As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of Jesus Christ always tries to put on his 'Spiritual X-Ray Glasses' on when great global changes happen to try to interpret what it all means and how it all will affect the Nation of Israel, which is GOD's Centerpiece Prophetic Clock. If you have studied Bible Prophecy you are very well aware that the Biblical Prophecies and our Lord Jesus Christ himself warned us that in the last days things will go from 'Bad to Worse.' ( Birthpangs, Matthew 24 : 8 ) If you have been following EUinProphecy.com you know that we are teaching that the 'two major toes' of the Statue of Nebuchadneezar symbolically represent Germany and France; these two countries are the major : economic, military and political forces in the European Union and in the Eurozone.
The French people will vote this November 20 & 27 of 2016, for either Alain Juppe or Nicholas Sarkozy as the representative of 'The Republicains' presidential primary; whomever of these two who manages to win, will most likely emerge as the next President of France in 2017 !!! According to most French political analysts; Marine Le Pen really doesn't stand a chance of winning the French Presidency. The most amazing thing of the upcoming French elections is that we now have an individual who is rising from almost nowhere and his name is : Emmanuel Macron who according to several EU News sites is guaranteed to enter the French elections with his own grassroot political movement : 'En Marche' !!!. ( You better believe we are keeping an eye on this guy who is rising from almost nowhere !!! Sarkozy, Le Pen and Macron all claim to be France's next 'Trump' !!! )
The new rising French political star : Emmanuel Macron, according to French Political experts doesn't stand a chance because he isn't being backed by any major political party ( Trump was somewhat backed by the Republican Party*) but in an ever changing and growing populist political climate where most polls had the 'BREXIT' all wrong and where other polls had 'Trump's Victory' also wrong, some political experts are reassessing the possibilities that anything is possible until the very last vote is actually counted. The mass media is clearly interfering in the democratic process in that they are trying to crown too prematurely a politician using 'biased and imperfect polling' numbers and figures; before even all of the voters actually get to vote !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy knows that France is going to play a major endtimes prophetic role as it produces one of the 10 Horns of Revelation. France has one of the most forwardly-deployed militaries on this planet. The French military have played a key role in fighting Islamic militants all over Sub-Saharan Africa. France's history of colonialism in Africa long ago allowed it to have several key military bases all throughout Africa that still exist to this present day. Despite the rise of Islamic terrorism in France, the French military and intelligence services have actually been successful in combating and quenching 'Islamic Jihadism' in several African countries. France continues to help its African allies by using its superior airforce to launch key airstrikes against Islamic militants throughout Africa and it is also no secret that it also has thousands of ground troops as well as special forces in that region. Yes, this student of WW II knows all the French military jokes, but France has learned from its past mistakes; Germany on the other hand is still haunted and embarrassed by its NAZI past and that is why it has pursued demilitarization and left most of its external security at the hands of NATO.
EUinProphecy.com for its part is on top of all these geopolitical realities and this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ knows that the war against Islamic Jihadists is very far from over, unfortunately France made the mistake of allowing 'one too many' Middle Eastern Muslim migrants into their country and more Islamic inspired Terrorists attacks will be played out throughout France in the future so that the future 'Little Horn' will eventually declare 'Martial Law' throughout the future Kingdom of the Beast. In the past, thousands of Muslim youths rioted throughout France for three weeks and its going to happen again because now they have even more disenfranchised Islamic men.
France, Germany and the other EU countries that almost blindly allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into their country are going to experience what Lebanon experienced in the past ( 1975-1990*) as Muslims began to try and take over the country. The European's naively allowed a new 21st Century 'Trojan Horse' into their borders; only this time the 'Horse' is not from Greece but from Islamic Militancy. Islam in France, Germany , Belgium and elsewhere in the EU is just like a 'Ticking Time Bomb' waiting to explode , and explode it will just you see !!!
( Nothing has really changed since the 2005 'French Intifada' took place, unemployment among Arab-Islamic youth and men remains extremely high to this day *) Now you know why the future EU-10 will be pulled into the Middle East and will attack several Islamic countries of the Middle East in the Tribulation period !!! There 'Shall' unfortunately be a 'European Intifada' in the future that will allow the 'Little Horn' to gain absolute powers so that he can strike back at the root of the problem: The Middle East*
This student of Bible Prophecy has narrowed the rise of the endtimes 'Little Horn' to four EU countries and yes France is on the top of the list and I'm about to tell you why !!! One of President elect Trump's promises was to make the European's pay for their own security, according to Mr. Trump "NATO is an Obsolete Military Alliance." The top European Union leadership; as well as the Secretary General of NATO quickly responded to Mr. Trump's NATO statement by stating that should NATO be disbanded they will raise their own EU Army !!! Should the U.S. under the Presidency of Donald Trump exit from NATO the only European Union member with its own Nuclear ready Battleship, Nuclear Subs and capable Airforce is : France !!! Germany for decades has been 'demilitarizing' itself and nuclear Britain has voted for a Brexit, this leaves France as the most likely nuclear arsenal ready force that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will use on his 'Conquest' as revealed and guaranteed by Revelation 6 !!!
( this student of Bible Prophecy is still open to various other potential scenarios* the endtimes Little Horn may possibly end up using NATO's nuclear arsenal too***) ( EUinProphecy.com for over 15+ years has been teaching that the 'Little Horn' forewarned by Daniel and the Revelation will 'NOT' be : British, German nor Muslim ( Hitler himself was from Austria and Stalin was from Georgia*)
If you don't know it takes several years to manufacture a : Battleship, a Destroyer, an Airforce Bomber or a Nuclear Submarine and when the 'Little Horn' rises to power he doesn't have too much time on his side if you know what I mean !!! As a student of Bible Prophecy this interpreter of the Biblical Prophecies knows fully well that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will also have a 'Super Secret Weapon' that will help him to defeat his enemies and all those who oppose him and these include : diabolical unholy powers that will render the nuclear weapons of his enemies useless for some time !!!
The 2017 French Presidential elections as well as the future German elections will tell this student of Bible Prophecy how close we are to the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation period. If you haven't been following the global news you should know that France is presently the only European country who is trying to restart the Middle East Peace Process ! This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' claim any special revelation he is just following some facts and realities that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will have to have at his disposal to pull off something as 'Grand' as the 'Abomination of Desolation.' !!! The Biblical Prophecies 'Guarantee' that the human governments of this world will 'NOT' go on forever, we are ever closer to the final 7 year tribulation period and the : poltical, social and economic events that are transpiring in the European Union are telling this student of Bible Prophecy how close to the end we really are !!! Germany and France are the chief axis around which the EU revolves, for centuries Germany and France were continuously at war with one another ( Franco-Prussian War, WW I, WW II ) the reappearance of the Islamic threat and invasion is going to unite them as never before in the future, so hints the Biblical Prophecies !!!
Officially, the EU is a secular political union 'BUT' unofficially we all know that Roman Catholicism still holds a very strong cultural-religious sway in most EU countries and virtually all of the French politicians who are running for President are promising that Turkey will never be a full fledge member of the European Union !
If you read our last article you are well aware that EUinProphecy.com didn't focused on who the next President of the U.S.A. would be; simply because 'REGARDLESS' of who won; all the Biblical Prophecies point to the endtimes 'DECLINE' of the United States especially during the pre-commencement of the final 7 year 'Tribulation Period.' We know that it will 'NOT' be an American President nor an American Diplomat who will 'Confirm the Covenant With The Many' at the beginning of the tribulation period, this tells us that by then American Foreign Policy will 'NOT' be the leading hammer of the Earth !!! President elect Donald Trump made several promises concerning Jerusalem; to tell you the truth I do 'NOT' know if he will be able to follow through on them. The reality is that all the previous Presidential administrations have 'FAILED' to solve the Middle East Conundrum and Bible Prophecy 'guarantees' that Trump will 'NOT' succeed in solving it either !!!
Russia for its part is now trying to dominate part of the Mediterranean Sea via its military presence in Syria. This student of Bible Prophecy knows that according to Bible Prophecy Mr.Putin's days in the Mediterranean Sea are numbered, Russia's naval presence in the Mediterranean will be 'attacked , destroyed and sunk' in either the coming war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 or by none other than the 'Little Horn' himself ! Russia is 'NOT' destined to victory in the last days and neither are all of the Islamic nations that will ally itself with it !!! In the past the once mighty Islamic Ottoman Empire allied itself with the losing side during World War I and it lost a large part of its territories and history will repeat itself again as most Islamic nations ally themselves with Russia, and according to Bible Prophecy the Russian military will be 'Supernaturally' be decimated by none other than : THEE HOLY GOD of ISRAEL HIMSELF !!! ( Ezekiel 39 : 2 )
If you were following the U.S. Presidential Election you are very well aware that the vast majority of the Mass Media including CNN and Univision ( and many, many others too*) made it no secret that they were 200% against Donald Trump. The Truth is that our entire political system needs to be revamped and updated, most were complaining that the U.S. should be a direct democracy and 'NOT' one with an electoral college 'BUT' this is nothing new when Al Gore lost to Bush he too won the popular vote but lost because of the electoral college, back then some stated that they would work to scrap the 'Electoral College System' but nothing came of it !!!
This servant of Jesus Christ is a 'Political Realist' President elect Trump will very unfortunately will 'NOT' be able to undo the reckless, decades old damage that has been piling up exponentially to our American national debt that now surpasses $ Trillions of dollars ; this debt has just getting 'bigger and bigger' no thanks to all the past Presidential Administrations !!! As believers we should pray for him and for this country, this servant of Jesus Christ wishes no one evil nor destruction. This student of Bible Prophecy knows that America's greatest threat and enemies are 'NOT' Islamic Terrorists but a massive 'Industrial Military Complex' that has economic ties and connections to a very large part of the American economy that is all inter-connected to powerful Wall Street elites as well as to other powerful individuals in very high posts of American civil and governmental posts !!! ( My Momma didn't raise no fool * )
This student of Bible Prophecy has read and re-read 'When Corporation Rule the World' as well as 'Lucifer's Banker' and 'America's War Machine' just to name a few books that everyone should read if you really, really want to know what the other 1% of the super-rich are doing to this country !!! ( some people for the right price $$$ will sell their very soul to Satan if it were possible and yet others would sell the very future of this country for a big bank account somewhere in a Swiss Bank account or in the Carribean !!! )
As we rapidly approach the final and 70th Week of Daniel ( final 7 year period*) Jerusalem shall increasingly become the epicenter of all of the world's diplomatic attention. If you haven't noticed almost all of the Arab- Islamic nations surrounding Israel are in some kind of turmoil, the Egyptian military has taken over Egypt, Syria is in an unending civil war that threatens to spill over the entire region and Iran is trying its best to somehow take over Iraq and to make things even more interesting Russia has now established itself in the region with nuclear submarines and an aircraft carrier replete with all sorts of nuclear armed missiles !!!
The European Union for its part is beginning to close its once 'open borders.' Border checks have now become a reality due to the hundreds of thousands of : Syrian, Middle Eastern and African migrants trying to enter Britain and Germany illegally. All of this illegal immigration, especially from the Middle East will force the endtimes 'Little Horn' to push back the 'Islamic Threat' of the South just as the Book of Daniel prophesies. The European are no fools some of them actually know the historical threat that has emanated from Islam through the centuries and this student of Bible Prophecy 'KNOWS' that history will once again repeat itself throughout Europe in the future when most Muslims will end up being kicked out of the European Union via the rise of the 'Little Horn.' This student of history bases this on what Adolph Hitler did in the past, Hitler didn't just kill and persecuted 4+ million European Jews; he also managed to kill over 16+ million Russians as well as : Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals, dissenting politicians and even Jehova Witnesses !!!
In conclusion, President elect Donald Trump unfortunately will 'NOT' be able to make this America great again, we have all run out of time, Mr.Trump can 'NOT' undo decades of massive economic mistakes that were done by past administrations both : Democratic and Republican. America 'SHALL' decline in power and influence simply because it made almost the same mistakes of empire that both the Roman Empire and the British Empire made in the past !!! When the currency of : Argentina, Mexico, Greece, the Soviet Union Venezuela and several others collapsed in the past it wasn't the end of the world 'BUT' the standard of living went significantly downward, inflation took on a life of its own and the currency lost over half of its value. GOD blessed America for over half a century 'BUT' America has of lately passed numerous laws that go directly against the Commandments of our Creator and 'NO' one ever defies GOD Almighty and lives to gloat about it forever.
This unworthy servant of Jesus Christ and student of Bible Prophecy dedicates this article to the memory of Jack T.Chick. I was greatly influenced and inspired by Jack T. Chick Christian tracts in my teenage years when I got saved. As a servant of Jesus Christ I know that by the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Brother Chick is now in the presence of our Holy Creator. Jack was a true servant of Jesus Christ simply because of all the 'hate' responses that I have read about him in the secular news wires; Jack Preached about the reality of Hell and of the fact that the Vatican is the Woman who will ride the Beast of Revelation. The true prophets of GOD are 'NOT' loved by the world nor by its corrupt institutions. I personally read almost all of Brother Jack T. Chick's tracts, they were simple, to the point and always ended with an invitation to accept Jesus Christ as one's personal saviour. Jack T. Chick is an example of what GOD can accomplish in one man who will 'NOT' bow to complacency; many Christians die all over the world everyday and we never get to know their names nor what they accomplished for the Lord, yet Jack T. Chick dies and even the : New York Times, the L.A. Times, U.K.Guardian, the Daily Beast , Evolution websites, Atheist websites and others noticed it and dedicated an article about him even if it was derogatory ! ( Woe unto you when all men speak good of you ! For their ancestors also praised the False Prophets; Luke 6 : 26 ) This servant of Christ hopes and prays that his impact on this world will one day be as great as Jack T. Chick's ***)
Jack T.Chick was correct on who the 'Woman Riding the Beast' of Revelation will be, and He was correct on the reality of a Spirit World that surrounds us, as well as on the reality of a literal 'Heaven and Hell' and especially on the TRUTH that there is only one way to GOD the Father and to Eternal Life and that is solely through : JESUS CHRIST !!! Brother Jack, also exemplified the fact that you don't have to be behind a pulpit to reach and affect the world, GOD Almighty is able to take your talent to all the world if you truly commit to Him regardless of the short term costs & ridicule brought on by: Atheists, Evolutionists, Muslims & by some who claim to even be believers !
( the Christian Booksellers Association years ago caved in to Roman Catholicism in 1981, and stopped distributing Chicks publications because the CBA deemed them too offensive to Catholics ***)
According to the N.Y.Times article on Jack T.Chick , he chose comics as his medium to 'share, communicate and evangelize' because he was too shy to bear witness any other way !
According to one negative atheistic and evolutionist website review; "Mr. Chick with his 142 little books in print, including translations in over 100 languages makes him for better or worst one of the world's most published living authors." Even though he wasn't a Seminary Theologian, Bro.Jack's his theology affected hundreds of millions of human souls !
By : Mario Romano, this servant of Jesus Christ is a student of : Game Theory, Political Theory, Sociological Theory, European Integration Theory as well as Nuclear Proliferation. Sometimes I wish I was just a 'Chicken Farmer' somewhere in Arkansas 'BUT' GOD gave me 'One Gift' and this servant of His is just trying to multiply it somehow so that it will one day be a blessing to millions !!! GOD is 'NOT' anywhere near finished with this 'Imperfect Vessel' so please be patient, I'm far from perfection 'BUT' one day we shall all be like Him ! ( 1 John 3 : 2 )