Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French President has just won this Saturday, November 29, 2014 the UMP Party election as the most likely possible contender for the 2017 French Presidential elections. This party election does not guarantee that Sarkozy will be the final UMP pick for the 2017 French Presidential election, what it does guarantee is that Sarkozy is not going away anytime soon unless of course he has another destiny. This victory guarantees that Sarkozy is officially back and into the frontline of French politics at least until 2016-17. To this student of Bible Prophecy it's like the French saying : 'Deja vu' all over again ! To begin with it was a "jawdropping political feat" to many that Sarkozy would set his eyes again on the French Presidency and it is now a little bit more of a "jawdropping political reality and fact" that he has won the UMP election; which will very likely serve as the stepping stone for the 2017 French Presidency. Although Sarkozy's poll numbers need to increase 'ANYTHING' can happen between now and 2016-17 that can turn the full political tide in his favor, anything ! It worries me that this 'Student of Bible Prophecy' is almost the only one reporting these news given the fact that in the past Sarkozy was raising several Bible Prophecy 'warning flags' due to the fact that it was he who launched and spearheaded the 'Mediterranean Union' and even more stunning is his interest in bringing 'Peace' to the Middle East. This is just one 'stepping stone' and major hurdle that Sarkozy has achieved to get to where he wants to go. I'm 'NOT' stating nor affirming that he is the 'Little Horn' what I'm trying to get across is that as a 'Bible Prophecy Watchman' it is my responsibility to 'WARN' of such men who are rare and raise more than one flag !!! Sarkozy still has many legal battles and hurdles that he must overcome to win the 2017 French Presidential elections; if he does win it in 2017 then it will be past 'Warning 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 & _ _ _' you get the picture and pattern ?...All of this is still very surreal to this 'Student of Bible Prophecy.' Never in a million years could I have imagined writing and informing everyone about such things***...To tell you the truth some may call me crazy; I truly which I was then I would have a legitimate excuse for ignoring all the Bible Prophecy 'WARNINGS' given to us about the endtimes 'Little Horn.' France has been playing a key military role in the war against the radical Islamization of Northern Africa and it was France decades ago who helped Israel build its nuclear program and let us not forget that France is a nuclear power !!!
If you truly believe that we are the final generation and that the 2nd coming of our LORD JESUSCHRIST is very near; then events and men like this one should get your attention***...Russia's Putin is still not finished with the Ukraine, Iran is still not ending its nuclear ambitions; so you better believe that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is being positioned for his grand entrance and is somewhere waiting in the wings and doing his part to position himself for the grand finale...Mark Twain once stated that the two most important days in one's life is the day you are born and the day you find out why !!!
-Mario Romano, cannot leave planet Earth until he fulfills the full purpose and mission for which GOD ALMIGHTY : THEE HOLY GOD of ISRAEL created him for***