In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte, recognized the vast political and religious power that the Roman Pontiff held in Europe and allowed himself to be coronated by the Roman Pope Pius V II, as the emperor of all of France. Through the centuries numerous Popes crowned the King's of Europe and it has never been any secret that the struggle for power between European King's and the Roman Popes came to shape the modern day Europe of today !!! Presently, in 2016 "NO" other Roman Catholic country on planet earth maintains the strength and significance of France. France is a key player in the endtimes because Germany has been in a military 'disarming state' since World War II, for 'obvious reasons' and since the Brexit, France has become the major nuclear power in all of the European Union. ( aside from NATO*) Today, this student of Bible Prophecy would like to put the spotlight and focus on one of the most underestimated endtime Bible Prophecy actors mentioned in the Book of Revelation. If you happen to be from that religion there is still 'Yet' hope and salvation for you according to the Holy Bible ( Revelation 18 : 4 ) Although a very large percentage of Europeans and French citizens claim to be embrace : secularism, humanism and atheism; the truth is that Roman Catholicism still plays a major cultural role behind most European and French customs and holidays. And you better believe that when the Tribulation period commences most will 'Get very Religious' for fear of what is coming !!! ( after the events of September 11, 2001 most American Churches began to see significant increases in attendence *)
The religious leaders of Islam and Roman Catholicism boast in being the two largest religions on planet Earth and according to numerous experts; Islam is gaining more and more adherents in Africa and in Asia. Roman Catholicism for its part has some 1.2+ billion followers located mostly in : North, South and Central America as well as throughout most of Europe. According to one of the latest articles in ForeignPolicy magazine, some Islamic Jihadists would love to begin a 'Clash of Civilizations' a modern day Crusade and they are trying their best by : destroying Christian Churches, persecuting believers & even killing priests; not just in the Middle East but now even in France !
According to 'some' demographic experts Islam is spreading like wildfire throughout parts of Asia and Africa "BUT" the truth is that Islam is "NEVER" ever going to dominate the entire planet and much less Europe; the truth is that 'Neither' : Islam nor Roman Catholicism, nor even true Christianity nor Judaism will be the official religion of the Beast of Revelation, according to 'SEVERAL' passages in the Book of Revelation 13 : 4, 13 : 8 , 13 : 15 , the endtimes 'Man of Sin' is going to persecute 'Anyone' who does not bow down to his unholy governmental system and this will include millions of : Muslims, Catholics, Christians, Jews and anyone else who questions and oposses his endtimes Satanic religion !!!
According to our Lord Jesus Christ in the final days 'Nation shall rise against Nation; and Kingdom against Kingdom; somehow this student of Bible Prophecy knows fully well that this Prophecy has "NOT" yet fully been fulfilled; I believe that it will be fully fulfilled when the 2nd Horsemen of the Apocalypse is set loose on planet Earth !!!
As you may know there are several Bible Prophecy teachers that since September 11, 2001 have been teaching 'erroneously' that the final Beast of Revelation will be Muslim. The truth is that the Bible Prophecies are able to interpret themselves if we let them; according to Revelation 17 : 18, Rome will once again will continue to play a key role in the endtimes and "NOT" Mecca !!! If you know your history you know that the European Imperial powers during the time of exploration conquered a very large part of the world and they weren't limited just to the 'New World' in : North America. Great Britain itself conquered a large part of India and part of China, the British also colonized parts of Africa and North America, in contrast the Muslim Empires that have arisen throughout history have only been limited to Asia, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The truth is that it were European powers who literally 'Carved' out the geographic boundaries of the modern Middle East !!! ( the Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1916 , the arrangements that the French and British created both before and after World War I, established the very existence of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and made possible the re-establishment of Israel itself !!! ) Maps of the Middle East Pre-1916 did "NOT" include these countries simply because these future countries were all part of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire "LOST" to the British forces and anyone who tells you that the Ottoman Empire will rise again is "LYING" to you, the truth is that most if not all Arab Islamic countries have "NO" heavy or high-tech manufacturing capabilities, most of them never diversified their economies & a sole dependence on Oil revenue has become their own curse ! ( I applaud what Qatar and the Emirates have been doing this past decade, investing their Oil riches on the infrastructure of their own countries and creating a diversified economy for the future well being of their people, but in countries such as : Egypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran and Iraq the only thing it seems at what they are good at manufacturing and exporting is suicide bombers and terrorism !!! )
As we begin this article this servant of Jesus Christ reminds everyone that Roman Catholicism has been in existence longer than Islam by at least 3 Centuries and the Roman Catholic Vatican is 'thee biggest accumulator of wealth' in the history of this planet. Each year the Vatican unsuccessfully tries to deflect its financial wealth by stating that it is operating at a loss, "BUT" what it doesn't tell anyone is the approximate value and wealth of centuries of accumulation when it was literally selling heaven and salvation through 'Indulgences' !!! It is "NO" secret that the Roman Catholic religion is one of the wealthiest organizations of this world !!! The Vatican is the only religion on planet earth that has its own bank, 'The Vatican Bank' has billions in assets and it is no secret that billions of Euros have been laundered through the years through thousands of hidden and secret accounts therein !!!
The accumulated Earthly riches of the past 16+ Centuries long ago morally corrupted this religious institution and for Centuries she too corrupted the Kings of the Earth !!! To believe that the Vatican will bow to Islam is to be ignorant of history and of Bible Prophecy !!!
As one reads this article the reader must understand that it isn't anything new or really surprising as to the true identity of the 'Woman Riding the Beast.' The truth is that she has been riding all the previous encarnations and predecessors of this 'Roman Beast' for centuries since 313 A.D. starting with the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine ! The only difference between the final Beast of Revelation and the previous ones' is that the endtimes one will be the final manifestation of this Roman Beast that will rise in the Tribulation period with 10 horns / King's !!! The 'Woman Riding the Beast' is adorned with great Earthly wealth because for centuries she has been accumulating great amount of wealth & with such wealth comes power and corruption; it is no secret that for centuries she was literally selling eternal life and salvation through indulgences; as the King's and Queens of Europe came and went she remained, as World War I and WW II came and went she still remained ! The Book of Revelation 'GUARANTEES' that this same woman that symbolizes a global religion will play a 'Grand and Major Unholy Role' during the rise of the final endtimes Roman Beast with 10 Horns too !!!
The recent killing of a Roman Catholic priest not in war torn Syria but in France revealed the great divide between the Vatican and a nuclear France. More and more Frenchmen are understanding that the war against militant Islamists is "NOT" to be underestimated, according to the rising French political star Marion Le Pen : " The Islamists are killing French children, assassinating police officers and slitting the throat of French Catholic Priests" the time to look the other way is over. The French have been in a state of emergency for a large part of 2016 and the recent attack in Normandy and Nice has only served to extend this state of emergency.
According to the Book of Revelation only one 'religious' global woman will emerge victorious midway past all the cataclysms and wars mentioned in the Book of Revelation and this student of Bible Prophecy is here to forewarn you that it most certainly is "NOT" going to be Islam !!! The truth is that according to all the Biblical Prophecies found in the Old Testament and New Testament a series of endtime wars are 'yet' coming that will destroy most of the Islamic nations, there are over 45 Muslim countries on planet Earth today "BUT" according to the Biblical prophecies most of them will suffer great losses and suffer great destruction by the coming endtimes wars described in Ezekiel 37-39, according to the Prophecies of the Holy Bible after the re-establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 GOD ALMIGHTY promised that Israel would "NOT" see military defeat anymore ( Amos 9 : 15 )
According to the Book of Revelation the only one who will temporarily have victory over Israel in the Last days will be the coming 'Roman Little Horn' after he commits the 'Abomination of Desolation' the beginning of Armageddon will have been initiated right after the abomination of desaltion takes place and most Jews in Israeli will seek protection and salvation outside of Israel's borders !!! ( out into the wilderness*)
This student of Bible Prophecy is "NOT" here to incite a global religious war, the truth is that the 'Last Crusade' is yet to be fought and this believer knows that Islamic Jihadists will be the one's who will ultimately provoke a 'Nuclear Response' against some of their Islamic countries !!! No one gets to provoke a Beast and walk away unscathed !!! The Islamic Jihadists are playing with fire; sure the European Union 'presently' lacks strong leaders with some backbone "BUT" according to Bible Prophecy that will "NOT" always be so. Islamic Jihadists are making possible the future rise of the endtimes "Beast of Revelation' with each Islamic inspired terrorist attack the West is inching more and more into a 'Martial Law' state !!! Jjust look what the events of September 11, 2001 did to American civil liberties and now that the militant Muslims are focusing most of their attention on the European Union you better believe that they too will be readjusting their immigration laws as well as many of their civil liberties in the name of 'National Security' !!!
The Book of Revelation guarantees that the final 'Woman Riding the Beast' will "NOT" be dressed in Islamic attire, she will not be wearing a Burqa, she will not be dressed in Islamic colors, she will not be dressed very conservative; on the contrary she will be dressed in the colors used by Roman Catholic Cardinals, wearing a great number of pearls and gold that also adorns the Pope's golden crown and she will have a Golden Cup in her hand, the same religious symbol raised up in the daily Mass of Catholicism all over the world !!! This prophecy guarantees that Islam by then will have been vanquished, this student of Bible Prophecy has the complete and utter destruction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia finalized and fulfilled in Revelation 9 : 14 !!! And while Roman Catholicism will enjoy rising together with the Beast of 10 Horns it will only be 'Temporarily' the truth is that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will only utilize the Roman Vatican early on to gain absolute control in Europe "BUT" then he will turn against her; the truth is that the coming 'Little Horn' will be more like the government of China and North Korea, in both of these totalitarian countries religion is almost against the law, the state or the face of the state is god !!!
If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you are fully aware that some are teaching that 10 Islamic nations will fulfill the Prophecy of Revelation and that Turkey will re-ignite the Ottoman Empire, the truth is that most of the Arab-Islamic countries in the Middle East are bordering near chaos and anarchy, they can barely feed their own populations and the Tribulation period hasn't even begun !!! Look at Syria and Iraq, these two countries will need 'decades' to rebuild their : infrastructure; their water supply and electrical grid have been undermined and decimated by years of war, are you telling me that 10 Islamic countries are going to dominate the rest of the planet ? 'Please !!!'
There is yet another Roman Catholic Pope coming, this student of Bible Prophecy is "NOT" a Prophet, he states this simply because of the current frail health and age of this present Pope, in no way do I see him lasting another 5+ years because the Tribulation period is 7 very challenging years and we haven't begun it. Additionally, according to the chronology of the Book of Revelation there are 'TWO' Beasts that are yet to arise during the Tribulation period, the first Beast symbolizes the rise of the final 10 King's near the Mediterranean Sea and the second Beast arises from the land, the 2nd Beast is a global religious leader that will serve almost an identical and reprising role as the one that coronated and legitimized Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804 !!!
During the days of our Lord Jesus Christ the Roman Caesar was in control of the Mediterranean region and Islam hadn't even been invented by Mohammed yet and when the Prophecy of Revelation 17 happens the new Roman Empire of 10 King's will also be initially legitimated by a future Roman Catholic Pope and 'me thinks' that the Vatican will be very, very, very grateful because the final Crusade will have achieved what no other Crusade achieved in all of history !!! Obviously they will not call it the 'Last Crusade' but after all of the nuclear fallout clears from several Islamic countries it will be very evident that human history will never be the same.
This student of Bible Prophecy knows that upcoming Islamic Terrorist attacks in several European Cities will continue, the truth is that the European elites are being naive against the war on Islamic Terrorism, "BUT" one day the Islamic Jihadists are going to cross the line and give the upcoming 'Little Horn' the opportunity of a lifetime, the coming 'Little Horn' is going to seem to be the saviour of Europe and to some degree of Western Civilzation and even of Israel !!! "BUT" you and I know better, he will have sinister plans not only for Europe and the Middle East but also for the rest of the world !!!
In conclusion, this student of Bible Prophecy is here to tell you that the Roman Catholic Vatican is destined to play a major role during the final 7 year Tribulation period. The Roman catholic Religion shall be that 'Woman who Shall be Riding the Beast' of Revelation 17 !!! The truth is that she already has been riding for centuries the preceeding European Beasts ( gentile Kingdoms of Europe*) and she will also be the one riding the final encarnation and form of the final 10 horned Beast of Revelation !!! The 10 King's will know her and she knows all about them ; between them there are no secrets for it is no secret that she has been doing 'Unholy Deals' with most of the Totalitarians and King's of Europe in the past !!!! Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler are just a few !!! For her to still have so much sway and power and influence in the Tribulation period means that 'Most' Roman Catholic children of hers will "NOT" be taken away like the 5 Virgins !!!
Very truly, the sins of the Roman Vatican have been piling up unto Heaven since 390 A.D. her sins of : persecution, heresy, adultery, greed, theft, assassinations, political and religious corruption, claims of infallability and centuries of sexual abuses just to name a few are an ABOMINATION to the HOLY GOD who rules from Heaven !!!
There's nothing 'Personal' about this article, many Muslims already believe that Mecca shall be destroyed according to their own Koranic Prophecies ( just google the subject*) , Mecca will be destroyed first and then the Vatican, the truth is that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is set on erasing all religions including of course Judaism because he wants everyone to worship his unholy boss ; ""The Ancient Dragon" !!! ( Revelation 13 : 4 ) Unfortunately, what Islamic fundamentalists are doing is giving all religious believers a bad name, the endtimes 'Little Horn' will legally be able to persecute "ALL" religious fundamentalists alike be they : Islamic, Christian or Jewish; all will be considered enemies of the state !!!
In sum, the Roman Catholic Religion has already survived the : Black Plague ( bubonic plague ), several Crusades, unfriendly European King's and Emperors, the backlash of its unholy Inquisitions, scandal after scandal by several of its 260+ Popes through the Centuries and numerous sexual scandals; the rise of Mussolini and Hitler and despite Centuries of unholy acts it is still a major 'Religious' power in 2016 !!! She will also sell her soul to the final 'Little Horn' but he will ultimately order her final destruction 'after' he uses and abuses her for his political gain !
The Roman Catholic religion is properly described as a 'Harlot' by the HOLY SPIRIT in the Book of Revelation because she has been selling herself for Centuries to the highest political bidder and to add 'insult to injury' despite all of her unholy past and history she still has the 'AUDACITY' to still present herself and call herself the 'true' and Holy & Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in these last days !!!
The final 'Woman who will be Riding the Beast' will be the Roman Catholic Harlot, most of the 40+ Islamic nations and the over 1.3+ billion Muslim population of this Earth will have suffered 'Great & Horrible Losses' by the time Revelation 17 comes into fulfillment !
The truth is that history will repeat itself in the European Continent and most of the Islamic population will be either : expelled, forcefully relocated, kicked out and persecuted out of Europe in the future through the use of martial laws and a continued 'state of emergency' in several EU countries. Islamic countries are under a 'CURSE' for continually cursing Israel and its Jewish population ( Genesis 12 ) how else do you explain the fact that over 240+ million Arab Muslims and 40+ Islamic nations and about a dozen Islamic Terrorist groups have "NOT" been able to militarily defeat Israel since its rebirth in 1948 ?
Islam, will "NEVER" take over Europe, we don't have another generation, 10% of France's population is Muslim; during the coming Prophesied Middle East wars and during the 7 year Tribulation period most Muslims will be "KICKED" out of Europe just like the Moors were kicked out of the Iberian Peninsula in the past, the truth is that Islamic countries are "ALREADY" doing this to Christians all over the Middle East "Right Now" Muslim's are : persecuting believers, burning down temples & churches, raping female believers; so don't be surprised at what is coming against most Islamic countries in the future ***
By: Mario Romano, this servant of Jesus Christ was born and grew up in a very Catholic environment and country. Today, he is "SAVED" by the sheer grace of GOD, this servant of Jesus knows that "ONLY" the Blood of Jesus Christ can appease GOD ALMIGHTY !!! Mario prays for the salvation of both Catholics and Muslims, this servant of GOD knows that unless a man or a woman is 'Born Again' they cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. The truth is that "NO" Jew nor Gentile will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of GOD without the Blood of Jesus Christ !!! One can try to follow all the religious 'hocus pocus' rituals and exercises that they want "BUT" without true repentence of all of our sins and the shed blood of Jesus Christ there will be "NO" forgiveness !!!