There are EU countries that are EU members that do "NOT" have the $ EURO as their legal currency such as : England, Denmark and Poland. Greece has signed numerous other treaties with EU member nations that will be "Unaffected" even if Greece was to abandon the $ EURO and restart printing Drachmas ( the old Greek Currency *).
According to various 'EU Polls' 16 of the 19 members of the Eurozone would prefer that Greece be kicked out of the Eurozone. While the Greeks celebrated the "NO" victory this weekend on the referendum, the dancing in the streets of Athens quickly vanished the following day as some Greek Banks closed and as Greek ATM's imposed even stricter and lower cash withdrawals. The truth is that the Greek referendum according to several experts was 'useless' and in fact it has only made things worse for Greece; because now which international investor will want to invest in Greece ? The blunt truth is that Greeks are in for: inflation, higher unemployment and less government spending, all that Mr.Tsipras is doing is delaying the inevitable and that is a continuing 'Greek Great Recession' for several years to come !!!
What every student of Bible Prophecy should learn from what is happening in Greece is what this student of Bible Prophecy has been stating for several years; when the present Prime Minister of Greece was elected he was elected out of "DESPERATION" and like this servant of yours and of Christ has been stating all along in 'desperate times' people resort to desperate promise makers. The rise and election of the Greek left coalition under the Syriza Party and led by Mr. Tsipras; lied to the Greeks just as the NAZI's lied to the German voters in the 1930's; the Syriza Party which brought Tsipras to power made promises that they simply couldn't keep in a world dominated by realpolitik !!! The Syriza party won the Greek elections because they claimed to be able to make a better deal with the international creditors than their predecessors and the truth of the matter is that they may end up making things even much, much worse "IF" the powerful IMF, ECB and Angela Merkel call Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Varoufakis bluff !!!
Various political analysts are unsure what to make of Mr. Tsipras in all of this, some say he is a 'political genius' who has stood up to the 'Top EU Guns' and yet others believe he is just an 'incompetent and naive young politician' who got way in over his head; it is my 'insignificant opinion' that Mr. Tsipras is the latter; at the end of the day Greece will still be mired in foreign debt obligations, with 25% unemployment and a very stagnant economy and I'm pretty sure that when this crisis is 'temporarly fixed' Mr. Tsipras is going to claim some type of victory even though not much has changed in Greece with his Syriza Party !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy this servant of GOD ALMIGHTY can't help but marvel at what has become of the previous 3 Beasts Prophesied by Daniel. ( How have the once mighty fallen*) The 1st Beast represented the Babylonian Empire ( Mesopotamia ) and today this region is represented by countries such as Iraq and Syria which are presently plagued by warfare and civil strife. The 2nd Beast symbolized the Medo-Persian Empire and presently is represented by Iran, Turkey and others that have been delegated as 3rd world powers. The 3rd Beast representing the Greek Empire and presently personified by the nation of Greece is presently on the verge of modern bankruptcy. The 4th Beast in fact devoured all the others during the times of the Roman Caesars and today the modern Roman Empire represented by the European Union long ago devoured the 3rd Greek Beast. This student of Bible Prophecy knows that whatever happens to : Greece, the $EURO and the Eurozone this coming week will "NOT" bring the total end of the EU experiment; the Biblical Prophecies "GUARANTEE" that the final 4th Beast will ultimately end dominating the world during the final endtimes
( Daniel 7 : 23 ) Yes, the Eurozone and the European Union will be "Shakened" to their very foundations by coming Prophesied : wars, natural cataclysyms and coming economic meltdowns "BUT" GOD ALMIGHTY who controls human history has set it up all so that the final 10 King's of Revelation rise up from around the Mediterranean and "NOT" from China, Russia nor America.
This student of Bible Prophecy reminds everyone that despite all the challenges that seem to be coming to the shores of the European Union, the fact remains that EU continues to be the 'largest economic trading block' in this world and via NATO the largest military alliance on planet Earth.
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy; for his part called Mr.Tsipras an irresponsible leader, according to Mr. Sarkozy "The question now at hand is not about how to save Greece, but about how to save the Eurozone." This crisis according to Sarkozy could begin the rupture of the entire Eurozone should it be left at the hands of 'inexperienced players' who fail to see all the possible ramnifications of the Eurozone rupturing because of a Grexit ! Allowing Greece to sink may cause a 'domino effect' that could spread to other struggling Eurozone countries such as : Spain, Portugal and Ireland.
Whatever transpires this coming week, Greece will continue to be a member of : NATO and the Schengen Treaty ( Agreement ) as well as various other regional European Treaties. What the collapse of the Greek Economy means is that the Greeks are in for even more hard times; "BUT" they will survive, the truth is that most of the countries of this planet are in even worse shape than Greece !!! I remember as a kid when the Peso Collapsed in Mexico and most people who had stashed their riches in Banks lost most of their savings in Mexican Banks. The same has happened in Argentina "Twice" in the past 20 years and hey in Zimbabwe in 2008, hyperinflation peaked at 29 Billion Percent !!! and the Zimbabweans still somehow managed to keep on living by embracing a very creative bartering economy !!!
Mr.Tsipras addressed the Greek people on national T.V. this weekend promising them that their bank deposits were safe and to remain calm, "BUT" most Greeks didn't believe most of the words that came out of the mouth of their 'young, naive and inexperienced leader' and most of them continued to run to their closest ATM even as Mr. Tsipras kept on talking on national T.V ! Greek leaders hope that they can accomplish what happened in Cyprus two years ago, but the truth of the matter is that Greece isn't Cyprus and this is not 2013.
What this student of Bible Prophecy does believe that will come out of this Greek Crisis and showdown will be the implementation of new economic powers and institutions in the Euro Zone that will in the future give way for the end times Mark of the Beast !!! The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund ( ECB , IMF ) are the key players here. Some very powerful EU players are bent on stopping Mr.Tsipras at all costs because they perceive him as 'not fully being able to grasp the full picture' of what could happen if a "GREXIT" should occur, the "Big Guns" of the EU fear an economic contagion, spread by fear that could devaluate the $EURO at the expense of a small Greek economic crisis.
Macedonia, now modern Greece after all produced the 3rd Beast Prophesied by Daniel. Greece geographically speaking isn't going anywhere, for it will continue to be directly and indirectly a part of the European Union ( European Continent ), sure some Greeks are going to be "Inconvenienced" by receiving a smaller pension check and higher taxes as well as deep cuts in several government programs, but I can think of numerous other countries in Asia, Africa and South America that are in even worse economic shape than Greece and somehow life still goes on !!!
Before the current leader of Greece was elected ( Tsipras ) Greece was already long in an economic mess; what Tsipras has brought and demonstrated in the ongoing talks is "INEXPERIENCE." His political brinkmanship has gone further than anyone believed was possible and he has in the process "ENRAGED" the big guns of the Eurozone. Tsipras is "NOT" the "Little Horn." Students of Bible Prophecy know and understand that the final Ten King's of the Book of Revelation "CANNOT" rise to power yet; according to the chronology of the Book of Revelation the 10 King's rise to power for one hour ( 42 months - 3 and a half years *) what is taking place in Greece is "NOT" the seminal event that will forever change the European Union; according to the Biblical Prophecies "WAR" is coming !
Even as the Greek Crisis continues, so does the European Union's and NATO military buildup along Eastern Europe's borders and if that wasn't enough to worry about the EU leadership knows that Islamic Terrorism will be a force that they will ultimately have to confront 'head on' as Islamic terrorist attacks continue in France. All of these challenges will force the European Union in the future to adopt a very "AGRESSIVE" Foreign Policy in the future; it will all ultimately come to "Securing Energy Sources" as war breaks out in and around the Mediterranean !
EUinProphecy.com has interpreted the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse as the product of a world at war, call it World War III. What is transpiring in Greece is just one of several other events that will eventually bring about the ultimate rise of the 10 Horned Beast guaranteed in the Book of Revelation in the future. EUinProphecy interprets the Biblical Prophecies as guaranteeing economic collapse not just in Greece or in the Eurozone but eventually also in the : USA, Russia and China in the future. The Book of Revelation guarantees coming global economic collapse and what is happening presently in the EU is just the beginning; the blunt truth is that the United States has accumulated so much debt that it is long past being "Payable" and the truth of the matter is that the true debt of the USA is even bigger that they officially state it because the government always finds creative ways to lie to the American people.
The modern state of Greece is a "tragedy" in that they ( the Greeks themselves ) failed a long time ago to diversify their economy, Japan and Germany sure didn't make this mistake. The present leader of Greece Mr. Tsipras in my personal opinion is a "NAIVE" politician who got in way over his head and who made promises to the Greek voters that he couldn't have possibly ever kept !!! Most Greeks for many decades enjoyed comfortable government programs that were in fact financed with their own future; the debts have now piled up and the "Day of Reckoning" is here and now most Greeks are left holding 'the bag full of debts' that past politicians ramped up to win voters in the past !!!
The Biblical Prophecies guarantee that the final endtimes Empire that will dominate most of the world in the future will arise out of what once was the ancient Roman Empire and more specifically the Biblical Prophecies affirm that such an Empire will be led by 10 King's who in turn will elect to give all their powers to one amongst them an "Eleventh Little Horn" for one hour ( 42 months ) what is happening in Greece will help to speed up all this process even more !!!
As a student of Bible Prophecy all this tells me that there is an acceleration taking place, the endtimes "Little Horn" is alive somewhere on Planet earth and is just waiting in the wings; the Biblical Prophecies guarantee that his rise to power will be subtle and "Peaceful" at first "BUT" then he will show his true colors in the end. What Mr.Tsipras doesn't understand or wants to ignore altogether is the golden rule of economics : "He who owns the gold makes the rules !!!" Mr. Tsipras wants to be seen as the victor who stared down the ECB and the IMF and other Big EU Guns "BUT" if he fails Greece is in for even harsher times for it already has 25% unemployment and the economy has been stagnant for many years now !!! A "Grexit" does "NOT" mean that the Prophecy of the 3 Horns being uprooted is about to take place, for we are "NOT" yet there, I state this because some irresponsible Prophecy Teachers are teaching this when in fact it is not time yet ***
By: Mario Romano, Mario is a student of European Political Systems and Mediterranean Geopolitics. Mario believes that every single Prophecy found throughout the HOLY BIBLE will be fulfilled to the letter !!! The end is "NOT" yet; these things must first happen, but what the Greek Financial Crisis does tell us of is that such an event will eventually spread to all the world in the future : A global Economic Collapse as guaranteed in Revelation 18:17 but even before Revelation 18 there is Revelation 6 : 6 !