Almost 2000 years ago both Britain and Israel were 'CONQUERED' by the 4th Roman Beast Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel. Britain was conquered in 43 AD by the Roman General Plautius serving under Emperor Claudius and for the next 390+ years, Britain would be involuntarily a part of the Roman Empire. Israel for its part was conquered almost 100 years earlier in 63 B.C. by the same 4th Roman Beast. Centuries later, as Rome passed its prime it began to decline and was itself under siege by barbarians back home in Rome, in response Rome retracted its Roman soldiers leaving the local Brits to govern and defend themselves against the encroaching barbarians. Later in history, around the 16th+ Century the British Empire would surface onto the world scene via its superior Navy and it became one of the largest empire in world history and at its height it was said that : 'The Sun never sets on the British Empire.' As 'World War I' came and went so did the defeat of the Ottoman Empire; which appeared in world history when there was "NO" established political state of Israel yet. The Ottoman Empire never was decreed by GOD ALMIGHTY to be one of the 4 Beasts of Daniel; for it arose and fell before there was a modern political re-established State of Israel in 1948 !!!
Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire the League of Nations then gave temporary control of Palestine to the British government. In essence, Great Britain was tasked almost by default with creating a national homeland for the Jewish people. In 1922 Great Britain implemented the Balfour Declaration and during 1922-1948 some 350,000 Jews immigrated to Israel and because of effective British control almost all aspects of the economy thrived in Palestine. As WW II came and went both Britain and the 'League of Nations' became history, the League of Nations was replaced with the United Nations and the sun finally began to set on the British Empire. In 1963 and 1967 the UK applied to become a member of the European Economic Community ( EEC ) but its application was rejected; mainly because of France's President at the time 'Charles de Gaulle' really didn't want the UK being a part of the EEC. Nevertheless, in 1973 the UK finally becomes a full member of the EEC. Although the British Empire was truly a global empire it never was one of the 4 Beasts Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel simply because the British Empire arose and declined on the world scene "BEFORE" the flag of David arose in Israel in 1948. The British Empire was a 'benign and benevolent' empire when it came to rule Palestine Pre-1948 that was devoid of a great Jewish population. What the 4 Beasts of Daniel all have in common is that they all 'Conquered' the nation of Israel when the Jews had an official government and military in the promised land. The Islamic Ottoman Empire and the British Empire arose and declined when there was "NO" official re-established 1948 Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. The 10 Horned Beast on the other hand will most certainly militarily attack Israel in the future; for our Lord Jesus Christ himself 'GUARANTEES' this future event in Matthew 24 : 15 !!!
Although the Jews were expelled in 1290 from England, they were welcomed back by Oliver Cromwell in 1695 and shortly afterwards they thrived economically in England; it is no secret that the Jews in England gained a large economic influence, for a group that made up less than 1% of the English population they constituted 20% of non-landed British millionaires and it is also no secret that the British government on several occasions utilized Jewish banking houses to finance imperial expansion. Despite the 'on and off ' relationship that England has had with the Jews through the centuries they have been quite undoubtedly been more of a 'blessing' than a 'curse' to our fellow Jewish friends ! In 1882, some 46,000 Jews lived in England and by 1914 around 240,000 Jews resided there and today in 2016 around 260,000+ Jews still live there; in contrast the Muslim population in England today is 2,800,000 !!!
As you can see Britain has played a major role throughout the history of the Roman Empire as well as the re-establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. It is the personal observation of this student of Bible Prophecy and interpretation given the history of the UK's past that the UK "NEVER" voluntarily and blindly allied nor aligned itself with the "ENEMIES" of the Jews !!! Rome conquered Britain too; as well as Israel and when Adolph Hitler rose to power centuries later they sure didn't surrender to the then greatest enemy of the Jews as France and others did. The historical evidence and patterns of history strongly indicate that the UK will "NOT" be one of the final 10 Horns of the final Beast and good for them !!! 'Church of thee Living GOD' GOD ALMIGHTY is telling us that the 2nd Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is getting ever closer, Britain's actions and the political earthquakes occurring in the EU are a 'secondary' sign of the times of what is coming, let us learn from history !!!
It should be noted that Britain once was conquered by the first phase of the Roman Empire and according to the Prophecy found in Daniel 7 : 23 and Daniel 8 : 24, Britain even with all its nuclear arsenal will once again be 'trodden down' by the final 10 Horned Roman Beast of the last days !!! The future 'Little Horn' will have diabolical supernatural powers that will bring his enemies to their knees and unfortunately according to the Biblical Prophecies the UK will "NOT" be exempted !!!
Even with all of our latests military technology and nuclear weaponry, Satan and his demonic forces have no problem jamming and interfering with all man- made electronic signals of any : ICBM missiles, weaponized drones and even Stealth aircraft and that is why the endtimes 'Little Horn' is going to bring Britain to its knees in the future; he will want to accomplish what neither Hitler nor Napoleon were able to fully accomplish against the British Isles and not even someone like a 'James Bond' will be able to stop the upcoming 'Son of Darkness' !!! May GOD save the Queen; she's going to need all the divine intervention she can get for her country and at her age of 90 she may yet be alive to witness it all; after all she was alive when Hitler rose to power*
As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of GOD has 'Never' considered Britain to be one of the final 10 Horns of the Beast, simply because of its very strong and staunch anti-hegemonic attitude that it has had for centuries in the past and throughout its history against : Germany and France. England has never enjoyed playing a secondary role in the European Union or being in the 'back seat' and for the past 43 years it has felt that Germany and France for the most part have been dominating a great part of the EU. Additionally, this student of nuclear proliferation also 'CANNOT' imagine England ceding its nuclear codes and nuclear arsenal voluntarily to someone who will be 10 times worst than Adolph Hitler was !!! While anything is yet possible and i'm still open to various scenarios; the most likely one are the one's that have had historical patterns. The 'North Sea' has in the past greatly helped to isolate and defend the British Isles from the : totalitarians, despots and expansionist Kings of the European mainland ( continental Europe*) and this student of Bible Prophecy believes that what happened to London during World War II will somewhat be repeated in the future* We all know that the coming 'Little Horn' will ultimately deceive Israel and its Jews very early on; so it is possible that he may pull the same deception with the British too !!!
Once upon a time there was a Beast with 28 heads and one day one of its heads after 43 years decided that it didn't want to be anymore a part of this Beast; soon several other heads began murmuring not so quietly that maybe it would be best if they too abandon this humongous Beast, after all to most it appeared that the liabilities outweighed the benefits. Meanwhile as the 'English Head' on the Beast celebrated before the world its 'New Independence' the other 27 heads on the Beast were not too crazy and happy about it all; especially because so many T.V News analysts all over the world and in so many different languages made fun about its bleak future and as the 27 heads wondered with some fear about their uncertain future a 'Little Horn' somewhere quietly within it knew exactly what he would do with such a Beast if given the chance !!!
Fortunately, for us all the hour has "NOT" yet come for the final 10 Horned Beast nor for its 'Little Horn' to take the world by storm "BUT" it sure is getting very, very , very close !!! The 'Little Horn' is truly alive and waiting in the wings somewhere behind all the spotlights; if it were not so this insignificant disciple of Jesus Christ would "NOT" be here ( I would probably be like most in the world trying to make more money and a name for myself* ) "BUT" this vessel of the Holy Spirit knows that we are at the final stages of the final generation and because I believe in the Biblical Prophecies it is because i'm here with a 'trembling hand' trying to 'INFORM" all those who seek the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ !!!
( EUinProphecy.com and ELFinal.com are visited by most of all the Spanish and English speaking countries of this planet for the Honor and Glory of thee Living GOD !!! )
On Thursday June 24, 2016 most of the world woke up and was amazed at what was happening to the largest Beast in this world !!! Many people began to wonder at it all and what it all meant ? Some veteran and professional political analysts even went so far to predict and proclaim on global television that this Beast with 27 heads is destined for extinction !!! Yes, this Beast will continue to shed more 'heads and horns' in the future simply because Bible Prophecy "GUARANTEES" it !!! According to the Prophecy found in the Book of Revelation a newer, streamlined and leaner Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns will ultimately 'Rise to Power' in the not so distant future near the Mediterranean and its going to 'Trample, Crush and Devour' what will be left of the World in that future period !!! ( Daniel 7 : 23 ) ( Revelation 13 ) Britain truly cannot totally sever all of its ties with the rest of Europe, it will still continue to be a member of NATO and its "NOT" going to abandon, board up, and close the 'Eurotunnel' ( Channel Tunnel *) anytime soon !!!
Its taken over 43+ years for the European Union to reach its prime and zenith of 28 members and every student of Bible Prophecy should closely observe now and study how long its going to take it to its decline of 10. Its very difficult to build something, but it only take a very small amount of time to destroy it. Whatever happens and should the EU implode in the future; the Biblical Prophecies nonetheless "GUARANTEE" that 10 shall ultimately rise up from the Mediterranean and the whole world is going to be amazed !!! The EU has many more challenges ahead, it barely survived the 'Greek Economic Crisis' only months ago and now this too !!! According to Bible Prophecy several upcoming wars near the Mediterranean and upcoming Global economic contractions are going to shake the very foundations of not only the European Union but also the whole world !!!
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, if you have been following EUinProphecy.com you know that the EU has "NOT" been finalized, we have been teaching for several years that the present EU of 28 nations would be 'restructured, reformed, reorganized , reconfigured and reinvented' and what you and I are witnessing is all a necessary part of that. For the past four decades the world has been witnessing the amazing growth of the world's largest common market and now the world is witnessing its contractions !!! Geographically speaking most if not all of the present members of the European Union are in "NO" position to abandon their geographic neighbors; they all are going to have to work out things, it might get bloody, unkind words will be exchanged and it may hurt economically "BUT" they are all inadvertently going to finally give birth to the final Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns one day and the whole world is going to be 'AMAZED' at the final product and they are ultimately going to 'WONDER' after the Beast !!! ( Revelation 13 : 3 )
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, if you have been following EUinProphecy.com you know that the EU has "NOT" been finalized, we have been teaching for several years that the present EU of 28 nations would be 'restructured, reformed, reorganized , reconfigured and reinvented' and what you and I are witnessing is all a necessary part of that. For the past four decades the world has been witnessing the amazing growth of the world's largest common market and now the world is witnessing its contractions !!! Geographically speaking most if not all of the present members of the European Union are in "NO" position to abandon their geographic neighbors; they all are going to have to work out things, it might get bloody, unkind words will be exchanged and it may hurt economically "BUT" they are all inadvertently going to finally give birth to the final Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns one day and the whole world is going to be 'AMAZED' at the final product and they are ultimately going to 'WONDER' after the Beast !!! ( Revelation 13 : 3 )
If you are a regular visitor at EUinProphecy.com you know that we very strongly believe that England will most likely "NOT" be one of the final 10 Horns/Toes of the final Beast Empire. We stated this observation before the 'Referendum' got underway. Like this servant of Jesus Christ has stated before the British have a very long history of "NOT" allying themselves for too long with Germany and France; even religiously speaking that is why the Queen is the Supreme Governor head of the Church of England. It is "NO" secret that the Queen of England was in favor of the 'Brexit' as it is, her position in England politics is largely ceremonial she just couldn't bare ceding more power and sovereignty to a non-British leader.
EUinProphecy.com and this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ are 'Re-Affirming' that we have identified 4 of the Nation-States that in the future will produce 4 of the 10 Kings mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Because we keep getting new visitors from all over the world it is necessary that this insignificant servant of yours and of our Lord Jesus Christ repeats this critical information. ( Germany, France, Italy & Spain ) Whatever you hear about Italy exiting too on the news is 'wrong' very simply because Italy is one of the chief horns of the final endtimes Beast, according to Revelation 17 : 18 Rome is going to be the epicenter of it all in the 'Tribulation Period.'
One of the top reasons why most Brits voted against the EU was because of illegal Islamic immigration. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is greatly to blame when she allowed hundreds of thousands of Islamic refugees into the country without properly fingerprinting/ identifying most of them. As you now know the once 'Open Arms' that some EU countries had to thousands of Islamic refugees is now a thing of the past and this student of World History and Bible Prophecy re-confirms that when the 'Little Horn' rises to power most Muslims will be kicked out of the European Union; this is nothing new, Spain once did it, the Crusades also helped and when Hitler rose to power he didn't just persecute Jews but also all those who stood against him.
There shall be "NO" place for the top religions of the world in the final endtimes 'Kingdom of the Beast' foretold and guaranteed by the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation. The final endtimes Kingdom of the Beast will mirror what North Korea and China have been doing for decades; the 'State' has become the god of the people and in the case of China; the PRC not only persecutes Christians but they also greatly persecute Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists !!! Revelation 13 : 4 clearly warns us all that during the Tribulation period most of those still alive are "NOT" going to be worshipping : GOD, allah or Buddha; but the Dragon who symbolizes none other than Satan !!!
The end is "NOT" yet, the British exit from the EU is "NOT" going to be overnight, officially and legally they have two years to work out the exit and "ANYTHING" can happen between now and then. Yes, England can stand alone without the rest of the European Union; they have a very strong economy a potent military in their Royal Airforce and Navy and they are a nuclear power "BUT" they are "NOT" prophetically necessary to fulfill the Prophecy of the 10 Kings of Revelation. Hitler went to war and attacked England in the past and this student of Bible Prophecy greatly suspects that the upcoming 'Little Horn' is going to do the same thing all over again; only this time he is "NOT" going to make the same military mistakes that Hitler did in the past !!!
Whatever happens within the next years; this student of Bible Prophecy who has been following closely behind the rise of this modern age Roman Empire knows that the final endtimes Beast with 10 Horns is nonetheless going to be ultimately be produced by these European nations; that were once part of the Roman Empire. Germany, France, Italy and Spain are 4 of these nations, I do "NOT" yet know who the other 6 will be; for the past 20 years this student of Bible Prophecy has been doing his homework and researching diligently this specific topic of the 'Beast with 10 Horns' and the Holy Spirit knows this. This servant of Jesus knows that GOD ALMIGHTY who sees what men do not see will ultimately greatly reward those who correctly teach His WORD to His people !!! As you can see this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is "NOT" here to make a name for himself for i'm using a pseudonym and "NOT" because i'm afraid of what the enemy could do to me if i'm right on all of this "BUT" because when I started this website I originally did it so that it wouldn't all go to my head; truly i am nothing but a mere servant and an imperfect vessel in the hands of the HOLY SPIRIT.
This student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" claim to know it all, I'm simply like some of you who are diligently awaiting the return of Jesus Christ as mentioned in the parable of the Ten Virgins. I have learned the hard way that everything in this corrupt planet is only "Temporary." The "Brexit" is nothing compared to what is coming upon all those who have rejected the Grace of GOD and the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. The final endtimes Prophesied 7 year Tribulation period has "NOT" yet started but we are sure witnessing all the key and major endtime players unknowingly getting ready for their endtime roles !!!
This student of bible Prophecy concludes by stating that the European Union sure is far from perfect "BUT" if we compare it to other 'Unions' and 'Alliances' in : Africa, Asia and Latin America it sure seems like a sounding success !!! The Europeans are able to feed themselves and are not at war with one another; compare this 'fact and reality' with what is taking place in the Middle East ( Islamic Civil Wars*) , in Latin America ( Drug Wars*) and in parts of Asia ( The Chinese Navy is making very uncomfortable all the other Asian neighbors !!! )
It took 43 years for Britain to decisively exclude itself from the European Union, what we all are going to learn very soon is if there is going to be a 'domino effect' with other EU members; regardless of what transpires Bible Prophecy "GUARANTEES" that in the end the whole world is going to be amazed by the rise of the final manifestation of the Roman Empire personified by 10 Kings, these 10 Kings "CANNOT" rise to power yet; they are destined to rise to power only for one hour ( 42 months-3 and a half years*) in the Tribulation Period.
By : Mario Romano, Mario is an insignificant servant of Jesus Christ; he prays that GOD ALMIGHTY will one day use him for the Honor and Glory of GOD ALMIGHTY. This student of Bible Prophecy blesses all the Teachers of Bible Prophecy who are also teaching the Body of Christ about the things that are mentioned by the Prophets of the Bible. This servant of Jesus Christ doesn't know many things "BUT" he most definitely knows that we are the 'Final Generation.'
There shall be "NO" place for the top religions of the world in the final endtimes 'Kingdom of the Beast' foretold and guaranteed by the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation. The final endtimes Kingdom of the Beast will mirror what North Korea and China have been doing for decades; the 'State' has become the god of the people and in the case of China; the PRC not only persecutes Christians but they also greatly persecute Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists !!! Revelation 13 : 4 clearly warns us all that during the Tribulation period most of those still alive are "NOT" going to be worshipping : GOD, allah or Buddha; but the Dragon who symbolizes none other than Satan !!!
The end is "NOT" yet, the British exit from the EU is "NOT" going to be overnight, officially and legally they have two years to work out the exit and "ANYTHING" can happen between now and then. Yes, England can stand alone without the rest of the European Union; they have a very strong economy a potent military in their Royal Airforce and Navy and they are a nuclear power "BUT" they are "NOT" prophetically necessary to fulfill the Prophecy of the 10 Kings of Revelation. Hitler went to war and attacked England in the past and this student of Bible Prophecy greatly suspects that the upcoming 'Little Horn' is going to do the same thing all over again; only this time he is "NOT" going to make the same military mistakes that Hitler did in the past !!!
Whatever happens within the next years; this student of Bible Prophecy who has been following closely behind the rise of this modern age Roman Empire knows that the final endtimes Beast with 10 Horns is nonetheless going to be ultimately be produced by these European nations; that were once part of the Roman Empire. Germany, France, Italy and Spain are 4 of these nations, I do "NOT" yet know who the other 6 will be; for the past 20 years this student of Bible Prophecy has been doing his homework and researching diligently this specific topic of the 'Beast with 10 Horns' and the Holy Spirit knows this. This servant of Jesus knows that GOD ALMIGHTY who sees what men do not see will ultimately greatly reward those who correctly teach His WORD to His people !!! As you can see this insignificant servant of Jesus Christ is "NOT" here to make a name for himself for i'm using a pseudonym and "NOT" because i'm afraid of what the enemy could do to me if i'm right on all of this "BUT" because when I started this website I originally did it so that it wouldn't all go to my head; truly i am nothing but a mere servant and an imperfect vessel in the hands of the HOLY SPIRIT.
This student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" claim to know it all, I'm simply like some of you who are diligently awaiting the return of Jesus Christ as mentioned in the parable of the Ten Virgins. I have learned the hard way that everything in this corrupt planet is only "Temporary." The "Brexit" is nothing compared to what is coming upon all those who have rejected the Grace of GOD and the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. The final endtimes Prophesied 7 year Tribulation period has "NOT" yet started but we are sure witnessing all the key and major endtime players unknowingly getting ready for their endtime roles !!!
This student of bible Prophecy concludes by stating that the European Union sure is far from perfect "BUT" if we compare it to other 'Unions' and 'Alliances' in : Africa, Asia and Latin America it sure seems like a sounding success !!! The Europeans are able to feed themselves and are not at war with one another; compare this 'fact and reality' with what is taking place in the Middle East ( Islamic Civil Wars*) , in Latin America ( Drug Wars*) and in parts of Asia ( The Chinese Navy is making very uncomfortable all the other Asian neighbors !!! )
It took 43 years for Britain to decisively exclude itself from the European Union, what we all are going to learn very soon is if there is going to be a 'domino effect' with other EU members; regardless of what transpires Bible Prophecy "GUARANTEES" that in the end the whole world is going to be amazed by the rise of the final manifestation of the Roman Empire personified by 10 Kings, these 10 Kings "CANNOT" rise to power yet; they are destined to rise to power only for one hour ( 42 months-3 and a half years*) in the Tribulation Period.
By : Mario Romano, Mario is an insignificant servant of Jesus Christ; he prays that GOD ALMIGHTY will one day use him for the Honor and Glory of GOD ALMIGHTY. This student of Bible Prophecy blesses all the Teachers of Bible Prophecy who are also teaching the Body of Christ about the things that are mentioned by the Prophets of the Bible. This servant of Jesus Christ doesn't know many things "BUT" he most definitely knows that we are the 'Final Generation.'