Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation ? Tell me if you understand.
- Book of Job 38 : 4 - 7
"It is the glory of GOD to conceal a thing : but the honour of King's is to search out a matter."
- Proverbs 25 : 2
"Holy Father : GOD, Your unworthy servant comes before You only because the Blood of Jesus Christ makes it possible. This servant of Yours asks for wisdom to correctly interpret the visions that You showed your Prophet Daniel; i also very humbly ask that You will lead me to all TRUTH concerning : 'Eternity Past' and 'Eternity Future' because if there ever has been a time on Earth when knowledge has multiplied almost exponentially it is now in this final generation; Your servant merely wants to TEACH Your TRUTH and the TRUTH of 'EVERYTHING' is that YOU alone 'UPHOLD' all creation with the power of Your very WORD for every single subatomic particle to the largest Galaxy in this Universe is subject to YOU alone, for You alone are thee 'Eternal Creator' and the initiator of 'ALL' life; seen and unseen. Your servant asks this in Jesus name."
"Although ALL the 3 Heavens are indeed replete with different creations of GOD, you and i were created and assigned to this fallen planet : Earth and although 'Sin' did 'NOT' penetrate the 3rd Heaven nor did the majority of those in the other 'Heavens' rebelled nor sinned against GOD; those of us born on this planet have all sinned and we do need the forgiveness and salvation that can 'ONLY' be obtained through the complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the Cross !!! Unfortunately, down here under this heaven you and i surrounded not only by: abominations, idolatry, perversion, lies, sin and death among numerous other unholy things 'BUT' also by the very initiator and Father of Lies : Satan; may GOD rebuke him !!! And if that wasn't challenging enough Satan was not cast out of Heaven by himself; myriads of 'Fallen Angels' and demons are at his unholy command and yes at first glance it all appears futile, we human beings it may seem don't stand a chance 'BUT' wait it does 'NOT' end there GOD promised thee most 'POWERFUL' force in all the Universe to all those who call upon the name of His only begotten SON : JESUS CHRIST and this servant of GOD Almighty who may not look like much is here to tell you that i am 'NOT' leaving this planet defeated by 'NO' fallen Cherub nor any Fallen Angel; i have invoked the promise of the FATHER : THE HOLY SPIRIT; this vessel of GOD is leaving this planet full of the power of GOD !!! And although i am not in all of this for the great REWARD that is indeed promised to 'ALL' those who overcome : Satan, the Lusts of this fallen Flesh and this corrupted world i am doing this because i owe my Creator and Savior 'Big Time' and i am not going to lie to you; i was born for this !!!" - Mario Romano asks for your prayers, that GOD will continue to direct us to all truth*
"In thee very great PICTURE of ETERNITY ; GOD is populating 'ALL' 3 Heavens with unique and different CREATIONS for HIS sheer pleasure, GOD our SOVEREIGN CREATOR likes DIVERSITY for 'NO' two planets are alike, no two Angels are alike, no two Galaxies are alike nor any two humans nor much less are the 3 Heavens exactly alike !!! And GOD the creator of EVERYTHING is 'NOT' limited to carbon / water based life forms; Biblically speaking we know that Angels do 'NOT' need water like us to survive nor oxygen; GOD can literally engineer and bring to life millions+ of different creations very different from one another in all the other worlds located in all the other solar systems and galaxies of this vast Universe !!!" - Mario Romano, Somewhat of a Student of Theology and Owner of Yum-Yum our Family Cat*
"Yum-Yum our family cat doesn't care about what exists outside of our neighborhood; much less does he care about is happening outside of our : planet, solar system and our galaxy; Yum-Yum too was created by GOD ( because he most certainly was not created in China*) Yum-Yum was created to : Purr to hunt, meow and he will scratch almost everything he can get his little sharp claws on 'BUT' you and i were created for an entire different purpose; I don't know about you but i do wonder what exists beyond this : planet, beyond this solar system and beyond this one galaxy of trillions+ and GOD our CREATOR created me with that curiosity to : learn, to study, to show myself approved !!!" ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ) King David once considered himself to be like worm in insignificance ( Psalm 22 : 6 ) but the scale of this Universe tells me that we are like a creation inside of a 'Petri Dish' ( earth*) before GOD our CREATOR !!!
"There are too many who sincerely believe that they have GOD all figured out; this unworthy servant of Christ Jesus is here to confess to you that he most certainly and absolutely 'NOT' has GOD figured all out
( in fact i don't have my very own little life figured all out, much less what's transpiring with my next door neighbor and in the rest of this : planet, solar system, galaxy and the rest of the Universe !!! ) 'BUT' the little that i have learned and discovered about GOD our CREATOR in this very brief life AMAZES me and makes me TREMBLE in the HOLY Fear of GOD. This believer in Yeshua believes in a literal 1000 year Millenium, in a 7 year Tribulation Period, in a real Heaven and in a real Hell and in the Harpazo before Daniel's 70th Week and 'IF' he is correct about a 'Certain Thing' and if he is interpreting Daniel's Prophecies correctly then : you, i and hundreds of millions of others better get READY to be Transformed in the Twinkling of an eye within a DECADE or much less for 'ALL' the major players mentioned in Revelation seem to be positioning themselves for the 'Final Act' !!!"
- Mario Romano, an unworthy servant of Christ Jesus*
"It is the personal and insignificant opinion of this servant of Christ Jesus, that GOD has delegated power and assignments in this Universe / 2nd Heaven to numerous hierarchies of Angels and that the Archangel Michael and the Messenger Angel : Gabriel are assigned to this planet and this galaxy while other Angels are assigned to other creations in the other Heavens !!! Yes, some Angels were assigned to minister to those who will inherit salvation here on Earth ( Hebrews 1 : 14 ) 'BUT' their assignment is only 'Temporary' the 6000+ years since Adam and Eve up until today is just like 'one drop in a bucket' in comparison to the 'Eternity Past' that most Angels have already experienced 'Pre-Genesis' and Pre-Earth, those ministering Angels stationed here on Earth will be 'Re-Assigned' to other : realms, heavens and other creations once their assignment on Earth is fulfilled !!!
The number of Angels in all the Angelic hierarchies very 'conservatively' in my theologically educated opinion exceeds the 1+ Trillion very easily given that the Holy Scriptures on several ocassions / passages likens Angels to Stars and we presently know that the number of stars exceeds the 'Octillions' ( that's 27 zeroes !!! ) This somewhat ignorant servant of GOD reminds everyone that there was ALREADY light in the other Heavens 'Before' GOD created artificial light for planet earth via the sun ( stars*) for the 3rd Heaven is lit up by the sheer presence of GOD ( Revelation 21 : 23 ) and Mario also reminds everyone that we are 'NOT' GOD's 1st creation in all of eternity; Angels pre-existed before Genesis 1 and way before earth and 'NO' we are 'NOT' located in the center of the Universe because if we were we'd be in the center of our galaxy and we all would have been pulled into the giant 'Black Hole' located there !!! To GOD 'ALL' of His creation is 'Special to Him' and that's all that is important for 'HE' sustains 'ALL' of His creation and LOVES all that 'HE' created for Himself !!!" - Mario Romano
There have been many numerous other different and unique creations of GOD : THEE ETERNAL CREATOR that have preceeded us the son's of : Adam and Eve in 'Eternity Past.' GOD did 'NOT' begin creating some 6,000+ - earth years ago when HE created : Adam and Eve down here on earth, the TRUTH is that HE has been SOVEREIGNLY been creating all throughout 'Eternity Past' !!! Yes, Adam and Eve were created some 6,000 years ago 'BUT' the Holy Bible 'NEVER' tells us the exact age of this planet and the Bible itself 'CONFIRMS' to us that there indeed was already creation outside of this one; like the 3rd Heaven and we also know the Angels preceded us and they most certainly were 'NOT' part of the Genesis creation, for the Bible itself ALSO confirms to us that there indeed have been several other creation periods in 'Eternity Past' ( Proverbs 8:23, John 1 : 1 etc...) All of my fellow Christian Creation Apologists who are claiming and teaching that we are alone in this Universe and that GOD is going to destroy this entire Universe after the Millenium should keep quiet, if they have never travelled outside of this planet ( Luke 9 :54 : Jesus rebuked some of his own disciples when they OVER-Talked* Even some of GOD's servants TODAY in 2019, don't see how GOD sees 'HIS' creation when as a 'Matter of Factly' they unwisely state that GOD is going to destroy all the Universe after the Millenium ! ) and GOD most certainly did 'NOT' destroyed this entire Solar System and Planet when sin entered it; HE destroyed its SINNERS and GOD never cursed all of the rest of the Universe; HE cursed only the rest of the earth that was outside of the Garden of Eden !!!"
This will be an 'ANNUAL' article about what has 'PRECEDED' us human beings on planet earth in 'Eternity Past.' This GOD fearing servant of GOD writes this article based on the latest 'Scientific/ Astronomical Facts/ Discoveries known about this great Universe that we inhabit as well as some key Biblical Passages that 'PROVE' that 'Eternity' has been long, long going on before GOD our CREATOR created Adam and Eve on planet earth some 6000 - + human earth years ago. Mario Romano claims absolutely 'NO' extra divine revelation nor is any new DOCTRINAL claims are being claimed here and in this 'ARTICLE.' The following article is the product of 1000's of hours of researching : Micro-Biology, Quantum Physics, the Holy Bible, Astronomy and having consumed perhaps one too many cups of caffeinated coffee !!!
'HOLY SPIRIT' this imperfect vessel REDEEMED by the Blood of Jesus Christ asks for WISDOM and DIRECTION from on high, this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ asks that YOU will give him the WISDOM to correctly 'TEACH' about this topic, your servant asks 'NOT' for fame nor for earthly riches; YOU alone know that this insignificant vessel merely seeks the TRUTH about whether or not the rest of the Trillions+ of other Galaxies and planets in this Universe are EMPTY or REPLETE with other unique creations of GOD ALMIGHTY.
"Over 5+ years ago in our original / older website we 'AFFIRMED' and were the ONLY eschatological website to 'BOLDLY' confirm that GOD has been creating throughout all of 'Eternity Past' and some 5+ more years later; the latest ASTRONOMICAL evidence and discoveries have only CONFIRMED what we suspected !!! That this entire Universe is somehow 'ALL' interconnected with the Omnipresent Spirit of GOD our Creator in ways that neither you nor i cannot fully comprehend and for the record 'NO' : Archangel, Seraphim, Cherub, Regular Angel nor any other created being created by GOD will ever, ever know 'ALL' of GOD's secrets ( Deuteronomy 29 : 29 ) This mortal human being acknowledges that he is merely 'scratching the surface' so to speak of something that exceeds the limitations of the human mind to fully comprehend !!!"
By : Mario Romano, one of over 12+ billion human beings that have been born on Earth***
Former Astronaut Gordon Cooper Stated:
( and Mr. Cooper is 'NOT' the only former Astronaut who has testified of witnessing spacecraft in space and on earth that was obviously 'NOT' manufactured by Russia nor America !!! )
"I personally believe that extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews have been visiting earth from other planets, their spacecraft are obviously much more advanced than ours."
- Gordon Cooper, statement to the UN in 1984
In conclusion, it is the 'Personal Opinion' of this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ based upon the latest 2019 Astronomical discoveries that GOD; Thee very same GOD of : Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the HOLY ONE of ISRAEL has been CREATING numerous others creations throughout all of 'ETERNITY PAST' in all the other Heavens above us and if you haven't figured it out yet; GOD has raised the unworthy vessel to TEACH and WARN the nations of Daniel's 4th Beast and it's 'Little Horn' if there weren't over 40+ different prophecies concerning 'IT' and 'him' this student of Bible Prophecy would remain quiet and be as clueless as all atheists who could care less !!! 'BUT' my very Bible tells me that every single word in the Bible is inspired of GOD !!! ( 2 Timothy 3 : 16 ) and that is why this website EXISTS, we are on the forefront of something that very few other Bible Prophecy Watchmen saw coming in the manner that it did years ago ( the genie is most certainly out of the bottle*) and to be honest with you i don't mind who gets the credit, GOD is keeping count and records and HE is the ultimate rewarder of all those who were FAITHFUL and TEACHED His word correctly. Despite of all the FLAWS that this vessel of GOD has, it is amazing that he has managed to come this far, almost out of NOWHERE in this 'Final Hour' and at last count at least 100 fellow believers from 100+ different nations are being 'Cautiously Informed' about what 'NO' major global News Network has a clue on and what is tragic is that one too many who call themselves 'Bible Prophecy Watchmen' also seem to have no clue about what is becoming more and more OBVIOUS; that we are indeed thee 'Final Generation' and that 'ALL' the major endtimes players / actors are making their way to the stage !!! Mario is 'NO' : Chuck Missler, Dave Hunt nor Tim LaHaye ( Could you imagine what more i could accomplish if only i had the $$$ economic resources that Brother LaHaye had after selling over 70+ million copies of 'Left Behind Books' Bro. LaHaye wrote a fictional novel about the endtimes and EUinProphecy.com could very well be writing on the 'Real Thing' isn't all this somewhat ironic ??? And despite the fact that this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't enjoy being backed by '$$$ Deep Pockets' the HOLY SPIRIT has given him the wisdom to reach Millions+ and Mario plans on leaving this planet having done great EXPLOITS in the name of JESUS CHRIST regardless of $$$ even i have learned the hard way that it really isn't about : Might, Power nor Even by $$$ Money 'BUT' by the 'Spirit of GOD' !!! ) all 3 Teachers of Bible Prophecy are now with the LORD and they never got to fully witness what we are 'Presently' witnessing transpiring in the : EU, in Israel and in the Middle East, GOD raises servants and prepares them ( i am living proof of this*) what i can tell you is that GOD has been preparing this unworthy vessel for over 20+ years now and you better believe that i do 'NOT' intend to fail GOD nor run away from my calling nor do i intend to hide the gifts that GOD has deposited in this imperfect vessel; I give all the Honor and Glory to GOD my Creator and my Redeemer : Jesus Christ !!!
In sum, Mario Romano fully acknowledges and believes that thee most IMPORTANT thing that every single human being MUST know is that we have 'ALL' sinned and fallen short of the GLORY of our HOLY CREATOR : GOD : ELOHIM :YHWH = JESUS CHRIST !!! Everything else is 'SECONDARY' including what this servant of GOD is trying his best to teach about 'ETERNITY PAST.' In the meantime, GOD expects us all to 'Grow Spiritually' when i was a 'child' i spoke like a child but now that i am a full grown adult man i will speak like a GOD fearing man, very truly there is a time and a season for everything under heaven; Mario Romano does 'NOT' think 24 /7 about 'Eschatology' he tries his best to live a very well equilibrated daily Christian Life that glorifies GOD our Creator
by abiding in His WORD and bearing much fruit for GOD's Honor and Glory !!! We can 'NOT' dwell only on one Book of the Bible or on ONE VERSE only, GOD gave us 66 Books and raised up several different Hebrew Prophets for several reasons; let us all learn and study what 'ALL' the Scriptures reveal to us about this final generation lest we be like the 5 Foolish Virgins ***
What About UFO's ???
Concerning UFO's : Based upon all of my research and the Holy Scriptures, it is obvious that 'SOME' Fallen Angels as well as some 'Son's of GOD' mentioned in Ezekiel 1 : 16, and in other passages do travel about the heavens / dimensions in 'Interstellar Vehicles' of sorts. Additionally, the Prophet Elijah was obviously transported in some type of a vehicle for the Bible itself tells us that neither 'Flesh nor Blood' can enter into the Kingdom of GOD ( 1 Corinthians 15 : 50 ) Mario Romano personally believes that most genuine UFO's are 'Fallen Angels' in disguise; the 'Wheel Within a Wheel' mentioned in Ezekiel 1 : 16 is very obviously a 'Non-Living' object used for transporation by those 'Living Beings' witnessed by Ezekiel because it made : loud sound, it moved and it had some type of a metallic surface; there's more going on in our Universe than most people and believers can even begin to imagine !!! And this student of Theology does 'NOT' see any conflict with the Holy Scriptures if this Universe is indeed HOME to 'MYRIADS' of other creations; the truth is that we are the planet and creation in trouble, the creation that did disobeyed GOD and the ONLY one that does 'NEED' salvation other planets in other Galaxies could be full of dinosaurs / animals and primates who were 'NOT' created in the 'Image of GOD' and that can 'NOT' sin like we did and this fellow believer REMINDS everyone that our ultimate home after the Millenium is 'NOT' going to be in the 3rd Heaven by the very Throne of GOD; GOD has created for us the 'New Jerusalem' and it's coming down from Heaven, that means this Universe is 'NOT' going to be totally destroyed as some Creation Apologists believe, the truth is that GOD need only destroy this planet, solar system or galaxy 'BUT' not the rest of the Heavens; Some 'Interpreters of the Bible' have been wrong before on certain things it's NOT that the Bible has errors it's that some people interpret some verses / passages incorrectly like Catholics with Communion , they very obviously interpret Jesus own words to mean that the 'Wine and Bread' used in Communion becomes the literal blood and flesh of Christ 'BUT' some of us know better it is SYMBOLIC !!!
Once again, this servant of Christ Jesus concludes this weeks 'ARTICLE' by acknowledging that thee MOST important thing in all of life is to have a 'Personal Relationship' with GOD our Creator via Jesus Christ, after all 'WE' were all created for 'HIS' sheer pleasure ( Revelation 4 : 11 ) The Book of Ecclesiastes confirms to us that indeed there is a time for everything under Heaven; in the average lifespan / lifetime the average person will spend over 2+ years watching T.V, 90+ days in the restroom and over 2+ years watching sporting events etc... So it most definitely is 'NOT' a waste to study a 'Topic' such as this one !!! It is much better that you know the TRUTH than to accept Erich Von Daniken's and numerous other Ufologists Theory / Belief that we were 'Engineered' by 'Ancient Aliens' !!! The TRUTH is that GOD is THEE 'Eternal Creator' HE has been creating all through 'Eternity Past' and HE 'SHALL' continue creating well into 'Eternity Future' in the 'Here and Now' thee most important thing that we on planet will be held accountable to is what DECISION we made with Jesus Christ, did we ACCEPT Him or Reject Him ? I can 'NOT' speak for everyone, years ago this human sinner acknowledge that there was much more going on in this planet than meets the human eye; I chose to believe in the Holy Bible, I chose to repent and accept Jesus Christ as my personal SAVIOR !!!
By : Mario Romano. It gives 'NO' pleasure /delight for this believer in Jesus Christ to be somewhat on the forefront of ADDRESSING the Prophecies of Daniel and what it means to this our final generation and also of 'ADDRESSING' what 'MOST' Christian Apologists are afraid to address : 'Are We GOD's Only Creation In This Universe ?' Neither my Sunday School Teacher nor any of the Pastors that i have had in the past ever addressed this topic very simply because they were not equipped to address it nor did they wanted to touch this somewhat controversial topic 'BUT' Mario Romano is 'NOT' afraid to address it very simply because he has diligently RESEARCHED the topic for over 19+ years ( Astronomy and Theology*) and he feels absolutely CONVINCED that the Astronomical evidence that he has diligently studied and researched SHOUTS at him that his CONCLUSION about this topic is CORRECT. Mario Romano is 'NOT' afraid to boldly address these two very 'Controversial' topics very simply because I know in whom I have believed and 'ALL' those who are affirming that the Bible does not tell us that GOD created other creations fail to tell you that the Bible also does 'NOT' confirms that we are GOD's only creation either !!! Mario is 'NOT' dogmatic about this subject / topic 'BUT' it should be rather obvious as they ( International Space Observatories*) keep discovering more and more planets and galaxies with the Hubble Telescope and the upcoming Webb Telescope that there's more to this Universe than us on Earth !!! And like i have always stated; 'NOT' all other creations were created in the 'Image of GOD' nor did the great majority of the 'Heavenly Host' sinned and rebelled against GOD. It is the personal theological opinion of this believer in the GOD of Israel that GOD has created at a minimum of ONE CREATION in most galaxies ( 51%+ ) 'ANYONE' who sincerely believes that they have GOD all figured out is DECEIVING themselves; this believer is merely writing and addressing the 'OBVIOUS' that the rest of the 1+ Trillion observable Galaxies in this Universe are definitely 'NOT' all devoid of LIFE !!! To GOD be all the Glory for HE alone is thee source of 'ALL' life 'Seen and Unseen' in all the 3 Heavens !!! This fellow believer initially began these 'ARTICLES' on 'Eternity Past and Eternity Future' to try and address the growing belief that we were created by 'Ancient Aliens' after much : Prayer, Fasting, Research and Study of the WORD of GOD this is what 'ALL' the evidence led me to, that GOD is : THEE ETERNAL CREATOR of more than one planet and of more than one heaven !!!