Most historians would agree that the 'Sun started setting on the once mighty British Empire' sometime in the very turbulent year of 1947, shortly after it withdrew from India and the Middle East. After almost two consecutive 'World Wars' Britain "NO' longer had the : money, the troops nor the political will to defend all of its territories and colonies. ( does this all sound eerily familiar ? The British Empire left the borders of the Middle East a mess and the U.S. too has left the Middle East in yet another mess; with a weak political leadership that is proving to be 'NO' match for a very determined : ISIS, Russia and Iran. The U.S. after over 11+ years in the Middle East is leaving after spending an estimated $ 1.5 + Trillion dollars $$$ there with no clear victory, as well as having 'burned out' a large part of its military troops there too ! )
The U.S. emerged from World War II to fill in the : political, economic and military vacuum of power left behind a by a declining United Kingdom and America almost by default became the chief stabilizing power of the West. It is no secret that the U.S. Navy quietly took over most of the former British naval bases in the : Pacific Ocean, in the Indian Ocean and in the Carribean. In contrast to a declining British Empire, the U.S. did have the : Troops, Money and the Political Will, to assert its Foreign Policy and new military power far beyond its borders via a superior Navy and before a brave new world order the U.S. rose to the occasion to keep in check a rising new global threat : Soviet Communism !!! According to Bible Prophecy the U.S. is going the way of the British Empire; the Prophecies of the Book of Daniel 'Guarantee' that a final re-emergence of the Roman Empire will take place shortly before the return of Jesus Christ and the Book of Revelation confirms the Prophecies of Daniel that a future 'new and revamped' European Union alliance led by 10 will replace the U.S.A. as the chief Western power in the last days !!! While some historians would argue that history doesn't really repeat itself; the blunt truth of it all is that what does repeat itself 'over and over' throughout human history on this planet without question is : 'Human Nature.'
The U.S. government and military is lead by humans that are driven by : greed, power and pride just like the leadership of any other empire throughout history and the 'scary truth' is that our military obligations are exceeding our economic means. The U.S. dollar for decades has not been backed up by any gold; but by 'nuclear tipped missiles' and the day and hour is coming when not even that will be able to stop the coming collapse of our 'artificial economic model' that is full of bubbles and 'smoke and mirrors.' This student of Bible Prophecy reminds everyone that the American war costs in Afghanistan and Iraq have now surpassed our costs in World War II !!! ( $ 1+ trillion to 4 trillion+ in 11+ years*) Even though I'm no economic genius, I know that you can't continue printing currency like crazy forever !
The Babylonian Empire fell, the Medo-Persian Empire fell, the Greek Empire fell, the the Spanish Empire fell, the Ottoman Empire fell, the British Empire fell and even the mightiest military power that this planet has ever seen ( the U.S.A ) is 'GUARANTEED' to fall according to the Biblical Prophecies so that the final rebirth of the Roman Empire forewarned by the Book of Revelation and Daniel can arise to power to fulfill its Prophetic destiny !!! ( Daniel 7 : 23 )
GOD Almighty revealed to the Prophet Daniel via the Angel Gabriel the four gentile empires that would conquer the nation of Israel through the ages all the way until the final generation. GOD wasn't telling Daniel that there would only be four world empires throughout all of human history, what GOD communicated to Daniel via visions and with the help of the angel Gabriel interpreting the vision was that there would be a total of 4 gentile empires ( hence the 4 Beasts *) that would militarily conquer Jerusalem all the way until the final 'Abomination of Desolation' and this final form of the 10 Roman Kings will initiate and spark the final Battle of Armageddon !!!
( According to historical facts and Wikipedia there have been over 50+ empires throughout human history and over 13+ empires since the decline of the Roman Empire 'BUT' virtually all of these had 'NOTHING' to do with the political state of Israel and that is why they are 'NOT' part of any of the 4 Beasts of Daniel !!! An empire is defined as a state's sovereignty over external territories and over a variety different ethnic groups; this definition confirms America as an empire ! The U.S. is 'NOT' one of the 4 Beasts because America is 'NOT' a military enemy of Israel; on the contrary the U.S.A. is the largest economic military donor to the State of Israel; since 1962 the U.S. has military aid to Israel has exceeded $ 100 Billion !!! In contrast, what all 4 Beasts have in common is that they all conquered Jerusalem in the past and according to Bible Prophecy the final Roman Beast with 10 King's is destined and guaranteed to conquer Jerusalem one last time !!! ) - Matthew 24 : 15
If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you are well aware that the Prophecies of the Holy Bible 'Guarantee' that America will 'NOT' be the final singular global empire. was launched years ago to teach on the 4th and final Beast found in the Book of Daniel that will once again militarily attack Israel in the future and dominate a large part of the globe during the Tribulation period. The CIA can 'NOT' give you the words and interpretation of the Biblical Prophecies that you are about to read and the NSA doesn't have the remotest clue and even the DCI ( director of central intelligence ) is oblivious to the reality that awaits this country in the not so distant future. Not even the top or most respected global 'Think Tank' groups have the remotest clue of what is coming upon America and this planet well within our lifetime. An unholy spiritual darkness is coming this way as the 'Sun is setting on the American Empire.' While most American's 'Eat and Drink' ( living only in and for the flesh*) the 'Writing on the Wall' has reappeared over the 'Wall of the Gentiles' and because most have chosen to become 'Spiritually Blind' they can 'NOT' decipher the 'Signs of the Times.' This unworthy servant of Jesus Christ trembles as he approaches this specific subject because he knows of the great responsability of teaching the Prophetic Word of GOD correctly.
The United States of America rose to global power because of World War II ( the once mighty European powers were left in shambles and practically broke, that's why the U.S. had to enact the Marshall Plan*) and it will decline in power because of another upcoming world war, this is one of the 'historical patterns' that repeats itself over and over. The U.S. among several other things against it has an 'UNSUSTAINABLE' economic model; the trillions of dollars in debt 'accumulated' together with the trillions of dollars being continuously printed is a guaranteed recipe for financial disaster; and I'm not even mentioning all the billions+ of 'unfunded & underfunded' federal, state and local liabilities such as public pensions that are also unsustainable !!! The 'day of reckoning' is surely coming it is just that, that 'hour and day' gets being 'pushed and delayed' by very creative financiers and economists in Wall Street and in the Federal Reserve. The only thing this student of Bible Prophecy doesn't know is which will occur first : financial collapse of the U.S. Dollar or our forced entrance into a future war that will go nuclear !!! At the least, America will decline in power and become a 'secondary world power' similar to what happened to the British Empire 'BUT' this student of World History reminds everyone that it was World War II that forced Great Britain to become a 'Secondary' world player on the world stage !
( for years has been interpreting the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse as the product of World War III ) This student of world history reminds everyone that even though we live in a 'fallen and messed up world' GOD Almighty still 'Raises King's and Empires' to accomplish His sovereign will !!! GOD Almighty used the British Empire during World War I to defeat the Islamic Ottoman Empire who once ruled over most of the Middle East and Jerusalem , Britain in effect prepared the way for the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and this student of Bible Prophecy is witnessing GOD Almighty doing the same with the United States in the Middle East; GOD has used the American military for the past decade to prepare the Middle East and especially Israel for what is coming next prophetically !!! GOD throughout history has made some of Israel's enemies to fight amongst themselves, it is 'NOT' that GOD sanctions the evil of such empires 'but' it is that He turns the tables on the evildoers and uses it for some good to accomplish His sovereign and eternal plans ! ( 2 Chronicles 20 : 22 )
According to Bible Prophecy : Russia, Islam and even the U.S.A are all going 'DOWN' and the final encarnation of the European Union led by 10 is going up !!! ( Book of Daniel 7 : 23 ) The future EU 10 are not only going to militarily conquer most of the Middle East in the future, but also specifically Israel; just as the Roman Legions once did some 2000+ years ago !!! The future EU-10 are going to exploit and fill in the power vacuum that shall be left behind by the demise of : the Russian military, the Islamic armies as well as the decline of the American Military ! ( Ezekiel 38 -39 , Daniel 8 : 24 )
In the 'Big Picture' of it all; GOD Almighty is using gentile empires as well as Pagan King's to punish the continual : disobedience, rebellion and spiritual unfaithfulness of His chosen people the Jews through the ages and you and I and billions+ of other gentiles are all caught in the middle of it all and we too are 'NOT' being exempted from the Holy Judgement of our Holy Creator ! In effect, GOD is executing His righteous judgement upon : Satan, wicked and unrepentant gentiles and the Jews in this fallen planet in particular because to whom much is given much is required, 'EVERY' sinner on this planet is going to have to give an account to our HOLY CREATOR !!! ( Revelation 20 : 12 )
In order to understand the Bible Prophecy role of America it should be noted by all that the United States has for the most part of its history been a 'blessing' to the Jewish people and to the State of Israel since its rebirth in 1948. The Jewish people have thrived in America; in fact they are considered by sociologists as one of the most successful ethnic minorities in the U.S.A. Even though they are one of the smallest ethnic groups in America it were Eastern European Jews who practically invented the American Film industry; virtually all of the original Hollywood studios were founded by Jews and Jewish success doesn't stop in the film industry; some of the top Americans in the field of : Banking, politics , science, technology and medicine are Jews. Jews have overall been a 'blessing' to America and America has been a 'blessing' to them !!! The only problem with all of this is that GOD Almighty wants all the Jews back in the 'Real Promised Land of Israel' and GOD is going to stir the great winds of change in America so that most of the Jews will have to leave America just like He did it in : Egypt, Babylon, Spain, Russia and many other places and because most of the time our Jewish friends get so attached to their new country it 'hurts' when GOD has to uproot them from among the nations. GOD changes the political climate of these nations so that these foreign lands will be forced to give up their Jews so that they may be forced to return to the real promised land of Israel !!! ( Jeremiah 31 : 8 )
As a student of military history, it seems almost impossible that these United States of America that militarily covers more of this planet than even the ancient Roman Empire once did 'hands down' could ever decline as the Biblical Prophecies 'Guarantee' that it will as the endtimes get ever closer and closer ! America escaped the great aerial destruction that Britain suffered at the hands of the German Airforce ( Luftwaffe ) simply because of the great natural buffer of the 'Pacific Ocean.' "UNFORTUNATELY" this student of Bible Prophecy and of 'historical patterns' knows that the endtimes 'Little Horn' will learn from the strategic mistakes of Adolph Hitler and 'NOT' repeat them. Prophetically speaking 'BOTH' Russia and the U.S.A. are going down in the future to make it possible for the final 10 King's of Revelation to fill the power vacuum that will be left by the military collapse of both the U.S.A. and Russia on the world stage; and specifically in the Middle East !!! What all 4 Beast's (gentile Kingdoms ) had in common is that they 'ALL' militarily attacked the nation of Israel and conquered Jerusalem and the final manifestation of the 4th Roman Beast via the 10 King's will do likewise !!! ( it's nothing personal, this servant of Jesus Christ is an American citizen and he writes this article not with glee nor with any enjoyment , he is just interpreting the Biblical Prophecies*)
All Bible Prophecy should be studied and analyzed through the prism of the nation of Israel and its Jewish population. GOD in effect is punishing the continual disobedience and rebellion of the Jewish people by using gentile empires !!! Our Lord Jesus Christ himself 'CONFIRMED' this Biblical fact !!! ( Luke 21 : 24 ) The Holy Bible tells us that to whom much is given much will be required; and our Jewish friends was given the privilige of being the original chosen people of the only one true GOD of this Universe in a fallen world that worships quite literally thousands of fake gods and idols !!!
This student of Bible Prophecy who 'specializes' in the final 4th Roman Beast and who also specializes in studying 'historical patterns' believes that these United States of America will at the least follow the historical decline in power that the once 'Great British Empire'
ultimately took.
This student of Bible Prophecy specializes in the 4th Beast and its' 'Little Horn' and he knows that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is none other than Satan encarnate As the 'Restrainer' removes many 'HEDGES' around the world; Satan will seek to destroy as much as GOD allows him just like it happened to Job in the past !!! Biblically speaking it appears that the only things that will be kept out of the reach of Satan during the Tribulation period will be 'One -Third' of the Jewish population ( those who flee to the Wilderness Prepared for them ) and the 144,000 sealed male Jews !!! In the past Russia and the USA were able to stop Adolph Hitler in the future it will 'NOT' be so pretty, the 4th Beast will have 'NO' mercy upon its enemies be these individuals or entire nations !!! The 'Little Horn' will be empowered with great unholy supernatural powers and that is one of the reasons why both Britain and Israel will 'NOT' be able to attack it and defeat it with their vast nuclear arsenal !!!
In the past, GOD Almighty who controls human history did "NOT" allow Adolph Hitler and the Axis Powers to ultimately arise victoriously and to reign over much of the world during World War II. There is "NO" doubt that Adolph Hitler could have conquered much of the world in the late 1940's if the United States and the Soviet Union had not united to stop him. In effect, GOD Almighty allowed the rise of the USSR and of the USA after WW II. It was WW II and the Holocaust which propelled and greatly accelerated the creation of the State of the modern Nation of Israel in 1948 !!!
America's fall and ultimate decline in the not to distant future is a 'no brainer' these United States of America is like an enormous Castle; from far away it seems strong and impenetratable but the truth is that its foundation and virtually every wall and retainer within it has been slowly been consumed by termites through the years and its only a matter of time before the whole 'FACADE' comes tumbling down !!! America and its corrupt politicians have longed mortgaged and refinanced America's future at the expense of future generations. The truth is that America is 'NEVER' going to repay its over $ 20,000,000,000,000+ National Debt which keeps multiplying almost exponentially !!! American Bankers and the Fed have been creatively delaying the inevitable with each passing year by simply printing more money and by authorizing digital currency to lending institutions !!!
According to the Prophecies of Daniel the 4th Roman Beast is 'GUARANTEED' by GOD Almighty to rise 'AGAIN' to power during the final 7 years of the Tribulation period, this means that the U.S.A. and Russia are both 'GUARANTEED' to greatly decline in power in the future during that endtimes period. If you are a student of Bible Prophecy you know that Russia and its Prince along with several Islamic countries are prophesied to attack Israel in the not so distant future and you are fully aware that they will fail because GOD Almighty will intervene directly !!!
In the 'Spirit World' this servant of GOD sees the coming persecution of Jews in America, when Satan is cast down to Earth he is going to initiate thee greatest persecution of the Jewish people in all of human history and the United States and New York City in particular will 'NOT' be spared by the wrath of Satan. According to Bible Prophecy and especially the Prophecy of Zechariah, Satan will succeed in ultimately killing some 60% of the world wide Jewish population during the Tribulation period !!! ( Zechariah 13 : 8 ) The Jewish population of America was spared during World War II 'BUT' it doesn't seem likely that it will be spared during World War III !!!
It is the personal analysis of this student of Bible Prophecy and of 'historical patterns' that GOD will "NOT" spare His HOLY JUDGEMENT upon these United States of America. I believe that it was Billy Graham who once said that if GOD did not bring judgement to America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah !!! GOD is just and righteous and He can "NOT" turn a blind eye to any unrepentant sin, be it personal or national !!!
According to the Holy Bible GOD is patient "BUT" there is a limit when our HOLY CREATOR says 'enough is enough' !!! The Book of Revelation 18 : 5, reveals to us that the once endtimes Babylon's sins have reached heaven; GOD will 'NO' longer look the other way; His Holy judgement will be immediately decreed and consummated upon 'ALL' the nations that have turned against His HOLY LAWS !!!
As a semi-expert on Nuclear Proliferation and Strategic Studies, this servant of GOD for many years had been scratching his head wondering about Revelation 13 : 4 "Who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him ?" today I'm a little bit wiser after studying Bible Prophecy for over 17+ years and this student of Bible Prophecy believes that the coming 'Little Horn' is going to use his diabolical supernatural powers to render the electronic weaponry of his enemies useless for a period of time and its not just that he is going to improve on Hitler's Blitzkrieg Strategy; you see Satan has been studying the warfare of human empires since the beginning and neither Clausewitz nor Sun Tzu's theories of war and strategy really apply to Satan's unholy warfare methods !!! It appears that the endtimes 'Little Horn' is also going to inherit the over 480+ American nuclear weapons that have long been deployed throughout Europe via NATO...Nuclear War is coming and it does 'NOT' mean that it will begin in the Middle East, obviously any nuclear missile detonated near Israel would contaminate most of the area with radiation and Israel as it is, is a very small country, nonetheless this student of Bible Prophecy and Strategic Studies believes that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse start their world tour via nuclear incident !!!
Today, America has lost its way. This nation's Supreme Court is trying to legalize sin and not only that they are persecuting those who dare question its authority !!! Today in these United States of America most Corporations politically support the homosexual and Lesbian movement and if you dare speak up you are labeled comparably to that of a racial bigot. Today the homosexual movement parades not only through the cities of America with 'PRIDE' but also in cities such as Tel Aviv and even in Jerusalem, surely GOD shall not be mocked nor His Holy commandments, today they may dance in the streets proud of their sin 'BUT' the day is coming when their pride shall be turned into mourning ( 1 Corinthians 6 : 9-11 and Revelation 22 : 15 )
The truth is that you don't need to be a 'Prophet' nor a 'Rocket Scientist' to figure out why the U.S.A. will decline in global prominence in the future. Our American government keep printing dollars backed up by nothing, it used to be that if you had a million dollars in gold you were worth 'one million' and to add insult to injury its not just that the U.S. keeps printing more and more paper money but our National Debt keeps growing at an 'UNSUSTSAINABLE' level; American Wall Street elites, the Federal Reserve, American Politicians who promise social programs that indebt the U.S even more and the over 90+ million Americans who have become dependent on government aid are all responsible for what is coming; 'Economic Collapse !!!' When it comes there's going to be a lot of 'Finger Pointing' but truly, who are we kidding ?
The United States of America can 'NOT' be totally destroyed by nuclear war, the truth is that the American military enjoys a 'Nuclear Triad' ( Sea, Land and Air Nuclear armaments = nuclear submarines, nuclear ICBM's and Air Force Bombers that can carry a nuclear payload *) should the U.S.A ever be attacked it will respond likewise with nuclear missiles once it is confirmed who the adversary and culprit was who initiated a nuclear strike upon American Territory, be it : Russia or an Islamic Terrorist Group. America does 'NOT' have all of its nuclear stockpile in 'one basket' so to speak; it has it spread in key strategic regions of this planet should a nuclear response ever be needed and authorized !!!
In conclusion, although the U.S. military has the most : nuclear powered submarines with nuclear ballistic missiles and even though it also has the most nuclear powered aircraft carriers as well as bombers the U.S. military will be 'NO" match for the treachery and the diabolical powers of the coming 'Man of Sin' almost all of America's high -tech weaponry relies on electronic-electrical communications and this student of 'Spiritual Warfare' knows that Satan has the power to render such technology useless; a further study of the matter indicates that the coming 'Man of Sin' will 'Destroy Many by Peace' this means that the rider on the First Horse of the Apocalypse that carries no arrows on his bow will most likely succeed in conquering others without 'firing a single shot' it appears that he is going to use his army of demons to make his enemies and all those who oppose him to 'turn against one another and destroy one another' and he will be there to conquer whoever is left alive and to gather all the spoils !!! Satan has been studying human warfare for centuries and the theories of Clausewitz and SunTzu don't apply to him, I know that it isn't 'Fair' but GOD Almighty is going to remove the restrainer so that 'Peace is taken away from the World' GOD wants everyone to witness of what a world without Him is really like : Satan hates and despises humanity and the Holy Bible reveals to us that Satan specializes in : Killing, Stealing and Destroying, Satan presently has enslaved, blinded and deceived 'Most' of humanity, 'BUT' Jesus Christ came that we may have Life and have it more abundantly !!! ( Revelation 13 : 4-7 and Revelation 6 : 3 )
By: Mario Romano, this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ has been studying the 'Rise and Fall of Empires' for several years and to tell you the truth there is nothing much new under this sun, 'That which was shall be.' The leadership of this country has learned 'NOTHING' from history and especially from the Fall and demise of previous empires that have preceded these United States in the past; 'PRIDE' has blinded the vast majority of the ruling elite of this country and the vast majority of our American politicians have corrupted themselves by also having their hand in the 'Cookie Jar.' American politicians have long bankrupted these United States, the U.S.A is trillions of dollars in debt, it has spent over $ 2 Trillion+ in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and it continues to print Dollars without any gold backing !!!
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Monday, October 24, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Two years ago in the original website we wrote an article about GOD having created trillions of galaxies. Up until then, most astronomers agreed that there were at least 200 billion galaxies in the observable Universe. This student of the Holy Scriptures and of Astronomy thought of it as a 'no brainer' that a trillion galaxies in this Universe was not a stretch !!! Just this week of October 13, 2016 both, CNN as well as numerous other scientific news websites including NASA's confirmed that "Trillions of Galaxies" inhabit this Universe. Astronomers have only been able to study and observe only about 10% of the observable Universe with the help of the Hubble Telescope, if some 200 billion galaxies have been extrapolated from the findings of deep space field images of the Hubble Telescope it is "NOT" stretching it that we indeed inhabit a Universe with over a trillion+ galaxies !!! ( to GOD our Creator be all the Glory !!! )
It is becoming more and more evident to this student of Bible Prophecy that planet Earth is like a giant 'Boot Camp' for eternity, the decisions and actions that we take and make here on planet Earth in our human body will affect us eternally !!! The astronomical images taken by the Hubble Telescope have captured entire galaxies far, far away from our Milky Way galaxy colliding with other galaxies, this reminds me of the words that our Lord Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 24 : 35, this 'Heaven and this Earth' shall one day pass away in eternity but His words shall endure forever. Truly, we all inhabit a Universe that had a beginning and most likely will have an end, the Theological evidence indicates that the 3rd Heaven is "NOT" inside of this Universe, we in this Universe are like inside a gigantic 'Etch-A-Sketch' where GOD creates for His sheer and sovereign pleasure !!! Yes, the 3rd Heaven where GOD has His eternal throne is an eternal place of utter : HOLINESS and PERFECTION "BUT" you and I and the billions of other human beings that were also created in the 'Image of GOD' are presently very far from the 3rd Heaven and we must fight the 'Good Fight' here and now in this place and moment of eternity if we really, really ever want to one day see those streets of gold !!!
The spiritual fight in this fallen planet is "NOT" so easy, you and I know that the enemy has been deceiving most of humanity "BUT" we shall overcome Satan and all of his unholy tactics by the sheer 'Blood of Jesus Christ' and by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT !!! The Book of Revelation in 21 : 8, warns us that the 'Cowardly' shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD; truly we exist in a fallen planet that is not only infested with all types of : unholy demons and fallen Angels but also with so many odds set against our physical survival; yet GOD ALMIGHTY did "NOT" abandoned us here so that Satan could finish us all off; GOD turned the tables on Satan and all those who believe in Jesus Christ and abide in the word of GOD are promised a place in eternity and in heaven that Satan and all the Fallen Angels abdicated when they all voluntarily chose to rebel against their Holy Creator ! Truly, we all exist here and now in a 'Temporary' : Galaxy, Solar System, Planet and human body and only all those who 'OVERCOME' this present darkness on this planet are promised a : glorified body and a place in the New Jerusalem !!! -Revelation 21 : 7
Quick Facts About Our Universe :
1. 73% is dark energy, 23 % is dark matter and the rest 4% is composed of stars & intergalactic gas !!!
2. Virtually everything in this Universe is constantly moving and the Universe itself appears to be expanding !!!
3. There are trillions of time zones in this Universe, just as there are numerous times zones on Earth !!!
4. The Holy Bible reveals to us that as big as this Universe is, the heavens of the heavens can "NOT" contain the ever present and omnipresence of GOD Almighty !!!
( 1 King's 8 : 27 and Deuteronomy 10 : 14 ; 2 Chronicles 6 : 18 )
As a student of Bible Prophecy and Astronomy, when this servant of Jesus Christ studies the scale of this Universe alone it is without question to him that GOD has "NO" limitations of any kind !!! The sole fact that our sun alone is some 'one million' times larger than planet Earth is 'mind boggling.' In the Book of Job we read about the 'Son's of GOD' coming like from all parts of the heavens and Universe; including Satan among them for some type of an epic Heavenly meeting ( Job 2 : 1 ) it is here were we can see that "NOT" all the Angels in the Heavens are assigned to planet Earth. If you read and study the Holy Bible you can observe that there are just three or four Angels named by name ( Gabriel & Michael ) and that is because "NOT" all of the other : Archangels, Seraphims, Cherubims and other regular Angels are assigned to this planet !!! ( that would be overkill, in the Holy Scriptures we can see that GOD only needs a handful of powerful Angels to destroy humanity, we can see it in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 2nd Kings 19 : 35 and in Revelation 9 : 14 )
According to experts who study the Animal and Insect Kingdom the population of all of these other living things surpasses the Trillions !!! The closest number of all the insects and animals that inhabit this planet alone surpasses the Quintillions+ ! ( that's 18 zeroes ) Truly, GOD our Creator enjoys : designing, engineering and bringing to life 'millions upon millions' of different living things for His sole and sovereign pleasure !!!
This servant of JESUS CHRIST isn't writing this article to 'Rain on Anybody's Parade' nor to 'Pop' anyone's Theological view; the truth is that the Heavens are "NOT" populated by 'baby looking angels' with little or no clothing playing 'harps on clouds' !!! According to the Holy Bible the Heavens are populated with powerful Angels who can stand on the Sun and not get any burns !!! ( Revelation 19 : 17 ) Indeed, something great is taking place outside the realm and view of the human eye in the 'eternal and spiritual world' that unfortunately "MOST" humans could care less of; most of us can't see any further than our very noses, we have become selfish and egotistical and far too many believers and unbelievers alike could care less of what might or may not be happening in the rest of the 99.99999+ of the Universe, for 'NOT' even our galaxy itself, nor our solar system accounts for even 1% of this Universe !!!
What does this all mean ? It just confirms the fact that we serve an AWESOME GOD and CREATOR who manifested Himself on planet Earth as JESUS CHRIST !!! "NO" Christian believer should ever, ever be ashamed of JESUS CHRIST; we are not the product of a random explosion in eternity; there is a MIGHTY and ETERNAL LOVING SPIRIT (GOD ) who is thee originator of "ALL" that has ever been and ever will be !!! You and I should just be thankful that we too were allowed to exist and be ever thankful; that because of what JESUS CHRIST completed at the Cross of Calvary we too have been given the opportunity to receive eternal life exclusively through Jesus Christ ! GOD has been forever creating in eternity and we have been commanded to love one another, we are not GOD's first creation in all of eternity and neither shall we be the last one's. Eternity has been in existence long, long before GOD created Adam and Eve on this planet; GOD is going to fulfill "ALL" the promises that He made to the Jews, to the Church and then some !!!
This new 'bible prophecy blog website' was originally launched to exclusively only focus on the key players and nations that will ultimately produce the 10 Horned Beast found in the Book of Revelation. "BUT" because this discovery concerning the Universe is so "BIG" this servant of Jesus Christ knows that as big as this Universe may be and whatever other creations may or not be also inhabiting this enormous Universe; the fact is that GOD loves us here on planet Earth because He sent His only begotten Son : Jesus Christ to make it possible for us human beings to enter into eternity with our Creator GOD !!!
This student of the Holy Scriptures wants to clarify that Jesus Christ only died for the sins of this rebellious and fallen planet. Theologians tell us that the Angels who fell and chose to follow the lies of Satan are "UNFORGIVEABLE" whether this Universe is full of other creations does "NOT" change our position with GOD our Creator, we are the creation that fell, the creation that inherited death, the planet that rebelled against our Holy Creator !!!
It is without question, all the evidence that this servant of GOD ALMIGHTY has studied and analyzed indicates that GOD our CREATOR is literally and without exaggeration : GOD and CREATOR of Trillions of : Living things, planets, stars, galaxies and numerous other things and places that the limited and corrupt imagination of man cannot even come close to imagining !!! Jesus Christ is thee LIVING WORD OF GOD ALMIGHTY, "ALL" things were created by Him and for Him !!! ( John 1 : 3 ) This unworthy servant of Jesus Christ has "NO" problem knowing that GOD has created billions+ of human beings alone on this planet and that He even had billions+ of Angels 'Son's of GOD' inhabiting the 3 Heavens long before I was created on this planet, this servant of Jesus Christ is just so thankful that GOD also has allowed me to exist in this place and time in eternity and I have 'NO' problem sharing the love of GOD with trillions+ of others !
Don't misunderstand this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ; what i'm trying to convey to you is that we are the creation that was created in direct response to the fall of Satan and of one-third of the Angels who fell; it just so happened that GOD in His Sovereignty chose to create us right after the fall and after Hell itself was created for Satan and the fallen one's. The Holy Bible contains the truth of GOD; it does not contain EVERYTHING that has ever transpired in 'Eternity Past' but it does contain the most critical facts that GOD ALMIGHTY wants us to know in this time and place in eternity and that is that we have all sinned against our HOLY CREATOR and that only through JESUS CHRIST can we obtain forgiveness for our sins !!!
Mario Romano is "NO" Prophet nor the son of a Prophet "BUT" as a GOD fearing man of GOD redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ there is "NO" doubt in his mind that GOD ALMIGHTY is not just the GOD and CREATOR of Heaven and Earth, all the Astronomical facts and evidence points to the reality that GOD is also thee CREATOR of numerous other creations all throughout eternity and also all throughout this Universe; I'm no : Isaiah, Daniel, Ezequiel; this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ is a nobody that by the pure sheer 'grace and mercy' of GOD ALMIGHTY was reached by the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ !
BY : Mario Romano, this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ has been an amateur Astronomer for over 18+ years. This servant of Jesus Christ was astounded years ago when it was estimated that some 200 BILLION galaxies existed in this Universe and you better believe that I'm even more astounded today with the findings that our Creator GOD didn't stop at one or two galaxies not even at a million or a billion but at over a Trillion !!! ( Holy, Holy, Holy is thee name of GOD Almighty; the HOLY ONE of Israel !!! )
It is becoming more and more evident to this student of Bible Prophecy that planet Earth is like a giant 'Boot Camp' for eternity, the decisions and actions that we take and make here on planet Earth in our human body will affect us eternally !!! The astronomical images taken by the Hubble Telescope have captured entire galaxies far, far away from our Milky Way galaxy colliding with other galaxies, this reminds me of the words that our Lord Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 24 : 35, this 'Heaven and this Earth' shall one day pass away in eternity but His words shall endure forever. Truly, we all inhabit a Universe that had a beginning and most likely will have an end, the Theological evidence indicates that the 3rd Heaven is "NOT" inside of this Universe, we in this Universe are like inside a gigantic 'Etch-A-Sketch' where GOD creates for His sheer and sovereign pleasure !!! Yes, the 3rd Heaven where GOD has His eternal throne is an eternal place of utter : HOLINESS and PERFECTION "BUT" you and I and the billions of other human beings that were also created in the 'Image of GOD' are presently very far from the 3rd Heaven and we must fight the 'Good Fight' here and now in this place and moment of eternity if we really, really ever want to one day see those streets of gold !!!
The spiritual fight in this fallen planet is "NOT" so easy, you and I know that the enemy has been deceiving most of humanity "BUT" we shall overcome Satan and all of his unholy tactics by the sheer 'Blood of Jesus Christ' and by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT !!! The Book of Revelation in 21 : 8, warns us that the 'Cowardly' shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD; truly we exist in a fallen planet that is not only infested with all types of : unholy demons and fallen Angels but also with so many odds set against our physical survival; yet GOD ALMIGHTY did "NOT" abandoned us here so that Satan could finish us all off; GOD turned the tables on Satan and all those who believe in Jesus Christ and abide in the word of GOD are promised a place in eternity and in heaven that Satan and all the Fallen Angels abdicated when they all voluntarily chose to rebel against their Holy Creator ! Truly, we all exist here and now in a 'Temporary' : Galaxy, Solar System, Planet and human body and only all those who 'OVERCOME' this present darkness on this planet are promised a : glorified body and a place in the New Jerusalem !!! -Revelation 21 : 7
Quick Facts About Our Universe :
1. 73% is dark energy, 23 % is dark matter and the rest 4% is composed of stars & intergalactic gas !!!
2. Virtually everything in this Universe is constantly moving and the Universe itself appears to be expanding !!!
3. There are trillions of time zones in this Universe, just as there are numerous times zones on Earth !!!
4. The Holy Bible reveals to us that as big as this Universe is, the heavens of the heavens can "NOT" contain the ever present and omnipresence of GOD Almighty !!!
( 1 King's 8 : 27 and Deuteronomy 10 : 14 ; 2 Chronicles 6 : 18 )
As a student of Bible Prophecy and Astronomy, when this servant of Jesus Christ studies the scale of this Universe alone it is without question to him that GOD has "NO" limitations of any kind !!! The sole fact that our sun alone is some 'one million' times larger than planet Earth is 'mind boggling.' In the Book of Job we read about the 'Son's of GOD' coming like from all parts of the heavens and Universe; including Satan among them for some type of an epic Heavenly meeting ( Job 2 : 1 ) it is here were we can see that "NOT" all the Angels in the Heavens are assigned to planet Earth. If you read and study the Holy Bible you can observe that there are just three or four Angels named by name ( Gabriel & Michael ) and that is because "NOT" all of the other : Archangels, Seraphims, Cherubims and other regular Angels are assigned to this planet !!! ( that would be overkill, in the Holy Scriptures we can see that GOD only needs a handful of powerful Angels to destroy humanity, we can see it in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 2nd Kings 19 : 35 and in Revelation 9 : 14 )
According to experts who study the Animal and Insect Kingdom the population of all of these other living things surpasses the Trillions !!! The closest number of all the insects and animals that inhabit this planet alone surpasses the Quintillions+ ! ( that's 18 zeroes ) Truly, GOD our Creator enjoys : designing, engineering and bringing to life 'millions upon millions' of different living things for His sole and sovereign pleasure !!!
This servant of JESUS CHRIST isn't writing this article to 'Rain on Anybody's Parade' nor to 'Pop' anyone's Theological view; the truth is that the Heavens are "NOT" populated by 'baby looking angels' with little or no clothing playing 'harps on clouds' !!! According to the Holy Bible the Heavens are populated with powerful Angels who can stand on the Sun and not get any burns !!! ( Revelation 19 : 17 ) Indeed, something great is taking place outside the realm and view of the human eye in the 'eternal and spiritual world' that unfortunately "MOST" humans could care less of; most of us can't see any further than our very noses, we have become selfish and egotistical and far too many believers and unbelievers alike could care less of what might or may not be happening in the rest of the 99.99999+ of the Universe, for 'NOT' even our galaxy itself, nor our solar system accounts for even 1% of this Universe !!!
What does this all mean ? It just confirms the fact that we serve an AWESOME GOD and CREATOR who manifested Himself on planet Earth as JESUS CHRIST !!! "NO" Christian believer should ever, ever be ashamed of JESUS CHRIST; we are not the product of a random explosion in eternity; there is a MIGHTY and ETERNAL LOVING SPIRIT (GOD ) who is thee originator of "ALL" that has ever been and ever will be !!! You and I should just be thankful that we too were allowed to exist and be ever thankful; that because of what JESUS CHRIST completed at the Cross of Calvary we too have been given the opportunity to receive eternal life exclusively through Jesus Christ ! GOD has been forever creating in eternity and we have been commanded to love one another, we are not GOD's first creation in all of eternity and neither shall we be the last one's. Eternity has been in existence long, long before GOD created Adam and Eve on this planet; GOD is going to fulfill "ALL" the promises that He made to the Jews, to the Church and then some !!!
This new 'bible prophecy blog website' was originally launched to exclusively only focus on the key players and nations that will ultimately produce the 10 Horned Beast found in the Book of Revelation. "BUT" because this discovery concerning the Universe is so "BIG" this servant of Jesus Christ knows that as big as this Universe may be and whatever other creations may or not be also inhabiting this enormous Universe; the fact is that GOD loves us here on planet Earth because He sent His only begotten Son : Jesus Christ to make it possible for us human beings to enter into eternity with our Creator GOD !!!
This student of the Holy Scriptures wants to clarify that Jesus Christ only died for the sins of this rebellious and fallen planet. Theologians tell us that the Angels who fell and chose to follow the lies of Satan are "UNFORGIVEABLE" whether this Universe is full of other creations does "NOT" change our position with GOD our Creator, we are the creation that fell, the creation that inherited death, the planet that rebelled against our Holy Creator !!!
It is without question, all the evidence that this servant of GOD ALMIGHTY has studied and analyzed indicates that GOD our CREATOR is literally and without exaggeration : GOD and CREATOR of Trillions of : Living things, planets, stars, galaxies and numerous other things and places that the limited and corrupt imagination of man cannot even come close to imagining !!! Jesus Christ is thee LIVING WORD OF GOD ALMIGHTY, "ALL" things were created by Him and for Him !!! ( John 1 : 3 ) This unworthy servant of Jesus Christ has "NO" problem knowing that GOD has created billions+ of human beings alone on this planet and that He even had billions+ of Angels 'Son's of GOD' inhabiting the 3 Heavens long before I was created on this planet, this servant of Jesus Christ is just so thankful that GOD also has allowed me to exist in this place and time in eternity and I have 'NO' problem sharing the love of GOD with trillions+ of others !
Don't misunderstand this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ; what i'm trying to convey to you is that we are the creation that was created in direct response to the fall of Satan and of one-third of the Angels who fell; it just so happened that GOD in His Sovereignty chose to create us right after the fall and after Hell itself was created for Satan and the fallen one's. The Holy Bible contains the truth of GOD; it does not contain EVERYTHING that has ever transpired in 'Eternity Past' but it does contain the most critical facts that GOD ALMIGHTY wants us to know in this time and place in eternity and that is that we have all sinned against our HOLY CREATOR and that only through JESUS CHRIST can we obtain forgiveness for our sins !!!
Mario Romano is "NO" Prophet nor the son of a Prophet "BUT" as a GOD fearing man of GOD redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ there is "NO" doubt in his mind that GOD ALMIGHTY is not just the GOD and CREATOR of Heaven and Earth, all the Astronomical facts and evidence points to the reality that GOD is also thee CREATOR of numerous other creations all throughout eternity and also all throughout this Universe; I'm no : Isaiah, Daniel, Ezequiel; this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ is a nobody that by the pure sheer 'grace and mercy' of GOD ALMIGHTY was reached by the eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ !
BY : Mario Romano, this unworthy servant of Jesus Christ has been an amateur Astronomer for over 18+ years. This servant of Jesus Christ was astounded years ago when it was estimated that some 200 BILLION galaxies existed in this Universe and you better believe that I'm even more astounded today with the findings that our Creator GOD didn't stop at one or two galaxies not even at a million or a billion but at over a Trillion !!! ( Holy, Holy, Holy is thee name of GOD Almighty; the HOLY ONE of Israel !!! )
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