..."The end will come like a flood : War will continue until the end." - Daniel 9:26
..."In Daniel 9 :26; the Angel Gabriel is specifically revealing to the Prophet Daniel who was himself a casualty of war ( exile*) of the Babylonian conquest of Judah, that the future of his people and of Israel and Jerusalem itself will be decided by one war after another all the way until the final 70th Week or final 7 years !!!" - Mario Romano
The recent decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel sent political SHOCKWAVES 'NOT' only throughout the 45+ Islamic capitals and throughout many secret anti-semitic countries 'BUT' also throughout the vast unseen SPIRITUAL WORLD !!! The epicenter of all of Bible Prophecy is Jerusalem, Israel and its final destiny and ladies and gentlemen when President Trump made that bold declaration it just seemed to this student of Bible Prophecy that Satan and all of his unholy minions all were forced to stop dead in their tracks to reassess that their time here on earth : killing, stealing, destroying and deceiving most of humanity is getting ever and ever shorter !!! When President Trump boldly recognized Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel and of its Jewish inhabitants, it seemed to this student of Bible Prophecy that something like a giant nuclear spiritual explosion of light pierced through the darkness that now seems to 'spiritually blind' and dominate most of the world's nations and at least for a moment exposed Satan and his demonic agenda for what it truly is and that is : Anti-Israeli, Anti-Biblical and outright Anti-GOD !!! ( Just days after Trump recognized Jerusalem's TRUE BIBLICAL role, the United Nations voted overwhelmingly to condemn and reject President Trump's decision; Mario Romano is 'NO' Prophet 'BUT' you better believe that GOD's wrath and judgement during the Tribulation period on those 128 nations who voted against Jerusalem's Biblical role will be a little bit harsher !!! )
Any and every true believer in Jesus Christ who was 'Watching and Praying' in this 2017 acknowledges that the 'Convergence' of Bible Prophecy events and political players prophesied in the Holy Scriptures for these last days appears to be manifesting themselves on the world stage as never before.
We 'ALL' would like for world peace to prevail, we would all like for all wars to end 'BUT' the reality of 'Fallen Man' whose : heart and mind is corrupted by SIN; & full of : revenge, lust, greed and violence in this 'Fallen Planet' will 'NEVER' allow world peace to be made possible for too long !!! Long before most of us were even born mankind had already fought two massive World Wars that literally affected most of the nations of planet earth in one way or another.
You and I, as students of Bible Prophecy know where all of the UNFORGIVEN : hatred, revenge and animosity is all headed especially in the Middle East. As believers we all would like for our Arab friends and our Jewish Israeli friends to forgive one another and hug each other and forget about their violent past. 'UNFORTUNATELY' something of that magnitude throughout all of the recorded military conflicts in human history has not taken place. The 'Blunt Truth' is that Arabs control some 95% of the geography of the Middle East and there are about 45+ Islamic Capitals all over this world; surely the world can support 'ONE JEWISH NATION' and one Jewish Capital !!!
The rise of numerous 'Crypto currencies' such as $BITCOIN is making some ask themselves if this will be part of the 'Mark of the Beast' in the future ? Mario Romano, like numerous others considers Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies a giant 'Ponzi Scheme' ( using real currency- money to purchase fake money*) or better yet more like a 'Pumped Up' penny stock that when it reaches its high is quickly dumped, those still holding lose almost everything meanwhile those who sold and made riches find yet another way to pump it yet again !!! Crypto currencies are 'NOT' backed up by any governmental financial guarantees and very recently several Bitcoin Exchanges have been HACKED in the past and have quickly sought bankruptcy relief !!! The Book of Revelation does guarantee that the global economic system 'WILL' collapse in the future Revelation 17 : 18, this student of Bible Prophecy does believe that 'Super Computers' and a new type of digital currency will be launched by the few remaining world powers during the Tribulation period; presently the only thing driving up the worth of $BITCOIN is human GREED !!! $Bitcoin owners in the U.S. are now themselves being sought after by the IRS, $Bitcoin profits are considered taxable by the IRS; in sum $Bitcoin is one of the biggest financial 'Bubbles' of this 2017 and all bubbles usually explode !!!
As 2017 comes to a close, the world and especially the Military Leadership of the armies of this planet witnessed that a highly mechanized and highly technologically advanced army such as the Russian Armed Forces in Syria can DECIMATE and OBLIVERATE any Terrorist force when the political leadership gives them the full green light to wage UNRESTRICTED WARFARE and when there are few 'Rules of Engagement' !!! Truly, ISIS was 'NO' match for their even more ruthless Russian counterparts who seemingly dominated most of the Syrian airspace as well as the rest of the Syrian battlespace via the somewhat and very highly accurate Russian missile guided systems employed there against Isis Targets !!! ( Yes, not all of Russia's guided missiles were/are all that accurate; but the Russian's don't really care about collateral damage; they know its a part of the fog of war*) Just as GOD used the British Empire and General Allenby in the past during World War I to defeat the Ottoman Empire and drive out the Turks out of the Holy Land to get it ready for the 'RETURN' of His chosen people; GOD is utilizing the USA and President Trump as well as Russia's Putin to ready the Middle East for the next upcoming Prophetic events !!! The days in which ruthless mobs of ISIS soldiers openly paraded with numerous Toyota trucks and chopped off the heads of numerous believers and other opponents of ISIS are over; ISIS had 'NO' monopoly over the use of violence and ruthlessness; just study what the Russian military did there and you will understand !!! ( it's too graphic for me to describe the DECIMATION of ISIS Terrorists and their sympathizers !!! )
What should come as 'NO' surprise to any student of Bible Prophecy is the fact that virtually 'ALL' of the Prophesied players mentioned in the Book of Daniel appear to be on the world scene in this very : minute, hour, day, month and year of 2017 !!! The Book of Zechariah and Daniel guarantee that in these last days the world will turn against the Nation of Israel and especially and specifically because of the destiny of JERUSALEM !!!
This year we all witnessed via our T.V. screens 'MOST' of the nations on planet earth vote against Israel in the United Nations. Mr. Erdogan, the leader from Turkey whose very soldiers and police forces have been 'NOT' so secretly killing their very own Kurdish Islamic brothers and sisters had 'the guts' to call Israel a 'Terrorist State' when he himself has ordered the killing of thousands of fellow Islamic Kurds near Turkey !!! Mr. Erdogan is promoting a capital for the Palestinians 'BUT' closer to home he does 'NOT' want any independence nor Capital for the Kurds near Turkey what a hypocrite !!!
Putin, Russia, ISIS, Syria & the Middle East : 2017
Vladimir Putin ( Russia's 'Democratic' Dictator*) as you may now know has officially announced that he will seek re-election for another 6 year term 'surprise, surprise' ???
It is 'NOT' the intent of this student of Bible Prophecy to demonize Mr. Putin nor all of his political and military moves; the truth is that before Putin rose to power Russia was almost on a downward death spiral with Boris Yeltsin; the truth is that 'NO' country can immediately implement a full democratic system after having none for Centuries !!! Putin did bring some 'STABILITY' to Russia at a critical point in its history 'BUT' obviously at a great expense to its young democracy. We must also give some credit for Mr. Putin for 'NOT' allowing some of its nuclear missiles and uranium to have fallen into the hands of Islamic Terrorist groups like some 'Conspiracy Theorists' were warning the world over a decade ago !!! There is no question that Putin is 'NOT' going to remove his armed forces anytime soon in Syria; Putin has big plans for the region and he, Assad and mostly everyone else kind of knows that he owns Syria's Assad and those Russian military bases in Syria very simply because without Putin's help Assad and Syria would have easily fallen into the hands of ISIS !
Pope Francis : Not the Final False Prophet Yet *
This year we also all witnessed the head of the Roman Catholic Church ( the 'Great Whore of Revelation ) via its : Pope Francis, try to involve itself and himself in almost every major crisis on planet earth while at the same time he and his unholy organization : produces, hides and is complicit of untold pedophilia by too many of its Roman Priests all over this world !!! There were even stories of several Roman Catholic Priests who call Pope Francis a 'False Prophet' because of the various anti-biblical positions that he has been supporting such as stating publicly that "All religions lead to GOD' !!! It's not that Pope Francis is a false prophet, the truth is that 'ALL" Roman Catholic Popes were also 'ALL' False Prophets; very simply because they teached that there are many ways to GOD and according to them Jesus Christ is just one of many ways to the Father !!! ( Roman Catholicism teaches that salvation comes via the Church Sacraments, the Eucharist, the Veneration of Mary and through the intercesion of Mary etc...)
The : EU, France and the Middle East
This year we all witnessed a man seemingly emerging out of nowhere; he was even less qualified politically than America's Obama to take office ( Obama had at least been elected to the U.S. Senate and other minor political seats in Chicago*) and 'YET' in one year he has emerged not only as the democratically elected leader of you know what country but also as one of the most relevant leaders of the entire European Union 'BUT' wait in this same year he has SOMEHOW managed also to involve himself in the Middle East Peace Process; now you tell me statistically speaking what are the odds of all of this taking place in one years time ??? And this is his first year in power; can you imagine what he will try to accomplish in his other 4 years in office !!!
The DECIMATION and near ANNIHILATION of Islamic State ( ISIS )
Not too long ago various other teachers and student of Bible Prophecy were predicting an Islamic Caliphate that would somehow gain control of the entire Middle East and then according to them would eventually spread to all of Western Europe 'BUT' Bible Prophecy made 'NO' such a thing remotely possible !!! This student of Bible Prophecy has always interpreted that most of the modern Islamic people's and nations are nothing more than modern day : Philistines, Amorites, Hittites, Canaaninites & others who do 'NOT' compose the 4th Beast of Daniel !!! According to Bible Prophecy the only one who will be able to temporarily CONQUER : Jerusalem and Israel during the Great Tribulation period will be the final 'Little Horn' and he 'SHALL' not be a Muslim horn; the truth is that there are more than enough : bloodthirsthy, ruthless and psychopathic European alpha males who can fulfill that prophetic role in the future, all the Islamic armies and Islamic Terrorist groups have failed Satan in over half a century and Israel is still standing; Satan is setting his sights on a future nuclear Rome of 10 !!! 'Shame' on all of those teachers and student of Bible Prophecy who are promoting such a false teaching when we all know that the 4th Beast was ROMAN and there is 'NO' Biblical precedent for it to transform itself into an Islamic 4th Beast !!! ( Jeremiah 13 : 23 ) Sorry, Mr. Erdogan and Turkey are 'NO' nuclear powers, the world is not going to surrender at their feet; 'NO' standing army of one or two million soldiers is any match for one nuclear missile headed their way !!!
Israel at 70 : 1948 - 2018
If you know the Biblical Prophecies you are fully aware of GOD's numbers and patterns. In this upcoming year of 2018 the State of Israel will have its 70 Anniversary and historically and Biblically speaking the number 70 holds somewhat of a special time marker for the Jewish people ( 70 weeks Daniel, 70 years in Babylon etc..) Being that the Prince of Rosh from the land of Gog appears to be strategically positioned in Syria and in the Mediterranean Sea to make his moves and being that the Prince of the People of the 4th Beast could potentially be also getting ready; as serious students of Bible Prophecy we could or could not witness a MAJOR prophecy being fulfilled this year due to all the CONVERGING world events taking place all around us !!!
America's DECLINE and Bible Prophecy
This student of Bible Prophecy has studied 'Patterns' of judgement that GOD our Creator has imparted to rebellious : people's, tribes, empires and nations throughout recorded human history ( GOD is Very, Very fair !!! ) and UNFORTUNATELY in order for the 4th and Final manifestation of the 4th Roman Beast to Arise from the Mediterranean Region once again in the FUTURE, the United States as we presently know them in this December of 2017 'MUST' decline Economically and Militarily in the not too distant future !!! Fortunately, the United States will 'NOT' be sole and total encarnation of the 4th and Final Roman Beast. America is 'NOT' any of the 4 Beast of Daniel simply put because the USA is 'NOT' bent on the : Conquest of Israel and of Jerusalem like all the other 4 Beasts were in the past !!! It appears that America will at a minimum follow in the footsteps of the British Empire in that once the British Empire declined in power it was "NOT" totally destroyed, it just became somewhat of an 'Isolationist' regional power, even if a nuclear attack would come against America, the US Military has a Nuclear Triad that would respond with a nuclear response as well against the identified enemy in a timely manner; 'YES' GOD's final judgement is coming upon 'ALL' the nations 'BUT' GOD will show more mercy against the few nations that choose to support the Nation of Israel in the Tribulation Period !!! ( Revelation 21 : 24 ) As sinful as America is, the United States also continues to be one of the few nations who is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ as no other nation on earth and even though 'one too many' of American churches may be on the edge of Apostasy; GOD still has a small REMNANT of faithful believers scattered all over the United States who fear His WORD and His Commandments and who have 'NOT' bowed down to the god of 'politically correctness' nor to the unholy and perverted god of the LGBT movement 'ANY' and all humans who die in sin will inherit the fires of hell be it the sin of : adultery, fornication, homosexuality or lesbianism; sin is 'SIN' and 'WE' must REPENT and change our ways if we want to get right with our HOLY CREATOR; those who are proud about their sin, will die in their sins just as surely as those in Sodom and Gomorrah !!!
In conclusion, the President of the United States; President Trump is truly 'NOT' perfect; in fact he may not be a born again believer 'BUT' there is some fear of GOD still inside of him that surely is 'NOT' present in some 100+ other world leaders who VOTED against Israel recently in the United Nations. This useless servant of GOD knows very well that GOD Himself is taking 'EVERYTHING' done against Israel and the Jews into consideration when His HOLY Judgements mentioned in the Book of Revelation begin to be rolled out against all the nations of this planet in the not too distant future !!! U.S. President Trump was put in power by GOD ALMIGHTY and His Watchers ( Daniel 4 : 17 ) just as much as former President Obama in the past; although Mr. Trump's personal life may be full of questionable things 'NO' other world leader that GOD used in the past was truly HOLY; even King David's life was replete with : rape, conspiracy and murder ( 2 Samuel 11: 5-27 ) this does 'NOT' excuse Mr. Trump's sins of the past 'BUT' most other world leaders have an even much worse record than Mr. Trump with : women, minorities and their countries finances; just take a look at how much worse women are treated in most of the Islamic world and how most African Presidents have looted their national coffers and even how some Muslim leaders such as Mr. Erdogan and others have no problem killing other Muslims such as the Kurds; 'NO' Mr. Trump is not perfect but at least He is 'NOT' a clear enemy of GOD ALMIGHTY as are 'MOST' of the spineless world leaders on this planet who recently voted against Jerusalem and sided with the other 40+ Islamic nations !!!
By : Mario Romano. This servant of GOD is 'NO' warmonger; in a perfect world war would not exist 'BUT' our reality is that we live and exist in a very violent fallen planet. Biblically speaking people and nations 'DO' have the right to defend themselves against evil in any and all ways shapes or forms !!! King David himself was a prime example of this; King David was a man after GOD's own heart and yet he had to take and use the SWORD to defend his people and his nation against the wiles of : unholy, violent and the heartless military offensive actions of Pagan tribes, nations and peoples that surrounded Israel in his day and who sought the very annihilation or the slavery of the Jewish people !!! This human being wishes 'NO' evil upon anyone created in the very Image of GOD our CREATOR 'BUT' GOD Himself created physical and spiritual laws that must come to pass once human beings break His laws !!!
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
-Revelation 13 : 8 GOD's WORD Translation
The first time Jesus Christ came to this world both the political system of the Romans as well as the religious establishment in Judea ( Israel ) composed mostly of : Pharisees and Saducees greatly opposed Him and both of those corrupt 'political and religious powers' then and there were directly complicit of His death on the cross. ( John 19:11 ) When Jesus Christ 'RETURNS' He is going to reign from Jerusalem 'BUT' not before He does away totally with all the failed and corrupt governments of this world, as well as with all of the false religions and false prophets; for the entire government of this world shall be upon His shoulders ! ( Isaiah 9:6 ) Jesus Christ is : King of king's !
The truth is that 'NO' man on this planet knows the exact date of birth of JESUS CHRIST; 'BUT' what most can 'NOT' deny is that Jesus Christ was born on this planet some 2000 years ago to a Jewish young lady named Mary and to Joseph a carpenter. ( Due to numerous factors; such as changes in the Julian Calendar in 1580's by Roman Popes, we long ago lost thee real and EXACT knowledge of the correct day and time of our present time* Additionally, the new calendar adopted and implemented by the Roman Catholic Popes through the centuries was not implemented uniformly across all of Europe until the 18th Century and even according to the Jewish Calendar we are in the year 5777 ) Using historical records and markers about the Roman Empire and its Roman leaders ( Reign of Herod & Roman census*) most experts who have studied the subject tell us that our LORD Jesus Christ year of birth was most likely in 2 B.C.
Nobody is going to be CONDEMNED to hell because they never got to know : Jesus Christ's real birthday nor His physical description !!! ( It is not a doctrinal point of salvation*) The Holy Spirit chose 'NOT' to focus so much on the physical appearance of Christ so that all could focus on His message of the 'Kingdom of GOD' and Salvation; than on secondary things that seem to divide us more so than unite us in Christ !!! ( John 12 : 48 ) Thee most important thing is that we : Obey, Abide and Live out the words of Jesus Christ !!! Most revolutionary movements have in the past tried to 'Paint' Jesus Christ as being a : 'Black African American Revolutionary, a white Communist Revolutionary like Che Guevara and the list goes on; GOD knew that man is very much into idolatry and that is why GOD chose 'NOT' to leave any physical image of Jesus Christ behind !!! ( The Image of the Shroud of Turin is 'NOT' Jesus Christ Resurrected; shame on those Christian's who are promoting that False Roman Catholic artifact !!! ) The 'True Worshippers' of GOD will worship GOD in 'Spirit and in Truth' without the need of any : Images, Statues, Icons or any other physical representation of our Creator !!! ( John 4 : 24 )
Thee most IMPORTANT thing in all of this is that JESUS CHRIST was born !!! Had Yeshua never been born, GOD had every right to utterly destroy any and all trace of this rebellious creation from His Universe !!! It was 'NOT' that our sovereign Creator: GOD was doing an 'Experiment' on planet earth with Adam and Eve; the Biblical truth is that GOD foresaw Lucifer's rebellion as well as Adam and Eve's disobedience and GOD Himself solved it all in eternity past 'BEFORE' He even began to lay out the very foundation of this planet earth !!! Devout atheists and conspiracy theorists believe that Jesus Christ never existed and that he was invented by either the Romans or the Jews of those days to 'Pacify' the poor and most Jews; additionally other atheists believe that the story of Jesus was just a mixture of a 'Pagan Deity Recycled.' The truth is that GOD gave us all 'Freewill' those who willingly choose to REJECT GOD's only plan of salvation; will die with and in their own sins !!!
Before we go any further on this subject it is critical that we 'ALL' understand that the LIVING WORD of GOD : JESUS CHRIST had already 'PRE-EXISTED' before Yeshua was born as a child to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem !!! There are several 'Christophonies' in the Old Testament that prove to us that Christ the WORD of GOD had already appeared and taken human form on this planet way before the WORD of GOD took on the form of 'Baby Jesus' ( Genesis 3 : 8 & several others*) Our LORD : Jesus Christ even 'Confirmed' this : Truth, Fact and Reality; when he stated to a very angry Jewish crowd that 'BEFORE' Abraham was, I AM !!! ( John 8:58 )
According to the best historical evidence 'MOST' biblical and historical evidence appears to point to the last days of the month of September as the most likely time period when our LORD Jesus Christ was born. Biblically speaking; we know that Elizabeth ( John the Baptist mother ) was in her six month of pregnancy when Jesus was conceived ( Luke 1: 23-24 ) Assuming that John's conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the month of March as the most likely time for John's birth. Adding another six months ( the difference in age between John's and Jesus ) gives us late September as the most likely date of birth of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Because Mario Romano is 'NOT' scared of any 'atheists attacks' on the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ and because he himself is after all the truth that GOD will allow him to absorb and learn; it is that this servant of GOD once in a while will include how other 'Non-Believers' perceive Christianity. Most atheists do 'NOT' understand why GOD is so 'Bloody' why couldn't GOD choose a less violent method of saving mankind ? ( they ask*)
The 'Blunt Truth' is that GOD, to begin with did 'NOT' have to create us down here on planet earth to begin with !!! When Adam and Eve sinned; GOD could have very easily destroyed this entire planet together with Satan and all the Fallen Angels that were already lurking outside of the Garden of Eden !!! The Holy Scriptures reveal to us rather clearly that GOD's thoughts and ways are 'NOT' comparable to the thoughts of us puny mortal human beings !!!
When this student of Theology takes a 'Step Back' so to speak and let's it all 'Sink In' Mario Romano understands that GOD our CREATOR 'NEVER' gives up very easily on any of His creations !!! As we study the destruction of most of the world's population in the Genesis Flood we learn that GOD was very patient and that He gave everyone ample time to REPENT and yet only 8 people heeded His warning !!! We see the same thing in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; there weren't even 10 righteous people in the city !!! ( Genesis 18 : 32 ) Additionally, this student of Bible Prophecy knows that GOD was very patient with Lucifer and the Angel's that Lucifer was DECEIVING before He ordered them cast down to earth !!! ( For Lucifer to have deceived so many Angels must have taken a long period of time within eternity; Lucifer supposedly was doing many things 'Behind GOD's Back' Lucifer somehow forgot that GOD was omnipresent !!! )
Mario Romano does 'NOT' claim to understand it 'ALL' !!! What he does understand is that this is one very 'Messed Up Planet' and having studied what : Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Agnostics and numerous others believe in; this 'Sinner' chose by his own 'Free Will' to believe that JESUS CHRIST is the only real TRUTH !!! Mario very, very strongly believes that whatever one chooses to do with JESUS CHRIST will ultimately 'AFFECT' their soul for all of eternity !!! This human being believes that Jesus Christ is more than a : Prophet, more than an Archangel, more than one of many other gods and much more than one of many ways to heaven and to eternal life as many on earth presently believe !!! JESUS CHRIST is GOD in human flesh, JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY WAY to the FATHER and to eternal life !!! All those who reject Jesus Christ will die in their sins; very truly GOD sends no one to hell, people choose to go there out of the life decisions that they make here on earth amongst the living.
One of the most repetitive questions that this student of Theology hears on Christian radio stations that focus on apologetics is the question about 'What about those who never got a chance to hear the gospel somewhere deep in the African Bush or in the Amazonian Rainforest ? The truth is that the vast majority of humanity that has ever been born on this planet is 'Presently' alive today in 2017, never in the history of planet earth has there been so many human beings alive as in the present 7.5 Billion+ humans and 'YET' with the Gospel of Jesus being proclaimed by almost every communication medium ( Radio, T.V. Printed Tracts, Bibles, Missionaries etc ) Most of humanity 51%+ has 'REJECTED' the true Gospel of Jesus Christ !!! GOD is fair and He is going to judge all those who in other ages never heard the Gospel or of the Bible; GOD gave every human being a 'CONSCIENCE' and GOD is going to judge them accordingly; the problem is in the here and the now where Islamic Governments as well as Communist China & others* have enacted laws that almost if not prohibit the dissemination of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into such political & religious territories !!!
This student of Theology started recalling the recent 'Hollywood Movies' that he has seen about Christmas through the years and noticed how virtually all of them had 'NOTHING' to do with Jesus Christ; most if not all of those movies celebrated a wacky family gathering that took place on December 25; virtually all of them promoted Santa Claus in one way or another 'BUT' Jesus Christ's actual birth was 'NOT' the center of their focus, the greatest gift that GOD our Creator bestowed upon all of humanity was : overlooked and ignored at least by the promoters and producers of those movies !!! Even the great 1946 'Classic' It's a Wonderful Life movie with James Stewart celebrates Christmas without Jesus at the center. If there is a reason why we should all be grateful it should be because of the promise found in the Prophecy of Isaiah 7: 14, had that never taken place 'NOBODY' would be celebrating anything on this planet !!!
Yes, once upon a time some 2000 years ago GOD took on the form of a child in some stable in Bethlehem in Judea ( Israel ) Jesus was born to die, He came to pay the full atonement for the sins of this world ( 1 John 2:2 ) and every human being who has ever been born on planet earth was given the opportunity of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Lucifer 'NEVER' believed that GOD would do such a thing for fallen mankind 'BUT' GOD stepped out of eternity and descended on this : remote, violent 'backwater of a planet' and paid the full and total price for the redemption of many !!!
This vessel of GOD knows that some Christians honestly believe that Christmas should not be celebrated by true Christians; the truth of the matter is that true Christians celebrate Jesus Christ at every opportunity and December 25 should 'NOT' be the exception in as much as we are in this world full of darkness and violence we should proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ at all times and at all opportunities***
As this student of Theology studies Christmas it is sad that some believers are against celebrating the birth of the true Savior of the World : Jesus Christ. 'YES' Yeshua was 'NOT' born on December 25 'BUT' if there is one day worth celebrating amongst all the other useless holidays that are celebrated all over this planet it should be the one in which 'Hope and Salvation for Humanity' was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Without that 'HOLY DAY' no one would of been able to celebrate any other day here on earth; GOD our CREATOR in effect spared this planet and all of humanity from total destruction; despite our : rebellion, disobedience and sinful nature GOD nevertheless sent His only begotten son so that all those who believe in Him would inherit eternal life !!!
In conclusion, it is very sad and tragic that the vast majority of those who Jesus Christ ( Yeshua) came to save initially 'Our Jewish friends' have rejected Him through some 18 Centuries and some 23+ generations !!! It is somewhat amazing that today in this 2017 there are some 150+ Million born again believers in Jesus Christ alone in Communist China and only about 360,000+ Messianic Jews world wide !!! GOD still has an 'OPEN' invitation to 'Whoever' chooses to accept His invitation of eternal life via JESUS CHRIST; if you are still breathing you are still eligible 'REGARDLESS' of your : racial background, social and economic status or past sins 'IF' we confess our sins to our Creator and Repent; GOD has promised to forgive us of all of our sins through Jesus Christ; the offer is 'ONLY' rescinded when death comes then it is too late !!!
By : A sinner saved by grace via Jesus Christ. Once upon a time; GOD personally took on the form of a human being; theologically speaking GOD owes 'NO' one nothing; GOD didn't have to create us all here on planet earth and GOD could have very easily wiped out all of His creation including the Angels and started all over again 'BUT' GOD allowed Satan's rebellion to follow its course so that to some degree all of His creation could grasp and understand that given the opportunity Satan would try to kill his very own CREATOR as Satan did with his Roman minions on Golgatha !!! Obviously GOD can 'NOT' be killed for HE is an ETERNAL SPIRIT, what we all should learn is that GOD 'LOVES' all of His creation; like a Father loves all of His children. GOD does 'NOT' gives up so easily for He has all of eternity to FOREPLAN against the deviant and rebellious actions of some of His created beings. Eternity will record that 'Once Upon a Time' before the foundation of a planet called earth GOD did the unthinkable before the observant multitudes of Angelic hierarchies who stood in awe on what GOD Himself did on a Cross at Calvary for a rebellious and disobedient creation that didn't fully appreciate Him to begin with !!! ( Glory to GOD in the Highest, Thank GOD for His Grace & Mercy ! )
Sunday, December 10, 2017
"The knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them. So that though seeing they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand."
- Matthew 13:11 & Luke 8:10
"The wicked will continue in their wickedness; and none of the wicked will understand, but only those who are wise shall understand." ( Daniel 12:10 ) "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever."
( Book of the Prophet Daniel 12 : 3 )
Alissa J. Rubin, is 'NOT' an eschatology expert, she's never been to Bible Prophecy Conferences & probably never visited Rapture Ready, nor is it very likely that she has ever read any of Tim Lahaye's & Jerry B.Jenkin's : 'Left Behind Books' and much less Hal Lindsey's 'The Late Great Planet Earth.' Alissa J. Rubin, almost died on August 16, 2014 while she was covering the war in northern Iraq for the New York Times; that very same crash killed the helicopter pilot !
In 2015, Alissa J. Rubin won the John Chancellor Award from the Columbia Journalism School for her 35 year career reporting on : Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans. One year later in 2016, Alissa J. Rubin won the Pulitzer Prize for International reporting; about the unspeakable cruelties that Afghan women are forced to endure. Ms. Rubin has also won several other journalism awards through the years. As you can see Alissa J. Rubin is one very : bold, keen and determined journalist and one very 'tough cookie' too !!!
And because of 'DESTINY' she couldn't have died on August 16, 2014, on that helicopter crash nor in any other accident 'YET' very simply because we all have a pre-ordained destiny to fulfill imparted deep within us by our very CREATOR: GOD ! Ms. Rubin is fulfilling her destiny and so is this student of Bible Prophecy his !!!
So what is so 'INTERESTING' about Alissa J. Rubin you might ask ? Well, to tell you the truth this student of Bible Prophecy had 'NEVER' heard of her; even though Mario does read the New York Times on a regular basis her name was not familiar to him 'UNTIL' Alissa J. Rubin wrote an article on 'You Know Who' this December 9, 2017 !!!
When this student of Bible Prophecy read her article; he simply could not believe it; in fact Mario Romano 'RE-READ' that same article some three times just to make sure that someone who has absolutely 'NO' Bible Prophecy background arrived at a somewhat very similar conclusion that Mario Romano had arrived at one whole year ago 'BEFORE' Alissa J. Rubin reported on this very, very great 'EYE OPENER' !!!
Ms. Rubin's article is without question very, very truthful and up to date 'EXCEPT' for the fact that she honestly believes that nobody could have ever imagined that an 'almost nobody' from France could have in one year ( You Know Who ) ascended so quickly and was able to even step into the Middle East Peace Process as the U.S. and others have quietly retreated.
Alissa Johannsen Rubin, a reporter for the New York Times 'SOMEHOW' managed to survive a helicopter crash on August 16, 2014 in Iraq. On December 9 of 2017, Alissa J. Rubin wrote an article that every serious : Teacher and student of Bible Prophecy should read. This student of Bible Prophecy saw something like this coming almost 'ONE WHOLE YEAR' before Alissa J. Rubin even reported on it and it's 'NOT' that this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ is a Prophet; he is 'NOT' he is just an 'INTERPRETER' of the Book of Daniel and Revelation !!! ( Yes, this is an actual picture of Ms. Rubin shortly after the helicopter crashed and killed her pilot !!! )
As this student of Bible Prophecy studies the present 'IMPLOSION' of the Middle East and especially that of most Arab countries; Mario Romano understands that GOD via His 'WATCHERS' mentioned in Daniel 4 : 17, are very much here on planet earth and very much 'STILL' working behind the scenes 'ELIMINATING' all those who are 'NOT' in the 'Will of GOD' be they : Armies, Religions, King's, Queens or even the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Rome !!! This 'ALL' ends according to the DECREE of Heaven; according to that SOVEREIGN will of GOD the FATHER !!! ( Matthew 24 : 36 ) In this : planet, creation and dimension ONLY 'Flesh and Blood' are allowed to do certain things; that is why GOD had to take the form of a man in the body of Jesus Christ and that is why even Satan will have to indwell / direct somehow the body of the Final Little Horn !!! Satan and his Fallen Angels have a much greater mental capacity than us humans ( they were created with a greater built-in knowledge base than Adam*) and they have been manipulating human genetics it seems since Genesis 6 !!!
Those who have visited this little website know fully well of what this student of Bible Prophecy is referring to. As Britain exits the European Union and Germany's Merkel days increasingly appear to be numbered ( You better believe that Angela Merkel has read the handwriting on the Wall; left behind by many very angry German voters !!! ) the European Union is being left with only one 'Nuclear Power' ( excluding NATO*) and every regular visitor should by now know what country this student of Bible Prophecy has been focusing on. This student of Bible Prophecy forewarned that only 'IF' 'you know who' immersed himself into the Middle East Peace Process could he be considered a formidable candidate for you know what !!!
Ms. Rubin was born and raised in New York City. Ms.Rubin is presently the Paris bureau chief for the New York Times. In 2007 she was the NYT correspondent in Baghdad for some 4 years where she covered Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2014 she was nearly killed in a helicopter crash in Kurdistan as she was doing a story on the beleaguered Yazidis. She presently resides in Paris with her lawyer husband Mr. Castello. Ms. Rubin in my opinion hit the "Bulls Eye" in her article which was 'NOT' even nor remotely written for Bible Prophecy watchers and at a time when even 'SOME' students and Bible Prophecy teachers seem to have 'NO' clue nor idea at what's developing and taking 'shape and form' within the boundaries of the Mediterranean region. What Ms. Rubin just noticed and reported on was 'DETECTED' by EUinProphecy.com almost one year ago and we are trying to proceed with this somewhat very highly 'spiritually toxic and radioactive topic' very CAUTIOUSLY !!!
( some will understand what this student of Bible Prophecy means *)
In today's article, this student of Bible Prophecy chose to write in somewhat of a CODED MESSAGE; such as it is mentioned in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10. Because this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' fully know where all of this is EXACTLY headed !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' finalizing nor confirming his growing 'SUSPICIONS' it is still a little bit too early; Mario has been a student of Bible Prophecy for almost half his life and he is definitely 'STILL' learning. It is amazing that even the Prophet Daniel did 'NOT' fully understand all the sealed prophecies that he wrote down and it is very amazing that this insignificant student of Bible Prophecy with the 'Click of a Button' in his computer keyboard is able to disseminate this article to over 100+ countries almost simultaneously to brothers/ sisters all over the America's and Europe and even in Australia and parts of Africa !!!
Let us all 'NOTICE' the absence of : Germany, Spain, Britain, Poland, NATO, Italy, the EU Foreign Minister and others in the Middle East Peace Process 'Presently' should war break out between Iran and Israel or N.Korea and the U.S.A. expect 'someone' to immerse himself even more; for just this Sunday, December 10 of 2017 Israel's Prime Minister : Mr. Netanyahu was invited to 'you know where' and with 'you know who' !!! ( Out of 190+ countries and 190+ other world leaders; me thinks EUinProphecy.com has narrowed it down quite a bit !!! )
As this student of Bible Prophecy considers 'ALL' that is taken place before him like in : North Korea, Syria and elsewhere he cannot fully rule out that 'someone, somewhere' is already 'PRACTICING' on his white horse with 'NO' sword in his hand nor in his mouth. The European Union leadership is tired, they need : new blood, new ideas and a new direction and you and I know fully well that they are going to get some !!! This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' see Germany nor Britain running to the Middle East to try and mediate anything, neither do we see the United Nations leading this 'BUT' what does concern me is the pattern that I am able to discern; a man on a white horse of 'Peace' promoting his Paris Climate Accord; galloping all over the Mediterranean with his eyes fixed on the issue of the Middle East Peace Process *** All of the world events taken together with President Trump's official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'SHOULD' wake up and resuscitate some Teachers of Bible Prophecy who fell into a deep 'spiritual sleep' a long time ago !!! ( It seems that a Tsunami full of world changing events of Biblical Proportions is headed to planet earth much sooner than most think !!! ) Because of the nature and the 'spiritual and political complexity' of the Middle East Peace Process entails, this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' believe that a new and future EU Foreign Policy Leader will be the one that 'Confirms the Covenant with the Many' but it 'SHALL' be an EU leader with a nuclear arsenal of his own who will step in when 'NO' other world leader will !!! To most world leaders it seems that getting involved in the 'Middle East Mess' is tantamount to 'Political Suicide' but to the final 'Little Horn' it will seem the perfect opportunity to step in like a 'Trojan Horse' !!! Most EU countries 'Presently' still have their very own national 'Foreign Minister' but 'NOT' one of them seems to be running into the Middle East very simply because their bosses are 'NOT' interested in entangling themselves in the Middle East Dilemma because they have higher national priorities that must be first solved nor are they in any 'Military Position' to back up any 'Security Promises' to foreign nations very simply because its always very expensive 'politically and financially speaking' to back up any long term promises such as the one that the future 'Covenant With the Many' will entail !!!
In conclusion, it is very easy for us all to cynically state that there have always been : wars, earthquakes, Tsunamis, plagues, famine , rampant lawlessness 'BUT' as a 'Watchman of the 4th Beast' this insignificant servant of GOD finds it NECESSARY to focus on someone who has : raised, is raising and will continue to raise many RED FLAGS; Mario Romano may indeed have a special gift from GOD for such things and then again he may could very well be way "OFF" 'BUT' no one that visits this Prophecy Website will ever be able to state that nobody saw it all coming and that nobody ever warned them !!! This student of Bible Prophecy remains OPEN to several major events that 'MUST' take place before certain Biblical Prophecies can be fully fulfilled; the end is 'NOT' yet and 'NO' we are 'NOT' yet in the 7 year Tribulation !!! Some may not believe in any 'Watchmen' but because Jesus Himself commanded us to 'Watch and Pray' at all times and because I am, a man and am watching; that makes me a 'WATCHMAN' who is watching signs of the soon RETURN of our LORD JESUS CHRIST !!!
It's very, very easy for some to believe that Jesus Christ is not coming back this decade; for millions of others Jesus Christ's return is no priority if he 'comes he comes' and yet others cynically say unto themselves that they've been hearing of an imminent Rapture for decades; we are like at the 'Edge of the Grand Canyon' 'Prophetically Speaking' and any 'ONE' major mistep either with : North Korea, Russia or Iran in the Middle East may cause everything to go downhill and cause and initiate the 'UNTHINKABLE' !!!
Due to 'You Know Whos' young age and highly possible re-election in 2022 in the land of Napoleon and Russia's Putin announcing that he will run again in 2018, for the Russian Presidency; things are going to get very, very interesting !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is very much still 'OPEN' to different global events happening that will facilitate the rise of the final 'You Know What' !!! Yet, what is 'Presently' taking shape in the Mediterranean region is 'NOT' something to be ignored altogether either !!!
I'm not an expert in 'Statistical Analysis' but 'You Know Who' has been overcoming most if not all the 'ODDS' against him since he announced his candidacy for the French Presidency just over some 18 months ago !!! Virtually all the French professional political prognosticators did 'NOT' give him any chances of winning the French Presidency; it was only because 'Francois Fillon' the front runner IMPLODED his candidacy that 'You Know Who' was able to advance to the second round elections and even then, most believe that Marine Le Pen could mount a major comeback; in the end and against so "MANY" odds 'You Know Who' somehow managed to defeat "ALL" the obstacles and odds against him and it did 'NOT' stop there; he also managed to do something that no French Politico thought possible ; he managed to get a majority in the French Parliament with his new Centrist Party members too !!! You tell me what are the odds that all this could happen, but I won't stop there; what are the odds that in less than one year in office 'You Know Who' has become one of the major emerging faces of the 'New Europe' and that he is literally one out of 7.2+ billion human beings on this planet that would involve himself in the 'Middle East Peace Process' ??? Jared Kushner, please !!! Mr. Kushner is way in over his head and this student of Bible Prophecy has believed and interpreted for some 16+ years that the 'Covenant With The Many' will 'NOT' take place in times of peace but only after another major 'WAR' between Israel and its many surrounding enemies ***
EUinProphecy.com was created for Prophetic moments just like this one over 17+ years ago. ( The very title of this website describes our specialization !!! ) This student of Bible Prophecy acknowledges that not all within Christianity interpret the Biblical Prophecies the same way; some believe that the Prophecies of Revelation were fulfilled in 70 A.D !!! Others like Roman Catholics believe that the Book of Revelation is all symbolic and that its prophecies have already been fulfilled throughout history ( Amillenialism ) this student of Bible Prophecy 'BELIEVES' that all others are wrong and that the Book of Revelation contains a REVELATION of the literal things that await this sinful planet and its unrepentant inhabitants in the upcoming 7 year Tribulation !!! ((( Mario Romano reminds everyone that 'You Know Who' whomever he will end up being will already be on the global scene somehow 'BEFORE' the 10 Horns, very simply because it is he who 'Confirms the 7 Year Peace & Security Covenant' with Israel and many others and later breaks it midway in the final 42 months; when it is Prophesied that the 10 King's also receive power with him for 42 months ( 3 and a half years* ))) Modern 2017 interpretation: Like Hitler, Stalin and others, he starts from the bottom slowly and underestimated by most 'BUT' when he gets absolute powers everything changes !!!
The New York Times article can be accessed at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/world/europe/france-emmanuel-macron-middle-east.html
By : Mario Romano. Mario is a Pentecostal born again believer in Yeshua : JESUS CHRIST; this servant of GOD knows fully well that 'ANYONE' who has also been redeemed by the 'Blood of the Lamb' is my fellow brother and sister in Christ Jesus.
( And yes, Pentecostals still run the aisles and speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives us the utterance - Acts 2 : 4 & Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 ) Apart from being a student of Bible Prophecy ( one day by the grace of GOD this vessel could become a Teacher of Bible Prophecy if he really, really immerses himself more in the WORD of GOD*) Mario is also a student of : Political Theory, Military Theory, Sociological Theory, Unification Theory, Historical Theory and Strategic Studies and somewhat of a semi-expert in Mediterranean and Eurasian Geopolitics. It is the continual prayer of this vessel of GOD to be one day used of mightily by our CREATOR : GOD : THEE HOLY GOD of ISRAEL !!! What are the credentials of this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ ? This earthly sinner redeemed by the BLOOD of Yeshua 'CONFESSES' that JESUS CHRIST is GOD encarnate and that Jesus Christ the WORD of GOD is thee 'TRUTH' of "EVERYTHING" that exists; for EVERYTHING was created by Him and for Him and thee ONLY reason you, me and some 7.2+ billion other human beings are still breathing on this planet that is moving around the sun at some 67,000 miles per hour is ONLY because there is an ALL powerful CREATOR who : Transcends and Permeates this entire Universe with His Omnipresent and Eternal SPIRIT and it is by HIS very WORD that 'EVERYTHING' is Upheld and Sustained together; from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy !!!
- Matthew 13:11 & Luke 8:10
"The wicked will continue in their wickedness; and none of the wicked will understand, but only those who are wise shall understand." ( Daniel 12:10 ) "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever."
( Book of the Prophet Daniel 12 : 3 )
Alissa J. Rubin, is 'NOT' an eschatology expert, she's never been to Bible Prophecy Conferences & probably never visited Rapture Ready, nor is it very likely that she has ever read any of Tim Lahaye's & Jerry B.Jenkin's : 'Left Behind Books' and much less Hal Lindsey's 'The Late Great Planet Earth.' Alissa J. Rubin, almost died on August 16, 2014 while she was covering the war in northern Iraq for the New York Times; that very same crash killed the helicopter pilot !
In 2015, Alissa J. Rubin won the John Chancellor Award from the Columbia Journalism School for her 35 year career reporting on : Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans. One year later in 2016, Alissa J. Rubin won the Pulitzer Prize for International reporting; about the unspeakable cruelties that Afghan women are forced to endure. Ms. Rubin has also won several other journalism awards through the years. As you can see Alissa J. Rubin is one very : bold, keen and determined journalist and one very 'tough cookie' too !!!
And because of 'DESTINY' she couldn't have died on August 16, 2014, on that helicopter crash nor in any other accident 'YET' very simply because we all have a pre-ordained destiny to fulfill imparted deep within us by our very CREATOR: GOD ! Ms. Rubin is fulfilling her destiny and so is this student of Bible Prophecy his !!!
So what is so 'INTERESTING' about Alissa J. Rubin you might ask ? Well, to tell you the truth this student of Bible Prophecy had 'NEVER' heard of her; even though Mario does read the New York Times on a regular basis her name was not familiar to him 'UNTIL' Alissa J. Rubin wrote an article on 'You Know Who' this December 9, 2017 !!!
When this student of Bible Prophecy read her article; he simply could not believe it; in fact Mario Romano 'RE-READ' that same article some three times just to make sure that someone who has absolutely 'NO' Bible Prophecy background arrived at a somewhat very similar conclusion that Mario Romano had arrived at one whole year ago 'BEFORE' Alissa J. Rubin reported on this very, very great 'EYE OPENER' !!!
Ms. Rubin's article is without question very, very truthful and up to date 'EXCEPT' for the fact that she honestly believes that nobody could have ever imagined that an 'almost nobody' from France could have in one year ( You Know Who ) ascended so quickly and was able to even step into the Middle East Peace Process as the U.S. and others have quietly retreated.
Alissa Johannsen Rubin, a reporter for the New York Times 'SOMEHOW' managed to survive a helicopter crash on August 16, 2014 in Iraq. On December 9 of 2017, Alissa J. Rubin wrote an article that every serious : Teacher and student of Bible Prophecy should read. This student of Bible Prophecy saw something like this coming almost 'ONE WHOLE YEAR' before Alissa J. Rubin even reported on it and it's 'NOT' that this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ is a Prophet; he is 'NOT' he is just an 'INTERPRETER' of the Book of Daniel and Revelation !!! ( Yes, this is an actual picture of Ms. Rubin shortly after the helicopter crashed and killed her pilot !!! )
As this student of Bible Prophecy studies the present 'IMPLOSION' of the Middle East and especially that of most Arab countries; Mario Romano understands that GOD via His 'WATCHERS' mentioned in Daniel 4 : 17, are very much here on planet earth and very much 'STILL' working behind the scenes 'ELIMINATING' all those who are 'NOT' in the 'Will of GOD' be they : Armies, Religions, King's, Queens or even the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Rome !!! This 'ALL' ends according to the DECREE of Heaven; according to that SOVEREIGN will of GOD the FATHER !!! ( Matthew 24 : 36 ) In this : planet, creation and dimension ONLY 'Flesh and Blood' are allowed to do certain things; that is why GOD had to take the form of a man in the body of Jesus Christ and that is why even Satan will have to indwell / direct somehow the body of the Final Little Horn !!! Satan and his Fallen Angels have a much greater mental capacity than us humans ( they were created with a greater built-in knowledge base than Adam*) and they have been manipulating human genetics it seems since Genesis 6 !!!
Those who have visited this little website know fully well of what this student of Bible Prophecy is referring to. As Britain exits the European Union and Germany's Merkel days increasingly appear to be numbered ( You better believe that Angela Merkel has read the handwriting on the Wall; left behind by many very angry German voters !!! ) the European Union is being left with only one 'Nuclear Power' ( excluding NATO*) and every regular visitor should by now know what country this student of Bible Prophecy has been focusing on. This student of Bible Prophecy forewarned that only 'IF' 'you know who' immersed himself into the Middle East Peace Process could he be considered a formidable candidate for you know what !!!
Ms. Rubin was born and raised in New York City. Ms.Rubin is presently the Paris bureau chief for the New York Times. In 2007 she was the NYT correspondent in Baghdad for some 4 years where she covered Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2014 she was nearly killed in a helicopter crash in Kurdistan as she was doing a story on the beleaguered Yazidis. She presently resides in Paris with her lawyer husband Mr. Castello. Ms. Rubin in my opinion hit the "Bulls Eye" in her article which was 'NOT' even nor remotely written for Bible Prophecy watchers and at a time when even 'SOME' students and Bible Prophecy teachers seem to have 'NO' clue nor idea at what's developing and taking 'shape and form' within the boundaries of the Mediterranean region. What Ms. Rubin just noticed and reported on was 'DETECTED' by EUinProphecy.com almost one year ago and we are trying to proceed with this somewhat very highly 'spiritually toxic and radioactive topic' very CAUTIOUSLY !!!
( some will understand what this student of Bible Prophecy means *)
In today's article, this student of Bible Prophecy chose to write in somewhat of a CODED MESSAGE; such as it is mentioned in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10. Because this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' fully know where all of this is EXACTLY headed !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is 'NOT' finalizing nor confirming his growing 'SUSPICIONS' it is still a little bit too early; Mario has been a student of Bible Prophecy for almost half his life and he is definitely 'STILL' learning. It is amazing that even the Prophet Daniel did 'NOT' fully understand all the sealed prophecies that he wrote down and it is very amazing that this insignificant student of Bible Prophecy with the 'Click of a Button' in his computer keyboard is able to disseminate this article to over 100+ countries almost simultaneously to brothers/ sisters all over the America's and Europe and even in Australia and parts of Africa !!!
Let us all 'NOTICE' the absence of : Germany, Spain, Britain, Poland, NATO, Italy, the EU Foreign Minister and others in the Middle East Peace Process 'Presently' should war break out between Iran and Israel or N.Korea and the U.S.A. expect 'someone' to immerse himself even more; for just this Sunday, December 10 of 2017 Israel's Prime Minister : Mr. Netanyahu was invited to 'you know where' and with 'you know who' !!! ( Out of 190+ countries and 190+ other world leaders; me thinks EUinProphecy.com has narrowed it down quite a bit !!! )
As this student of Bible Prophecy considers 'ALL' that is taken place before him like in : North Korea, Syria and elsewhere he cannot fully rule out that 'someone, somewhere' is already 'PRACTICING' on his white horse with 'NO' sword in his hand nor in his mouth. The European Union leadership is tired, they need : new blood, new ideas and a new direction and you and I know fully well that they are going to get some !!! This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' see Germany nor Britain running to the Middle East to try and mediate anything, neither do we see the United Nations leading this 'BUT' what does concern me is the pattern that I am able to discern; a man on a white horse of 'Peace' promoting his Paris Climate Accord; galloping all over the Mediterranean with his eyes fixed on the issue of the Middle East Peace Process *** All of the world events taken together with President Trump's official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'SHOULD' wake up and resuscitate some Teachers of Bible Prophecy who fell into a deep 'spiritual sleep' a long time ago !!! ( It seems that a Tsunami full of world changing events of Biblical Proportions is headed to planet earth much sooner than most think !!! ) Because of the nature and the 'spiritual and political complexity' of the Middle East Peace Process entails, this student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' believe that a new and future EU Foreign Policy Leader will be the one that 'Confirms the Covenant with the Many' but it 'SHALL' be an EU leader with a nuclear arsenal of his own who will step in when 'NO' other world leader will !!! To most world leaders it seems that getting involved in the 'Middle East Mess' is tantamount to 'Political Suicide' but to the final 'Little Horn' it will seem the perfect opportunity to step in like a 'Trojan Horse' !!! Most EU countries 'Presently' still have their very own national 'Foreign Minister' but 'NOT' one of them seems to be running into the Middle East very simply because their bosses are 'NOT' interested in entangling themselves in the Middle East Dilemma because they have higher national priorities that must be first solved nor are they in any 'Military Position' to back up any 'Security Promises' to foreign nations very simply because its always very expensive 'politically and financially speaking' to back up any long term promises such as the one that the future 'Covenant With the Many' will entail !!!
In conclusion, it is very easy for us all to cynically state that there have always been : wars, earthquakes, Tsunamis, plagues, famine , rampant lawlessness 'BUT' as a 'Watchman of the 4th Beast' this insignificant servant of GOD finds it NECESSARY to focus on someone who has : raised, is raising and will continue to raise many RED FLAGS; Mario Romano may indeed have a special gift from GOD for such things and then again he may could very well be way "OFF" 'BUT' no one that visits this Prophecy Website will ever be able to state that nobody saw it all coming and that nobody ever warned them !!! This student of Bible Prophecy remains OPEN to several major events that 'MUST' take place before certain Biblical Prophecies can be fully fulfilled; the end is 'NOT' yet and 'NO' we are 'NOT' yet in the 7 year Tribulation !!! Some may not believe in any 'Watchmen' but because Jesus Himself commanded us to 'Watch and Pray' at all times and because I am, a man and am watching; that makes me a 'WATCHMAN' who is watching signs of the soon RETURN of our LORD JESUS CHRIST !!!
It's very, very easy for some to believe that Jesus Christ is not coming back this decade; for millions of others Jesus Christ's return is no priority if he 'comes he comes' and yet others cynically say unto themselves that they've been hearing of an imminent Rapture for decades; we are like at the 'Edge of the Grand Canyon' 'Prophetically Speaking' and any 'ONE' major mistep either with : North Korea, Russia or Iran in the Middle East may cause everything to go downhill and cause and initiate the 'UNTHINKABLE' !!!
Due to 'You Know Whos' young age and highly possible re-election in 2022 in the land of Napoleon and Russia's Putin announcing that he will run again in 2018, for the Russian Presidency; things are going to get very, very interesting !!! This student of Bible Prophecy is very much still 'OPEN' to different global events happening that will facilitate the rise of the final 'You Know What' !!! Yet, what is 'Presently' taking shape in the Mediterranean region is 'NOT' something to be ignored altogether either !!!
I'm not an expert in 'Statistical Analysis' but 'You Know Who' has been overcoming most if not all the 'ODDS' against him since he announced his candidacy for the French Presidency just over some 18 months ago !!! Virtually all the French professional political prognosticators did 'NOT' give him any chances of winning the French Presidency; it was only because 'Francois Fillon' the front runner IMPLODED his candidacy that 'You Know Who' was able to advance to the second round elections and even then, most believe that Marine Le Pen could mount a major comeback; in the end and against so "MANY" odds 'You Know Who' somehow managed to defeat "ALL" the obstacles and odds against him and it did 'NOT' stop there; he also managed to do something that no French Politico thought possible ; he managed to get a majority in the French Parliament with his new Centrist Party members too !!! You tell me what are the odds that all this could happen, but I won't stop there; what are the odds that in less than one year in office 'You Know Who' has become one of the major emerging faces of the 'New Europe' and that he is literally one out of 7.2+ billion human beings on this planet that would involve himself in the 'Middle East Peace Process' ??? Jared Kushner, please !!! Mr. Kushner is way in over his head and this student of Bible Prophecy has believed and interpreted for some 16+ years that the 'Covenant With The Many' will 'NOT' take place in times of peace but only after another major 'WAR' between Israel and its many surrounding enemies ***
EUinProphecy.com was created for Prophetic moments just like this one over 17+ years ago. ( The very title of this website describes our specialization !!! ) This student of Bible Prophecy acknowledges that not all within Christianity interpret the Biblical Prophecies the same way; some believe that the Prophecies of Revelation were fulfilled in 70 A.D !!! Others like Roman Catholics believe that the Book of Revelation is all symbolic and that its prophecies have already been fulfilled throughout history ( Amillenialism ) this student of Bible Prophecy 'BELIEVES' that all others are wrong and that the Book of Revelation contains a REVELATION of the literal things that await this sinful planet and its unrepentant inhabitants in the upcoming 7 year Tribulation !!! ((( Mario Romano reminds everyone that 'You Know Who' whomever he will end up being will already be on the global scene somehow 'BEFORE' the 10 Horns, very simply because it is he who 'Confirms the 7 Year Peace & Security Covenant' with Israel and many others and later breaks it midway in the final 42 months; when it is Prophesied that the 10 King's also receive power with him for 42 months ( 3 and a half years* ))) Modern 2017 interpretation: Like Hitler, Stalin and others, he starts from the bottom slowly and underestimated by most 'BUT' when he gets absolute powers everything changes !!!
The New York Times article can be accessed at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/world/europe/france-emmanuel-macron-middle-east.html
By : Mario Romano. Mario is a Pentecostal born again believer in Yeshua : JESUS CHRIST; this servant of GOD knows fully well that 'ANYONE' who has also been redeemed by the 'Blood of the Lamb' is my fellow brother and sister in Christ Jesus.
( And yes, Pentecostals still run the aisles and speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives us the utterance - Acts 2 : 4 & Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 ) Apart from being a student of Bible Prophecy ( one day by the grace of GOD this vessel could become a Teacher of Bible Prophecy if he really, really immerses himself more in the WORD of GOD*) Mario is also a student of : Political Theory, Military Theory, Sociological Theory, Unification Theory, Historical Theory and Strategic Studies and somewhat of a semi-expert in Mediterranean and Eurasian Geopolitics. It is the continual prayer of this vessel of GOD to be one day used of mightily by our CREATOR : GOD : THEE HOLY GOD of ISRAEL !!! What are the credentials of this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ ? This earthly sinner redeemed by the BLOOD of Yeshua 'CONFESSES' that JESUS CHRIST is GOD encarnate and that Jesus Christ the WORD of GOD is thee 'TRUTH' of "EVERYTHING" that exists; for EVERYTHING was created by Him and for Him and thee ONLY reason you, me and some 7.2+ billion other human beings are still breathing on this planet that is moving around the sun at some 67,000 miles per hour is ONLY because there is an ALL powerful CREATOR who : Transcends and Permeates this entire Universe with His Omnipresent and Eternal SPIRIT and it is by HIS very WORD that 'EVERYTHING' is Upheld and Sustained together; from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy !!!
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