"This student of Bible Prophecy is unfortunately still hearing 'Most' popular YouTube teachers of eschatology teach that the 10 King's of Revelation will in their opinion / interpretation most likely be 10 future leaders from 10 Regions of the world !!! EUinProphecy obviously does 'NOT' and has 'Never' accepted that interpretation because it's 'NOT' politically / militarily realistic !!! This servant of GOD is 'NOT' going to argue against those who teach that 'Interpretation' i am just going to say that may GOD ALMIGHTY 'Greatly Reward' ( Hopefully the reward will be to supervise an entire Galaxy after the Millenium; but even if their is no reward i will still serve my GOD and Creator solely because i owe HIM 'Big Time' !!! ) His servants who are 'Correctly' Teaching His Sheep and have shown themselves wisely studying Daniel's Prophecies !!! ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ) The Global Economy is going to suffer greatly even before the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse show up; when the 4 Horsemen do show up they BRING even 'More' Hyper-Inflation and Famine, thus that is one of several reasons why i do 'NOT' see a $$$ Economic Alliance of 10 King's; more likely a future 'Military Alliance' of 10 King's who will have ONE MIND = Self Preservation in a world that is collapsing left and right during thee WORST period in all of human history !!!"
If you have been reading our ARTICLES for several years now you are very well aware that we have 'Eliminated' a significant part of this world from where Daniel's final 4th Beast will 'NOT' arise from !!! For example we know that such a Beast will 'NOT' be epicentered in any country in South America nor in any Asian country ( You get the picture ??? ) The most likely scenario that this student of Bible Prophecy seems coming real in the future is somewhat a repeat of the "Axis Powers" ( a Military Coalition*) that included : Germany , Italy and Japan during World War II and this student of Bible Prophecy is very aware that Daniel's 10 final horns apart from being a future "Military Alliance / Coalition" will also most likely be an economic $$$ one also because the 666 $$$ Mark of the Beast will originate from amongst them and specifically from the 'Second Beast' who arises from the LAND and who looks like a 'LAMB' and who dresses in 'White Holy Attire' but inside he is possessed by demons !!!
This fellow servant of GOD and student of Bible Prophecy does "NOT" puts too much emphasis on the : Nephilim, Artificial Intelligence and Conspiracy Theories as 'SOME' other teachers of Bible Prophecy do, because GOD is 'NOT' going to throw a 'Computer Into Hell= AI' HE is going to throw a LIVING human being possessed by none other than Satan himself !!! I have 'NO' problem with all those who are teaching about the 'Nephilim' and their possible endtimes role; i chose to STUDY Daniel's 4th Beast from every possible angle and TEACH it to the best of my GOD given abilities for the Honor and Glory of my Creator : GOD !!!
"What differentiates EUinProphecy from most other endtime teachers / websites, is that our primary focus is 'NOT' on the : Nephilim, nor on Artificial Intelligence =AI, nor on 'GOD Told Me Revelations' and much less on the vague 'Quatrains of Nostradamus' nor on any of 'Fatima's Third Secret' this servant of YHWH sticks to thee Biblical Prophecies when it comes to the final Beast with 10 Horns, we focus on it because such a future Beast will 'AFFECT' most of humanity during the Great Tribulation period !!!"
((( This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' puts too much emphasis on 'Artificial Intelligence' as others do because humanity's greatest threat has 'NOT' been coming from 'Machines' but from 'DEMONIC FORCES' that are like 'SPIRITUAL PARASITES' !!! In the Book of Revelation i do 'NOT' observe 'AI' being more of a threat than the DEMONS that will be unleashed in Revelation 9 : 1 - 3... I am well aware that the Beast of Revelation is going to exploit technology to advance the $ 666 Mark and other things 'BUT' in the end GOD is 'NOT" throwing a 'Hybrid-Man and Machine' into Hell, GOD is throwing a 'Blood and Flesh' human being who sold his soul to Satan * )))In conclusion, if you are having feet trouble you should seek Medical advise from a 'SPECIALIST' a : Podiatrist ( foot doctor ) and if you are having major headaches you should seek the medical advise from a Neurologist ( brain Doctor ) and not just a 'General Medical Doctor, to some degree the same is true about Bible Prophecy, we have too many 'Repeaters' who do love the LORD Jesus Christ and Bible Prophecy 'BUT' it is obvious that upon closer study and examination of what they are TEACHING that they are merely 'Repeating' in 'Some Instances' mis-interpretation of some major Biblical Prophecies without themselves having thoroughly studied certain 'Bible Prophecy Interpretations' !!! EUinProphecy 'FOCUSES' almost exclusively on the role that a certain 'Region' in the Mediterranean Sea will play in the final SEVEN YEARS of human governments on this world, we have literally INVESTED thousands of HOURS / YEARS into the study of Daniel's Final 4th Beast and the HOLY SPIRIT knows this and that's 'ALL' that matters to this imperfect servant of GOD ALMIGHTY !!!
In sum, the NORDIC COUNTRIES uniting their Airforce is 'NOT' part of the final 10 King's of Revelation 'BUT' their is an obvious PATTERN emerging, remember 'Someone's 10 Nation EU Coalition of the Willing being mentioned a few years ago for EU Military Emergencies ? The European's or in this case a small group from among them will REALIZE that as Things are going to go from BAD to WORSE and that their very existence will be at stake and that is 'One of Several' reasons why the final 10 King's will arise to power in the 'FUTURE' and if NOBODY stops the ongoing Ukrainian Invasion / War i will 'NOT' be surprised if Putin uses Limited Tactical Nuclear Weapons to achieve his unglorious victory; i state this because i am hearing too many 'Professional American / Western Experts' in the media who claim to specialize in Russian Foreign Policy seriously underestimating and mis-reading : Russia's Vladimir Putin !!!
BY : a very unworthy servant of thee RISEN CHRIST : JESUS CHRIST = GOD ENCARNATE and HE is Thee CEO of This Universe ( I am not going to hide the fact that there are more Universes*) Although this servant of GOD has studied : Nuclear Proliferation, Eurasian Geopolitics, European Political Systems and the Military Industrial Complex of several EU Countries the little wisdom and understanding that he has comes from GOD our CREATOR, i am here to SERVE, here to INFORM , here to point to : JESUS CHRIST as thee ONLY ONE who can save the SOUL's of Men and Women; for there is "NO" other NAME given unto men by which we can be SAVED but the name of thee ONLY Begotten of the Father : YESHUA : JESUS CHRIST !!! Join us, Pray for us, not only are we going to make history in thee name of YHWH; but we fully understand that thee greatest thing that we can accomplish here on Earth is to lead SOULS to Jesus Christ !!! There are around 10 things that this servant of GOD would like to accomplish 'Before' GOD removes me from this planet and what we are doing on this humble Bible Prophecy website is 'BUT' one of them !!!