to power overnight*) the historical record proves and demonstrates that it took : Stalin, Hitler and Antiochus Epiphanes several 'YEARS' to get to their zenith of political and military influence and absolute power !!!
Sometime in 2012, some Biblically illiterate people began calling Barney the Dinosaur 'You Know What' !!! Mario Romano, does 'NOT' know with 100% certainty who will finally end up accepting such an infamous and unholy role, but the Holy Bible most certainly is 'NOT' silent on that specific subject / topic for there are over 40+ Biblical Prophecies concerning that endtimes : male political leader !!! What i do know 'Presently' with 100% certainty, is that such an individual is most certainly alive somewhere on this planet and DEPENDING on when the final Week of Daniel begins as well as the Rapture takes place we can 'NOT' finalize anything at this specific moment, but there is 'NO' doubt that all of the major endtime ACTORS and PLAYERS are already in power somewhere in : Moscow, Ankara, Beijing and in one European Capital that i have absolutely no clue of, some believe it is : Brussels and yet others believe it will be : Berlin and because i am 'NOT' a prophet nor the son of a prophet of GOD i know 'NOT' either with 100% certainty !!!
The ONLY other EU Politician who has been 'Making Waves' is Italy's Matteo Salvini who is 'NOT' afraid to speak his mind. 'IF' Salvini and Macron were to become 'Allies' in the future, then i would start worrying !!! This student of Strategic Studies is 'NOT' so much worried nor concerned about Austria's : Sebastian Kurz nor Italy's : Matteo Salvini very simply because they are 'NOT' Nuclear powers and neither Kurz nor Salvini have access to any 'Nuclear Codes' of their own as 'You Know Who' does !!!
In conclusion, the individual who will accept Satan's 'Unholy Offer' ( Matthew 4 : 8 ) will be in some type of a political office 'BEFORE' the 10 King's obtain and are given power for 42 months. Daniel's 'Little Horn' will 'GROW' stronger in the first political office that he wins /obtains and like any other politician he will slowly but surely learn from his mistakes and early shortcomings 'BUT' unfortunately he will like any 'HORN' grow stronger and stronger, he himself can 'NOT' escape the 'Political Process' that catapaults men / women into political office especially in Western countries and that is the 'Democratic Process.' Like any politician, this student of Political Science expects that individual to make some mistakes early on 'BUT' he will most definitely learn from them, his 'Political Ambitions' will only keep growing like a young Beast who has tasted 'Meat and Blood' for the first time; his appetite for power and influence will only continue to grow !!! This servant of Christ Jesus has diligently studied the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes as well as of most Roman Caesars and very obviously of Hitler and Stalin as well and 'NOT' one of them was UNAMBITIOUS, they 'ALL' knew what they wanted very early on in their early days and i expect Daniel's Little Horn to follow somewhat of a similar path to power and let's face it we are living in a technological and information age in which virtually 'ALL' politicians have very little room to hide their personal and public business in this day in age; thus the WISE will understand much earlier on about Daniel's Little Horn than most who ignore the Biblical Prophecies !!!
By : Mario Romano. This fellow believer has invested 1000's of hours of research through the years in Daniel's Prophecies. Mario is somewhat of a semi-expert in : Mediterranean Geopolitics, Eurasian Geopolitics, Nuclear Proliferation, the History of the Roman Empire, European Political Systems, NATO and especially in the Biblical Prophecies and this servant of GOD knows that GOD is going to GREATLY reward all those who CORRECTLY instructed His people His WORD !!! Seriously, this fellow believer 'NEVER' in a 'Million Years' ( idiom*) expected to be doing 'THIS' in 2020, out of over 7+ billion human souls on this planet and being just a part of about 20% of Christian believers ( i estimate that about 80%+ of those who consider themselves part of : Christendom / Christianity; either do 'NOT' study nor are taught by their local Church Pastors / Leaders the importance of the 'Biblical Prophecies' in their local Churches !!! ) who : believes , studies and teaches the 'Biblical Prophecies' thus you will UNDERSTAND why this student of Bible Prophecy who 'Specializes in the European Union and in Daniel's Prophecies addresses this topic / subject with EXTREME CAUTION and due DILIGENCE; if the Holy Bible has much to say about this specific topic / subject then it must be very IMPORTANT because according to my Bible 'ALL' scripture is given by inspiration of GOD is inspired of GOD and profitable for instruction / teaching ( 2 Timothy 3 : 16 ) What can i say some men get excited by watching other men bounce a ball up and down a basketball court and yet other men get excited about watching men kick a soccer ball acroos a football /soccer field; I get Super Excited about the WORD of GOD and the promises that it makes to those who are Watching and Praying for the soon return of our LORD : Jesus Christ !!!