GOD revealed to the Prophet Daniel 'Four Empires' that would arise throughout history to subjugate the Jewish people and conquer Israel. We know that through the symbolism of the 'Four Beasts' GOD revealed to Daniel that the 1st Beast symbolized the Babylonian Empire, the 2nd Beast symbolized the Medo-Persian Empire, the 3rd Beast symbolized the Greek Empire and the 4th and final Beast symbolized the Roman Empire. It is the 4th Beast that is Prophesied to be different from all the previous ones in that it would have two phases and 10 King's would lead it. While it is true that many other empires have arisen throughout history; such as the : British Empire, the Spanish Empire the Mongol Empire all of these empires existed when there was 'NO' political nation of Israel in existence !!!...It is notable that 'NOT' one of the 4 Beasts of Daniel are symbolic of Islam. ( This means that Israel shall not be defeated by any : Islamic alliance, country or terrorist group; the only one who can defeat Israel in the future is the Beast with 10 Horns and its Little Horn for that is what all 4 Beasts have in common they all conquered Israel *) The first two empires : Babylon and Medo-Persia were 'NOT' Muslims; at that time in history both of these empires were plainly Pagan !!! The 3rd and 4th empires were different from the first two in that 'POWER' shifted towards the 'WEST' Israel's greatest enemy of all time will emanate from the 'WEST' in the future in the form of a 10 allied modification from within what we call presently call the European Union; who we know are the inheritors of the ancient Romans simply because Rome is in Italy and Italy is part of the European Union !!! The European Union started to form shortly after World War II via the 'European Coal & Steel Community' Treaty signed in Paris in 1951; even the very initial name of this alliance 'Coal and Steel' fits into the Prophecy of Daniel that describes the final endtimes Beast which will be composed of 'Iron and Clay' ( Daniel 2 : 43 ) For the past 60+ years the Europeans have 'little by little' been uniting their economies via the $EURO, been uniting their borders via the 'Shenghen Treaty' and been uniting their militaries via NATO as 'NO' other alliance on planet Earth !!! The present European Union has "NOT" taken its final form guaranteed by the Book of Revelation; some very 'IMPATIENT' an 'UNWISE' students of Bible Prophecy even question that this 'Romanesque' alliance of 28 nations ( EU ) a long time ago passed the 10 Horn mark & that it cannot possibly be the producer of the 10 Horned Beast !!! The truth is that the EU is destined to keep expanding beyond 28 members, the truth is that the EU itself holds several different inter-alliances within it of different sizes such as : the Eurozone composed of 18 members, the 'Shenghen area member countries composed of 26, the 'Council of Europe composed of 47 members and NATO with 28 members, the Mediterranean Union with 43 member states and the 'Berlin Club' of 10 just to name a few !!! As you can see it is very possible that the 10 King's/ Horns of Daniel and Revelation 'CAN' be fulfilled from a future alliance within the European Union without any problem and without the EU collapsing !!! Since the rebirth of the political nation of Israel in 1948 numerous Arab-Islamic armies through several wars have tried to annihilate the Jews of Israel but they have failed time and time again and numerous Islamic terrorist groups backed by : Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria have 'ALSO' time after time failed to eliminate the Jews in over 60+ years now !!! It is very obvious to this servant of GOD and student of Bible Prophecy that what fundamentalist Muslims are sowing throughout the world ( terrorism ) will come back to haunt them in the future; this student of Bible Prophecy foresees Europeans turning against Islamic fundamentalists in the future and these being kicked out and persecuted throughout Europe. Let's be frank; this world is like a 'powder keg' just waiting for one little spark to light up an explosion of hatred that will spread throughout most of the world as guaranteed in Revelation 6 : 4. The hour and day is coming when those attacked by Islamic Terrorists will respond with nuclear weapons; even this is Prophesied in the Bible ( Isaiah 17 : 1 ) Presently, the European Union is the 'Largest Trading Block' of nations in the world and via NATO the Europeans have the largest military alliance in the world. Massive and Epic changes are yet to take place that will allow the Europeans to once again become the Western leaders of the world.
This student of Bible Prophecy wants to make it perfectly clear that the European Union will be the producer and incubator of the final 10 horned Beast found in the Book of Revelation !!! Just as the United States sent its military to the Middle East during Operation Desert Storm in the past; the day and hour is coming when the European Union via NATO and the 10 King's will deploy their military to the Middle East just as the United States once did !!! Islamic extremists will give the future 'Little Horn' an excuse and a cause to invade several Arab-Islamic countries in the future just like the U.S. did this past decade. This student of bible Prophecy foresees the coming destruction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia in a coming war; historically speaking most of the ancient empires of the past went on to destroy the chief temples and gods of the people they conquered and there is 'nothing new under the sun.' This is not an attack against any one religion, those of us who study Bible Prophecy know that the Roman Vatican will also be destroyed in the future by the 10 horned Beast of Revelation 17 : 16 !!! The truth is that the 'Little Horn' of the 10 horned Beast will proclaim himself to be god ( Daniel 7 : 8 )***This student of Bible Prophecy does 'NOT' claim to know who 'exactly' will end up being the final 10 King's/Horns of Revelation but what this poor servant of GOD does claim to know is that it will be 'Romanesque' in nature simply because Revelation 17 : 18 guarantees it and because very simply put; the 4th and final Beast of Daniel symbolizes ROME : past and future !!! It's been almost 2000 years since the 4th Roman Beast last attacked Israel and its Jews & its been 66 years since Israel's rebirth in 1948, clearly the EU will morph & produce the final 2nd phase of the 10 Horned Beast in this final generation !!! ( EUinProphecy.com is the oldest Bible Prophecy website on planet Earth that was exclusively launched over 15+ years ago to solely focus on the final phase of the 4th Roman Beast. We pray that GOD through His Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth ... Mario Romano believes that JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY way to the FATHER and to ETERNAL LIFE and that SALVATION is by FAITH in JESUS CHRIST alone; it is by the GRACE and MERCY of GOD that we are ultimately SAVED; Thank You Jesus Christ for our Salvation made possible by Your shed BLOOD )
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Friday, October 31, 2014
Sunday, October 5, 2014
It is not just that the great world powers are fighting over the oil pipelines of the Middle East, it is no secret that neither the : USA, Russia, the EU nor China want the vast oil reserves of the region falling into the 'wrong hands' ( Al Qaeda, ISIS etc ) but they also don't want it falling into one another's hands if they can help it !!! There is a great 'spiritual war' taking place behind the scenes for the very fate of not only the regions great 'energy resources' but specifically for the very fate and destiny of Israel and Jerusalem...When the 'Abomination of Desolation' takes place; Jesus himself warns the Jews of the future to run to the mountains because of the impending military blitzkrieg that the 'Little Horn' will launch, when the Abomination of Desolation takes place the 'Little Horn' will have already occupied many Middle East Islamic countries just as the U.S. military did in 'Operation Desert Storm' in the past !!! The Prophet Daniel prophesied that the end will come like a flood with one war following yet another war until the very end ( Daniel 9 : 26 ) As the United States retreats out of the Middle East little by little; watch for Russia to insert itself as the ally of these Islamic countries and when Russia is defeated in the coming war of Ezekiel 38 watch for the 'Little Horn' to take full military advantage of it all and by inserting his military apparatus into the Middle East; because just as the 4th Beast once dominated the Middle East in the times of the ancient Roman Caesar's Bible Prophecy 'GUARANTEES' that the same 4th Roman Beast will once again rise to power in the form of a 10 headed Beast !!!
While GOD has poured out His HOLY justice upon His own 'Chosen People' for literally centuries because of their continual disobedience this in 'NO' way leaves the Gentile nations out of the coming 'Wrath of a Holy GOD' GOD will not let unrepentant sinners be they Jew or Gentiles off so easily; for in this life and in the Day of Judgement all men will have to give an account to their CREATOR : GOD for every deed and word they ever did !!! Yet, the greatest evidence that the HOLY BIBLE is the WORD of THEE LIVING GOD is because it guarantees that it will all end in the Valley of Armageddon; and isn't this where its all heading ? What is the statistical probability that a Hebrew Prophet could have predicted that out of 190+ future nation states the last war would take place for the fate of Jerusalem, Israel ? Do you naively believe that Muslim Terrorist groups and their financiers ( Saudi Arabia, Iran & others ) will soon give up and let Israel alone & in peace ? The U.S. Military with all of its 'think tanks' and military advisers was inept in establishing true change in its 11+ years in Iraq, The future 'Little Horn' will 'NOT' have anything similiar to an American Foreign Policy once he gets absolute power by the 10 King's, he's going to do something similiar to Adolph Hitler ( blitzkrieg *) but with vengeance; because he knows that he has but 42 months to do what he must do. Neither : Annapolis, the U.S. War College, the CIA nor the NSA have the remotest clue of what is coming; Bible Prophecy does !!! There is a GOD in Heaven who is not a 'Time Traveler' nor an 'Ancient Astronaut' but a CREATOR whom the very heavens of the heavens cannot contain and who knows the end of all of His creations before their very beginning !!! My name is Mario Romano; and I work for the very CREATOR who designed all the DNA codes, for the very CREATOR who created and sustains the billions+ of Galaxies and everything in them !!! The Apple Corporation will come and go, the Microsoft Corporation will come and go and so will all Earthly Empires; but of His Kingdom their shall be 'NO' end *** My boss is an ex-Jewish carpenter and He presently holds all power both in Heaven and on earth ( Matthew 28 : 18 ) His name is JESUS CHRIST !!!
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