European Union in Bible Prophecy
Bible Prophecy Watchman of the 4th and Final Roman Beast of 10 Kings and Its Little Horn
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
"It is the position and 'personal opinion' of this student of Bible Prophecy that the Ezekiel 38 War can 'NOT' take place while most of Russia's armed forces are bogged down in the Ukraine. ( The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict must end first*) In contrast in the : Vietnam War; which lasted over 20+ years and took the lives of over 58,000+ American soldiers; the : Russian-Ukrainian War which is only 2 years old has already claimed the lives of an estimated : 300,000+ Russian troops and an estimated : 60,000+ Ukrainian soldiers !!! What i am trying to say is that those who are wrongly teaching about an imminent Ezekiel 38 War have 'NOT' considered that 'Presently' Russia is in 'NO' position to attack a nuclear power like Israel when they can not even strategically overcome the much inferior armed Ukrainian armed forces in their own backyard !!!" ( Yes, we are getting ever closer to the Ezekiel 38 War 'BUT' not quite yet; Iran is ready and so is Turkey but Russia is 'NOT' ready yet *** ) ( EUinProphecy has a good record in forecasting upcoming global events based upon the Biblical Prophecies and 'NOT' based upon : personal 'dreams and visions.' At the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War ( Feb.2022*) a U.S. General : Jack Keane predicted Putin's assassination ( a prediction that never took place ) something that EUinProphecy did 'NOT' agree on because if someone has learned from Stalin and his mistakes is PUTIN; and we have been proven correct, Putin is still alive and he is still 'Eliminating' his political opponents the : Stalin Way ***)
((( Reminder : This Fallen Planet is Under Some Type of a Special QUARANTINE established by GOD ALMIGHTY. The other : 1,000,000,000,000's of planets and galaxies in this Universe are "NOT" all empty and DEVOID of LIFE and Please Take note that Theologically and Biblically Speaking "NOT" Everyone in the Other Heavens Rebelled Against GOD, TWO-THIRDS of the Son's of GOD did "NOT" Sin !!! ( The Majority did 'NOT' sin *))) Only a 'FOOL' who has never been outside of this planet would prematurely state that we are the only planet with LIFE !!! ( It should also be noted that 'NOT' all other creations of GOD were biologically engineered like us of : Flesh and Blood !!! ) ( The Holy Bible 'Never' confirms that we are the only planet in this Universe with LIFE and the Prophet / Writer of Genesis; just like you and me in 2024 was 'NOT' able to even see all the stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy with the naked human eye, much less the Quintillions+ of others in the other Galaxies of GOD in this Universe, those who are teaching that we are GOD's only creation are due for a major 'Great Embarrassment' !!! It should be rather obvious and common sense that the purpose of Galaxies are to harbor planets and stars and the purpose of planets are to be the homes of diverse creations, it boggles my mind how some believers can 'NOT' see what GOD is doing throughout ETERNITY and this Universe and that is; HE is 'Populating' the Cosmos and Eternity with diverse creations for 'HIS' sheer pleasure !!! It should also be 'NOTED' that GOD LOVES 'ALL' of 'HIS' creations; for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE was created by 'HIM' and for 'HIM' !!! It would be Theologically incorrect to state that GOD loves : Jewish Israel more than the Church or that GOD loves the Angels more than humans, thee IMPORTANT thing to understand is that we are 'ALL' alive and in existence because of 'HIM' and we were all created to SERVE 'HIM' and serve one another !!! Only a 'Spiritually Immature Human Being' would think that it's all about 'Him / Her' !!! GOD did 'NOT' need your input nor mine to CREATE anything we are 'ALL' along for a 'Free Ride' unto ETERNITY via the 'GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE' made possible by : JESUS CHRIST; and i do 'NOT' mind sharing the LOVE of GOD with TRILLION's of others !!! The Wisdom that the HOLY SPIRIT has given this imperfect vessel reveals to me that there is still room for LITERALLY : 1,000,000,000,000,000+s of other new creations in the other Heavens and Galaxies !!! And i do 'NOT' doubt for a second that GOD ALMIGHTY : YHWH is not capable of CREATING that many new creations; of course HE is, for HE is : THEE ETERNAL CREATOR !!! )))This fellow servant of Jesus Christ is issuing a HIGH ALERT warning to those 5 wise virgins mentioned in the Bible. Iran is doing all it can to complete its first nuclear weapon with the help of the Russian nuclear industry ( Roscosmos and Persepolis*) and Putin's approval of course and given the fact that even Turkey's leader : Mr. Erdogan is threatening to send his troops into Israel to defend his fellow Muslim brothers in Gaza, it should be rather obvious that the Ezekiel 38 War will take place within the lifetime of most people alive today !!! We are warning that unfortunately 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' ( WMD ) will be used including nuclear weapons shortly before and during the Tribulation period ***
As a student of Bible Prophecy i know fully well that it is 'NOT' the 'Time and Hour' for the rise of the 'Prince of Persia.' Persia's time in the sun has long come and gone like that of the once mighty British Empire of the past ( Daniel 10:13 ) and what i mean by this is that : Persia = Modern day Iran is 'NOT' according to the Book of Revelation a major endtimes world power, Iran is a temporary regional power that has it's days counted !!! ( Neither : Islam nor Iran composes or will compose any part of the 10 King's of Revelation !!! )
Additionally, concerning Iran and Russia, this student of Strategic Studies is also fully aware that all of the Russian armed forces need not be in the front lines of the future Ezekiel 38 War / Invasion 'BECAUSE' the majority of the foot soldiers in such a war will obviously be composed of Islamic soldiers from the attacking countries allied with Russia such as : Iranians, Libyan's , Ethiopians, Turkish and other North Africans Islamic soldiers !!! But even if and should Russia just play a leading military role, neither : PUTIN nor the RUSSIAN ARMED FORCES are presently in any position to lead such a coalition 'YET' the TRUTH is that despite some victory in the Ukraine Russian losses are mounting and it's somewhat embarrassing that Ukrainian soldiers ( the Ukraine WHICH has no major NAVAL FORCE ITSELF*) have forced the Russian Navy out of Crimea and it is estimated that the Russian's have lost over 26+ important vessels; Russia's Black Sea Fleet has been practically defeated by the lesser armed Ukrainians !!! )
This student of Bible Prophecy is writing this ARTICLE on August 6, 2024 when war between : Israel and Iran has 'NOT' yet fully been initiated and i state this because according to the order of events in the Biblical Prophecies should WAR fully break out, this WAR will 'NOT' be the Ezekiel 38 WAR "YET" because Russia is in 'NO' military position to be waging TWO WARS simultaneously !!! ( According to various sources; the Russian military is suffering major losses in the Ukraine ( not only an estimated 300,000+ dead Russian soldiers but also a big percentage of their tanks and even a significant percentage of their Navy in that region of the world has been destroyed by the Ukrainian army *) and even though Russia will prevail against the Ukraine it will come at a very high cost to Putin ***)
Because it is obvious to this student of Bible Prophecy that this present ongoing conflict between : Israel and Iran and all of its proxies will "NOT" yet be the Ezekiel 38 WAR, i conclude therefore that Israel will 'PREVAIL' in this ongoing showdown between it and a 'Prince of Persia' who is seeking a nuclear bomb at all costs as soon as possible !!! Russia presently has its hands tied up in the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War, thus any DIRECT WAR with Iran will be short ( less than 6 months easily*) Iran will wait to gets at Israel in the Ezekiel 38 War, i have been teaching this for over a DECADE and nothing has changed my mind, it is necessary for both : Islamic countries and Russia to be militarily defeated so that the final 10 HORNED BEAST of Revelation take their place in the sun; thus anyone telling you that the BRICS Countries are that 10 Horned Beasts are 'FOOLS' the BRICS now number more than 10 and they do "NOT "NOT" have their own currency $$$, it's one thing to having all these diplomatic talks and conferences and its another thing entirely to UNITING their CURRENCIES, something i do "NOT" see China and INDIA doing because as much as they may despise the dominance of the U.S. $$$ Dollar they really hate each other in real life
((( According to the Prophecies of Daniel, the future 'Little Horn' will already be in a very POWERFUL and INFLUENTIAL post 'BEFORE' the 7 year 'Covenant With the Many Is Signed' because very obviously it is he who manages to 'Confirm it With the Many' !!! The important numbers ( years in power*) to consider and understand is that we know that Daniel's Little Horn will at a minimum be in power for most of the final DECADE of the end of the age !!! It is in the middle of it ( 42 months later*) that he get's all of his diabolical powers and also manages to break the Covenant in the middle of it ( 3 and a half years later*) there is 'Presently' "NO" EU position or Presidency that lasts nor extends 7 years, it should be obvious then, that with all the global chaos taking place during that future time that 'Martial Law' will be declared and that 'Democratic Elections' will become history and that is why the Little Horn will be the most relevant political / military figure during Daniel's final 70th Week !!! )))((( Despite all of their conferences and gatherings, the BRICS Countries have "NOT" yet created their very own $$$ Currency and i state this because it's one thing to pursue creating a real $$$ Global Currency and it's an entire different thing to give up your own $$$ National Currency altogether. When the $ EURO was being launched it too many years just to work out all the different national $$$ problems that could arise, NOBODY just creates a new $ Currency overnight, even BITCOIN took years for it to really take off, THUS what i am trying to say is that in my 'Personal Opinion' given all the : Hatred and Animosity that the Chinese have against India and Vice-versa i do "NOT" foresee them ever really uniting their currencies and lastly the BRICS Nations are "NOT" "NOT" and "NOT" the 10 King's of Revelation !!! )))
In conclusion, the present ongoing conflict with Iran and all its proxies is "NOT" the Ezekiel 38 War yet !!! Thus, this tells us that Iran will most likely 'WAIT' to confront Israel in the future with a 'TOTAL WAR' should a war break out with Israel it will be 'BRIEF' ( less than 6 months*) Iran has to wait for Russia to be ready for the future Ezekiel 38 War and 'Presently' Russia's armed forces have their hands full battling the 'Inferior Armed' Ukrainian armed forces who despite are smaller in number are whipping Russia's behind on the battlefield !!! We remind everyone that the 10 King's of Revelation and the 10 Horned Beast of Daniel are 'NOT' Islamic in any way as some are teaching !!! ( i can 'NOT' believe all the misinformation that other 'Prophecy Students' are given out in many YouTube channels and Web-Sites*) The truth is that 'NOT' one of Daniel's 4 Beasts were Islamic and the last two Beasts that Conquered Israel were Western Mediterranean Powers : Greece and Rome !!! ( I state this because people like : Joel Richardson wrongly teach that all of Israel's enemies were 'Middle Eastern' and he just totally ignores the FACT that : Greece and Rome were 'NOT' and finally, 'NOT' one of Daniel's 4 Beasts was Assyrian, the Assyrian Prophecy was long ago fulfilled, the Assyrians did 'NOT' CRUCIFY the true Messiah of ISRAEL nor did they destroy the Temple in 70.A.D, the Romans did !!! ( The 4th Beast was Roman and 'NOT' Assyrian* )
In sum, let it be known that this fellow believer in Yeshua : Jesus Christ is very grateful to GOD for these United States of America; as a student of Bible Prophecy it is my job to TEACH the TRUTH concerning America's and every other nations role in the endtime Prophetic scenario. It absolutely gives me no pleasure in having to teach the TRUTH concerning what the USA's endtime role will be
"Let it be known and recorded in the annals of eternity that EUinProphecy years ago concluded that the final 10 King's of Revelation will emanate from within the ancient Mediterranean boundaries of the once mighty Roman Empire of the Roman Caesars and let it be known that we forewarned; many years beforehand that NATO will be replaced by an : Army, Airforce, Navy of their very own ( 10 King's*) without the military command of the U.S. Executive branch nor of any American General as it presently is in NATO. ( I state this because some misguided believers are still teaching about an Islamic 4th Beast Caliphate / Mahdi and an Assyrian little horn; when 'NOT" one of Daniel's 4 Beasts were : Assyrian to begin with !!!*) We are 'Predicting' that a 'Military Alliance' such that was once the : Western European Union ( WEU *) will be REBUILT / RECREATED and that's were the final 10 King's come into place. ( I state this because as of 2024, 'MOST' Bible Prophecy Teachers are wrongly teaching about the world being divided into 10 regions and that the 10 King's will be : 10 Global Regional Leaders; i do 'NOT' teach that unrealistic theory / interpretation* Additionally, Martial Law is coming to the EU and most of the world during the Great Tribulation*) This unworthy servant of GOD ALMIGHTY is also the first in the world to FOREWARN from what particular country Daniel's 'Little Horn' will most likely arise to power !!! ( Look up our past articles, if you are unaware* Satan is 'NOT' going to be able to fully exploit Germany again, he is going after another 'Nuclear Power' in the Mediterranean !!! ) I am nothing, i give all the HONOR and GLORY to the same GOD that the Prophet Daniel worshipped and served for allowing this very imperfect servant of HIS to understand what the Prophet Daniel was not able to fully understand during his lifetime and let it be known even amongst the most foolish and wisest of men that GOD our CREATOR is also an 'Eternal Creator' CREATOR of literally : Quintillions+ of other diverse creations in all the Trillions+ of other Galaxies in this Universe and those who are teaching that the rest of the Universe and its Quintillions+ of other planets are empty and devoid of life are somewhat suffering from 'Spiritual Myopia and Blindness' ***"
Let's face it : Socialism, Democracy and Communism have 'ALL' failed most human beings on this planet !!! This world is full of INJUSTICE from the streets of Washington D.C to the streets of India !!! Those who place their hopes and dreams on unholy POLITICIANS are going to be let down; our HOPE should be on JESUS CHRIST alone and in the KINGDOM of GOD. The lying politicians of this fallen planet are constantly perfecting the ART of LYING and if you or i place our HOPES on them we are going to be let down; usually much sooner than later. The TIME to REPENT and ask GOD for FORGIVENESS is "TODAY" for tomorrow is promised to no one, GOD our CREATOR : YHWH: JESUS CHRIST loves 'ALL' of HIS creation "BUT" HE will not tolerate forever : unrepentant nations and peoples !!!BY : a non-prophet of YHWH ( i am nothing but a fellow servant of GOD ALMIGHTY*) YHWH was physically manifested in this planet in : JESUS CHRIST !!! I was put in this planet on this TIME in world history to TEACH and FOREWARN anyone and everyone who will listen what is coming shortly upon this whole world according to the Biblical Prophecies. With the wisdom and illumination of the HOLY SPIRIT we are INFORMING you of 'Spiritual Intel' that neither the : CIA, NSA, the Vatican, MI-6 nor even the Mossad can foresee and we offer all of this FREELY !!! This believer has been studying : Eurasian and Mediterranean Geopolitics for many years now and although i am Pentecostal i do "NOT" go by 'Dreams and Visions' like : Troy Black and Brandon Biggs and others who claim and seem to have more : Daily, Weekly and Monthly REVELATIONS from GOD than the only TRUE and Genuine Biblical Prophets !!! It is our goal to CORRECTLY interpret the symbolism of the Book of Revelation for the whole 'Body of Christ.' The illumination that we have been given by GOD we 'FREELY' offer it back to the Church of Jesus Christ and everyone else who believes in the literal 2nd Coming of : Jesus Christ !!! The same GOD of Daniel 'STILL' gives Wisdom and Understanding to all those who SEEK GOD ALMIGHTY with all of their heart***