It was sixty years ago that the foundation for the modern European Union was first laid out in the city of Rome in 1957. This Saturday, March 25, 2017 twenty seven leaders of the European Union gathered on the 'Roman Palazzo' to once again reiterate their continued support for this 'Unfinished European Union' and signed yet again another statement ( Rome Declaration ) reiterating their continued support and commitment to integrating the European Continent despite the 'Brexit' in process.
When this 'Student of Bible Prophecy' and world history meditates and takes a 'step back' to absorb it all and to consider the 'Great Big Picture' he is able to witness that Babylon the 1st Beast is no more, that Medo-Persia is also no more and that the home of Alexander the Great : Greece-Macedonia ( 3rd Beast ) long ago was absorbed and devoured somewhat by the 4th and final Roman Beast !!! The geography of modern day Babylon : Syria and Iraq are in shambles, both are still going through what seems like an unending civil war, Medo-Persia for its part is no world power, the Iranian economy is in crisis and despite their once great achievements in the past Iran ( Persia ) long ago passed its 'Golden Age' and has chosen to live in their own 'Dark Ages' brought about by Islam; instead of diversifying their economy; they continually choose to put their focus upon the destruction of Israel at all costs, they are still trying to complete their nuclear ambitions and because of this their 'CURSE' continues to grow !!! ( Genesis 12 : 2-3 )
Out of all the 4 Beasts of Daniel it is 'NO' coincidence to this Bible Prophecy student that the Roman Beast is the only one ( out of the other 3 ) celebrating 60 years of the Treaty of Rome ( This is the only one of the previous 3 Beasts Celebrating something*) in the very same geographic place ( City of Rome*) that the Roman Caesars once ruled most of the Mediterranean region including Israel almost two thousand years ago !!! Some Bible Prophecy teachers believe that ancient Babylon is going to once again be rebuilt somewhere in Iraq in the last days, 'BUT' according to the Book of Revelation there is only one 'KEY' city symbolically mentioned by geography with no need of any complex interpretation and it is : ROME !!! ( Book of Revelation 17 : 18 ) And if that wasn't enough, out of all the 4 Beasts of Daniel; only one of them is trying to become the neutral 'Peacebroker' between Israel and the Palestinians and it is the descendants of the 4th Western Beast : France, EU; Rome*** ( and not 'Babylon : Iraq' not 'Medo-Persia : Iran' ( Persia ) and Greece ( 3rd Beast ) is in no position to financially sponsor any prolonged foreign peace projects !!!
The Treaty of Rome was signed on March 25, 1957 by six European Countries in a Roman Hall covered with rich artwork of European and Roman history. This time even the highest religious figure of Roman Catholicism was there : Pope Francis who even had a 'one-on-one' talk with Germany's Angela Merkel !!! Pope Francis delivered a speech that warned the leaders of the European Union that the union 'risks dying' if the EU's nations and citizens choose to turn inwardly into 'isolated states.'
While the EU 'Pessimists' see a European Union on the verge of 'Disintegration' the EU 'Optimists' see a union that has produced 60 years of peace and prevented a World War III on the European continent !!! Since the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the bloc has quadrupled in size; it is presently in this March of 2017 thee 'Largest Trading Bloc in the World and is home to the world's largest single market with 500+ million consumers !
Some may ask what's the 'Biblical Prophetic' significance of it all ? On May 1948, the State of Israel once again 'Re-Appeared' on the political scene, quite obviously and very unfortunately; had it not been for the Holocaust and WW II, most of the remaining Jews who managed to survive throughout Europe would not have found it necessary to return to their original homeland 'then and there'
( 1940'S ) after the great persecution and horrors that were perpetrated upon the Jewish people in most of Europe. ( and on a more personal note, the 'Re-Birth' of Western Roman Empire also means that : you, me and over 6+ billion other human beings are seriously running all out of time !!! ) GOD Almighty 'DECREED' a very specific time period for all the Kingdoms of this world to come to a conclusion and it shall be that : 'In the days of those 10 King's that thee GOD of Heaven shall set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed nor conquered.' !!! ( Daniel 2 : 44 )
This second rated 'Student of Bible Prophecy' forewarns everyone that although the present European Union may seem to some to be on the brink of some type of 'Disintegration' and 'Breakup' the 'day & hour' is coming when nations will be clamoring to be allowed to be 'Let in' !!! Very simply because some 'unholy genius' is going to turn and transform the EU into thee strongest & deadliest Empire in the history of planet Earth in this 'Final Generation' !!!
The upcoming 'Little Horn' is going to be somewhat like a 'Super CEO' who is going to 'turn around' what seems like a doomed Company ( in this case the EU*) that is seemingly on the brink of : disaster, insolvency, collapse and bankruptcy; into the world's greatest Empire through his 'unholy dark wisdom' and leadership. There are several cases of mega companies that have been saved by a mere change in 'LEADERSHIP' and even though the EU is not a Corporation, it is nonetheless thee greatest : economic, military and political alliance ( human organization*) on planet Earth that is suffering because of a lack of a true centralized leader with a clear vision. Someone is coming who is going to do to the EU what Steve Jobs did with the Apple Corporation years ago; and that someone is going to destroy all those who oppose him & his vision; with his unearthly human powers !!! ( Daniel 8 : 24 ) Steve Jobs almost single-handedly managed to 'turnaround' and save his company and under his leadership Apple Stock rose an unbelievable 9000%, he also managed to change the image of Apple ( Apple was on its way of ending like : Kodak, IBM & others) 'BUT' the greatest tragedy in all of this is that Steve Jobs in effect is one of many men who have 'gained the world' but 'lost their own soul' in the process !!!
Yes, 'presently' the European Union seems like the 'Titanic' the doomsayers say it is sinking; that it is taking in too many : Islamic Immigrants, carrying too many national debts and that it will go the way of the dinosaurs; 'BUT' according to Bible Prophecy that same 'REGION' West of Israel 'SHALL' produce the : deadliest, unholiest and most ravenous Beast ( empire) that planet Earth will ever have produced; it is prophesied to utterly 'Devour and Trample' most of what will be left of the world during the Tribulation period !!! ( Daniel 7 : 23 ) Let us 'NOT' forget that GOD Almighty is in total control of human history; the very same 'Watchers' that are mentioned and revealed in Daniel 4 : 13-17 are 'STILL' very active in the rise and fall of earthly King's and Empires on this planet Earth !!! If you think that only : Russia, the U.S.A and China have super secret agents stationed on key regions of this planet you have no idea; GOD has numerous Angels who despite operating in a very fallen and corrupt planet 'STILL' give and take power to whomever they wish to fulfill the Father's will on Earth as it is in Heaven !!! ( voluntarily or involuntarily !!! ) Those same 'Watchers' in Daniel are the same one's who make sure that every single Prophecy in the Holy Scriptures is fulfilled to the very letter, to the very jot & tittle !!!
( and the same 'Watchers' who saw to it that Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidency against so many odds and polls against him !!! - John 19 : 11 )
This 'student of Bible Prophecy' is not a sports fanatic ; 'BUT' he likens the present state and reality of the European Union somewhat to that of the 'New England Patriots' in the last NFL Superbowl. The Patriots seemed beaten with only a few minutes left to play and with a 28-3 point defecit and yet against all odds Tom Brady with the help of his teammates mounted one of the greatest comebacks in sports history to the surprise of almost everyone !!! Yes, the European Union is going to suffer a 'Deadly Wound' ( Revelation 13 : 3 ) and it still must pass through very 'dark days' ahead 'BUT' in the end the whole world is going to be astonished when they witness the finalized version of the future European Union !!! ( Revelation 13 : 3 )
In conclusion, this final manifestation of Daniel's 4th Roman Beast is proving indeed to be more 'DIVERSE' than the other 3 that preceded it. ( Daniel 7 : 19 ) The EU is part of Rome and Rome is part of the EU and in a world dominated by consumer markets ( international commerce ) the European Union continues to be the largest trading bloc on planet Earth and 'NOT' : Iran, Iraq, Egypt,Syria nor even Turkey !!! Yes, the present state of the European Union is going to be 'Re-Tweaked, Re-Vamped' and somehow 'Re-Structured' and in the end this Mediterranean alliance West of Jerusalem 'SHALL' produce the upcoming : 'Prince that Shall Come' to 'Confirm a Covenant with Israel and the Many' not so many years from today !!!
Yes, the 'Treaty of Rome' signed in 1957 was a finalized document 'BUT' because the European Union kept adding members and expanding way beyond its original six members over the decades; numerous other treaties and agreements such as the 'Shenghen Agreement' and the 'Maastricht Treaty' ( and several others*) have been continually added somewhat to address what we know today as the world's largest bureaucracy; the EU * ...The day and hour is coming when Ten King's will gather in Rome to sign an agreement that will empower the final Roman Caesar with absolute powers not generally handed down in any Western democracy and most all political scientists know that 'absolute power' corrupts absolutely and the endtimes 'Little Horn' will not be the exception !!!
( Revelation 17 : 13 )
By : Mario Romano. This servant of Jesus Christ has been : 'Watching, Studying and Dissecting' Daniel's 4th and Final Beast for two decades now ( He should have a Ph.D in the 4 Beasts of Daniel*) in a way I feel somewhat like a time traveler who knows the future ( Bible Prophecy) but who is powerless to stop and change the destiny of anything 'BUT' what he is allowed to do is to 'Forewarn' anyone who is willing to listen what the Biblical Prophecies guarantee is coming upon planet Earth sooner than we all can imagine in this final generation !!!
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Monday, March 20, 2017
This past week the President of Turkey : Recep Tayyip Erdogan not only almost singlehandedly managed to decimate the remote possibility of Turkey ever joining the EU this: Century, in the Millenium, in Eternity or when hell freezes over !!! 'BUT'
Mr. Erdogan, also managed to offend along the way the almost 'unoffendable and pacifist' ( Germany's ) Angela Merkel, as well as enrage the Dutch Prime Minister : Mark Rutte as never before in modern diplomatic history of these NATO allies !!! Turkey's initial application to join the European Economic Community was first made in 1987. The EU for its part has obviously been giving Turkey the 'run-around' in its accession process & ever since Mr.Erdogan and his 'big mouth' rose to power in Turkey, the chances of Turkey ever being accepted into the EU has gone from an extreme : 1% to 0% !!! ( additionally, increasing Islamic Terrorism throughout Europe, Mass Islamic immigration and an unstable Middle East has certainly 'NOT' benefited 'Islamic Turkeys' chances of being admitted into the EU as the only Islamic majority country in the EU* )
In the meantime, the leading newspapers of both : Germany and Turkey have also gotten in on the 'brawl & fist-fight of words.' One of the leading daily newspaper in Turkey even ran a photoshopped image of Angela Merkel dressed in a Nazi uniform !!! Mr. Erdogan is the classic 'Stalinist' (wannabe) he is trying to consolidate all power by jailing anyone in Turkey who dares oppose him and is now promoting a referendum that will give him almost absolute powers; including one that will bring back the death penalty. ( the upcoming referendum in Turkey also will allow Mr.Erdogan if it passes to : dissolve Parliament and appoint Judges ) Mr. Erdogan enflamed European diplomats by accusing them ( Germany and the Neatherlands ) of being 'fascists and remnants of Nazism' and he didn't stop there he also accused the Neatherlands of massacring Muslims in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War in 1995 !!! ( Mr. Erdogan, 'the hypocrite' never wants to admit what Turkey did to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I, but he is quick to throw stones at the dark and shameful history of others* )
What does Turkey's Erdogan benefit from all of this, you might ask ? very simply a perfect 'Scapegoat', a 'Bogeyman' : The West, the EU and even Israel sometimes !!! Mr.Erdogan wants to brainwash most of his fellow countrymen that the whole world is against them; the Kurds, the Greeks, Saudi Arabia, and now even Germany and the Neatherlands too !!! Half of Turkey is 'NOT' drinking his 'Cool-Aid' but the other half are afraid of what might happen if they don't march to his drums !!! ( Mr.Erdogan has threatened to ban : Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and several other social media websites in order to do the same thing : North Korea and China already does to a degree !!! )
Bilal Erdogan, the son of Turkey's President Mr. Erdogan is involved in ISIS illegal oil smuggling and it is no secret that he is raking in 'millions upon millions' of dollars as a middleman. Bilal has already been caught laundering money for ISIS in Italy and the Russians long ago caught him red-handed too !!!
The Neatherlands did not approve of Erdogan promoting his referendum on their foreign soil and even Turkish law prohibits it in the first place, but because Mr.Erdogan is trying to follow the political footsteps of the likes of Putin and others, he doesn't care much for 'Laws' the rules don't seem to apply to him 'BUT' he sure is trying to make the rules apply against all of his: critics, political opponents & anyone else he deems doesn't see the world as he does !!!
Turkey ( Asia Minor ; Anatolia*) is a great case in point of what the Church without the Holy Spirit will transform into. ( Spiritually dead congregations full of man-made traditions *) The original 7 Churches in Revelation were all in what we call modern Turkey, yet most of the small 230+ Churches still open and attended throughout Turkey are Orthodox & who are heavy into traditions and Icons !!! Great persecution and genocide against Christians through the centuries has greatly diminished the Christian population in that specific region of the world. Additionally, the once great Church buildings of the Byzantine era have long been converted into Islamic Mosques !!!
The EU vs. Turkey diplomatic 'war of words' began when the Dutch government barred the aircraft of the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs : Mevlut Cavusoglu from landing on Dutch soil as well as by expelling the Turkish Minister of Family and Social Policies : Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya from the Neatherlands; in response Turkey expelled the Dutch Ambassador from Ankara and Mr. Erdogan began to let out in the open words and feelings that he has against the EU and been repressing for quite a while !!! Both Germany and the Neatherlands demanded an apology from Mr.Erdogan but thus far Mr.Erdogan only seems to be adding fuel to the fire !!! Mr. Erdogan full of fury, called out all the Turks living in Germany to not only have 3 children but 5 in a bid to multiply their presence in the European Continent so that in a few decades they will be the future of Europe !!!
The Holy Bible tells us that 'Out of the abundance of the heart speaketh the mouth' and if it still was any mystery what Turkey's Erdogan's real long term plans are for : Turkey and the region the entire world just got to hear just what is deep, deep inside the heart of Erdogan and what is truly lurking in this man who wants to become the next : Saddam Hussein, the next Gaddafi and Assad of the region. ( some men never learn from history !!! )
If you didn't know; some 3+ million Turkish Muslims presently live in Germany alone. Germany began to accept millions of temporary workers during the 1960's because it needed them ( workforce ) 'BUT' as is customary the Turks never returned back to Turkey and today it is estimated that almost 80% of Turks in Germany receive some form of social assistance ( welfare ).
The Turkish referendum being promoted by Mr.Erdogan is scheduled for April 16 of this year ( 2017 ) and it concerns a series of constitutional amendments that if approved will transform Turkey from a Parliamentary Democracy to a Presidential system that would give Mr.Erdogan the opportunity to run two more times as the leader of Turkey until the year 2029 ! ( somewhat something similar like what Putin pulled off years ago in Russia *)
Thank GOD Almighty that Turkey is 'NOT' a nuclear power !!! If you are a regular visitor to you are very well aware that Turkey is "NOT" going to be the Epicenter of any Islamic Caliphate !!! ( some Bible Prophecy teachers are promoting this erroneous idea but that's their interpretation *) NATO months ago perceived that Mr.Erdogan had 'unholy totalitarian ambitions' and several months ago removed all NATO nuclear missiles and armaments from Turkey so that they wouldn't fall in the wrong hands of some Islamic Caliphate wannabe : Mr. Erdogan*
According to a recent poll 'most' of the population of Turkey does 'NOT' approve of where Mr.Erdogan is leading the country, 'BUT' because he is persecuting any and all dissent most remain quiet, most people of Turkey rather enjoyed the secular past of their country, today their is a fear of where there country is headed and most know that its farther and farther away from the European Union and closer and closer to what : Saddam Hussein and Bashar-Al Assad in Syria took their respective country to*
This student of Bible Prophecy has always : interpreted, believed and taught that Islamic Turkey is 'NOT' going to be a producer of any of the final 10 King's of Revelation. The truth is that Islam is a 'Kingdom Divided' and a Kingdom divided against itself ( Sunni vs.Shiite) cannot stand forever and most certainly Islam nor the Arab League are no exception !!! The truth is that the Arab League is not anywhere united : politically, militarily nor economically as the Europeans are in the Eurozone and the EU and NATO !!!
( if Islam were to be truly one they would have decimated and defeated Israel 'long, long' ago !!! )
In sum, Turkey will fully turn against Israel in these last days; Mr.Erdogan long ago already showed his 'true colors' as well as his true face; he is playing all sides, sometimes he makes deals with : ISIS, then with Putin's Russia and he is presently supposed to be on good terms with Israel 'BUT' we all should know by now what he is up to and that is that he wants Turkey and himself at the helm of a new Islamic Caliphate 'BUT' that's never going to happen, the Islamic world is 'way, way' too divided and : ISIS, AL Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia as well as the Arab League and several other Islamic powerbrokers sure do 'NOT' trust anyone else to tell them what to do and Turkey's Erdogan is no exception !!! ( everything is going to blow up on Mr.Erdogan's face in the future, just you see* )
By : Mario Romano. This servant of Jesus Christ in 'NO' way is enjoying the present state of our fallen planet filled with an almost perpetual state of warfare, nor does he delights in the death and destruction of the wicked. Satan has so 'DECEIVED' most of humanity that we are in no position to : laugh, gloat or celebrate the 'eternal death' of so many human souls that were created in the 'Image of GOD' and who choose out of their own 'freewill' to ignore and reject : JESUS CHRIST and His gift of Eternal Life to anyone who 'REPENTS' of their sins and asks Him for forgiveness. The Holy Scriptures reveal to us that as bad and evil as this generation is there have been even worse one's in the past and this final one is 'NOT' going to be exempted from the Wrath and Judgement of our Holy Creator !!!
Mr. Erdogan, also managed to offend along the way the almost 'unoffendable and pacifist' ( Germany's ) Angela Merkel, as well as enrage the Dutch Prime Minister : Mark Rutte as never before in modern diplomatic history of these NATO allies !!! Turkey's initial application to join the European Economic Community was first made in 1987. The EU for its part has obviously been giving Turkey the 'run-around' in its accession process & ever since Mr.Erdogan and his 'big mouth' rose to power in Turkey, the chances of Turkey ever being accepted into the EU has gone from an extreme : 1% to 0% !!! ( additionally, increasing Islamic Terrorism throughout Europe, Mass Islamic immigration and an unstable Middle East has certainly 'NOT' benefited 'Islamic Turkeys' chances of being admitted into the EU as the only Islamic majority country in the EU* )
In the meantime, the leading newspapers of both : Germany and Turkey have also gotten in on the 'brawl & fist-fight of words.' One of the leading daily newspaper in Turkey even ran a photoshopped image of Angela Merkel dressed in a Nazi uniform !!! Mr. Erdogan is the classic 'Stalinist' (wannabe) he is trying to consolidate all power by jailing anyone in Turkey who dares oppose him and is now promoting a referendum that will give him almost absolute powers; including one that will bring back the death penalty. ( the upcoming referendum in Turkey also will allow Mr.Erdogan if it passes to : dissolve Parliament and appoint Judges ) Mr. Erdogan enflamed European diplomats by accusing them ( Germany and the Neatherlands ) of being 'fascists and remnants of Nazism' and he didn't stop there he also accused the Neatherlands of massacring Muslims in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War in 1995 !!! ( Mr. Erdogan, 'the hypocrite' never wants to admit what Turkey did to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I, but he is quick to throw stones at the dark and shameful history of others* )
What does Turkey's Erdogan benefit from all of this, you might ask ? very simply a perfect 'Scapegoat', a 'Bogeyman' : The West, the EU and even Israel sometimes !!! Mr.Erdogan wants to brainwash most of his fellow countrymen that the whole world is against them; the Kurds, the Greeks, Saudi Arabia, and now even Germany and the Neatherlands too !!! Half of Turkey is 'NOT' drinking his 'Cool-Aid' but the other half are afraid of what might happen if they don't march to his drums !!! ( Mr.Erdogan has threatened to ban : Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and several other social media websites in order to do the same thing : North Korea and China already does to a degree !!! )
Bilal Erdogan, the son of Turkey's President Mr. Erdogan is involved in ISIS illegal oil smuggling and it is no secret that he is raking in 'millions upon millions' of dollars as a middleman. Bilal has already been caught laundering money for ISIS in Italy and the Russians long ago caught him red-handed too !!!
The Neatherlands did not approve of Erdogan promoting his referendum on their foreign soil and even Turkish law prohibits it in the first place, but because Mr.Erdogan is trying to follow the political footsteps of the likes of Putin and others, he doesn't care much for 'Laws' the rules don't seem to apply to him 'BUT' he sure is trying to make the rules apply against all of his: critics, political opponents & anyone else he deems doesn't see the world as he does !!!
Turkey ( Asia Minor ; Anatolia*) is a great case in point of what the Church without the Holy Spirit will transform into. ( Spiritually dead congregations full of man-made traditions *) The original 7 Churches in Revelation were all in what we call modern Turkey, yet most of the small 230+ Churches still open and attended throughout Turkey are Orthodox & who are heavy into traditions and Icons !!! Great persecution and genocide against Christians through the centuries has greatly diminished the Christian population in that specific region of the world. Additionally, the once great Church buildings of the Byzantine era have long been converted into Islamic Mosques !!!
The EU vs. Turkey diplomatic 'war of words' began when the Dutch government barred the aircraft of the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs : Mevlut Cavusoglu from landing on Dutch soil as well as by expelling the Turkish Minister of Family and Social Policies : Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya from the Neatherlands; in response Turkey expelled the Dutch Ambassador from Ankara and Mr. Erdogan began to let out in the open words and feelings that he has against the EU and been repressing for quite a while !!! Both Germany and the Neatherlands demanded an apology from Mr.Erdogan but thus far Mr.Erdogan only seems to be adding fuel to the fire !!! Mr. Erdogan full of fury, called out all the Turks living in Germany to not only have 3 children but 5 in a bid to multiply their presence in the European Continent so that in a few decades they will be the future of Europe !!!
The Holy Bible tells us that 'Out of the abundance of the heart speaketh the mouth' and if it still was any mystery what Turkey's Erdogan's real long term plans are for : Turkey and the region the entire world just got to hear just what is deep, deep inside the heart of Erdogan and what is truly lurking in this man who wants to become the next : Saddam Hussein, the next Gaddafi and Assad of the region. ( some men never learn from history !!! )
If you didn't know; some 3+ million Turkish Muslims presently live in Germany alone. Germany began to accept millions of temporary workers during the 1960's because it needed them ( workforce ) 'BUT' as is customary the Turks never returned back to Turkey and today it is estimated that almost 80% of Turks in Germany receive some form of social assistance ( welfare ).
The Turkish referendum being promoted by Mr.Erdogan is scheduled for April 16 of this year ( 2017 ) and it concerns a series of constitutional amendments that if approved will transform Turkey from a Parliamentary Democracy to a Presidential system that would give Mr.Erdogan the opportunity to run two more times as the leader of Turkey until the year 2029 ! ( somewhat something similar like what Putin pulled off years ago in Russia *)
Thank GOD Almighty that Turkey is 'NOT' a nuclear power !!! If you are a regular visitor to you are very well aware that Turkey is "NOT" going to be the Epicenter of any Islamic Caliphate !!! ( some Bible Prophecy teachers are promoting this erroneous idea but that's their interpretation *) NATO months ago perceived that Mr.Erdogan had 'unholy totalitarian ambitions' and several months ago removed all NATO nuclear missiles and armaments from Turkey so that they wouldn't fall in the wrong hands of some Islamic Caliphate wannabe : Mr. Erdogan*
According to a recent poll 'most' of the population of Turkey does 'NOT' approve of where Mr.Erdogan is leading the country, 'BUT' because he is persecuting any and all dissent most remain quiet, most people of Turkey rather enjoyed the secular past of their country, today their is a fear of where there country is headed and most know that its farther and farther away from the European Union and closer and closer to what : Saddam Hussein and Bashar-Al Assad in Syria took their respective country to*
This student of Bible Prophecy has always : interpreted, believed and taught that Islamic Turkey is 'NOT' going to be a producer of any of the final 10 King's of Revelation. The truth is that Islam is a 'Kingdom Divided' and a Kingdom divided against itself ( Sunni vs.Shiite) cannot stand forever and most certainly Islam nor the Arab League are no exception !!! The truth is that the Arab League is not anywhere united : politically, militarily nor economically as the Europeans are in the Eurozone and the EU and NATO !!!
( if Islam were to be truly one they would have decimated and defeated Israel 'long, long' ago !!! )
In sum, Turkey will fully turn against Israel in these last days; Mr.Erdogan long ago already showed his 'true colors' as well as his true face; he is playing all sides, sometimes he makes deals with : ISIS, then with Putin's Russia and he is presently supposed to be on good terms with Israel 'BUT' we all should know by now what he is up to and that is that he wants Turkey and himself at the helm of a new Islamic Caliphate 'BUT' that's never going to happen, the Islamic world is 'way, way' too divided and : ISIS, AL Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia as well as the Arab League and several other Islamic powerbrokers sure do 'NOT' trust anyone else to tell them what to do and Turkey's Erdogan is no exception !!! ( everything is going to blow up on Mr.Erdogan's face in the future, just you see* )
By : Mario Romano. This servant of Jesus Christ in 'NO' way is enjoying the present state of our fallen planet filled with an almost perpetual state of warfare, nor does he delights in the death and destruction of the wicked. Satan has so 'DECEIVED' most of humanity that we are in no position to : laugh, gloat or celebrate the 'eternal death' of so many human souls that were created in the 'Image of GOD' and who choose out of their own 'freewill' to ignore and reject : JESUS CHRIST and His gift of Eternal Life to anyone who 'REPENTS' of their sins and asks Him for forgiveness. The Holy Scriptures reveal to us that as bad and evil as this generation is there have been even worse one's in the past and this final one is 'NOT' going to be exempted from the Wrath and Judgement of our Holy Creator !!!
Monday, March 13, 2017
GOD, this vessel that you gave life to on planet Earth asks that your Holy Spirit will guide him to all truth concerning this subject; for it is You and You alone who reveals secrets to Your servants and to all those who fear and honor Your Holy Name : YHWH : JESUS CHRIST . Just as the population of the living
( beings & living things ) exceeds trillions+ on Earth so it is in the other Heavens; ( on Earth as it is in Heaven*) this entire Universe is 'FULL' of other creations also created by GOD Almighty : Thee Holy One of Israel !!!
GOD Almighty is thee Creator and Sustainer of Trillions+ in the 3rd Heaven, of 'Trillions upon trillions' in the 2nd Heaven; were literally trillions of other galaxies reside and of trillions+ of 'livings things' on planet Earth alone that include : human beings, animals, insects and other living things not yet discovered nor categorized by the Smithsonian's Institution Department of Entomology !!! ( in reality the population at any one time of insects alone on Earth is over : 10,000,000,000,000,000,000+ quintillion of individual insects alone !!! ) Very truly, because GOD exists and lives we 'ALL' live !!! It is also estimated the total number of individual animals on Earth surpasses : 20,000,000,000,000,000,000+ quintillion or 20 billion-billion !!! ( source : Brian Tomasik : Mathematician, Computer Science expert and animal rights advocate. According to his data on animal groupings & the animal kingdom his figures exceeded the trillions+ quite easily*) GOD Almighty feeds and sustains all of His creation; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust !!! - Matthew 5 : 45
Planet Earth is like a 'Prodigal Planet.' We are like that one sheep that did go astray, but the other 99 did 'NOT' !!! ( Luke 15 : 4 ) GOD is populating eternity with different levels of creation; we were created a little lower than the Angels !!! ( Psalm 8:5 , Hebrews 2:7 ) GOD is 'NOT' limited to only creating Angels and human beings, He is more than capable of creating different levels of creation in the rest 99.999% of this Universe that are 'innocent' and that can 'NOT' sin against Him and 'NO' not everyone was created in 'His Image.' *** It is not just that GOD always 'thinks outside of the box' it's that the whole box itself only exists because GOD himself made it possible for the box to exist in the first place !!! Truly, His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts ours; GOD is an 'Infinite Eternal Spirit' with infinite and unlimited powers. We humans are 'Finite' beings with a limited capacity of understanding and knowledge*** ( Isaiah 55 : 8 - 9 )
Disclaimer : When this student of Theology and Bible Prophecy teaches about this subject he is 'NOT' referring to nor alluding to : extra-terrestrials nor ancient aliens !!! Mario, believes that this planet Earth is under some type of a 'Quarantine' established by GOD Almighty and that Satan and all of the Fallen Angels have been having : skirmishes, battles and other spiritual confrontations all over our atmosphere ( sky ) in our heaven above us all that will finally end with the epic & decisive 'War in Heaven' mentioned in Revelation 12:7 ( Daniel 10 : 13, Jude 1 : 9 ) It appears that when Satan was initially cast out of heaven and thrown into this planet 'involuntarily' with the 3rd part of the Fallen Angels that they were : cornered, isolated and temporarily imprisoned exclusively to this planet. ( to some degree, planet Earth is a Prison Planet !!! ) Although Satan still has some access to Heaven it is limited, we see in the Holy Scriptures him accusing us before GOD. What is happening behind the scenes of our everyday life is an epic war for the entire fate of billions of human souls and the destiny of entire nations spanned through over 80+ human generations, 'UNFORTUNATELY' Satan has managed to deceive and spiritually enslave the vast majority of humanity through the centuries; leading them astray through the wide and broad road that leads to destruction ( hell ) Matthew 7:13
Eternity did 'NOT' begin in Genesis 1, Genesis 1, is our insertion into eternity by GOD Almighty. Genesis 1 is our beginning within eternity that has been going on long, long before our finite brain can begin to comprehend !!! ( Job 38 : 4 ) Whether you believe that planet Earth is some 7 thousand years old, 7 million years old or even 7 billion years old; that's still like a 'drop in the bucket' and like a single grain of sand on the beach or like a single drop of rain falling on a vast ocean and before eternity itself !!! Adam and Eve, you and I and all the other billions+ of human beings that have been born on planet Earth were encapsulated like inside a giant hour-glass sphere ( planet earth ) time capsule that was decreed only a very specific allotted amount of time before it will be totally destroyed
( 7 thousand years*) according to the Book of Revelation this planet will be destroyed 'AFTER' the Millenium !!! ( Revelation 21 : 1 & 20 : 11 ) It is 'NOT' the goal or mission of this student of Bible Prophecy to 'Pop' anyone's Theological belief that they are GOD's most special creation; the truth is that GOD has been in the Creation business long before planet Earth was even ever created and He will keep on creating throughout all eternity even more creations that serve a unique purpose to His eternal and sovereign plans; and 'NO' it doesn't all end with us !!!
For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. - Luke 8 : 17
What you are reading is a piece in a series of articles
( commentary*) that deal with : things, places, events and an eternity past that preceded us human beings in the Garden of Eden some 6 thousand years ago. GOD Almighty our Creator 'NEVER' meant to reveal everything to His Prophets found in the Holy Bible. This insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is merely trying to connect just another piece of the infinite jigsaw puzzle into what previous and other servants of GOD have been revealed through the Centuries and up until today. If you think this 'Fallen Planet' replete with : fallen Angels , demons, death and an almost unending number of diseases is an amazing place, can you imagine what it would be like without the 'Fall' ever having taken place ?
Each year corporations like : Sony, Toyota, Apple, Samsung and several others introduce a better, sleeker and improved product than their last generation product. GOD our Creator could have easily have created us human beings 'superior' in every way to even the Angels 'BUT' he didn't. Brother Derek Prince in his book 'War in Heaven' put it best when he stated that GOD could have easily have done that; but He didn't simply because He had to show His righteousness to all of His Angels, some who very probably and likely 'questioned' GOD's justice and righteousness !!! Another Theologian added that the Fall that Satan initiated in Heaven contaminated the holiness of GOD's original creation; Satan had introduced 'INIQUITY' and either GOD could have destroyed all of His creation and started all over again or He could rectify it all only through the direct atonement of His only begotten son : Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was thee 'ONLY' one capable of carrying out the atonement for all of humanity !!! The McDonald's Corporation boasts of having served billions of hamburgers 'BUT' GOD has been in the creation business long, long before mass production was invented here on planet earth and when this student of patterns studies this subject he knows fully well that GOD Almighty is running 'Multiple Creations' in all three Heavens all at the same time and the population of all 'living things' just on planet Earth alone surpasses the trillions+ when you count the population of : Insects, animals, human beings and other spiritual beings not visible to our naked eyes !!!
The very powers and authority that the 'Watchers' and Angels of GOD possess tells this student of Bible Prophecy and Theology that GOD created them to be His : servants, messengers, overseers & enforcers throughout all of His creations. GOD did 'NOT' create trillions+ of Angels to be idle in the darkness of deep space; nor to just float on clouds, it should be rather obvious that they all have different assignments in all the 3 Heavens !!! Angels, according to the Holy Scriptures do 'NOT' need : oxygen, water nor food to survive nor are they affected one bit by the radiation of the sun or stars in the heavens !!! ( Revelation 19 : 17 ) This Universe is teeming with different creations very different from us; GOD is more than capable of creating different 'LEVELS' of living things and beings just as we share this planet with the different Kingdoms of animals and insects we also know that 'millions upon millions' of : fallen Angels, demons and Watchers of GOD are operating just on this one planet in this Universe and this student of Astrobiology and Theology can only imagine what is taking place in the rest of the 99.99% of this vast Universe with trillions+ of other galaxies !!!
GOD loves all of His creation/s because everything was created by Him and for Him !!! ( John 1 :3 and Colossians 1 : 16 ) Not everything was created for the original 'Son's of GOD' and not everything was created for us human beings. Biblically speaking we were created to be fruitful and multiply here on planet Earth and by the pure grace and mercy of GOD some of us have been invited to be in the 'New Jerusalem' !!! We all have to come to the realization that either all the trillions+ of galaxies in this Universe are 'DEVOID' of other life-forms or that they are inhabitated by different forms of life very different from us here on planet Earth. This insignificant student of Astronomy and Theology personally believes that we are 'ALL' wrong about our human understanding about 'TIME.' Albert Einstein is wrong about time, Stephen Hawking is wrong about time & so are you and I and every other theory out there !!! My study of the 'Patterns of GOD' indicate that GOD 'SHALL" keep on creating throughout all 'Eternity Future' for that is the very nature of an infinite and eternal Creator and of an Eternity without end !!! While the 3rd Heaven may be full of streets of gold; our present reality is that you and I and billions+ of other human beings inhabit a fallen planet that seeks to corrupt us in every possible way and with every possible temptation; the moment of truth is before us; let us therefore put on the 'Full Armor of GOD' and let us continue to fight 'The Good Fight' until the end ( 2 Timothy 4 : 7 )
student of Theology and Astronomy; writes
this 'ARTICLE' only as a commentary.
A commentary that is based upon
things ( Astronomical facts*) that not
even the Prophet Daniel nor Isaiah
were specifically aware of in
their time. When the Angel : Gabriel
told the Prophet Daniel that 'Knowledge
will multiply in the Last Days' he
wasn't limiting it solely to
technological breakthroughs and human
inventions. The science and astronomy
during Daniel's time was nowhere near
what it is today. Today in this
2017 we know all about the
microscopic universe and we now know
that we are inside a giant
galaxy ( Milky Way ) that is
100,000 light years across; and although
we now know about trillions
of galaxies and the DNA
Structure we have 'NOT' been
able to conquer either of these
two !!!
What this student of Theology has learned in his short and almost insignificant time here on Earth and in this corrupt body plagued by sin is that this entire Universe is somehow "ALL" inter-connected to GOD our Creator; GOD is 'LIGHT' and in effect almost everything that has 'LIFE' contains energy; energy is made up of Atoms and light is made up of electromagnetic radiation and the list goes on ( Photons etc ) Today we know that our physical human body is only a temporary home to our eternal spirit, the true and eternal world is the eternal world that cannot be seen yet with our corrupt eyes; but the Holy Bible guarantees us that it is on the eternal that we should put our attention on.
In the Book of Job we get to witness that there are some type of 'Heavenly Conventions' where the 'Son's of GOD' attend and we learn in Job that 'NOT' all the Angels were coming from planet Earth, nor the 3rd Heaven ( Job 1 : 6 ) It should be rather obvious that other Angels are assigned to other 'Galaxies' and different creations, even in all of our Bible only 3 Angels are mentioned by name : Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer and it is that the Holy Scriptures only reveals to us the Angels that are basically assigned full time to this fallen creation !!!
It is without any question; this Universe created by GOD; the Holy One of Israel is teeming with different lifeforms all created by GOD Almighty and 'NO' not everyone one of them is populated by other beings created in the 'Image of GOD' !!!
this student of Bible Prophecy was
researching more about this topic
most if not all Theologians
agreed that the Angels that were
celebrating the creation of planet
Earth in Job 38 : 7, were 'NOT'
anywhere near created at the same time as Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
You have to understand that Angels
were 'NOT' primarily created to
'babysit' us. Yes, since the 'Fall' GOD
appointed some Angels to minister to
those of us humans who are
inheriting ( heirs) of eternal life (
salvation ) 'BUT' not all Angels in
the 3rd or 2nd Heavens were
assigned to planet Earth !!! (
that would be overkill )
While the Holy Bible does 'NOT' mention the specific population number of all Angels the Book of Job alludes that there numbers are as great as the stars in the Heavens, this alone and the fact that we now know that there are trillions+ of other galaxies would allow this servant of GOD to 'conservatively estimate' that the number of Angels in the Heavens easily exceed : TRILLIONS + !!!
GOD, did 'NOT' create trillions of other galaxies to have them dead and empty !!! It's very easy to dismiss the greatness and vastness of this Universe when neither you nor I have had a 'close-up' view of trillions of other galaxies that have produced trillions of other solar systems and planets !!! It's like GOD creating a 'super-mega mansion' but He is only going to use one room !!!
What this student of Theology has learned is that GOD is offering us human beings who were created in His image a place in the heavens that 'one-third' of the Angels abdicated and a place in the parable of the 'Wedding Banquet' that most of our Jewish friends 'REJECTED.' 'NO' one is indispensible to GOD !!! ( Matthew 22 : 9 )
When this student of Theology studies the Angels it is rather evident that GOD like variety in all of His Creation. GOD delegates authority and the Angels are like the supervisors of all of GOD's other creations throughout this Universe. Angels are the Messengers of GOD, they are the Watchers in Daniel who are here to see to it that the will of the Father is EXECUTED here on earth as it is in Heaven; regardless of what 'human Kings' or 'Fallen Angels' and demonic Principalities want !!! ( Daniel 4 : 17 )
Yes, GOD the Holy One of Israel, Thee GOD of : Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is thee CREATOR of : Trillions+ upon Trillions+ of other 'Living Things' in this Universe and Beyond !!! GOD is in effect populating this Universe and Eternity itself with 'Life,Love, Truth, Light & Holiness' for His Honor; Glory and sheer pleasure !!! To my advanced Theological brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus the number one question that always arises is if Jesus also died for others ? The answer is a simple 'NO' it appears Theologically and Biblically speaking that we are the 'ONLY' creation that fell into sin, GOD contained and limited the fall and rebellion in the Second Heaven in a specific moment in time and should we human beings of planet Earth indeed be thee only one's ever created in the 'Image of GOD' then it goes 'even more so' and without question why so many human beings ( truly deserve*) and have condemned themselves into an eternal hell alongside the Fallen Angels; becasue GOD went out of His way to save that which was lost and yet the vast majority of humanity who was created in the very "Image of GOD' loved the darkness more than the light of truth and salvation that only JESUS CHRIST offers !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy concludes this article by stating that 'Thee Most Important Thing' that every human being must know and that will be held accountable since the Crucifiction and Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place here on Earth, is what each and everyone one of us did with the 'Gospel of Jesus Christ.' Did we accept it or reject it ? Did we abide in His words or did we choose to continue to live like children of darkness ? Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father and to eternal life; the blood of Jesus Christ has the full and total power to erase all of our sins 'IF' we repent and confess to Him all of our sins*
In conclusion, this servant of Jesus Christ knows fully well that GOD could continue to allow 'billions upon billions' of new human beings and souls into planet Earth 'BUT' GOD knows about 'quality control' ( many are called but few are chosen : Matthew 22 : 14 ) He in His sovereignty already knows and predestined who would eventually accept Him as Savior and Lord. GOD has invited all of humanity to partake of His salvation 'BUT' most of humanity have willingly ignored and rejected the invitation of their very own Creator : JESUS CHRIST !!!
By : Mario Romano. Mario has 'NO' spiritual jealousy in him; he fully knows and acknowledges that he was 'NOT' the first and only human being ever created by GOD ( you and I are like number : 12,000,000,000+ billion ) and he also knows that before GOD even created us human beings on planet Earth GOD Almighty already had 'TRILLIONS+' of others outside of our Earthly human timeframe and planet who were already called "Son's of GOD." ( Angels mentioned in Genesis and Book of Job )
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Just a few years ago Emmanuel Macron quit his job as 'Deputy Chief of Staff' and later as the Economic Minister to President Francois Hollande. Macron had it made; still in his 30's he had his office in one of the most coveted places in all of France : the Elysee Palace; the top floor !!! Macron had already made a small fortune beforehand as an investment banker at: Rothchild & CIE Banque; he neither needed the money nor the attention; yet against all odds Emmanuel Macron is now making all the major political parties in France sweat it all out !!! Emmanuel Macron is : ambitious, charismatic, eloquent and much younger than all his rivals for the French Presidency. Just a few months ago he was no political threat to any of the major French political parties, today a great 'reversal of fortune' has taken place; and against all odds Mr.Macron is now leading the pack for the French Presidency !!!
Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are complete 'polar opposites.' Le Pen wants a 'Frexit' while Macron wants a : New European Union. Le Pen wants to exit the Eurozone while Macron wants to reform it, Le Pen vows to exit NATO while Macron supports it !!! Ladies and gentlemen; brothers and sisters in Christ, the top elites of the European Union are on the edge of their seats, 'ALL' the top politicos of the : EU, NATO and the Eurozone know fully well that the upcoming French & German elections are going to play a huge role in the future destiny of Europe. The final manifestation of the 4th Roman Beast of Daniel is still undergoing a great transformational process that has yet to produce its final Prophetic product : The 10 Kings of Revelation * Very truly, the end is 'NOT' yet. Never have the stakes been higher for this 'European Project' never before has a sitting French President chosen not to run again for a second term like Hollande and never before have the two leading and established political parties of France 'IMPLODED' before the French voters !!! ( is this all a mere 'coincidence' or is there somebody who truly controls the rise & fall of Earthly Kings ? )
Emmanuel Macron the former socialist economy minister and underdog appears to be breaking all the political rules in France. No independent has ever won the French Presidency; yet the continuing decline of Mr.Fillon and the growing fear against a remote and yet possible Marine Le Pen victory is making Emmanuel Macron victory more and more of a political reality !!! What is amazing is that Macron has 'NEVER' been elected to any political office before; either locally, nationally nor much less internationally !!! He doesn't even belong to any established political party in France; not even to the 'Socialist Party' for whom he was working under Francois Hollande !!! President Donald Trump at least had some of the backing from the Republican Party 'BUT' what Macron is 'pulling off' in France 'IF' successful will eclipse Obama's 2008 victory & Trump's victory in 2016; hands down !!! ( Obama had the deep pockets of the Democratic Party as well as the well-oiled and ruthless 'Democratic Party Machine' to back him up as well as some Senate experience; Macron has none of those advantages! )
Marine Le Pen is promising that if she wins she will exit France from the $EURO and the EU ( the French version of the 'Brexit' a 'Frexit' ) All of these things are making not only all members of the European Union and the Eurozone very, very nervous 'BUT' it could severely endanger not only the present 'status quo' but also undermine the fragile and recuperating : $EURO very simply because Le Pen has also promised to return the French Franc into circulation and heavily guard the French borders should she win !!!
Some of our new visitors here at may ask whats the big deal ? What role can or does France play in endtime Bible Prophecy ? This student of Bible Prophecy who specializes in the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and who knows the history of the Mediterranean region knows fully well that when Adolph Hitler rose to power he 'Forced' virtually all of the German manufacturing giants such as : BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and others to begin producing : tanks, airplanes, ammunition, airplanes, U-boats and war supplies to get Germany ready for Hitler's European expansion plans. Presently, only Germany and France have the military manufacturing industrial prowess to beef up the European Union's military should NATO be dissolved in the future.
As this keen student of world history and especially of Western Civilization has noted; all those empires and Beasts who have tried in the past to conquer and dominate the rest of the world have all needed a decent Navy ( Spanish Armada, British Empire, etc ) as well as the resources to keep their military supply chain in a healthy and capable state. The 'ONLY' nation presently capable of dominating the Mediterranean Sea during the upcoming Tribulation period is the French Navy ( once the Russians and NATO get out of it. *)
( The state of Israel 'Israeli Navy' does have a few nuclear submarines in the Mediterranean Sea also !!! )
Mr. Macron thus far has pulled off an astonishing feat of coming almost 'Out of Nowhere' just some 4 months ago he was trailing everyone in the early polls and to the surprise of many he is presently ( in this March 5, 2017 week ) overtaking Marine Le Pen and Fillon in the latest French Polls !!! Is this insignificant 'student of Bible Prophecy' surprised ? Mario Romano has been 'Watching and Praying' since sometime in 1998 on the internet & 'NO' I'm not surprised; what surprises me is that nothing is as it appears !!!
All the French political experts agree on one thing this present race for the French Presidency has become thee most 'UNPREDICTABLE' than any other in recent history. Just months ago Sarkozy's defeat stunned everyone when Mr.Fillon won, today Mr.Fillon is on a 'sinking ship' and it appears that he intends to take his whole party down with him; Mr.Fillon refuses to quit the race and allow another credible member of his party to replace him !!! is 'NOT' making any predictions; whomever wins either a victory from Marine Le Pen or a victory from Emmanuel Macron in the eyes of this 'student of Bible Prophecy' will initiate and unravel 'MASSIVE' changes in the European Union !!! Should Mr.Macron against all odds defeat all the established French political Parties with his 'En Marche' movement he will not only be making French history 'BUT' also in the eyes of this student of Bible Prophecy; 'Prophetic Earthquakes' !!!
In the past, the rise from almost nowhere of : Barak Obama and Alexis Tsipras in Greece made some students of Bible Prophecy 'scratch their heads' in wonderment; should Macron prevail against so many French political odds against him is truly going to be going to another level !!! This servant of yours and of GOD Almighty is just a 'Watchman on the Wall' he is 'NO' Prophet. Because he knows that we are the 'Final Generation' a key election such as this one, in one of the EU's most important core member players is going to pull the entire European Union and the Eurozone closer and ever closer; into its Prophetic destiny !!!
If you didn't know this 'Little Web-Site that Could' has been reaching all of : South, Central and North American Spanish speakers for over a decade also !!! This student of Bible Prophecy became very interested in Bible Prophecy after reading Hal Lindsey's 'Late Great Planet Earth' !!! ( thank you Bro. Lindsey*) This student of Bible Prophecy was given one gift from GOD; although this vessel is still full of 'flaws and imperfections' the Holy Spirit is 'NOT' yet finished with him; Mario continues to be a work in progress. Mario asks for your continued 'PRAYERS' so that GOD will guide this vessel to all truth and to correctly interpret the Biblical Prophecies to all those who are also awaiting 'The Blessed Hope.'
If you didn't already know; France is the chief European country trying to revive the 'Middle East Peace Talks' & is the EU country with the most Nukes (outside of NATO*) ! ( now that Britain has left EU*) France is presently at a major and critical 'Crossroads' it is home to the most Islamic Terrorist Attacks in all of Europe
( thus far*) and it is the largest single EU member country battling Islamic Terrorists all over Northern Africa !!! Something is going to prevail sooner rather than later; either Islam spreads in secular France or secular France unleashes and spreads its military prowess against all those who threaten its secular existence !!! Historically speaking when 'push came to shove' France did not allow the Roman Vatican to control its secular system and modern France most certainly is 'NOT' going to allow Islam to prevail against the : Fifth Republic *** You should be forewarned; this almost 'UNKNOWN' student of Bible Prophecy is one day going to 'hit it all out of the parkway' with all the bases loaded; for the honor & glory of : GOD Almighty !!! It is GOD Almighty our Creator who gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning and He reveals secrets to all those who fear Him* ( Daniel 2 : 21-22 ) This student of Bible Prophecy is just trying to correctly interpret the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as it concerns the 4th and final manifestation of the Roman Beast with 10 Horns***
By : Mario Romano; Mario is a Pentecostal Born again believer; he believes in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; he most definitely would 'NEVER' have been running this small website for over 17+ years without the power and patience of the Holy Spirit. This student of Bible Prophecy wishes 'NO' one evil; the reality is that we are living amidst an ongoing great spiritual war that began even before Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden and according to all the 'signs of the times' it will all end with us; in this 'Final Generation.'
Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are complete 'polar opposites.' Le Pen wants a 'Frexit' while Macron wants a : New European Union. Le Pen wants to exit the Eurozone while Macron wants to reform it, Le Pen vows to exit NATO while Macron supports it !!! Ladies and gentlemen; brothers and sisters in Christ, the top elites of the European Union are on the edge of their seats, 'ALL' the top politicos of the : EU, NATO and the Eurozone know fully well that the upcoming French & German elections are going to play a huge role in the future destiny of Europe. The final manifestation of the 4th Roman Beast of Daniel is still undergoing a great transformational process that has yet to produce its final Prophetic product : The 10 Kings of Revelation * Very truly, the end is 'NOT' yet. Never have the stakes been higher for this 'European Project' never before has a sitting French President chosen not to run again for a second term like Hollande and never before have the two leading and established political parties of France 'IMPLODED' before the French voters !!! ( is this all a mere 'coincidence' or is there somebody who truly controls the rise & fall of Earthly Kings ? )
Emmanuel Macron the former socialist economy minister and underdog appears to be breaking all the political rules in France. No independent has ever won the French Presidency; yet the continuing decline of Mr.Fillon and the growing fear against a remote and yet possible Marine Le Pen victory is making Emmanuel Macron victory more and more of a political reality !!! What is amazing is that Macron has 'NEVER' been elected to any political office before; either locally, nationally nor much less internationally !!! He doesn't even belong to any established political party in France; not even to the 'Socialist Party' for whom he was working under Francois Hollande !!! President Donald Trump at least had some of the backing from the Republican Party 'BUT' what Macron is 'pulling off' in France 'IF' successful will eclipse Obama's 2008 victory & Trump's victory in 2016; hands down !!! ( Obama had the deep pockets of the Democratic Party as well as the well-oiled and ruthless 'Democratic Party Machine' to back him up as well as some Senate experience; Macron has none of those advantages! )
Marine Le Pen is promising that if she wins she will exit France from the $EURO and the EU ( the French version of the 'Brexit' a 'Frexit' ) All of these things are making not only all members of the European Union and the Eurozone very, very nervous 'BUT' it could severely endanger not only the present 'status quo' but also undermine the fragile and recuperating : $EURO very simply because Le Pen has also promised to return the French Franc into circulation and heavily guard the French borders should she win !!!
Some of our new visitors here at may ask whats the big deal ? What role can or does France play in endtime Bible Prophecy ? This student of Bible Prophecy who specializes in the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and who knows the history of the Mediterranean region knows fully well that when Adolph Hitler rose to power he 'Forced' virtually all of the German manufacturing giants such as : BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and others to begin producing : tanks, airplanes, ammunition, airplanes, U-boats and war supplies to get Germany ready for Hitler's European expansion plans. Presently, only Germany and France have the military manufacturing industrial prowess to beef up the European Union's military should NATO be dissolved in the future.
As this keen student of world history and especially of Western Civilization has noted; all those empires and Beasts who have tried in the past to conquer and dominate the rest of the world have all needed a decent Navy ( Spanish Armada, British Empire, etc ) as well as the resources to keep their military supply chain in a healthy and capable state. The 'ONLY' nation presently capable of dominating the Mediterranean Sea during the upcoming Tribulation period is the French Navy ( once the Russians and NATO get out of it. *)
( The state of Israel 'Israeli Navy' does have a few nuclear submarines in the Mediterranean Sea also !!! )
Mr. Macron thus far has pulled off an astonishing feat of coming almost 'Out of Nowhere' just some 4 months ago he was trailing everyone in the early polls and to the surprise of many he is presently ( in this March 5, 2017 week ) overtaking Marine Le Pen and Fillon in the latest French Polls !!! Is this insignificant 'student of Bible Prophecy' surprised ? Mario Romano has been 'Watching and Praying' since sometime in 1998 on the internet & 'NO' I'm not surprised; what surprises me is that nothing is as it appears !!!
All the French political experts agree on one thing this present race for the French Presidency has become thee most 'UNPREDICTABLE' than any other in recent history. Just months ago Sarkozy's defeat stunned everyone when Mr.Fillon won, today Mr.Fillon is on a 'sinking ship' and it appears that he intends to take his whole party down with him; Mr.Fillon refuses to quit the race and allow another credible member of his party to replace him !!! is 'NOT' making any predictions; whomever wins either a victory from Marine Le Pen or a victory from Emmanuel Macron in the eyes of this 'student of Bible Prophecy' will initiate and unravel 'MASSIVE' changes in the European Union !!! Should Mr.Macron against all odds defeat all the established French political Parties with his 'En Marche' movement he will not only be making French history 'BUT' also in the eyes of this student of Bible Prophecy; 'Prophetic Earthquakes' !!!
In the past, the rise from almost nowhere of : Barak Obama and Alexis Tsipras in Greece made some students of Bible Prophecy 'scratch their heads' in wonderment; should Macron prevail against so many French political odds against him is truly going to be going to another level !!! This servant of yours and of GOD Almighty is just a 'Watchman on the Wall' he is 'NO' Prophet. Because he knows that we are the 'Final Generation' a key election such as this one, in one of the EU's most important core member players is going to pull the entire European Union and the Eurozone closer and ever closer; into its Prophetic destiny !!!
If you didn't know this 'Little Web-Site that Could' has been reaching all of : South, Central and North American Spanish speakers for over a decade also !!! This student of Bible Prophecy became very interested in Bible Prophecy after reading Hal Lindsey's 'Late Great Planet Earth' !!! ( thank you Bro. Lindsey*) This student of Bible Prophecy was given one gift from GOD; although this vessel is still full of 'flaws and imperfections' the Holy Spirit is 'NOT' yet finished with him; Mario continues to be a work in progress. Mario asks for your continued 'PRAYERS' so that GOD will guide this vessel to all truth and to correctly interpret the Biblical Prophecies to all those who are also awaiting 'The Blessed Hope.'
If you didn't already know; France is the chief European country trying to revive the 'Middle East Peace Talks' & is the EU country with the most Nukes (outside of NATO*) ! ( now that Britain has left EU*) France is presently at a major and critical 'Crossroads' it is home to the most Islamic Terrorist Attacks in all of Europe
( thus far*) and it is the largest single EU member country battling Islamic Terrorists all over Northern Africa !!! Something is going to prevail sooner rather than later; either Islam spreads in secular France or secular France unleashes and spreads its military prowess against all those who threaten its secular existence !!! Historically speaking when 'push came to shove' France did not allow the Roman Vatican to control its secular system and modern France most certainly is 'NOT' going to allow Islam to prevail against the : Fifth Republic *** You should be forewarned; this almost 'UNKNOWN' student of Bible Prophecy is one day going to 'hit it all out of the parkway' with all the bases loaded; for the honor & glory of : GOD Almighty !!! It is GOD Almighty our Creator who gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning and He reveals secrets to all those who fear Him* ( Daniel 2 : 21-22 ) This student of Bible Prophecy is just trying to correctly interpret the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as it concerns the 4th and final manifestation of the Roman Beast with 10 Horns***
By : Mario Romano; Mario is a Pentecostal Born again believer; he believes in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; he most definitely would 'NEVER' have been running this small website for over 17+ years without the power and patience of the Holy Spirit. This student of Bible Prophecy wishes 'NO' one evil; the reality is that we are living amidst an ongoing great spiritual war that began even before Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden and according to all the 'signs of the times' it will all end with us; in this 'Final Generation.'
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