European Union in Bible Prophecy
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Sunday, January 5, 2025
... "Satan Knows That He Has But A Short Time !!!"
- Revelation 12 : 12
"In the great big picture, you me and the over : 12+ billion human souls who have been born on this planet since Adam and Eve are here because GOD chose sovereignly to give all humanity and especially HIS chosen Jewish people a specific timeline in which "HE" would address : Satan's, Israel's and every sinners rebellion on this specific planet and ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ; we are nearing that final specified timeline !!!" ( Those of us who study Bible Prophecy believe that GOD allotted / decreed some 6000 Earth years from Adam and Eve to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ for 'ALL' to be addressed; GOD is going to put an end to sin and bring final Judgement to all within those 6000 years !!! )
I recently heard a fellow brother preach that on one of his trips to Israel some years ago he met a group of fellow Christians near the Wailing Wall pray out loud and asking GOD to cancel the Apocalypse !!! The Prophecies of the Book of Revelation can "NOT" be stopped just as 'DEATH' can not be stopped; once Adam and Eve sinned against GOD; death entered this world, Adam and Eve could have repented all they wanted 'BUT' it was too little too late ( GOD indeed does forgive us of our sins when we repent of our sins 'BUT' we must still pay for the consequences, example : GOD forgave King David when he repented 'BUT' his family payed for his sin for many years later on*) and while we can "NOT" stop what is coming upon this world according to the Book of Revelation we "CAN" redeem the time and get "RIGHT" with our CREATOR : GOD !!! ( GOD in HIS Omnipresence, Omniscience long ago took everything under consideration, HE knew who and how many would REPENT even before the creation of this world and in HIS sovereignty HE gave all of humanity a time deadline and i believe that we are in the very last years of that time deadline; close to Daniel's final 70th Week ( final 7 years*)
Israel in Bible Prophecy : I will be very surprised if the present ongoing war between Israel and all of Iran's proxies does not end this year ( at least temporarily*). The Israeli Defense Forces ( IDF ) are tired and Israel's economy is obviously being greatly affected as the war keeps dragging on. ( This is no 6 Day War*) Those of us who have studied the Biblical Prophecies are fully aware that Israel will still face 3 major wars after this conflict with Iran and it's terrorist proxies. I personally expect Israel to have rebuilt the Tribulation Temple within 8 years from today !!!Vatican City Rome and Bible Prophecy : I know that the present Roman Pope is not the last one, according to the Book of Revelation the Vatican and a future Pope will play a MAJOR endtimes role during the Tribulation period; do 'NOT' underestimate the influence and ruthlessness of the Roman Vatican they have out-lived : Roman Emperors, Most European Monarchies and hundreds of thousands of pedophilia lawsuits that should have bankrupted them long ago and yet nothing has seemed to put an end to them. It is very obvious that the symbology of the Book of Revelation that the 'Woman Riding the Beast' is "NOT" dressed in the colors of Islam nor of Buddhism but of the Roman Vatican !!!
The USA and Bible Prophecy : As an American Citizen it gives me absolutely 'NO' pleasure to say what i am about to say but it is the Biblical truth; the USA is presently passing through one of the greatest : Real Estate $$$ Bubble in history and i believe based upon all my research of the 2008-2012 real estate "Crash / Correction" that the next one will be more painful, in the past the US Government was able to absorb all the $$$ 200 billion of losses that many US Banks including Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac had accumulated 'BUT' how much more can our National Debt continue to grow without it crashing altogether ??? I personally expect the worst to happen mid-way through Trump's Presidency, a great part of the American real estate bubble is due to 'Artificial Manipulation' many American Companies also got into the business of 'Flipping' American real estate, thus producing a major rise in prices $$$ so much so that the prices are now 'UNSUSTAINABLE' !!!
((( The Central American country of : EL Salvador was one of thee most : Violent and Hopeless in the region until Mr. Nayib Bukele won the Presidency and declared war on the largest gang in the country, the : Mara Salvatrucha MS-13 ( ruthless national gang*) and other social parasites that were TERRORIZING most of the Salvadoran population. Mr. Nayib has brought 'Law and Order' back into the country and although some accuse him of being a dictator without his call for 'Martial Law' there was no other way that he could have realistically addressed the mega-gang of the Mara Salvatrucha, i give him credit for having a 'Strong Back Spine' to have taken care of business, !!! Especially in a country that suffered massive : corruption and even under death threats, Mr. Bukele went ahead and set out to restore LAW and ORDER to a country that was on the downward path to becoming a full-fledge FAILED STATE !!! )))Russia and Bible Prophecy : Although Russia has lost conservatively over : 400,000+ men in its war against the Ukraine this student of Bible Prophecy knows fully well that Russia expansionist tendencies will outlive : the present USA and NATO hegemony because during the future war of Ezekiel 38 we do "NOT" observe neither : NATO nor the USA involving themselves in such a future war, but we do observe Turkey a present NATO member aligning itself with Russia to attack Israel in the future. Russia has historically taken in the past MAJOR losses ( Hitler's army killed over 16+ million Russians during WW II ***) so do 'NOT' make the mistake of ruling Russia out, they show up in a major future WAR !!!
$$$ BITCOIN and Cryptocurrencies : Neither $$$ BITCOIN nor any other Cryptocurrency is the endtimes future $$$ 666 Mark and we must understand that when real $$$ National Currencies collapse in the future that all Cryptocurrencies will too !!! Seriously, when money loses its value people enter into a 'BARTERING' stage, what will anyone want with a series of numbers in Cyberspace ??? Like we stated in our past article : BITCOIN is just a mega 'Pyramid / Ponzi Scheme' arising out of HYPE and GREED and when it crashes ( it most certainly will ) no one should be surprised !!!
Islam and the Arab Nations: As i am writing this article 'MOST' Islamic nations around the Mediterranean are already suffering major $$$ Inflationary challenges and i am not so much worried about the absolute destruction of Damascus, the present truth and reality is that much of Syria, especially it's major cities are already "Rubble" due to the ongoing 8+ year Civil War !!! I have never expected Daniel's Little Horn to arise from Islam and that is why 'ALL' of my undivided attention is focused on one epicenter in Europe. I will caution and forewarn that Daniel's Little Horn will seek the destruction of all 3 'Abrahamic Religions' and not just that of Judaism in Israel, Satan wants all worship in the Tribulation directed at him ( Reminder : Hitler killed more Russians than Jews during WWII, over 16+ million Russians were killed because of Hitler's NAZI armed forces !!! )China and Bible Prophecy : Most geopolitical experts would agree that the next Century belongs to China ( Chinese Century *) 'BUT" this student of Bible Prophecy knows much better !!! We do "NOT" have another Century to spare, i personally expect Israel to rebuild its final Tribulation Temple in Jerusalem with the next 8 years !!! China, if you are not aware is also passing through a major 'Real Estate Bubble" that already has begun to "POP" according to the Biblical Prophecies; China will "NOT" end up being the world's final Super-Power; although it will continue to be an endtimes "Regional Power" this student of Bible Prophecy ; CAUTIONS that the BEAST EMPIRE of Revelation will "NOT" be able to CONQUER all the nations during the Tribulation period because we witness 'News from the East and the NORTH ( Daniel 11 : 44 ) interfering with the future 'Man of Sin' global conquest plans !!! ( We also witness several nations that did 'NOT' accept the 666 Mark entering into the Millenium, obviously those that accept the 666 Mark have signed their eternal deathmark !!!
BRICS Countries : The first BRICS Summit began in 2009 and thus far the BRICS countries have 'NOT' created their very own $$$ Currency as some were warning about. It is my "Personal Opinion" based upon real political / economic realities that the BRICS countries will 'NEVER' create their very own $ GLOBAL CURRENCY, the TRUTH is that countries like : China and India who have recently been on the verge of a 'Nuclear Standoff' would 'NEVER' realistically unite their national currencies, the BRICS Countries are like the UN; 'ALL' talk but no real teeth !!! Additionally, the BRICS countries are "NOT" the Beast of Revelation for several Biblical reasons
European Union : My position on Europe has 'NOT' changed, the 10 King's of Revelation will arise from that specific geographic area of this world, there will be a MAJOR clash between Secular Europe and Militant Islam and 'Martial Law' will be declared as history repeats itself once again as European's expel most Muslim's from their countries, either Islam will OVERTAKE Europe or the European's will wake up and address the Militant Islamic threat that they have allowed naively to grow by accepting millions of Muslim 'Refugees' the future 'Man of Sin' will be their enemy, just like Hitler disliked : Communists, Jews and others, the endtimes "Little Horn" will become thee greatest enemy of Islam and not just of Israel, let's remember that the 4th Iron Beast in the past not only conquered : Jerusalem, Israel in the past but also much of the Middle East and even so far as penetrated Egypt too militarily speaking, whatever you want to call it; Rome will once again engage with yet another final endtimes CRUSADE against you know who !!! European's will be forced to create their very own Military Alliance when NATO dissolves because of the coming collapse of the USD $$$ ***EUinProphecy is the first endtimes website that is CONFIRMING that the final 10 King's of Revelation will most likely be a future European Military Alliance !!! ( and 'NOT' 10 global regions / strongmen etc***)
((( In one of the many videos of : Brandon Biggs, he claims to have been allowed by GOD to see the future Mr.666 dressed almost in the same attire as the King of Saudi Arabia !!! The problem that i have with Mr. Biggs is that in all of his video / based on "Dreams" he does "NOT" use the Holy Scriptures to teach about such an endtimes character, Mr. Biggs did "NOT" quote Daniel nor Revelation and i have "NEVER" believed that Mr.666 will be a Muslim / Assyrian, the 4th Beast was ROMAN; PERIOD !!! It were the Roman's who Crucified Christ Jesus and it were the Romans in 70.A.D. who destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem at a time when Mohammed and his Islam had "NOT" even been born / invented yet !!! Islam does 'NOT' has a monopoly on WAR, it were the European's who have created some of the largest wars in human history : WW I and WWII, and the first horsemen of the Apocalypse is a coming, he will be a figure like : Adolph Hitler; who will be bent on global conquest ( Revelation 6 ) thus Mr. Biggs, is very WRONG, nobody should be teaching the Body of Christ based on their 'Personal Dreams' we should always use the WRITTEN SCRIPTURES they are our PRIMARY source of TRUTH !!! Reminder : Most of Mr. Biggs 'Prophecies' never came to pass, he erases those videos ASAP, he recently predicted that the US Economy would take a big hit during : Oct-Nov of 2024 which did not happen again*** I do not question Mr. Biggs salvation 'BUT' it is very wrong to be prophesying falsely in the name of GOD !!! Mr. Biggs is also a promoter of the FALSE 'Prosperity Gospel' one that promises 'Wealth Transfer' and he has even promoted the cryptocoin of XRP, as if GOD backs crypto !!! )))((( What i am trying to say is that GOD our CREATOR created : Billions+ of : Stars, Planets, Human Beings, Angels, Galaxies, Solar Systems and yet i still meet fellow believers who are blind to this FACT, that GOD's LOVE is for "ALL" of HIS Creations, you and i are as special to 'HIM' as every other Human soul; GOD loves HIS : Angels equally as much as HE loves : Jews, HIS Church and all those who believe on HIS only begotten Son : Jesus Christ ! )))
In conclusion, GOD our HOLY CREATOR is bringing human history to a close, it is 'HE' alone who authorizes the breaking of the seals / judgements in Revelation; Satan has 'NO' such power in fact Satan knows that he is seriously running out of time !!! Let us all remember that GOD has been using 'Gentile Powers / King's Empires' in the past to bring judgement to HIS chosen Jewish people and GOD is still using and will continue to use : Islamists, Europeans, Russians and others to punish HIS chosen people for their rebellion and disobedience !!! GOD always has the LAST WORD and 'NO' one will ever get away with anything before HIS HOLY EYES !!!